"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

06 October 2009



(1:51:21) The Obama Deception Full Length

(29:31)Naomi Wolf radio interview

(41:16)Naomi Wolf Again Is Interviewed By Alex Jones


* Bill Sardi -- 18 Reasons Why You Should NOT Vaccinate Your Children Against The Flu


**The Myth Of Global Warming**

Audio Dharma Podcast by Jim Bronson


*Site:Liberty Counsel


10-05-2009: World Bank welcomes New Economic Order from the ashes of crisis

10-05-2009: The demise of the dollar

10-05-2009: American Police Force Makes Visible Changes

10-05-2009: Over a half-million children in medical emergencies from drug prescriptions every year

10-05-2009: Obama Pitches Health Care Plan In Front Of Actors Err.. Real Doctors

The Great Poisoning of America Begins

PATRIOT Act “Sneak and Peek” Searches Targeted Drug Offenders, Not Terrorists

Pennsylvania ‘Firearms Freedom Act’ Legislation Introduced

Media Bias Tea Party: A Fox News Affair

US economic decline forges new world order - Finance - MSN Singapore News - News

Rep. Boehner Accuses Obama of Subverting Constitution

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Doctors Concerned FluMist Vaccine Could Spread Live H1N1 Virus

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » APF Plan To Boss Hardin Detention Facility Put On Hold

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Audio Forensics Experts Say Community Organizers Did Chant ‘Hear Our Cry, Obama’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Marx and Lenin Revisited

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Looking Beyond Terrorism

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Michael Moore Wants to End the Fed (He Just Doesn’t Realize It)

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » “Government explanations of 9/11 make no sense”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » “It is Time for Next Eco-Scare Already?”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » UN Climate Reports: They Lie

APF frontman loses credibility in Hardin

TRA meets to discuss Hardin jail developments - Q2 KTVQ - Billings, Montana - News, Weather, Sports -

Hilton told to be in court

The Great Poisoning of America Begins, October 2009 (Oct. 5, 2009)

Yet Another Failed Presidency

Aspirin misuse may have made 1918 flu pandemic worse

Traitor Obama Tries Stealth Amnesty By Decree

A US Counteroffensive In Pakistan « Pak Alert Press

Devvy - Cap And Trade THREAT Is Back...NOW

Devvy Kidd -- Where are the jobs congressman? I'll tell you

MONTANA Atty General takes action in Hardin

China's accompliments "unbelievable," says Kissinger_English_Xinhua

Scoop: Dangers of Genetically Modified Foods

Ashkenazi meets US, French generals in France | IIsrael Palestine-Gaza Conflict | Jerusalem Post

Netherlands to Close Prisons: Not Enough Criminals — MPP Blog

Ineffectiveness And Dangers Of Flu Shots

Guns bought this year could outfit 2 armies

Will Israel Ensure That History Repeats Itself?

Alert From Clif High At Half-Past Human

Universal replaces top movie studio executives - Yahoo! Finance

The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics

Insurers Fight Bid to Ease Penalties in Health Bill - WSJ.com

Finextra: IBM to buy Bank of America mortgage servicing unit

Exclusive: FBI drags feet on releasing 1,000 pages on late Sen. Helms | Raw Story

Homeland Security plans to scan air travelers’ bodily functions | Raw Story

Saudi Bank Governor Denies Talks to Replace Dollar

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Coventry/Warwickshire | Swine flu vitamin advice 'potty'

Gold Jumps to Record as Inflation Outlook Fuels Investor Demand - Bloomberg.com

Refreshing News: IBM Builds 'Bar Code Reader' for DNA

Tactical-Life.com » 10 Commandments of Concealed Carry

no third solution » Blog Archive » Taxation is Theft: Elaine Brown Sentenced to Life in Prison

A Free-Market Guide to Fixing Healthcare - Mises.org - Mises Institute

Michael Milken, 60,000 Deaths, and the Story of Dendreon | Deep Capture: exposing the crime of naked short selling

Top 10 Americans for monetary reform: 86% of Economics professors during Great Depression

Inspector General: Treasury Misled Public About Bank Health - BailoutSleuth

New Statesman - Autism: the mercury trail

The Spectator:The great global warming scam (ctd)

Americans manufacture another nuclear crisis | Eric Margolis | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun

Government admits filming torture of Gitmo inmate, alleged 9/11 plotter | Raw Story

Anti-Neocons - Ahmadinejad has no Jewish roots

The BRAD BLOG : FBI Veteran Executive Calls For Special Counsel Investigation, Prosecutions in Sibel Edmonds Case

Mahmoud Abbas Convinced Israel To Continue Strike On Gaza « Political Theatrics

My Way News - Great time for US consumers: America is on sale


Barack Obama cancels meeting with Dalai Lama 'to keep China happy' - Telegraph

Retailers, card industry escalate fee fight - U.S. business- msnbc.com

Afghan decision crucial to Obama presidency: Pentagon chief_English_Xinhua

Iran - Ahmadinejad: US president made big historical mistake

Iran says shift from US dollar to euro brought 'big profits | Headlines News | Jerusalem Post

Ex-Mexican president denounces visa ruling in Calgary

One-third of world's child brides from India-UNICEF | Reuters

Cuba slashes tobacco acreage amid flagging demand | Lifestyle | Reuters

Latin American Herald Tribune - 80% of Puerto Rico Murders Called Drug-Related

Chavez, Lula, Obama Make Honduras Unstable: Alexandre Marinis - Bloomberg.com

Obama pilloried over ducking Dalai Lama to appease China - US - World - The Times of India

China: US is sabotaging Copenhagen climate treaty by 'changing Kyoto rules' - Telegraph

Terror Alert Germany: Oktoberfest Attendance Down - ABC News

The demise of the dollar - Business News, Business - The Independent

EU, Brazil pressure U.S. on Doha deadline | Politics | Reuters

UN calls for new reserve currency

Only 10 days left for climate deal, U.N.'s Ban says | Reuters

The Associated Press: Report: Climate change means more hungry children

Internet game that awards points for people spotting crimes on CCTV cameras is branded 'snoopers paradise' | Mail Online

Pakistan minister warns against US missile strikes

The Assclown Offensive: How to Enrage the Church of Scientology

Hemp legal in Oregon, held up by U.S. law - UPI.com

Reisman - Polanski's Near Rape/Murder Of 13 Yrd Old

Hotmail security breach spreads as 20,000 Gmail and Yahoo! passwords are posted online

Markey Pushes New Net Neutrality Regulations | bytestyle.tv

Pictures from Opening Weekend of 'Capitalism: A Love Story' | MichaelMoore.com

MI5 warned that bin Laden was planning attacks on morning of 9/11 - Telegraph

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul on Fox News – “We MUST go back to the gold standard”

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff - STOP Borrowing from China!!!

EclippTV :: Video :: Max Wolff - Obama, beware another economic tsunami

YouTube - Majority Of Americans Not Accepting H1N1 Vaccine

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff On Fast Money - Oct 5, 2009

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Marc Faber – U S Dollars Will Be Worthless (THE TRUTH ABOUT THE ECONOMY)

YouTube - Cartoon Predicts the Future 50 Years Ago This is Amazing Insight

United States Calls for Rigorous IMF Surveillance

Dollar's demise plotted by oil producers, China and France

U.S. Senate candidate: Martial law needed in Chicago

Feds consider letting police conduct random DUI tests

Council on Foreign Relations: Global Governance Monitor Finance Map

Great time for US consumers: America is on sale

The Demise of the Dollar

Ditching the Dollar

Dollar Hysteria

Pelosi Says New Tax Is 'On The Table'

Dissolve the Palestinian Authority

How the Feds Imprison the Innocent

The Swine Flu Conspiracy

Alex Jones: We've been Trained to be Slaves (Why Our Country is Dying)

Culture Creator: Interview with Psychiatrist turned Marketer Clotaire Rapaille

Clotaire Rapaille's Advice to the Tobacco Industry

Clotaire Rapaille - SUVs and the Reptilian Brain (60 Minutes)

Clotaire Rappaille - The Culture Code

Restoring a Viable System of Bank Credit

Obama Efforts to Placate Right Wing Backfire

The IMF to Play Role of Global Central Bank?

Surge in Unemployment in the US: No Economic Recovery in Sight

Missile Defense: U.S. military presence in Georgia

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- Ministers of Euthanasia, Part 1

Dave Daubenmire -- Dying For Islam

Paul Eidelberg -- The Brzezinski/Obama Axis

Looking at the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Wen Jiabao Gets the Red Carpet Treatment From Kim Jong Il

UncoverTheNews.com » Mass Arrests at Obama-Occupied White House

Bill Sizemore -- The Second Most Important Event in the Bible

Dr. Carolyn Dean - Homeopathy for H1N1

Eugene Narrett -- Iron Curtains, Rhetoric & Reality

Andrew C. Wallace -- Enraged by Fascist Insurrection

cryptogon.com » Gold Jumps to Record as Inflation Outlook Fuels Investor Demand

cryptogon.com » Oil States Say No Talks on Replacing Dollar

Iran says no change in nuclear stance after Geneva talks - Monsters and Critics

Obama to meet with lawmakers on Afghanistan | Antiwar Newswire

Judge says Dallas bomb plot case to proceed | Antiwar Newswire

Emirates leader signs law to develop nuclear power - Yahoo! News

DefenseLink News Article: Gates Cites Importance of Obama’s Afghanistan Decisions

Sharp division inside White House on Afghanistan, analyst says - CNN.com

Does money contraction signal serious trouble? – Telegraph Blogs

*U.S. Dollar fell 35 Percent Over 18 Years from 1984 to 2002 - The U.S. Dollar then Dropped Over 40 Percent from 2002 to 2007: How the Dollar is Being Systematically Devalued since the 1980s. 5 Reason why a Weak Dollar is bad for America.

Stiglitz: GDP Blinded Us to the Crisis - - CFO.com

Exclusive: Nuclear Weapons – More At Stake than Just ‘Reduction’ (Part One of Two)

Exclusive: Nuclear Weapons – More At Stake than Just ‘Reduction’ (Part Two of Two)

Exclusive: A 20-Year-Old Puzzle: Have We Discovered what Iran is Really Up To? (Part One of Two)

Cops to conservative talk: You're off the air

*Ron Paul discusses the Fed, Iran, Tea Party Protests and new book

The Lighter Side of Blackmail by Todd Steinberg

Those Tricky Iranians Are Now Threatening To Cooperate by Eric Margolis

Paul Krugman Would Fail as a Businessman by Eric Englund

Informed Comment: Top Things you Think You Know about Iran that are not True

We Need Universal Homeowners Insurance by Geoffrey Pike

Montana Gun Suit Challenges Federal Authority - Taking Liberties - CBS News

The "Real" Economy Is Dying Q4 "Going to Be a Bloodbath" Whalen Says: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

Frosty Wooldridge -- How Immigration and Multiculturalism Destroyed Detroit

Joan Veon -- The Group of Twenty and the Evolution of Global Governance

Samuel Blumenfeld -- Skeletons in the Democratic Party Closet

Geithner Warns of 'Possible Hazards': Report

Obama Pay Czar Looks to Slash Exec Salaries

House GOP Questions 'Net Neutrality' Rules

Obama's FTC Moves to Regulate Bloggers

Schwarzenegger Backs Obamacare

McCain: Al-Qaida and Taliban Are Partners

GOP Backing Off Scolding Democrat Over Rhetoric

Obama Moves to Muzzle Top Military Commanders

UncoverTheNews.com » CNN pushes Vaccine Propaganda even when pregnant mother says She Wouldn’t take it

UncoverTheNews.com » Charlie Chaplin Powerful Speach

The Rachel Maddow Show: Going Rogue

Blanche Lincoln, here we come! Part III

And Jesus said "Love thy neighbor, unless your neighbor is black, or gay, or a Democrat": Conservapedia works on ConservaBible

Gee, we wonder why Glenn Beck is so touchy about examinations of his past

Scarborough on Limbaugh: Swing Voters Will See That and Think Republicans Have Gone Off the Deep End

ABC News: Are 'Dead Peasant' Life Insurance Policies Fair?

Kristof Points Out If You Donate A Kidney To Dad, You Won't Get Insurance Again.

Telegraph: Obama 'Furious' Over McChrystal's London Speech

Mike Huckabee dupes his TV audience to go to his PAC

'Is Conservatism Brain Dead?' If Jonah and Glenn are the best they've got, the answer is yes

CNSNews.com - Gibbs: Obama Has Only ‘Read a Decent Part’ of Health Care Bill

CNSNews.com - FCC Won't Allow 'Diversity' Chief Mark Lloyd to be Interviewed about Public Policy Views

CNSNews.com - Planned Parenthood Group Holds Fundraiser at Museum Featuring 'Sex Life of Robots' Exhibit

CNSNews.com - Decision Not to Meet With Tibetan Leader Sends Wrong Signal, Say Critics

CNSNews.com - Failed Nuclear Disarmament Deals Netted North Korea $2.2 Billion

CNSNews.com - Inspector General: Treasury Secretary Forced Banks to Surrender Ownership Interest to Government

CNSNews.com - Finance Committee Democrat Won’t Read Text of Health Bill, Says Anyone Who Claims They’ll Understand It ‘Is Trying to Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes’

CNSNews.com - Iraqi Churchman Calls for Protection Against ‘Terrorism Driven by Religion'

CNSNews.com - HHS: Everyone Can Opt Out of Government-Mandated Electronic Health Records System

CNSNews.com - Michael Moore: ‘It's Absolutely a Good Thing’ for Government to Drive Private Health Insurance Out of Business

CNSNews.com - Limbaugh, Checketts Interested in Rams

Swiss Reject Polanski Appeal Over Arrest - ABC News

Children Around The Nation Have Begun Receiving Swine Flu Vaccine - ABC News

YouTube - Ind. Doctor Among 1st to Get Swine Flu Vaccine

FTC Toughens Endorsement Rules For Celebrities, Bloggers - WSJ.com

Boeing delays first flight for 747-8 freighter jet

CNSNews.com - UK Supermarket Pulls Ad from Fox News over Beck

CNSNews.com - Louisiana AG: ACORN Embezzlement Totaled $5M, Not $1M

CNSNews.com - Gen. Petraeus Treated for Prostate Cancer

NASA's mission to bomb the Moon: Scientific American

LCROSS impact site picked | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

Gold hits record high on 'plan' to ditch dollar - Yahoo! News

Congressional leaders fight against posting bills online | Washington Examiner

White House's botched 'op'

If money was all, Chicago would have won vote - Rogge

Reuters AlertNet - Gates blames past lack of troops for Taliban edge

Afghanistan Attack Kills 8 US Soldiers - ABC News

Israel intercepts plane overflying nuclear reactor

GOP To Draft Resolution Designed To Oust Rep. Rangel - wcbstv.com

Female Pedestrian Killed By Freight Train At The University Of Delaware - cbs3.com

Robo-pop | The Sun |News

Obama's Gitmo blame game - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

The Associated Press: Police chiefs endorse anti-terror community watch

Sotomayor Takes Active Role on Court's First Day - washingtonpost.com

Not So Fast: Insurance Discrimination Still Likely After 'Reform'

State of the Union: National Security Adviser Jones Chides McChrystal

Republican Party To Michael Steele: STFU

The Fox News Sunday Panel Pans the Stimulus Package

Chicago Tribune: Obama 'Privately' Supports the Public Option

C&L Exclusive: Michael Moore says he will go back on FOX, but Not Bill O'Reilly or Glenn Beck because of hate speech.

Meet The Press: Rachel Maddow Calls Conservatives "Disgusting" For Cheering Chicago's Failed Olympic Bid

About That Media Notion of "Balance"...

Is the iPhone hurting AT&T's brand? | Signal Strength - CNET News

Computer Makers Aim to Banish Boot-Up Blues | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

Michelle Malkin » The $5 million ACORN embezzlement figure is not new — and the NYT knows it

DEBKAfile - Muslim Arab disruptions spread to western Jerusalem and beyond

DEBKAfile - Taliban under NATO-Afghan counter-attack after killing 8 US troops

Letterman's wife 'horribly hurt' - Politico Staff

Doctors pitch health reform - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

Was Dalai Lama snub debt-related? - Eamon Javers - POLITICO.com

CIA probe may go faster without Kit Bond - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Outrage over ACORN, but not abortion (OneNewsNow.com)

Obamacare 'Wrap-up' Guts Repub Amendments - HUMAN EVENTS

Does Michael Moore Know What Capitalism Is? - HUMAN EVENTS

Beware of the Republican Establishment - HUMAN EVENTS

PETA Becomes A Corporate Animal - HUMAN EVENTS

748-Pound Shark Caught Off S. Fla. - Miami News Story - WPLG Miami

Levi Johnston stars in new – and surprisingly witty – ad for Wonderful Pistachios

Glow-in-the-dark mushrooms discovered - LiveScience- msnbc.com

Europe dominates list of top pickpocket traps - Destinations- msnbc.com

7 Glow-in-the-Dark Mushroom Species Discovered | Wired Science | Wired.com

Singularity Summit 2009 - What Does a Beer Taste Like After the Singularity? - Popular Mechanics

Almost half of healers’ patients report immediate benefit | Paranormal Review

Baby mammoth yields secrets after 40,000 years in Siberian tundra - Times Online

Italian scientist reproduces Shroud of Turin | Science | Reuters

Egyptian Lawmakers to Ban Kit That Helps Women Fake Virginity - Women's Health - FOXNews.com

GOP leaders to Michael Steele: Back off - Manu Raju and Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

Democrats: Republicans are rooting against America - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Capital Crunch: Obama confronts waning political capital - The Note

U.S. most admired country globally: survey | Lifestyle | Reuters

Lawyer for Letterman's accused blackmailer Joe Halderman says Dave's not telling 'full story'

Dogs sniff out wrong suspect; scent lineups questioned - CNN.com

A wall of pink slips to hold back the evil

Obama's freak show

Another day, another radical appointee

The Roe v. Wade of marriage?

Polanski deserves the scalpel

Hollywood's moral compass

Atheist Dawkins: The debate-ducker

The generals' war

The No Moore Capitalism Challenge

Today's self-indulgent 'teachers'

Does Obama use God's name in vain? - Gary Bauer - POLITICO.com

The truth about jobs that no one wants to tell

The offensive Obama 'offensive'

A Teachable Moment on Communist China

Time for capitalism to pay its way - MSN Money

Nouriel Roubini and Ian Bremmer: How the Fed Can Avoid the Next Bubble - WSJ.com

Capitalism: A True Love Story

Birth of BaucusCare - WSJ.com

YouTube - President Obama Speaks to Doctors About Health Care

The Associated Press: Court takes up free-speech case of pit bull videos

Obama at counterterrorism center: 'Essential to protecting our country' - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

YouTube - AP Source: NYC Suspect Contacted Senior Al-Qaida

Raymond Clark III, Yale Murder Suspect, Appears in Court - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Yale suspect does not enter plea

U.S. Considers Shift in Housing of Detained Illegal Immigrants - washingtonpost.com

BET Co-Founder Apologizes for Stuttering YouTube Attack - Political News - FOXNews.com

The Associated Press: GOP backing off scolding Democrat over rhetoric

Police Find 'Suicide Note' On Ryan Jenkins' Computer

PostPartisan - 'Jack Squat' Obama

ACORN Story Gets Curiouser and Curiouser - Megan McArdle

Mont. jail deal with mysterious American Police Force unravels - On Deadline - USATODAY.com

What Sentence Do You Think Dale And Leilani Neumann Should Receive?

Local Leads: Barry Hospitalized and Dummy Helps Solve Murder | NBC Washington

Enter Harry Reid -- Now Health Care Is in His Hands -- Politics Daily

Pajamas Media » Does Obama Have the Votes for Health Care Reform?

Commentary: Obama's mistakes are a warning sign - CNN.com

Thune: Time for a TARP Exit Strategy - WSJ.com

Rangel is Robin Hood in reverse

Tensions rise over Afghanistan war strategy -- latimes.com

Henry Kissinger:Deployments and Diplomacy

RealClearPolitics - The Obamas' Narcissism on Display

Pop Fiction | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Liberalism Boosts Republicans

How Dems win in 2010 - TheHill.com

There's no such thing as too big to fail in a free market - Telegraph

Op-Ed Columnist - Does Obama Get It? - NYTimes.com

The continuing battle over Obama's radicals | Washington Examiner

A Bunch of Hypocrites?

Don’t assume the worst about Iran - The Boston Globe

Stephens: How Israel Was Disarmed - WSJ.com

Column: In defense of Glenn Beck - Opinion - USATODAY.com

On healthcare and other hot issues: Follow the independents | csmonitor.com

Choose course in Afghanistan - The Denver Post

A Supreme Court gunfight -- latimes.com

U.S. to Revise Detention Standards for Immigration Detainees - WSJ.com

Obama orders feds to cut energy use, emissions | McClatchy

CQ Politics | Lobbyists Stew After Being Bounced From Boards

RealClearPolitics - Obama Doesn't Seem Ready to Lead

Obama's policies helped spark Temple Mount riots?

Impeachment suggested to remove threats to America

Site Page:The Micro Effect:Talk Radio*

RealClearWorld - Obama Failing to Lead on Afghanistan

World Affairs Journal - Mullahs on the Verge: Iran's People, Iran's PulpitsMullahs on the Verge: Iran’s People, Iran’s Pulpits

Obama and Israel: Betrayal in the Broken Places | The New Ledger

Obama Snubs the Dalai Lama - WSJ.com

Natural Health from A-Z:Practical Tips for a Healthier Life

Obama Faces 'War of Appeasement' in Washington Over Afghanistan Strategy - Political News - FOXNews.com

U.S. plans 'serious' sanctions if Iran diplomacy fails - CNN.com

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Scepticism over N Korea's talks offer

YouTube - North Korea ready to revive nuclear talks

UN report highlights maximum human development_English_Xinhua

VOA News - Pakistani Taliban Claim Responsibility for WFP Bombing

The Associated Press: Dalai Lama receives rights award

YouTube - Dalai Lama Gets Human Rights Award in Washington

Rwandan Fugitive Is Captured in Uganda - NYTimes.com

Floods batter Andhra, Karnataka; 1.5m homeless - India - The Times of India

U.S. commander calls on Pakistani military chief_English_Xinhua

YouTube - Pakistan Taliban leader vows to fight US troops - 6 Oct 09

Perversion 101: Kids taught 'gay' sex, rape, bestiality

Holdren warned of coming ice age

Feldblum: What about 'nonsexual domestic partners'?

'Gay' sex morally good, says Obama pick

Obama nominee praised polygamy

YouTube - Preserve Innocence . . . Oppose the Jennings Nomination

Iowa rep.: Anti-bullying czar pushes "homosexuality" on kids UPDATE - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

President ignoring Jennings case so far

Obama's policies helped spark Temple Mount riots?

Student teacher accused of sex with 15-year-old girl | pressconnects.com | Press & Sun-Bulletin

*The big list: Female teachers with students

CNN Political Ticker: Beck is ‘out and out nuts,’ Carville says « - Blogs from CNN.com

Beck Fires Back: Calls Series of Stories about Mother’s Suicide 'Despicable Yellow Journalism' | NewsBusters.org

High court to decide if war memorial violates Constitution - CNN.com

Justices set hearing date for cross arguments

White House angry at General Stanley McChrystal speech on Afghanistan - Telegraph

Gates: Advise POTUS confidentially

Exclusive: Wounded U.S. Soldiers Refused to Leave Taliban Fight

U.S. Senate panel awaits report before health vote | Politics | Reuters

The Fed Fighter: DealBook’s Ron Paul Interview - DealBook Blog - NYTimes.com

IG Report Finds Paulson, Bernanke Misled Public on Bank Rescues - Political News - FOXNews.com


**Transcripts:Guests: Alan Greenspan; Sens. Schumer & Cornyn

Guests: General Jones; Sen. Levin & Rep. Skelton

Interview with U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice


**World Video:Iran Agrees to Inspections

Typhoon Parma Wreaks Havoc on SE Asia

Bomber Hits Pakistan UN Office

Global Warming Responsible for SE Asia Disasters?

**Markets Video:Investors Prepare For Inflation

Buy The Dollar Frenzy: 1 Minute Trade

Pickens: Oil To Average More Than $80 Next Year

Bank Lending is Still Contracting

Pay Czar to Cut Staff's Cash Salaries

Unemployment to Rise Through Most of 2010: Roubini

Germany Shrugs Off Call to Consume

Goldman Upgrades Bank Stocks, Financials Higher

Is Hope Fading for a Bright Q3?

Consumers Shopping Smarter, Says Tix CEO

Geithner at IMF: Recovery Still Fragile

Did TARP Authors Mislead Americans?

**Politics Video:Christie Ad Attacks Corzine On Taxes

McCain On Afghanistan: "Much At Stake"

Defense Secretary Gates Stands By Gen. McChrystal

Sen. Webb: McChrystal's Actions Have Been "Confusing"

Matalin & Krugman Debate Obama Losing His Mojo

GOP To Draft Resolution Designed To Oust Rangel

Rachel Maddow Goes After Conservative "Americans for Prosperity"

O'Reilly: President Obama Vs. The Military

Bachmann: Pelosi Will "Bludgeon" Blue Dogs Over Health Care

BET Founder Mocks Creigh Deeds' Stuttering

New GOP Ad Hits Deeds On Remark To Female Reporter

Has Olympics Defeat Hurt Obama?

"Special Report" Panel On Supreme Court

Gibbs: Leaving Afghanistan Not An "Option"

Obama: Doctors Understand Importance Of Health Care Reform

John Howard On Leaving Afghanistan

Paterson: "I've Been Committed To Running All Along"

McCain: Obama Will Send Additional Troops To Afghanistan

Bolton On Iran, IAEA Visiting Nuke Facility

Kyl Refuses To Apologize For Sen. Ensign's Ethics Problem

Schumer On 2010: "Like It Or Not, We're Tied To Obama"

Sabato On Dems, GOP In 2012

Gov. Granholm On The Economy & Unemployment

Bayh, Graham, Chambliss & Casey On Iran, Afghanistan

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Afghanistan & Olympics

Schumer, Cornyn On Health Care

James Jones On Afghanistan, McChrystal & Iran

SNL Mocks Obama's Lack Of Accomplishments

Ambassador Rice: Negotiations With Iran Are "Finite"

"This Week" Roundtable On Unemployment & Olympics

Susan Rice: U.N. Is "Critically Important"


**Buzz Words /Catch Phrases for Our Changing World :Compiled by Steve Buttry**


*American Minute for October 6th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Obama eligibility case survives 1st court test

More News ….

You Can't Say That

Missile Possibly Launched in Liberty County | Houston weather, traffic, and news | MyFoxHouston.com | FOX 26

Gulf Officials Deny Plan to Replace Dollar - WSJ.com

San Francisco sanctuary rule change moves ahead

CNSNews.com - Hispanic Caucus Calls for Ending Program That Identified 100,000 Illegal Aliens, Many With Criminal Records

Sean Hannity's scalp-hunting desperation descends into fabricating NAMBLA connections to Jennings

Lose Afghanistan, Lose Pakistan, Lose Iran, Lose It All

Obama the Player

Black Leaders Ignore Black-on-Black Crime

Swimming Upstream: The Life of a Conservative Professor in Academia

The Long March of Kevin Jennings

How Taxes Pervert our Energy Choices

How Obama Has Failed Black Americans

J Street is selling snake oil

The Shifting Political Sand Pile

UN Climate Reports: They Lie

Did We Elect a Beta Male As President?

But it was only the Olympics?

Is Obama's Handling of Honduras a View of Our Future?

Michelle Obama's Olympic 'Gimme' Speech

All Politics, No Principles

The Obamas Violated First Three Rules of Selling

UN Quietly Scrubs Embattled Graph from Climate Report

Who needs death panels?

What does Obama owe these kids?

Rathke embezzled $5 million from ACORN

Don't cry for me, Chicago

Obama: Goodbye, Dalai

Jesse Jackson knows why Chicago didn't get the Olympics

Abbas lighting fuse for third intifada

Scowcroft: Obama must 'jumpstart' Palestinian state

Iran plans to use new centrifuge at nuclear plant | Reuters

Clinton, Gates: U.S. in Afghanistan for long haul - CNN.com

EU embryonic Home Office set up in secret talks under Lisbon Treaty - Telegraph

Shroud of Turin 'is a medieval fake', say Italian scientists - Telegraph

Defence secrets advice manual leaked - Telegraph

Roman Polanski Will Remain in Swiss Prison - ABC News

Kim Jong Il demands US ties for nuclear talks - Times Online

News – David Letterman: It's "Chilly" Back at Home – Celebrity News – UsMagazine.com

$5 Million Embezzlement Report 'Completely False,' ACORN CEO Says - Political News - FOXNews.com

America's memo to bloggers: don't lie, or we'll fine you | Technology | guardian.co.uk

Barack Obama rallies doctors on healthcare reform ahead of Senate vote | World news | guardian.co.uk

Teenage girls walked out of care home and leapt to their deaths | UK news | The Guardian

Cash-strapped jails 'ready to blow', governor warns | Society | The Guardian

Yes, we do have a sixth sense: The in-depth study of our intriguing dreams that convinced one doctor | Mail Online

cryptogon.com » Criminalizing Everyone

Dollar Living on Its Reputation and Borrowed Time: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

BBC NEWS | Business | Dollar falls on oil plan report

Top ten list of Americans for monetary reform: the most important economic policy in US history


10/05 The Mark Levin Show


***(learnoutloud.com)Podcast Directory***

**Podcast Page:Americana Phonic : Federalist Papers**

**Podcast Page:Audio Dharma**


*Site:GetSeeds.net : Heirloom Veggie Seeds

*Site:News They Lose Blog


*Site:Shadow Government Statistics

*Site Page:Biogeometry and related subjects




*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 5th With Lisa Snyder

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 2nd With Peter Dale Scott

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 1st: APF Montana Special


**Conscious Media Network:Video Page**


World Net Daily Player:FRC's Spriggs: Jennings should quit

World Net Daily Player:Biographer: Rehnquist was 'unique' man

World Net Daily Player:Vets for Freedom chief: Afghanistan winnable

World Net Daily Player :Health bill to cut payments to providers?


Marsha West -- A New Religion Masquerading As Christianity, Part 1

Marsha West -- A New Religion Masquerading As Christianity, Part 2

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development?

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 2

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 3

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 4

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 5

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 6

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 7

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 8

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 9

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 9

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 11

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 12

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 13

special features:

YouTube - Project Camelot Conf.- David Wilcock - Pt1of2 - The Year 2012 and the Return to Camelot Pt 1

YouTube - Project Camelot Conf.- David Wilcock Pt2of2 - The Year 2012 and the Return to Camelot Pt 2

Film: 2012 Enigma by David Wilcock

(1:35:47)The 2012 Enigma by David Wilcock


*Site: Transcripts(divinecosmos.com)

*Site: Articles(divinecosmos.com)

*Site:David's Blog(divinecosmos.com)