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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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08 October 2009



FILM:(2:22)Buchenwald - A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil


No Kidding: Snow on Sunday! | NBC Chicago

KurzweilAI.net:Brain-to-brain ("B2B") communication

Bill Ayers: “I wrote Dreams From My Father” | Chicago Daily Observer

Latvian Hookers Signal No Recovery for Economy: Matthew Lynn - Bloomberg.com

Urgent - Email Obama To Veto Unconstitutional Hate Bill

Thoughts On Alcohol & Marijuana

History & The Rear-View Mirror

Chaos reigns at Detroit aid event | Detroit Free Press | Freep.com

AFP: Most Americans see Afghan fight worth US bloodshed: poll

Hate Bill May Soon Go To Obama

Is the Arctic ready to give up its treasures? - Telegraph

White House aims to halt general's public remarks on Afghanistan | World news | guardian.co.uk

Barack Obama rules out cutting troops in Afghanistan - Telegraph

Obama confronts scepticism over Afghanistan strategy | World news | guardian.co.uk

New U.S. missile defense plans pose no threat to Russia - Lavrov | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Congressional Leaders Fight Against Posting Bills Online (Oct. 6, 2009)

Lindorff - Local Cops Want Nation Of Snoops, Snitches

Tarpley - Iceland Political Leader Calls For Debt Moratorium

savethemales.ca - Is Obama Literally "America's First Jewish President"?

FT.com / US / Economy & Fed - Obama under fire over falling dollar

U.S. groups eye second Obama decision on China yuan | Politics | Reuters

Obama previewed troop request - First Read - msnbc.com

Asian Central Banks Intervene as Dollar Tumbles - WSJ.com

The Associated Press: FCC chairman warns of 'looming spectrum crisis'

Thousands of U.S. Homeowners Blame Chinese Drywall for Ills - NYTimes.com

Obama offers no relief to growing army of jobless workers

Denver News - Are you Westword's new pot critic? - page 1

Falk: The PA betrayed its own people

Tensions Mount Again at Al-Aqsa A Third Intifada?

Vile Bodies: Reagan Revenants Return to Enforce Empire's Agenda

Official: US will not support action on Goldstone report at UNSC

Aletho News: Informed sources: Abbas advised not to return to Ramallah

The Real Top Stories: It Is Time To Help America




Washington's Blog:The OTHER Economic Crisis Y

Aletho News: The still-missing central fact in the Iran drama

U.N. Data Show Discrepancies in Afghan Vote - washingtonpost.com

Western media steps up pressure on China over Iran

Gold Rises to Record for Third Day on Dollar » Nationalist Coalition Blog

Afghan Taliban say they pose no threat to the West | International | Reuters

Laptop theft gives 850,000 doctors the blues | NetworkWorld.com Community

Is Medea Benjamin Naive or Just Confused? by Scott Horton -- Antiwar.com

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: HOT: Dollar Intervention!!!

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Mainstream Media's Failed Reporting on the Dollar Collapse

Report: Obama Rules Out ‘Biden Option’ on Afghanistan -- News from Antiwar.com

IRS Made Errors in Stimulus Payments to 400,000 Taxpayers

Army Officers Criticize Rebuke of Gen. McChrystal - washingtonpost.com

U.S. Retail Center Vacancies Rise to 17-Year High, Reis Says - Bloomberg.com

American troops in Afghanistan losing heart, say army chaplains - Times Online

Paralysis in the Debt Markets Is Deepening the Credit Drought - NYTimes.com

The Raw Story | US 'bunker buster' bomb to be ready soon: Pentagon

Say no to war in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Why Is Goldman Advising CanWest On Its Programming Line Up? | zero hedge

*Is Eli Lilly Milking Cancer by Promoting and Treating It? -- Signs of the Times News

Aid Package From U.S. Jolts Army in Pakistan - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Oil no longed traded in Dollars? Deficit Spending, Printing, Monetizing Debt, The Dollars Demise

A Media Failure Compounds The Financial Failure:

Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould: Dark Omens for the US in Afghanistan

Teen killed as school bus shot at near Arab town - Haaretz - Israel News

Tensions Mount Again at al-Aqsa by Jonathan Cook -- Antiwar.com

New Jobless Claims Fall to 521,000, Lowest Since January - Political News - FOXNews.com

Top 15 Reasons to Get Out of Vietghanistan | AfterDowningStreet.org

Prophets of doom see new bubbles - Business News, Business - The Independent

Qaddafi vexes US in forcing UN to take up Gaza report - Yahoo! News


Assistant Secretary to the Treasury blasts economic policy, misleading data

Over the Summer, a Spread of Thicker Arctic Ice - Dot Earth Blog - NYTimes.com

Lunatic Fringe: Bernanke & The Dissolution Of The American Ideal - Home - The Daily Bail

Fake Al Qaeda


YouTube - Celente The Dollar is Finished

Email phishing attack spreading, say experts - Telegraph

Mitterrand faces calls to quit over 'boys' for sex claim | World news | The Guardian

The Westerner: Animal Guardianship and Horses

Music piracy costs money; does fighting it cost more? - Ars Technica

Google: Computer memory flakier than expected | Deep Tech - CNET News

Big Brother FBI

NASA to bomb the Moon on Friday morning, watch from Earth | abcactionnews.com

YouTube - "9/11 Was An Inside Job" Official Music Video

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff Gold to Hit $5,000 Per Ounce 07 Oct 2009

EclippTV :: Video :: Agriculture Will Reap Big Profits - Jim Rogers CNBC 10.07.09

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gerald Celente on Jeff Rense 10/07/2009 – The Greatest Depression

Trips to Mars in 39 Days | Universe Today

Thugs attack two men in dresses... who turn out to be cage fighters | Mail Online

Charlie Wilson's Peace: Former Rep. Who Armed Mujahideen Calls for Withdrawal Before War in Afghanistan Becomes Another Vietnam | BuzzFlash.org

The Fall of the Maya: 'They Did it to Themselves'

*How almost one in four people in the world are Muslim... and 1,647,000 live in Britain

Think Progress » REPORT: ‘We Will Overthrow The Government’ — Calls For Violence Repeatedly Stoked By Conservative Voices

Holder: Student's killing 'a wake-up call' - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

Scholars and Rogues » Saving the Bible from pinkos and feminists

Ron Paul Calls for Delay to Bernanke Confirmation Hearing - WSJ.com

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Former White House Speechwriter Suggests Military Coup Could Oust Obama

Israel, U.S. to hold manoeuvres as Iran talks simmer | Reuters

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » School Kids Sing For Health Care Reform On Set Of CNN

**Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » FBI-Stung Terrorist Targeted Dallas Office Tower where CIA Agent/County Republican Party Chairman Works, CIA Cocaine and 9/11 Ties

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » EPIC MEDIA FAIL: CNN pushes Swine Flu Propaganda using Celebrities

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Microsoft 7, Bill Gates, the CIA

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The New Left Was Right

Gold Will Keep Advancing After Reaching Record, Survey Shows - Bloomberg.com


APF Investor Speaks | KULR-8 TELEVISION - Billings, Montana | Local Top Stories

Governor Reaction to APF | KULR-8 TELEVISION - Billings, Montana | Related Content

Glenn Beck Talks About APF | KULR-8 TELEVISION - Billings, Montana | Related Content

Michael Hilton Scam Victims | KULR-8 TELEVISION - Billings, Montana | Related Content

Smith's Letter | KULR-8 TELEVISION - Billings, Montana | Related Content

Gathering Documents | KULR-8 TELEVISION - Billings, Montana | Related Content

APF Legal Issues | KULR-8 TELEVISION - Billings, Montana | Related Content

TRA Board Meeting | KULR-8 TELEVISION - Billings, Montana | Related Content

Security Official Had No Knowledge of Position | KULR-8 TELEVISION - Billings, Montana | Related Content

Changes to APF Website, Contract | KULR-8 TELEVISION - Billings, Montana | Related Content

More Legal Issues for APF | KULR-8 TELEVISION - Billings, Montana | Related Content

Emotional Press Conference | KULR-8 TELEVISION - Billings, Montana | Related Content

APF Concerns Citizens | KULR-8 TELEVISION - Billings, Montana | Related Content

APF Founder Has Criminal Background | KULR-8 TELEVISION - Billings, Montana | Related Content

APF's Newest Employee | KULR-8 TELEVISION - Billings, Montana | Related Content

APF & Hardin Constitution Violations | KULR-8 TELEVISION - Billings, Montana | Related Content

Hardin Jail Contract Questions | KULR-8 TELEVISION - Billings, Montana | Local Top Stories


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Is The Federal Reserve A Secret Society?

flashback:A force of one: the Federal Reserve

*Site:Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

*Audio:The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Lecture on the Federal Reserve

1l Freedom .Com:The Creature from Jekyll Island

**31 Questions and Answers about the IRS**


*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 7th With Icke, Watt & Keiser

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 6th With William Lewis and Gary Franchi

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 5th With Lisa Snyder


You Can't Say That

NYC Terror Plot: When the FBI Comes Knocking; ABC Reporter Discovers Broad Terror Net

Rep. Boehner Accuses Obama of Subverting Constitution

Google doodle: 57th anniversary of invention of the bar code - Telegraph

Kids Sing For CNN Obamacare Propaganda

Native American Faith Healers Sent to Prison

Congress’ Secret Plan to Pass Obamacare - CONFIRMED » The Foundry

Freezing Telecom Immunity Would Chill Counterterrorism Efforts

Congress Breaks Obama Promise on Government Role in Health Care

Trillion Dollar Debt Disaster

Twitter Terror?

Obama Dictates Cut in Federal Greenhouse Gases

No Exit From 'Chaosistan'

Concerns for Dollar Sees Gold Skyrocket

The Real Cost of the Baucus Bill: $2 Trillion+ | Michael D. Tanner and Michael F. Cannon | Cato Institute: Scholars' Comments

Would a Stricter Fed Policy and Financial Regulation Have Averted the Financial Crisis? | Jagadeesh Gokhale and Peter Van Doren | Cato Institute: Policy Analysis

RAND:| Afghanistan: Echoes of Vietnam

RAND : How to Tell if We're Winning the Afghan War

RAND :Electronic Health Records Linked to Improved Quality in Primary Care Practices

RAND : Strategies Outlined to Test New Payment Models for Health Care

Breaking the Immigration Stalemate - Brookings Institution

What the Public Thinks about Health Care Reform - Brookings Institution

10-07-2009: Africa bishops speak of Obama in religious terms

CNP: Secretive conservative council must have had one infiltrator (video)

Council for National Policy prize secrecy at Austin gathering

Revealed: Nephew of François Mitterrand “enormously excited” by the slave market in young boys

Threat of next world war may be in cyberspace: UN

New York to fight terrorism with more street-corner cameras, license plate readers, and “weapons sensors”

US 'will' disregard borders in terrorist hunt, says Obama

Presidential Powers During Cybersecurity Emergencies

Super 8 Police State – life under Obama’s Civilian National Security Force

The Obama administration is curbing the powers of an Arizona sheriff

Brain-Computer Interface Allows Person-to-person Communication Through Power Of Thought

Are Pentagon contracts funding the Taliban?

Is the Dollar Heading Up Or Down? Arguments for a Long-Term Devaluation of the Dollar

Black Water Mystery of Inter-Risk weapons

FTC: Bloggers must disclose freebies or payments; testimonials to reflect typical results

Is the U.S. Preparing to Bomb Iran?

Alex Jones TV: Alan Watt

Alex Jones TV: David Icke on the Dollar Collapse and NWO Agenda

How People are Manipulated by Fear and Propaganda

Alex Jones Tv: Live Viruses in The Vaccines

The Swine Flu Conspiracy

The Economic Recovery is an Illusion

How the Feds Imprison the Innocent

Restoring a Viable System of Bank Credit

Obama Efforts to Placate Right Wing Backfire

The Permanent Destruction of Jobs in America

U.S to deploy Patriot missiles in Poland

EU funding 'Orwellian' artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for "abnormal behaviour"

IBM Builds 'Bar Code Reader' for DNA

Looking at the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Neuroengineering to challenge what it means to be human

The Cost of Commitment in Afghanistan

Pakistan's Education System and Links to Extremism

A Rare Opportunity for Space Diplomacy

Could Food Shortages Bring Down Civilization

Gang of 100 Phishers Charged in U.S., Egypt | Threat Level | Wired.com

savethemales.ca - Mankind Held Hostage by Satanists

Pastor who had gun rally leaves | Kentucky Enquirer | nky.com

Dave Daubenmire -- Disestablishment of Religion

Paul Proctor -- Now What Do We Do?

*COUNTDOWN TO DESTRUCTION « Watchman – Declare What You See!

ACLU Says Extracting DNA From Suspects Unconstitutional | Threat Level | Wired.com

Encrypting Messages In Our "How-to-Make-a-Human" DNA Instruction Manual

Not a Death Panel, a Death Mandate

Real Olympic Event Is Making Excuses

CNSNews.com - Napolitano May Move Captured Illegal Aliens from Jail to ‘Converted Hotels, Nursing Homes’

CNSNews.com - CBO: Finance Committee Health Bill Subsidizes Health Insurance for Americans Up to 400% of Poverty Level But Still Reduces Deficit by $81 Billion

CNSNews.com - Memos, E-Mails Detail Hostile Relations Between AmeriCorps and Ousted IG

CNSNews.com - Obama Draws Fire from Both Sides for Planned Speech to Homosexual Activist Group

CNSNews.com - Hoyer Won't Rule Out Voting on Senate Health Bill Without Changes and Sending it Directly to President

CNSNews.com - Reid ‘Likely’ to Make Entire Health Bill an Amendment to Unrelated Tax Bill That House Passed in March

CNSNews.com - Health Bill Would Cost $829B, Help Cover 94 Percent

CNSNews.com - Highest Military Court to Hear Abu Ghraib Appeal

CNSNews.com - Gun-Toting Soccer Mom, Husband Found Shot Dead

CNSNews.com - Holder, Duncan Plan to Fight Chicago Teen Violence

CNSNews.com - Medicaid Fraud More than $63 Million in 5 States Alone, GAO Report Finds

CNSNews.com - Vietnam Jails Dissidents While Presiding Over UN Security Council

CNSNews.com - North Korea Wants to Talk, But Analysts Skeptical of Willingness to Disarm

CNSNews.com - Father of Palin’s Grandson to Pose Nude for Playgirl

Obama's Woes Keep Piling up Around Globe

Eight Years: Obama, War Council Weigh Afghan Shift

Breaking News, Politics, Commentary from around the world

Saudis Ask for Aid If World Cuts Dependence on Oil

U.S. Encounters Stumbling Blocks in Training Afghans

Israeli Foreign Minister: Obama Peace Effort Delusional

Senate Dems Weaken Patriot Act

Rejecting Obamacare, Doctors Turning to GOP

Officials: ACORN Won't Get Grant

Geithner Nurtures Wall Street Ties

Obama, Reid, Pelosi Huddle Over Jobs

Obama Picks Gay Lawyer for Ambassadorship

Bob Dole Bucks GOP, Says Obamacare Needed

Senators Take On Czar Wars - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

Lesbians in Military Discharged More Than Gay Men

*Ron Paul and Alan Grayson Want the Answers

*Ron Paul: Here Comes the BIG ONE - GoldSeek.com

Chris Dodd: Confidence Man by Phil Maymin

Robocops Come to Pittsburgh by Mike Ferner

US Foreign Policy, Rudyard Kipling, and the Libertarian Theory of the State by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Audio: Jim Rogers answers your questions - The Globe and Mail

*This ONE Action Keeps Brain Function at Its Peak... by Joseph Mercola

Doug Casey on Your Health

AP source: Obama focusing on al-Qaida, not Taliban

Climate Talks Failure Would Embarrass Obama, EU Says - Bloomberg.com

NYT: First lady’s slave roots revealed - The New York Times- msnbc.com

The Associated Press: Pot legalization gains momentum in California

Franken gets testy over statistics | StarTribune.com

NYPD tracking cell phone owners, but foes aren't sure practice is legal

Whodunit? Sneak attack on U.S. dollar - Eamon Javers - POLITICO.com

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Bachmann voices ire at ‘Bail-out Nation’

FHA Shortfall Seen at $54 Billion May Lead to Bailout - Bloomberg.com

Criminals may have been hired for census - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Committee preps Rangel announcement - John Bresnahan and Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Boehner pledges GOP will continue to pursue Rangel - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Image of ultra-thin Ralph Lauren model sparks outrage on Shine

House Republicans Press Obama on Jobs Creation - Washington Wire - WSJ

Breakfast at school now is on the principal | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/08/2009

French culture minister targeted over sex tourism

Ant Nest Likely Started Fire That Killed Cats - Orlando News Story - WESH Orlando

Contraceptive pill has made women less attracted to masculine men... and more interested in 'boyish' looks | Mail Online

Democrats defeat GOP attempt to remove Rangel

Breitbart.tv » Safe Schools Czar: Some Critics of Gay-Only Schools Are Racists

FT.com :Breitbart shapes conservative agenda

The Associated Press: Fearing arrest, Israeli cancels Britain visit

Scientist: Carbon Dioxide Doesn't Cause Global Warming - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

Inconvenient Censorship: Stanford U. Bans Skeptical Climate Film from Airing Interview with Global Warming Prof. Stephen Schneider -- 'You are prohibited!' | Climate Depot

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » The Polanski Culture: Hollywood’s Push to Normalize Sex With Children

YouTube - Big Government Health Care PSA

Big, Green, Global Government

Breaking: Cross-Dressing Escort Registered by ACORN Imprisoned for Voter Fraud, ACORN Probe Continues in Ohio

Will the Census Count Illegal Immigrants?

Politicizing the Arts Community: What Did the White House Do Wrong?

The Moral Hazard of Big Governments

Inadequate Record-Keeping Cost Acorn Housing $130K

Durbin Amendment Calls for Review, Audit of ACORN and Affiliates

Keith Olbermann Special on Health Care Tonight – The Drinking Game

*Alert the Media: Ayers’ Claim He Wrote Obama’s ‘Dreams from My Father’ Is A Blockbuster Story

ALG Condemns House for Blocking Resolution Removing Rangel as Committee Chair

Bailout May Be Helping to Generate Up to Half of Bank’s Profits

Is government preventing sustainable practices?

Preparation Time is Running Out

Markets & Incorporation

Essence of Freedom

America, You've Been Punk'd

Iran: Why 'gaining time' is exactly what's needed

Ministry of Truth, Obama-style

Civil Rights in the Age of Obama

Internet Security in the Age of Obama

Kevin Jennings' twisted terminology

Exit Strategy from the Great Recession

Obama and Akhenaten

Ayers Admitted Authorship to National Journal - Just Kidding

The Trauma of Obama

Ayers admits writing Dreams

National Sovereignty and International Law

Obamas' Self-Centeredness on Display

Who's Vetting These Guys?

Gen. Stanley McChrystal: Unconventional Warrior, Unconventional Politician

The Indoctrination Continues with the Help of CNN

Obama's numbers game

Family Feud: Tea Party Movement

Reaction to Ayers' claim to have written Dreams

Back door to tyranny

AQ weak in Afghanistan? Really?

Putting $829 billion into perspective

Official US Budget deficit for FY 2009: $1.4 trillion

CBO greenlights Baucus bill

What Incentive Do Insurers Have to Cover Us When We Can't Sue Them If They Don't?

Barney Frank gets Paul Ryan to admit Republicans failed to fix health care on their watch

Corporate Communism

Even Former Texas Rep. Charlie Wilson Thinks We Should Get Out of Afghanistan

The Daily Show: Playing the Race Card

How many lies will the NY Times promote to get that "right wing" buzz?

Limbaugh wants to buy the Rams, calls basketball a thug sport, yo!

Bloomberg: Apartment Vacancies Hit 23-Year High. It's Time To Haggle.

Shep Smith knocks down a favorite Fox myth: The public option doesn't equal 'government-run health care'

Whip It! Grijalva Says 75% of House Dems Support 'Robust' Public Option

Betsy McCaughey Gets Owned by Dylan Ratigan and Anthony Weiner

Michael Moore vs. Sean Hannity: Watch for yourself and judge

Most Parts of America Report Flu. Meanwhile, China Finds Negligible Side Effects from Vaccine.

Revising the Patriot Act

Exclusive: Videos show gun-show vendors flouting the law

Larry King Live: Michele Bachmann Dodges the Question on Whether the Birthers are Crazy

Blue America's Blanche Lincoln ad featured on The Rachel Maddow Show

Exclusive: Gun show dealers caught on video selling to people who tell them they'd fail a background check

Study: Bush Administration Blocked Attempts to Prevent Mortgage Crisis

Jonah Goldberg is a very sad case who thinks that ignoring an argument makes you smarter

David Freddoso: ACORN official points fingers, avoids blame | Washington Examiner

A nutty response from ACORN | StatesmanJournal.com | Statesman Journal

Indiana Gazette > Archives > News > Us & World > ACORN probed after embezzlement

ACORN Defunding Spurs Proposals to Bar Federal Money to Companies Convicted of Felonies

OpEdNews - Article: ACORN “Informants” and Whistleblowers

Olson Introduces Resolution Honoring Journalists In ACORN Investigation | FortBendNow.com

Video: David Letterman makes public apology to his wife over affairs - Times Online

NOW Goes After David Letterman Over Affairs With Female Staffers - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment - FOXNews.com

David Letterman receives support from South Carolina Gov. Sanford

Benefits 'wrecked the British work ethic,' new study claims | Mail Online

Palm Beach Post - News from The Associated Press

Jury awards John Henry Howard $9M verdict after erectile dysfunction treatment yields penis scars

Sole survivor: the world’s biggest footprints found - Times Online

Mexico's drug war: priests speak out | csmonitor.com

Sunstein: Americans too racist for socialism

Russia to sell advanced defense system to Saudis

Obama's policies helped spark Temple Mount riots?

Protests against abortion stir up Chicago pols

Will Supremes call out the bulldozers?

Outrage on planet Washington

A nation of pigs

Replace 'Letterman' with 'Limbaugh'

The 'straight' scoop – 2 years later

Toward a totalitarian future – camera by camera

The dependency-zombies

Truthdig - A War of Absurdity

When half gives and half takes

Real-life 'Catch Me If You Can': Island-hopping U.S. teen burglar eludes police

Playlist shows why Susan Boyle's CD will top the charts | Entertainment in Ireland and Around the World | IrishCentral

Video:Trebuchet pumpkin hurl - Seattle Times Newspaper

Cruise to trace Titanic's route on centennial of ship's sinking - CNN.com

*CDC Study: Childhood Trauma Can Shorten Life By 20 Years - ABC News

'Second Stonehenge' discovered near original | Science | guardian.co.uk

video:Flee to the mountains

video:Confronting confused 'spirituality'

Oprah – Preacher, pastor or something else?

Bankers' revenge

Breitbart.tv » GOPer Highlights Key Provision for Health Insurance Company Immunity in House Bill

EBay Monthly Sales Gain for First Time in a Year: Chart of Day - Bloomberg.com

Google CEO says it is hiring for recovery - Oct. 7, 2009

X-treme art!

Circular rainbow seen from aircraft window - Telegraph

Brain-Computer Interface Allows Person-to-person Communication Through Power Of Thought

Are you asleep? Exploring the mind's twilight zone - life - 07 October 2009 - New Scientist

Underground City Envisioned in Nevada | LiveScience

SPACE.com -- Enormous New Ring Found Distantly Orbiting Saturn

Former 'Late Show' intern says David Letterman was 'a good boss' | EW.com

Exclusive: David Letterman's Wife Demanded Public Apology - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment - FOXNews.com

YouTube - David Letterman's Lady

Photographer Irving Penn Is Dead at 92 - washingtonpost.com

Michael Vick to do BET TV series; QB wants to 'change the perception of me' - The Huddle: Football News from the NFL - USATODAY.com

Andrew Lloyd Webber sets opening days for 'Phantom' sequel | Culture Monster | Los Angeles Times

Levi Johnston Getting Gym-Ready to Pose Nude for Playgirl - Levi Johnston : People.com

YouTube - Levi Johnston to Bare It All in Playgirl

'Paranormal Activity,' a study in careful execution | Hero Complex | Los Angeles Times

Australian TV Channel Apologizes For Blackface Jackson 5 Parody - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

YouTube - Connick Red Over Black Face

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Brian Wilson to rework Gershwin

The Associated Press: Ben Ali, founder of DC's Ben's Chili Bowl, dies

The Associated Press: Jackson doctor may face arrest over child support

Finally! Conrad Murray ThisClose to Arrest! - E! Online

Expert view: Huerta Müller has an eye on the world's absurdity | Books | The Guardian

Taliban claims responsibility for Kabul suicide blast - CNN.com

YouTube - Kabul explosion kills 12

The Associated Press: Analysis: Allies may decide Berlusconi's fate

Czech president makes new demand over EU treaty | International | Reuters

French Minister Faces Pressure Over Sex Admission - NYTimes.com

Maoists Kill 17 Indian Policemen - WSJ.com

Q+A-Why controversy in Pakistan over U.S. aid bill? | Reuters

Sri Lanka's president goes for home victory | Reuters

Struggle looms to build on Iranian nuclear deals | Special Coverage | Reuters

Taliban announces that it poses no international threat | World news | guardian.co.uk

VOA News - Guinea Military Announces Investigation into Killing of Protesters

YouTube - Guineans living in fear following brutal crackdown - 07 Oct 09

AFP: Egypt denies Louvre split linked to UNESCO loss

Egypt antiquities council severs ties with Louvre

Obama and National Security Council Assess Troop Request - ABC News

YouTube - Afghan Answer Weeks Away

Health Care Reform: Senate to Vote Next Week on Baucus' Bill - ABC News

YouTube - Pawlenty on Baucus Bill

The Associated Press: Son of slain 100-year-old woman: Mom was active

Joe Biden on Jobs: Mission Accomplished - WSJ.com

Forget basketball, watch Obama versus the press - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

PostPartisan - Crossing Justice Scalia

Justices weigh constitutionality of war memorial cross - CNN.com

BBC NEWS | Americas | US First Lady 'slave roots' found

YouTube - Michelle Obama's Slavery Roots

In First Lady’s Roots, a Complex Path From Slavery - NYTimes.com

Derrion Albert's death 'a call to action' - USATODAY.com

YouTube - Holder, Duncan to Fight Chicago Teen Violence

CNN Political Ticker: - Poll: Brown holds early lead over Newsom « - Blogs from CNN.com

Obama follows golfing presidents - CNN.com

The Fix - Short Takes: The Bachmann Primary

NEWS DAY | How many Republicans can dance on the head of an ACORN? | Twin Cities Daily Planet | Minneapolis - St. Paul

Dalai Down Under - WSJ.com

YouTube - President Obama blows off Dalai Lama

Brooke Astor’s Son Guilty in Scheme to Defraud Her - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: Suspect in TV anchor death says police tricked him

YouTube - Police: Anchorwoman Beaten With Wooden Tool

Clean-Tech, Energy Lobbyists Push for Climate Bill - NYTimes.com

Nastier Tone Seen in New York Mayoral Race - NYTimes.com


*Jackie Mason:Sexual debauchery is funny?


Big Government » Blog Archive » ACORN Throws Out Republican Voter Registrations

ACORN: Congress can't hurt us - Michael Falcone - POLITICO.com

Atheists say prayer makes them physically sick

Sunstein: Americans too racist for socialism

A third of parents oppose swine flu vaccine - Swine flu- msnbc.com

Russia to sell advanced defense system to Saudis

EGYPT: Cleric calls for 'Friday of anger' against Al Aqsa violations | Babylon & Beyond | Los Angeles Times

Obama's policies helped spark Temple Mount riots?

Somali Pirates Mistake French Military Vessel for Commercial Ship - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

Ex-ambassador warns of disintegrating Afghanistan

Car bomb rocks Indian Embassy in Kabul - Afghanistan- msnbc.com

Reuters AlertNet - Only one US cargo flown to Afghanistan via Russia

Shocker! Ice melt lowest in 30 years

Reinforcements coming for 'pink slips' campaign

RealClearPolitics - Video - School Kids Sing For Health Care Reform On Set Of CNN

CNSNews.com - Reid ‘Likely’ to Make Entire Health Bill an Amendment to Unrelated Tax Bill That House Passed in March

Your health records available to millions

Medicare: Largest Denier Of Health Care Claims » The Foundry

Will Supremes call out the bulldozers?

The Associated Press: Pelosi: 'I'm in my place' as speaker, thanks

Obama's Pakistan problem - Laura Rozen - POLITICO.com

A reformed Islam could save Afghanistan | csmonitor.com

Ironed Curtain | The New Republic

Norman J. Kurz - Biden's Afghan Journey - washingtonpost.com

RealClearWorld - Afghanistan a Test for the Obama Doctrine

Why China worries the Pentagon - The China Post

Op-Ed Columnist - America’s Limits - NYTimes.com

Plan B for Afghanistan

Leading article: The stakes in Afghanistan could not be greater - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

American Family joins calls for Jennings ouster

President ignoring Jennings case so far

Tim Geithner's Small Circle Of Friends | The New Republic

A Stimulus by Any Other Name | The American Prospect

Go Ahead, Walk Away | The Big Money

Mortgage Crisis Shuffles Toward Fancier Neighborhoods - Forbes.com

Away From Wall Street, Credit Keeps Contracting - Up and Down Wall Street Daily - R. Forsyth - Barrons.com

Martin Feldstein - A Better Way to Health Reform - washingtonpost.com

Portfolio Investments for a Weakening Dollar - BusinessWeek

It's China's world. (We just live in it) - Oct. 8, 2009

Op-Ed Columnist - America’s Limits - NYTimes.com

David Malpass: The Weak-Dollar Threat to Prosperity - WSJ.com

RealClearMarkets - 'Job Creation' Is Obama's Middle Name

Killing the entrepreneurs - Washington Times

So How Is the Stimulus Working Out? — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

Markets And Morality - Forbes.com

RealClearMarkets - The Baucus Bill: An October Trick

Charlie's sins

Op-Ed: Getting in Front of the Liquidity Crisis | The New York Observer

RealClearMarkets - Free Trade Is a Boon to the Environment

Daniel Henninger: Michael Moore's 'Socialist' President - WSJ.com

Banks fail to absorb commercial real estate loan losses - BloggingStocks

When To Worry About The Dollar - The Atlantic Business Channel

Robert Reich's Blog: So Much Happening in Washington and So Little To Show for It, So Far

Does the U.S. Chamber Speak for Big Business? - BusinessWeek

Consumers Keep Paying Off Credit Cards, Building Up Savings - washingtonpost.com

Being jobless for 6 months or more 'grinds on you' - USATODAY.com

Obama seeks ways keep joblessness from sinking recovery -- latimes.com

Health Care Bill Gets Green Light in Cost Analysis

Buffett Selling Means You Shouldn’t Be Buying: Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg.com

Behind Afghan War Debate, a Battle of Two Books Rages - WSJ.com

How the Taliban Might Respond to McChrystal's New War Plan -- Politics Daily

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Political 'Balancing Act'

Why Don't Liberals Care About Health Care? | Newsweek Voices - Eleanor Clift | Newsweek.com

Government Medicine Kills by Deroy Murdock on National Review Online

Washington Times - Human rights groups see Obama wavering

Dana Milbank - The Forest, the Trees and ACORN - washingtonpost.com

The Breitbart Dilemma - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Down in the valley

Op-Ed Columnist - Let Congress Go Without Insurance - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Explaining the Unpopularity of Dem Plans

RealClearPolitics - Why Obama Must Spend More

Stimulus scam - Washington Times

RealClearPolitics - Health Care Reform Helps Every Generation

Karl Rove: The GOP Is Winning the Health-Care Debate - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Is Obama Becoming a Joke?

Op-Ed Columnist - The Lion King in Winter - NYTimes.com

GOP Faces Multiple Hurdles as It Aims for a 1994 Replay - WSJ.com

The Ongoing Evolution of Conservatism « The Enterprise Blog

RealClearPolitics - Obama May Stick to Current Afghan Strategy -- a Loser

President Obama, talk is cheap when it comes to curbing youth violence

Banking on a Scapegoat by Marie Gryphon on National Review Online

Obama's Afghanistan options: no easy outs | afghanistan, troops, afghan, president, military - Opinion - OCRegister.com

Congress cowers before reigning King of Pork

Lawmakers show worry over U.S. dollar’s dwindling worldwide status - TheHill.com

Minority Groups Raise Voices on Reform - washingtonpost.com

Dems struggle for Gitmo deal - David Rogers - POLITICO.com

Plan to Let States Set Bank Rules Splits Democrats - WSJ.com


**TranscriptsObama's Speech at the National Counterterrorism Cntr.

Katie Couric's Interview with Secretary Clinton

Panel Discussion with Secretaries Gates & Clinton

Roundtable on Obama and Afghanistan

House Minority Whip Cantor on Afghanistan

Reps. Skelton and Hunter Debate Afghanistan

Reporters Discuss Obama and Afghanistan

Doctors Debate Health Care Reform

Roundtable on the New Supreme Court Term

Senator Bernie Sanders on ACORN & Gov't Waste

Senator Kyl on the Public Option

Gates' Remarks at the Association of the U.S. Army

Remarks at the National Counterterrorism Center

*Transcript of the IAEA Director General's Remarks at the Joint Press Conference with the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, 4 October 2009


**Politics Video:Schumer "Very Optimistic" Final Bill Will Include Public Option

Pelosi: "I'm In My Place, I'm The Speaker Of The House"

Frist: Obama's Health Care Plan Is Not Socialized Medicine

Rangel: "Yes I Can" Serve As Chairman

Rep. Cantor: Health Care Plan Savings Dubious

Rep. Bachmann On ACORN, MSNBC "Stalking" Her

Tom DeLay On The "Criminalization" Of Politics

Rep. Sestak On Leaving Afghanistan

U.S. Budget Deficit Hits $1.4 Trillion

O'Reilly On The 8th Anniversary Of The Afghanistan War

Olbermann: Health Care As A Basic Right

Barney Frank Compares Immigration Debate To Holocaust

Shaddegg: Insurance Mandate Is "Un-American"

GOP Rep. Introduces Resolution Calling For Rangel To Step Down

Carville, Fleischer, Bachmann & Harper On Obama

Gov. Jindal's 10-Point Plan For Health Care

Jon Stewart Goes After Obama Over Don't Ask, Don't Tell

ACORN CEO: "Highly Edited Tapes" Don't Tell The Whole Story

Rep. Waters: Rangel Shouldn't Step Down

Town Hallers Yell At NY Dem Over Tort Reform

Tom DeLay Quits "Dancing With The Stars" Over Foot Fracture

Sean Hannity, Michael Moore Debate Mortgage Fraud

Keith Olbermann: Insurance Industry Profits Over People

Sen. Graham On Report Obama May Reject Afghan Surge

O'Reilly: More Bad News For ACORN

Sebelius Addresses Swine Flu Vaccine Fears

McCaughey, Ratigan Have Heated Exchange Over Health Care

WH's Gibbs Mocks Hearings On Czars

Meg Whitman On Health Care Reform

Pelosi: Value Added Tax Is "On The Table"

Karl Rove Explains Cost Of Health Care Reform

Pence: Obama Has Lost Focus

Liz Cheney: McChrystal Was Not Criticizing Obama

Defense Secretary Gates Stands By Gen. McChrystal

Olbermann Announces Hour-Long Special Comment

McCain On Afghanistan: "Much At Stake"

Sen. Webb: McChrystal's Actions Have Been "Confusing"

Christie Ad Attacks Corzine On Taxes

O'Reilly: President Obama Vs. The Military

Ensign Says He Didn't Break Ethics Rules

GOP To Draft Resolution Designed To Oust Rangel

Matalin & Krugman Debate Obama Losing His Mojo

**World Video:Hague: Why We Oppose the Lisbon Treaty

NASA Counts Down to 'Moon Bomb'

David Cameron Addresses Britain's Conservatives

Berlusconi Stripped of Immunity

Czech Leaders at Odds over EU Treaty

Tsunami Sends Island Residents to Higher Ground

**Markets Video:What's Ahead for the Stock Market and Dollar?

Lufthansa Shares Could Be a Good Bullish Play

Alcoa Beats the Street

4Q Start Looks Like 3Q

U.S./China Trade Tenses Up

Casino Capitalism?

Ayn Rand Philosophy Falls Short?

Dollar Decline?

Dan Dicker's Best Short Trades

Risks For Gilt Market Lie In November

Roubini: 'Jobs Lost Forever'


*American Minute for October 8th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Is it time to whisper the word 'impeachment'?

Where's the birth certificate?

Breitbart.tv » Bachmann: You Only Hear About ‘Birthers’ From the Left

Judge sets 'final' calendar for eligibility challenge

Impeachment suggested to remove 'threats' to America

Tom DeLay: 'No idea' whether Obama constitutionally eligible

Ayers 'confesses' he wrote Obama's 'Dreams'

Bill Ayers: Sure, I Wrote Obama's Book. Now How 'Bout Those Royalties? | TPM LiveWire

BackyardConservative: Bill Ayers No Dream

Media acolytes protect their man

N.Y. Times whitewashes Obama-Ayers connection

Ayers' group foresaw genocide of capitalists

Ayers at Starbucks

*Article Links:The complete story about 'Dreams from My Father'

*Site:Expose Obama


YouTube - END THE FED - ACTION 11/22/2009

| Dean Baker | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

GE: 10,000 applications for 90 factory jobs | courier-journal.com | The Courier-Journal

Zazi Arrest:The Beauty Parlor Bomb Plan; Massive Terror Plot Alleged

Fed Ratchets Up Warnings on Commercial Real Estate Debt - CoStar Group

I-Believe-in-Strong-Dollar Turns Relic as China Begs - Bloomberg.com

Treasuries Fall After Weaker-Than-Average Demand at Bond Sale - Bloomberg.com

BBC NEWS | Europe | Russia acts against 'false' history

Bankruptcy Filings Spiking: Chapter 7 Booming and 8 Years of Credit Card Industry Lobbying and $100 Million in Fees.

Warning on surge in wireless traffic in Wireless News at WirelessAdvisor.com Forums

Chavez nuclear gag riles the US - Americas, World - The Independent

The war within the White House | Olivia Hampton | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

'People should need a licence to drink'

Why hospital is a dangerous place to be - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

*First thermal pictures of dark side of the moon - Telegraph

Internet Storm Center: a global safety net in hands of volunteers - Times Online

Ahmadinejad has no Jewish roots | Meir Javedanfar | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

It's not just about Iran | Hans Blix | Comment is free | The Guardian

*Trans Texas Corridor is declared dead -- again | Local News | Star-Telegram

*Dr. Andrew Moulden (Interview): What You Were Never Told About Vaccines | VacTRUTH

Rachel Maddow: John Ensign Did Have Contact With Doug Hampton on Lobbying Matters

How Did Sarah Palin Write Her Memoir So Fast?

9/11 FLASHBACK TOON « Desertpeace

FEC: Obama 'not automatically eligible for audit'

Talk Radio

*10/07 The Mark Levin Show

10/06 The Mark Levin Show

10/05 The Mark Levin Show

Online Music

**Scholars and Rogues:MUSIC PAGE**

** Lala**

**Pandora Radio**


*Site:Downsizing the Federal Government

*SITE:Climate Depot


World Net Daily Player:Ex-Gitmo detainee 'ringleader' of Taliban

World Net Daily Player:Congressman slams 'un-American' insurance mandates

World Net Daily Player:1st-time home buyers 'taking advantage' of tax credit

World Net Daily Player:Economist sees 'consistently better' jobs trend


**Cambridge cancels Savage debate

**ARTICLE LINKS:Media coverage of Britain's ban of Michael Savage**


What Is Money? by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 2 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 3 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 4 by Gary North


Liberal lies about national health care, Part 1

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 2

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 3

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 4

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 5

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 6

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 7


(201 pgs)RAND:Integrating Civilian Agencies in Stability Operations

(119 pgs)RAND:Recruiting Minorities What Explains Recent Trends in the Army and Navy?

(240 pgs)RAND:Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar