"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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05 October 2009

5 OCT '09

5 OCT ‘09

**U.S. National Debt Clock**


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Congressman: Obama has something to hide

Senator says Obama's birth location doesn't matter

Obama eligibility to see its day in court?


*Transcripts :Guests: Alan Greenspan; Sens. Schumer & Cornyn

Guests: General Jones; Sen. Levin & Rep. Skelton

Interview with U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice


The Distance Between ‘We Must’ and ‘We Can’ - NYTimes.com

President is AWOL as our commander

German system values health care as a right Philadelphia Inquirer 10/04/2009

VIN SUPRYNOWICZ: Extending the recession indefinitely - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Copenhagen: Obama Better Go Back

Paul Krugman makes no cents

How Polanski Could Help the Right - The Daily Beast

The Polanski Case - A Gallic Shrug - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - A War of Necessity Turns Out Not So Necessary

The Age of Nice, Or, Politics as Psychiatry

Bobby Jindal - The Conservative Case for Reform

Larry Summers and the White House economic team : The New Yorker

The G.O.P. Campaign Message in a Word - Jobs, Jobs, Jobs - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - It's the Unemployment, Stupid

Hand Over Your Job If You Want to Dream in Green: Kevin Hassett - Bloomberg.com

The Politics of Spite - NYTimes.com

John Bolton: Iran's Big Victory in Geneva - WSJ.com

The vast right-wing conspiracy is back Salon

Justice Sonia Sotomayor's free-speech tests -- latimes.com

Two Arguments for What to Do in Afghanistan - TIME

Lyndon Baines Obama - HUMAN EVENTS

Military Memo - Voice of Bush’s Favored General Is Now Harder to Hear - NYTimes.com

Mr. Obama’s Promise of Transparency - NYTimes.com

Shaming Charlie's pals

Choosing health

Action on climate, environment overdue DesMoinesRegister.com The Des Moines Register

New Court Term Hints at Views on Regulating Business - NYTimes.com

Medical-Device Makers Push to Cut New Fees in Health Bill - WSJ.com

Candidates defend voting records - Kendra Marr - POLITICO.com

A More Web-Friendly Register

Thirty 'high-risk' terrorists to be released early - Times Online

The Fed Fighter: DealBook’s Ron Paul Interview - DealBook Blog - NYTimes.com

Nazism and socialized medicine

Fear of Losing Private Health Insurance Trumps 'Public Option' - Rasmussen Reports

Health care reform: Privately, Barack Obama strongly backs public option -- chicagotribune.com

Health Overhaul Is Drawing Close to Floor Debate - NYTimes.com

Ex-Ala. judge accused of trading sex for leniency

Former Student Defends Obama's 'Safe Schools' Czar Against Allegations - Political News - FOXNews.com

Obama's 'safe schools' chief praised child-sex promoter

Feds sued to keep out of state's gun affairs

Obama adviser: Afghanistan in no immediate danger of falling - CNN.com

Billions in U.S. Aid Never Reached Pakistan Army - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News - FOXNews.com

If Europe does get a president, it definitely won't be Tony Blair - Telegraph

Containing a Nuclear Iran

Uncertainty over China’s influence on North Korea - The National Newspaper

Is it all over between Britain and Europe? William Rees-Mogg - Times Online

Op-Ed Contributor - Now Comes the Hard Part - NYTimes.com

Cancelling missile defense will look good if Russia helps on Iran

Nuclear Cheating -Times Online

Enemy Reactions to the US Strategy and Force-Sizing Options IranTracker

Iran Sanctions: Who Really Wins? - Brookings Institution

A new approach to Afghanistan

RAND:A new approach to Afghanistan

RealClearMarkets - The Government Averted a Depression

BOOK REVIEW: Why Ayn Rand is hot again - Washington Times

RealClearMarkets - The Scary Permanence of Congressional Power

Rolling with the Punches

Wall Street’s Near-Death Experience

Thune: Time for a TARP Exit Strategy - WSJ.com

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Prosperity rests on human and social capital

HSBC sees tipping point of Western decline

Op-Ed Columnist - Inequality as Usual - NYTimes.com

Stop Fretting About Income Inequality - Forbes.com

Washington's Blog:Expert on Structured Finance and Derivatives: Rampant Fraud and Ponzi Scheme Caused Crisis

Still The Masters of the Universe

China Hopes to Create Its Own Media Empires - NYTimes.com

Will Hulu make you pay to watch? -- latimes.com

Israel names Russians helping Iran build nuclear bomb - Times Online

What Temple? Fatah says 'only a Muslim holy site'

City to homeowner: Let us in, or get out

'Washington Times': 'US won't make Israel disclose nukes' International Jerusalem Post

Oprah or Jesus: Who's right?

Hamas: Carter played key role in Shalit video deal - Haaretz - Israel News

US warns citizens against visiting Old City in Jerusalem Israel Jerusalem Post

ElBaradei says nuclear Israel number one threat to Mideast: report_English_Xinhua

U.N. mystery tied to financial corruption

Hamas children's TV program again calls for the 'slaughter of Jews'

The Ten Commandments

Beyond outward appearances

Flood rescuer repeats father's heroic actions - CNN.com

David Letterman had secret bedroom above Ed Sullivan Theater, sez ex-'Late Show' staffer

Computer Makers Aim to Banish Boot-Up Blues Gadget Lab Wired.com

Primatologist: If Bigfoot exists, it's not an ape

Not fearing real-life 'Zombieland,' University of Florida pulls undead contingency plan off Web site

Miami News - Cuba's black market moves online with Revolico.com - page 1

Greenspan Predicts: 3% Growth, 10% Unemployment - George's Bottom Line

Wishing doth not a recession end

Liberal rules don't apply to liberals

The offensive Obama 'offensive'

Should Christians, Muslims and Jews unite?

Note to tea partiers: Give gays a fair shake

Chants for presidents past

The crash could not kill our faith in capitalism - Times Online

Muslim women boxers to wear hijab at 2012 Olympics - Times Online

BBC NEWS South Asia India pilots in mid-air 'scuffle'

My Way News - Big police depts back anti-terror citizen watch

Sources: Several who went to Pakistan with Zazi back in U.S. - CNN.com

Somalia president condemns Minn. terror recruiting AP 10/04/2009

CNSNews.com - Hispanic Caucus Calls for Ending Program That Identified 100,000 Illegal Aliens, Many With Criminal Records

Socialists trounce conservatives in Greece - Europe- msnbc.com

Safe surrender attracts 400 fugitives 6abc.com - 10/03/09

Tax Collector's Office Won't Hire Tobacco Users - News- msnbc.com

Queen 'appalled' at Church of England moves, claim Vatican moles - Telegraph

French general planned 18th-century invasion of Britain using American force - Times Online

A town's love of Indian artifacts backfires

U.N. mystery tied to financial corruption

What Temple? Fatah says 'only a Muslim holy site'

Feds sued to keep out of state's gun affairs

Media apoplectic over Palin collaborator

Looking Beyond Terrorism by Philip Giraldi

Michael Moore Wants to End the Fed (He Just Doesn't Realize It)

APF Changes Name, Logo & Website To “Diffuse Tension”

Missile Possibly Launched in Liberty County

*How to get HR 1207 to the House Floor

Trillions More in Debt with Nothing Good to Show for It

The Colors of Interventionism

Will Obama Have Veto Courage?

This Obvious Fallacy Underlies Libertarianism

New Definition of Terrorism Means More Death

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » U.S. Suffering Permanent Destruction of Jobs

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » How the Feds Imprison the Innocent: New Book Confirms Tyranny of Good Intentions Thesis

The Spectator:The great global warming scam (ctd)

Capital Crunch: Obama confronts waning political capital - The Note

So, Who's Gonna Remove All Those 2016 Posters? NBC Chicago

Barack Obama furious at General Stanley McChrystal speech on Afghanistan - Telegraph

Surveillance Will Expand To Midtown, Mayor Says

The Associated Press: Police chiefs endorse anti-terror community watch

2012, the end-of-the-world feature film that critics say is a disaster all by itself. See the hilariously OTT trailer here

My Way News - Great time for US consumers: America is on sale

Vegas Casinos Fold on Expansion Plans - WSJ.com

Suspect's lawyer says Letterman 'manipulates' - Yahoo! News

CBS Removes David Letterman’s Mea Culpa From YouTube

Dump depraved Dave now, CBS!

On Afghanistan, US military puts Obama on the spot - Yahoo! News

CURL: Obama distractions sideline Afghan plan - Washington Times

FT.com / Asia-Pacific / Afghanistan - Afghan war divides Congress and a nation

My Way News - Adviser downplays threat of renewed al-Qaida haven

Health Overhaul Is Drawing Close to Floor Debate - NYTimes.com

FTC: Bloggers must disclose payments for reviews - Yahoo! Finance

My Way News - Government report questions rescue claims

Study: Bernanke, Paulson misled public on bailouts - Washington Times

Roubini Sees Stock Declines as Soros Warns on Economy - Bloomberg.com


*American Minute for October 5th:William J Federer's American Minute*


**World Video:Iran Agrees to Inspections

Typhoon Parma Wreaks Havoc on SE Asia

Bomber Hits Pakistan UN Office

Global Warming Responsible for SE Asia Disasters?

**Markets Video:Unemployment to Rise Through Most of 2010: Roubini

Germany Shrugs Off Call to Consume

Is Hope Fading for a Bright Q3?

Consumers Shopping Smarter, Says Tix CEO

Geithner at IMF: Recovery Still Fragile

Did TARP Authors Mislead Americans?

**Politics Video:Schumer On 2010: "Like It Or Not, We're Tied To Obama"

Kyl Refuses To Apologize For Sen. Ensign's Ethics Problem

Sabato On Dems, GOP In 2012

Has Olympics Defeat Hurt Obama?

Bayh, Graham, Chambliss & Casey On Iran, Afghanistan

Gov. Granholm On The Economy & Unemployment

Schumer, Cornyn On Health Care

James Jones On Afghanistan, McChrystal & Iran

Ambassador Rice: Negotiations With Iran Are "Finite"

SNL Mocks Obama's Lack Of Accomplishments

"This Week" Roundtable On Unemployment & Olympics

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Afghanistan & Olympics

Susan Rice: U.N. Is "Critically Important"

Obama Weekly Address: Health Reform Urgent for the Economy

GOP Response: Obama, Pelosi Have "Job-Killing Agenda"

Countdown: Right-Wing Cheering America Lost Olympics


10-04-2009: In Healthcare It Is Electronic All The Way

10-04-2009: FBI Data-Mining Programs Resurrect "Total Information Awareness"

10-04-2009: G7 Fights Irrelevance In The New World Order

The US Department of Justice, investigating BAE's arms sales in Europe and Africa.

US military indoctrinating Pakistani officers

Water wars threaten solar future

“When You Own Gold You’re Fighting Every Central Bank in the World”

Goldman Sachs Would Make $1 Billion from CIT Failure; U.S. Taxpayer Would Pay $2.3 Billion

Obama: Trilateral Commission Endgame

Expert on Structured Finance and Derivatives: Rampant Fraud and Ponzi Scheme Caused Crisis

Who Are ‘The Deciders’?

Coverup: Behind the Iran Contra Affair

The Population Myth

Majority of U.S. parents wary of H1N1 vaccine: poll

The Economic Recovery is an Illusion

The IMF to Play Role of Global Central Bank?

The Constitution Never Had a Chance

Iran’s Nuclear Theater Meant to Divert Attention

A tale of two speeches: Ahmadinejad’s and Netanyahu’s

Document shows rejected Mosaddeq’s outreach to United States and America’s collusion with Britain

First Order of Business for Post-Lisbon EU: Appoint War Criminal As President

Video:The Swine Flu Conspiracy

EU funding 'Orwellian' artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for "abnormal behaviour"

Looking at the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Neuroengineering to challenge what it means to be human

Google 'evangelist' sees web, brain implant link

Michael Moore: ‘It's Absolutely a Good Thing’ for Government to Drive Private Health Insurance Out of Business

Catholic Bishops: All Current Health Care Bills in Congress Would Permit Federal Funding of Abortion

US Tries to Break ‘Religious Defamation’ vs. Free Speech Deadlock at UN

McChrystal’s Public Call for More Troops Draws Rebuke From Obama’s Security Adviser

Palestinian Authority Says it Has Deferred, Not Withdrawn, Support for UN War Crimes Report

Halt to Gov't Raids Not an Option to Boost Census

Bitter Fruits of Mideast Wars

The Noble 'Sacrifice' of Michelle Obama

Waking up to discover the mortgage market was a giant criminal enterprise

"Prophecy Depot.com": Another Prophecy Expert Prepares for Psalm 83 Mideast War!

Rep. Boehner Accuses Obama of Subverting Constitution

UN Climate Reports: They Lie

Did We Elect a Beta Male As President?

Half a president

But it was only the Olympics?

Is Obama's Handling of Honduras a View of Our Future?

Michelle Obama's Olympic 'Gimme' Speech

All Politics, No Principles

What, Me Racist?

The Obamas Violated First Three Rules of Selling

Unexpected Outgrowths of the Tea Party Movement

America's Standing Abroad: 'A Political Puzzle'

Is counterinsurgency a viable strategy for America?

Time to Deal with Black Racism

Say it ain't so - Obama considering tax cuts to spur job growth?

Americans would rather keep their insurance rather than have a public option

Science in service to politics does no favors to either

Islamic states won't accept a Jewish state

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-SIX: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

Sharon Tate's sister: Polanski won't get fair trial in US guardian.co.uk

The Raw Story Afghan violence 'global terrorism' not domestic insurgency: FM

2 government studies find autism disorders in 1 in 100 US children StarTribune.com

Three Government Reports Point to Fiscal Doomsday Money and Markets

Program to Buy Bad Assets Nearly in Place, U.S. Says - DealBook Blog - NYTimes.com

John Boehner Admits He Is Completely Out Of Touch OurFuture.org

Government Watchdog Says Treasury and Fed Knew Bailed-Out Banks Were Not Healthy

McCain, Obama back law shielding reporters - USATODAY.com

DDoS attack against Bitbucket darkens Amazon cloud NetworkWorld.com Community

Obamanati.info » Obama: Trilateral Commission Endgame

New bio-power plant will power 3,000 homes from food scraps Mail Online

EclippTV :: Video :: Carl Cameron Supports Questioning 9/11

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Peter Dale Scott on The Alex Jones TV : LINE IN THE SAND!

Penny for your thoughts: Fluoridation is money down the drain

Website for the reopening of the case against Mounir El Motassadeq up and running 911Blogger.com

How the Feds Imprison the Innocent by Paul Craig Roberts

What Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, and Alan Grayson should say about the Federal Reserve today

US nursing homes pushed to brink: fund cuts, recession force layoffs, cutbacks, closings

The Real Reason the Giant, Insolvent Banks Aren't Being Broken Up

Cooling off: time to take a different look at global warming Our Views & Yours - PennLive.com - - PennLive.com

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: The Failure of Obama's Economic Forecasters

EclippTV :: Video :: Rep. Garrett Questions Chairman Bernanke

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Jim Sinclair on King World News – Pandora’s Box is Open for Hyperinflation

Is Lindsey Graham gay? Features Charleston City Paper

Obama Makes Up IAEA Rules for Iran

Think Progress » Graham: ‘If we’re going to let the bloggers run the country, then the country’s best days are behind us.’

GOP senators: US, not Israel, should attack Iran ‘if necessary’ Raw Story


Smoking Mirrors: Alas Babylon and the Neanderthal Mind.

Goldman Sachs & J.P. Morgan Quietly Buying Up the Media

Chicago torpedoed by anti-U.S. sentiment? :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago 2016

EclippTV :: Video :: Architects of Control : Program One - Mass Control and Future of Mankind

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Peter Schiff in Philadelphia


YouTube - glenn greenwald tells it like it is

YouTube - UN Inspector Scott Ritter: Fools would Bomb Iran

YouTube - Michael Moore Told to 'Cool It' on Senator Dodd

News From The West: How the Jews opened America's borders

Obamanati.info » Dr. Orly Taitz and Major Cook take a stand against Obama citizenship status

Ron Paul: What International Secrets is the Fed Hiding?

The Ron Paul Story Ron Paul Wins! Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

Video: Ron Paul on Fox News 10/4/09 Ron Paul Wins! Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

Frontline - Obama's War Ron Paul Wins! Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

Ex-Darpa Chief Joins D.C. Lobbying Firm Danger Room Wired.com

Material, Non-Public Information? Why JPMorgan Does Not Care; And Why If You Are A Corporate Insider Client, Neither Should You zero hedge

Alan Keyes: Government Will Stage Terror, Declare Martial Law

Running 'Cause I Can't Fly: "Dismantle Bernanke's 'Happy Conspiracy' ... now!"

The murky world of informants -- baltimoresun.com

The mystery investor who is turning the tin market on its head - Telegraph

Obamanati.info » Obama’s Hell-Ride to War on Iran

CAUTION: Stock Market Crash /Collapse Dead Ahead Say Faber, Rogers, Dent and Celente :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

The Sanity of Secession Southern Avenger Charleston City Paper

The Unemployment Racket by Laurence M. Vance

Entering the Greatest Depression in History by Andrew Gavin Marshall

It’s Not the People, It’s the Machine by Michael Gaddy

"Founding Fathers of our New Country" by James Quinn. FSO Editorial 09/29/2009

Peter Schiff Agrees with Jim Rogers, Invest in Gold and Commodities : Subprime Blogger

The Conscience of a Capitalist

Will Disclosure In Lehman Bankruptcy Case Lead To Lawsuit Against Federal Reserve?

The Fox News Sunday Panel Pans the Stimulus Package

Chicago Tribune: Obama 'Privately' Supports the Public Option

C&L Exclusive: Michael Moore says he will go back on FOX, but Not Bill O'Reilly or Glenn Beck because of hate speech.

Meet The Press: Rachel Maddow Calls Conservatives "Disgusting" For Cheering Chicago's Failed Olympic Bid

About That Media Notion of "Balance"...

Rachel Maddow: The Right Needs to Answer for What's Happened to Conservatism

Kyl refuses to defend Ensign; Boxer acknowledges ethics investigation

Reich and Krugman Agree: The Government Needs to Forget About the Deficit and Fix Unemployment

Graham: Beck 'doesn't represent the Republican Party'

Lindsey Graham implies Obama is against the troops if reinforcements for Afghanistan are not sent. Where has Graham been?

Kristol 'amused' by Chicago's lost Olympic bid

I have an American that died for CNN's Alex Castellanos

Graham: Don't leave attack on Iran to Israel

Rep. Alan Grayson: "Has the Federal Reserve Ever Tried to Manipulate the Stock Market?"

The Return of the Iran-Contrarians

Iran could make an atom bomb, according to UN report's 'secret annexe' - Times Online

UN praise for Iran over nuclear inspections - Telegraph

I was ordered to cover up President Karzai election fraud, sacked UN envoy says - Times Online

Czech President who accepts Lisbon Treaty is a staunch opponent of the EU - Times Online

‘Dear Leader’ welcomes Chinese comrade to boost hopes of a nuclear agreement - Times Online

Pope says West's 'toxic materialism' is blighting Africa - Telegraph

FT.com / Global Economy - UN warns against immigration clampdown

Baby mammoth yields secrets after 40,000 years in Siberian tundra - Times Online

Internet game that awards points for people spotting crimes on CCTV cameras is branded 'snoopers paradise' Mail Online

Taxpayers lose billions in deal to sell Armed Forces homes - Telegraph

Enraged By Fascist Insurrection

Spain - The Galician UFO ­ Truth Or Theatrics?

Let's Put An End To ENDA

Inhabitat » E.Coli Cleans Up Nuclear Waste Cheaply, Efficiently

EPA’s Nanotoxicity Research Blueprint / Science News

Kawther Salam » Blog Archive » Did Traitor Abbas Instigate the Gaza Massacre?

Paul Craig Roberts - Why Propaganda Trumps Truth

Michael J. Panzner: More Dependent on the Consumer than Ever

Whole Truth Coalition » Anthony Coughlan: A Fraudulent Contract is Not Binding

Pilger - The Lying Game - Ready For Another War

Congress Criminals Ready To Legalize Millions Of Illegals

BAE attack: America to ask SFO for files - Business News, Business - The Independent

Daily Express World News :: USA planning fresh Iran penalties

Israel names Russians helping Iran build nuclear bomb - Times Online

AFP: Israel gets two more German submarines

Polanski sex case arrest provokes backlash against his supporters in Hollywood Film The Observer

Marrs - Do The Jews Own Hollywood And The Media?

So as Ireland votes 'yes' to Lisbon treaty, our 1000 years of history ends like this Mail Online

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Funny you don't look Jewish - Telegraph

YouTube - Dr. Ron Paul on the Iranian Nuclear Program

YouTube - Israel's influence of US policy & the Israeli lobby

Special: The Listening Project - Link TV

AfricanCrisis:USA: The Ego has landed New doubts about Obama's presidency As I warned

Lying Sacks of "SU" (A PopCornspiracy)

savethemales.ca - Nazi Jew Designed "Final Solution"

The Murder Of JFK Jr - Ten Years Later

Alas Babylon & The Neanderthal Mind

David Letterman: Freedom of speech victim, or self-censoring? EW.com

YouTube - Taking on David Letterman

EXCLUSIVE: Erin Andrews Helped Crack Peephole Stalker Case With Jeans - ABC News

YouTube - Peephole Suspect in Court

'Zombieland' Team Hopes To Make A Sequel - Movie News Story MTV Movie News

Roman Polanski, through his own lens -- latimes.com

'Real Housewives' Star's Ex-Fiance Murdered - Celebrity Gossip Entertainment News Arts And Entertainment - FOXNews.com

Lady Gaga Fights Madonna, Debuts “Bad Romance” on “Saturday Night Live” : Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

Web TV could come with a price tag after Comcast-NBC Deals Reuters

Reggae artist says NYC man slashed him with sword

The No. 1 Question About Swine Flu Vaccine - When? - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Swine Flu Vaccinations Arrive This Week

Justice Sotomayor hits the high court – what about empathy? csmonitor.com

YouTube - Sotomayor, Justices: A High Court Preview

Biden to the rescue: The vice president and House freshmen Top of the Ticket Los Angeles Times

Congress: Climate change - First Read - msnbc.com

The Associated Press: Pa. woman killed by captive black bear

Woman, 74, Hospitalized After Being Mauled by Pack of Raccoons - Local News News Articles National News US News - FOXNews.com

Hutchison getting Farm Bureau endorsement AP Texas News Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Obama to Address Gay Rights Organization - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

Corzine’s Wall Street Past a Liability in His Re-election Bid - NYTimes.com

Mayor Mike Muscles With Money NBC New York

President Obama Delivers Remarks to Doctors on Health Insurance Reform - washingtonpost.com

Arrest of Queens Man Puts Focus on Texting to Rally Protesters - NYTimes.com

The Caucus - The G.O.P. Campaign Message in a Word - Jobs, Jobs, Jobs - NYTimes.com

A THIRD Stimulus? Get Real! - FOXNews.com

Q+A: Has the back of the Pakistani Taliban been broken? Reuters

YouTube - Raw Video: Pakistan Blast Closes U.N. Office

The Associated Press: Gates: Military to adhere to Obama's decision

BBC NEWS UK UK Politics No rift over EU Treaty - Cameron

BBC NEWS Middle East West mulls Iran 'change of heart'

Obamanati.info: Fifty questions on 9/11

Unearthed: prehistoric site that could be 'little sister' to Stonehenge - Telegraph

New Ancient Fungus Finding Suggests World's Forests Were Wiped Out In Global Catastrophe

Wife of Japanese PM Brings UFOs, Aliens Into Global Affairs Underwire Wired.com

Drink From the Fountain of Youth With a Grain of Salt LiveScience

YouTube - Iran agrees inspections

The Associated Press: Indonesia calls off search for missing survivors

The Associated Press: Top Africa cardinal: next pope could well be black

YouTube - Pope Benedict XVI opens Synod on African issues

Jobs for the boys key to peace in Nigeria oil delta Reuters

Chasing Honduran presidents: a reporter’s perspective csmonitor.com

Chinese premier begins North Korea visit

The Associated Press: Ousted UN official stands by election complaint

Sources: Taliban leader vows revenge for drone attacks - CNN.com

BBC NEWS Special Reports Norway 'the best place to live'

AFP: Cut flying hours or crashes inevitable, pilots warn

Britain offered Gaddafi £14m to stop supporting the IRA - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

*Documents:Britain offered Gaddafi £14m to stop supporting the IRA - 1


**All Time Favorite Herbs**


*Site:Lloyd Pye- Intervention Theory

*Site:Ghosts Village


*Bill Cunningham 10/4/09 Hour 1

*Bill Cunningham 10/4/09 Hour 2

*Bill Cunningham 10/4/09 Hour 3

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 2nd With Peter Dale Scott

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 1st: APF Montana Special

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 30th With Ray McGovern


**List Of Obama’s Czars**


*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Majority Of Americans Not Accepting H1N1 Vaccine(w/Article Links)


*Site:The National Prayer Network's

(52:22)Ted Pike - Hate Laws (1 of 2 )

(28:25)Ted Pike - Hate Laws ( 2 of 2 )

(56:05)Ted Pike Talkes with Hesham Tillawi about Anti-Hate Laws

(23:28)Ted Pike "Betrayed: How New Right Leaders Endangered Freedom"

YouTube - Rev. Ted Pike on Alex Jones Tv 1/5:Say NO to Senators on Hate Speech Bill

YouTube - Rev. Ted Pike on Alex Jones Tv 2/5:Say NO to Senators on Hate Speech Bill

YouTube - Rev. Ted Pike on Alex Jones Tv 3/5:Say NO to Senators on Hate Speech Bill

YouTube - Rev. Ted Pike on Alex Jones Tv 5/5:Say NO to Senators on Hate Speech Bill

YouTube - Rev. Ted Pike on Alex Jones Tv 4/5:Say NO to Senators on Hate Speech Bill


**King World News Broadcast**

Video Site Pages:

**Obamanati.info; Videos**



AFP US congratulates Papandreou on victory
AFP World Bank appeals for funds as aid rationing looms
Barack Obama accused of snubbing Dalai Lama to placate China - Times Online
Executive quits amid France Télécom suicides scandal - Times Online
Honduran Security Forces Accused of Abuse - NYTimes.com
Karzai Expected to Win Afghan Recount - WSJ.com
The Associated Press Bathroom break a ploy for Pakistan suicide attack
The Associated Press Report North Korea considers multilateral talks
VOA News - Nigerian Peace Group Calls for Permanent Peace in Oil-Rich Delta
VOA News - US Denies Policy Shift in Deferring Dalai Lama Meeting
World - Google News
Yet again Tehran spins it all to its advantage against the West - Times Online
CNSNews.com - Hispanic Caucus Calls for Ending Program That Identified 100,000 Illegal Aliens, Many With Criminal Records
Cuba's lauded healthcare system is a hoax - Myriam Marquez - MiamiHerald.com
Study Bernanke, Paulson misled public on bailouts - Washington Times
White House angry at General Stanley McChrystal speech on Afghanistan - Telegraph
Worst losses for a year as Taleban storm Nato outpost - Times Online
'Somber' Letterman Apologizes To Female Staff, Family - wcbstv.com
afp At least 8 dead, 88 injured as Thai train derails
Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Autism Explodes As Childhood Vaccines Increase
Ashkenazi meets US, French generals in France Israel Jerusalem Post
At Simmons, Bought, Drained and Sold, Then Sent to Bankruptcy - NYTimes.com
BBC NEWS Business US economic power 'is declining'
BET Founder Mocks Deeds' Stuttering
C-SPAN Video Player - Scott Ritter, Fmr. U.N. Weapons Inspector in Iraq (1991-98)
China vows to stand by isolated North Korea U.S. Reuters
China's accompliments unbelievable, says Kissinger_English_Xinhua
CNN Political Ticker All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Steele applauded ACORN leader in speech « - Blogs from CNN.com
Colombia says 'no' to US bases
Dallas official guilty in bribery, extortion scam AP Texas News Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Devvy - Letter From MT AG About Hardin - A Good Move
EclippTV Video How to Buy Scrap Gold - Retail vs. Wholesale
EclippTV Video Peter Schiff - STOP Borrowing from China!!!
ElBaradei says nuclear Israel number one threat to Mideast report_English_Xinhua
Federal SWAT Raid Over . . . Orchids. - Hit & Run Reason Magazine
Firms are getting billions, but homeowners still in trouble McClatchy
FT.com - Asia-Pacific - Afghanistan - Afghan war divides Congress and a nation
FT.com - Media - Celebrities face endorsement crackdown
Glenn Beck Was Just Joking About The Muse Brush-Off
Gold to track oil, hit $1,500-oz in 2011 -BoA Reuters
How Republicans Can Save the Climate Bill Green Business Reuters
IG Report Finds Paulsen, Bernanke Misled Public on Bank Rescues - Political News - FOXNews.com
Ineffectiveness And Dangers Of Flu Shots
Italian scientist reproduces Shroud of Turin - Yahoo! News
Milwaukee has high IQ on list of smartest cities - The Business Journal of Milwaukee
MoD's anti-leak guide gets leaked onto the internet Mail Online
My Way News - Adviser downplays threat of renewed al-Qaida haven
My Way News - Great time for US consumers America is on sale
My Way News - Obama pitches health care plan in front of doctors
My Way News - Pakistan Taliban head cracks jokes, vows vengeance
New Reports Confirm Hitler Secreted To US With Nazi German Atomic Bomb
New York City to Establish Surveillance Network in Midtown - NYTimes.com
North America ranks second in premature births_English_Xinhua
Obama In Secret Russia Visit Warns Putin, “I May Not Make It”
Obama Prepares For “Fortress America” As Battle For “Soul” Of US Intensifies
Obama Renews Health-Care Push - WSJ.com
Obama to give keynote address at gay rights dinner csmonitor.com
Obama's Busy AfPak Week
Ohio governor delays execution amid confusion - CNN.com
Philadelphia Police Arrest Teens In Connection To Violent Craigslist Robberies - cbs3.com
Polanski gets a star on Warsaw's walk of fame
Police Arrest Suspects After University of South Florida Lockdown
Police close Temple Mount following 'incitement' Israel Jerusalem Post
PostPartisan - Steele, Back to Not Thinking About Policy
Proportion of 8-year-olds diagnosed with autism is up 50% in 2 years, CDC says -- latimes.com
Reid Faces Difficult Task in Merging Senate Bills to Include 'Public Option' - Political News - FOXNews.com
Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul on Fox News – “We MUST go back to the gold standard”
Russia deploys S-400 air defense systems in Far East Top Russian news and analysis online 'RIA Novosti' newswire
Russia to help Cuba modernize weaponry, train military Top Russian news and analysis online 'RIA Novosti' newswire
Russia to showcase advanced weaponry at airshow in Libya Top Russian news and analysis online 'RIA Novosti' newswire
scoop - Dangers of Genetically Modified Foods
Secret IAEA report Iran has physics textbooks - The Majlis
Selenium Helps Remove Mercury from the Body
Sharp rise in Chinese arrests at U.S. border -- latimes.com
spokesman Iran has no nuclear weapon to prove_English_Xinhua
Supreme Court Refuses to Block Release of Sex Abuse Papers - Political News - FOXNews.com
Terrorists could seize nuclear weapons if we fail in Afghanistan, warns Army chief
Texas convicted killer's punishment phase starts AP 10-05-2009
The Associated Press BET founder mimics Va. gov candidate's speech
The Associated Press Court won't block release of sex abuse papers
The Thompson and Bloomberg Inner Circles - City Room Blog - NYTimes.com
U.S. Financial System Systemic Failure Approaches The Market Oracle Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website
Unemployment to peak in 8-12 months IMF chief
Universal replaces top movie studio executives
update DOJ Won't Seek Death Penalty For Guantanamo Detainee - WSJ.com
Video - Biden speech A few of the faces in the crowd - The Connecticut Post Online#
VOA News - Britain's New Supreme Court Opens, Separating Judiciary From Legislature
Washington's Blog - Even BLS Admits Birth-Death Model Skews Unemployment Numbers During Recessions
Washington's Blog - U.S. Suffering Permanent Destruction of Jobs
White House Leaving Afghanistan not an option
Why are American Jews abandoning Israel - Haaretz - Israel News
World Bank appeals for funds as aid rationing looms
Worst losses for a year as Taliban storm NATO outpost
YouTube - Sotomayor, Justices A High Court Preview
YouTube - Tragedy as Thailand passenger train derails