"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

28 October 2009

28 Oct '09


YouTube - Interview - Naomi Wolf - Give Me Liberty

YouTube - Habeas Corpus

(2:02:15)Zeitgeist , The Movie - Remastered / Final Edition

(2:03:07)Zeitgeist : Addendum

(1:21:57)Hacking Democracy

(45:43)Robert Newmans History of Oil

(47:07)Money As Debt

(47:51)The Root of All Evil? Part 1: The God Delusion. (Richard Dawkins, 2006)

(47:58)The Root of All Evil? Part 2: The Virus of Faith. (Richard Dawkins, 2006)

(2:24:23) Fall Of The Republic - The Presidency Of Barack H Obama - Movie HQ


Attempted Murder Of 6 Harvard Microbiologists

Halloween - GMO-Mutated Sugar Beets, MSG & Aspartame

Writer's Room With A View

List of Israeli war criminals compiled for legal action

Police: 'Jane Doe' emptied bank account before surfacing in NYC - CNN.com

Italian Professor Doubts Holocaust As Portrayed

Nuke Gaza : Information Clearing House - ICH

Gardasil Researcher Drops A Bombshell - The Philadelphia Bulletin Archives

Rash of Teen Suicides Rattles Calif. City - CBS Evening News - CBS News

99 percent pure water ice found on Mars

Zionist Puppet Obama To Sign Free Speech Killing Hate Bill

What Obama's H1N1 National Emergency Really Means

ADHD Drugs Side Effects Raise Concerns - AOL Health

Web Addresses to Include Chinese and Arabic Cha - Flash Player Installation

US official resigns over Afghan war | World news | guardian.co.uk

The “Muslim Mafia“ vs. La Kosher Nostra–Will the Real Threat to America Please Stand Up? « The Ugly Truth

L.A. County free H1N1 vaccine clinics overwhelmed -- latimes.com

The Associated Press: Jackson delivers on `This Is It,' early fans say

savethemales.ca - Hollywood's Scathing Portrayal of Judaism

savethemales.ca - Old Testament Defender Ostracized by Jews

savethemales.ca - Why Were Lessons of 1998 Mini-Crash Ignored?

Symbols of an Alien Sky - Comparative Mythology Comes of Age

Pilot monitoring the production of chemtrails by 2 C-17 Globemaster cargo planes in 6000 m height over Germany

Giant 'Sea Monster' Skull Found in England - Evolution | Human | Theory | Man | Paleontology - FOXNews.com

Beautiful Snow Moose - Two Of Them

10-foot Great White Shark bitten nearly in half by 20-foot 'monster shark' near Australian beach

Asteroid blast reveals holes in Earth's defences - space - 26 October 2009 - New Scientist

LHC Reawakens, Sending Proton Beams Running at the Speed of Light | Popular Science

Paranormal investigators check pulse of Beecher buildings -- chicagotribune.com

Pictured: Man tries to smuggle 14 pythons into Norway by taping them to his body - Telegraph

Record-breaking pumpkin thought to be world's largest weighs in at 1,725 pounds

RJ Eskow: Hillary's Blackwater Connection

Oh Bummer: Why Doesn't Hillary Clinton Fire Blackwater?

Brother of Afghan Leader Is Said to Be on C.I.A. Payroll - NYTimes.com

UN approves nuclear free resolution

(satire)http://homeland.gov.safenow.org - what to do in an emergency

World Of Technology: The Top 12 Internet Scams of the 2000s


EclippTV :: Video :: TImothy Baldwin on Alex Jones Tv 1/2:CONSTITUTIONAL DE-CONSTRUCTION

EclippTV :: Video :: Timothy Baldwin on Alex Jones Tv 2/2:CONSTITUTIONAL DE-CONSTRUCTION

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff on Fast Money 10/27/09 - The Dollar Will Continue to go Down

Just Say No to Nist, a review of David Ray Griffin's Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7 | 911Blogger.com

Sex, Alcohol, Fat Among World's Big Killers: WHO | World Of Mysteries

Fred Columns

Religious Political Creep

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: ClimaFearists Want to Cause Soaring Meat Prices

Recent Ocean Heat and MLO CO2 Trends « Watts Up With That?

Retire the 401(k). Replace it With This. - CBS MoneyWatch.com

Ladies of Liberty Alliance 2009-2010 Calendar Ladies

FDA Allows Use of Experimental Antiviral Drug to Treat H1N1 - H1N1 - FOXNews.com

The 9/11 USAF Stand Down

Did Training Exercises Prevent Andrews Air Force Base From Responding to the 9/11 Attacks? | 911Blogger.com

Largest Iraq bombing in two years may have been inside job | Raw Story

Washington's Blog:Former Chairman of Citigroup: Restore Glass-Steagall

Not In My Name « Political Theatrics

tehran times : Oil bourse inaugurated

EclippTV :: Video :: iWATCH Ad: LAPDs Creepy Big Brother Snitching Ad

EclippTV :: Video :: Marc Faber says Obama's stimulus a failure, Oct 26, 2009


Stewart J. Lawrence: Honduran Coup Myths Dispelled

'We have broken speed of light' - Telegraph


Mystery stone found near church linked to Knights Templar - The Scotsman

Martial Law PD-51

U.S. Aid Saves Lives but Few Know, Bill Gates Says | World Of Mysteries

Russia's Hidden War

Black Tuesday and a Return to Big Government

Rhetoric and Reality

*Video:Empire of Illusion;Information Clearing House - ICH

Why We Migrate

[Video] Max Keiser on continuing bank failures

Ownership Chart: The Big Six | Free Press


Matt Taibbi - Taibblog – Goldman Lobbies Senate, Says Full Transparency Sucks - True/Slant

The Rotten Fruits of War: U.S. Drone Attacks over Pakistan

US Strategic Interests in Latin America: The Militarization of Colombia

Devastating "Free Market" Reforms Imposed on Serbia

"Michael Moore's Action Plan: 15 Things Every American Can Do Right Now"

What is the Proper and Beneficial Role for a Public Police?

Mind Your Tweets: The CIA Social Networking Surveillance System

War, Negation and Muslim Identity Revisited

When the Climate Change Center Cannot Hold

Insanity and the Nobel Peace Prize: Obama and the Rule of Law

The Plot Thickens: Honduran Coup Regime and Landowning Elites Enlist the Support of Foreign Paramilitaries

US Treasury schedules record $123 bln bond auction week

Our NATO "Partners"

Blue Dog Fundraising Takes A Nose Dive. Wonder Why?

Director Publicly Quits Church of Scientology Over Their Support For Calif's Prop 8

Late Night Music Club with Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking

Swine Flu Is Stressing ERs Everywhere - And We're Not in Flu Season Yet.

The Glenn Beck Cartoon Show: 'We've raised a generation of potential killers'; Plus! 'We're watching what happened to Russia'

Darrell Issa's Campaign Contributors

First US Official Resigns Over Afghan War; Says "It's Not Worth The Fight"

Doctor-killing zealots hold an online fund-raiser for the assassin of Dr. Tiller -- in hopes of using "necessity" defense

Chamber of Commerce's Tom Donohue Refuses To Say He Believes In Science Behind Climate Change

Wyden, Merkley Promise A Floor Fight To Open Public Option

Joe Lieberman Says He Will Not Support Health Care Reform Bill, Or Vote For Cloture Against GOP Filibuster: UPDATED w/ video

Jogging Bernie Goldberg's memory: 'Who exactly at Fox News is inciting a rebellion against the government?'

Okay, Senate Is Including A Public Option; Now What?

'Showdown In Chicago' Brings Out 1000 Protesters At Banking Conference

For Red States, Opting Out is Not An Option

Media Matters: Rise Of The Conservative Media

Experts: Debt Default Is Restoring Country's Economic Health


Steps Toward The American Police State are Always Tried-Out in Britain First

Little Buddy GPS Device To Keep Tabs On Your Kid

Coming in December: World government

Army Develops Helmet-Mounted Radar to Watch Soldiers’ Backs

Glasses To Project Images Directly Into Retina Terminator Style

Karzai's kin a suspected player in opium trade, allegedly on CIA payroll.

AFRICOM and America's Global Military Agenda: Taking The Helm Of The Entire World

Iran Opens Exchange to Trade Crude Oil and Other Petrochemical Products

Baghdad governor sees Iraqi security force ‘collusion’ in recent attacks

SEC and Homeland Security say Internet could get clogged during flu pandemic

VIDEO: Bo Dietl Talks about the New World Order

UN Secretary General: ‘A climate deal must include an equitable global governance structure’

Castro's Sister Worked For The CIA

Medicare Fraud Raises ‘Troubling Questions About Our Government’s Ability to Manage a Medical Bureaucracy’

Chinese military backs closer U.S. ties

10-28-2009: Rich 'may evolve into separate species'

10-27-2009: Asteroid Blast Reveals Holes In Earth's Defenses

10-27-2009: Church Of Scientology Convicted Of Fraud In France

10-27-2009: 52 children rescued in US prostitution sting, FBI says

10-27-2009: How UK Police Rebranded Lawful Protest As "Domestic Extremism"

10-26-2009: Perfect Credit? You Could Be Charged For It

10-26-2009: Baltic 'meteorite' a flaming hoax

10-26-2009: GAO: FDA fails to follow up on unproven drugs

Chicago To Lease Water System?

Police says 911 was an Inside Job and Warns of FEMA Camps A Must See NWO

Ron Paul – Obama the Hypocrite : His Kids Are Not Vaccinated Yet He’s Making Yours Get It

Copenhagen, Carbon Emissions and World Government

9/11 Victims, Heroes Dying As Congress Drags Heels

CNN’s Debate On Medical Marijuana Laws

George Soros says Chinese Must Be Part of the New World Order

Lt Col Bob Bowman lecture Statesville NC Civic Center 10/24/09

Scholastic backtracks on demand that author change book’s lesbian parents to a heterosexual couple.

Steele Agrees That GOP Should Cease To Exist In New Jersey If Corzine Wins

Schwarzenegger’s secret message to the state Assembly: ‘F*ck you.’

Harman: ‘I am not one who is enthusiastic’ about sending more U.S. troops to Afghanistan.

Gingrich Strikes Back At Beck: His Agenda Is A ‘Very Destructive Model For The Republican Party’

Inhofe: ‘Natural warming cycle’ ended ‘about nine years ago.’

Lieberman Says He’ll Filibuster Health Care Reform If Public Option Remains

House Republicans Pander To Tea Party Movement With Frivolous Resolution Inflating 9/12 Protest Numbers

FRC: Obama shouldn’t devote resources to ‘homosexual’ senior citizens because they barely exist.

Bush paid $3,571 per minute for motivational speech.

House Republicans ‘growing frustrated’ with lack of GOP alternative health care bill.

Fox News promotes incoherent ‘Obama Change Index’ to argue the President is tanking.

Lou Dobbs Slams ‘Vile Stupidity And Ignorance’ Of ‘Annoying’ Geraldo Rivera

GOP official resigns after flap over Republican candidate shooting at Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s likeness.

Parents wary of swine flu vaccine

The Swine Flu Conspiracy

Homeland Security Could Block Websites During Swine Flu Pandemic

Government May Block Websites During Pandemic

Missouri Provides Option Of Mercury-Free Vaccines

Barney Frank: "We Are Trying On Every Front To Increase The Role Of Government"

Obama's H1N1 national emergency declaration could invoke FEMA response to pandemic

Oil Tycoon: Our Troops Died ... We're "Entitled" to Sweet Contracts in Iraq

Distrusting Climate Change Globalism

LAPD's Orwellian anti-terrorism ad urges people to spy on their neighbors

Car Bomb Kills 91 in Pakistani City of Peshawar

US to Pay Taliban to Switch Sides

Taliban Already Vastly Outnumbered, NATO Making No Progress

Iraqi Parliament Shoots Down Latest Election Law

Sunni Umbrella Group Claims Credit for Baghdad Bombings

Diplomats Detail 'Worst-Case Scenario' for Iran

What Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahri Do All Day, or Why I Cannot Talk About Politics With My Father

Sibel Edmonds and John M. Cole on 9/11 era to present corruption of a spy nest in DC pointing to quite a list of neocon

Insider reveals secrets of North America plot

Video: Alex Jones Show – Swine Flu Scam Reaches New Heights With Obamas Emergency Declaration

Galbraith: Fed is Unlawfully Withholding Information from Congress

Video: Podesta Suggests Legalizing Pot and Taxing It

Video: Ron Paul on Fed Audit – Anything But Full Disclosure is Unacceptable!

Video: Implantable RFID advertisement

'write directly to memory' of living brains

Caucus As A Democrat; Filibuster As A Republican

Why the U.S. Military is Doomed to Fail in Afghanistan and Iraq

Lead, Follow, or Get Out of The Way!

Sylvester Stallone Eying 7th Rocky Movie

News Hounds: Gretchen Carlson Just Can’t Help Blurting Out Right Wing Talking Points – Or Can She?

News Hounds: The Latest President Obama Criticism: Raging Testosterone

News Hounds: More Union Bashing On Fox News

News Hounds: Tea Party Express II Orphaned By Fox?

News Hounds: Neil Cavuto Wants To Break Into Senate Health Care Negotiations

News Hounds: Fox News' Race-Baiting Consistent With Roger Ailes' History

News Hounds: Glenn Beck Crops Obama “Punished With Baby” Quote

News Hounds: The Revolving Door Between Fox News And The GOP

News Hounds: Robert Greenwald Tells It Like It Is About Fox News

News Hounds: Rep. Bob Andrews Challenges Fox To Be "Fair And Balanced"

News Hounds: Sally Quinn Helps Fox News Attack Rep. Alan Grayson And The White House

Kidnapping gangs return to Baghdad and terrorize its people

UN staff killed in Kabul attack

Google Co-founder Donates $1 Million To The Hebrew National Immigration Society

Depraved Indifference: Drone Wars, Whack Jobs and Imperial Terror


Lunar Hoax Material I - Photos - Coast to Coast AM

Lunar Hoax Material II - Photos - Coast to Coast AM

Lunar Hoax Material III - Photos - Coast to Coast AM

Lunar Hoax Material IV - Photos - Coast to Coast AM

Lunar Hoax Material V - Photos - Coast to Coast AM

Lunar Hoax Material VII - Photos - Coast to Coast AM


*WHO memos 1972 explains how to turn vaccines into a means of killing | H1N1 Flu | Swine Flu | Bioweapon | Mass Vaccination | Cure

WHO Memoranda:Bull World Health Organ Volume 47(2); 1972

10 PG/Virus-associated immunopathology: animal models and implications for human disease*

8 PG/Virus-associated immunopathology: animal models and implications for human disease*

*Documents:H1N1/ Flu/Swine Flu / Bioweapon /Mass Vaccination


The raid that rocked the Met: Why gun and drugs op on 6,717 safety deposit boxes could cost taxpayer a fortune | Mail Online

Dismantling of America

Global Analysis - J. R. Nyquist "Prosperity and the Roots of American Order" 10/23/2009

Asia Times Online - Helicopter rumors refuse to die

Disturbingly Real Replicants from Hanson Robotics | Singularity Hub

YouTube - Spy cameras in digital converter boxes

New Route To Nano Self-assembly Found

10pgs./Some Costs of the Great War: Nationalizing Private Life

On the Evolution of Aphorisms

Humanity, Efficiency, Time and Beauty


A Note on Intellectual Property and Externalities - Hardy Bouillon - Mises Institute

In Defense of Extreme Pornography - Reason Magazine

‘Rescue’: a new PC term for repatriation | spiked

Campaign For Liberty — Distrusting Climate Change Globalism | by Anthony Gregory

Sibel Edmonds and John M. Cole « Antiwar Radio with Scott Horton and Charles Goyette

Fed Up - Reason Magazine

Stealth Agencies for Gun Control

Silencing the Saber-Rattling: How the American Empire Threatens the Potential Iranian Counter-Revolution | Paul David Collins

Elizabeth Prophet - Telegraph

Insider reveals secrets of North America plot

The real climate change catastrophe - Telegraph

White House Modifies Plan to Give Away Part of U.S. H1N1 Vaccine Supply to Foreign Countries; Says Sebelius Committed 'Slight Miscommunication'

Health Care Bill Favors Marijuana and Cocaine Smokers Over Tobacco Users

Hoyer Tries to Appease Stupak on Abortion Funding in Health Care Bill; Stupak Stands by Vow to Kill Bill If No Vote on His Pro-Life Amendment

Obama’s Safe Schools Czar Advocated ‘Queering Elementary Education’

While Obama Mulls Troop Decision, Taliban Attacks Grow Bolder

Clinton Says U.S. Is ‘Turning the Page’ With Pakistan

U.N. Investigator Warns U.S. That Use of Drones May Violate International Law

In Afghanistan, International Troops Outnumber Taliban 12-1

Time to Make Troops Decision, McCain Tells Obama

Bravest Congressman Is Calling Obama’s Bluff

More Immigrants Cite Sexual Orientation for Asylum

What Happened to Liberalism?

How the FCC and Liberal Churches Are Scheming to Shut You Up

Disagreement Among Democrats Could Undermine Liberals’ Health Care Bill

Kansas Transmission Line Project Revived As Assist to Fledgling Wind-Power Industry

Snapped Rod Closes Major Bridge, Creating Traffic Nightmare for San Francisco Area

Rapper Ludacris 'Not Concerned' That Rough Lyrics Might Negatively Influence Kids

House-Senate Panel Approves Stopgap Spending Bill

Obama Cabinet Members Testify in Support of Democrats’ Climate Bill

Farm States Watching As Ohio Votes on Livestock Rules

Montana Issues First Industrial Hemp-Growing License

Andre Agassi Admits Using Crystal Meth

Palin Receives $1.25M for Book Retainer

Tenth Amendment

Newt, Sarah and a New GOP

Democrats struggle to find unity on health plan | ajc.com

Hard Counts: There’s a big ‘I’ in ‘Win’ as Reid shops for votes - The Note

Joe Lieberman: I'll block vote on Harry Reid's plan - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Mich. Democrat: Pelosi 'not happy with me' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Number Of Women Buying Handguns Increasing - cbs2chicago.com

Rats! City to Pay for Informing on Tax Cheats | NBC Chicago

GMAC may get 3rd helping of aid | Detroit Free Press | Freep.com

Tax refugees staging escape from New York

My Way News - Ex-Letterman writer claims hostile environment

DC sniper Muhammad set to die by lethal injection

Steele demands investigation into alleged WH perks for top Dem donors - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

EXCLUSIVE: Democratic donors rewarded with W.H. perks - Washington Times

Worsening job picture fuels slide in confidence - Yahoo! Finance

BBC NEWS | Americas | Honduras leader's nephew killed

The Associated Press: UN signals delay in climate change treaty

My Way News - Car bomb kills 91 in Pakistani city of Peshawar

Afghan strategy to focus on major population centers: report

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority


Audio:The Boiling Frogs Presents James Bamford

The Boiling Frogs Presents Russ Tice

The Boiling Frogs Presents Philip Giraldi

The Boiling Frogs Presents Sandalio Gonzalez

The Boiling Frogs Presents Joe Trento

The Boiling Frogs Presents Peter Lance

Audio:Nuclear Anxiety and the Cult of the Superweapon Revisited

Audio:Pax Atomica: The Nuclear World Order

Audio:Phillip D. Collins interviewed on the Zeph Report

Audio:Paul & Phillip D. Collins interviewed on the Zeph Report

Blackmailed by the Bomb: Nuclear Anxiety and the Cult of the Superweapon | Paul and Phillip D. Collins

*audio feed:Boiling Frogs

*Audio feed:Bread With Circus Radio


*Site:(images)Ephemeral Visions

Obama Not Comfortable With Women in Basketball, Golf ... or Anywhere Else - Bonnie Erbe (usnews.com)

WellPoint Studies Show ObamaCare Increases Costs - WSJ.com

PRUDEN: Something really scary for Obama's Democrats - Washington Times

Dem moderates challenge Reid on health care plan

Somali Pirates Allegedly Threaten to 'Burn Bones' of British Couple - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

EXCLUSIVE: Democratic donors rewarded with W.H. perks - Washington Times

Italian Millionaire Moves to Godforsaken Village to Live with Russian Woman - Pravda.Ru

Partying adults drive Halloween industry - Small business- msnbc.com

2 Chicago Men Charged in Terror Plot Over Muhammad Cartoons - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Season of false starts for news organizations

Narcissistic Rage in the White House

What Bill Ayers Saw in Barack Obama

Will the Real Racist Please Stand Up?

Hit and Run

UN Agenda 21 - Coming to a Neighborhood near You

Why a Harmer Win Would Be Huge

GOP Should Grow the Party, Grow the Economy, Shrink the State

What would Atlas say?

Obama's astroturf pitchfork brigade

The Senator and the spies

Democratic wishful thinking on public option

For sale: White House perks

New York Times outs Karzai's brother as CIA agent

Krauthammer on Obama's blame-Bush dithering: 'Truly disgusting' (video)

Obama's bootlicking NEA chairman

Late Night sexual harrassment

NOW accuses Obama of sexism

O'Dawdler - Failing to decide is also to decide

The First Say-to-Play President

Is Barack Obama 'too nice' for his own good?

Does the Supreme Court Still Sit?

Signing away sovereignty

Obama's True Lies

The Race Against Nothing

Reporters Without Borders: Bordering on Insanity?

Lies, damn lies, and opinion polls

Stimulate What is Needed

Why the left isn't socialist

Past clues to the present jobless recovery


Is ObamaCare Inevitable?


The Politics of Risk

Rightwing Fascists and Other Fables

Libelous Leftist Lynch Mobs by Thomas DiLorenzo

Striking Back at the Forces of Barbarism and Political Correctness by Walter Block

Ron Paul Goes Ivy League by C.J. Maloney

Liberty v. Utopia by James Ostrowski

The Fear-Mongering Pandemic! by Gary D. Barnett

More Americans Skeptical of Global Warming

Nullification: Firearms Freedom Act Introduced in Ohio | Tenth Amendment Center

The Wrong Stuff

Democracy’s Most Critical Defect | The Beacon

Jim Rogers About Commodities, China And Others

Stealth Agencies for Gun Control

Harry Reid's Public Option Plan Dead on Arrival

Lieberman Backs GOP Filibuster of Public Option

House Dems Add Long-Term Care to Public Option

Snowe Rejects Reid Public Option Plan

Dem. Sen. Lincoln: Public Option a Non-Starter

Reid Targets Government Takeover of Insurance

Congress Fears Risk of Economic Relapse

Obama Donors Get Special Access

Rove Lambastes Howard Dean in Health Debate

Hugo Chavez: Socialism 'God's Kingdom on Earth'

Chamber to Begin Ads Against Obamacare

Despite Health Woes, Dems Push Cap-and-Trade

Constitutionality of Health Overhaul Questioned

Census: 'Brain Gains' for High-Tech Cities

Conservative Opposition Rising Against Afghan War

FAA Grounds Wayward Northwest Airlines Pilots


What Is Money? by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 2 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 3 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 4 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 5 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 6 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 7 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 8 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 9 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 10 by Gary North

*The Plot Against the Church, Title Page

The Plot Against the Church, Introductory

e Book:The Plot Against the Church by Maurice Pinay

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ONE -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THREE – Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOUR—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHT—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ELEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWELVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THIRTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOURTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIFTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIXTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVENTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINETEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-ONE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-TWO: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-FOUR: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-FIVE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-SIX: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-SEVEN: Read It Before It Is [Further] Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-EIGHT: Read It Before It Is [Further] Banned By The US Government

An Implication of Liberty

Is the US Medical Crisis a Tax Crisis Instead?

Truth Inc.

Truth Inc. Pt.2

Truth Inc. Pt.3

Truth Inc. Pt 4

Truth Inc. Pt. 5

Truth Inc. Pt.6

Truth Inc. Pt 7

Truth Inc. Pt. 8

WND Player

World Net Daily Player:Compromise on 'cap-and-trade' legislation?

World Net Daily Player:Congressman rips 'government intrusion' on Wall Street

World Net Daily Player:Congressman: 'Sunshine is a great disinfectant'

World Net Daily Player:Orrin Hatch: Reid knows 'public option' won't pass

World Net Daily Player:Health care in America: The return of Hillarycare

More News……

Rush Limbaugh livid: GOP has death wish

Obama: $3.4B for 'smart' power grid - Washington Times

‘Die quickly’ Democrat apologizes for remark - Capitol Hill- msnbc.com

UN signals delay in climate change treaty

ACORN affiliate listed as federally approved charity

Schumer: 'We must not rest until we have marriage in all fifty of these United States' - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Car Bomb at Pakistan Market Kills at Least 93 - Asia | Travel | Map - FOXNews.com

Runaway convert back in Ohio after 3-month flight

Judge Limits Christian Convert's Internet, Phone Usage - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Inside Story - Al-Aqsa clashes - 27 Oct 09

OK for 63 years, now Jesus in manger gets dumped

What happened to CAIR's stars?

Let's just sell California to China

U.S. to Protect Afghan Population Centers, Officials Say - NYTimes.com

Levi: I'm Hiding "Huge" Things About Palin - The Early Show - CBS News

Constitutionality of health overhaul questioned - Washington Times

EXCLUSIVE: Democratic donors rewarded with W.H. perks - Washington Times

What if George W. Bush had done that? - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Noah Cyrus ,9, causes outrage in dominatrix Halloween costume | Celebrity | News.com.au

Pregnant covergirl of Teen Vogue raises eyebrows

"Girls Gone Wild" Busts - October 26, 2009

Muslims kill believer over photos of girlfriend

"O" God Video

Student appeals teacher's 'Jesus glasses' mockery

Americans alarmed at attacks on free speech

Porn practitioners promoted to children?

Science bulletin: 'Sun heats Earth!'

NYT dubs man-woman union: 'Opposite-sex marriage'

Save the planet! Let's give up …

Controlling climate? More like controlling humans

Using liberals' hardball tactics against them

Imagine a world without America

Might preborns become a trendy cause?

Obama should have rejected Nobel

Self-governance works

Time again for the feminists' rant

What happened to liberalism?

In 'community schools' no child is left behind

PETER MCKAY: As a poll shows Barack Obama's approval figures falling, is he a prisoner of the U.S. military? | Mail Online

Dismantling of America

Porn practitioners promoted to children?

ESPN suspends broadcaster Bob Griese over 'taco' joke less than week after Steve Phillips firing

Crumbs ... it's a racist chocolate biscuit - World - NZ Herald News

Girl's confession stuns worshippers - modernghana.com/religion

Ohio can't find doctors to advise on executions - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

Jailed Satanist who murdered cellmate for kicks has 'life meaning life' sentence cut despite saying he would kill again | Mail Online

5 now in custody in Richmond High gang rape

Fort Lauderdale teen charged with sexual battery after woman says she is fondled at Disney's Typhoon Lagoon

Beaten man accused of molesting Davie boy arrested -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Breitbart.tv » Cops Arrest Female Boy Scout Leader for Having Sex With Teen

Woman pleads guilty to sex charge involving boy | Dayton Courts: Legal and crime news

Palm Beach Post - News from The Associated Press

*The big list: Female teachers with students

San Francisco Approves Law to Protect Illegal Juveniles - Political News - FOXNews.com

Lawyers for Richard and Mayumi Heene file complaint against sheriff in balloon hoax investigation

Jordan turning into uranium mining hot spot | Middle East Conflict

The Associated Press: Calendar pokes fun at Mormon mom stereotype

Sixth-graders give dining diva Rachael Ray's lunch menu passing marks

Retailers Should Expect Price-Conscious Holiday Shoppers - Advertising Age - News

Worsening job picture fuels slide in confidence

Study: Recession makes retiring at 65 harder

Recession declared over; but job losses mounting

Solidarity Schmolidarity: Teacher Larry Sand Exposes His Union

What’s It All About, Albert?

Taking a Crack at ACORN

Is Union Priority A Dunn Deal For Obama?

How the Media Has Failed America on Healthcare Reform–Part I

Climate News Network

Rep. Shea-Porter: I Love Alan Grayson and His Moral Compass Is Wonderful to Behold

Avoiding an American Lost Decade

Obama Presidency: Bullying from the Pulpit

How the Media Has Failed America on Healthcare Reform–Part II

‘One Voice Against Socialism’ Inspires Movement

Understanding Card Check, Via Rap

SEIU/ACORN Stage Protests Against Banking Industry Meeting In Chicago

‘CSI: Miami’ Attacks ObamaCare Apostate

The Worst Song of All Time: ‘Imagine’

Larry David’s ‘Piss Christ’

Exclusive Excerpt: ‘Without Fidel’ — Hollywood’s Useful Idiots Go to Cuba

Lonewolf Diaries: Leftists Hate Your Right to Free Speech

NewsBusted: How Unpopular is President Obama?

Kidman Worries About Treatment of Women While Representing the…UN?

My Extremely Cute Chinese Communist Spy

ObamaVision: What (4th Place) CNN Chose Not to Report

Brietbart News Video

‘F*** Y**’: Schwarzenegger Flips Off Lawmakers in Hidden Message

‘A Time for Choosing’: 45th Anniversary of Ronald Reagan Address

Supermodels Take It Off for Climate Change

Levi Johnston: I’m Hiding ‘Huge’ Things About Palin

CNBC Anchor Knocks MSNBC for Lack of Balance

‘Disgusting’: Krauthammer Condemns Obama’s Blame Bush Routine

Speechless Dying Girl Leaves Notes Behind for Parents

Recession Hits the Porn Industry

Olbermann Takes on Lieberman’s Insurance Company Connections

FAA Revokes Licenses of Wayward Northwest Pilots

Update: Man Charged With Killing UConn Football Player

Four Marines From Camp Pendleton Killed

Fox News Anchor Apologizes for Non-Fair and Balanced Moment

IL Candidate Launches Epic 6-Minute Web Ad Targeting Blago’s Hair

Police: Dozen People Watched Gang Rape of CA Teen After School Homecoming

Sen. Burris Has a Lot of Questions About How the Federal Government Works

Five Charged With Torturing Home Loan Agents

Psychiatric Center Patient Stabs Doctor in Boston Hospital

5-Year-Old Body Builder Sets World Record

Church of Scientology Must Pay Big Fraud Fine in France

‘I Will Never Rush’ Decision to Send Troops Into Harms Way

Video of Rant Leads to London Underground Worker’s Resignation

Top Obama Aide Blasts Fox News While Ducking MSNBC Question

The B-Cast: GOP Readies for Face-Off Over Obama’s NLRB Nominee

The B-Cast B-Side: Lieberman Stands as Health Care Road Block

Was Obama Deceptive in Joint Session Speech About Inclusion of Abortion in Health Bill?

Lieberman Will Join Filibuster of Reid’s Plan Unless Public Option Removed

Reid Says Health Care Bill to Have Public Option

D.C. Sniper’s Ex-Wife Tells Her Story

Polanski Victim Wants Case to Go Away

Drunk Mom Found Passed Out With Kids in Backseat

Alabama Judge Cleared of Spanking Inmate Charges

Microsoft Yanks Sponsorship of ‘Family Guy’ Episode Over Riffs on Deaf People, Holocaust

Report: More Fiat Models Coming, Dodge Products To Be Phased Out

FDIC Head: Time to Put an End to ‘Too Big to Fail’ Doctrine

Hotel Owner Tells Hispanic Workers to Change Their Names

UN Nuclear Inspectors Tour Once-secret Iran Site

1812 Overature Is Recreated Using 1,000 Cellphones & 2,000 Text Alerts

‘This Is It’ Trailer: World Awaits Michael Jackson Premiere

Man Fired From Home Depot Over ‘One Nation Under God’ Button

FLASHBACK: Obama Says Healthcare Won’t Pass With a Fifty-Plus-One Strategy

Breitbart.tv » The B-Cast

The B-Cast Interview: Blogger Explains Damaging ‘Satire’ Post

The B-Cast D-Side: SEIU Holds ‘Showdown’ With Bankers

The B-Cast Interview: How Closely Is OnStar Watching Your Car?

The B-Cast C-Side: ‘One Single Payer System’ Viral Video Hits the Million Mark

The B-Cast Interview: Lord Monckton Defends His Warning for America


*American Minute for October 28th:William J Federer's American Minute


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Michelle contradicts Obama nativity story

Appeal filed in Obama eligibility argument

Devvy Kidd -- Another Citizenship Case Dismissed - What Next?


Democrats Divided Over Reid Proposal for Public Option - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - GOP Must Embrace Voters' Passion

A Drop in the Wrong Bucket

Fiddling Over Reform - Forbes.com

Is Scientology a Cult? Is Paul Haggis the Next Martin Luther? -- Politics Daily

A GOP health plan -- chicagotribune.com

Islamic countries push a global 'blasphemy' law | csmonitor.com

Pelosi has go-to gang on big votes - TheHill.com

D.C. vote hopes fade on the Hill - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Dairy farmers tell lawmakers of crisis -- latimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Dismantling America

5 big challenges ahead for Obama - USATODAY.com

Investors.com - Pro-Market Populism Is GOP's Out

Microsoft Pulls Out of Seth MacFarlane 'Family Guy' Deal - Advertising Age - Madison+Vine: News

video:'If you're going to heaven, I don't want to be there'

Exposed: The scientific impossibility of evolution

Top 10 Lessons From NBC's Failing Jay Leno Strategy - Advertising Age - The Media Guy

Mad Max: Fourth Film To Go Into Production as Passionate Fan Opens Museum Dedicated To Series | Showbiz News | Sky News

Breitbart.tv » Study: Yosemite Bears Prefer Breaking Into Minivans Over Other Cars

news video:Tightrope walkers take to the cliffs | Video | Reuters.com

More Signs Of Trouble For 2010 | The New Republic

America’s Healthy Future Act of 2009

video:Who says legalism is a bad thing?

An American decline would undermine global security | csmonitor.com

RealClearWorld - America in Decline? Think Again

Intelligence review needed - Washington Times

Jeremy J. Siegel: Efficient Market Theory and the Crisis - WSJ.com

Three cheers for the death of old economics | Anatole Kaletsky - Times Online

PIMCO - Midnight Candles Gross November

Economy is kick-started, but can it motor ahead? - washingtonpost.com

‘Jobs Created or Saved’ Is White House Fantasy: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg.com

An Economic Agenda for the GOP by Luigi Zingales, City Journal Autumn 2009

RealClearMarkets - The IRS, and Our Latest Housing Scam

America Is The World's Ninth Best Country

The Man Who Killed Glass-Steagall Wants It Back | The New Republic

Another Way AIG's Bailout Gave Taxpayers A Raw Deal - The Atlantic Business Channel

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Twelve Reasons For A Job Loss Recovery

Bill Would Shift Cost of Rescuing Banks to Large Companies - NYTimes.com

Medical Progress Today | Spotlight: Healthcare Reform: The Private Option

Health Care

Dump Olympia Snowe: Why it's smart to forget about bipartisan health reform. - By Timothy Noah - Slate Magazine

**An online guide to following the health care legislation. - By Timothy Noah - Slate Magazine

*Baucus Bill


*Transcripts :Obama's Speech on Smart Grid Technology

Obama's Remarks at DSCC/DCCC Fundraiser

Interview with Senator John Kerry

Panel on Obama, Kerry and Afghanistan

Interview with Senator Ron Wyden

Secretary Gates' Speech at Mental Health Summit


Politics Video:Krauthammer: Obama's Attacks On Bush Are "Disgusting"

Flashback: Obama: Afghanistan Decision In "Coming Weeks"

CNBC's Kudlow Rips MSNBC for Lack of Balance; Calls for Supply-Side Solutions for Economy

Schumer: "We Must Not Res Until We Have Marriage In All Fifty States"

Lieberman: Public Option Is Not "Free"

NY-23: RNC's Steele Stands By Scozzafava

McCain To Obama: Now Time To Act In Afghanistan

Sen. Gregg On Health Care & "Government" Option

NJ: Bill Clinton Campaigns For Corzine

Sen. Feingold On Afghanistan, Public Option

VA: Deeds: "Reports Of My Demise Are Much Exaggerated"

Olbermann: Lieberman Under Influence Of Insurance Companies

O'Reilly On "Crazy Congressman" Alan Grayson

Sen. Nelson Witholds Support For Health Care Bill

Obama Adviser Jarrett On MSNBC: "We're Calling Everybody Out"

Obama: Pelosi Will Go Down As One Of "Greatest Speakers Of All Time"

Sen. Hatch: Bill Would "Do Away" With Private Insurance Market

Obama: "K Street Whore" Dem An "Outstanding" Congressman

Flashback: Obama Calls Afghanistan War Of "Necessity"

Lieberman To Filibuster Reid's Plan Over Public Option

House Dem Calls Fed Aide A "K Street Whore"

NY-23: Gov. Pawlenty Endorses Hoffman

Reid: GOP Like Girl Who Won't Get Up To Dance

Rubio On Running For Senate In FL

NY-23: Gingrich Calls Hoffman Supporters "Misinformed"

NY-23: Hoffman On Endorsements

Dem Would Risk Seat Over Voting Against Federally Funded Abortion

Obama Tells Troops: "I Won't Risk Your Lives Unless It Is Absolutely Neccessary"

Ingraham On Health Care And Public Option

Sen. Wyden On Public Option In Senate Bill

NJ: Christie Says He's Not Backing Down

Olbermann: The War On FOX News Continues

O'Reilly: TIME Magazine Columnist Says FOX News Lies

Flashback: NY-23 GOP Candidate Was On Board Of Planned Parenthood

Kerry: Achieving Afghanistan Goals Doesn't Require Us To "Defeat The Taliban"

Swine Flu Declared a National Emergency

Reid Announces Push For Public Option

Frank: "We Are Trying On Every Front To Increase The Role Of Government"

Cuomo to Giuliani: Don't Run For Governor

Dem: House Has Votes To Pass Public Option

Scarborough, Smiley, Senor On WH's FOX News Strategy

NY-23: DCCC Attacks Hoffman For Being Rich

Elizabeth Edwards Describes Marriage As A "Great Love Story"

GOP Bashes Obama Over Jobs, HC In Spanish Radio Ad

VA: Anti-Deeds Ad Says He Will Raise Taxes

Clinton Taking Heat From Her Critics

NJ: Corzine Highlights Military Service In New Ad

Gov. Rendell On Opt-Out Option

14 Americans Dead In Afghanistan Chopper Crashes

*World Video:Karadzic a No-Show at Genocide Trial

President Obama Resists Pressure on Afghan War

Amnesty International: Israel Restricts PA Water

Iraqis Mourn After Worst Bombings in Two Years

Interview with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu

Female Taliban Suicide Bombers in Pakistan

Jordan's Ties with Israel Turn Cold

Mekong River Floods Attributed to Climate Change

Ex-Bosnian Serb Leader Karadzic Boycotts Trial

14 Americans Killed in Afghan Helicopter Crashes

Iraq Accuses Iran of Water Theft

Peter Galbraith's Role in Iraqi Political Affairs

Housing Crisis Triggers Clashes in Algiers

U.S. Covers Up Results of Raid on Syria

*Markets Video:Bill Gross: Dollar 'Less and Less Desirable'

GMAC Back At The Bailout Trough

Will Weak Consumer Hurt Holiday Selling?

TJX Is Looking Good

Avoid Smart Grid Stocks?

Rosenberg: Stocks 'Overvalued By At Least 20%'

Teddy Forstmann on the Future of Wall Street

Petrobras CEO: Oil Prices to Remain Volatile

Honda Posts Solid Results, Raises Outlook

Oil Taking Directions From Dollar

Shiny Future for Gold ETFs?

Public Option Back in Play

Talk Radio

10/27 The Mark Levin Show

10/26 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-27, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-26, Monday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-25, Sunday


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Mass Rejection Of Swine Flu Vaccine Continues Throughout Europe

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » UN chief calls for ‘global governance structure’ to oversee greenhouse gasses

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Economics and Moral Courage

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Pandemic Movie – Released Oct 20th – Predictive Programming?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama Will Sign Hate Crimes Bill Wednesday

**Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Fall of the Republic – Guide and Bibliography

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » A Graphic History of Newspaper Circulation Over the Last Two Decades

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Secret Documents Reveal AstraZeneca Knowingly Promoted Psych Drugs for Unapproved Use in Children

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Prominent Russian Scientist: ‘We should fear a deep temperature drop — not catastrophic global warming’

Engaging the Enemy with ‘Fall of the Republic’

Boss Bloomberg buys another election… as 39,000 homeless people check into NYC shelters each night

From Global Warming to the New World Order

Alan Jones Daily Highlights:Tue, 27 Oct 2009 10:20:00

YouTube - Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?

Has President Obama, the Constitutional Lawyer, Committed Open Treason?

TONA Research Committee - The Thirteenth Article of Amendment

Swine flu peaks out before vaccines even make it into widespread distribution

‘Oba Mao’: Chinese Grab Gear Depicting Obama as Communist

IPCC Crushes Scientific Objectivity, 91-0.

Awareness of Military Cell at FAA Headquarters of Events on Day of 9/11

Grayson causes another ruckus - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe - Boston.com

White House Steps Up Climate Efforts - NYTimes.com

Back-Door Taxes Hit U.S. With Financing in the Dark - Bloomberg.com

The LAPD fights crime, not illegal immigration -- latimes.com

NYPD To Shake Up Streets With Siren-Sound Device - News- msnbc.com

Obama to meet with Joint Chiefs on Afghanistan - CNN.com

Op-Ed Contributor - We Can Do It - NYTimes.com

Rockefellers Fund Global-warming Protests as Earth Cools

Is New York Facing a Financial China Syndrome? « JONATHAN TURLEY

AFP: Drugs giant GSK says profits soar

Dems: CIA may have misled Congress five times since 2001 - TheHill.com

Bomb kills dozens in Pakistan as Hillary Clinton arrives | World news | guardian.co.uk

Ahmadinejad: Israel 'threat' to all nations

Bullets used by British soldiers 'too small to defeat Taliban' - Telegraph

NASA launches test rocket on second try - Space.com- msnbc.com

Senate Democrats push for climate bill ahead of Copenhagen | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Moore accused of telling tales over tequilas with Chavez - Americas, World - The Independent

Brussels 'Home Office' plot to snoop on all of Europe | Mail Online

Large Hadron Collider switched on after year of repairs - Times Online

Robot armies 'will explore alien worlds' - Telegraph

Francois Mitterrand's son convicted in Angola arms smuggling case - Telegraph

Should Banana Man David Miliband be charged with treachery? | Mail Online

Jewish school taken to Supreme Court over admission - Telegraph

Lord Mandelson sets date for blocking filesharers' internet connections | Technology | guardian.co.uk

Mortgage applications slide as tax credit expiration looms - Oct. 28, 2009

US removes import levy on Israeli milk products - Israel Business, Ynetnews

ALERT: Blackwater Recruiting Agents Fluent in Urdu & Punjabi For Pakistan - Haqeeqat.Org | Face it...

British War Hero Captain Peter Lake who helped liberate France, was rudely told to 'go home' by French leader, reveals Government files | Mail Online

YouTube - Gary Webb on C.I.A. Trafficking of Cocaine

YouTube - Spielberg Lawsuit

Blackwater engaged in terrorism?

Obama administration, Pentagon prepare for homeland military deployment

911 reasons why 9/11 was (probably) an inside job - RT Top Stories

First Big Correction Underway | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

American Thinker Blog: The coming public pension nightmare


YouTube - The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex Pt1

YouTube - The Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complex (2/3)

YouTube - The Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complex (3/3)