"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

29 October 2009

29 Oct

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 28th With Hilmar von Campe

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 27th With Lindsey Williams


Russian president backs nuclear spaceship - Space- msnbc.com

National Zoo to Breed 'Insurance Population' of Bats to Study Disease | Kansas City infoZine News | USA

Do Jupiter's Red Storms Signal Massive Climate Change?

Venezuela Doesn't Want Israeli Tourists - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

ALIPAC - VIDEO: Shots Fired at home of Lou Dobbs!

Pfizer in court again, this time for Wyeth's menopause treatment Prempro -- DailyFinance

No men OR women needed: artificial sperm and eggs created for first time | Mail Online

Companies get even 'gayer' as U.S. economy plummets

Why California is studying marijuana tax - The Globe and Mail

Did Richard Goldstone hide more sinister crimes in Gaza? - Part 1: White Phosphorus and Flechettes

YouTube - UFOs sighted by Marines in Iraq

Preview Of Baroud's 'My Father Was A Freedom Fighter'

Britain delays UFO hacker's extradition - News, Gadgets & Tech - The Independent

savethemales.ca - Jewish Comic Insults Millions of Christians

Est Quod Est: Larry David Pisses on Picture of Jesus

America's Drug Crisis - Brought To You By The CIA

Bomb kills dozens in Pakistan as Hillary Clinton arrives | World news | guardian.co.uk

UN workers killed in Afghanistan attack | World news | guardian.co.uk

FT.com / Iran - Ahmadi-Nejad praises Turkish stance on Israel

Ahmadinejad: Israel 'threat' to all nations

NASA launches test rocket on second try - Space.com- msnbc.com

Holocaust Denier Sues Spielberg, Author in SoFla | NBC Miami

Curtmaynardsnewestblog: Jewess Irene Weisberg Zisblatt, Caught on Tape Lying About The holocaust

Freemasons frantically trying to hide their vice ring: How I Discovered Freemason Vice Ring

Harvard Microbiologists Poisonings Raises Security Concerns

Famous Physicists On the New Collider in Geneva | Newsweek World | Newsweek.com

Israel denies illegal diamond trade

The Raw Story | Lack of health care led to 17,000 US child deaths

Pentagon officials won’t confirm Bush propaganda program ended | Raw Story

CBC.ca Video:Obama honours fallen soldiers

video:The Real News Network - UK/USA made use of Uzbek torture

Israelis at center of ecstasy drug trade - Haaretz - Israel News

Healthcare Hoax from Hell | AfterDowningStreet.org

YouTube - No jobs= No recovery

Clinton Gets in Lively Exchange With Pakistani Students - Political News - FOXNews.com

YouTube - Groucho Marx George Bush Barack Obama

AFP: France fines black comic for anti-Semitism

Exaggeration found in number of jobs created by stimulus -- latimes.com

Councils get ‘Al Capone’ power to seize assets over minor offences - Times Online

READ EXCERPT: 'The Madoff Chronicles' By Brian Ross - ABC News

U.S. lawmakers: Block Goldstone report | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Radical mosque leader killed in FBI shootout | Detroit Free Press | Freep.com

TaxProf Blog: WSJ: 4-Year Old, 53 IRS Workers Scam $8k First-Time Home-Buyer Tax Credit

Art Students in WTC Connected to Israeli Intelligence Service

Brzezinski Says Ignore US Public | AfterDowningStreet.org

20 Sobering Statistics/Reasons As To Why We Must End the Wars and Save More of Our Soldier Children and Middle Eastern Citizens From Suffering And Dying « Dprogram.net

YouTube - Bolton: Iran will never give up nukes

The Associated Press: Ahmadinejad says West now cooperating with Iran

EclippTV :: Video :: David Icke Warns Against Rioting (Martial Law)

EclippTV :: Video :: Doctors speak out about H1N1 VACCINE DANGERS

EclippTV :: Video :: pt 1/2 Gerald Celente on the Jeff Crouere 26 Oct 2009

YouTube - pt 1/2 Gerald Celente on the Jeff Crouere 26 Oct 2009

YouTube - pt 2/2 Gerald Celente on the Jeff Crouere 26 Oct 2009

Daily Express | UK News :: Secret plan for Euro income tax

Refreshing News: How fish oil helps arthritis

YouTube - PETMAN Prototype

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Stellar blast is record-breaker

A Graphic History of Newspaper Circulation Over the Last Two Decades | The Awl

UN chief calls for ‘global governance structure’ to oversee greenhouse gasses | Raw Story

EclippTV :: Video :: What You Didn't Know About The War

EclippTV :: Video :: Girl Dies within Hours of Cervarix / Gardasil Vaccine

YouTube - THE INFOWARRIOR with Jason Bermas:CIA Admits It Trained Oswald in 1957!!

Costco to accept food stamps nationwide

Gaza Views: Yet Another Outrageous Congressional Pander to AIPAC

Curry kills gullet cancer cells - Telegraph

America’s Support Of Israel Is Not Just A Slogan « Political Theatrics

Prominent Russian Scientist: 'We should fear a deep temperature drop -- not catastrophic global warming' | Climate Depot

Army’s new bipedal robot walks, balances like a human | Raw Story

Did Schwarzenegger drop 4-letter bomb in veto?

Sheila Casey: Bush bribed reporters to ask specific questions

NSA Supercenters to Store Americans' Private Data Permanently

Paranoia in the playground | Henry Porter | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Breakthrough documentary "House of Numbers" challenges conventional thinking on HIV, AIDS by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

US Cedes De Facto Control Over East Afghan Province to Taliban -- News from Antiwar.com

Truthdig - Reports - Lieberman Twists the Knife

YouTube - Israel's nuclear capabilities - 25 Oct 09

Insider reveals secrets of North America plot « Dprogram.net

ALERT: Blackwater Recruiting Agents Fluent in Urdu & Punjabi For Pakistan - Haqeeqat.Org | Face it...

Blackwater engaged in terrorism?

RJ Eskow: Hillary's Blackwater Connection

Oh Bummer: Why Doesn't Hillary Clinton Fire Blackwater?

911 reasons why 9/11 was (probably) an inside job - RT Top Stories

Obama administration, Pentagon prepare for homeland military deployment

US Quietly Slips Funds Into Military Bill to Pay Off Taliban -- News from Antiwar.com

YouTube - Gary Webb on C.I.A. Trafficking of Cocaine

First Big Correction Underway | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

video: The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex Pt1

video:The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex Pt2

10-29-2009: Russia Hopes To Build Nuclear Ship Will Fly Humans To Mars

10-28-2009: 'Americans first' before US donates H1N1 flu vaccine

10-28-2009: AP Propaganda: Turmoil From Climate Change Poses Security Risks

GMAC May Receive Third Bailout From U.S. Government

Soros: China Could Lead New World Order

10-28-2009: NYPD To Shake Up Streets With Siren-Sound Device

10-28-2009: Robot Armies Will Explore Alien Worlds

10-28-2009: Obama signs hate crimes bill into law

New game lets players massacre civilians

National Insanity: British Parents Not Allowed in Parks With Children Unless They Complete Police Background Checks

Government Is Trying to Make Bailouts for the Giant Banks PERMANENT

More Mexicans Turn to the Lynch Mob as Crime Spirals Out of Control

Steps Toward The American Police State are Always Tried-Out in Britain First

Little Buddy GPS Device To Keep Tabs On Your Kid

Coming in December: World government

Army Develops Helmet-Mounted Radar to Watch Soldiers’ Backs

Glasses To Project Images Directly Into Retina Terminator Style

‘US Drone Attacks May Break International Law’ UN Special Rapporteur

*video:What A Nuclear War Would Look Like

Is Capitalism on the Ropes?:

Parents wary of swine flu vaccine

Homeland Security Could Block Websites During Swine Flu Pandemic

Government May Block Websites During Pandemic

The Swine Flu Conspiracy

Millennium Ark: Hot News/Asteroid Explodes Over Indonesia with Force of 3 Hiroshimas

Rockefellers Fund Global-warming Protests as Earth Cools

video:Obama To Sign New World Order Treaty?

Video: Implantable RFID advertisement

Gardasil Researcher Drops A Bombshell

Rich 'may evolve into separate species'

'write directly to memory' of living brains

Current Climate Change Not Part of Natural Cycle: New Evidence Unlike Any Seen During Previous Warming Episodes Found in Arctic

How 56.5 Million Households Live: $52,000 Median Household Income in 2009 Crushed by a Decade of Debt. A Decade of Lost Wages and Financial Debt Servitude.

archive:CNSNews.com - Medical-Bioethical Elite Seek License to Kill for Body Organs

BBC NEWS | Health | Curry spice 'kills cancer cells'

American Thinker: Narcissistic Rage in the White House

t r u t h o u t | The Stain of Dishonor and the Prerequisites for Redemption

Last Trumpet Newsletter - America - At the Point of No Return!

**Last Trumpet Ministries Online**

Radical Environmentalism: Pretext for Power and Money Grab by Would Be One World Governors » Secondhand Smoke | A First Things Blog

Nanotechnology and Nanochips - Are Populations Being Primed For Nano-Microchips Inside Vaccines?

Tell USDA: Keep Nanotech OUT of Organic!

WHO memos 1972 explains how to turn vaccines into a means of killing | H1N1 Flu | Swine Flu | Bioweapon | Mass Vaccination | Cure

White House Says No ‘Veracity’ to Argument That Forcing Individuals to Buy Health Insurance Is Unconstitutional

What Does 'Hospitalization' Mean? Under Health Care Bill, Kathleen Sebelius Will Decide

Sebelius: Feds Knew H1N1 Vaccine Supply Was Not Enough to Cover At-Risk Americans--Still May Donate Doses to Foreign Countries

National Security Lapse: FAA Says Military Should Have Been Told Sooner About Errant Plane

With U.S. War Strategy Under Review, Obama Makes Midnight Visit to Honor Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan

Obama Signs Bill Violating ‘Equal Justice Under the Law,’ Critics Say

Novartis Says It’s On Track to Deliver U.S. Swine Flu Vaccine Order

Pelosi: New Health Care Bill Is 'Historic Moment'

TV Violence against Women More Graphic, Frequent than Ever Before, PTC Says

‘Melody’ Missing from Music Industry, Quincy Jones Says

Hoyer Tries to Appease Stupak on Abortion Funding in Health Care Bill; Stupak Stands by Vow to Kill Bill If No Vote on His Pro-Life Amendment

Health Care Bill Favors Marijuana and Cocaine Smokers Over Tobacco Users

Fox News Channel, Obama Administration Talking

Indiana Officials List Fake Tamiflu, Shampoo, Photon Machine Among Swine Flu Scams

Chrysler Offers Live TV Service

White House Panel on Oceans Visits Great Lakes

Al-Qaida Sleeper Agent to Be Sentenced in Illinois

Feds: Leader of Radical Islam Group Killed in Raid

Obama Seeks New Government Powers to Dismantle Firms Deemed ‘Too Big to Fail’

Obama Considering Scaled-Down Afghan War Plan

Official: Homemade Bombs Pose Worldwide Threat-

In Afghanistan, International Troops Outnumber Taliban 12-1

While Obama Mulls Troop Decision, Taliban Attacks Grow Bolder

U.K. Cemetery: Share A Grave With A Stranger?

Obama Signs Bill Giving Homosexuals Special Protection

Bravest Congressman Is Calling Obama’s Bluff

What Happened to Liberalism?

How the FCC and Liberal Churches Are Scheming to Shut You Up

Tenth Amendment

President Barack H. Obama, One Year Later: 'C' for Effort

Obama Administration Launches Deceptive Swine Flu Propaganda Blitz

"Michael Moore's Action Plan: 15 Things Every American Can Do Right Now"

What is the Proper and Beneficial Role for a Public Police?

Mind Your Tweets: The CIA Social Networking Surveillance System

War, Negation and Muslim Identity Revisited

*Site:Social Innovation Conversations

Detroit mosque leader killed in FBI raids | detnews.com | The Detroit News

City Brights: Yobie Benjamin : A bracket snaps and closes SF Bay Bridge... Is everything else OK?

Obama signs 'hate-crimes' bill into law

'Hezbollah' dad tried to help thugs

Dem moderates challenge Reid on health care plan

Somali Pirates Allegedly Threaten to 'Burn Bones' of British Couple - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

EXCLUSIVE: Democratic donors rewarded with W.H. perks - Washington Times

5 now in custody in Richmond High gang rape

Obama: Twelve months on, the star falls back to earth - Americas, World - The Independent

A New Obama Jobs Program?

Swine Flu Panic in Perspective

Next Tuesday's Lessons for 2010

Car bomb in Pakistan greets Hillary visit

The Battlefield Paradox: Scozzafava or Hoffman?

Fear of Fox: Autocrats and the Uppity Media

ACORN exposer Hannah Giles wants to know "why?"

Life in the United Scapegoats of America

Lord of War

Divide and Conquer

It Looks Like We're Wimpy

Saluting Cyrus the Great on His Day

Mitt Romney Votes Present

Things that don't annoy Obama

WaPo editorial: Iran is playing Obama

Pay to play ambassadorships

ObamaCare and the art of distraction

Unionized States of America: Now it's the nurses

Least surprising headline: Cash for Clunkers a boondoggle

What Bill Ayers Saw in Barack Obama

Will the Real Racist Please Stand Up?

UN Agenda 21 - Coming to a Neighborhood near You

GOP Should Grow the Party, Grow the Economy, Shrink the State

What would Atlas say?

Does the Supreme Court Still Sit?

Signing away sovereignty

Obama's True Lies

The Race Against Nothing

Reporters Without Borders: Bordering on Insanity?

Lies, damn lies, and opinion polls

An Implication of Liberty

Is the US Medical Crisis a Tax Crisis Instead?

Excommunication by the Catholic Church

Kansas Republicans Draft "Health Freedom" Bill To Deny Public Option To Their Citizens

The Rachel Maddow Show: Purge and Fringe

Afghanistan's Government: A Big Albatross

Joementum 2012

Why is the NY Times dragging Germany's success story through the mud?

Why Aren't People In The Media Pushing the Story About Republicans Blocking Unemployment Benefits?

The Judge Chen Smear: O'Reilly and Crowley aghast anyone might think the forces of nativism are alive in America

Thanks To Geithner, AIG Was Forced To Pay 100% To Creditors - With OUR Money.

eBay Rejects Auction To Benefit Man Who Murdered Abortion Provider

Study Claims U.S. Health Care System Wastes $700 Billion Annually

NYT: Brother of Afghan Leader Is Said to Be on C.I.A. Payroll

The Bitter Man and his Republican Base

Joe Conason Cuts Through Some of the Hackery on Lou Dobbs' Show

A Beckean Slip: Confusing the president with bin Laden, while touting theory that Obama is a Marxist

Republican Introduces Resolution To Honor Anti-Government Teabaggers

Chris Matthews Claims the Country is "Lurching to the Right"

Our NATO "Partners"

Blue Dog Fundraising Takes A Nose Dive. Wonder Why?

Director Publicly Quits Church of Scientology Over Their Support For Calif's Prop 8

Swine Flu Is Stressing ERs Everywhere - And We're Not in Flu Season Yet.

The Glenn Beck Cartoon Show: 'We've raised a generation of potential killers'; Plus! 'We're watching what happened to Russia'

Darrell Issa's Campaign Contributors

First US Official Resigns Over Afghan War; Says "It's Not Worth The Fight"

Doctor-killing zealots hold an online fund-raiser for the assassin of Dr. Tiller -- in hopes of using "necessity" defense

Chamber of Commerce's Tom Donohue Refuses To Say He Believes In Science Behind Climate Change

Wyden, Merkley Promise A Floor Fight To Open Public Option

Joe Lieberman Says He Will Not Support Health Care Reform Bill, Or Vote For Cloture Against GOP Filibuster: UPDATED w/ video

Jogging Bernie Goldberg's memory: 'Who exactly at Fox News is inciting a rebellion against the government?'

Low Flu Vaccination Rate Reveals Massive Repudiation of American Government by Bill Sardi

On Sacrificing for an Idea by Gary North

On the Receiving End of Democracy by Butler Shaffer

The Return of the Great Depression by Vox Day

Living the outlaw life: The Importance of Escape by Claire Wolfe 0205

End Day Light Saving Time

Believe it or not, your lungs are six weeks old - and your taste buds just ten days! So how old is the rest of your body? | Mail Online

The Sex-Housework Link - WSJ.com

BBC NEWS | Europe | Fake Dutch 'moon rock' revealed

Mrs. Logic ; Ayn Rand never got into an argument she couldn’t win. Except, perhaps, with herself.

Uniqueness is key in avoiding economic hardship - Opinion

*Site:Vox Popoli(http://voxday.blogspot.com/)

Classical Liberalism versus Anarchocapitalism - Jesus Huerta de Soto - Mises Institute

Mystery stone found near church linked to Knights Templar - Scotsman.com News

BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | The map that changed the world

Europe’s creepy places: Even when it’s not Halloween, boneyards and damp, creaky places can chill the bones | Stars and Stripes

Brain scanners can tell what you're thinking about - life - 28 October 2009 - New Scientist

Damn Data ¦ The Chinese cat girl | Cabinet of Wonders


Pelosi Denies Public Access to Public Space for Public Plan Announcement

News Photographer Assaulted Outside Michigan Mosque

Lou Dobb’s Says Someone Fired Gunshot at His Home

DNC Uses Flag Desecration Video to Raise Funds

Cops Catch Iowa Burglars Despite Permanent Marker Masks

Woman Accused in Sex-for-Tix Case Does TV Interview

Update: O’Reilly Debriefs Producer After Grayson Confrontation

Politico Posits: What if George W. Bush Had Done That?

The B-Cast Interview: AFP’s Kerpen on Obama’s Information Control Apparatus

Cavuto: ‘Die Quickly’ Rep. Grayson Hates Me, Not Fox

Feds: Leader of Radical Islam Group Killed in Raid

Republican Leader: No GOPers Have Seen Reid’s Health Bill Being Scored by CBO

Congressman Grills NFL Commissioner Over Limbaugh Fracas

WH Pressed on Report Claiming Democratic Donors Rewarded with W.H. Perks

‘O’Reilly Factor’ Producer Confronts Rep. Grayson Over ‘Whore’ Insult

‘The Single Payer Bunch’ Highlights ‘Public Option Double-Speak’

‘F*** You’: Schwarzenegger Flips Off Lawmakers in Hidden Message

Supermodels Take It Off for Climate Change

Two Men Shot in Legs Outside LA Synagogue

‘Wah’: Congressman Mocks Democrats for ‘Big Lie’ About GOP Opposition to Health Care

The B-Cast B-Side: Limbaugh Looks Back at Landmark Reagan Speech

88-Year-OId Woman Walks 10,000 Miles in Husband’s Memory

Man Torches Van in Front of PA Dealership

Clinton in Pakistan: Fighting Extremism Can’t Be Avoided

Uncertain Political Future Clouds NASA Test

Update: Agreement Reached After Black College Students Banned from Chicago Bar

Rescuers Reach Chinese Boy Trapped Between Two Buildings for Five Hours

Coyote Attack Kills Touring Folk Singer

Attorney: My Client Was Too Fat To Kill

Olbermann Takes on Lieberman’s Insurance Company Connections

Reid: GOP Like Girl Who Won’t Get Up to Dance

Psychiatric Center Patient Stabs Doctor in Boston Hospital

Was Obama Deceptive in Joint Session Speech About Inclusion of Abortion in Health Bill?

Lieberman Will Join Filibuster of Reid’s Plan Unless Public Option Removed

Recession Hits the Porn Industry

Forget the Key Fob — Use Your iPhone to Unlock/Start Your Car

Microsoft Researchers Play Guitar Hero Using Muscle Controll Interface

Salute to Windows 7 with 7000 dominoes

Microsoft Yanks Sponsorship of ‘Family Guy’ Episode Over Riffs on Deaf People, Holocaust

Church of Scientology Must Pay Big Fraud Fine in France

The B-Cast B-Side: Lieberman Stands as Health Care Road Block

The B-Cast: GOP Readies for Face-Off Over Obama’s NLRB Nominee

FLASHBACK: Obama Says Healthcare Won’t Pass With a Fifty-Plus-One Strategy

The B-Cast: More Liberals Call Glenn Beck Names

*Site:Patients First/Hands Off Our Health Care

How the Media Has Failed America on Healthcare Reform–Part I

How the Media Has Failed America on Healthcare Reform–Part II

‘One Voice Against Socialism’ Inspires Movement

SEIU/ACORN Stage Protests Against Banking Industry Meeting In Chicago

LameStream Media: Why Did You Bypass These Juicy ACORN Nuggets?

We Are Living in an Ayn Rand Novel

Why You Should Care About CAIR….

ObamAmerica: Reign of the Czars

Taxpayer-Funded Research Helps Congressmen Become More Popular

Thursday Open Thread: Crash and Burn Edition

Exclusive Book Excerpt: Fannie and Freddie’s Starring Role in the Housing Debacle

Exclusive: NUTBUSTERZ Launched To Expose Working Families Party/ACORN Scam

AstroTurfing and Global Warming: The Testimony You’re Not Supposed to Hear

Bertha Lewis and the Campaign to DeFox America

**Comprehensive List of Unconstitutional Obama Czars | The Adventures of Mr. Buff :: Political and Constitutional Blog

ObamaVision: What (4th Place) CNN Chose Not to Report

‘This Is It’: A Genuine Thriller

Daily Gut: Valerie Jarrett’s B.S.

Gore Vidal Describes Polanski’s Victim as ‘Young Hooker’

Hilary Swank: I Allow a Six Year-Old to See Me Nude

Stand Up Notes From Flyover Country: Admit It, Conservatives Are Racist

Bullying Screen Actors Guild Does More Harm then Good

On Teabagging and Other Oral Servitudes

***Speculation Mounts Over Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Bid

Obama Administration Launches Deceptive Swine Flu Propaganda Blitz

*Has President Obama, the Constitutional Lawyer, Committed Open Treason?

Former Smashing Pumpkins Frontman: Flu Pandemic is Propaganda

French Citizens File Complaint: Vaccine Is Attempt to Poison Population

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Bush TV Propaganda Program Continues Under Obama

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Leading Climate Scientist: Cap and Trade Could Ruin US Economy

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » World War V : Robot Vs Robot

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Skeptical UN IPCC Scientist: ‘The use of fossil fuels has done more to benefit human kind than anything else since the invention of agriculture’

Ashland store flier casts doubt about H1N1 vaccine | MailTribune.com

U.S. Home Vacancies Rise to 18.8 Million on Defaults - Bloomberg.com

video:Student Vigilante Group Armed With Guns Searching For Bad Guys Near UW Campus

Senate Democrats push for climate bill ahead of Copenhagen | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Obama endorses military commissions for Guantánamo detainees | csmonitor.com

24 « October « 2009 « Web of Evidence: What They Don't Want You To Know

HPD Begins Creative Crackdown - Houston News Story - KPRC Houston

Doctors admit to practising 'slow euthanasia' on terminally-ill patients | Mail Online

Is New York Facing a Financial China Syndrome? « JONATHAN TURLEY

Price to PepsiCo for Not Being in Court: $1.26 Billion - Yahoo! Finance

Monsters among us

I'll pass on 'opting out'

'Muslim Mafia' media blackout

A glorious day

BHO: The consummate hypocrite

How hate-crime law works

A Halloween smear against Netanyahu

The 80th anniversary of national humility

When sports-lefties go political

Healthcare Hypocrites | CommonDreams.org

Imagine a world without America

Hannah Giles : Mainstream Media Ignores Juicy ACORN Nuggets - Townhall.com

Pay Czar Refutes Report He Raised Base Salaries - ABC News

Recession declared over; but job losses mounting

More Americans Disapprove of Obama's Job on Economy: Poll - Politics and Government * US * News * Story - CNBC.com

video:Assistant Attorney General Roland Corning Caught With Stripper | WSPA

Gray Hair Cure Available in 10 Years, Says L'Oreal - StyleList Fashion Blog

Asteroid blast reveals holes in Earth's defences - space - 26 October 2009 - New Scientist

Skull of huge sea monster that could have eaten T. rex found in Dorset - Times Online

Students Say Officials Could Have Stopped Gang Rape - ABC News

British Virgin Islands jury convicts David Swain of wife Shelley Tyre's scuba-diving murder

video:'View' on Teacher Sex Abuse - ABC News

Larry David Blasted for 'Curb' Episode Where He Urinates on Jesus Painting - FOXNews.com

Thousands gather as Virgin Mary set to make major statement at Knock shrine | Irish News | IrishCentral

'Peace partner' orchestrated Temple Mount violence

Arab prof: 'Blowing oneself up' OK in Tel Aviv

Climate change, 58 million years, but no evolution

Islamic states pushing for 'global blasphemy law'

Student appeals teacher's 'Jesus glasses' mockery

Americans alarmed at attacks on free speech

Confirmed: Skin cream contains fetal proteins

Swiss crackdown on 'suicide tourism' could spell end of Dignitas clinic - Times Online

Pink slips 2.5 times higher than Washington Monument

America's pro-homosexual giants: 2010

How 'gay rights' is being sold to America

Patrols boosted at synagogue after attack - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

'Desecrated flag' video is DNC finalist - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

FT.com / UK - Saudis drop WTI oil contract

Stock analysts issue 'Black Tuesday' warning

Economy grows at best pace in 2 years - Stocks & economy- msnbc.com

My Way News - Stimulus jobs overstated by thousands

Nervous W.H. intervened in N.J. race; top Obama adviser now in charge - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Pentagon to offer swine flu vaccine to terror suspects - Breaking News - MiamiHerald.com

H1N1 fears lead to rush on Tamiflu - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Islamic states pushing for 'global blasphemy law'

Obamacare to put Planned Parenthood in charge?

Pelosi Unveils Health Bill With Government-Run Insurance Option - Political News - FOXNews.com

Could Roland Burris Block Reid's Health Care Bill? - The Note

Climate change, 58 million years, but no evolution

Will student prez be ousted over this?

Americans alarmed at attacks on free speech

U.S. Making Plans to Deal with a Nuclear Armed Iran - The Woodward Report

FAA Reacted Slowly to Errant Jet - WSJ.com

Interview with Charles Krauthammer: 'Obama Is Average' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

NYT dubs man-woman union: 'Opposite-sex marriage'

Rush Limbaugh livid: GOP has death wish

Science bulletin: 'Sun heats Earth!'

Porn practitioners promoted to children?

Post Tech - Obama tech adviser Susan Crawford plans departure

Earliest star blast helps astronomers peer back to dawn of time | Mail Online

Russian space agency plan to build NUCLEAR space rocket | Mail Online

Jackie Mason

Jackie Mason:Taliban a threat? Nah, it's Fox News!


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Appeal filed in Obama eligibility argument

Obama law tab up to $1.7 million

Michelle contradicts Obama nativity story

Does eligibility court clerk have ties to Obama?


*American Minute for October 29th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Politics Video:Pelosi: New Health Care Bill Is "Historic Moment"

Lou Dobbs Says Shots Fired At His Home

GOP Congressman Denied Entrance To Pelosi's Unveiling Of Health Plan

DNC Attacks Palin's "Lies" In New Web Ad

Clyburn Announces Health Care Surcharge For Rich

Sen. Landrieu On Cost Of Health Care

Sun's Zurawik On Obama Admin's Criticism Of FOX News

Gov. Pawlenty On "Disingenuous" Opt-Out Option

VA: Romney Stumps For McDonnell

Rep. Sestak On Afghanistan & Senate Race

Olbermann: Kos On The "Health" In Health Care Reform

O'Reilly: Will Afghanistan Be Obama's Waterloo?

"Special Report" Panel On Health Care, Grayson

Rep. Kucinich Reacts To House Health Reform Bill

Flashback: Obama: Afghanistan Decision In "Coming Weeks"

Schumer: "We Must Not Res Until We Have Marriage In All Fifty States"

Gibbs: Obama Donors Not Given White House Perks

McConnell: Dems Not Sharing Health Care Bill With GOP

McCain To Obama: Now Time To Act In Afghanistan

Lieberman: Public Option Is Not "Free"

Sen. Gregg On Health Care & "Government" Option

Krauthammer: Obama's Attacks On Bush Are "Disgusting"

CNBC's Kudlow Rips MSNBC for Lack of Balance; Calls for Supply-Side Solutions for Economy

NY-23: RNC's Steele Stands By Scozzafava

Sen. Feingold On Afghanistan, Public Option

NJ: Bill Clinton Campaigns For Corzine

VA: Deeds: "Reports Of My Demise Are Much Exaggerated"

Olbermann: Lieberman Under Influence Of Insurance Companies

O'Reilly On "Crazy Congressman" Alan Grayson

Sen. Nelson Witholds Support For Health Care Bill

Obama Adviser Jarrett On MSNBC: "We're Calling Everybody Out"

Obama: Pelosi Will Go Down As One Of "Greatest Speakers Of All Time"

Sen. Hatch: Bill Would "Do Away" With Private Insurance Market

Obama: "K Street Whore" Dem An "Outstanding" Congressman

Flashback: Obama Calls Afghanistan War Of "Necessity"

Lieberman To Filibuster Reid's Plan Over Public Option

House Dem Calls Fed Aide A "K Street Whore"

NY-23: Gov. Pawlenty Endorses Hoffman

Reid: GOP Like Girl Who Won't Get Up To Dance

Rubio On Running For Senate In FL

NY-23: Gingrich Calls Hoffman Supporters "Misinformed"

NY-23: Hoffman On Endorsements

Dem Would Risk Seat Over Voting Against Federally Funded Abortion

Obama Tells Troops: "I Won't Risk Your Lives Unless It Is Absolutely Neccessary"

Ingraham On Health Care And Public Option

Sen. Wyden On Public Option In Senate Bill

NJ: Christie Says He's Not Backing Down

Olbermann: The War On FOX News Continues

O'Reilly: TIME Magazine Columnist Says FOX News Lies


*Transcripts/Obama's Remarks on 2010 Defense Spending Bill

Pay Czar's Testimony to House Oversight Panel

Senators Graham & Cornyn on the Public Option

Google CEO Eric Schmidt on Health Care

Roundtable on the 2009 Elections

Analysts Discuss the Public Option Opt-Out

Interview with Texas Gov. Rick Perry

Interview with Energy Secretary Stephen Chu

Obama's Speech on Smart Grid Technology

Obama's Remarks at DSCC/DCCC Fundraiser

Interview with Senator John Kerry

Panel on Obama, Kerry and Afghanistan

Interview with Senator Ron Wyden

Secretary Gates' Speech at Mental Health Summit


*World Video:Karzai Brother a Drug-dealing CIA Agent?

President Obama Addresses Israeli Presidential Conference

Indian Army: Taliban Are Not in Kashmir

Iran-Turkish Relations

Six UN Staff Killed in Kabul Attack

Clinton: Fighting Extremism Can't Be Avoided

Ethiopia Grips with Famine

China's 'Re-Education' Camp Failure

Vietnam Farmers Paid Not to Farm

Palestinians Homeless Again after Eviction

*Markets Video:U.S. Economy Grows 3.5% in 3rd Quarter

Jamie Dimon: 'Better Regulation'

Expect Another Financial Crisis?

Salazar on U.S.'s Long-Term Energy Ambitions

Bill Gross: Dollar 'Less and Less Desirable'

GMAC Back At The Bailout Trough

Will Weak Consumer Hurt Holiday Selling?

TJX Is Looking Good

Avoid Smart Grid Stocks?

RealClearPolitics - Dems' Health Plans vs. Common Sense

RealClearPolitics - Obama is Overreaching

RealClearPolitics - The Outlook for the 2009 Elections

RealClearPolitics - Lessons of Two Campaigns

RealClearPolitics - Democrats' Unhealthy Reform Plans

The public option in the real world

Centrist Democrats = Corporate Sellouts

What's Still Wrong with Wall Street

RealClearPolitics - Four Races Will Test the Strength of Obama's Majority

Disorganized | The New Republic

Mr. Gore, Your Solution to Global Warming Is Wrong

RealClearPolitics - Uncontrolled Muslim Influx a Threat to the West

EDITORIAL: Getting ready for the Islamic bomb - Washington Times

Beyond public option, big decisions loom for healthcare reform bill - TheHill.com

FEC puts Obama in a bind - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

Debate on H1N1 – Our view: Government over-promises, under-delivers on flu shots - Opinion - USATODAY.com

FTC's Powers Would Grow Under Financial Overhaul - WSJ.com

PostPartisan - Is America really becoming more conservative?

'The Last Gasp of the Dinosaurs' - Reason Magazine

Editorial - Ongoing Agony of the Banks - NYTimes.com

GMAC Shows Limits of Resolution, Systemic Risk Proposal - BusinessWeek

Can We Fix Too Big To Fail Without Shrinkage? | The New Republic

Paul Volcker: Where Are You Now? - FP Magazine Daily

When the Fed Was Boring — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

Why the Goldman Sachs-AIG Story Won’t Go Away: Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg.com

RealClearMarkets - The Public Option Opt-Out Is No Panacea

Jon Markman - Why Big Oil is on its way back - MSN Money

All Debt is Not Created Equal: Government Debt is NOT the Same as Private Debt « naked capitalism


Obama's Pander to Seniors Is the Wrong Stimulus - The Atlantic Business Channel

Google launches full-song music search - Technology Live - USATODAY.com

Official Google Blog: Making search more musical

Google Music Gives Users New Way To Search And Listen - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

'Michael Jackson's This Is It' Banks $2.2 Million On Premiere Night - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

Jon Gosselin and Octomom -- The Next Beatles | TMZ.com

News – Levi Johnston: Full-Frontal Playgirl Shots Will Be "Tastefully" Done – Celebrity News – UsMagazine.com

'Paranormal Activity' Is Most Profitable Film Of All-Time - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Four charged over celebrity theft

Self-Image and Party Politics - The Conversation Blog - NYTimes.com

2 suspects sought in FBI probe of radical group | Detroit Free Press | Freep.com

Engineers: Bay Bridge woes show need for critical action - CNN.com

Obama Pitches Health Bill to Businesses - CBS News

YouTube - Democrats Should Take Advantage Of Fundraising

Karl Rove: Tuesday's Elections and the Obama Agenda - WSJ.com

FAA Slow to Warn Military of Wayward Plane - CBS News

Speaking Truth to Power - Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld - FOXNews.com

Michelle Obama Graces Cover of Glamour, New York Times Magazines - ABC News

YouTube - The Imperfect Obama Marriage

Florida Teacher Who Had Sex With Student Allowed Contact With Children - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Sarah Palin Charging $100K for Iowa Speech? Not Exactly. - The Gaggle Blog - Newsweek.com

Author Cancels Seminars After Sweat Lodge Deaths in Arizona - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

The Associated Press: Accused spy scientist due in court

YouTube - Raw Video: Two Shot Outside L.A. Synagogue

Iran Delivers Response to U.N. Nuclear Watchdog - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: Clinton cites Pakistani inaction on al-Qaida haven

YouTube - Clinton: Fighting Extremism Can't Be Avoided

Nothing will happen at Copenhagen until the 11th-and-a-half hour | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Religious leaders join to battle climate change - Telegraph

The Associated Press: Iraq arrests security officials over Baghdad blast

BBC NEWS | Europe | East-west climate row at EU talks

U.N. Reassessing Security After Deadly Kabul Assault - NYTimes.com

Number of voting centers for Afghanistan presidential election will increase -- latimes.com

Georgetown/On Faith: Benedict the Radical - Patrick J. Deneen

Barack Obama meets coffins of soldiers killed in Afghanistan at air force base | World news | guardian.co.uk

U.S. Embargo on Cuba Again Finds Scant Support at U.N. - NYTimes.com

VOA News - African Leaders Discuss Proposals for Resolving Darfur Conflict


10/28 The Mark Levin Show

10/27 The Mark Levin Show

10/26 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-28, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-27, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-26, Monday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-25, Sunday


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*Site:Lala - Where music plays


**The 912 Project Radio Show**

WND Player

World Net Daily Player:Democrats 'playing politics' with U.S. military

World Net Daily Player:How Obamacare impacts average Americans

World Net Daily Player:Middle class 'can't opt out' of Obamacare

World Net Daily Player:Bipartisan 'cap-and-trade' deal needed?

World Net Daily Player:Hero Marine recalls 'chaotic' Battle of Fallujah


*e Book:The Jubilee Principle