"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

22 October 2009

22 Oct '09


*(1:50:05)Alex Jones:The Fall of the Republic

(1:53:40)The Obama Deception HQ Full length version


YouTube - 10/21/09 Ron Paul with Tavis Smiley (Part 1/2)

YouTube - 10/21/09 Ron Paul with Tavis Smiley (Part 2/2)


The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 20th With David Ray Griffin

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 19th With Lindsey Williams


Truth Inc.

Truth Inc. Pt.2

Truth Inc. Pt.3

Truth Inc. Pt 4

Truth Inc. Pt. 5

Truth Inc. Pt.6

Truth Inc. Pt 7

**e Book:Mises on Money


Fall Of The Republic Devastates Globalist Agenda

YouTube - Alex Jones asks supporters to redouble efforts to save falling Republic

Enslavement by a New Copenhagen Protocol to the Climate Change Treaty

*Audio:Kevin Barret’s Show - Jonathan Elinof on the Israeli Art Student Mossad Connection

YouTube - Art Students in WTC Connected to Israeli Intelligence Service, Investigaiton by CoreOfCorruption.com

TruthAlliance.net - Videos: WTC B-Thing Art Students

archive:Balcony Scene (Or Unseen) Atop the World; Episode at Trade Center Assumes Mythic Qualities - The New York Times

Art Students in WTC Connected to Israeli Intelligence Service

Military Trains for Terrorist Attack On International Health Summit

archive:Secret DHS Doc Predicts Violence in Response to New Gun Restrictions

archive:Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists

YouTube - We Are Change Boston Questions Paul Volcker About The Bilderberg Group

*Why Do Chemtrails Not Exist? Because They Exist

Canada Decides To Approve Unlicensed Adjuvanted Vaccines

**Prevent Disease.com - H1N1 Vaccine Packages’ Inserts Ingredients and Warnings**

How Did America Fall So Fast?

YouTube - Ron Paul on Senators Jeff Merkley and Bob Corker new bill to sabotage the Audit The Fed bill

YouTube - We Are Change Boston Questions Paul Volcker About The Bilderberg Group

*Pentagon Used Psychological Operation on US Public, Documents Show | CommonDreams.org

*Senior official in Bush domestic propaganda program remains Obama’s Pentagon spokesman | Raw Story

**Military Analysts/ documents, audio files and photos**

Pay Czar to Slash Compensation at Seven Firms - WSJ.com


'Safe Schools" czar funds Harvard Act Up exhibit

Obama czar tied to 'radical' homosexual group (OneNewsNow.com)

UCLA Study: The Internet Is Altering Our Brains - Biology | Astronomy | Chemistry | Physics - FOXNews.com

Technology Review: Massive Gene Database Planned in California

CNSNews.com - Hoyer Says Constitution’s ‘General Welfare’ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance

Court to FBI: No spying on in-car computers - CNET News

'Fat Family' In Dundee Split Up As Overweight Couple's Seven Children Taken Into Care | UK News | Sky News

Rumours of Western support for Iranian dissident militia groups have broad backing - Times Online

Israel wants law of war changed

Hank Paulson Held A Secret Meeting With Goldman Sachs In Moscow

Credit Card Companies Evolving Revenue Streams: Penalty for Paying on Time, 79.9% Annual Fee, Rising Charge Offs. The New Credit Card Revenue Streams.

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The JFK Assassination: New York Times Acknowledges CIA Deceptions

Alexander to White House: Don't Create 'Enemies List' - Roll Call

Flashback: Forget The Tabloids, Political Hit Lists Are Real

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Afghanistan opium production reaches 6,900 tons

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » How Did America Fall So Fast?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » If Not for the Bankers We Would Have Suffered a Second Depression

Archive:Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade scheme will wreck U.S. economy | Washington Examiner

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Press Release: Federal Reserve Accountability Act An Unacceptable Compromise

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Jesse Ventura talks about Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize and the Wars

YouTube - Jesse Ventura talks about Obama's Nobel Peace Prize and the Wars

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » How a Crashing Dollar Hides Trends

**Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 7 Months After Stimulus 49 of 50 States Have Lost Jobs**

YouTube - VP Joe Biden: "This Is a Depression. This Is a Depression"

Archive:Washington's Blog:The Rising Tide of Unemployment in America: How Bad Will It Get, And What Can We Do?

Archive:Washington's Blog: U.S. Suffering Permanent Destruction of Jobs

Archive:Washington's Blog:Has the Government Sowed the Seeds for Green Shoots or Another Depression?

HP Enterprise Services Home: Business Process Outsourcing, IT Outsourcing and Application Services

GCHQ - Government Communications Headquarters

GCHQ outsources net snooping... to EDS • The Register

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » U.S. Hate Law Encourages International Enforcement

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Bands ‘rage against the machine’ for torture info

Grassley Warns HHS Web Site May Be ‘Propaganda’ - Roll Call

Save the planet: time to eat dog? - environment | Stuff.co.nz

Goldman Sachs’s Griffiths Says Inequality Helps All

Pickens says U.S. firms 'entitled' to Iraqi oil | Markets | Reuters

Iran denies nuclear talks with Israel

Iran, Israel traded barbs at nuclear talks: delegate

Profit Driven Swine Flu Propaganda - Pump Up the Volume Part 1

Profit Drive Swine Flu Propaganda - Pump Up the Volume - Part 2

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Profit Drive Swine Flu Propaganda – Pump Up the Volume – Part 2

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Goldman "Educating" Obama Administration

British nuclear expert falls 120ft to his death in Vienna - Telegraph

British nuclear expert dies in 40-metre plunge – General News – Austrian Times

Afghanistan opium production reaches 6,900 tons

Key Figure in AIPAC Spy Scandal Interrupts Sentence to Call for Regime Change in Iran

YouTube - Banksters Are Just Like the Drug Cartel 10/19/09

YouTube - Federal Reserve Exposed by Richard Belzer

The Scientist Who Mistook Himself for a Spy - The Lede Blog - NYTimes.com

Is AIPAC Still the Chosen One? | Mother Jones

Assimilation & Intermarriage | Jewish Defense League

Waiting for the Next McMansion to Drop

Losing their lifeline - 7,000 a day

YouTube - Goldstone challenges US over Gaza report

Ex-FBI Translator Claims Spying at DoD

Smoking Mirrors: The Hour is Coming Round at Last as Surely it Must.

voluntaryist.com:Fundamentals of Voluntaryism

Chris Matthews on Disobeying Illegal Orders « LewRockwell.com Blog

YouTube - Chris Matthews Takes On Right Wing "Oath Keepers" Founder

How to be a swine flu vaccine zealot (satire) by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

Manne uses Holocaust to smear sceptical scientists | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

Climate change could cause more problems than two world wars, Brown warns - Telegraph

Judge Limits Statute's Ability to Curb Iraq Contractor Fraud - New York Times

Thinktank calls for 7p income tax rise to plug hole in state finances | Politics | guardian.co.uk

Dollar Dumping Will Remain the Hot Trade - Market Insider with Patti Domm - CNBC.com

'U.S. to stand by Israel in the fight against Goldstone report' - Haaretz - Israel News

EclippTV :: Video :: Greenpeace Leader Admits Arctic Ice Exaggeration

EclippTV :: Video :: Wall Street insider Nomi Prins - "Recovery is not even on horizon"

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul - The more troops we send the worse things get!

Pelosi Refuses to Call New Spending Another Stimulus Package - Roll Call

Judeofascism.com: Just as they denied genocide of Armenians, Zionists deny Communist-perpetrated genocide of Ukrainians, all to advance a Jewish-exceptionalist agenda

Rabbi Medan: Moral Weakness Allows Islam to Take Over the World - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

Steve Rosen to 'Post': CIA, FBI paranoid about Mossad | International News | Jerusalem Post

Jobs Will Not Return Until 2017

Fake 'Conficker.B Infection Alert' spam campaign drops scareware | Zero Day | ZDNet.com

SEAL THE DEAL: Climate change could stem global tourism, UN cautions

Afghan opium is most lethal drug worldwide | Detroit Free Press | Freep.com

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Russian anger over Afghan drugs

Johann Hari: The three fallacies that have driven the war in Afghanistan - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

Hypocrisy Unbridled « amahchewahwah

Think Progress » Rep. Alan Grayson Grills Republican Congressman On Constitutionality Of Anti-ACORN Crusade

YouTube - Grayson v. Broun on the Constitution

Think Progress » Malkin: The content of Obama’s off-the-record meeting with liberal journalists ‘ought to be disclosed.’

YouTube - Michelle Malkin wants President Obama to stop having off-the-record meetings

Cheney: Obama Should Stop ‘Dithering’ On Afghanistan And Just Copy The Bush Administration’s Strategy

YouTube - Dick Cheney: Obama "Putting Politics Over Security"

Buchanan on GOP and Fox linking Obama to Nixon: ‘It is the most idiotic comparison I’ve ever seen.’

YouTube - Former Nixon aide Pat Buchanan: Obama is no Nixon

Bachmann Says Dole And Frist Represent A ‘Non-Pro-Freedom Agenda’ Because They Want Health Reform

YouTube - Rep. Bachmann And Ingraham Trash Republicans Bill Frist And Bob Dole

YouTube - Ingraham Says Pelosi Opposes Bachmann Because Of Her Gender

Liberal Analyst Found Out Through ‘Google Alert’ That Fox News Fired Him

YouTube - LIberal Fox analyst discovered he was fired via 'Google alert'

Think Progress » John Stossel: ‘I Don’t Subscribe To Lou Dobbs-Kind Of Rants About Immigrants Wrecking America’

YouTube - John Stossel criticizes Lou Dobbs

Snowe: I Don't Support Public Option Opt Out Compromise

Gibbs: What Cheney Calls 'Dithering,' Obama Calls 'His Solemn Responsibility'

TARP Chief Confirms Pay Cuts For Bailed Out Execs

What's the Public Option, Again?

Bob Chapman says 'hyperinflation next year'

YouTube - New collapse footage of WTC7 and North Tower - Nov 2008

United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict

10-22-2009: Bill Granting FDA New Powers To Oversee Nation's Food Supply Gets Broad Support

10-22-2009: Blackburn: Net neutrality is "fairness doctrine for the Internet"

10-22-2009: Niall Ferguson: The Dollar Is Finished And The Chinese Are Dumping It

10-22-2009: Bailout May Cost $23.7 Trillion: Barofsky

10-22-2009: ESA Looking For Volunteers For Simulated Mars Trip

10-22-2009: Dems Looking To Raise Debt Ceiling To $13 Trillion

Rumors of Western support for Iranian dissident militia groups have broad backing

Navy's New Slogan: A Global Force For Good

Geo-Strategic Chessboard: War Between India and China?

America's Phoney War in Afghanistan

Sy Hersh: Military 'In War Against The White House'

Why Liberals Kill

Pensions: the Next Casualty of Wall Street

Largest Transfer of Wealth to Financial/Political Elite in Global History

Fall of the Republic Debuts

Fall of the Republic released today: Alex Jones asks supporters to redouble efforts to save falling Republic

Derren Brown: Zombie Game Hypnosis

The Scientific Dictatorship and the Future of Humanity

Government Propaganda To Infest Network TV Shows

The Rich Have Stolen the Economy

DARPA, Microsoft, Lockheed team up to reinvent TCP/IP

High-Speed 'Other' Internet Goes Global

*Audio:Full Spectrum Dominance: Will financial collapse impact the global agenda?

*Audio:Interview on the Causes of High Oil Prices

Winter Patriot: What Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahri Do All Day, or Why I Cannot Talk About Politics With My Father

video:The Scientific Dictatorship and the Future of Humanity

CIA To Monitor Internet Chatter For Anti-Government Sentiment

video:Obama To Sign New World Order Treaty?

The Bill Nobody Noticed: National DNA Databank

Breaking the Corrupting Cycle of Civilization

Smashing The Lies And Tyranny With Fall Of The Republic

Interview w/ Barb Loe Fisher, Founder of the National Vaccine Information Center (Video)

Action Needed: Stop Senators from Watering Down "Audit The Fed"

An Interview with David Ray Griffin about his new book (Audio)

Europeans Reject Swine Flu Vaccine

Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in United States

Blackmailed by the Bomb: Nuclear Anxiety and the Cult of the Superweapon

When Malthusians Become Messiahs

Silencing the Saber-Rattling: How the American Empire Threatens the Potential Iranian Counter-Revolution

Survival of the Richest: Obama's Corporate Stimulus Package

Seizing Power and Property

Laurance Rockefeller And Capitalist Conservation

False Flag Attacks in Argentina: 1992 and 1994

Afghanistan: Can the New U.S. Strategy Succeed? »

Obama and the Limitations of Conventional Strategy »

Upcoming Iraq Election Seen as Key to Promote Investments in Oil Sector »

Iran: Charges of U.S. Support for Terrorist Group Resurface »

Robert Reich: Why Wall Street Reform is Stuck in Reverse

Gunmen Kill Pakistani Army Officer in Islamabad Ambush

Cheney, GOP Slam Obama Delay on Afghanistan Troop Decision

Cheney: Obama's Afghan Strategy Stolen from Bush

Kerry Becomes De Facto Diplomat for Obama

Boehner: Obama 'Foot-Dragging' on Afghanistan

Harvard Prof: U.S. Empire in Decline

Obama: Fox News Is Like 'Talk Radio'

Arpaio: I'm Not Going to Stop Arresting Illegals

FCC Set to Pursue `Net Neutrality' Rules

Polls: Hugo Chavez's Popularity Slips

Newspaper, Internet Titans Duel

Britain Offers Doomsday Climate Vision

Anchor Introduces Rev. Jackson As Sharpton

Why Worry About Fox News? Get bin Laden

Kim Family Discord Threatens NKorea Unity

Goldman: Fed Right to Keep Rates Low

**Bilderberg Attendees: Vouliagmeni, Greece, 14-17 May 2009 (Final list of Participants)**

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- Ministers of Euthanasia, Part 1

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- Ministers of Euthanasia, Part 2

archives:The Real Truth behind the Citigroup Bank Nationalization

archives:AIG, Larry Summers and the Politics of Deflection

Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent

YouTube - Obama Chairs UN Security Council on Nuclear Disarmament, Pt1

YouTube - Obama Chairs UN Security Council on Nuclear Disarmament, Pt2

article:Exopolitics :French Expert Publicly Emerges to Confirm Secret United Nations Meeting on UFO's

Article: French Expert Publicly Emerges to Confirm Secret United Nations Meeting on UFO's


Some Colors Offer Better Sun Protection

Coffee Could Halt Liver Disease

Michael Cutler -- Extreme Danger of USCIS Rubber-Stamping Illegals' Applications

Devvy Kidd -- Olympia Snowe, health care, and the Seventeenth Amendment

Drones and international law

Attack on Syria cover up

Globalization, a "devastating success"

Globalization, a "devastating success" Pt.2

Globalization, a "devastating success" Pt.3

Autoworkers "challenge logic of capitalism"

Autoworkers "challenge logic of capitalism" Pt.2

The Dollar: Dive or survive?

The Dollar: Dive or survive? Pt.2

Peace is the Answer to the Specter of Israel's International Isolation

Interactive: C-5s vs. C-17s in Washington

US Marines to Get G/ATOR AESA Ground Radars

Next-Generation Land Mine Jammers Will Be Linked to Network

DARPA to Take Nitride-based Electronics Research to the NEXT Level

Next-Stage C4ISR Bandwidth: The AEHF Satellite Program

Raytheon Gets $19.8M Order for ALR-69A(V) Digital Radar Warning Receivers

**8 pgs. /The Seed Barons How Big Ag, Big Oil & Big Government Are Hijacking the World’s Food Supply

archive:tehran times : The hidden agenda of genetic manipulation

archive:The Financial Tsunami: Sub-Prime Mortgage Debt is but the Tip of the Iceberg

archive:The Financial Tsunami: The Financial Foundations of the American Century

Did Blackwater attack Islamic University? Students think so

Military aircraft crashes in Afghanistan: official

RAPE - A Weapon of MASCULINE Wars.

UN Proposes Iran Nuclear Deal

Which Islam are you afraid of?

Video: Tony Blair gets heckled at visit to mosque in Hebron

YouTube - Tony Blair attacked and called a terrorist at Hebron mosque Oct 20 2009

Criminals shouldn’t be allowed to investigate themselves

Whatever Bibi Wants, Bibi Gets Will the real Barack Obama please stand up to Israel?

Obama surprises Peres gala event with special message US-Israel Ties 'More Than Strategic Alliance'

Obamacare Targets Entitlements

As unemployment and poverty rise Obama turns to the financial elite for campaign cash

The Palestine-Israel conflict, Obama’s capitulation and a couple of misfits

Barack Obama to Order Salary Cuts at Bailed-Out Firms

Michael Moore's Action Plan: 15 Things Every American Can Do Right Now | CommonDreams.org

The Organic Revolution: How We Can Stop Global Warming | CommonDreams.org

What 'Controlling the Media' Really Means | CommonDreams.org

Does Military Service Turn Young Men into Sexual Predators? | World | AlterNet

A Corporation So Arrogant, It Thought It Owned the Word 'Monster' | Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace | AlterNet

How Mormonism Created Glenn Beck | Media and Technology | AlterNet

Rape Is a Pre-Existing Condition? The Heartlessness of the Health Insurance Industry Exposed | Health and Wellness | AlterNet

This Year's Biggest Hoax Is Tim Geithner's 'Solution' for the Economy, Not the Balloon Boy | Media and Technology | AlterNet

Can Drugs Make You Love Someone You Don't? | | AlterNet

CNN Most Trusted Name in News? Not for Latinos | Immigration | AlterNet

Rethinking Marriage. The World Has Changed. It's Time! | Sex and Relationships | AlterNet

The Untouchables: Right-Wingers Put Themselves in an Uncompromising 'World Apart' | Politics | AlterNet

Will Afghan Runoff Be Less Crooked than Round One? -- News from Antiwar.com

Feds: Mass. man planned terror attacks on US malls | Antiwar Newswire

Holbrooke missing from Afghan talks - Washington Times

Karzai needed convincing twice on new election | Antiwar Newswire

U.S. to Give Extra Pay to Troops Held Over - NYTimes.com

Iran’s Politics Open a Generational Chasm - NYTimes.com

China's army to recruit 130,000 college grads - Yahoo! News

Admiral: US, China military relations thawing | Antiwar Newswire

Jim R. Schwiesow -- Democratic Tyrants Rule the U.S.

Safe Haven | Paperbugs

charles hugh smith-The Gathering Storm in Commercial Real Estate (CRE)

How Uncle Sam is killing your savings

EU to Monitor Deviant Behavior in Fight against Terrorism - SPIEGEL ONLINE


Using Human “Wetware” to Control Robots

Darpa Looks to Upgrade Bio-Threat Detectors | Danger Room | Wired.com

Medical Records: Stored in the Cloud, Sold on the Open Market | Threat Level | Wired.com

*Electronic Health Records - IMAGE/ CHART

Supercomputing on a Desktop | h+ Magazine

Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog: Hyperdrive Propulsion Could Be Tested at the Large Hadron Collider

Atheo News: How similar are the cases against Iran and Iraq?

Video: Obama Visit to SF 10-15-09 « Dprogram.net

YouTube - Obama Visit to SF 10-15-09

ARCHIVE:Video: YouTube Caught Censoring Obama Deception Video « Dprogram.net

ARCHIVE:Video: Obama Speech Police Shutdown Top You Tube Videos « Dprogram.net

YouTube - Obama Speech Police Shutdown Top You Tube Videos

ARCHIVE:YouTube - Barack Obama - Virginia Rally at UMW in Fredericksburg, VA

President Barack Obama Asks Virginia Supporters To Get Fired Up For Deeds!

Medicare Part E (E for Everyone)

Yes.. Yes... Yessss!

Framing Health Care Debate As Battle Of Sexes

Swine Flu Widespread; Vaccine Not So Much

GOLDEN RULE: Get Sterilized, Insurer Tells Woman

NEW VIDEO: Apple Tablet Will Seek to Redefine Print Media

“BASEBALL”: End Big Insurance’s Antitrust Exemption Now!





Rally Today Against Insurance Company Greed, and Other Health Care News

Government Grows the Economy

State-by-State Unemployment Data Show Economy Still Hurting

The Case For Big Government

Violence Against Women Act Saves Lives, But More Funding is Needed

NOW Supports Net Neutrality

Abstinence-Only Education Shouldn't Make the Cut

Is the Climate Bill Becoming an Excuse to Promote Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Power? | Environment | AlterNet

Eye on the Right: Businesses Split over Climate Change

Daily Dose - Health-care lobbyists continue spending spree

Obama to Karzai: Thanks for Recognizing Your Illegitimacy

Truthdig - Reports - Trick or Treat for Climate Change

TARP Watchdog: Lack of Transparency Has Angered Public

VOA News - Colombian Drug Lord Receives 45-Year US Sentence

VOA News - Cheney Accuses Obama of Indecision on Afghanistan

VOA News - Missile Defense High on Agenda as Biden Tours Central Europe

VOA News - Gates Asks NATO for More Help in Afghanistan

Top 10 Connections Between NIST and Nanothermite « Dprogram.net

Silence of the lambs | San Francisco Examiner

Lawsuit: Madoff's workplace was rife with cocaine, sex - CNN.com

Cocaine use 'rife in the media' | News | Broadcast

America Is Filling Up With Dumb People

savethemales.ca - The Mass Media as Human Pesticide

savethemales.ca - The British Agent at Hitler's Ear

savethemales.ca - Obama's Jewish Grandfather

I knew the day of Holocaust 'debate' would come. Just not in my lifetime | Jonathan Freedland | Comment is free | The Guardian

Israel Cabinet split over calls for war inquiry - Middle East, World - The Independent

Obama administration to review Bush-era oil shale leases | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Secret files reveal covert network run by nuclear police | Environment | The Guardian

The Hidden Hand that Changed History | The Vigilant Citizen

Iran agrees 'in principle' to compromise on nuclear programme - Telegraph

savethemales.ca - Why Were Lessons of 1998 Mini-Crash Ignored?

Obamacare Targets Entitlements

Justice Department Tells DEA To Leave Marijuana Users Alone

Woman shocks America after saying she made up rape claim - Telegraph

Reveller pictured with knickers around her ankles in another shocking scene on the UK's streets of no shame | Mail Online

*Devastating drop in job approval numbers for Obama in new Gallup survey | Washington Examiner

Outrageous Thought Of The Day - Nuclear Hypocrisy

Autumn In Shanghai - Israeli Infiltration At Every Level

US Hate Law Encourages International Enforcement

Iceland, The IMF, Debt Moratorium, & The Tobin Tax


YouTube - Webster Tarpley on Alex Jones Tv 1/3:U.S. Attacks Iran Via CIA-Funded Jundullah Terror Group

YouTube - Webster Tarpley on Alex Jones Tv 2/3:U.S. Attacks Iran Via CIA-Funded Jundullah Terror Group

YouTube - Webster Tarpley on Alex Jones Tv 3/3:U.S. Attacks Iran Via CIA-Funded Jundullah Terror Group


Full News Conference: Producers Show Video of ACORN ‘Sting’ in Philadelphia

Part II: Filmmakers Show Video of ACORN ‘Sting’ in Philadelphia

Part III: Filmmakers Show Video of ACORN ‘Sting’ in Philadelphia

Part IV: Filmmakers Show Video of ACORN ‘Sting’ in Philadelphia

Part V: Filmmakers Show Video of ACORN ‘Sting’ in Philadelphia


Farrakhan: H1N1 vaccine developed to kill people

Farrakhan : Don't be 'pacified' by Obama election

Anointed Video : Louis Farrakhan Declaration of Obama as the Messiah

Breitbart.tv » Farrakhan Warns Followers Not to Let Obama’s Election ‘Pacify’ Them

(2:47:58)Minister Louis Farrakhan - Message To the Blackman In America Today


Breitbart.tv » ‘Do What They’re Told’: Obama Takes Swipe at Republicans During NYC Fundraiser

Breitbart.tv » ‘ACORN Lied’: Makers of Undercover ACORN Videos Hold News Conference

Breitbart.tv » Obama Answers Curious Student’s Question About Birthplace

Breitbart.tv » CNN Report: Does Talk Radio Need ‘Fairness Doctrine?’

Breitbart.tv » Penn Jillette Gets Grief for Appearing on Beck TV

Breitbart.tv » President Obama Implies Fox News Is Not ‘Operating as a News Outlet’

Breitbart.tv » President Obama’s Nominee to EEOC May Cause Stir

Breitbart.tv » Andrew Breitbart Talks Current Events on C-SPAN’s ‘Washington Journal’

Breitbart.tv » Conservative Group Ad Hits Impact of Government Health Care on Next Generation

Breitbart.tv » Leahy: ‘Nobody Questions’ Authority of Congress to Give Individual Mandate for Health Insurance

Breitbart.tv » White House Fires Back at Cheney Over Afghanistan Comments

Breitbart.tv » FCC Approves Proposed Net Neutrality Rules

Breitbart.tv » Cops Arrest NJ Airport Guard for Threatening Obama

Breitbart.tv » The B-Cast: Does the White House Have an Enemies List?

Breitbart.tv » The B-Cast B-Side: What CNN Didn’t Tell You About Facts in Talk Radio Report

Breitbart.tv » The B-Cast Interview: Is There an FCC-Church Conspiracy to Silence Conservatives?

Breitbart.tv » The B-Cast Interview: DOJ Rules That Black Voters Need Democratic Party

Breitbart.tv » The B-Cast: Veteran Journalist Asks Why Reporters Are Ignoring Obama/Ayers Questions

Breitbart.tv » The B-Cast B-Side: Lord Monckton Warns America

Breitbart.tv » The B-Cast Talks to Congressman Leading Call for Obama to Fire Safe Schools Czar

Breitbart.tv » The B-Cast C-Side: Beck Reveals the ‘Radical Truth About Anita Dunn’

Breitbart.tv » The B-Cast B-Side: Who’s Afraid of Liz Cheney?


Childhood vaccines at all-time high, but access not yet equitable

Archive:The Titanic and the United States - Article by Frosty Wooldridge - speaker, author, environmentalist, patriot, bicyclist; Frosty promotes open discussion of environmental and U.S. national sustainability issues, and reduction of immigration to replacement levels in order to stabilize U.S. population. Frosty is also known as Frosty Woolridge

**Articles by Frosty Wooldridge**

High protein diets 'could cause Alzheimer's' - Telegraph

Air pollution linked to early form of dementia - Telegraph

Peanut Butter & Jelly 'Death' Sandwich

Senate Judiciary Chairman Unable to Say Where Constitution Authorizes Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance

Unprecedented Intrusion: Government Will Slash Salaries of Executives at Bailed-Out Companies

Sebelius Says U.S. Will Donate Part of H1N1 Vaccine Supply to Foreign Nations Before Meeting This Nation’s Demand

Republicans Press Sebelius on Slow Production of Swine Flu Vaccine

China Pledges Climate Cooperation with Obama, But Also Agrees With India to Resist Legally Binding Targets

Medical Malpractice Reform Needed in Health Care Bill, Senator and Doctors Say

Nine Months Into Obama's Presidency, Hillary Clinton Still Citing ‘Inherited’ Problems

Obama Nominee to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Argued 'Gay Sex Is Morally Good’

An Easy Military Decision for Obama: Asks 'Brave' Troops to Compete in Green Government Contest

Congressional Black Caucus, Blue Dogs Join Conservatives to Oppose Internet Regulations

Key Senators May Rebuff Obama on Health Care

Presidential Election, Take Two: U.N. Begins Distributing Afghan Ballots

Congress Scrutinizes Problems in Home Buyer Credit

Rates on 30-Year Loans Inch up to 5 Percent

Hispanic Farmers Fight to Sue USDA

TARP Head Confirms Substantial Pay Cuts Looming for Executives

GOP Senator Says Obama Showing Nixonian Tendencies

Defense Secretary Gates Says All Eyes on Afghan Runoff Election

NATO Chief Calls for Perseverance in Afghanistan

Iran Envoy Backs Uranium Deal, But Will Tehran?

Gore: China, US Must Cooperate on Climate Change

Friend: Balloon Mom Will 'Go Down with the Ship'

Former Palin Aide Pens Own Book

Obama Nominates Lesbian for U.S. Marshal

Save the Newspapers? Why?

Can Obama and Congress Order You to Buy Broccoli?

Iran Cons Hillary

Military.com Covers Edmonds Disclosures, Reports 'Denials' From Several Fingered Bush Officials

Top U.S. Scientist Arrested in FBI Sting Attempting to Sell Nuclear Secrets to Israel

'Reform' or Legislative Obscenity?

Brad at Alternet: 'The Fair and Balanced Doctrine'

Go for Gold If the Fed Keeps Printing the Dollar Will Keep Falling: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

Why Liberals Kill - The Daily Beast

High Court Ponders Fate of Tax Rebel

The Associated Press: Romer: Impact of stimulus will level off

Dems seek cover to boost debt limit - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Police Hurt As BNP Protest Turns Violent

Poll: Americans' belief in global warming cools | ajc.com

Nigeria's anti graft police shuts 800 scam websites

18 charged with running suburban Calif. pot houses

Cheney accuses Obama of 'libel' against CIA interrogators - The Back Story - Washington Times

Russia violating treaty, developing missile - Washington Times

Alleged 'race attack' victim Megan Williams admits she lied about being sexually assaulted

Erotic Services Will Continue | NBC Chicago

Ships, Planes Should Cut Emissions Up to 20%, EU Says - Bloomberg.com

Men who voted McCain saw testosterone drop: study

China authors say Google violated copyrights | Technology | Reuters

Cheney: Stop 'dithering' over Afghanistan - CBS News

news video:Cheney: Obama Endangers Troops by 'Dithering' - ABC News

W.H.: Cheney failed on Afghanistan

Obama suggests Fox News is like 'talk radio' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

ABC talks to George Stephanopoulos about 'GMA' spot

Bill giving FDA new powers to oversee food supply has wide support -- latimes.com

My Way News - Congress moves to expand financial oversight

My Way News - Key senators may rebuff Obama on health care

My Way News - THE INFLUENCE GAME: Firms resist new health rules

My Way News - Clinton cites nuke worry; panel fears bio attack

My Way News - Kidman: Hollywood probably contributes to violence

Serious Vaccine Reactions to Now Be Called 'Coincidence'? by Joseph Mercola

*Site:Vaccine Awakening

US Joins Ranks of Failed States by Paul Craig Roberts

Doug Casey on Protecting Your Cash

*Site:Casey Research

The Gnomes of Washington by Charles Goyette

When Frankie Met Johnny: The 1934 Meeting of Roosevelt and Keynes by Gary North

*Site:Gary North -- Specific Answers

*Hey, Lindsey by Ron Paul

Investigative Report: Health Insurance Denied To Rape Victims

The louder Republicans shout, the less anybody wants to have anything to do with them

When Republican campaigns implode

David Vitter Won't Comment on Justice's Refusal to Marry Interracial Couple

Call The Waaahhmbulance! Wingnuts Are Upset That Obama Met With Keith And Rachel.

Richard Lewis on Countdown

Unemployed Family Man Joins the Army to Cover His Wife's Ovarian Cancer

Security Guard Accused Of Terrorist Threats Against President Obama in New Jersey

Do not adjust your TV sets. That high-pitched, relentless whining sound coming from the screen is just Fox News

Swine Flu Victim Dies After Being Kicked Out Of ER.

Charlie Rose: Andrew Ross Sorkin Discusses His Book 'Too Big to Fail'

When Wingnuts Attack -- Each Other: Ziegler harasses ACU chief Keene, gets tossed out of right-wing confab

Interesting Development: Congress Wants to Rebrand the Public Option As Medicare.

Posner: Taliban trying to addict US soldiers to heroin

Glenn Beck's idea of 'freedom': Letting corporations control what you read on the Internet

Being Female Is A Pre-Existing Condition. Stand Up for Equity In Health Insurance Coverage.

Lou Dobbs Emulates Glenn Beck With Attack on "Czar" Ron Bloom for Quoting Mao-tse Tung

Judith Miller lectures the Pentagon: 'Maybe we should just believe everything they put out'

Countdown Worst Persons--Beck's Wankery and Limbaugh Thinks CNN's Costello Should "Sit on a Fire Hydrant"

Yoo Hoo, Media! People Are Hurting And The GOP Still Blocks Unemployment Benefits.

Democracy Now: Congress Considers Revoking Health Insurance Industry’s Exemption from Antitrust Laws

Proposed Army Program Will Encourage Soldiers to Look On The Bright Side of Combat

Israeli police don Arab disguise

Obama and the fiscal crisis of the states

A Choice of Enemies - America Confronts the Middle East

The Cheney Gene

Hundreds protest Bush speech in Saskatoon

George W. Bush in Montreal: Persona Non Grata!

US after new military ventures in Africa

Israel spying devices found by UN

Nato hails Pakistan offensive against Taliban

Obama Manipulates Media to Expel Fox

All the President's Mao

Net Neutrality - or Net Neutered?

Turning Back ObamaCare

Poll finds nearly 2 in 3 Americans are Manmade Global Warming 'Deniers'

Obama's war on Fox & half the country

Democrats and the Politics of Rage

Lost prosperity

Mass media and private liberty

Roadmap for railroading the military

Welcome to the World of Newspeak

Don't worry, we'll tell you where they are

Obama Effect already working to embargo Fox News story

Doctor Fix Derailed

Treaties and the Constitution

Step Down

Has Farrakhan Been Talking to Reverend Wright Again?

Down the rabbit hole with 'honest budgeting'

Media Matters & President Obama in Lockstep

Obama's EEOC Nominee Would Redefine Marriage

Gold's no-confidence vote on Obama

Controlling the message

Compulsory insurance -- another Trojan Horse

Divide and conquer

US sovereignty and the Climate Summit

Alinskyite in Chief Is a Master Polarizer

Obama abuses faith office to promote his radical agenda

ObamaCare: Point and Counterpoint

The Moral Case for Health Care Reform?

"The Poor Will Always Be With Us".

Case shows terrorists may target malls - Washington Times

Neighbors, Friends Surprised At Terror Arrest - Most Popular News Story - WCVB Boston

Probe of Mexican drug cartel leads to nearly 1,200 arrests in U.S. -- latimes.com

Geert Wilders Rocks Columbia University - Atlas Shrugs

*Site:Weblog Geertwilders

Father runs down daughter in Peoria parking lot

Meet White House adviser who supports Islamic law

Prisoner # 210-717; Kerik is one tough jailbird

Senate blocks Medicare payment bill -- latimes.com

Maddow/Olbermann Invited to White House Chat with Obama, But Fox Isn't a News Organization? - mediabistro.com: TVNewser

'Strongman'gym boss dies in freak accident when weightlifting bar falls on his face | Mail Online

EDITORIAL: What would Mao do? - Washington Times

flashback:A Truman Stump for Decent Health Care - 1952 | Newstalgia

Lost Greek city that may have inspired Atlantis myth gives up secrets | Science | The Guardian

Time for Inaction on Global Warming - WSJ.com

Could an independent Texas survive economically? The facts say 'Yes'

Let us now praise: The cliche - The Boston Globe

Malcolm X was bisexual. Get over it | Peter Tatchell | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

YouTube - Frosty Wooldridge on overpopulation

Judge tosses eligibility case against Congress

Confessions of a home-schooler

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Retrial for Travolta Bahamas case

The Associated Press: New lawyers for Jackson's mom in estate case

Should Balloon Boy's Parents Have to Pay Up? - washingtonpost.com

Google croons a tune with song sales - USATODAY.com

Tom Cruise, Bronson Pinchot, and homophobia - THE WEEK

I Am So Popular: Where The Wild Things Need Psychotherapy - Austinist

VOA News - Challenges Remain Before Global Climate Meeting In Copenhagen

YouTube - Lack of clarity on climate change

Barak: Iran must halt uranium enrichment - Haaretz - Israel News

U.S. Arrests Hundreds in Raids on Drug Cartel - NYTimes.com

Al Jazeera English - Americas - White House hits out at Cheney

Suspected Taliban gunmen shoot dead senior Pakistani army officer | World news | The Guardian

China, Japan Likely to Debate Trade Bloc at Asia Summit - WSJ.com

Refusing runoff would be 'insulting democracy' says Karzai - CNN.com

REFILE-Biden calls for bigger security role for east Europe | Reuters

VOA News - 'Kimjongilia' Documents Suffering North Korea Seeks to Hide

Celibacy a deal-breaker for some Anglicans - USATODAY.com

House panel approves consumer protection agency - washingtonpost.com

House Targets Insurers on Antitrust, Public Option - Bloomberg.com

The Associated Press: Romer: Impact of stimulus will level off next year

Obama 'not losing sleep' over Fox News beef - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Is Fox Part of a Larger White House Enemies List? - Greta Van Susteren | On The Record With Greta - FOXNews.com

Opinion | Is there room in the GOP for moderates? | Seattle Times Newspaper

Obama back on the campaign trail, even in Virginia - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

N.J. airport guard pleads not guilty to Obama threat - USATODAY.com

Duncan Urges Overhaul of ‘Mediocre’ Teacher Colleges - Bloomberg.com

Goodman: Seniors, take that $250 — and pass it on - San Jose Mercury News

YouTube - Obama: Bailed-out Firms to Slash Pay

The Associated Press: Sheriff: Clothes, birthmark ID Fla. girl's body

YouTube - Neighborhood Reels After 7-year-old's Body Found

Dennis Miller on Palin's New Book, Balloon Hoax, White House-Fox News Feud - Bill O'Reilly | The O'Reilly Factor - FOXNews.com

The Nation preps book mocking Palin - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

AEG: LA official sought $6M for Jackson tribute - San Jose Mercury News

Santa Clara student beaten to death in his Sac State dorm - San Jose Mercury News

Why Doctors Are Worried - Forbes.com

RealClearPolitics - Playing Monopoly With America's Health

RealClearPolitics - We're All Balloon Boys Now

The Washington Monthly:DICK CAN'T STOP TALKING

O’s (Latest) Insult - Jay Nordlinger - The Corner on National Review Online

Kirsten E. Gillibrand: Cap and Trade Could Be a Boon to New York - WSJ.com

Commentary » Blog Archive » Reading Polls, Not Tea Leaves, Correctly

In thrall to a long-dead experiment - JSOnline

The Hard Sell | The New Republic

Obama's military problem is getting worse

Public option redux - TheHill.com

RealClearPolitics - Does the Public Want a Public Option?

Wall Street Wizards Get Chance to Do It Again: Margaret Carlson - Bloomberg.com

Why the White House Bullies Fox - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - The GOP Asks: 'Who is Us?'

Noemie Emery: Why lefties fear strong women like Liz Cheney | Washington Examiner

RealClearPolitics - Another Entitlement for Seniors

RealClearPolitics - Raising the Debt Ceiling

The Democrats' Debt Dilemma

RealClearPolitics - Concerns About America's Foreign Policy Drift

RealClearPolitics - Obama Hits Opponents With Chicago Brass Knuckles

Traitors in our midst: Home-grown Islamic terrorists cropping up all over the United States

Lending a helping hand - Thursday, Oct. 22, 2009 | 2:05 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Obama vs. Fox - SignOnSanDiego.com

House Targets Insurers on Antitrust, Public Option - Bloomberg.com

Sheriff has McCain in immigration jam - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Compromise Bill Could Block States on Bank Rules

William Welch, head of Justice Department's anti-corruption unit, to leave post - washingtonpost.com

The National Interest:Prerelease: Ahmed Rashid Takes On the Crisis in AfPak

RealClearWorld - America's Foreign Policy Drift

Iran Keeps Obama Waiting on Nuclear Deal

Op-Ed Contributor - There’s No Substitute for Troops on the Ground - NYTimes.com

Why Missile Defense Won't Do A Darn Thing

Obama's safe-schools boss sponsors radical porn

Why Obama's lieutenants love Mao

CAIR's 'flying imams' strategy: Sue everyone

'Flying imams' rewarded for ominous airline 'stunt'?

Marriott urged to cancel CAIR banquet

video:Who Covers For CAIR?

D.C. Muslim lobby's shocking al-Qaida ties

303 arrested across U.S. in drug raids - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

UN details 'devastating' impact of Afghan opium

Islam 'Sweden's biggest threat': far-right leader - The Local

Court: Boy can wear 'insulting' pro-life shirt

U.S. sued for gagging free speech at Liberty Bell

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Media Matters Admits Rush Didn't Make Key Racist Remarks

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Lefties Far From Finished With Rush Limbaugh

YouTube - NOW They Tell Us: Media Matters Admits Rush Didn't Make Key Racist Remarks

Author: Attack by 'minions' proves 'Obama Nation'

President Obama on war against Fox News: 'I'm not losing sleep over it'

Blackburn: Net neutrality is 'fairness doctrine for the Internet' - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

State launches boycott of 'unconstitutional' federal laws

Independents frightened as Dems flex muscle

Mideast leaders believe they can 'blackmail, cheat' U.S.

U.S. officer: If Israel strikes Iran, U.S. will likely join - Haaretz - Israel News

Lebanese school cuts pages from book critical of Hizbullah

Israeli doctors disinvited from Egypt confab | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Big Government » Blog Archive » Taxpayer-Funded Propaganda: The ABC’s of the NEA Conference Call

Senate defeats costly Medicare 'fix' - Washington Times

Cancer Society, in Shift, Has Concerns on Screenings - NYTimes.com

Filmmakers Show Video of ACORN 'Sting' in Philadelphia - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Is alternative to dollar in works?

'Missing Link' Primate Fossil Debunked : Discovery News

Bachmann: I'm not considering a presidential run | mndaily.com - Serving the University of Minnesota Community Since 1900

Secret Service under strain as leaders face more threats - The Boston Globe

Shepard Fairey’s Piracy: Rank Hypocrisy in the Art Community

Daily Gut: Rebels, Eccentrics and Berkeley

Michael Moore: Epic Failure or Right-Wing Double Agent?

Pop Culture Exploits Matthew Shepard Tragedy to Create ‘Thought Crimes’

Balloon Boy: The Right of Every American To Be a TV Star

ObamaVision: Europe Doesn’t Mind Leftist American Cultural Imperialism

Close Gitmo!: Musicians Angry Their Music Used For ‘Torture’

Serve.gov: Buffy Wicks Wasn’t Joking About ‘Being Part of This Administration’

Sue Big Oil Over Global Warming? Court Tells Katrina Victims, Yes You Can! | BNET Energy Blog | BNET

BBC - Earth News - Cosmic pattern to UK tree growth

Global warming? It's in the stars, says scientist

Teacher who paid for sex with minor 'can't be fired' - The Local

Teacher Gets 10 Years For Sex With Teens | theledger.com | The Ledger | Lakeland, FL

Seminary principal ordered to trial - Salt Lake Tribune

Coach arrested: South Florida gymnastics instructor jailed on molestation charges to have bond hearing -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

*The big list: Female teachers with students

Sometimes, learning can get lost in the translation : City & Region : The Buffalo News

Sperm donor passed on sudden death heart defect

Tweets from the jury box: jurors using Twitter jeopardize trials | csmonitor.com

H1N1 Running Rampant Amid Shortage of Vaccine - H1N1 - FOXNews.com

CNSNews.com - NYT Environment Reporter Floats Idea: Give Carbon Credits to Couples That Limit Themselves to One Child

Morgan Stanley fears global central banks will 'monetise' public debts - Telegraph

2012 Doomsday Not Likely, Mayans Insist : Discovery News

news video:Secret to Living Longer and Healthier - ABC News

Train work uncovers Bronze Age bounty - The Local

Pavlopetri -- the world's oldest known submerged town

Uranus, Neptune to get Hebrew names | Science and Environment | Jerusalem Post

Deadly Spider Demands Long Courtship, or Else: Discovery News

video:English pumpkin house wows visitors | Video | Reuters.com

The Grating Communicator

Leftist brats: You need a 'timeout'

Bum Rush

Will Turkey lead a revived Islamic empire?

How Clinton-era mischief protects Obama

The dangers of 'net neutrality'

Reneging on the debt

Our Choice: Control Carbon or Be Cooked | CommonDreams.org

Why America is exceptional

Bret Stephens: Does Obama Believe in Human Rights - WSJ.com

Now 'conservatives' are twisting Scripture

PHILLY VIDEO IS MORE PROOF: Liberal Smear Merchants ‘Media Matters for America’ Will Slime Anyone Who Takes on ACORN

ACORN Empire Strikes Back

Barack Obama’s Working Families Party – “Tax The Rich And Give It Back To The Poor”

Unsolved Mysteries and Irreconcilable Differences for Mr. Scott Harshbarger

AP: Video Makers Release Tape of Philly ACORN

WaPo: Duo Release Another Video of Their Meeting with ACORN Worker

NOW They Tell Us: Media Matters Comes Clean Over Rush Smears

Media Matters: Never Mind About All Those Facts… We Have a Police Report!

‘The Nation’ Editors to Release Look-a-Like ‘Going Rogue’ Hit-Piece On Same Day as Palin’s Book Launch

ACORN Layoffs are Taxpayer Rip-offs

Bleak: Our Long Term Financial Outlook

Government by the Courts, Not the People: Federal Court Thwarts State Budget Cuts

Requiem for a Russian Mobster

Axelrod and Emanuel Help Shape ACORN Coverage?

Senator Zeus: Kay Bailey Hutchison Earmarking Your Taxes For Her Odd Fixation on Controlling Hurricanes

VDARE.com: 10/21/09 - Memo From Middle America (Formerly Known As Memo From Mexico): “Houston, We Have A Problem!” Jose Hernandez, Anchor Baby Astronaut, Agitates For Amnesty

Latinos may be 'future' of U.S. Catholic Church - CNN.com

American banks: The pyramid principle | The Economist

Op-Ed Contributor - Who’s Looking at the Fed’s Books? - NYTimes.com

Mr. Geithner: Stop Passing The Buck On The Dollar - Forbes.com

Bond, Fake Bond | The Big Money

Investor Daily: 3 signs of the next real estate apocalypse - Oct. 22, 2009

RealClearMarkets - Paul Krugman, and the Middle-Class Champion Myth

The SEC's Tough New Offensive on Insider Trading - BusinessWeek

Goldman Sachs Is Too Big to Tell It Straight: Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg.com

*The Worst-Run Companies of 2009 | The Finance Professor | Financial Articles & Investing News | TheStreet.com

What $100 Oil Means for the Economy-Minyanville

Biden's Task in Eastern Europe: Reassurance

Human Side of Katrina Recovery Still Needs Work

U.S. Counternarcotics Strategy in Afghanistan

What Should be Done About Bank Size?

The Scouting Report: Flu Contagion in Schools

Is America Really an Opportunity Society?

Vice President Biden Travels to Central Europe

Cognitive Dissonance on Health Care Reform

Talking with the Tea Partiers

The China Syndrome

Yes, Mr. President: A Free Market Can Fix Health Care

Stopping Medical Marijuana Prosecution

Why Congress Wants to Force More Americans into Medicaid

Health Care Bills' Medicaid Expansion: How States Can Lose the Battle Behind Closed Doors

NATO Chief Demands Stronger Afghanistan Effort

California to Regulate TV Energy Use

Welcome to the Smart Grid-Check Your Privacy at the Door

FT.com / Columnists / John Gapper - Goldman should be allowed to fail


*Jackie Mason:Pair of bigots attack Rush


video:'The fear of the Lord'

video:So you're an atheist ... or not?


World Net Daily Player:Penal colony for terrorists' coming to Michigan?

World Net Daily Player:U.S. troops in Afghanistan 'can't count on Washington'

World Net Daily Player:Obama's 'dangerous delay tactic' emboldens enemies

World Net Daily Player:GOP's Rubio running on 'principle' against Crist

World Net Daily Player:Health care in America: Guide to the issues


*American Minute for October 22nd::William J Federer's American Minute*


*Articl Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


*Transcripts Vice President Biden's Remarks in Poland

Secretary Clinton's Remarks at the Institute for Peace

Press Conference w/Sec. Gates and Japan's Def. Minister

Obama's Remarks with Iraqi PM Maliki

Panel on Obama's Afghanistan Choices

Senators Boxer & Reed on Afghanistan

Senator Chuck Grassley on Health Care Reform

Analysts Discuss Afghanistan's Runoff Election

Panel on the Latest in Afghanistan

Secretary Clinton Takes Questions from the Press

Asia and the Global Financial Crisis


*Politics Video:Full Battle Between Scarborough, O'Donnell Over Cheney

Gibbs: Cheney Failed Troops In Afghanistan

Rush: If FOX News Is Talk Radio, Then MSNBC Is Porn And CNN Is Child Porn

Obama: Executive Pay Does "Offend Our Values"

Dem Congressman Promotes Campaign Website On House Floor

Rep. Pence Defends Talk Radio Over MSM

Sen. Alexander: Obama White House Is Tougher Than Nixon's

O'Reilly: Political War In America Gets Even More Intense

Romer: Stimulus Will Contribute "Little To Growth" In 2010

Rep. Barney Frank On Wall Street Executive Pay Limits

Rep. Clyburn: Dems Short On Health Care Votes In House

VA: McDonnell Keeps Lead In Gov. Poll

Obama On Fox News War: I'm Not Losing Any Sleep

Obama: Republicans "Do What They're Told"

Carville On Obama's "Enemies List"

Cheney: Obama Needs To Stop "Dithering" On Afghanistan

Scarborough, O'Donnell Argue Intensely Over Cheney

Grayson: GOP, FOX News "Enemy Of America"

Obama: "They Leave This Big Mess" And "They're Complaining How Fast We're Cleaning It Up"

Sen. Alexander Warns White House Against Creating "Enemies List"

White House Emails MSNBC Over War Against Fox News

Sebelius Has Surgery For Skin Cancer Causing Extreme Eye Irritation

Liz Cheney On White House's War On Fox News

Obama Scolds Wall Street During NYC Trip

Obama: "Sound Personnel" Sought In Afghanistan

NJ: Christie Web Video: "Mr. President"

O'Reilly: Is The Military Fed Up With Obama?

Sen. Whitehouse On Reforming Medical Bankruptcy Laws

President Obama Loses Support On Issues

VA: New Deeds Ad Links Him To Obama

NJ: Bill Clinton Campaigns For Corzine

Lanny Davis On Bias In The News

"Special Report" Panel On War On FOX News

Obama Congratulates Afghanistan Over Second Vote

Biden: Millions Of Americans Are In A "Depression"

Rep. Ron Paul On Recession: "None Of This Is Behind Us"

Sen. Wyden On Public Support For A Public Option

VA: Rasmussen Discusses Latest Poll Numbers

Maddow: Rep. Alan Grayson Has A Spine

NJ: Christie: Stop Using Weight In Campaign

Brit Hume On White House Attacking Fox News

Keith Olbermann: The Right Wing Eating Their Own

O'Reilly: Why President Obama Is So Angry With Fox News

Sen. Harry Reid Talks Tough Health Reform On Senate Floor

*Markets Video:Mossberg on Apple's New Product Line

Wall St. Cheat Sheet: Roubini Is a False Prophet

Falling VIX a 'Very Bad Sign': Market Strategist

Is the Pound Headed into No Man's Land?

Is the Supply-Side Revolution Dead?

U.S. Pay Czar Wields Ax

Bullish on Wells Fargo?

Refining Stocks: Oil Trade

Bove: Housing Market Has Bottomed

Cramer's New Price Target for Apple: $300

Yahoo Handily Beats Street Expectations

Why I Fired GM's CEO

Is Business Spending Back?

*World Video:Iran Agrees to Ship Uranium to Russia

Interview with Kai Eide, UN Special Representative in Afghanistan

Biden to Repair Diplomatic Ties with Poland

Nurse's Aid Was Secretly African King

High-Stakes Vote Looms in Afghanistan

Major H1N1 Vaccination Begins in UK

Obama Welcomes Karzai's Decision on Vote

A New President in Egypt?

Hondura's Poor Hit by Aid Cuts

David Cameron Tackles Gordon Brown over Royal Mail

Diseases Spread in Philippines Floodwaters

Guinea Junta Accused of Cover-up


Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-21, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-20, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-19, Monday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-18, Sunday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-16, Friday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-15, Thursday

10/21 The Mark Levin Show

Bill Cunningham 10/18/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 10/18/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 10/18/09 Hour 3




*Industrial Hemp: The Ultimate Web Resource For Hemp


(1:21:50)Fitna Movie - Who is Fitna in reality?

YouTube - Michael Savage Interviews Geert Wilders - Fitna, UK Ban - October 19, 2009 - Part 1 of 2

YouTube - Michael Savage Interview With Geert Wilders Part 2

*Site:Weblog Geertwilders


**AUDIO:24HR/Public Affairs Programming on C-SPAN Radio via C-SPAN.org**

**C-SPAN Video Library **


**e Book:Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World By Christopher Bollyn**

*12 PGS/Top 10 Connections Between NIST and Nanothermite