"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

21 October 2009

21 Oct '09


Africa - 1.02 Billion Hungry People In 2009

Spying on Americans: The Bipartisan National Security State

Op-Ed Columnist - Safety Nets for the Rich - NYTimes.com

The Rich Get Richer...Right In Our Faces

Justice Department Tells DEA To Leave Marijuana Users Alone

savethemales.ca - Why Were Lessons of 1998 Mini-Crash Ignored?

US soldier commits suicide in Indiana movie theater

Engdahl - Behind The Phony US War In Afghanistan

Obamacare Targets Entitlements

Cantwell - Bacteria In Heart Disease And Strokes

targeted individual masonic fit up: Persistant targeting

Iran will do business but not with France | World news | guardian.co.uk

Iran pulls back from deal on uranium enrichment - Telegraph

Chief scientist says it would be 'unwise' not to develop GM crops in Britain - Telegraph

Spy v spy at new supreme court as MI5 secrecy is put to the test | UK news | The Guardian

Landfill sites may be used to dump radioactive waste | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Cows Die Of Mystery Illness - Africans Then Eat Them

The Dollar Is Dying a Slow Death says Niall 'Ascent of Money' Ferguson: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

Plan killed to make 'naturalized' citizens eligible

US gives Shell green light for offshore oil drilling in the Arctic | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Catholic diocese files for bankruptcy ahead of sex abuse lawsuits - Telegraph

HI Advertiser's Coverup Of Obama's Birth Place - Update

Japan to Sell More Bonds as Tax Revenues Dwindle

Taliban Trying To Turn U.S. Soldiers Into Heroin Addicts

KBW Analysts: Fannie/Freddie Shares Worthless

10-20-2009: Navy's New Slogan: A Global Force For Good

10-20-2009: NASA Unveils Ares Rocket

10-20-2009: School Children Hit With Hugging Ban

10-20-2009: A Particle God Doesn't Want Us To Discover

10-20-2009: EU may clear way for Google's digital book project

Citi Closing MasterCards Without Warning

Hi-Tech French Speed Cameras Could Be Heading To Britain's Roads

*U.S. Spies Buy Stake in Firm That Monitors Blogs, Tweets

Pentagon used psychological operation on US public, documents show

Hank Paulson Held A Secret Meeting With Goldman Sachs In Moscow

Geo-Strategic Chessboard: War Between India and China?

Britain: Man Arrested for Shining Flashlight at Apache Helicopter Hovering Over His House

Large Hadron Collider Sabotaging Itself from the Future?

Former Bush-era State Dept. program manager charged

The Bill Nobody Noticed: National DNA Databank

U.S. military create live remote-controlled beetles to bug conversations

White House Communications Director says her two favorite philosophers were Mao Tse-Tung and Mother Theresa

US scientist charged with attempted spying for Israel

US Army Experience Center (AEC): Training Kids to Kill

‘Darwinian medicine’ in focus at World Health Summit

Wall Street’s Naked Swindle : Rolling Stone

READY TO REVOLT: Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in United States

FCC ponders Internet data rules

Real Estate Collapse Entering New Phase: Banks Refusing to Repossess Abandoned Homes, or Even File Foreclosures

video:Civilians Killed in Pakistan Attack

Rumours of Western Support for Iranian Dissident Militia Groups have Broad Backing

UN Body Adopts Goldstone Report

Time and Again, US Backs Israel

video:The Worst Is Yet To Come

Revised Formula Puts 1 in 6 Americans in Poverty

Americans, Their Smiley-Face Facade, and Reality

Derren Brown: Zombie Game Hypnosis

The Scientific Dictatorship and the Future of Humanity

'Saw VI' Movie Pushes Obamacare Propaganda

Government Propaganda To Infest Network TV Shows

Lockerbie Bomber Al-Megrahi Dies, U.K.’s Sky News Reports - Bloomberg.com

War criminals are becoming the arbiters of law

Flu Vaccine Brainwashing In Prime Time ABC Show

Climate Treaty Will Create World Government Dictatorship

Our Republic May End With The Stroke of a Pen

Historic 9/11 Debate with Bigard, Laurent, Kassovitz and Harrit on French TV

Ex-CIA Chief James Woolsey handed down gag-order to 9/11 Firefighters

Military Trains for Terrorist Attack On International Health Summit

Why Do Chemtrails Not Exist? Because They Exist

Climate change could cause more problems than two world wars, Brown warns - Telegraph

EU may clear way for Google's digital book project - News, Gadgets & Tech - The Independent

Toxic algae 'wiped out dinosaurs' - Telegraph

Cryptomundo » Patterson’s Little Known Deathbed Confession

Daily Express | World News :: Schoolchildren hit with hugging ban

Ron Paul: US Dollar Collapse When China Stops Buying Debt

We Are Change Boston Questions Paul Volcker About The Bilderberg Group

Video: Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?

Vatican Sends “Shockwave” Around World As NASA Scientist Warns Israel “End Is Near”

Daily Express | World News :: Chaos in the snow as winter bites early

No Recovery! Recession To Worsen ­ Revolution To Follow

t r u t h o u t | Fire Lou Dobbs

Pelosi Pushes Ahead With Calls for Government-Run Health Plan - Political News - FOXNews.com

Nasa unveils the Ares 1-X, the first new rocket design for three decades | Science | guardian.co.uk

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China vows to free hijacked ship

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China on hunt for looted treasure

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Polanski appeal for bail rejected

Replacement body parts offer active old age for future pensioners | Society | guardian.co.uk

savethemales.ca - The Jewish Character of the Early Masonic Lodge

Abortion: The Kosher Slaughter « INCOG MAN: Sick of all the BS…

Zionist Jewish Mind Control - A Case Study | Real Zionist News

Empire State Building to Get Tie-Dye Lighting in Honor of Grateful Dead | Grateful Dead

The Empire State Building to be Lit in Honor of the Grateful Dead

Sailors take aim at new recruiting slogan - Navy News, news from Iraq - Navy Times

One third of five years olds have tooth decay - Telegraph

Headteacher 'slapped' smoking pupil - Telegraph

Pakistan: suicide bombers attack Islamabad university - Telegraph

Women evolving to be shorter and heavier, says research - Telegraph

A particle God doesn’t want us to discover - Times Online

Hunting banned in parts of Austria after hailstones kill 90pc of wild game - Telegraph

White House struggles to walk the talk on pay - Times Online

Government scientist and Royal Society in double push to promote GM - Times Online

Review of Thomas Wheatland's The Frankfurt School in Exile, Part I: Authoritarianism and the Family

Atlantis or Zion?

Who Are These People?

Aristotle and Alexander the Great

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » US Joins Ranks Of Failed States

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » US, Israel to launch largest war game

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Very Busy Politicians in Washington DC

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » ‘US uses oil to change China’s stance on Iran’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Congressmen Grayson, Clay and Miller Introduce CFPA Amendment to Help Reduce Looting

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Health Authorities Evasive in Answering Perplexing Questions About This Year’s Flu Vaccination Campaign

"Dead Man Musings":The Illuminati and "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" I

"Dead Man Musings":The Protocols of Zion and the Illuminati Roadmap: Part 2

The Associated Press: Alito troubled by concerns over court's Catholics

CNSNews.com - Justice Department Says Blacks in N.C. Town Can’t Get Elected Without Democratic Party Label

High jobless rates could be the new normal - Stocks & economy- msnbc.com

Atheist ads to adorn New York subway stations - CNN.com

video:Police Attack Peaceful Demonstrators

The Hidden Hand that Changed History | The Vigilant Citizen

The Truth Seeker - The Devil’s in the Dirt

The Truth Seeker - Is Local Legislature a Disguised Pagan Temple?

The Truth Seeker - Liberal Jews, Sex & The New Satanic Order

*The Truth Seeker - The Marijuana Trick

YouTube - Rothschild's Choice: Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America

YouTube - CoreOfCorruption.com - 4 Suspects in World Trade Center Before 9/11 Doing Construction

YouTube - Lindsey Williams Returns on Alex Jones Tv 5/8:A Prelude to Tomorrow

archive:The Truth Seeker - 7/7 Attacks Not "Suicide Bombings"?

The Truth Seeker - Who Are The Illuminati?

The Truth Seeker - The Origins of Modern Banking

The Truth Seeker - The Doors of Perception and the Language of Spin

The Truth Seeker - Adam Weishaupt

The Truth Seeker - The Illuminati Chronicles Part 1

The Truth Seeker - The Illuminati Chronicles Part II

The Truth Seeker - Fake Terrorism: The Road to Dictatorship

The Truth Seeker - Back to the Future!!! Part 1

The Truth Seeker - Back to the Future!!! Part 2

The Truth Seeker - Native American Indian Prophecies

The Truth Seeker - Waco: The Untold Story.

The Truth Seeker - The Oklahoma City Bombing: 30 Unanswered Questions

The Truth Seeker - Was Timothy McVeigh Really Executed?

The Truth Seeker - Electronically Hijacking the WTC Attack Aircraft

The Truth Seeker - Revelations about the Twin Towers in the 9/11 Oral Histories

The Truth Seeker - The Mastermind Behind 911?

The Truth Seeker - Television: The Hidden Picture

The Truth Seeker - The Unspeakable Truth of 9/11

The Truth Seeker - The 9/11 Solution: The Big Clue Everyone Missed

Smoking Mirrors: Magic Thermite and the 9/11 Fairytale.

America's Phoney War in Afghanistan

The Construction of the Iran "Threat": The Iran Versus the U.S.-Israeli-NATO Threats

The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex: A Deadly Fairy Tale

The Cheney Gene

The JFK Assassination: New York Times Acknowledges CIA Deceptions

Spying on Americans: The Bipartisan National Security State

Officials Say Don't Blame the Swine Flu Shot, You'll Drop Dead Anyway

On Fringe, Brain-Computer Interface Chips Have Real-Life Inspiration

Lockerbie bomber still alive, Libyan official says | Reuters

video:Air Force Bugbots

Who or What is the Antichrist?

The Truth Seeker - The Essene Gospel of Peace I

The Truth Seeker - The Essene Gospel of Peace II

The Truth Seeker - The Essene Gospel of Peace III

The Truth Seeker - The Advent of the Anti-Christ

Reincarnation and the early Christians

Jesus as a reincarnation of Melchizedek

Supercomputing on a Desktop | h+ Magazine

Technology Review: Blogs: Propulsion Could Be Tested at the Large Hadron Collider

Constitution Party Puts Weight Behind Camp FEMA

Steve Quayle News Alerts:Stephen Lagakos, International Leader in Biostatistics and AIDS Research, Dies

Criminalizing Poverty For Profit: Local Government's New Debtors Prisons

Washington's Blog:How Did America Fall So Fast?

Mother Gives Up Custody Of Mentally Ill Son - KETV 7 News Story - KETV Omaha

CNSNews.com - Hoyer Says Constitution’s ‘General Welfare’ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance

U.S. must live within its means: Geithner | U.S. | Reuters

Hank Paulson Held A Secret Meeting With Goldman Sachs In Moscow

Alexander to White House: Don't Create 'Enemies List' - Roll Call

U.S. bailout program increased moral hazard: watchdog | Reuters

Scientist arrested on spy charges - Security- msnbc.com

Obama gets a flu shot, but not for swine flu | 44 | washingtonpost.com

ADL slams two U.S. Republicans for calling Jews penny-pinchers - Haaretz - Israel News


FDA Chairman Took $5 Million Donation – “No Conflict of Interest” « TheZoo

whatreallyhappened.com: Dogma, Double Standards, and Doubt - The Bradley Smith Heresy and Beyond

The new assimilated Jews - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

Court papers claim Bernie Madoff's Securities offices were fueled by cocaine, topless women

Ron Paul 2012:Federal Reserve Accountability Act An Unacceptable Compromise

The Dark Side of the ‘Special Relationship’ by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Swine Flu Cases Overestimated? - CBS News

Who's in Big Brother's Database? - The New York Review of Books

t r u t h o u t | The Stain of Dishonor and the Prerequisites for Redemption

Refreshing News: Internet use 'may improve brain function in adults', says UCLA study

Government climate change ad investigated after 350 complaints | Media | guardian.co.uk

John Mauldin: Tax Hikes Will Kill the ‘Recovery’, Which Isn’t Real Anyway » Nationalist Coalition Blog

Public Support For Marijuana Legalization Reaches All Time High | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

You’re Not The Customer: Don’t Trust Cops, Never Talk to Cops

Johnny Gaskins and the End of Law by William L. Anderson

*Site:William L. Anderson /Blog

Alienated and Radicalized by Patrick J. Buchanan

Profit Driven Swine Flu Propaganda - Pump Up the Volume Part 1

Artificial Sweeteners: How Bad Are Saccharin, Aspartame? - Yahoo! News

Niall Ferguson: The Dollar Is Finished And The Chinese Are Dumping It

TruthAlliance.net > News > Art Students in WTC Connected to Israeli Intelligence Service

YouTube - Art Students in WTC Connected to Israeli Intelligence Service, Investigaiton by CoreOfCorruption.com

*audio:Kevin Barret's Show - Jonathan Elinof on the Israeli Art Student Mossad Connection

YouTube - Al Gore sued by over 30.000 Scientists for Global Warming fraud / John Coleman

2009 US economy: largest transfer of wealth to financial/political elite in global history

Action Alert: FCC to Vote on Net Neutrality Thursday | bytestyle.tv

Niall Ferguson: U.S. Empire in Decline, on Collision Course with China » Nationalist Coalition Blog

Denver Westword To Hire Marijuana Critic - cbs4denver.com

indisputable mathematical logic | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » High-Fructose Corn Syrup Produces Toxic Chemical “HMF” When Heated

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Serious Vaccine Reactions to Now Be Called ‘Coincidence’?

**Web of Debt - Media**

*Climate Treaty Will Create World Government Dictatorship « noworldsystem.com

YouTube - Global Warming Dooms day cults don't want you to see this

YouTube - Make Mine Freedom (1948)

You Might Be A Constitutionalist If . . .

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente-Their is NO Economic Recovery-Its A COVERUP

countries-with-the-biggest-gaps-between-rich-and-poor: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

EclippTV :: Video :: Michael Savage: We Must Stop The Copenhagen Climate Treaty!

YouTube - 7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes

EclippTV :: Video :: Obama Secret Agenda - Too Destroy America

YouTube - Max Keiser - Face Off - "Is the Crisis Over?" (1/2)

YouTube - Max Keiser - Face Off - "Is the Crisis Over?" (2/2)

YouTube - Debate-A-Thon in the Octagon

Interesting Development: Congress Wants to Rebrand the Public Option As Medicare.

Posner: Taliban trying to addict US soldiers to heroin

Glenn Beck's idea of 'freedom': Letting corporations control what you read on the Internet

Being Female Is A Pre-Existing Condition. Stand Up for Equity In Health Insurance Coverage.

Lou Dobbs Emulates Glenn Beck With Attack on "Czar" Ron Bloom for Quoting Mao-tse Tung

Judith Miller lectures the Pentagon: 'Maybe we should just believe everything they put out'

Countdown Worst Persons--Beck's Wankery and Limbaugh Thinks CNN's Costello Should "Sit on a Fire Hydrant"

Yoo Hoo, Media! People Are Hurting And The GOP Still Blocks Unemployment Benefits.

Democracy Now: Congress Considers Revoking Health Insurance Industry’s Exemption from Antitrust Laws

Proposed Army Program Will Encourage Soldiers to Look On The Bright Side of Combat

GOPers like some "Penny Pinching Jews"

What is the Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus for? 'We hunt liberal, tree-hugging Democrats'

Sy Hersh: Military 'In War Against The White House'

The Rachel Maddow Show: Grayson's Anatomy

McChrystal's Leak No Problem for GOP Backers

Was Beck's anonymous 'Concerned Parent' actually just a blacked-out Chris Wallace? Inquiring minds want to know ...

Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz Respond to Liz Cheney's 'Keep America Safe' Ad

The House of Lords

Bogus! Glenn Beck truncates Anita Dunn's 'Mao' remarks to wildly distort what she actually said

Oh Dear, We're Hurting Wall Street's Feelings! Boo Frickin' Hoo.

UN Elections Panel Finds Evidence of Afghan Voter Fraud; Strips Karzai Of Win

CBS News: Judge Defends Denied Interracial Marriage

Rush should make CNN an offer it can't refuse

Silence of the Lambs

Media Matters & President Obama in Lockstep

Obama's EEOC Nominee Would Redefine Marriage

Gold's no-confidence vote on Obama

Controlling the message

Compulsory insurance -- another Trojan Horse

Divide and conquer

US sovereignty and the Climate Summit

Fifty-Seven Percent Want a Public Option?

Liberals never learn

Feds Botch Swine Flu Vaccine Distribution

Dems running scared on Countrywide scandal

ACORN vote fraud may have tipped local election

On with the Permanent Campaign!

Obama channels Castro

Who benefits from the rising stock market?

Domo Arigato, Mr. Fallows

Human Rights Watch denounced by its founder

Liberal Honesty

Alinskyite in Chief Is a Master Polarizer

Did Obama swing his own Nobel?

Obama abuses faith office to promote his radical agenda

ObamaCare: Point and Counterpoint

The Moral Case for Health Care Reform?

Cleric Indicted In Alleged NYC Terror Plot

Mass. Man Charged With Alleged Terror Plot Defiant in Court - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

CNSNews.com - U.N. Report Says Counterterrorism Measures 'Risk Unduly Penalizing Transgender Persons'

Ron Bloom: Car Czar in the Labor Zionist Tradition

YouTube - Kathleen Sebelius in 2007: I'm all for a single-payer system...eventually

U.S. sponsors plan to restrict free speech

RIC professor sees another, less heroic Roger Williams | Rhode Island news | projo.com | The Providence Journal

Road safety campaigns take multicultural approach - USATODAY.com

Sweden Democrat leader reported for 'hate speech' - The Local

Justice concludes black voters need Democratic Party - Washington Times

Job market lands more grads back at home

LiveScience.com - Animal Sex: No Stinking Rules | LiveScience.com

Plants can recognize rivals and fight, study says - LiveScience- msnbc.com

At rescued banks, perks keep rolling - washingtonpost.com

s Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?

video:The Scientific Dictatorship and the Future of Humanity

viseo:Obama To Sign New World Order Treaty?

Brown: Barack Obama must attend climate change talks to avoid 'catastrophe' for the planet

The Bill Nobody Noticed: National DNA Databank

U.S. military create live remote-controlled beetles to bug conversations

Nine Months Into Obama's Presidency, Hillary Clinton Still Citing ‘Inherited’ Problems

Hoyer Says Constitution’s ‘General Welfare’ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance

Obama Nominee to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Argued 'Gay Sex is Morally Good’

Pro-Amnesty Advocates Decry Amendment to Add Immigration Status Question to 2010 Census

Congressional Black Caucus, Blue Dogs Join Conservatives to Oppose Internet Regulations

An Easy Military Decision for Obama: Asks 'Brave' Troops to Compete in Green Government Contest

Democrats to Consider Credit Options for ‘Underbanked’ Americans

Iran Wants Interpol Help After Bombing, But Won’t Cooperate With Interpol on Jewish Center Attack

Watchdog Says Financial Bailout Helped -- But at a Great Cost

Gore: China, US Must Cooperate on Climate Change

US, China to Meet Next Week for Trade Talks

Airport Guard at Newark Int’l Airport Arrest for Alleged Obama Threat

Deteriorating Memorial to Receive Much Needed Attention Under Privatized Landscaping

Obama Nominates Lesbian for U.S. Marshal

23 States Report Higher Unemployment in September

US Workers, Immigrants Unite vs. Work Visa Program

Feds Say Massachusetts Man Planned Terror Attack on Malls

Panel Backs Vaccine as Cervical Cancer Alternative

Another Afghan Vote Masks U.S. Predicament, AP Says

Gates: Afghan Runoff Won't Solve Corruption Issues

Payback: Democrats Target Insurance Industry’s Antitrust Protection

AZ Councilman Makes Remarks Insensitive to Jews

Marine Pleads Guilty in Virginia Hero Hoax Case

Woman in W.Va. Torture Case Now Says She Lied, Though Defendants Admitted Assault

Auto Task Force Was Shocked by Financial Condition of GM, Chrysler

Applause and Boos Greet Dutch Lawmaker’s Warning to American Students About Spread of Islam

Can Obama and Congress Order You to Buy Broccoli?

Follow the Money

The Volunteerism Scandals Hollywood Won’t Be Broadcasting

Another Afghan Election

‘Rent Seeking’ Green Corporations Would Benefit Most Under Cap-and-Trade

Federal Eye - What happened to Kathleen Sebelius's eye?

Chase Carey: Does not expect the White House to be 'vindictive' - BC Beat | Blog on Broadcasting & Cable

Zeroing in on the dollar's decline - Eamon Javers - POLITICO.com

The Associated Press: Obama to announce help for small banks, businesses

Swine Flu Cases Overestimated? - CBS News

Goodbye to Ghouls and Goblins | WKBW News 7: News, Sports, Weather - Buffalo, New York | Local News

Sudbury Man Tarek Mehanna Arrested On Terrorism Charges - wbztv.com

Alexander to White House: Don't Create 'Enemies List' - Roll Call

Ships, Planes Should Cut Emissions Up to 20%, EU Says (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

Reuters AlertNet - Climate cooperation to help ties, Hu tells Obama

Paterson pushes soda tax, again

Deserted shopping mall bleak symbol of Fed bailout | Reuters

U.S. troops in Iraq have time on hands - USATODAY.com

Megan Williams to recant Logan County sex-torture ... - News - The Charleston Gazette - West Virginia News and Sports

**BREAKING** ACORN Video: Prostitution Scandal in Philadelphia, PA Part I

The Media’s Complicity: Analysis of ACORN Coverage

ACORN Empire Strikes Back

PHILLY VIDEO IS MORE PROOF: Liberal Smear Merchants ‘Media Matters for America’ Will Slime Anyone Who Takes on ACORN

The Public Option Deception

Pork Report October 20, 2009: Are Political Scientists Relevant?

Rush or Reverend Al?… Will the Real Racist Please Stand Up?

Is ACORN’s Bertha Lewis Even Capable Of Telling The Truth?

Carville: Conservatives Are From Outer Space (More or Less)

Why We Need 72 Hours to Read Legislation, and How You Can Help

ACORN is About Power; Pittsburgh Trib-Review Nails it

TV - Newsday - Entertainment News, TV Show Reviews, & Celebrities

My Way News - Bailout watchdog expects much to remain unrefunded

Modern man a wimp says anthropologist | U.S. | Reuters

Davi Discusses the HAPPY Act on ‘Fox and Friends’

Stand Up Notes From Flyover Country: Boycotting the NFL

Real Life Hero–Sergeant First Class Jared Monti

When Late Night Attacks: Left Worries Obama Becoming Punchline

I Wish Russell Simmons Were an Atheist

Is Obama’s Second Term a Lock?

Olbermann Trying to Flex on Rush

Lonewolf Diaries: Do ‘The Jews’ Run Hollywood?

Daily Gut: CNN Perplexed By Talk Radio

Michael Moore’s Audacious Lies

EXCLUSIVE: Prejean Attorney — Pageant Countersuit Part of ‘Ongoing Smear Campaign’


Breitbart.tv » CNN Report: Does Talk Radio Need ‘Fairness Doctrine?’

Breitbart.tv » ‘ACORN Lied’: Makers of Undercover ACORN Videos Hold News Conference

Breitbart.tv » Senator Warns White House: Don’t Create ‘Enemies List’

Breitbart.tv » Actress Heather Graham Teams With MoveOn to Push Public Option

Breitbart.tv » ACORN Sting Team Releases New Video From Philadelphia Office

Breitbart.tv » Obama Answers Curious Student’s Question About Birthplace

Breitbart.tv » WABC-TV Anchor Makes ‘Top C***’ Slip During Live Show

Breitbart.tv » Leno Pokes Fun at White House-FNC Feud

Breitbart.tv » Republicans Line Up to Unseat ‘Die Quickly’ Congressman Grayson

Breitbart.tv » ‘Reckless Speculation’: Obama Blasts Wall Street With ‘Don’t Fight’ Reform Lecture

Breitbart.tv » ‘Do What They’re Told’: Obama Takes Swipe at Republicans During NYC Fundraiser

Breitbart.tv » The B-Cast Interview: Is There an FCC-Church Conspiracy to Silence Conservatives?

Breitbart.tv » Temple Students Protest Anti-Islamic Dutch Lawmaker

Breitbart.tv » ‘The Yes Men’ Chase Sen. Specter in ‘Survivaball’ Outfits

Breitbart.tv » Olbermann ‘Ad’ Touts MSNBC Supremacy


Health Authorities Evasive in Answering Perplexing Questions About This Year’s Flu Vaccination Campaign by Bill Sardi

The New York Times Shines a Light into by Jacob G. Hornberger

Alienated and Radicalized by Patrick J. Buchanan

Johnny Gaskins and the End of Law by William L. Anderson

Paying Off Debt Is Like Dying… by Bill Bonner

*Aircraft Carrier Costs by Jeremiah Dyke

List of countries by military expenditures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Before Red Dawn, There Was a Shadow on the Land by Ron Shirtz

Your Doctor Serves The State, Not You by Michael Scott, MD

A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism - Mark Thornton - Mises Institute

Oh no! Work is good for you, especially after you've retired | Mail Online

You're as old as you eat... Our guide to foods that fight off age | Mail Online

Jim Rogers: Oil Has to go Much Higher Over the Next Decade : Subprime Blogger

Google Music Service: The Screenshots - washingtonpost.com

Balloon saga parents emotional during 911 calls - TODAY People

Kanye West Not Dead, Despite Net Rumor Frenzy | Billboard.com

Polanski May Choose to Face Charges - NYTimes.com

Homegrown Terrorism? Man Charged With Plot to Attack Malls - ABC News

Doctor-Pay Bill Is Shelved in Senate - WSJ.com

Former Nixon aide wonders: Does Obama have 'enemies list'? - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

The Associated Press: House panel says states can protect consumers

The Associated Press: Former LA Times journalist Jack Nelson dies at 80

Head of Justice Department's public integrity unit accepts new position - washingtonpost.com

See Kerik Now: From Top Cop to Inmate No. 210-717 | NBC New York

YouTube - Judge Jails NYC Ex-police Commissioner

Sculptures at LAPD's new home likened to 'cow splat' -- latimes.com

Afzali Lawyer Calls Indictment 'Rehash' Of Discredited Claims - WSJ.com

Chancellor at U. of Illinois Quits in Admissions Scandal - NYTimes.com

Acorn supported Republican -- WHAT?

Talks show Iran open to pressure - Israeli official | Reuters

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Afghan elections: Your stories

VOA News - Poland Pledges Cooperation With New Missile Defense Plan

BBC NEWS | UK | Rome goes fishing in Anglican pond

Obama's civilian task in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq | csmonitor.com

Indonesia president surprises with energy minister pick | Reuters

The Associated Press: Iran arrests suspects in attack on military chiefs

YouTube - Iranians mourn blast victims - 20 Oct 09

Al Jazeera English - Focus - Pakistan's 'fight to the finish'

Carolyn Leddy: The Widening U.S.-Japan Security Divide - WSJ.com

AFP: Scottish lawyer denies reports Lockerbie bomber dead

VOA News - Zimbabwe Prime Minister Meets South African President

U.S. needs gas tax, 50 mpg standard -Hess CEO | Industries | Energy | Reuters

Oil rises to $80 and gasoline prices tag along

Iraq makes pitch to US investors

SJC rules Philip Morris may have to pay for smokers’ chest exams - The Boston Globe

Kass: The Earnings Season Racket | Financial Advisor Update | Financial Articles & Investing News | TheStreet.com

The Supply-Side Pariah Returns - The Daily Beast

Lost Decade Is Heading Toward Two-Decade Mark: William Pesek - Bloomberg.com

Volcker Has Obama’s Ear, but Not on Overhaul of Banks - NYTimes.com

RealClearMarkets - To Cut Your Health Insurance Costs, Move

Not All Bad | The New Republic

Bible Teaches That Banks Can’t Serve Two Masters: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg.com

In Iran, Ethnic Conflict Tied to Pakistan, Afghanistan - TIME

RealClearWorld - The Cleaner Goes to Europe

Nobody wins in the Afghan runoff election -- latimes.com

The Hindu : India, China and water security

Jon Kyl: Why We Need to Test Nuclear Weapons - WSJ.com

Another twist and shout from North Korea | The Japan Times Online

RealClearWorld - Transforming the U.S.-Japan Alliance

Canada needs to enlist its allies in the U.S. to fight Buy American - The Globe and Mail

Democracy and the `remilitarization' of the TNI | The Jakarta Post

Editorial - Mr. Karzai Relents - NYTimes.com

Can Obama Help N.J. Governor Corzine's Re-Election? - TIME

Karzai, Abdullah Runoff Buys Time for Obama Troop Decision - ABC News

Column: 'Every Republican in Congress supports reform' - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Why Obama Is Wrong on Missile Defense

National Journal Online - Green Shoots For GOP

The White House will lose its war against Fox News – Telegraph Blogs

Carroll: Making matters worse - The Denver Post

What Is Nancy Pelosi Doing? | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Dems Have Reawakened the Perotistas

What's the Public Option, Again? - - The Daily Beast

The Democrats' fickle-and-dime health strategy - washingtonpost.com

RealClearPolitics - Where Will the Jobs Come From?

Jay Ambrose: How much is a trillion dollars? | Washington Examiner

The hidden costs of the bailout - SigTARP Barofsky - Oct. 21, 2009

The year the dominoes fell - The Boston Globe

James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » America’s banana republic economy | Blogs |

Borger: Republicans snipe instead of offering solutions - CNN.com

Capitalist Liberation - Forbes.com

Editorial: Welcome start toward humane policing of pot

EDITORIAL: 'Everything's going well in Nevada' - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Senate Democrats Hit Snag With Doctor Payment Bill - NYTimes.com

Consumer watchdog nears House panel approval - washingtonpost.com

RealClearPolitics - Buying the Votes of Senior Citizens

RealClearPolitics - Does Anyone Know Barack Obama?

IG harshly criticizes Treasury's handling of $700B bailout program - TheHill.com

RealClearPolitics - The Bush Blame Game

The burden of savers: propping up Wall Street - Oct. 20, 2009

What Obama and the Generals Are Reading: Interesting Times : The New Yorker


Beloit Daily News : ‘Bar church’ ministers to any and all comers

He's in the Army now - JSOnline

Mob hit man out of the closet: Robert Mormando is gay and regrets life of crime, his lawyer says

Medical condition suspected after tourist dies in Sounds

Male nurse charged with sexually abusing patient at Uptown hospital :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

The Blotter | Man at center of Enumclaw horse-sex case in trouble again | Seattle Times Newspaper

Congressman spends week alone on deserted island

Brewery sacks drink-driver Scales of Justice - The Mercury - The Voice of Tasmania

Local News | Debate grows over what defines a service animal | Seattle Times Newspaper

Man Caught Making Coffee Naked in His Home Faces Charges

Can You Lose Weight With This Hot Diet Trend?

What hath Oprah wrought?

Author exposes 'seedy underbelly of Washington'

video:English pumpkin house wows visitors | Video | Reuters.com

The rise of the blog

Video:So you're an atheist ... or not?

VIDEO:'The fear of the Lord'

Dems doubt Afghan win; GOP doubts Obama's leadership

Independents frightened as Dems flex muscle

U.S. sued for gagging free speech at Liberty Bell

Obama's attack on 1st Amendment

Where's the health-care bill?

Sausage-making at its worse

Follow the money

In defense of a pathetic presidency

War on the Constitution by Nobel winner

Beware of global-warming fairies!

Why America is exceptional

A Nobel winner who showed freedom works

All pain, no gain

Family Security Matters » Publications » Book Exposes CAIR's Exaggerations, Efforts to Stymie Law Enforcement

From Here to ‘Plutonomy’: Why We Need An Economic Bill of Rights - Working In These Times

Pickpockets on Capitol Hill

Chest thumping simians and greedy cowards

Look who's married to Obama's media 'controller'

'Flying imams' rewarded for ominous airline 'stunt'?

Terrorist suspect arrested in Massachusetts - Washington Times

Marriott urged to cancel CAIR banquet

D.C. Muslim lobby's shocking al-Qaida ties

'Moderate' CAIR to feature radicals at annual banquet

CAIR bucked up by reaction of officials, media

Unveiled plan to Islamize America hits top spot

U.S. sued for gagging free speech at Liberty Bell

VIDEO:Who Covers For CAIR?

Police called when reporter questions NY candidate -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY:2426:

Author: Attack by 'minions' proves 'Obama Nation'

The Associated Press: Report urges broad actions to preserve journalism

White House: Media shouldn't follow Fox - Josh Gerstein and Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Is alternative to dollar in works?

CNSNews.com - U.N. Report Says Counterterrorism Measures 'Risk Unduly Penalizing Transgender Persons'

Witness found in 'forced pregnancy test'

UPDATED: Former Staff at North Middle School in Great Falls Charged with Abuse | News, Sports, Weather for Great Falls, Helena, and all of Montana | Local Top Stories

CNN Political Ticker: : Half the country disagrees with Obama on issues « - Blogs from CNN.com

House healthcare bill under $900 billion: Pelosi | Politics | Reuters

My Way News - Dems eye insurance industry's antitrust protection

Grassley Warns HHS Web Site May Be ‘Propaganda’ - Roll Call

House Committee on Ways & Means - Republican

Obama trying to boost party money, morale

RNC Beats DNC in September Money Race - Washington Wire - WSJ

US plans big pay cuts at bailout firms - Yahoo! Finance

Treasury Said to Set Pay Cuts for Aid Recipients’ Executives - Bloomberg.com

Democrats lock Republicans out of committee room - TheHill.com

House Dems want Medicare for everyone - TheHill.com

Pelosi Refuses to Call New Spending Another Stimulus Package - Roll Call

Senate Hands Reid a Defeat on ‘Doc Fix’ - Roll Call

Swine Flu Vaccines Now Being Administered on Hill - Roll Call

Treasure hunters seek Lake Superior's 'Holy Grail' - thestar.com

Six diseases you never knew you could catch - New Scientist

New moon rising: return of the werewolf - Features, Films - The Independent

The Dalai Lama Renaissance : Amit Goswami, Ph.D.

The Quantum Activist : Amit Goswami, Ph.D.

Listen to Dr. Goswami on Coast to Coast Radio! : Amit Goswami, Ph.D.

Podcast: Evolving Ideas & Creative Evolution : Amit Goswami, Ph.D.

The Hidden Hand that Changed History | The Vigilant Citizen

YouTube - Doctor Admits Vaccine Is More Deadly Than Swine Flu Itself & Will Not Give It To His Kids!!!

YouTube - Global Warming Dooms day cults don't want you to see this

Don't be fooled by the new "Federal Reserve Accountability Act" | bytestyle.tv

Op-Ed Columnist - Safety Nets for the Rich - NYTimes.com

Mystery over British nuclear expert's death plunge at UN HQ | Metro.co.uk

Iran, 3 Powers Have Till Friday to OK Nuclear Deal - NYTimes.com

Eyeing Iran:Juniper Cobra « Political Theatrics

Rape Victim's Choice: Risk AIDS or Health Insurance

Steve Rosen to 'Post': CIA, FBI paranoid about Mossad | International News | Jerusalem Post

Rabbi Medan: Moral Weakness Allows Islam to Take Over the World - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

**Web of Debt - Media**


*American Minute for October 21st:William J Federer's American Minute*


World Net Daily Player:GOP's Rubio running on 'principle' against Crist

World Net Daily Player:'Penal colony for terrorists' coming to Michigan?

World Net Daily Player:Doomsayers spew 'hysteria' to bully politicians

World Net Daily Player:Reid, Schumer, Kerry shield own states from Obamacare

World Net Daily Player:Health care in America: Guide to the issues


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Obama from Kenya, archived report says

Plan killed to make 'naturalized' citizens eligible


*Markets Video:Refining Stocks: Oil Trade

Bove: Housing Market Has Bottomed

Cramer's New Price Target for Apple: $300

Yahoo Handily Beats Street Expectations

Why I Fired GM's CEO

Is Business Spending Back?

Exposing Some Common Market Myths

Karlgaard: Will Global Recovery Elude the U.S.?

Apple Knocks the Cover Off the Ball

Oil Should Trade at $100: Kilduff

Fallout from Galleon Insider Trading Case

*Politics Video:NJ: Christie Web Video: "Mr. President"

Sen. Alexander Warns White House Against Creating "Enemies List"

White House Emails MSNBC Over War Against Fox News

Sen. Whitehouse On Reforming Medical Bankruptcy Laws

Sebelius Has Surgery For Skin Cancer Causing Extreme Eye Irritation

Obama Scolds Wall Street During NYC Trip

VA: New Deeds Ad Links Him To Obama

Liz Cheney On White House's War On Fox News

President Obama Loses Support On Issues

NJ: Bill Clinton Campaigns For Corzine

"Special Report" Panel On War On FOX News

Lanny Davis On Bias In The News

O'Reilly: Is The Military Fed Up With Obama?

Obama Congratulates Afghanistan Over Second Vote

Biden: Millions Of Americans Are In A "Depression"

Rep. Ron Paul On Recession: "None Of This Is Behind Us"

Sen. Wyden On Public Support For A Public Option

VA: Rasmussen Discusses Latest Poll Numbers

Maddow: Rep. Alan Grayson Has A Spine

NJ: Christie: Stop Using Weight In Campaign

Brit Hume On White House Attacking Fox News

Keith Olbermann: The Right Wing Eating Their Own

O'Reilly: Why President Obama Is So Angry With Fox News

Sen. Harry Reid Talks Tough Health Reform On Senate Floor

Sen. John Kerry On Afghanistan's Election Crisis

Rohrabacher: Obama's "World Vision Comes From A Marxist Background"

Valerie Jarrett: Obama Not "Demanding" Public Option

Sen. Gregg: US On Path To "Banana Republic"

House Dem: Obama Not Leading On Health Care

Rahm Emanuel on White House's War with Fox News

Progressives Hit Harry Reid On Health Care In New Ad

VA: McCain Campaigns For Bob McDonnell

ACU's Keene Threatens To Punch Ziegler At WCPAC

*World Video:Iran Agrees to Ship Uranium to Russia

Nurse's Aid Was Secretly African King

Obama Welcomes Karzai's Decision on Vote

A New President in Egypt?

Hondura's Poor Hit by Aid Cuts

Diseases Spread in Philippines Floodwaters

Guinea Junta Accused of Cover-up


*Transcripts:Obama's Remarks with Iraqi PM Maliki

Secretary Gates Takes Questions En Route to Japan

Panel on the Latest in Afghanistan

Secretary Clinton Takes Questions from the Press

Asia and the Global Financial Crisis


YouTube - PJTV: The Power & Danger of Iconography


10/20 The Mark Levin Show

10/19 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-20, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-19, Monday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-18, Sunday