"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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20 October 2009

20 Oct '09

*Featured Films

(1:01:21)YouTube - SUSTAINABLE TRANSFORMATION: An Interview with Ervin Laszlo

(1:35:12)The Future of Business and the Business of the Future


Baucus bill runs 1500 pages

*(1502 pages)Baucus Bill


The Alex Jones Show:feed


*e Book:Essays on American Empire by Michael S. Rozeff

*e Book:The Plot To Seize The White House


The Plot To Overthrow FDR


*Inspiration Course

*Hidden Knowledge

*Insight Course

*Global Transformation


Simple Keys to a Fuller Life Four Simple Keys to Transform Your Life

Principles of Personal Transformation

Shifting Paradigms of Consciousness


The Reality Show Part 1

The Reality Show – Part 2

The Reality Show - Part 3


Misconceptions about Cuba

AFP: US scientist charged with attempted spying for Israel

Darren Weeks -- Unemployment: Now, That’s Sustainable!

NIH - Research Matters - Virus Linked to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

No Business Like Shoah Business–The Golden Goose Of Holocaustianity and The Real Reasons For Irana-phobia « The Ugly Truth

Paula Gordon: The Dirty Thirty and the Silence of the Media Lambs

Devvy Kidd -- Olympia Snowe, health care, and the Seventeenth Amendment

ALIPAC - Ebay, Google, and Forum Novelties Censor illegal alien costume

Zionist Jewish Mind Control - A Case Study | Real Zionist News

*READY TO REVOLT: Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in United States - News - ReviewJournal.com

Magical Wars Within The Same Old Same Old

Fraud inquiry slashes Karzai vote to 48%, setting stage for runoff | World news | guardian.co.uk

The battle for 'terror central' in Pakistan - Telegraph

Revised formula puts 1 in 6 Americans in poverty - Yahoo! News

Refreshing News: Scientists to use supercomputers to “shine light” on black holes

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » CIA To Monitor Internet Chatter For Anti-Government Sentiment

Swine Flu Brings Big Business for Doctors and Drug Companies - ABC News

Esteemed virologist Dr Albert Osterhaus accused of stoking pandemic fears to promote his own vaccine business interests by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

The Zero Discount Value of Gold and Dethroning the Dollar by Michael S. Rozeff

The Bill Nobody Noticed: National DNA Databank

Hillary Clinton suffers ‘mis-speaking’ relapse with Belfast bomb claims - Times Online

CBC News - British Columbia - Anti-Olympic signs could mean jail: rights group

My Way News - Police stop more than 1 million people on street

The BRAD BLOG : Top U.S. Scientist Arrested in FBI Sting Attempting to Sell Nuclear Secrets to Israel

YouTube - 7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes

Behind the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize [Voltaire]

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Europeans Reject Swine Flu Vaccine

BBC NEWS | Technology | ISP in file-sharing wi-fi theft

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Karzai 'stripped of outright win'

Historic 9/11 Debate with Bigard, Laurent, Kassovitz and Harrit on French TV | World for 9/11 Truth | W9T.org

- Obama Steps Up Drone Bombings Despite Civilian Deaths

NASA -The 2009 Orionid Meteor Shower


Oh Bummer: Rethinking World War III

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israel spying devices found by UN

BBC NEWS | Technology | Millions tricked by 'scareware'

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente-Their is NO Economic Recovery-Its A COVERUP

EclippTV :: Video :: Michael Savage: We Must Stop The Copenhagen Climate Treaty!

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff on CNN - The Economy

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul on CNN-Bailouts-Fraud-Wall St 10-20-09

"Doomsday Seed Vault" in the Arctic [Voltaire]

The Population Myth [Voltaire]

YouTube - Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?


YouTube - Rorschach's Graffiti Noise

FEMA Camps & The Coming Gun Confiscation Laws | Real Zionist News

Alinskyite in Chief Is a Master Polarizer

Did Obama swing his own Nobel?

Who will rid me of that troublesome Rush?

Obama abuses faith office to promote his radical agenda

ObamaCare: Point and Counterpoint

Operation Rushbo, Fox News and Obama's Politics of Hate

The Moral Case for Health Care Reform?

Confessions of a San Francisco Tea Party Mobstress

RNC chair Steele praised ACORN

Palin vs Sotomayor

Obama's payoff to the teacher's unions

The absolute dead certainty of rising health care costs under Obamacare

Obama to skip anniversary of the Fall of Communism

DOJ forces town to put party labels on candidates for racial reasons

NY Times Reporter's profound insights

President Axelrod?

Reading the Electoral Tea Leaves

Kenny and the American Way

Imagined ethnicity and Obama

Health insurance industry's 'new tone' was off key

The lucrative business of racism

China and carbon emissions

Compost Conserved, Lifetime Wasted

Imitation, the Sincerest Form of Flattery

Obama's Hampton University Hula

Dreams authorship questions mounting

The Obama Way: Eliminate Competition of Ideas

Senator Gregg: path to 'banana republic'

Could Chicago be this bad?

Health reform will end up taxing work

Harry Reid's disingenuousness on health care reform

Obama administration condemns attacks on Rev Guard commanders

White House escalates war on Fox News

The Scientific Dictatorship and the Future of Humanity

'Saw VI' Movie Pushes Obamacare Propaganda

Government Propaganda To Infest Network TV Shows

IF Stone: An Iconic Radical Journalist

Spying on Americans: The Bipartisan National Security State

US Treasury Controlled by Wall Street

The Militarization of America's Youth

Canadian Military prepares for worst

Britain: Government anti-terrorism strategy 'spies' on innocent

video:The Scientific Dictatorship and the Future of Humanity

video:Obama To Sign New World Order Treaty?

All major networks to launch massive propaganda operation

U.S. military create live remote-controlled beetles to bug conversations

America’s Dead Souls: 8 Reasons To Hate Our Billionaire Bolsheviks - By Mark Ames - The eXiled

Wall Street's Naked Swindle : Rolling Stone

Government to get special swine flu vaccine - The Local

Obama Team Continues Effort to Isolate Fox News - Political News - FOXNews.com

Transhumanism and becoming part of the Borg collective on Star Trek

Millennium Ark: Hot News:Sticker Shock at the Supermarket: Food Prices Poised to Rise

Without A Shot Being Fired, A Dictator Has Taken Over the United States

YouTube - WARNING! Goodbye U.S Sovereignty... Hello One World Government !

Thatcher adviser: Copenhagen goal is 1-world government

White House boasts: We 'control' news media

Nat Hentoff: Is this right? Obama's unrestrained FBI: Is this America? | htrnews.com | Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter

Exclusive: U.S. Spies Buy Stake in Firm That Monitors Blogs, Tweets | Danger Room | Wired.com

On Fringe, Brain-Computer Interface Chips Have Real-Life Inspiration

Steve Quayle News Alerts:The Countdown Has Begun? ; Banking and Intelligence Sources Warn of Possible Nuclear Device Attacks in U.S. Cities

flashback:American Thinker: The Nazis and Christianity

flashback:ISM Colorado Homeland Security News & Research » Blog Archive » “The Axis of Idiots” ….J. D. Pendry, Retired Sergeant Major, USMC

video:Air Force Bugbots

Iranian Nuclear Threat Hyped: ElBaradei:

Game Plan: If Israel Strikes Iran First

Obama joins Netanyahu in Shielding Israel from War Crimes Charges

Taking Stock of the Republicans

Embrace the Dollar's Downfall

The Dollar Will Not Crash

The Two Americas

A Reality Check From the Brink of Extinction

U.S. military create live remote-controlled beetles to bug conversations

*White House Communications Director says her two favorite philosophers were Mao Tse-Tung and Mother Theresa

US Army Experience Center (AEC): Training Kids to Kill

‘Darwinian medicine’ in focus at World Health Summit

FCC ponders Internet data rules

Real Estate Collapse Entering New Phase: Banks Refusing to Repossess Abandoned Homes, or Even File Foreclosures

Vilsack Mistakenly Pitched "GMOs-Feed-The-World" to an Audience of Experts--Oops

Scientists Use Precise Flashes of Light to Implant False Memories in Fly Brains

Research in a Vacuum: DARPA Tries to Tap Elusive Casimir Effect for Breakthrough Technology

U.N. Report Says Counterterrorism Measures 'Risk Unduly Penalizing Transgender Persons'

Despite Surge in Unemployment, White House Says Economic Stimulus ‘Saved or Created’ 250,000 Jobs

Major Auto Dealer, Who Has Been Longtime K.C. Chiefs Season Ticket Holder, Gives Up on NFL Over Treatment of Limbaugh

New U.S. Policy Acknowledges Possibility That Sudan Will Split in Two

Obama’s Safe Schools Czar Says Teach Respect for Homosexuality in Kindergarten

U.S. Needs Int’l Partners for Its New Sudan Policy, But Many Countries Are Uncooperative

*White House Official’s Praise for Mao--Whose Policies Led to Death of 65 Million--Was ‘Pathetic,’ Says China Expert

NYT Environment Reporter Floats Idea: Give Carbon Credits to Couples That Limit Themselves to One Child

UN Report Says 'Gender Is Not Static, It Is Changeable'

White House Science Czar Advocated FCC Forcing Broadcasters to Air Enviro-Population Control Ads

Composer of 'Addams Family' Theme Dies at 93

Army Review Finds That Use of Troops in Alabama Town Broke the Law

Pot Advocates Say Looser Guidelines Leave Questions

Higher Jobless Rates Could Be New Normal

Government Unveils New Mortgage Help

September Housing Construction Rises 0.5 Percent

One in 6 Americans Lives in Poverty, According to Revised Formula

Feds Worried about Blagojevich TV Appearance

Vatican Makes It Easier for Anglicans to Convert

‘Rent Seeking’ Green Corporations Would Benefit Most Under Cap-and-Trade

Trust But E-Verify

Alienated & Radicalized

Enemies List

Baucus and the Politics of Pluralism, Pragmatism and Realism

Koch Family & The Tea Bagger Loonies 1961-2009: JFK Faced Exact Same Crazy Rightwing Billionaire Family As Obama - By Mark Ames - The eXiled

Millennium Ark: Hot News:Dozens of Westerners Attending Terror Camps

D.C. Muslim group's shocking al-Qaida ties

Census predicts fall in response rate - USATODAY.com

Millennium Ark: Hot News: Rising Seas Threaten Miami, NYC, New Orleans, Other Major Cities

Mexico allows disputed GM corn tests

It is too late to shut the door on GM foods | Environment | The Guardian

Millennium Ark: Hot News:'Lunatic' Single-Handedly Takes on the US Ag System

savethemales.ca - The Mass Media as Human Pesticide


Politics - The Power of Nightmares, (Part 1/3), “Baby it's Cold Outside“

Transcript - The Power of Nightmares - Part 1

The Power of Nightmares Part 2: The Phantom Victory - by Adam Curtis

Transcript - The Power of Nightmares - Part 2

Politics - The Power of Nightmares, (Part 3/3), “The Shadows in the Cave”

Transcript - The Power of Nightmares - Part 3


film:Mind Control: America's Secret War

film:The Future of Food

video:Elephant Artist

film:9/11 Press For Truth

YouTube - The Secret Government


Cybersecurity: Is the U.S. Government doing enough? | IT Security | TechRepublic.com

Facebook, Twitter users beware: Crooks are a mouse click away - CNN.com

Big-Box Breach: The Inside Story of Wal-Mart’s Hacker Attack | Threat Level | Wired.com

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Charlie Sheen Contest: 20 Minutes With The President Adaptation

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Farrakhan Says H1N1 Vaccine Is Tool Of Depopulation

**Vaccines: Sterilisation & Abortion**

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » “Al Qaeda is CIA Arab legion”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Congress Actually Stands Up to Banks . . . But What About the Senate?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Serious Vaccine Reactions to Now Be Called ‘Coincidence’?

**Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » CNBC Falls for Hoax News Release on Climate Change

CNBC, Reuters fall for climate hoax - Lisa Lerer and Michael Calderone - POLITICO.com

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » I Was a TSA Porn Star

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » ‘Oba Mao’: Chinese Grab Gear Depicting Obama as Communist

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama Czar Agrees With Mao – Also Thinks Free Market is ‘Nonsense’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » High-Fructose Corn Syrup Produces Toxic Chemical “HMF” When Heated

China pointing about 1,500 missiles at Taiwan: Taipei official

Nobel winner slams Bible as ‘handbook of bad morals’ | Raw Story

Oil Rises Above $80, Gold Near Record High on Dollar

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » So Many Threats to Federal Officials that Secret Service May Curtail Investigations Into Financial Crimes

*The Very Busy Politicians in Washington DC

'US uses oil to change China's stance on Iran'

The House of Lords

Bogus! Glenn Beck truncates Anita Dunn's 'Mao' remarks to wildly distort what she actually said

Oh Dear, We're Hurting Wall Street's Feelings! Boo Frickin' Hoo.

UN Elections Panel Finds Evidence of Afghan Voter Fraud; Strips Karzai Of Win

CBS News: Judge Defends Denied Interracial Marriage

Hardball: Ned Lamont Endorses Joe Sestak

NJ GOP Governor Candidate Christie Loves Being A Bushie, Corzine Rising In Polls

Wingnut Judge Running For PA Supreme Court Promises to Fix Redistricting Case for GOP.

Howard Kurtz Feigns Ignorance of Limbaugh's Racism

Blue America Welcomes Back Two Old Friends, Joe Sestak And Ned Lamont

Progressive Change Targets Harry Reid

We're Back to Faith-Based Education - Charter Schools Will Work If We Hope They Do.

This Is Exactly Why The White House Considers Fox News Illegitimate

Today Show: Dylan Ratigan and Michael Moore on Wall Street Bonuses

Krugman Sounds The Alarm On Banks - Again.

Pennsylvania GOP Uses Hammer And Sickle Symbols For O-bama

Bernie Sanders Unfiltered: Return to the Gilded Age

Obama Administration: We're Not Going to Arrest Sick People for Smoking Pot.

Pat Buchanan Pretends the Willie Horton Ad Wasn't Racist

Chris Wallace Thinks Asking Eric Cantor One Question is "Covering" the Ensign Scandal

Rove accuses White House of keeping enemies list

The Robber Barons Are Back -- Hide Your Money! | Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace | AlterNet

**Twenty-Two Reasons Why this Recession is Different and Why it Will Endure

Barack Obama must attend climate change talks to avoid 'catastrophe' for the planet - Telegraph

A particle God doesn’t want us to discover - Times Online

*Ron Paul: US Dollar Collapse When China Stops Buying Debt : Subprime Blogger

YouTube - Dr. Paul on the Senate Stimulus "Compromise"

What Obama Reads

Stormtroopers’ 9/11

Political Paralysis American Style


Part I - Get the "F" Out Of ATF

Part II - Get the "F" Out Of the ATF

Part III - Get the "F" Out Of ATF


*e Book:The Money Suckers

YouTube - The Money Suckers


DEBKAfile - Iran threatens to invade Pakistan, "crushing response" for US, UK

Easy-money mortgages still provided, by the feds - Washington Times

Sammy 'The Bull' Gravano may testify in defense of John "Junior" Gotti

Listening to you at last: EU plans to tap cell phones - Wikinews, the free news source

Soros: Dollar Killing Global Recovery

Nation & World | Nearly a third of Afghan president's votes voided | Seattle Times Newspaper

CNSNews.com - White House Official’s Praise for Mao--Whose Policies Led to Death of 65 Million--Was ‘Pathetic,’ Says China Expert

Study: Hormone therapy caused breast cancer for thousands - CNN.com

*(photos)Unlucky 7: Big Dems With Big Problems - FOXNews.com - Slide 1 of 7

The Real Reason for More Troops in Afghanistan by Michael Gaddy

A Young Champion of Liberty by Doug French

Massad Ayoob » Blog Archive » Win a Few … LOSE A FEW!

Governor Signs AB962 Restricting Ammunition

(audio)Witness the Freest Economy: The Internet

Witness the Freest Economy: the Internet - Dan O'Connor - Mises Institute

US Treasury Controlled by Wall Street

Nutrition and Physical Regeneration » What To Eat In A Crisis

Female Stoners - Women Pot Smokers - Marie Claire

Homeopathic Educational Services - Allergies are Nothing to Sneeze at... With Homeopathic Medicines

Sovereignty Resolutions: A Message to the UNITED STATES | Tenth Amendment Center Blog

Obama not yet sure of Afghanistan troop decision timing

U.S. decision can't wait for Afghan legitimacy: Gates | Reuters

UCLA Study: The Internet Is Altering Our Brains - Biology | Astronomy | Chemistry | Physics - FOXNews.com

Daley Unveils Some Budget Plans - cbs2chicago.com

Simi shuts family's haunted house attraction : Local News : Ventura County Star

Goodbye to Ghouls and Goblins | WKBW News 7: News, Sports, Weather - Buffalo, New York | Local News

My Way News - Swiss court orders Polanski kept in jail

Reuters AlertNet - Space agencies, Google seek ways to save forests

Report urges action to preserve journalism

Reuters AlertNet - Protester assails Blair in Palestinian mosque

The Associated Press: CAPITAL CULTURE: Obamas big on White House gigs

Excuses wearing thin for Obama, media pals :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Steve Huntley

Poll: Only 34 percent of Californians approve of Pelosi's performance - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

The Associated Press: Analysis: Courting doctors in health care battle

Reid Leads Democrats In Carving Out Favors for States on Health - Bloomberg.com

Traditional Americans are losing their nation

We are 'worried' about weak dollar: Eurogroup chief

ACORN is About Power; Pittsburgh Trib-Review Nails it

DOJ Bombshell: City MUST Have Democrat and GOP Parties

Illinois Home Health Care Workers to SEIU, AFSCME: Nope.

Exclusive: DumpDede.com

Even Left Groups Mobilize Against A Government Takeover of the Internet

Fraud, Embezzlement, and Cover-Ups: A Brief History of ACORN

Cement Shoes for a Website? Union Threatens AFTexposed.com

Alec Baldwin’s Race Card Game

ObamaVision: The EIF’s Implausible Deniability

Roman Polanski, Child Rape, and the Shifting Sands of Cultural Morality

EIF RESPONDS: Week of TV Promoting ‘Service’ Not Influenced By Obama

Inconvenient Truths Surface in ‘Not Evil Just Wrong’

What is Pornographic? What is Hip?

‘Paranormal Activity’ All too Normal


Breitbart.tv » Obama Czar Agrees With Mao – Also Thinks Free Market is ‘Nonsense’

Breitbart.tv » Gingrich: This is the Most Radically Left-Wing Government in American History

Breitbart.tv » Filmmaker Offers Olbermann $100k to Debate After ‘Crush on Palin’ Remark

Breitbart.tv » Beck’s White House Hotline Now Manned by Guy in ‘Chairman Mao’ Outfit

Breitbart.tv » Whoops: Introducing ‘Reagen’ National Airport

Breitbart.tv » Hume Defends Fox: Asks How CNN, Others ‘Like Being Patted on the Head’ by White House

Breitbart.tv » Radio Host Stunned at Co-Host’s Child Pornography Arrest

Breitbart.tv » The B-Cast: Veteran Journalist Asks Why Reporters Are Ignoring Obama/Ayers Questions

Breitbart.tv » Real Chamber of Commerce Official Confronts Imposter at Hoax News Conference

Breitbart.tv » ABC News Allows Casual Use of Pejorative ‘Teabagger’ Term

Breitbart.tv » Raw: Confrontation Turns Violent as ‘Balloon Boy’ Neighbor Blasts Media

Breitbart.tv » Rove Strikes Back at WH Criticism of Bush Administration’s Afghanistan Policy

Breitbart.tv » Fox News Reacts to White House Urging Other Networks to Disregard Them

Breitbart.tv » Limbaugh’s ‘Official Obama Criticizer’ Bo Snerdley Makes Special Statement

Breitbart.tv » Bill Maher’s Medical ‘Meltdown’ Causes Consternation on Show

Breitbart.tv » CNBC Falls for Hoax News Release on Climate Change

Breitbart.tv » Senator Warns That US Is on Path to ‘Banana-Republic-Type’ Financial Situation

Breitbart.tv » ‘Oba Mao’: Chinese Grab Gear Depicting Obama as Communist

Breitbart.tv » Obama’s Communications Director Explains How They ‘Controlled’ Campaign Media Message

Breitbart.tv » Wallace Says ‘Fox News Sunday’ Once Again Snubbed by WH

Breitbart.tv » Farrakhan Warns Followers Not to Let Obama’s Election ‘Pacify’ Them

Breitbart.tv » Climate Change Skeptic: Obama Is Poised to Cede US Sovereignty


YouTube - Matteriks Videocast 20091019

*Site:Matterik's Blog

*Matterik's podcast.

Articles (Mattias Erik Almlöf)

Movies (Mattias Erik Almlöf)

Readinglist (Mattias Erik Almlöf)


**Weblog: Geertwilders **


*YouTube - Matterik 2006 Videos

YouTube - Matterik 2007 Videos

YouTube - Matterik 2008 Videos


THE CLUB OF ROME - Club of Rome Co-President becomes President of the IUCN



(THE MODERN HISTORY PROJECT)mhp: The CCF and the God of Thunder Cult

THE CLUB OF ROME - Club of Rome - Time Capsule Project

YouTube - Club Of Rome and The Committee of 300

Where on earth are we going by Maurice Strong part 1

Where on earth are we going by Maurice Strong part 2

Where on earth are we going by Maurice Strong part 3

Where on earth are we going by Maurice Strong part 4

Where on earth are we going by Maurice Strong part 5

The next million years by Charles Galton Darwin part 1

The next million years by Charles Galton Darwin part 2

The next million years by Charles Galton Darwin part 3

Quotes from "The Republic" by Plato part 1

Quotes from "The Republic" by Plato part 2

Quotes from "The Fringes of Power" by John Colville part 1

Quotes from "The Fringes of Power" by John Colville part 2

*Climate :Warning*

Climate Treaty Will Create World Government Dictatorship « noworldsystem.com

YouTube - Copenhagen Climate Treaty: Lord Monckton With Glenn Beck - Part 1/2

YouTube - Copenhagen Climate Treaty: Lord Monckton With Glenn Beck - Part 2/2

The Copenhagen Climate Change Treaty Draft – wealth transfer defined, now with new and improved “dignity” penalty « Watts Up With That?


*A Copenhagen Climate Treaty

*A Copenhagen Climate Treaty

A Copenhagen Climate Treaty

NGO Copenhagen treaty - narrative (Vol. 1)

NGO Copenhagen treaty - legal text (Vol. 2)

Global Warming Scandals; Plus Extortion for 'Dignity' by Floy Lilley

The Second Battle of Copenhagen by Patrick J. Buchanan

Hopes Fade for Comprehensive Climate Treaty - NYTimes.com

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Is India's climate stance weakening?

Glenn Beck Interviews Lord Monckton - Reveals Inconvenient Truth About Copenhagen Treaty | Energy & Environment

Lord Monckton's One-World Government | The Atlantic Wire

Lord Christopher Monckton: Obama Will Cede US Soveriegnty In Climate Treaty | The Admonition

Global Voices Online » Global Health: Can Condoms Combat Climate Change?

Thought Leader » Bert Olivier » Is there an ecological crisis?

*Site:COPENHAGEN Climate Conference 2009

YouTube - Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?

YouTube - UN - Agenda 21- Sustainable Development

YouTube - Henry Lamb on agenda 21

YouTube - Copenhagen climate change summit - can it succeed?


*The Green Agenda - Agenda 21

Agenda 21: The Death Knell of Liberty, Redux

YouTube - Agenda 21 & the Club of Rome


PhillyBurbs.com: Philly airport screener admits stealing laptops

Underweight Girl Denied Insurance Coverage - Health News Story - WMTW Portland

Countries with the Biggest Gaps Between Rich and Poor

Oh Bummer: Can the Democrats Avoid a Populist Health Care Rebellion?

The Taliban’s reign of terror - World - Macleans.ca

Asia Times Online : Saudi-Iranian hostility hits boiling point

Obama has little choice on Sudan | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

The Afghanistan problem -- latimes.com

Gearing Up for Post-Lisbon Brussels: In The Running To Be Europe's Next Top Politician - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Achieving security and stability in health care | Detroit Free Press | Freep.com

RealClearPolitics - Media Wars: White House Crosses the Line

Michael B. Mukasey: Civilian Courts Are No Place to Try Terrorists - WSJ.com

National Journal Magazine - Detainees: Obama's Missed Opportunity

At rescued banks, perks keep rolling - washingtonpost.com

RealClearPolitics - Obama and his 'Enemy' Fetish

PostPartisan - Obama's dumb war with Fox News

Showtime for Dems - TheHill.com

Karen Ignagni - About that health-reform cost study

Bret Stephens: Does Obama Believe in Human Rights - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - We Must Stand Strong With Allies & Confront Iran

Time for Inaction on Global Warming - WSJ.com

Dangerous deficit: America's red ink hits a troubling mark

EDITORIAL: What would Mao do? - Washington Times

Tensions rise among Senate Democratic leaders - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Report says stimulus saved education jobs, but deficits loom - washingtonpost.com

Housing Trade Groups Urge Obama Administration to Back Tax Credit - WSJ.com

RealClearMarkets - The Baucus Bill: A Backdoor Path to the Public Option

Should Insider Trading Be Legalized?-Minyanville

A Peek Inside the Deficit — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

ARCHIVE:Obama Supports Global Tax on Americans « noworldsystem.com


*Politics Video:Obama Congratulates Afghanistan Over Second Vote

Biden: Millions Of Americans Are In A "Depression"

Rep. Ron Paul On Recession: "None Of This Is Behind Us"

Sen. Wyden On Public Support For A Public Option

VA: Rasmussen Discusses Latest Poll Numbers

Maddow: Rep. Alan Grayson Has A Spine

NJ: Christie: Stop Using Weight In Campaign

Brit Hume On White House Attacking Fox News

Keith Olbermann: The Right Wing Eating Their Own

O'Reilly: Why President Obama Is So Angry With Fox News

Sen. Harry Reid Talks Tough Health Reform On Senate Floor

Sen. John Kerry On Afghanistan's Election Crisis

Rohrabacher: Obama's "World Vision Comes From A Marxist Background"

Valerie Jarrett: Obama Not "Demanding" Public Option

Sen. Gregg: US On Path To "Banana Republic"

House Dem: Obama Not Leading On Health Care

Rahm Emanuel on White House's War with Fox News

Progressives Hit Harry Reid On Health Care In New Ad

VA: McCain Campaigns For Bob McDonnell

ACU's Keene Threatens To Punch Ziegler At WCPAC

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Afghanistan Elections

David Axelrod: Fox News "Not Really A News Station"

Cornyn: Obama's Indecisiveness Is "Emboldening Our Enemies"

Sens. Thune, Conrad, Specter On Health Care, Afghanistan

White House: We "Control" News Media

"This Week" Roundtable On 2010 Midterms

Rove, McAuliffe On White House's War On Fox News

Axelrod: Bank Bonuses Are "Offensive"

Rahm Emanuel On Afghanistan & Health Care

Sen. John Kerry On Afghanistan

*World Video:Guantanamo in New York City?

Secretary Clinton Announces New Sudan Policy

Iran Nuclear Talks to Break Deadlock?

Locked In: Life in Gaza, Part 1

Locked In: Life in Gaza, Part 2

Afghan Opposition to the National Reconciliation Ordinance

Russia Hosts Space Party

Kenyan MPs Urge Government to Relieve Farmers

Bangladeshi Builds Taj Mahal Replica

*Markets Video:Exposing Some Common Market Myths

Karlgaard: Will Global Recovery Elude the U.S.?

Apple Knocks the Cover Off the Ball

Oil Should Trade at $100: Kilduff

Fallout from Galleon Insider Trading Case

Stocks Face 'Meltup': Strategist

David Rosenberg: 'The Market Has Gotten Ahead of the Economy'

John Mack: Fix Economy First

Peru: The Counterfeiting Capital

Dollar Still De Facto for Oil


*Transcripts:Guests: Senators Conrad, Specter and Thune

Guests: Valerie Jarrett; Senators Dodd & Kyl

Guests: Rahm Emanuel, Senator Kerry, Senator Cornyn

Interviews with Rahm Emanuel & Senator Kerry

Interview with David Axelrod


The American Debate: Some Republicans are taking on the fringe | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/18/2009

Palin 20 points behind possible candidates in early 2012 GOP poll - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

U.S. sponsors plan to restrict free speech

Why the U.S. Should Oppose "Defamation of Religions" Resolutions at the United Nations

*SITE:ACLJ • American Center for Law & Justice

D.C. Muslim group's shocking al-Qaida ties

Anita Dunn and Mao: Establishment Press Predictably Mostly Muzzled | NewsBusters.org

Shades of Fox News boycott

Mika: With One Exception, Every CBS Reporter, Director, Anchor A Liberal | NewsBusters.org

Forgiveness on the eve of Holocaust

'Should we pass laws that would affect Christian Right?'

Kerry, Hagel to keynote 'anti-Israel' dinner

Protesters target media: 'Can you hear us now?'

YouTube - Operation: Can you hear us now? New York City

Arpaio Holds His Own Against CNN's Rick Sanchez

Thomas to White House: End Fox fight - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

‘Good Without God,’ Atheist Subway Ads Proclaim - City Room Blog - NYTimes.com

Runoff ordered for fraud-riddled Afghan vote - Afghanistan- msnbc.com

Polanski undergoing medical treatment: lawyer | Entertainment | Reuters

Palin: Baucus Bill Creates 'Perfect Storm' for Raising Health Care Costs - Political News - FOXNews.com

Finance Committee bill has been filed - Live Pulse - POLITICO.com

Health Care Reform - Rasmussen Reports™

GOP Launches Strategy to Trip Up Health Bill - Roll Call

Whipped for wearing a 'deceptive' bra: Hardline Islamists in Somalia publicly flog women in sharia crackdown | Mail Online

Goth girl, 15, found murdered after posting her profile on vampire website | Mail Online

Balloon boy's dad Richard Heene was arrested in 1997, spent 4 days in jail

Rep. Bean cancels flu speech — after kid gets flu

Climbers abandon disabled man halfway up a mountain - Times Online

U.S. quietly begins to study gun safety - Washington Times

Fertility doctor who treated octuplets' mom expelled by medical society - Los Angeles Times

Scientists find trawl of 32 new planets | Science | Reuters

‘Jesus’ face like the Turin Shroud appears in wooden door | The Sun |Home Scotland|Scottish News

Google power: Searching the web can slow the advance of dementia | Mail Online

Bartering may save cash in hard times - 10/11/09 - Los Angeles-Southern California-LA Breaking News, Weather, Traffic, Sports - abc7.com

Easy-money mortgages still provided, by the feds - Washington Times

Vivendi in Talks With GE to Unload NBC Universal Stake - WSJ.com

Dog has brush with success | The Sun |News

Pantagraph.com - Just once, go naked as your Halloween costume?

Telegram.com - Big tree house has neighbors feeling queasy

1,700-year-old footprints discovered under Lod mosaic - Haaretz - Israel News

8 Breathtaking Cloud Formations

Good, old-fashioned blacklisting

Chest thumping simians and greedy cowards

Should Rush sue?

Barack's enemies list

Not just wrong, but downright evil

Obama White House war on Fox News

Obama, Dalai Lama and Israel

Herman the Buddhist?

'End the Fed'

Illegals: Welcome! - Heather Mac Donald - The Corner on National Review Online

Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh Are Crazy -- Yet Corporate Media Legitimize Them | Media and Technology | AlterNet

The many meanings of a cross -- latimes.com

Was Beck's anonymous 'Concerned Parent' actually just a blacked-out Chris Wallace? Inquiring minds want to know ...

Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz Respond to Liz Cheney's 'Keep America Safe' Ad

Iran threatens U.S. and Britain after Guard bombing | U.S. | Reuters

Nasa unveils the Ares 1-X, the first new rocket design for three decades | Science | guardian.co.uk

Afghanistan election: Hamid Karzai to fight second round - Telegraph

Pakistan: suicide bombers attack Islamabad university - Telegraph

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China vows to free hijacked ship

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China on hunt for looted treasure

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran MPs demand action on Mousavi

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Polanski appeal for bail rejected

Replacement body parts offer active old age for future pensioners | Society | guardian.co.uk

One third of five years olds have tooth decay - Telegraph

Meet future woman: shorter, plumper, more fertile - health - 19 October 2009 - New Scientist

BBC NEWS | Health | Bracelets 'useless' in arthritis

Scientists try to calm '2012' hysteria -- latimes.com

Access : Researchers create portable black hole : Nature News


*Future-Trends-2012 - 24 PGS


*American Minute for October 20th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Plan killed to make 'naturalized' citizens eligible

Obama from Kenya, archived report says


VIDEO:Hath God said?

VIDEO:How do we share Christ with Jewish people?

*SITE: Wyatt Archaeological Research Inc

*SITE:Living Waters

*Site:Zion Ministries

Who or What is the Antichrist?: Spiritual Life in God

2012: The End of the World?

Is Jesus the Only Way to Salvation?: Spiritual Life in God

New Conservative Bible will eliminate 'liberal' text | tennessean.com | The Tennessean


Dr. J. Rodman Williams: Prophecy By The Book - Ch.1

Dr. J. Rodman Williams: Prophecy By The Book - Ch.2

Dr. J. Rodman Williams: Prophecy By The Book - Ch.3

Dr. J. Rodman Williams: Prophecy By The Book - Ch.4

Dr. J. Rodman Williams: Prophecy By The Book - Ch.5

Dr. J. Rodman Williams :Prophecy By The Book - Ch.6

Dr. J. Rodman Williams: Prophecy By The Book - Ch.7

Dr. J. Rodman Williams: Prophecy By The Book - Ch.8


World Net Daily Player:'Thin-skinned' Obama 'demonizing' Fox News

World Net Daily Player:Congressman rips 'political spending' by Democrats

World Net Daily Player:'Green-jobs' disaster grips Germany

World Net Daily Player:Afghan-strategy 'ambivalence' hurting U.S. troops


10/19 The Mark Levin Show

10/16 The Mark Levin Show

10/15 The Mark Levin Show

10/14 The Mark Levin Show


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DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ONE -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THREE – Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOUR—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHT—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ELEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWELVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THIRTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOURTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIFTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIXTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVENTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINETEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-ONE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-TWO: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-THREE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-FOUR: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-FIVE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-SIX: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-SEVEN: Read It Before It Is [Further] Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-EIGHT: Read It Before It Is [Further] Banned By The US Government