"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

19 October 2009

19 Oct '09


*World Clock*


*(1:34:22)The New American Century


*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Video of Monckton’s Speech on Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty in Copenhagen

*(1:35:33)YouTube - Lord Christopher Monckton Speaking at Bethel University

*Monckton’s Powerpoint presentation used at that speech

*video:Obama To Sign New World Order Treaty?


**Destruction of the Trade Centers: Occult Symbolism Indicates Enemies Within Our Own Government


**50 Years of Space Exploration**

**Hubble Ultra Deep Field 3D


*24 pgs./The History of The Future: Trends 2012; The 2nd American Revolution




PDF VERSION:THE MATRIX AND THE U. S. CONSTITUTION By: no name (hidden for his safety)


*READY TO REVOLT: Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in United States - News - ReviewJournal.com

FLASHBACK:Soldiers pledge to refuse disarmament demands

*BLOG/Oath Keepers

*SITE:Oath Keepers - Guardians of the Republic


Video: Water

Judge Smacks Down 'Birther' Orly Taitz For Abusing Court - The Two-Way - Breaking News, Analysis Blog : NPR

*pdf/43pg - Complete Judge's Order Sanctioning Orly Taitz

YouTube - Exploitation in Kansas Part 1

YouTube - Exploitation in Kansas Part 2

Paul Slams Neo-Con Graham For “Angry White Guys” Jibe

Barack Obama inherited capability for global nuclear strike

Women's prison: Sex trade | CJOnline.com

The Myth of "America"

Scientists give flies false memories

President Mahmoud Abbas – Is he a legal President?

Russia and India To Develop Supersonic Missile Invincible to Interception - Pravda.Ru

New Anti-Russian Missile Defense Plot Brewing in Washington - Pravda.Ru

Russia, India to jointly develop 5th-generation fighter | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Ekranoplan - MoscowTopNews.com

ALIPAC - ALIPAC: Illegal Alien Costumes Are Cool for Halloween!

Armed riots threatened as Karzai scorns election inquiry - Times Online

China caps off worlds with yet another gold medal - EarthLink - Top News

Britain will starve without GM crops, says major report - Telegraph

Coroner to investigate cancer death cluster around historic nuclear lab - Home News, UK - The Independent

'Nude X-ray' scans scuppered by child porn fears | Mail Online

Jobless flock to sign up for the military

savethemales.ca - The Mass Media as Human Pesticide

It is too late to shut the door on GM foods | Environment | The Guardian

Jonathan Freedland: Global politics in the decade of radicalism | World news | The Guardian

David Hare: It all started 96 hours after 9/11 | David Hare | Comment is free | The Guardian

Lost Greek city that may have inspired Atlantis myth gives up secrets | Science | The Guardian

Why Won't The Media Report Black On White Rape?

FCC ponders Internet data rules

Real Estate Collapse Entering New Phase: Banks Refusing to Repossess Abandoned Homes, or Even File Foreclosures

Vilsack Mistakenly Pitched "GMOs-Feed-The-World" to an Audience of Experts--Oops

Scientists Use Precise Flashes of Light to Implant False Memories in Fly Brains

Uk Police to use mobile biometric scanners and credit card readers

Dangerous Crossroads: U.S. Expands Asian NATO Against China, Russia

Research in a Vacuum: DARPA Tries to Tap Elusive Casimir Effect for Breakthrough Technology

New Anti-Russian Missile Defense Plot Brewing in Washington

US Dept of Defense - DARPA Program Brings Sci-fi Capability to Warfighters

Oozy new military robot can squeeze through tiny spaces

Obama’s unrestrained FBI: Is this America?

CIA still witholds JFK assassination docs

There's No Way To Enforce A Texting While Driving Ban

Killing Innocent Afghan Civilians to "Save Our Troops"

War Next Door Creates Havoc in Pakistan

America, Heal Thyself:

'Saw VI' Movie Pushes Obamacare Propaganda

Officials Say Don't Blame the Swine Flu Shot, You'll Drop Dead Anyway

Salon.com Whines Masses Waking up to Globalist Conspiracy, Listening to Alex Jones

The Rich Have Stolen the Economy

Video of Monckton's Speech on Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty in Copenhagen

Canadian Health Minister Wants 100% Of Population H1N1 Vaccinated

'Pure journalistic drivel': How does Reuters spin GROWING Arctic ice? By reporting on 'predictions' of an ice free Arctic

Danish Prime Minister Knew WTC Would Collapse

Globalists team up to make you their slaves: Obama, Bush turn bipartisan focus to volunteerism

DARPA, Microsoft, Lockheed team up to reinvent TCP/IP

High-Speed 'Other' Internet Goes Global

Global banking body may be needed-FSA

SEC unit hires ex-Goldman Sachs worker as chief operating officer

Vaccines' Dark Inferno

The Swine Flu Revolution: Depopulation & Eugenics

Britain: Government anti-terrorism strategy 'spies' on innocent

Barring George W. Bush from Canada: Time for the Law to Step in:

Fraudulent Afghan Election Raises Odds Against U.S. "Success"

Challenging the Banks

US Treasury Controlled by Wall Street

The Militarization of America's Youth

Experts: Obamacare Faces Constitutional Challenges

3 Senators, Obama Secretly Write Health Bill

Aides: Obama Not Demanding Public Option

Dick Morris: Healthcare Stakes Are Life and Death

Cato’s Tanner: Medicare Will Be Cut

Grassley: Senate Health Plan Depletes Medicare

GOP's Vitter, Bennett Push Census Citizenship Rules

Arizona May Opt Out of Obamacare

Healthcare Bill Makes Sen. Roland Burris Relevant

Farrakhan: Don't Be 'Pacified' by Obama

Critics Slam Obama for Picking Fox News Fight

Axelrod: Obama Awaiting Finished Healthcare Bill

Sotomayor: They Even Picked My Clothes

Rahm, Axelrod: Fox 'Not News’

Emanuel: Troop Decision Depends on Afghans

Sen. Dodd: Wall Street Pay Is Outrageous

Feds to Issue New Medical Marijuana Policy

Sheriff: Balloon Boy Hoax May Have Conspirators

3 Runners Die Competing in the Detroit Marathon

Trial Record Provides Account of Oregon Jihad Camp

Soros: Dollar Killing Global Recovery

Green Tea Reduces Risk of Dying from Pneumonia

Soy May Reduce Hip Fractures in Older Women

White House Feud With Fox News Is Undignified

Is the First Amendment Still Relevant?

Trends in Terror Prep Net Surfing

Obama Unveils New Sudan Strategy

Top Lobbyist for Hollywood Movie Industry Leaving

Balloon Hoax Popped: Were There More People In on It?

Elvis' Hair Leaves the Building -- Sold for $18,300

China Holds First Race Horse Auction

Sotomayor Says Nomination Tightly Scripted

NYT Environment Reporter Floats Idea: Give Carbon Credits to Couples That Limit Themselves to One Child

White House Science Czar Advocated FCC Forcing Broadcasters to Air Enviro-Population Control Ads

UN Report Says 'Gender Is Not Static, It Is Changeable'

Attempt to Ban Minarets Sparks Censorship Controversy in Switzerland

Stabenow: ‘Critical’ That CBO Scores Final Health Care Legislation

Obama Expects ‘Compromise’ in Final Health Care Bill

UConn’s Starting Quarterback Stabbed to Death at Campus Dance

Sen. Dodd Says Wall Street Compensation Is Outrageous

Lots More Planets Found Outside Solar System

Welcome to the School of Social Engineering

An ACORN-Friendly, Big Labor, Tax-and-Spend Radical in GOP Clothing

The Second Battle of Copenhagen

Surprising Ship 'Contrails' Seen From Space | LiveScience

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | New robotic hand 'can feel'

Scientists try to calm '2012' hysteria -- latimes.com

Norwegian Wood For The Ages: 'Mummified' Pine Trees Found

Who you gonna call? The ghost-hunting Aykroyds - USATODAY.com

*Researchers create portable black hole : Nature News

Jupiter's Moon Europa Has Enough Oxygen For Life

Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal, UFOs, Cryptids and Unexplained Phenomena

How Galileo’s telescope changed everything – Telegraph Blogs

'1000ft-long UFOs were NOT Chinese lanterns!' - Lancashire Evening Post

Ouija believe it

British scientists develop 'brain to brain communication' - Telegraph

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Bad memories written with lasers

*Physicists Calculate Number of Parallel Universes

SPACE.com -- Mystery Emissions Spotted at Edge of Solar System

Wires Inserted Into Human Brain Reveal Speech Surprise | Wired Science | Wired.com

1,700-year-old footprints discovered under Lod mosaic - Haaretz - Israel News

Astronomy Picture of the Day : 2009 October 15 - Fireball Meteor Over Groningen

Out of your head: Leaving the body behind - life - 13 October 2009 - New Scientist

BBC NEWS | Technology | 'Magnetic electricity' discovered

Aletho News: UN: Israeli Spy Devices Responsible for Lebanon Blasts

Firedoglake » Corporate Supremacy and the Rape of a Human Girl

EclippTV :: Video :: Webster Tarpley: Goldman Sachs - Its Class Warfare

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul Gets Heated Over The Afghanistan War Policy

OpEdNews - Article: Our Neighbors' Keeper: Local Cop Chiefs Want to Create a Nation of Snoops

Refreshing News: Hollywood film stars banned from Twitter

David Rohde's insights into what motivates the Taliban - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Infectious Lies by Robert Klassen

The Christian’s Golden Calf by Laurence M. Vance

The Death of Politics - Karl Hess - Mises Institute

Archive:Rick Warren, the CFR, and Barack Obama

*Community Currencies on the Rise » Nationalist Coalition Blog

Israel rejects ‘war crimes’ claims - Mideast : news, world | euronews

*Curtmaynardsnewestblog: Lithuanian Man That Shot and Killed a Judge and Senior Politician That Molested His Three Year Old Daughter Becomes A National Hero on the Lamb


Refreshing News: U.S. Healthcare Overhaul: Five Lessons From Abroad

Latin America plans US dollar replacement

HANIEH: Arab Jews

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » U.S. Attacks Iran Via CIA-Funded Jundullah Terror Group

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Report: Iran incapable of producing nuke within six to eight years

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Mao and Rockefeller: Beck Fails to Call Out the Real Monsters

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Awareness of Military Cell at FAA Headquarters of Events on Day of 9/11

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Public Relations Machine for the Vaccine Complex

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » A Sick Twist: Is population control rationale being used in the climate change and healthcare debates?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » One Mainframe To Rule Them All

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » ‘A**hole’: Fracas at Conservative Conference Leads to Speaker’s Ejection

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » New Democrat Amenment Could Slow Hate Bill Signing

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Doctor Says Flu Injections Are Dangerous, Unnecessary

Fox News Inspired Protesters Locked in Voodoo Trance

U.S. Attacks Iran Via CIA-Funded Jundullah Terror Group

Another Financial Bubble Comes Into View

Kansas, Oklahoma Officials Plan “Stop Livestock Movement” Exercise Oct. 22

Nat Hentoff: Is this right? Obama's unrestrained FBI: Is this America? | htrnews.com | Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter

Brokedown Palace: The Undermining of Property Rights in America | zero hedge

Taliban Strength Nears Military Proportion

SEC unit hires ex-Goldman Sachs worker as chief operating officer -- latimes.com

Darren Weeks -- Unemployment: Now, That’s Sustainable!

News Analysis - Russia’s Leaders See China as Template for Ruling - NYTimes.com

U.S. must live within its means: Geithner | U.S. | Reuters

Foreclosed Ex-Homeowners Turn to Shelters - General * US * News * Story - CNBC.com

Drop in foreclosures called ‘very scary’

*The world's future is being decided this weekend | Nicholas Stern | Comment is free | The Observer

China could bend on Iran nuclear sanctions: experts

VOA News - Iran to Continue Enriching Uranium, Regardless of Talks

Campaign asks for international treaty to limit war robots - tech - 30 September 2009 - New Scientist

SPACE.com -- Europa or Mars: Where Could Extraterrestrial Life Be Found First?

Where Could Humans Survive in our Solar System? | Universe Today

Roswell Investigator - Flight to Ft. Worth: Complicity to Cover-up

Roswell Investigator - Suspension of Disbelief, the U.S. Air Force and Roswell

Roswell Investigator - Another Roswell Smoking Gun

VIDEO:CNN Political Ticker: Gregg: U.S. could be on path to a 'banana republic' situation

CIA Continues to Stonewall Release of JFK Assassination Files | ChattahBox News Blog

Abbas is a dead man - Netanyahu and Barak killed him - Haaretz - Israel News

Is the 'Obama effect' turning the world against Israel? - Haaretz - Israel News

Iran Warns U.S., U.K. of Retaliation After Attack - Iran | Map | News - FOXNews.com

VIDEO:Iran blames 'satanic' U.S. for suicide attack, vows revenge - Haaretz - Israel News

Five political risks to watch in Japan | Currencies | Reuters

India says situation in Pakistan "very serious" _English_Xinhua

U.S. arrests suspected 1968 Pan Am flight hijacker | U.S. | Reuters

Latin American Herald Tribune - Venezuela's Chávez Fills $9.4 Billion Yearly Post-Soviet Gap in Cuba’s Accounts

Venezuela is no tyranny | Francisco Dominguez | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Chavez urges US, Russia to denuclearize themselves

'Worried' China says Agni V can reach Russian border - China - World - The Times of India

UN report finds 1 billion hungry as worldwide food emergency grows | Detroit Free Press | Freep.com

Chavez says Iran helping Venezuela find uranium | International | Reuters

Energy crisis is postponed as new gas rescues the world - Telegraph

Interpol and U.N. Back ‘Global Policing Doctrine’ - NYTimes.com

World Bank could 'run out of money' within 12 months - Telegraph

My Way News - Feds to issue new medical marijuana policy

My Way News - LA's top prosecutor vows to target pot shops

My Way News - Oil jumps above $79 to 2009 high before retreating

My Way News - States weigh campaign rules for the Internet age

My Way News - Hurdles remain as FCC ponders Internet data rules

Colorado insurers say health care bill would lead to "system collapse" - The Denver Post

Police: Man Stabbed Son Over Clogged Toilet - News Story - WPTZ Plattsburgh

Brown warns of 'catastrophe' without Copenhagen climate deal - Times Online

BBC NEWS | UK | PM warns of climate 'catastrophe'

London Agents ‘Sold Out’ as Home Asking Prices Jump to Record - Bloomberg.com

Hillary Clinton suffers ‘mis-speaking’ relapse with Belfast bomb claims - Times Online

*White House boasts: We 'control' news media

*White House Escalates War on Fox News - Political News - FOXNews.com

Canadian Dollar Climbs Toward Parity as Stocks, Crude Oil Rally - Bloomberg.com

Los Angeles, Are You Ready For Some NFL Football? | NBC Los Angeles

Five days in September | 911Blogger.com


The Public Relations Machine for the Vaccine Complex by Richard Gale and Gary Null

Doug Casey on Cars – Past, Present, and Future

Will You Love Every Future President? by Tom Engelhardt and David Swanson

Simple Way to Lower Your Blood Pressure -- Just Avoid THIS… by Joseph Mercola

Pennsylvania GOP Uses Hammer And Sickle Symbols For O-bama

Bernie Sanders Unfiltered: Return to the Gilded Age

Obama Administration: We're Not Going to Arrest Sick People for Smoking Pot.

Pat Buchanan Pretends the Willie Horton Ad Wasn't Racist

Chris Wallace Thinks Asking Eric Cantor One Question is "Covering" the Ensign Scandal

Rove accuses White House of keeping enemies list

Axelrod Warns Bankers Should 'Think' About Latest Bonuses. That's It?

Kyl doubts people die from lack of health insurance. You see what I'm talking about?

Specter slams GOP as 'party of obstructionism'; UPDATED

David Axelrod agrees with Dunn on FOX NEWS: 'Not Really A News Organization'

McClatchy: Moody's Too-Favorable Ratings Fueled Wall St. Bubble

Lizz Winstead Gives Ed Schultz a Hard Time for "Showing the Jiffy Pop Thing"

Dylan Ratigan: Goldman Sachs Magic Trick

New Ad From Cheney's 'Keep America Safe' Attacks MSNBC Hosts as 'Afraid' to Debate Her

Lou Dobbs and the key to the immigration debate: Is it amnesty, or a path to citizenship?

YouTube - Criminalization of Social Networking Technology - Twitter, G20 Pittsburgh, & Iran

TheBurningPlatform.com » Economy » RATS IN A CAGE


*New Conservative Bible will eliminate 'liberal' text | tennessean.com | The Tennessean

*Conservative Bible Project - Conservapedia

*Bible - Conservapedia



*Ron Paul: US Dollar Collapse When China Stops Buying Debt : Subprime Blogger

Flu, Me? Public Remains Wary Of H1N1 Vaccine : NPR

ObamaCare's Tax on Work - WSJ.com

Top Treasury posts vacant in finance crisis - Washington Times

PRUDEN: The peacenik gets a lesson - Washington Times

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran 'doubts' over nuclear deal

My Way News - House, Senate Dems at odds on health care overhaul

Job losses deliver '09 baby bust - Washington Times

Study: Hormone therapy caused breast cancer for thousands - CNN.com

White House Official’s Praise for Mao--Whose Policies Led to Death of 65 Million--Was ‘Pathetic,’ Says China Expert

Brazil Vows Safe Olympics After 14 Killed in Rio

U.S. Leaders Visit Pakistan As It Battles Taliban

What is Equality?

As Spokesperson for Black America, Al Sharpton... You're fired !

Counterinsurgency Doctrine and the Global Jihad

Explaining terrorism to a Nobel laureate

CO2 driven global warming is not supported by the data

Children of a Lesser God

The National Security Adviser and J Street

Obama administration condemns attacks on Rev Guard commanders

Harry Reid's disingenuousness on health care reform

Could Chicago be this bad?

Senator Gregg: path to 'banana republic'

The Obama Way: Eliminate Competition of Ideas

Reading the Electoral Tea Leaves

Kenny and the American Way

Imagined ethnicity and Obama

Health insurance industry's 'new tone' was off key

The lucrative business of racism

China and carbon emissions

Compost Conserved, Lifetime Wasted

Mark Steyn: Limbaugh bad, Mao good | mao, million, don, saying, dream - Opinion - OCRegister.com

Congressional Ethics Inquiries Drag on, Despite Vows to End Corruption

Op-Ed Columnist - Fie, Fatal Flaw! - NYTimes.com

Sunday Take: Democrats Face Threats From 3 Directions - washingtonpost.com

GLENN COOK: Reid, champion of the filibuster, might nuke it - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Op-Ed Columnist - The Catastrophic Option - NYTimes.com

A Roadmap to Health-Care Overhaul by Christmas: Albert R. Hunt - Bloomberg.com

RealClearPolitics - Government Control Leads to Denial of Care

Column: Just say no to blasphemy laws - Opinion - USATODAY.com

The Taliban-Al Qaeda merger.

Garry Kasparov: Russia Worries About the Price of Oil, Not a Nuclear Iran - WSJ.com

The right think Obama is an ideological Typhoid Mary | Michael Tomasky | Comment is free | The Guardian

National Journal Magazine - Is Obama Tough Enough?

RealClearPolitics - Unlike Obama, Americans Reject European Model

RealClearPolitics - Time to Reawaken Young Voters

RealClearPolitics - The Lucrative Business of Racism

RealClearPolitics - Restarting the Job Machine

A Sickening Deficit - Forbes.com

UnionLeader.com - New Hampshire news, business and sports - Buying senior votes: Washington has a plan - Monday, Oct. 19, 2009

2.47 trillion dimes

Scalpel, please -- chicagotribune.com

Debate on war on terror - Our view: U.S. aid to Pakistan can't flow without accountability - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Obama steps up 2010 fundraising push despite policy challenges - TheHill.com

Lawmakers Battle on Census Question - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - US News - Oct 18, 2009 - States weigh campaign rules for the Internet age

Medicaid, S-CHIP expansion plan could hurt states' budgets - USATODAY.com

Op-Ed Columnist - The Banks Are Not All Right - NYTimes.com

The barefaced greed of bankers and their bonuses beggars belief - Telegraph

The Insider Trading Arrests - WSJ.com

Mrs. Logic

Comedy Aside, an Obama Report Card - NYTimes.com

Everything You Know About China Is Wrong

Inflation Vs. Deflation - Forbes.com

Geithner, Summers, Bair on Wall Street « Emac\'s Stock Watch | Fox Business

A Static Peg in a Dynamic Hole

How Obama's Secret Iran Talks Set Stage for a Nuclear Deal

Many Sources Feed Taliban’s War Chest - NYTimes.com

RealClearWorld - Can Counter-Insurgency Win the War on Terror?

The battle for 'terror central' in Pakistan - Telegraph

The Deal to Disarm Iran - The Daily Beast

Back To The Future :Times of India

Pakistan fights for its life - Telegraph

The Hindu : How to end this discordance

White House boasts: We 'control' news media

Education sec spoke at event with Ayers


Yes, CAIR is planting 'spies' on Capitol Hill

Is this man Islamophobic?

'Moderate' CAIR to feature radicals at annual banquet

Interview: Man Who Went Undercover As Muslim Intern Speaks To TPM | TPMMuckraker

Rep. Myrick repeats call to cut CAIR ties - TheHill.com

'CAIR's most serious challenge yet'

Myrick on Fox: CAIR won't renounce Hamas ideology

CAIR bucked up by reaction of officials, media

YouTube - Operation: Can you hear us now? New York City

White House advisers say Fox News is not news

The hapless, clueless media

(www.cair.com)Right-Wing Reps Call Muslims ‘Spies’ in Congress



God and guns, Part 1

God and guns, Part 2

World Net Daily Player:GOP's Joe Wilson talks 'war on terror' with WND

Rev. Al Sharpton threatens to sue Rush Limbaugh over Wall Street Journal op-ed

Thatcher adviser: Copenhagen goal is 1-world government

U.S., Britain say global climate deal possible | Green Business | Reuters

Five years on, Senator Kerry makes comeback | Politics | Reuters

Crist twist: Florida primary tightens - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Liberals frustrated with President Obama; angry their issues took back seat to health care reform

5 hired after Obama vouched for them :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Gov. Blagojevich

Obama Nominates Lesbian Activist To Employment Post - The Philadelphia Bulletin

ARCHIVE:'Gay' sex morally good, says Obama pick

VIDEO:National Journal Online - First Van Jones. Who's Next?

Education sec spoke at event with Ayers

White House: Obama Not Demanding Government-Run Health Insurance Option - Political News - FOXNews.com

Fury in Frankfurt at Google's global library project

FDA plan limits live-oyster sales from Gulf in warm months - USATODAY.com

Here’s something to chew on

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall... but don't worry, he'll be fine - TV & Radio, Media - The Independent

Dolphins play football with jellyfish - Telegraph

A Collection Of Pre-1930 Awkward Family Photos: Pics, Videos, Links, News

Pets, they're just like people!

*First Ever Black Hole Created on Earth

Church claims Halloween trick or treaters 'side with the Devil' | Mail Online

North Carolina church plans Halloween Bible burning - Telegraph

Man crushed by garbage truck recalled as thoughtful, artistic

California Appellate Court Refuses to Publish Anti-Camera Decision

Tribe teams with Google to make stand in Amazon

New camera promises to capture your whole life - tech - 16 October 2009 - New Scientist

Merced man sees Virgin Mary in football-sized rock - Breaking News - The Modesto Bee

Bear enters grocery, climbs onto beer cooler - JSOnline

Very good year for wine expert building online empire | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/16/2009

A fiscal pacifier -- chicagotribune.com

Send Biden to get Osama

American Thinker: Rush, Jesse, and Fidel

A 3-letter word – jobs

Congress despairs when slaves can read

Barack Obama: It's about priorities

'End the Fed'

Big Business joins forces with the Left

Renewable Energy: The Myth of Germany’s “Grün Energie”

Big Government » Blog Archive » ObamaCare Debate: Freedom vs. Oppression

‘Paranormal Activity’ All too Normal

The Bill Maher Meltdown

Jews and Guns

A Modest Proposal to Reform the Congress

‘Not Evil Just Wrong’ Premiere Big Hollywood Live Stream

‘Not Evil Just Wrong’ Will Open Eyes to Inconvenient Facts

‘33 Minutes’ and the Importance of Missile Defense

Courrielche Debates ObamaVision on ‘O’Reilly’

‘Not Evil, Just Wrong’: The Human Cost of Environmentalism

Everything I need to know about ACORN

The ACORN Standard | CommonDreams.org


Breitbart.tv » ‘Oba Mao’: Chinese Grab Gear Depicting Obama as Communist

Breitbart.tv » CNN Report: ‘Bully’ Limbaugh Attracts Voiceless Fans Who Get ‘Power by Proxy’

Breitbart.tv » Senator Warns That US Is on Path to ‘Banana-Republic-Type’ Financial Situation

Breitbart.tv » Wallace Says ‘Fox News Sunday’ Once Again Snubbed by WH

Breitbart.tv » Obama’s Communications Director Explains How They ‘Controlled’ Campaign Media Message

Breitbart.tv » Farrakhan Warns Followers Not to Let Obama’s Election ‘Pacify’ Them

Breitbart.tv » Climate Change Skeptic: Obama Is Poised to Cede US Sovereignty

Breitbart.tv » ‘Can You Hear Us Now?’: Top 18 Videos From Nationwide Media Protests

Breitbart.tv » Mika Admits in Decade at CBS News She Knew Only One Non-Liberal Staffer


Dodd offers protection from bank overdraft fees

DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL: Super: Proof That Gay Americans Are . . .

DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL: UK High Court: Hey, Let’s Share U.S. Intelligence w/ Terrorists, Islamists

DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL: Dem Texas Sheriff: Hey, Let’s Invite Al-Jazeera to Attack Our Jails

'Wife Swap' producers talk balloon boy's dad back in 2008 | EW.com

Lindsay Lohan seeks restraining order against father

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Reveals Nip Slip on Her View Return - Babies, Elisabeth Hasselbeck : People.com

Roman Polanski Hospitalized for Second Time - Health, Roman Polanski : People.com

YouTube - Michael Jackson´s This Is It CUE THAT EXTENDED NEW CLIP

Florida plan advises hospitals to bar some patients in event of severe flu pandemic -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

The Hindu : U.S. and the shadow of new East Asia visions

Dem officials set stage for corporate-backed health care campaign - Ben Smith and Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

Big Government » Blog Archive » Cement Shoes for a Website? Union Threatens AFTexposed.com

Should Balloon Boy Parents Lose Kids? - The Early Show - CBS News

The Obama war against Fox News: Risky business? | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

250,000 Education Jobs: Good News for White House - The Atlantic Business Channel

Liberals press Reid on public option - First Read - msnbc.com

A Palin two-fer

Louisiana newlyweds want justice of peace fired - CNN.com

VOA News - Panel Invalidates Some Afghan Election Results

US, Pakistan agree to disagree on Waziristan offensive | csmonitor.com

YouTube - Displaced Register As Pakistan Fights Taliban

VOA News - IAEA Discussing Uranium-Enrichment Plan with Iran

The Associated Press: Sunni insurgent group in Iran

YouTube - Iran accuses US, Britain, Pakistan over bombing

VOA News - London Meeting Hopes to Smooth Way for Copenhagen Climate Agreement

YouTube - Copenhagen climate change summit - can it succeed?

The Associated Press: Freed Irishwoman: Darfur kidnappers terrorized me

AFP: Seoul: NKorea uranium programme 'very worrying'

Jessica Watson begins global sailing journey; Abby Sunderland hopes to leave soon | Outposts | Los Angeles Times

YouTube - Sixteen-year-old girl sailor begins record attempt

The Associated Press: Jurist: Ties to Israel obligated war crimes probe

EU exec to decide soon on GMOs after deadlock | Deals | Regulatory News | Reuters

The Associated Press: Japan first lady awarded for looking good in jeans

Morale crumbling among US and British troops in Afghanistan

YouTube - Run on the Bank, Bank of America needs to go

Palestine Think Tank » Counter-terrorism, No thanks! Culture and Heritage Hasbara Deconstruction Site Israel Newswire Palestine Religion Resistance War Zionism » Hamas – They’re not bad, they’re just drawn that way

New Mishap Revealed In Levy Case - Sacramento News Story - KCRA Sacramento

*Israeli Nuclear Threats and Blackmaill

Rolfe Winkler » Blog Archive » Letting Goldman roll the dice | Blogs |

The Robber Barons Are Back -- Hide Your Money! | Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace | AlterNet

Bernanke gone berserk! Bank reserves explode! | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

Krugman Sounds The Alarm On Banks - Again.

Magical Wars Within The Same Old Same Old

President Obama may seem to dither, but he is ready to strike | Andrew Sullivan - Times Online

Oklahoma abortion law to put patients' details online | World news | guardian.co.uk

Homebuyers face questions on alcohol and smoking under new mortgage rules - Times Online

Barack Obama must attend climate change talks to avoid 'catastrophe' for the planet - Telegraph

Barack Obama 'to overturn' Bush-era cannabis policy - Telegraph

Beware of the supertrap: Hi-tech French speed cameras could be heading to Britain's roads

Home Office climbs down over keeping DNA records on innocent | Politics | guardian.co.uk

Silvio Berlusconi told to ‘avoid walkabouts’ after death threats - Times Online

Made In China - Importing America To Its Own Death

I.F. Stone - An Iconic Radical Journalist

Hungarian MP: Jews want to take over the world - Haaretz - Israel News


*American Minute for October 19th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Obama from Kenya, archived report says

Eligibility attorney mocked, fined $20,000

Plan killed to make 'naturalized' citizens eligible


*Transcripts:Guests: Senators Conrad, Specter and Thune

Guests: Valerie Jarrett; Senators Dodd & Kyl

Guests: Rahm Emanuel, Senator Kerry, Senator Cornyn

Interviews with Rahm Emanuel & Senator Kerry

Interview with David Axelrod

Shields & Gerson on the Week in Politics

Interview with Senator Jay Rockefeller


*Politics Video:Progressives Hit Harry Reid On Health Care In New Ad

Sen. John Kerry On Afghanistan's Election Crisis

Valerie Jarrett: Obama Not "Demanding" Public Option

Sen. Gregg: US On Path To "Banana Republic"

VA: McCain Campaigns For Bob McDonnell

Rahm Emanuel on White House's War with Fox News

ACU's Keene Threatens To Punch Ziegler At WCPAC

Sens. Thune, Conrad, Specter On Health Care, Afghanistan

David Axelrod: Fox News "Not Really A News Station"

Cornyn: Obama's Indecisiveness Is "Emboldening Our Enemies"

Rove, McAuliffe On White House's War On Fox News

White House: We "Control" News Media

Axelrod: Bank Bonuses Are "Offensive"

"This Week" Roundtable On 2010 Midterms

Rahm Emanuel On Afghanistan & Health Care

Sen. John Kerry On Afghanistan

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Afghanistan Elections

Juan Williams Responds: "Apparently It's OK To Use Racial Slurs"

Obama: Taking the Insurance Companies On Down the Stretch

*Markets Video:Peru: The Counterfeiting Capital

David Rosenberg: 'The Market Has Gotten Ahead of the Economy'

Stocks Face 'Meltup': Strategist

John Mack: Fix Economy First

Dollar Still De Facto for Oil

AM Report: Proving Insider Trading


**The Most Powerful Organization In The United States

*FEMA Executive Orders



*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 16th With Chris Pinto

Bill Cunningham 10/18/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 10/18/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 10/18/09 Hour 3

Inside look magazine

Sep/Oct 09:.insidelookmagazine.com

July/Aug 09:.insidelookmagazine.com

May/June 09:.insidelookmagazine.com

March/April 09:.insidelookmagazine.com



*SITE:The American Empire Project

*SITE:Let's Try Democracy: David Swanson.

*Conscious Media Network:Video Page*

*SITE:AfterDowningStreet.org | Bush-Cheney Trials in '09

*SITE:Casey Research


*SITE:Red Ice Radio



*SITE:Flixxy.com - Videos