"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

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Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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01 October 2009

1 Oct '09



*(1:51:16)America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

*(42:15)G Edward Griffin Creature From Jekyll Island A Second Look at the Fed

*(1:40:23)WKJO: Who Killed John O'Neill?

*(1:53:40)The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

(1:02:52)Alex Ansary Interviews Alex Jones (11-1-07)

(21:01)Alex Ansary Interviews Texe Marrs

(1:55:56)What's Next for The NWO? - Webster Tarpley on Alex Jones Tv

(1:06:19)911 LA Symposium - Webster Griffin Tarpley on 911 Evidence

(2:00:47)Webster Tarpley - The 9/11 issue - How to stop World War III

(1:30:24)Webster Tarpley - The New Depression

(1:00:22)Obama as Manchurian Candidate by Webster Tarpley

(1:57:20)Kevin Barrett on the 9/11 Attack & Deception

(49:23)Alex Ansary Interviews David Ray Griffin (May 21st, 2007)

(19:13)Black Helicopter Investigation with Alex Ansary and Clyde Lewis


*What Is Money? by Gary North

*What Is Money?, Part 2 by Gary North

Health Care

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 1

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 2

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 3

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 4

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 5

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 6

Jackie Mason

*Jackie Mason:Kids are dying – and Obama does Leno


*Morgellons Disease Photo Journal


YouTube - 4409 -- Cop tells retired Nurse about Mandatory Vaccinations

YouTube - ABC News Reports On John Murtha's Pork Laden Airport

YouTube - The Perfect Response To Globalization and Corporate Fascism

YouTube - I Apologize To The DEAD! For Not Voting To End This Holocaust In America Sooner! Rep Grayson

YouTube - BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | William K. Black | PBS

YouTube - Matt Taibbi: "Wall Street's Naked Swindle"

YouTube - American Police Force taking over towns

YouTube - Jim Traficant interviewed by Sean Hannity - Fox News

Video: Carl Cameron Supports Questioning 9/11 « Dprogram.net

(3 part)Film: David Icke – Freedom or Fascism « Dprogram.net

YouTube - Update on Martial Law Preparations

YouTube - Cyber Warfare on the Rise - Don't rely on the internet

YouTube - Enter the New Amerikkka

Outside The Box:Program 214 - August 13, 2009

Outside The Box: Program 174 - October 16, 2008


In Pictures: The Forbes 400 - Forbes.com

Gore Vidal: ‘We’ll have a dictatorship soon in the US’ - Times Online

US under Obama could slide into military dictatorship, says Gore Vidal

LCROSS Team Changes Target Crater for Impact | Universe Today

Shadow Inventory Case Study: Inventory in the Shadows Twice as Big as Normal Resale Inventory in Los Angeles and not on the MLS or for Public Viewing. Foreclosures and Distress Properties Clogging the System. » Dr. Housing Bubble Blog

Obama May Have to Turn to Republicans for Support in Afghan Escalation -- News from Antiwar.com

FDIC Discloses Deposit Insurance Fund Is Now Negative | zero hedge

VELVETREVOLUTION.US : Diebold Return Our Money Campaign

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » APF Leader Exposed As Career Criminal As Hardin Patrols Labeled Unconstitutional

Canadian bishop on child porn charges - The Irish Times - Wed, Sep 30, 2009

LA Times, Washington Post breaking up news service

Bank of America’s Lewis Resigns After Bet on Rebound- Bloomberg.com

U.S., Iran hold 'face to face' nuke talks - CNN.com

Spending surges, but jobless claims rise - Stocks & economy- msnbc.com

Oh Bummer: Obama's war on Pakistan

Fox News Has a Van Jones Problem

The Raw Story | Al-Qaeda focuses on Yemen as launchpad: US

Report: Pentagon’s burn weapon could end up in police hands | Raw Story

cryptogon.com » Archives » American Police Force: Web Sites Offer Hints About Jail Company

WMD All Over Again by Philip Giraldi -- Antiwar.com

Allegory Of The Cave: Meet Your Puppet-Handlers « Political Theatrics

The Lessons of the Savings-and-Loan Crisis - Barrons.com

Exclusive: IAEA letter thanks Iran over notification

The Crumbling of America

Suharto: Monster of the CIA and U.S. Empire

Banking Trojan steals money from under your nose | InSecurity Complex - CNET News

BT blasts BPI's file-sharing evidence | Security | News | PC Pro

Carphone Warehouse threatens legal action over file-sharing plans | News | PC Pro

ACLU: FBI ‘manipulating’ debate on Patriot Act reform | Raw Story

Binyamin Council Head: Jews, Arabs Should Have Separate Roads « Political Theatrics

Denis Jones, The Virtues of a Disorganized Resistance

Closing the 'Collapse Gap': the USSR was better prepared for collapse than the US | Energy Bulletin

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Forget The Tabloids, Political Hit Lists Are Real

Attorney Says Unedited Versions of the Oklahoma City Bombing Surveillance Tapes Are 'Somewhere' | Bob McCarty Writes

FAA Manager Mangled, Cut, Destroyed 9/11 Tapes

The Saudi Royals Are Traitors To Islam

US Census Bureau report: 40 million living in poverty

Palestine Think Tank » Analysis Mary's Choice Newswire Resistance War » The War Against Free Thought

Facebook poll on killing Obama sign of antigovernment anger | csmonitor.com

Smoking Mirrors: It's all about the Madmen Exposing Themselves.

YouTube - Grab your camera - Cops need to be Watched


Pro Libertate: Martial Law Is Their Business, And Business Sure Is Swell (Second Update, 10/1)

Is Kosher Kinder?

Newsmax columnist: Military coup "to resolve the 'Obama problem' " is not "unrealistic" | Media Matters for America

Congress Filth - Don't Forget To Wash After Hearings

savethemales.ca - Were Illuminati Jews Responsible for Holocaust?

More Obama Administration Witch-Hunt Targets

The Saudi Royals Are Traitors To Islam

Samoa earthquake: a history of tsunamis - Telegraph

FT.com / Iran - US at odds with allies on weapons activities

Israeli minister Ehud Barak faces war crimes arrest threat during UK visit | World news | The Guardian

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Liberals defeated in key US healthcare vote

Barack Obama: The wildest conspiracy theories launched at the US president - Telegraph

BBC NEWS | Technology | US 'to loosen' grip on internet

Why are so many France Telecom workers dying? - Europe, World - The Independent

Increase in sea levels due to global warming could lead to 'ghost states' | Environment | The Guardian

One in 20 hospital admissions 'due to smoking' - Telegraph

Every species on the planet documented in new report - Times Online

Emperor Nero's rotating dining room 'discovered' - Telegraph

FEMA Camps & The Coming Gun Confiscation Laws | Real Zionist News

Horowitz - US H1N1 Scientists Clueless About Vax Side Effects

Another War in the Works by Paul Craig Roberts -- Antiwar.com

Judge Hellerstein: CIA can keep 9/11 videotape info secret « Dprogram.net

10-01-2009: TSA To Expand Use Of Body Scanners

09-30-2009: China Weather Magic Conjures Blue Sky For Parade

09-30-2009: EPA Moves To Regulate Smoke Stack Greenhouse Gases

*09-30-2009: Brainwashed Community Organizers (Cult Members) Appear To Pray To President Obama

Matt Taibbi: "Wall Street's Naked Swindle"

Bayer Pesticides Blamed For Honeybee Deaths

Government Pushing Americans to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

U.S. Story on Iran Nuke Facility Doesn't Add Up

Ridding The World of the Sickness of Pacifism

The Swine Flu Conspiracy

Iran’s Nuclear Theater Meant to Divert Attention

VIDEO: The Financial Crisis in Perspective

More Obama Administration Witch-Hunt Targets

What Have We Done to Democracy?

Health care: Ignoring the huge red elephant in the room

Bilderbergers Want Global Currency Now

Millionaire Filmmaker Michael Moore: ‘Capitalism Did Nothing For Me’

Hoyer Hasn't Given ‘Significant Thought’ to Whether Someone Can Exclude STDs, Other Problems from Health Record System He Voted to Create

People’s Republic of China Marks 60th Anniversary, But Most People Advised to Stay Home

Yale Self-Censors New Book Examining Extreme Muslim Reaction to Danish Cartoons of Prophet Muhammad

New Documentary Examines God’s Place in America’s Heritage, As Told by the Founding Fathers

Candidate Obama Repeatedly Said He Would Reinforce U.S. Troops in Afghanistan

Health Care Legislation May Reach House and Senate Floor in Mid-October

Supreme Court Takes A Fresh Look at Handgun Laws

EPA Proposes New Limits on Smokestack Pollution, Drawing Fire From Industry Groups

New Missile Defense Plan Relies on Navy Interceptors

Study Finds More Gay Characters on Network TV

Should Government Have E-Record of Every Woman Who’s Had an Abortion?

All the President’s Olympic Cronies

Is Obama Breaking the Law?

An Indefensible Decision on Missile Defense

Healthy Votes in the Senate

Reno, Ashcroft Guilty of Felonies in Traficant Case

Southern Poverty Law Center Smears Immigration Patriots—And Lord Of The Rings!

Security Tapes of Oklahoma City Bombing Raise More Questions

The Coffin Shaped Recovery

Federal Eye - Report Questions Security at National Parks

Dave Daubenmire -- Spiritually Transmitted Diseases

cryptogon.com » Augmented Google Earth Gets Real-Time People, Cars, Clouds

Iran Meets the West for Nuclear Talks in Geneva

U.S. panel chides Holder in Panther probe - Washington Times

The left aims for critics' jugular - Jeanne Cummings - POLITICO.com

Safire, Kristol and 'The Spook Who Sat by the Door'

Polanski case sparks noisy culture debate - Washington Times

DEBKAfile - Israel receives at least one new German Dolphin-class submarine

Breitbart.tv » Sources: Sarkozy Thinks Obama is ‘Incredibly Naive and Grossly Egotistical’

School district could backpedal on policy -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY:2997:

Police break up massive Israeli-Panamanian drug ring | Israel | Jerusalem Post

James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » Obama’s not-so-secret plan to raise taxes | Blogs |

TBO.com:FBI denies editing Oklahoma City bombing tapes

Some Chicago Residents Hope the U.S. Olympics Bid Is a Bust

What Obama won't say about the Afghan war today, at least publicly

Identity theft suspect hopes to be deported for trip home - Framingham, MA

Left and Right Against War by Murray Polner

Providing Balance: America's Homeschoolers by Paul Galvin

US Dollar Is Getting Trashed by Bill Bonner

Family Matters: A Mafia Quiz

Swine flu shot protests may be the next Tea Party - Kingsport Times-News Online

Another boy critically beaten: 'Blood all over street' - Chicago Breaking News

Six Charged With Mob Activity | NBC Chicago

Will tepid support in Chicago derail the city's Olympic chances? - Fourth-Place Medal - OLY - Yahoo! Sports

Pawlenty preps 2012 campaign team - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

Olympics-2016 Games could be the last, says Tokyo governor | Reuters

President Blair ‘within weeks’

TSA to expand use of body scanners - USATODAY.com

N.Y. Health Care Workers Revolt Over H1N1 Vaccine - wcbstv.com

Roman Polanski thriller The Ghost in jeopardy after director's arrest - Times Online

Former prosecutor says he lied about Polanski case - Yahoo! News

My Way News - Police use acoustic warfare to disperse crowds

The Associated Press: Political scientists report drop in US standing

Cirque du Soleil founder reaches for the stars - Yahoo! News

Rep. Grayson: No apology for 'die quickly' remark - USATODAY.com

Grayson calls health care crisis 'holocaust' - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

YouTube - Rep. Grayson compares Health Care to Holocaust

Senators turn back ID requirement for immigrant healthcare - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

GOP Antiabortion Provision in Health Bill Defeated - WSJ.com

'Cops' TV Crew Injured In Police Car Crash - Entertainment News Story - KPTV Portland

Many swine flu deaths linked with second infection | U.S. | Reuters

Austan Goolsbee takes the prize - Patrick Gavin

Mortgage Anyone?

**Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Exposed: American Police Force Is A Blackwater Front Group

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » APF & Hardin Constitution Violations

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Iran’s Nuclear Threat Is a Lie

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Iran is being dangerously cornered

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Crisis brought attention to the Federal Reserve – Ron Paul

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul Warns of Violence from Pending Dollar Crisis; Says Israel Strike on Iran the Trigger

E.P.A. Moves to Curtail Greenhouse Gas Emissions - NYTimes.com

Babysitting Criminalized

Hardin jail operators detail plans for training facility, expansion

Critics say pandemic emergency bill tramples privacy rights - Taunton, MA - The Taunton Gazette

Saudis deny letting Israel attack Iran

Think Again: Kevin Jennings, the Mainstream Media, and Right-Wing Target Practice

Iranian official charged with assault in NYC

President: Prosecute Polanski

Soy-sensitive inmates seek protection from prison diet

Americans flunk public schools

Privatized police force taking over town?

*3rd graders chant: Obama 'uniting blacks and whites'

Today in Obama guilt-by-association | Media Matters for America

Sunstein: Government must fund abortion

Guess who's now banne from Capitol Christmas tree!

For the First Time, Most Jewish Americans Support Iran Attack - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

Iran: We'll buy enriched uranium from third party - Haaretz - Israel News

Official: World powers, Iran agree to more talks - Iran- msnbc.com

Excerpt: Can Obama negotiate with Iran?

Supreme Court takes up landmark gun case

Obama's 'gay' appointee: I'd handle student differently

Holdren: Seize babies born to unwed women

'Origin of Species' campaign enrages atheists

Exposed: The scientific impossibility of evolution

White House: No pensions for World War II vets

Democrat lesbian charged with embezzling $6 million

In tight times, Congress boosts its budget - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Jindal to GOP: Work with Obama - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

FBI Denies Editing Tapes of Oklahoma City Bombing - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

'Green' turbines may be given fast track

Heart-breaking, Wrong, and Not Quite Accurate - Political Punch

Senate Committee Rejects Stronger Anti-Abortion Language in Health Care Bill - Political News - FOXNews.com

Veterans Affairs won't release any more care home reports - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Health Care for Congress, Low Cost Clinic for Capitol Hill Lawmakers - EXCLUSIVE - ABC News

Roman Polanski faces months behind bars as extradition battle unfolds -- latimes.com

The Associated Press: Swiss choose law over neutrality, arrest Polanski

Retired prosecutor says he lied about Polanski case | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

The Smoking Gun: Polanski The Predator

L.A. Times still conceals Obama terror video

Obama fractures Democratic Party

Charges heat up in Planned Parenthood fraud case

White House slams Glenn Beck on blog - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Andy Williams is right

All enemies, foreign and domestic

Child sacrifice in America

An Olympics we can believe in

Singing Heil Obama in Jersey

The American Spectator : Bomberphobia

Garrison Keillor: Let 'em rage, but don't let 'em stand in the way | StarTribune.com

Holman Jenkins: Why Obama Bombed on Health Care - WSJ.com

CNN plug-in: Immoral, dangerous software

Farmer's daughter disarms terrorist and shoots him dead with AK47 - Asia-Pacific, World News - Independent.ie

The Associated Press: NY businessman pleads guilty to terror financing

Forced marriage cases up by 80pc this year as investigators find parents using 'bounty hunters' - Telegraph

Berkeley agrees to U.N. rights treaties

Clash of cultures leaves a native of R.I. jailed in Japan | Rhode Island news | projo.com | The Providence Journal

Breitbart.tv » Former Secretary of State Albright Talks About Her ‘Firm Breasts’

Sex, scorn and videotape - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

ACORN tactics revealed in discovered documents

Moore to Dems: Get on board or 'we will work against you' - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

GOP going after red-state Dems - Josh Kraushaar - POLITICO.com

Officials seek to vaccinate illegal immigrants against H1N1 - USATODAY.com

Copycat suicides fuelled by media reports - health - 30 September 2009 - New Scientist

Court: Teacher refusing training can be fired

Senate climate bill drops "cap and trade" term - Yahoo! News

Britain asks Schwarzenegger to close prostitute web site by Reuters: Yahoo! Tech

Report of 1955 jet wreckage found stirs memories - Yahoo! News

Hitler Skull Fragment Belonged to Female : Discovery News

State Archaeologist In Eye Of A Hitler Storm -- Courant.com

'I saw the body' insists ex-SS man as Hitler mystery refuses to go away - The Scotsman

Goodwill employees show true meaning of 'goodwill' | marshfieldnewsherald.com | Marshfield News-Herald

Lost Dog Gathers Clues to Find its Family - CBS Evening News - CBS News

*'Saturday Night Live': Where are they now?

Charleston Regional Business Journal | Charleston, SC

Geithner: Proposal is a 'revolution' - Eamon Javers - POLITICO.com

Unprecedented U.S. corp. defaults seen for '09 | Industry Summits | Reuters

Toyota to recall 3.8M vehicles over floor mats


*American Minute for October 1st:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Article Links: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Senator says Obama's birth location doesn't matter

Was Obama's birth out of wedlock?

Congressman: Obama has something to hide

Media acolytes protect their man

Molotov Mitchell takes on Obama eligibility

*Article Links:The complete story about 'Dreams from My Father'

**Obama Makes the Same Face in Every Pic Video


NY Times' Friedman: Climate in US like on eve of Rabin murder - Israel News, Ynetnews

Iran Inspections Are Expected in 2 Weeks, EU Official Says - WSJ.com

YouTube - Iran to allow nuke inspection. Will it cool the West?

Worldwide praise to China for its achievements over 60 years_English_Xinhua

YouTube - 101 East - 60 years communist China - 1 Oct 09 - Part 2

VOA News - General McChrystal: Success in Afghanistan is Not Assured

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Gaza probe 'fatal blow' to peace

The Associated Press: Iraq's al-Maliki joins with Sunnis in election bid

BBC NEWS | Europe | Press endorse Georgia war report

France welcomes Iran's bid to buy 20% uranium

BBC NEWS | Africa | Nigeria oil militant 'ends fight'

VOA News - NATO Airstrike in Afghanistan Kills Civilians

BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | In a nutshell: Labour conference

YouTube - Ministers rally round after challenging day for Gordon Brown

The Associated Press: Romania gov't collapses as coalition partner quits

The Associated Press: UN rights council condemns abuses in Honduras coup

Pelosi: GOP has double standard in health care rhetoric debate - CNN.com

YouTube - Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) on Americans' Lack of Health Care

The Associated Press: Pawlenty files PAC forms, fills out political team

Senate Republicans Say Health-Care Bill Violates Obama's Tax Pledge - washingtonpost.com

Obama Shuffles Security Staff as Policy Aide Returns to Navy - Bloomberg.com

The Senate Bill Tinkers With Touchy Issue -- Carbon Offsets - NYTimes.com

Live: The testimony of Elizabeth Smart - Salt Lake Tribune

The Associated Press: Elizabeth Smart says abductor raped her daily

Secret Service IDs kid for Facebook 'assassination poll' -- no charges - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Five things about the Supreme Court

YouTube - Working With The Supreme Court's Press Information Office

Pataki gets his picture taken (literally, in portrait) form - Capitol Confidential - New York Politics - timesunion.com - Albany NY

McCain sweating out Palin's book | Midwest Voices

What Would McCain Do? - FOXNews.com

The Associated Press: Hudson 'Miracle' pilots reunite for NY flight

YouTube - 'Miracle on the Hudson' Pilots Reunite on Flight

Justice Dept. Ordered to Release Cheney Statements in Plame Case - washingtonpost.com

A Republican Comeback?

Union claims Filipino teachers held in 'virtual servitude' in Louisiana - USATODAY.com

Obama wears many hats today - National Politics Blog - Political Intelligence - Boston.com

Most Stay-at-Home Moms Start That Way, Study Finds

» Fox Exclusive: NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen on Afghanistan’s Future Row 2, Seat 4 « FOXNews.com

Madonna's Most Memorable 'Letterman' Appearances - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Jackson autopsy details revealed

The Associated Press: AP Exclusive: Autopsy shocker: Jackson was healthy

Whoopi Goldberg clarifies Polanski comments - allDAY - msnbc.com

Is Drew Barrymore the Next Spielberg? - E! Online

Dennis Hopper Hospitalized for Flu-Like Symptoms - ABC News

Capitalism: A Love Story' - Kansas City Star

John Travolta Returns to Witness Stand in Extortion Case - ABC News

YouTube - Infomercial Cooker Tested

Cops Block Naked Brooke Shields Pic in Art Gallery - Scandals & Feuds, Brooke Shields : People.com

RealClearPolitics - Roman the Rapist

National Journal Online -- Energy/Enviro Experts -- Copenhagen Or Bust?

If Obama gets 2016 Games, Daley will be king, not mayor -- chicagotribune.com

Rich Dem, Poor Dem | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Obama, Dictators and Democrats

10 Reasons Why Sanctions on Iran Won't Work

RealClearPolitics - The Public Option Only Looks Dead

Obama's War: Take Your Time -- Politics Daily

Why Israel Hates Obama - The Daily Beast

Gordon G. Chang: Sixty Years of Chinese Communism - WSJ.com

Sixty Years On -Times Online

Congress Passes Bill to Keep Government Running - NYTimes.com

White House Hears Public Pleas on Tax Code - WSJ.com

Abortion language heats up healthcare battle -- latimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Three Dangerous Stooges

Earth To Obama | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Polanski's Hollywood Ending

RealClearPolitics - 2010 Could Easily Be Disastrous For Democrats

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Iran's Man of Mystery - TIME

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - China’s 60 years of living dangerously

The Daily Star - Editorial - What will China's rising influence mean for the Middle East region?

Past, Present And Future - Edit Page - OPINION - The Times of India

Washington should not forget its Asian allies | The Japan Times Online

Europe must decide if it wants to be more than Greater Switzerland | Timothy Garton Ash | Comment is free | The Guardian

The Hindu : Investing in India-Russia relationship

Al Qaeda's New Charm Offensive in Europe - Brookings Institution

Shape, Clear, Hold, and Build: "The Uncertain Lessons of the Afghan & Iraq Wars" | Center for Strategic and International Studies

No reason to be spooked by October this year - MarketWatch

Inflation: Who wins, who loses and how to cope - MSN Money

Obama's World - Forbes.com

Where Google Loses | Foreign Policy


**Transcripts:My Vision for Britain

After the Crisis?

Roundtable on Iran's Missile Tests

Analysts Discuss Iran's Missile Tests

Interview with Moammar Gadhafi

Rep. Jackson-Lee on Health Care and Immigrants

Guests: Bill Clinton; Sens. Webb & Kyl; Gov. Paterson

Guests: Secretary Gates; Senator McCain

Guests: Secretary Gates; Senators Bayh & Corker

Guests: Secretary Clinton; Senator Graham

Guests: Senators Feinstein and Bond

Obama's Remarks at the CBC Foundation


*FLASHBACK: September 20;Interviews with President Obama & Sen. McConnell

Interviews with President Obama and Leader Boehner

Interviews with President Obama & Michael Steele

Interviews with President Obama


*Markets Video;U.S. Faces Retro '70s Inflation: Jim Rogers

As Goldman's Q3 Goes, So Goes the Market

BofA's Ken Lewis Resigns

Everyone But the Government Is Deleveraging

Oil Market Fundamentals Still Don't Justify Rally

Salomon Brothers' Wall Street Legacy

Anti-Globalization Breakfast Club

Jobs Won't Return Until 2010?

Natural Gas: Bull or Bear?

Instant Starbucks: What the Drinkers Say

*World Video;Thailand Climate Protest

U.S. Set to Press Iran Sanctions

Volcker: U.S. No Longer Dominates

EU: Georgia Started War

Female Troops Guard India-Pakistan Border

Mosul Under Constant Threat of Violence

Interrogating a Torturer in Argentina

NATO Leader Meets with Obama

Urban Air Pollution in Pakistan

Scores Dead Following Samoan Tsunami

Second Quake Hits Indonesia

Relief Supplies Rush to South Pacific

West Bank Village Gets Own Energy Source

UN Dismisses Afghan Envoy

Stress Disease Kills Australia's Iconic Koalas

China Marks 60th Communism Anniversary

Freak Cars Made in Rural Russia

Forme French PM Testifies Over Smear Charge

Anger Over Afghan Security

*Politics Video;Gibbs: WH Not Drafting Its Own Health Care Bill

Sen. Kerry: Iran "Owes Us Answers"

Steele: NYT's Tom Friedman Is A "Nut Job"

Hillary Clinton: "I Like Being President"

Sen. Lieberman On U.S. Terror Plots

Sen. McCain On Afghanistan Strategy

Sen. Wyden On The Assault On Public Option

Update: Democrat Compares Health Care To The Holocaust

House Dem: GOP Health Care Plan Is "Die Quickly"

O'Reilly: Liberal One-Two Punch: Education & Media

Rep. Cummings Wants To Avoid Health Distractions

Rachel Maddow On The Public Option

Jimmy Carter: Don't Threaten Iran

Congressman "Sure" Generals Will Resign If Obama Doesn't Change Afghan Strategy

Sen. Corker: Dems Are "Scrambling" To Find Health Votes

Ann Coulter On Olympics, Health Care

Kos On Why Some Democrats Blocked A Public Option

O'Reilly: Will The Far Left Bring Obama Down?

"Holocaust" Congressman Explains Comments

Grayson Calls Republicans "Knuckle-Dragging Neanderthals"


*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 30th With Ray McGovern

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 29th With Charlie Sheen

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 28th With Mike Adams

09/30 The Mark Levin Show

09/29 The Mark Levin Show

09/28 The Mark Levin Show


*Audio:We The People Radio Network:2007

*Audio:We The People Radio Network:2008

**Podcasts:We The People Radio Network - Alex Ansary**


*AUDIO - Aldous Huxley: The Ultimate Revolution, March 20, 1962


**Audio/Listen to Alex Jones**


* World Net Daily Player:Don't expect 'miracle' at Geneva talks

World Net Daily Player:Virus called 'Shariah' infecting America

World Net Daily Player:Climate bill 'double whammy' for business

World Net Daily Player:'An extremely powerful earthquake'



(351PGS)PDF/United Nations Conference on Environment & Development Rio de Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992 AGENDA 21




*SITE:Wyatt Archaeological Research Inc

*Site:Muslim-Christian-Jewish Alliance for 9/11 Truth(mujca.com/)

*Site:9-11 Research


**9-11 Research « Dprogram.net


*e BOOK:George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

Excerpted :The crash of 1929

*featured site*
