"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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18 October 2009

18 OCT

grateful dead

(audio)Podcast:DEAD AIR with Uncle John

Grateful Dead Live at Madison Square Garden on 1994-10-18

Grateful Dead Live at The Spectrum on 1989-10-18

Grateful Dead Live at Keifer Lakefront Arena on 1988-10-18

Grateful Dead Live at Brendon Byrne Arena on 1984-10-18

Grateful Dead Live at Cumberland County Civic Center on 1983-10-18

Grateful Dead Live at Saenger Performing Arts Center on 1980

Grateful Dead Live at Winterland Arena on 1978-10-18

Grateful Dead Live at Fox Theatre on 1972-10-18


**Morse Code Translator**

Arizona sheriff conducts migrant sweeps despite curb | U.S. | Reuters

New Democrat Amendment Could Slow Hate Bill Signing

Pentagon reports record year for recruiting - Oct. 16, 2009

Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty, Claims British Lord

World's oldest submerged town dates back 5,000 years

Lost Greek city that may have inspired Atlantis myth gives up secrets | Science | The Guardian

David Hare: It all started 96 hours after 9/11 | David Hare | Comment is free | The Guardian

Nasa: world will not end in 2012 - Telegraph

JAMA -- The Risks and Benefits of HPV Vaccination, August 19, 2009, Haug 302 (7): 795

It is too late to shut the door on GM foods | Environment | The Guardian

No Virus Seen In Prostate Tumors

Merck Wins U.S. Approval for Gardasil Vaccine in Boys- Bloomberg.com

A Neocon Manual For The Lynch Mob

CNSNews.com - Sex Ed Should Not Promote Only Marriage or Heterosexual Relationships, Advocates Say

Andrew Cockburn: Our Cheap Politicians

FDIC fund in the red until 2012 - Oct. 14, 2009

Financial Armageddon: Words from the Wise?

Oy! Noam Chomsky Compares Right-Wing Media To “Nazis” | Online | Mediaite

VOA News - Israel Faces Growing Pressure After UN War Crimes Vote

Obama praises Senate committee's health care vote - Yahoo! Finance

Swine Flu Tied To U of Minn Bioweapons Program?

EU Lisbon Treaty to become law within weeks after Czech president concedes defeat - Telegraph

Doctor says near-death experiences are in the mind - CNN.com

Cheating Death: Back from the dead - CNN.com

Scientists hope work with poison gas can be a lifesaver - CNN.com

Mars communication problem solved - Telegraph

Tax affairs of 27 MPs under investigation - Times Online

Police dogs bit climate change protesters during power station clashes

Spying morally right, says thinktank | UK news | The Guardian

The Protocols Of Zion & The Illuminati Road Map

Russian TV Channels Come Under State Control

Joe Biden: the worrying rise of Barack Obama’s Mr Wrong - Telegraph

'President' Blair loses Sarkozy's support - Europe, World - The Independent

China corruption trial exposes capital of graft - Telegraph

savethemales.ca - The Mass Media as Human Pesticide

Jonathan Freedland: Global politics in the decade of radicalism | World news | The Guardian

Pentagon hacker wins a US extradition delay for psychiatric review - Times Online

Pakistan launches all-out assault on Taliban | World news | guardian.co.uk

ESA proposes ion drive Sun-dodge Mars commsat ploy • The Register

BBC NEWS | Europe | Russia seizes Stalin-era research

California 'first failed US state'?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Russia and Iran Now OFFICIALLY Talking of Dumping Dollar for International Trade

Dylan Ratigan :How Goldman Sachs Made $3 Billion 12 Months After We Bailed Their Lucky Asses Out

Darren Weeks -- Unemployment: Now, That’s Sustainable!

whatreallyhappened.com: ANY QUESTIONS?

Suicide bomber kills 31 in attack on Iran Guards - Yahoo! News

whatreallyhappened.com: MEDIA PROPAGANDA ON IRAN

Watching America :America and Great Britain’s Secret Support of Jandullah

Chavez urges US, Russia to denuclearize themselves

HANIEH: Arab Jews

EclippTV :: Video :: Goldman Sachs-Robbing and Thieving The American People

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente on Russia today 17 Oct 2009 - Government is Bribing Seniors

*Ron Paul on Afghani-scam « LewRockwell.com Blog

Fox News isn't even pretending anymore

Meteorite smashed family's SUV - The Globe and Mail

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Humber | Couple's home hit by space metal

Video: Rape-NutsThe Daily Show

Helicopter downed as 12 killed in Rio violence | World | Reuters

Rio gangs shoot down police chopper, 2 cops dead - Yahoo! News

NASA - NASA'S LCROSS Captures All Phases of Centaur Impact

Iran to completely drop dollar from foreign exchange

Harper Says Canadian Dollar Strength Is a Concern - Bloomberg.com

Oh Bummer: The Rich Have Stolen the Economy

Government anti-terrorism strategy 'spies' on innocent | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Police State Canada 2010 and the Dark Side of the Olympics

Obama praises elder Bush at A&M | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Texas Regional News

US-China Proxy War For Global Mineral Wealth Leaves Thousands Dead

White House criticism of Fox increasing ratings: Murdoch

Girl, 16, sets off on 23,600-mile yacht trip - Asia-Pacific - msnbc.com

After year without, family finds middle ground - Environment- msnbc.com

Colo. sheriff calls balloon saga a hoax - Life- msnbc.com

All-male college cracks down on cross-dressing - CNN.com

Taliban fighters resist Pakistani assault - CNN.com

The Associated Press: Ariz. sheriff launches immigration sweep

AllGov - News - Bush/Obama Policies Helped Biggest Wall Street Firms Get Even Bigger

News6Health.com - Diet Trends: A look at America's Top Diets

ISLAM ATTACKS: Is Temple University Canceling Geert Wilders and Caving into Muslims' Attack on Free Speech? - Atlas Shrugs

Australian Jihad Conviction: Mass Slaughter Averted, Murder on a Massive Scale - Atlas Shrugs

Islam's Tah tah Fatwa: Busting Bouncing Busts Whipping Women in Public for Perky Breasts - Atlas Shrugs

German/Islamic Collaboration Again : Hitler's Favorite Car Company Goes Sharia, Financing Jihad

Leftist Latin American leaders Drop Dollar, Agree on New Currency, Sanction Honduras

VIDEO: Col. Richard Kemp on the Goldstone Report, "Self Defense is not a war Crime"

Obama Slow to Appoint Judges

eVegetarian.net - Spirituality And Your Diet, Is There A Connection? by Meria Heller


Nazis.net - Shadow Of The Swastika

Nazis.net - Shadow Of The Swastika Part II

UnitedStatesGovernment.net - Operation Paperclip

*Site:AttackOnAmerica.net - Hundreds of 911 Articles with Videos, Audios, Photos, Polls and Petitions

*911Timeline.net - The Most Comprehensive Minute By Minute Timeline On 911 by Mark R. Elsis

AttackOnAmerica.net - The Mystery Surrounding The Death Of John O'Neill

**The Council on Foreign Relations

(audio)The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Lecture on the Federal Reserve

(audio)Wake Up America - The Federal Reserve System

(audio#2)Wake Up America - The Federal Reserve System

**The book: The Secrets of the Federal Reserve Read word for word ; audio:

Audio: Media & Mind Control in America

Audio: Media & Mind Control in America #2

VIDEO: History of Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve

:e BookThe Plot to Seize the Whitehouse




Operation Mockingbird Part 4

**Obama's 2009 Health Care Scam**

*Oklahoma City Bombing Cover-Up

*Treason Under the Constitution

*RNC Convention 2008


"Dead Doctors Don't Lie" Audio: Part I

"Dead Doctors Don't Lie" Audio: Part II

*Site:Revolution Broadcasting - The Freedom Spin Starts Here!

(AUDIO 1 ) Myron Fagan's Illuminati and Council on Foreign Relations

(AUDIO 2 )Myron Fagan's Illuminati and Council on Foreign Relations

(AUDIO 3)Myron Fagan's Illuminati and Council on Foreign Relations

(AUDIO 4)Myron Fagan's Illuminati and Council on Foreign Relations

(AUDIO 5)Myron Fagan's Illuminati and Council on Foreign Relations

(AUDIO 6)Myron Fagan's Illuminati and Council on Foreign Relations

FILM:EXPOSED: The Carlyle Group

04/28/06 Audio: History Channel re: Grounded 9/11

FILM:The Irregularities of 9/11

FILM:PT 2.The Irregularities of 9/11


*The Trilateral Commission

ARCHIVES:How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power | World news | The Guardian


Part 1The Century Of The Self - BBC Documentary on the History of Propaganda

Part 2The Century Of The Self - BBC Documentary on the History of Propaganda

Part 3The Century Of The Self - BBC Documentary on the History of Propaganda

Part 4The Century Of The Self - BBC Documentary on the History of Propaganda

(52:04)Sibel Edmonds Documentary - Kill The Messenger

Money as Debt - part 1

Money as Debt - part 2

Money as Debt - part 3

Money as Debt - part 4

Money as Debt - part 5

More News ….

Heal The Money System, Heal Society

The IMF to Play Role of Global Central Bank? by Ellen Brown

The Story Behind The Wonderful Wizard of Oz [a parable about populism, money reform, and the 1890s Midwestern political movement led by William Jennings Bryan ]

YouTube - Noam Chomsky On Corporate Propaganda

Propaganda in a Democratic Society Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley,

Europe's Jews get a political lobby | Jerusalem Post

Arutz Sheva - Arabs Hurl Insults at Olmert During Speech

Republicans Eye Democratic Leaders in 2010 Midterm Elections - Political News - FOXNews.com

Pakistani army pushes into militant stronghold - USATODAY.com

At least 30 dead in Iran terror attack

Iran blames 'satanic' U.S. for suicide attack, vows revenge - Haaretz - Israel News

Obama Administration Shifting Policy on Sudan - Political News - FOXNews.com

US condemns suicide bombing attack on Iran's Revolutionary Guards

Obama 'HOPE' poster artist looks like a big phony

Obama's new pastor?

UK universal health care bypassed by its own workers

Suicide Bomb Kills Rev Guard leaders

Pakistan's long delayed offensive against terrorists begins

What is Equality?

As Spokesperson for Black America, Al Sharpton... You're fired !

How Rush Limbaugh gave America its Sundays back

Counterinsurgency Doctrine and the Global Jihad

Explaining terrorism to a Nobel laureate

CO2 driven global warming is not supported by the data

Silver Coins for the Silver Haired

Holocaust Denial Rides Again

If Obama were a Marxist, what would he believe?

Carbon: Passive rider on the Earth/Space Machine

The Moral Universe of Liberals

These Dis-United States

The Coming end of the Western World may have to be postponed

War without a War President?

The Seduction Of Lindsey Graham

The monster behind the mask

Vladimir Putin and the Russian Inferiority Complex

ACORN, Payola and Color of Law

Chicago and the natural ecology of human conflict

Dem Texas Sheriff: Hey, Let’s Invite Al-Jazeera to Attack Our Jails

Tough Choice: Dumb Stripper as First Daughter v. Obama as Prez

WIMPS, Intolerance: Reports Say Limbaugh Dropped by NFL Bid Group

Hmmm . . . Far-Left Financier, “Former” Nazi George Soros Part of Limbaugh NFL Bid Group?

Low Class: Now NFL Commissioner, Team Owner Attacking Limbaugh; Anti-Semitism, Death Threats OK for NFL Owners, But NOT Conservatism

My Way News - House, Senate Dems at odds on health care overhaul

Firefighter Suspended Over American Flag Sticker On Locker

Job losses deliver '09 baby bust - Washington Times

PRUDEN: The peacenik gets a lesson - Washington Times

Kids dope up to get 'high'

Bernanke is between an Overheated Printing Press and a Hard Place

David Axelrod agrees with Dunn on FOX NEWS: 'Not Really A News Organization'

McClatchy: Moody's Too-Favorable Ratings Fueled Wall St. Bubble

Lizz Winstead Gives Ed Schultz a Hard Time for "Showing the Jiffy Pop Thing"

Dylan Ratigan: Goldman Sachs Magic Trick

New Ad From Cheney's 'Keep America Safe' Attacks MSNBC Hosts as 'Afraid' to Debate Her

'The Eliminationists': Yet another round of interviews, and assorted notes

The Wealthy Are Very Upset That People Are Angry. Oh, Stop Your Sobbing.

Lou Dobbs and the key to the immigration debate: Is it amnesty, or a path to citizenship?

Obama: Grab That Socialist Mop!

Obama Threatens Insurance Companies' Anti-Trust Exemption

Rep. Sue Myrick goes looking for nefarious Muslim spies again -- and uncovers ordinary lobbying plan

Florida Republicans Import A Challenger Into Grayson's District

Juan Williams defends Limbaugh by bringing on two other right-wing bigots

The Decline of Civilization, Example #4,754: Brzezinski Lurves Buchanan's Candor

Militia madness: Online game based on American civil war in 2011 after 'Obama's coup fails'

WHO: Swine Flu Virus Travels Deep Into Lungs, More Likely To Cause Pneumonia

Through The Looking Glass On Fox News Channel

Alan Grayson on Real Time

10-17-2009: Andromeda galaxy: Nasa Swift Satellite takes best-ever picture

10-17-2009: NASA: World Will Not End In 2012

10-17-2009: Iran To Completely Drop U.S. Dollar From Foreign Exchange

10-17-2009: Russia ready to abandon dollar in oil, gas trade with China


10-17-2009: CIA still witholds JFK assassination docs

10-16-2009: US pays $400 per gallon for gas in Afghanistan

Max Keiser On JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs Et Al’s Fraud

Taliban Strength Nears Military Proportion

Deception, Spin and Lies

Vaccines' Dark Inferno

Deaths in China from Flu Vaccination

The Swine Flu Revolution: Depopulation & Eugenics

White House Communications Director Praises Her "Favorite Philosopher" Mao Zedong - Caught on Tape

The Teutonic Origins of the New World Order

Candidate Obama's Promises on Iraq War, Gitmo, Habeas Corpus, FEMA Justice & the Constitution

Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty, Claims British Lord

Active Duty Troops In Iraq Are Wearing Oath Keeper Tabs

*The Collapse of WTC Building Seven.

Dangerous Crossroads: U.S. Expands Asian NATO Against China, Russia

Imperial Globalization and Social Movements in Latin America

U.S. lacks enough troops for low-risk' Afghan option

White House Science Czar Advocated FCC Forcing Broadcasters to Air Enviro-Population Control Ads

Nation's 'Long-Term Fiscal Outlook Remains Unsustainable,' GAO Says

Lawyers Call for Changes in International Law to Help ‘Climate Exiles’

Does Obama Support or Oppose Amendment to Prohibit Abortion Funding in Health Bill? White House Isn’t Saying

Government-Funded Studies Focus on ‘Futile’ End-of-Life Care

An ACORN-Friendly, Big Labor, Tax-and-Spend Radical in GOP Clothing

There's No Way to Enforce a Texting While Driving Ban - US News and World Report

Iraq approves oil deal with BP-led consortium - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

Finland: Where Broadband Is A Right

Churches involved in torture, murder of thousands of African children denounced as witches -- latimes.com

cryptogon.com » Goldman Exec Named First COO of SEC Enforcement

Woman convicted of animal cruelty uses stun gun on trooper | Sun Journal

Tijuana police find 2nd body hanging from bridge

White beauty queen at US black uni pens plea to Obama

Anna Nicole's last days: Drinking from baby bottle - CNN.com

News Analysis - Russia’s Leaders See China as Template for Ruling - NYTimes.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Goldman Can Spare You a Dime - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - The Gap Between Main Street and the Elites

Small Group Now Leads Closed-Door Reform Negotiations - washingtonpost.com

RealClearPolitics - Bipartisan Facade Can't Hide Health Plan's Flaws

RealClearPolitics - Treating the Elderly Like Spoiled Brats

The Nobel-Hollywood Complex Implodes

Bet on it: ACORN will be back | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Played by Putin

Obama: Pleasing China, at Dalai Lama’s expense - The Boston Globe

Scandals, but No Censure; Congress Struggles to Police Members - NYTimes.com

Obama Administration Pushes Back at Bank Lobbying on Regulation - Bloomberg.com

Wilson, Miller campaign brings in money from across U.S. | McClatchy

Surprise Hurdle for Illinois Front-Runner - washingtonpost.com

Op-Ed Guest Columnist - Rebranding America - NYTimes.com

ObamaCare Debate: Freedom vs. Oppression

Bertha Lewis’s “Sista From Another Mista,” Randi Weingarten

The Mau-Mauing of Rush

Corporate-Backed ObamaCare

Barack Obama’s Anti-Semitic Website

WSJ: Andrew Breitbart Taking On the ‘Democrat-Media Complex’

WeaPens Against Jihad

‘Not Evil Just Wrong’ Will Open Eyes to Inconvenient Facts

‘33 Minutes’ and the Importance of Missile Defense

Courrielche Debates ObamaVision on ‘O’Reilly’

‘Not Evil, Just Wrong’: The Human Cost of Environmentalism

ARTISTLIARTHIEF: Obama Artist Shepard Fairey Admits to Wrongdoing in Associated Press Lawsuit

Video News :Brietart

Breitbart.tv » President Obama Believes Fox News Is Not a ‘Legitimate News Organization’

Breitbart.tv » Justice Who Denied Permit for Interracial Marriage Won’t Resign

Breitbart.tv » Maldives Cabinet Holds Underwater Meeting to Warn of Climate Change

Breitbart.tv » Pro-Life Prayer Vigil Outside Planned Parenthood Clinic Isn’t Well Received

Breitbart.tv » CNN ‘Reliable Sources’ Guest: Rush Is ‘Universally Reviled by Black People’

Breitbart.tv » Rove Compares Obama’s Demonization of Fox News to Nixon’s ‘Enemies List’

Breitbart.tv » ‘It’s Really Not News’: White House Launches New Attacks on Fox News

Breitbart.tv » ‘Hoax’: Colorado Sheriff Declares ‘Balloon Boy’ Stunt a ‘Publicity Stunt’

Breitbart.tv » Cops Escort Conservative Filmmaker From Conservative Conference After Confrontation

Breitbart.tv » Caught on Video: Brazilian Gang Shoots Down Police Helicopter


*Politics Video:Axelrod: Bank Bonuses Are "Offensive"

Sens. Thune, Conrad, Specter On Health Care, Afghanistan

"This Week" Roundtable On 2010 Midterms

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Afghanistan Elections

Rove, McAuliffe On White House's War On Fox News

Sen. John Kerry On Afghanistan

Rahm Emanuel On Afghanistan & Health Care

Juan Williams Responds: "Apparently It's OK To Use Racial Slurs"

Obama: Taking the Insurance Companies On Down the Stretch

Obama: I'm Busy With A Mop "Cleaning Up Somebody Else's Mess"

Rep. Frank: Public Option Doesn't Need 60 Votes

New Ad Urges CNN To "Drop" Lou Dobbs

Huffington: Biden Should Resign If Obama Sends More Troops To Afghanistan

Rep. Weiner On Blaming Democrats For Health Care Failure

Jon Stewart Pokes Fun At RNC's New Website

Ann Coulter On Limbaugh Dropped From Rams Deal

Rachel Maddow Faces Off With Americans For Prosperity

O'Reilly On The New Witch Hunters

More News ….

Tom Joyner gets justice for electrocuted kin, 94 years later - CNN.com

Google Wave's Best Use Cases - Wave - Lifehacker

Emanuel: Bush never asked key questions on Afghanistan - CNN.com

AFP: Despite Nobel, Obama find Mideast peace elusive

3rd person's death at Sedona retreat prompts lawsuit - Phoenix Arizona news, breaking news, local news, weather radar, traffic from ABC15 News | ABC15.com

Does McCain back ban on Arpaio immigration sweeps? - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

White House Presses on Health Care - WSJ.com

U.S. hunters, anglers lobby for climate bill - washingtonpost.com

Republicans link Daggett and Corzine in ad - The Trentonian News: Serving Trenton and surrounding communities. (trentonian.com)

The Media Equation - The Battle Between the White House and Fox News - NYTimes.com

Rethink 1: Obama Doesn't Get Katrina? - The Atlantic Politics Channel

Record-High Deficit May Dash Big Plans - washingtonpost.com

Perry uses clemency sparingly on death row

Why there’s hope for Reid: Nevada isn’t South Dakota - Sunday, Oct. 18, 2009 | 2 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

YouTube - Sheriff: Wayward Balloon a 'hoax'

Legendary Band Kiss Is Still Rocking All Night Long - ABC News

Roman Polanski removed from Swiss jail for medical treatment | EW.com

The Associated Press: Tyson, Holyfield mix it up with Oprah

YouTube - First Person: Mike Tyson on Chicago Violence

Fighting Rages as Pakistan Army Pushes Deeper Into South Waziristan - washingtonpost.com

YouTube - Pakistan Starts Key Offensive Against Taliban

YouTube - Revolutionary Guard Commanders Killed in Bombing

Karzai Camp Hardens Its Line on Recount - WSJ.com

Two Kidnapped Darfur Aid Workers Freed - Official - NYTimes.com

16-year-old Australian Jessica Watson begins solo round-the-world yacht voyage | World news | guardian.co.uk

YouTube - Sixteen-year-old girl sailor begins record attempt

Smuggler found on asylum boat | The Australian

Botswana’s Ruling Party Boosts Parliamentary Majority (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Newsweek Reporter Maziar Bahari Released in Iran | Newsweek International | Newsweek.com

S Korea, DPRK officials meet on resuming family reunions in Kaesong _English_Xinhua

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan - Britain to appeal court order on US intelligence

AFP: Appeals, prayers for Irish priest abducted in Philippines

YouTube - Third Person Dies in Sweat Lodge Case

YouTube - Obama's New Orleans Town Hall - Full Video


*Transcripts:Guests: Valerie Jarrett; Senators Dodd & Kyl

Shields & Gerson on the Week in Politics

Interview with Senator Jay Rockefeller

President Obama's New Orleans Town Hall Meeting

Wnd Player

World Net Daily Player:GOP's Joe Wilson talks 'war on terror' with WND

World Net Daily Player:$2 trillion: Baucus bill's real price tag

World Net Daily Player:Beware 'Trojan horse' public-option triggers

World Net Daily Player:'Return to Spenders'

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*Site:*Anti-CAIR* Defending America from the Council on American-Islamic Relations

*Site:Jihad Watch


*Site:Islam: Making a True Difference in the World

*Site:Counterterrorism Blog


Thatcher adviser: Copenhagen goal is 1-world government

Is this man Islamophobic?

*'Moderate' CAIR to feature radicals at annual banquet

Interview: Man Who Went Undercover As Muslim Intern Speaks To TPM | TPMMuckraker

Rep. Myrick repeats call to cut CAIR ties - TheHill.com

video:700 Club highlights CAIR exposé

video:Myrick: CAIR won't renounce Hamas ideology

CAIR bucked up by reaction of officials, media

Handsome Muslim men accused of waging 'love jihad' in India - Telegraph

BBC NEWS | Africa | Guns given to Somali quiz winners

5 Revolutionary Guard Commanders Killed in Iran Bomb - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

video:National Journal Online - First Van Jones. Who's Next?

Education sec spoke at event with Ayers

'Safe schools' chief was member of radical Act Up

Bill Carmichael: Weathering a climate of hate - Yorkshire Post

Ed Miliband calls on Barack Obama to save Copenhagen climate summit - Times Online

Pakistan fights 'mother of all battles' with the Taliban - Telegraph

Analysis: no end in sight for Pakistan's struggle against the Taliban - Telegraph

Afghan president under pressure over fraud rulings - Yahoo! News

Kerry wary of raising Afghanistan troop levels too quickly - CNN.com

Obama praises Senate committee's health care vote - Yahoo! News

White House: Obama Not Demanding Government-Run Health Insurance Option - Political News - FOXNews.com

Dem officials set stage for corporate-backed health care campaign - Ben Smith and Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

WATCH: 'War criminal' cat-calls interrupt Olmert Chicago speech - Haaretz - Israel News

Artillery Commander: I Don't Feel Like a War Criminal - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

ANALYSIS / U.S. using Goldstone report to punish Netanyahu - Haaretz - Israel News

`Illegal alien' Halloween costume offensive, groups say - Breaking News - MiamiHerald.com

Bus driver disciplined for wearing pink tie - Springfield, IL - The State Journal-Register

Chester City firefighter suspended over decal | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/16/2009

Elusive lunar plume caught on camera after all - space - 17 October 2009 - New Scientist

1,700-year-old footprints discovered under Lod mosaic - Haaretz - Israel News

Undiplomatic remarks from Foreign Office mandarins - Times Online

CNS STORY: Sell the Vatican? Nigerian archbishop calls the idea 'stupid'

German armwrestler shows off his single Popeye-esque limb | Mail Online

Modern man a wimp says anthropologist | U.S. | Reuters

Does the Vaccine Matter? - The Atlantic (November 2009)

California Appellate Court Refuses to Publish Anti-Camera Decision

YouTube star vies for House - Kendra Marr - POLITICO.com

Aleh Kot of West Springfield held in Wisconsin as suspect following 1,000-mile 'test drive' | Breaking News - MassLive.com - - MassLive.com

NYC neighbor sues Madonna over loud music, dancing - omg! news on Yahoo!

Pictured: Josie, the transgender eight-year-old who was born a boy | Mail Online

No Friends of Facebook's, in a Generation That Is - washingtonpost.com



*Article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Plan killed to make 'naturalized' citizens eligible

audio file:Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass

Elder Bush sees 'ugliness' in attacks on Obama | National Politics | Idaho Statesman

Obama from Kenya, archived report says

Eligibility attorney mocked, fined $20,000

*Google’s archive shows Obama’s birth story has changed «

*HI Paper Erases Obama Indonesia Birth In ARCHIVED Story

*Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate


*American Minute for October 18th:William J Federer's American Minute*


**Bob Dylan ; "Masters of War**

Feature Article

archived:The US: Rogue Nation


*Site:Comedy Central



video:Hath God said?

video:How do we share Christ with Jewish people?

*Site:The Way of the Master


*First Ever Black Hole Created on Earth

*Is The Large Hadron Collider Being Sabotaged from the Future? - Large hardron collider - io9

**50 Years of Space Exploration


*Assassinations.net;Photographs And Links/ 20th Century Assassinations

YouTube - 911 - On US 20 Dollar Bill - World Trade Center