"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

21st Century - Video
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

17 October 2009

17 Oct '09


(1:50:29)nineteen eighty-four 1984

Esoteric Agenda, Wake Up!!!


(3:00:06)Alex Jones Martial Law 911 Rise of the Police State

(1:53:40)YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

(1:51:16)America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

(2:02:08)Alex Jones Police State 2000 Martial Law Posse Comitatus

(2:19:29)ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

(1:49:37)ENDGAME 1.5

(2:04:28)Police State II: The Takeover

(2:36:53)Police State 3: Total Enslavement

(1:30:41)American Dictators

(2:07:22)America: Destroyed By Design

(43:07)Order of Death

(2:02:55)Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove - By Alex Jones & PrisonPlanet.Tv

(2:02:44)Matrix Of Evil

(1:46:19)America Wake Up (Or Waco)

(2:02:46)Masters of Terror

(2:24:29)9/11 The Road to Tyranny

(2:14:28)Terrorstorm Final Cut

(1:42:16)Fabled Enemies (Super High Quality, full movie)

(2:09:54)Loose Change Final Cut

(1:13:32)Viddler.com - The Great Global Warming Swindle

(1:20:23)Global Warming or Global Governance

(66:09)video :The Calling - new world order, nwo, illuminati - videos kewego

(2:54:44)David Icke - Big Brother, the Big Picture (Final Edit)

(27:06)Fight The New World Order with Global Non Compliance

(25:39)New World Order - Final Solution

(3:04:15)Brave New World 1980

(3:00:06)Alex Jones Martial Law 911 Rise of the Police State

(1:15:06)9/11 Blueprint for Truth (2008 Edition)

(2:19:29)ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

(1:12:11)9/11 In Plane Site - Director's Cut

(1:30:49)911 Mysteries - Full Version - High Quality Version

(1:29:22)YouTube - Loose Change 2nd Edition (Full)

(59:41)September 11th Revisited: Were explosives used?

(1:22:52)9/11 Revisited: Were explosives used? (v.2)

(1:09:26)WACO: The Rules of Engagement (1/2)

(1:06:24)WACO: The Rules of Engagement (2/2)

(1:41:06)The New Clinton Chronicles

(1:30:16)Hillary the movie

(1:56:31)War and Globalization - The Truth Behind September 11 (9/11)

(55:25)The Revolution of 1913

YouTube - Michael Hayden: "probable cause" is not in the 4th Amendment

YouTube - How to Brainwash a Nation

YouTube - How Television Works


**Flickr Photo Download: 50 Years of Space Exploration**

**First Ever Black Hole Created on Earth

Is The Large Hadron Collider Being Sabotaged from the Future? - Large hardron collider - io9


video:How do we share Christ with Jewish people?

video:Hath God said?


Oy! Noam Chomsky Compares Right-Wing Media To “Nazis” | Online | Mediaite

YouTube - Noam Chomsky Compares Right-Wing Media to Nazi Germany

German-Turkish Author Seyran Ates: 'Islam Needs a Sexual Revolution'

Financial Armageddon: Words from the Wise?

FDIC fund in the red until 2012 - Oct. 14, 2009

Andrew Cockburn: Our Cheap Politicians

Why would any writer make up stories about the Holocaust? - Features, Books - The Independent

CNSNews.com - Sex Ed Should Not Promote Only Marriage or Heterosexual Relationships, Advocates Say

Merck Wins U.S. Approval for Gardasil Vaccine in Boys

Tutor alleges some 'Noles reading on 2nd-grade level in NCAA transcripts - Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo! Sports

Smoking Mirrors: Our Sacred Trust and the Greater Promise.

Judge Halts Flu Vaccine Mandate For Health Workers - wcbstv.com

Israel and U.S. prepare for largest-ever joint air force drill - Haaretz - Israel News

Local Corruption In The Courts And Law Enforcement

More Will Die With Obama Social Security Cuts

Placebo effect starts in the spine – not just the mind - Times Online

France Telecom suffers 25th suicide | World news | guardian.co.uk

Is political correctness to blame for lack of coverage over horrific black-on-white killings in America's Deep South? Tennessee Channon Christian Christopher Newsom carjack | Mail Online

Boy asks Barack Obama 'why do people hate you?' - Telegraph

Barack Obama's pastor is evangelical nephew of Johnny Cash - Telegraph

Michelle Obama action figures: five of the strangest Obama tie-ins - Telegraph

I’m Beginning to Feel a “Draft” « LewRockwell.com Blog

For Mass Murderer Mao Tse Tsung, It’s a Dunn Deal « LewRockwell.com Blog

YouTube - Glenn Beck : Anita Dunn Favorite philosopher Mao Tse-Tung 10.15.09

Afghanistan: A War of Lies

*Saving Face and Losing Lives by Rep. Ron Paul -- Antiwar.com

US-led war in Afghanistan 'unwinnable'

YouTube - The bottom line

‘Not Evil, Just Wrong’: The Human Cost of Environmentalism

ARTISTLIARTHIEF: Obama Artist Shepard Fairey Admits to Wrongdoing in Associated Press Lawsuit

WSJ: Andrew Breitbart Taking On the ‘Democrat-Media Complex’

Time to Recall Al Gore’s Oscar

Burnt Offering: The Broken Common Bond

YouTube - The Broken Common Bond

Introducing ‘For Conservative Movie Lovers’

YouTube - NewsBusted 10/16/09

YouTube - What motivated the 9/11 hijackers? See testimony most didn't

Representative Press Blog: Motives for the September 11, 2001 Attacks

YouTube - Purpose of the 9/11 Attacks

Will Meghan McCain’s Cleavage Cause Her To Leave Twitter? | Online | Mediaite

Rush Limbaugh Discussion Takes Turn After Racial Slur on O’Reilly Factor

Soundbite: The Problem With Glenn Beck Is That America Is Stupid

How Galileo’s telescope changed everything – Telegraph Blogs

The great orange juice scam | The Real Food Channel

Make yourself heart attack proof | The Real Food Channel

The last days of health freedom | The Real Food Channel

Effect of nutrition on brain function | The Real Food Channel

How the body is tricked into eating junk - and how to stop | The Real Food Channel

Monsanto, Bovine Growth Formula, and the news media | The Real Food Channel

Processed People | The Real Food Channel

Nutrition & Behavior | The Real Food Channel

The effect of animal fats on the human body | The Real Food Channel

The shocking truth about dairy | The Real Food Channel

Thought Crime Is Death


1 Thing is certain about Obama «

SSN Fraud tied to Obama’s SSN? «

Video documents “discovery” of AP Story declaring Obama “Kenyan-born” «

YouTube - Obama - Kenyan Born East African Standard June 27, 2004 Article

2 More African News Agencies declare Obama “Kenyan-born”! «

Obama concedes he’s not a NBC, in Obama vs. Keyes 2004 Debate «

Google’s archive shows Obama’s birth story has changed «

AP declares Obama “Kenyan-Born”! «

You Investigate! — Hawaii, COLBs and phoney citizenships «

archived: AMERICANS DECIDE TODAY. GO OBAMA! - modernghana.com

archived: Rejected? (See Update) « MissTickly (aka TerriK): 'Question 'O'thority.'

archived: Final debate offers spirit, substance

archived: Chicago Tribune | Keyes, Obama disagree sharply

archived: Obama Says Kerry Will Restore the `Politics of Hope' (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

archived: Duckworth working to win | The Honolulu Advertiser | Hawaii's Newspaper

Honolulu Advertiser’s Propaganda Piece of Nov. 9, 2008 «

archived: Evidence challenges claim over Obama's birth address

archived: Obama's Hawaii boyhood homes drawing gawkers | HonoluluAdvertiser.com | The Honolulu Advertiser

archived: Illinois Senate Debate - C-SPAN Video Library

archived: Illinois Senate Debate - C-SPAN Video Library

archived: Illinois Senate Debate - C-SPAN Video Library

archived: FOXNews.com - Ryan Drops Out of Ill. Senate Race - You Decide 2004

archived: Kenyans Prepare for Party of a Lifetime for Favorite Son Obama - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

archived: allAfrica.com: Uganda: Citizens Form Obama Support Group

archived: Trial and Triumph: Stories Out Of Africa : NPR

archived: It could have been Barry Dunham vs. Alan Keyes for U.S. Senate. | Goliath Business News

archived: Ancestry of Barack Obama - Family Tree and Genealogy of Senator Obama

archived:US Presidential Polls:Obama, McCain slug it out today

*Barack Obama (D)

Barack Hussein Obama «

U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Marshall Speaks to Us from the Grave, The Federal Courts are the Guardians of the Constitution

*HI Paper Erases Obama Indonesia Birth In ARCHIVED Story

*Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

*Site:the Birthers


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Charlie Sheen 9/11 Contest: Win $14,000 And Spread The Truth Virally

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Ignorance Is Bliss

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Soros: “There is a General Flight from Currencies”

**Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » One Mainframe To Rule Them All

*DARPA, Microsoft, Lockheed team up to reinvent TCP/IP • The Register

*High-Speed 'Other' Internet Goes Global - Yahoo! News

Fiat Money: The Fuel of Government « HBD Books

SEC unit hires ex-Goldman Sachs worker as chief operating officer -- latimes.com

Taliban Strength Nears Military Proportion

Chicago Alderman Suggests Making Vaccination Mandatory

Funding Sweatshops Globally

The Canadian National Newspaper: Osama Bin Laden: An Inconvenient Truth

Government anti-terrorism strategy 'spies' on innocent | UK news | guardian.co.uk

C.I.A. Is Still Cagey About Oswald Mystery - NYTimes.com

British have covered up hundreds of Iraqi casualties, ex-officer says | Raw Story

A Neocon Manual For The Lynch Mob

CNN Political Ticker:Obama, Bush turn bipartisan focus to volunteerism



Obama Will Surrender America To World Government « noworldsystem.com

Oh Bummer: The Rich Have Stolen the Economy

Saturday, October 17, 2009 COMPUTER LAPTOP REPAIR Better Fix it yourself

Dangerous Crossroads: U.S. Expands Asian NATO Against China, Russia

Sneaky Microsoft plug-in puts Firefox users at risk

US to make Blackwater-style entry into Somalia

YouTube - Nazi Germany Then And Israel Today

Nat Hentoff: Is this right? Obama's unrestrained FBI: Is this America? | htrnews.com | Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter

Raj Rajaratnam Charged With Insider Trading

Muslim Activist Group Appears to Lack Clout to 'Plant' Interns on Capitol Hill - Political News - FOXNews.com

Right-Wing House Members Claim Vast Intern Islamo-Conspiracy?! | PEEK | AlterNet

The Raw Story | US judge upholds censoring CIA prisoner testimony

EclippTV :: Video :: Judge Napolitano schools Shepard Smith on the Law

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff On Freedom Watch 10-15-09 - The Dollar,China,Inflation

Refreshing News: The Most Ridiculous Fines in the US

Sixty million years of evolution says vitamin D may save your life from swine flu by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

Max Keiser – Face Off – “Is the Crisis Over?” » Nationalist Coalition Blog

uExpress.com: Ted Rall by Ted Rall -- (10/15/2009) TOO ILLEGIT TO QUIT

The Second Battle of Copenhagen by Patrick J. Buchanan

YouTube - '9/11 Conspiracy Theories Ridiculous' - Al Qaeda

TG Daily - God sabotaged the LHC, say scientists

Dissident Voice : Taping Our Mouths Shut to Scream Our Dissent

YouTube - WeAreChangeLA questions 2001 Nobel Prize Winner in Physics Carl Wieman

YouTube - Confronting the war criminal Ehud Olmert at the University of Chicago (again, and again, and again)

China's Hu meets Russia's Putin, painting rosy future - China News - SINA English

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente - Gold Seek Radio Nugget - 10-13-09 - Part 1

YouTube - Oath Keeper Sheriff Richard Mack

Video: The Shock Doctrine by Alfonso Cuaron | Books | guardian.co.uk

ISP: Wi-Fi test shows flaw in file-sharing crackdown - ZDNet.co.uk

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Obama National Security Adviser to Speak at Anti-Israel Conference

Goldman Sachs' Black Magic: How They Did It | bytestyle.tv

YouTube - After 9/11, Why Afghanistan?

China to carry out ten billion USD loans for SCO member states, premier says - China News - SINA English

Roy Tov’s Justice from the Hip: On Goldstone and Terrorism

Order of Magnitude: Globalists Want Obama to Increase Troop Numbers in Afghanistan

Max Keiser On JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs Et Al’s Fraud

HAARP Creates Bullseye In The Sky

Wall St Gangsters The Largest Theft in History

Geithner Aides Reaped Millions Working for Banks, Hedge Funds

US Smart Grid Roll-Out: Forging Ahead

William K. Black - The Ongoing Cover Up of the Truth Behind the Financial Crisis May Lead to Another Crash

Elizabeth Warren On Too Big To Fail, Paulson's Generous Taxpayer Gift, And The Death Of The Middle Class

LEAKED NETWORK MEMO REVEALS: Obama Controls Your Television Set

War Is Peace. Ignorance Is Strength

Deception, Spin and Lies

The Rich Have Stolen The Economy

Barney Frank and the Planet of the Banks

Oligarchic Senate Still ‘Treasonous’ After All These Years

Woman Disabled by THIS YEARS FLU SHOT 10 days AFTER vaccination

Geo-Strategic Chessboard: War Between India and China?

Dangerous Crossroads: U.S. Expands Asian NATO Against China, Russia

Imperial Globalization and Social Movements in Latin America

China and Russia Developing Yuan-Ruble Trade Settlement

Security, Reconciliation in Iraq Are Irreconcilable

Russia ready to abandon dollar in oil, gas trade with China

“Russia will continue pushing for new European security body” – Medvedev

Russia Renews Call For Multipolar World, New European Security System

U.S. considering Ukrainian radar for missile shield

China Russia Axis Iran Offers SCO Alternative To U.S. Control Of World Resources

Words can shatter financial markets

AfPak: War on two fronts

Constitutional hypocrisy

Treasury Officials Received Millions from Goldman Sachs

video:The Shot Is The Pandemic: Swine Flu Vaccines and The CBC

Waco Siege “Enforcer” To Rule Over Global Police Force

EU funding 'Orwellian' artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for "abnormal behaviour"

major networks to launch massive propaganda operation

10-16-2009: US pays $400 per gallon for gas in Afghanistan

10-16-2009: Surprising Ship 'Contrails' Seen From Space

10-16-2009: Top Chinese General To Visit Penatgon

10-16-2009: More details on NASA's moon-blasting mission

10-16-2009: Max Keiser On JP Morgan/Goldman Sachs Fraud

10-15-2009: Photos Of U.S. Military Deaths In Afghanistan Banned

White House Science Czar Advocated FCC Forcing Broadcasters to Air Enviro-Population Control Ads

NFL: ‘We Made No Judgment’ on Limbaugh Bid

Nation's 'Long-Term Fiscal Outlook Remains Unsustainable,' GAO Says

Lawyers Call for Changes in International Law to Help ‘Climate Exiles’

Sex Ed Should Not Promote Only Marriage or Heterosexual Relationships, Advocates Say

Does Obama Support or Oppose Amendment to Prohibit Abortion Funding in Health Bill? White House Isn’t Saying

Government-Funded Studies Focus on ‘Futile’ End-of-Life Care

'Green' Customers Get Discounts at Berlin Brothel

Sheriff: No Indication Balloon Ordeal Was Hoax

NOW President Takes on Polanski, Letterman

‘Social Security Freeze Means Seniors Must Scrimp,’ AP Says

You Will Get Health Insurance at DMV—Literally (It’s in the Bill)

An ACORN-Friendly, Big Labor, Tax-and-Spend Radical in GOP Clothing

Huckabee Tops Romney, Palin in 2012 Poll

Palin Plans New Political Group

Huckabee: No Palestinian State in Israel

McCain: Sarah Palin 'Great' 2012 Candidate

Huckabee: U.S. Policies on Israel, Iran Misguided

Bush, Obama Urge Community Service

'Illegal Alien' Halloween Costume Sparks Ire

Ex-Wife, Son Provide Clues on Bin Laden

Dick Morris: Healthcare Stakes Are Life and Death

Ariz. Sheriff Launches Immigration Sweep

McCain Presses Obama to Pardon Black Boxer

Baptist Official Apologizes for Nazi Comparison

Ed Koch: Obama Failing on Healthcare, Afghanistan

Neighbors Thought Dead Man Was Halloween Display

Artist Admits Using Other Photo for 'Hope' Poster

Military Backs Away From Ban on Photos of Dead

Candidate's Unique Business Cred: Sex-Toy Sales

Tea Partiers and GOP Regulars Scuffle in House Race

Jim Cramer: Buy-and-Hold Is for Losers

`Simpsons' Contest Lets Winner Create Character

Letterman Case Challenges News Media

The Staggering Costs of Obamacare

10 Questions to Ask About Radical Muslims

The End of Money and the Future of Civilization

Scientists decode human genome's instruction manual | Science | The Guardian

British scientists develop 'brain to brain communication' - Telegraph

Militia madness: Online game based on American civil war in 2011 after 'Obama's coup fails'

WHO: Swine Flu Virus Travels Deep Into Lungs, More Likely To Cause Pneumonia

Through The Looking Glass On Fox News Channel

Alan Grayson on Real Time

The Daily Show: Rape-Nuts

Pointing Out The Obvious: Health Insurance Companies Lack Competition.

Limbaugh, conservatives and the 'bloody shirt': The right has a long history of turning perpetrators into victims

WaPo OpEd Flies Their Obama Derangement Nobel Fetish Flag Freely: Questions Constitutionality of NPP

No Pre-existing Conditions in Health-Care Reform - Except Obesity!

Maddow Blasts AFP's Tim Phillips as "Parasite", "Bad for the Country"

Pelosi, Congressional Supporters Fight On for the Public Option

Coulter goes LaRouchie: NFL players would rather play for Rush Limbaugh than George Soros, a 'Nazi collaborator'

Michael Moore schools Maria Bartiromo on capitalism

Queen Olympia Is The Only Person Who Counts in Final Healthcare Bill

Another Glenn Beck weepfest, because Americans need to wake up to the evil Marxist radicals in the White House. Hooboy.

Orrin Hatch: MoveOn is Scurrilous, Funded by Soros and I'm Going To Kick Them In The Teeth

The Hottest Women of the 2000s - omg! videos on Yahoo!

First Person: Mike Tyson on Chicago violence - omg! videos on Yahoo!

All-male college cracks down on cross-dressing - CNN.com

Rush Limbaugh: The Race Card, Football and Me - WSJ.com

Harvard’s Bet on Interest Rate Rise Cost $500 Million to Exit - Bloomberg.com

My Way News - 2009 federal deficit surges to $1.42 trillion

Grand Forks woman accused of showing porn from window, assaulting cop | Grand Forks Herald | Grand Forks, North Dakota

My Way News - 2009 federal deficit surges to $1.42 trillion

Tenor booted from Yankees game after anti-Semitic slur

Senator Graham steps out of Senator McCain’s shadow right into his shoes - TheHill.com

Baby dead in trash, 2 others neglected | pnj.com | Pensacola News Journal

Pensacolanewsjournal - 20 violent N.C. inmates going free

Lloyd 'Sachs' bonus

Feinberg lops Lewis' pay by $1M

Hedge-funder in stox-scam bust

YouTube - Health Care Reform

PopModal The Conservative Alternative to YouTube - Ann Coulter on Larry King "We seem to fight unwinnable wars when dems are Presidents"

Borrowing Trouble on Our Dime by Becky Akers

Is the Real Economy Growing, Expanding, and Making Money? by Bill Bonner

The Horror of Gun Control in Mumbai by Benedict D. LaRosa

Lawrence Solomon: Climate change dominoes fall - FP Comment

Bernanke is between an Overheated Printing Press and a Hard Place

Liberty Candidates 2010: The Year of HOPE

If Obama were a Marxist, what would he believe?

Osama bin Laden, family man

Carbon: Passive rider on the Earth/Space Machine

Are You A New-Age White Racist?

Hey! I thought Obama wanted conservatives to 'shut up and get out of the way'

The Moral Universe of Liberals

Rush in the Wall Street Journal

Even a majority of the Nobel Committee didn't want to give the prize to Obama

These Dis-United States

The Coming end of the Western World may have to be postponed

Rush, Jesse, and Fidel

Hedge funds gaining clout in Washington

CNN's Sanchez non-apology apology

When the government controls banks

Go East, Young Man

The Search for the Wikipedia Libelist (important update)

The NFL's Diversity Problem

War without a War President?

Why Obama's Poll Numbers Have Stopped Falling

The Seduction Of Lindsey Graham

Theory and Practice

The monster behind the mask

Juan Cole Between Madison and the Mullahs

Vladimir Putin and the Russian Inferiority Complex

Is Obama Turning Us into the Next Evil Empire?

ACORN, Payola and Color of Law

Chicago and the natural ecology of human conflict

PETA's Peculiar 'Partners'

What Soros Wanted, Obama Delivers

Gore On The Grill

Obama The Impotent: A Dangerous Delusion

Health Care Reform Chicago Style

Education sec spoke at event with Ayers

Official: Obama 'disgusted' with Israel

How to get paid $1,000 per second!

'Safe schools' chief was member of radical Act Up

Hollywood programming pursues Obama agenda

Modern man a wimp says anthropologist | U.S. | Reuters

Archeologists unearth 'lost' mini Roman Coliseum - CNN.com

Alien Giant Snakes Threaten to Invade Up to 1/3 of U.S.

Confronting Killer Dad Who Left Her for Dead

*Raj Rajaratnam Indicted in $20 Million Insider Trading Case - ABC News

Clinton campaign remains active - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

Lesbian Student Fights for Yearbook Tuxedo Photo - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

New DOD photo rules prompt outcry - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

MSNBC Admits: ‘Unable to Verify’ False Limbaugh Quote; No Retraction or Apology | NewsBusters.org

Special Report: The Left's Character Assassination Campaign Against Rush Limbaugh | NewsBusters.org

Federal deficit triples from year ago - More politics- msnbc.com

Congressional Budget Chief Says Climate Bill Would Cost Jobs - WSJ.com

US steel-makers temper climate deal hopes - environment - 15 October 2009 - New Scientist

FT.com / Europe - EU attacks carbon border tax initiative

All These Governors | The American Prospect

Democrats Address Their Own Rifts on Health Care - NYTimes.com


Azam Nizamuddin: Obama Rightfully Takes on Fox News

'Barackie Madoff' rescue nothing but a $16B rip-off

Too Hard to Understand

Ballentine's Racist Attack on Juan Williams - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

Our opinion: Pandering to Social Security crowd sacrifices responsibility - Opinion - USATODAY.com

$1.4 Trillion Deficit Complicates Stimulus Plans - NYTimes.com

O's 'blank screen'

How Olympia Snowe and Joe Lieberman Move Senators | Newsweek Voices - Eleanor Clift | Newsweek.com

RealClearPolitics - 'Reform' No One Wants to Pay For

The U.N. Human Rights Council - Jeffrey Goldberg

Hillary Reborn

PRUDEN: The peacenik gets a lesson - Washington Times

Who You Calling Deranged? | The New Republic

The Obama presidency: Where I dissent - TheHill.com

Ignore Fox;Obama's right. It's time to stop taking Fox's skewed news seriously. - By Jacob Weisberg - Slate Magazine

Taking On the 'Democrat-Media Complex'

Drill by Sarah Palin/National Review Online

Charles Lane - Pushing Home Ownership Is a Questionable Policy - washingtonpost.com

Peter Berkowitz: Academia Goes Silent on Free Speech - WSJ.com

Spend And Deliver | The New Republic

Investors.com - Dems Go Nuclear

Human wrongs at the UN: World's worst try to put Israel in the dock

CQ Politics | D.C. Voting Measure Could Be Added to Defense Spending Bill

As Ethical Questions Linger, Rangel’s Financial Clout Erodes - NYTimes.com

Democratic electoral success now leads to governing headaches - TheHill.com

House committee approves new rules on derivatives trading -- latimes.com

A Bull Market In A Weak Economy Doesn't Last - Forbes.com

RealClearMarkets - Our New Paymaster

How Goldman Can Rehabilitate Itself: Go Private | The New Republic

The Case for Humility in Afghanistan - By Steve Coll | Foreign Policy

Fascism, Stalinism, and North Korea’s Destiny | The New Ledger

Bordering on Danger - WSJ.com

Pakistan, the privatised state | Faisal Devji | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Steven Edwards: UN commission follows Goldstone with demands on Israel, none on Palestinians - Full Comment

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Russia’s unsustainable energy model

Kremlin Rules - washingtonpost.com

Tackling the other Taliban

Is the 1st Amendment still relevant?

Today's culture war: A zero sum game

Obama's submission to radical Islam

Send Biden to get Osama

Fighting Satan in Afghanistan

Raising drones of the state

Are black Americans victimized – or cursed?

Al Sharpton, today's Orval Faubus

Crank up the scare machine!

Learning from suffering

The gang rape and the Republicans / Behold, 30 U.S. senators who don't give a damn about battered women

What O's homosexual 'rights' position really means

The American Culture: Low U.S. Troop Morale in Afghanistan Reflects Doubts About Mission


*Transcripts:Interview with Senator Jay Rockefeller

President Obama's New Orleans Town Hall Meeting

Analysts Discuss Obama's Visit to New Orleans

Obama's Remarks on the Stimulus Package

Interview with Senator Olympia Snowe

Panel on Obama and Liberals

Interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Analysts Discuss Latest in Health Care Legislation

Interview with Senator Susan Collins

A 'Critical Milestone' in Health Care Reform

Interview with Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel

Senators Sanders & Barrasso Debate Health Care

Senators Conrad & Hatch on Health Care

Sen. Schumer & Howard Dean on Sen. Finance Bill

Press Conference with Pres. Obama and PM Zapatero

Secretary Clinton's Remarks with Russia's FM

Panel on the Latest in the Health Care Debate

White House, Insurance Industry At Odds

Secretary Clinton Interviewed by the BBC

Rep. Anthony Weiner on Health Care


*American Minute for October 17th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Obama from Kenya, archived report says

Plan killed to make 'naturalized' citizens eligible

Eligibility attorney mocked, fined $20,000


'Moderate' CAIR to feature radicals at annual banquet

700 Club highlights CAIR exposé

Myrick: CAIR won't renounce Hamas ideology

YouTube - Muslim Perspectives

CAIR bucked up by reaction of officials, media

Book Exposes CAIR's Exaggerations, Efforts to Stymie Law Enforcement :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism

CAIR's Inner Workings Exposed :: Daniel Pipes

'Now we have proof' jihadis infiltrating D.C.

CAIR spent $160,000 to silence Savage


YouTube - Angry protesters greet right-wing Dutch MP Geert Wilders

'I Cannot Go Back to Iran': Daughter Of Ahmadinejad Adviser Seeks Asylum In Germany - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Obama Tells Health Reform Critics to 'Grab a Mop' - ABC News

Dem officials set stage for corporate-backed health care campaign - Ben Smith and Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

'You lie!' worth $2.7M for Joe Wilson - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

'Die quickly' pays off for Grayson - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Abortion Practitioner Writes of Doing Abortions While Pregnant With Unborn Baby

40 Days for Life Participant in Fresno, California Assaulted by Abortion Advocate

Education sec spoke at event with Ayers

'Safe schools' chief was member of radical Act Up

Schools put on notice: Mass boycott of Harvey Milk Day

BBC NEWS | Africa | Libya frees 'repentant' Islamists


*Politics Video:Juan Williams Responds: "Apparently It's OK To Use Racial Slurs"

Obama: Taking the Insurance Companies On Down the Stretch

Obama: I'm Busy With A Mop "Cleaning Up Somebody Else's Mess"

Rep. Frank: Public Option Doesn't Need 60 Votes

New Ad Urges CNN To "Drop" Lou Dobbs

Huffington: Biden Should Resign If Obama Sends More Troops To Afghanistan

Rep. Weiner On Blaming Democrats For Health Care Failure

Jon Stewart Pokes Fun At RNC's New Website

Ann Coulter On Limbaugh Dropped From Rams Deal

Rachel Maddow Faces Off With Americans For Prosperity

O'Reilly On The New Witch Hunters

Black Talk Host To Juan Williams: "Real Black People" Are Offended By Limbaugh

Sen. Landrieu: "Public Option" Means "Free Health Care"

Boy To Obama: "Why Do People Hate You?"

Harry Reid Suggests Health Care to Cost $2 Trillion

Rep. Boehner: Where Are The Jobs?

WH's Anita Dunn Says Mao Is Favorite Philosopher

Pence, Inslee Debate Cost Of Baucus Bill

Howard Dean: "Got To Have A Public Option"

Rove: Bush Admin. Did Not Under-Resource War In Afghanistan

South Park Spoofs ACORN Video Scandal

Mitt Romney On Government-Run Health Care

Byrd Warns Obama On Afghanistan

Pelosi: Less Likely To Have Bill Without Public Option

Limbaugh On Dropped NFL Bid: "Obama's America On Full Display"

Sen. Collins: Baucus Bill "Falls Short"

O'Reilly: Once Again, Russia And Europe Insult America

Stephen A. Smith & Michael Meyers On Rush Dropped From Bid

Barney Frank On Record Payouts By Banks

Fmr. Sen. Kerrey: We Have To Stay In Afghanistan

*Markets Video: Bove: Goldman Will Pass $200

U.S. Week Ahead: More Earnings on Tap

Pay Czar's Long Reach

Wall Street vs. Main Street

Malpass on the Markets & Economy

A Tale of Two Banks

*World Video:Angry Protesters Greet Geert Wilders


Breitbart.tv » WATCH LIVE: Balloon Family Makes ‘Big’ Announcement

Breitbart.tv » Sex Sells for $7 in Johannesburg as World Cup Approaches

Breitbart.tv » Ex-Girlfriend of Balloon Boy’s Dad Talks About His ‘Lies…Antics…Violent Side’

Breitbart.tv » Liz Cheney Group Fires Back at Lefty Media: ‘What Are They So Afraid Of?’

Breitbart.tv » George H.W. Bush Calls MSNBC’s Olbermann & Maddow ‘Sick Puppies’

Breitbart.tv » ‘Mad Money’ Host Cramer Likens Bonus Outrage to Lenin in 1917

Breitbart.tv » Noam Chomsky Compares Right-Wing Media to ‘Nazis’

Breitbart.tv » George H.W. Bush Gaffe: ‘Did You Get My A** E-Mail?’


Courrielche Debates ObamaVision on ‘O’Reilly’

Barack Obama’s Anti-Semitic Website

Mike Flynn Doesn’t Care About Old People…

WSJ: Andrew Breitbart Taking On the ‘Democrat-Media Complex’

Lame Christian Media Misses ACORN Scandal

Lessons From Chairman Mao

“Furlough Fridays” a Sickening Reminder of Teachers Union Priorities

Teamster Boss Busted in Old Pay-to-Play Bribe Scheme

Proft: Blago-Quinn-SEIU Scam Exposed

Big Media Press Club Flaks for ACORN’s Bertha Lewis

CA Flash Point for Obama? Republican Uses Unique Strategy In Run For Congressional Seat

Kerry and Graham on Global Warming: So Awfully Different

Three Guiding Principles for Reforming Wall Street

Global Generation Republicans: The Next Birth of Freedom

Obama Labor Department Covers-Up Big Labor Bosses’ Perks

ACORN, Payola and Color of Law

ACORN’s Ally at the National Labor Relations Board

Government Sets Aside Money For Insiders

Debbie Schlussel :Dem Texas Sheriff: Hey, Let’s Invite Al-Jazeera to Attack Our Jails

Debbie Schlussel :Tough Choice: Dumb Stripper as First Daughter v. Obama as Prez

Debbie Schlussel :Jihad & Hair Products: Meet Texas Dems’ Palestinian Muslim Gov. Candidate

Debbie Schlussel :DISTURBING: Significant Increase in Chinese Illegal Aliens Caught at Ariz Border

Debbie Schlussel :Senator Tark the Shark Jr.?: Harry Reid Trails Top GOP Opponents

Debbie Schlussel :Happy Fall Weekend Day!: Columbus Under Further Attack, Even in . . . Columbus?! Columbus a Jew?; UPDATE: Kids Taught Darker Side of Columbus, Put Him on Trial, Find Guilty

House, Senate Dems at odds on health care - Capitol Hill- msnbc.com

The Obama-Dubya Connection | Newsweek Newsweek - Top of the Week by Jon Meacham | Newsweek.com

Record-High Deficit May Dash Big Plans - washingtonpost.com

Obama ducks gay soldiers pledge -- for now - CNN.com

The White House’s ‘ironic’ Mao moment? Glenn Beck doesn’t get it. | csmonitor.com

Obama aide fires back at Beck over Mao remarks - CNN.com

Bill Dupray - American Conservative – CNN’s hilariously lame defense of Mao-Loving White House Advisor Anita Dunn - True/Slant

Next Mega Money jackpot an estimated $650,000 - Florida AP - MiamiHerald.com

The Associated Press: Search widened for missing F-16 pilot off SC coast

McCain campaigns with McDonnell at Va. vets' rally -- dailypress.com

Clinton counsels patience on health care, Afghanistan troop decision - National Politics Blog - Political Intelligence - Boston.com

After Conviction, a Push to Expel Monserrate From Senate - NYTimes.com

Artist Admits Using Other Photo for ‘Hope’ Poster - ArtsBeat Blog - NYTimes.com

Meghan McCain says 'Don't call me a slut!' OK, how about attention junkie? | The Dish Rag | Los Angeles Times

The Associated Press: No punches, just praise as Tyson, Holyfield meet

YouTube - First Person: Mike Tyson on Chicago Violence

The Associated Press: Birkhead says he saw Anna Nicole Smith take drugs

'This Is It' footage shows Michael Jackson's take-charge style -- latimes.com

Elvis auction is on despite lawsuit :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Business

YouTube - First Person: Elvis' Hair Hits the Auction Block

Pakistan fights 'mother of all battles' with the Taliban - Telegraph

VOA News - Israel Faces Growing Pressure After UN War Crimes Vote

Opposition official's trial on hold in Zimbabwe - CNN.com

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Karzai 'faces West poll pressure'

VOA News - Maldives Cabinet Meets Below Waves to Highlight Climate Change Threat

VOA News - Group Says Poor Governance Feeds Kenyan Food Crisis

VOA News - Gold Prices Impact 'Festival of Lights'

VOA News - Zelaya Sets Monday Deadline for Agreement

BBC NEWS | Europe | Armenians welcome ties with Turks

Obama signs $7.5 billion Pakistan aid bill - CNN.com

YouTube - Pakistanis angry at U.S. aid bill

Juan Williams defends Limbaugh by bringing on two other right-wing bigots

The Decline of Civilization, Example #4,754: Brzezinski Lurves Buchanan's Candor

tehran times : Iran to drop dollar from forex reserves

German Chancellor, Ministers Get Special Vaccine Without Soft Kill Ingredients


10/16 The Mark Levin Show

10/15 The Mark Levin Show

10/14 The Mark Levin Show

10/13 The Mark Levin Show

10/12 The Mark Levin Show


World Net Daily Player:'Return to Spenders'

World Net Daily Player:GOP's Joe Wilson talks 'war on terror' with WND

World Net Daily Player:$2 trillion: Baucus bill's real price tag

World Net Daily Player:Beware 'Trojan horse' public-option triggers






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*Site:ATLAH - World Ministries

*Site:ATLAH Live Webcast - The Manning Report

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*Library *Sovereignty International, Inc.

*Video*; Sovereignty International, Inc.


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What Is Money? by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 2 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 3 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 4 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 5 by Gary North

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What Is Money?, Part 7 by Gary North

Truth Inc.

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Truth Inc. Pt.6


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Alex Jones Freeman\Strawman & The Rule of Law Part 2/7

Alex Jones Freeman\Strawman & The Rule of Law Part 3/7

Alex Jones Freeman\Strawman & The Rule of Law Part 4/7

Alex Jones Freeman\Strawman & The Rule of Law Part 5/7

Alex Jones Freeman\Strawman & The Rule of Law Part 6/7

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We The People Stimulus Package

The Second American Revolution

Thomas Paine's American Revolution

Thomas Paine on Town Hall Meetings - Hannity

The Broken Common Bond

Thomas Paine - Now is the Right Time, Join a Tea Party

Thomas Paine , Can You Hear Us Now

American Patriots League - Thomas Paine

Thomas Paine : His Calvinist-Political Thought

Thomas Paine on Glenn Beck (Fox News)

Thomas Paine on our Liberties


When Giants Fall (Part 1 of 4) on Vimeo

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When Giants Fall

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The Maya Of Eternal Time - Drunvalo Melchizedek 2009 6 of 14

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The Maya Of Eternal Time - Drunvalo Melchizedek 2009 8 of 14

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**RFID 'Powder' - World's Smallest RFID Tag: Science Fiction in the News

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Holiday Travelers Who Wait to Book Flights May Pay More - NYTimes.com


*Site:Yapta: Track Prices /Flight