"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

16 October 2009

Friday - 16 Oct '09

Thursday recap

**Mirror images:(75) Celebrity look-alikes**

U.S. troop funds diverted to pet projects - Washington Times

Channel 4 controversy over documentary that claims race is linked to intelligence

The Mommy Files : British toddler has Einstein IQ

Poll: Obama personal popularity at new low | Washington Examiner

Henninger: A Decadent Nobel - WSJ.com

Borger: Mistrust of government handicaps Obama - CNN.com

The Baucus Death Spiral - James C. Capretta - Critical Condition on National Review Online

Rockefeller Takes on Kennedy’s Liberal Cause: Margaret Carlson - Bloomberg.com

'We're Going to Let You Die' - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Republicans Should Be Concerned About What's Happening to the RNC


*Transcripts:Obama's Remarks on the Stimulus Package

Interview with Senator Olympia Snowe

Panel on Obama and Liberals

Interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Analysts Discuss Latest in Health Care Legislation

Interview with Senator Susan Collins


*Politics Video:Boy To Obama: "Why Do People Hate You?"

Pence, Inslee Debate Cost Of Baucus Bill

Harry Reid Suggests Health Care to Cost $2 Trillion

South Park Spoofs ACORN Video Scandal

O'Reilly: Once Again, Russia And Europe Insult America

Mitt Romney On Government-Run Health Care

Rep. Boehner: Where Are The Jobs?

Howard Dean: "Got To Have A Public Option"

Byrd Warns Obama On Afghanistan

Stephen A. Smith & Michael Meyers On Rush Dropped From Bid

Limbaugh On Dropped NFL Bid: "Obama's America On Full Display"

Barney Frank On Record Payouts By Banks

Pelosi: Less Likely To Have Bill Without Public Option

Fmr. Sen. Kerrey: We Have To Stay In Afghanistan

Sen. Collins: Baucus Bill "Falls Short"

Rove: Bush Admin. Did Not Under-Resource War In Afghanistan

More News

Boy found at home after runaway balloon chase - Life- msnbc.com

- Perfect storm approaching the United States while leaders snore and citizens sleep (Connecting the Dots blog) : Denver Colorado Neighbors

Does the Vaccine Matter? - The Atlantic (November 2009)

Five cups of green tea a day lowers cancer risk - Telegraph

Could early retirement kill you? - Telegraph

Scientists decode human genome's instruction manual | Science | The Guardian

Out of your head: Leaving the body behind - life - 13 October 2009 - New Scientist

Tweance, the Twitter seance, aims to contact Michael Jackson - Telegraph

BBC NEWS | Technology | 'Magnetic electricity' discovered

Modern man a wimp says anthropologist | U.S. | Reuters

WCSH6.com | Portland, ME | Bigfoot Sighted In Downtown Portland

Could the Large Hadron Collider be held back by its own future? - Telegraph

BBC NEWS | Technology | Remote controlled bugs buzz off

Ananova - Elvis's hair up for grabs

The DIY fish supper: Future kitchen grows its own vegetables and seafood | Mail Online

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | 'Veggie' spider shuns meat diet

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Pallas is 'Peter Pan' space rock

Look into my eyes: The power of hypnosis - life - 09 October 2009 - New Scientist

A Third of Dinosaur Species Never Existed?

Ananova - Huge audience watched op to separate twins

Mystery UFO halo in clouds over Moscow | The Sun |News

Surprising Ship 'Contrails' Seen From Space | LiveScience

Harry Reid is the worst leader ever! Lieberman doesn't support Baucus Bill

Will we lose our 31st state?

It's All In The Framing: NY Times Admits Shutting Out Single Payer Coverage

Harry Reid Plays Chin Music With Insurance Companies; Threatens Repeal of Anti-Trust Exemption

Mary Landrieu: I Think When People Hear 'Public Option' They Hear 'Free Health Care'

Global banking body may be needed-FSA | Reuters

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul On Dip*hit MSNBC-ED Show-Lindsey Graham Confrontation

The Archdruid Report: The Twilight of Money

He knows .Net and SQL … not missile launchers | NetworkWorld.com Community

YouTube - Laws Against Keeping Rain Water!

Evening News 24 - Teenager fined for offensive image

Tony Blair and the business of covering up war crimes

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » U.S. Stock Markets Disconnected from Reality

Video: China forges links with

Death Threats, Hate Mail for Abortion Addict - ABC News

France Condemns Czech President Over EU Treaty - NYTimes.com

U.S. Congress oks sanctions on Iran's fuel suppliers | Politics | Reuters

Ed Miliband calls on Barack Obama to save Copenhagen climate summit - Times Online

Italians bribed the Taleban all over Afghanistan, say officials - Times Online

Africa: 'Greener' Green Revolution the Aim of New Gates Foundation Grants)

More than 1 billion going hungry, U.N. says - CNN.com

Blowback: Why Armenian's can't 'get beyond' the genocide -- latimes.com

Obama signs off on extra aid for Pakistan | csmonitor.com

The Associated Press: NKorea warns naval incursions could spark clash

VOA News - US Blasts Prosecution of Zimbabwe Legislator

AFP: Afghan envoy says election run-off likely

AFP: 'Dump Berlusconi,' US magazine urges Italy

No tax rise, privatisation not on agenda in France | Industries | Consumer Goods & Retail | Reuters

Balloon Boy Is Safe, but Richard Heene's Former Business Partner Says Kids Were Put in Danger - ABC News

YouTube - Sheriff's Dept: Balloon Boy Found Safe at Home

House Panel Paves Way for 'Nuclear Option' in Health Care Reform Bill FOXNews.com

Readers sound off on Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize

Senator Hiram Monserrate Is Found Guilty of Misdemeanor Assault - NYTimes.com

Like Maria Shriver, many Californians break cellphone ban | csmonitor.com

Bush says Obama's Texas visit not about politics Houston Chronicle

Jurors Fail to Reach Verdict in Ring Trial - washingtonpost.com

McDonnell ahead in cash race for Va. governor - On Politics - USATODAY.com

Google to open e-book shop: Does it matter yet? | Software News - Betanews

Hundreds arrested in Texas in 6-month gang probe

Mystery Space "Ribbon" Found at Solar System's Edge

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Glimpses of Solar System's edge

5 Tips for Parenting with Google Wave | GeekDad | Wired.com

Wi-Fi Direct Could Be the Death of Bluetooth - Business Center - PC World

The Associated Press: How your tongue tastes the bubbly: Sour taste buds

Ex-Ford Worker Accused of Trade-Secret Theft - WSJ.com

Meghan McCain's cups runneth over on Twitter: Thanks for the mammaries! | EW.com

First Picture of Dugard Since Age 11 Feature Story

YouTube - New Photos Bring Tears in Dugard's Home Town

Who could replace David Letterman?

Lady Gaga Unveils Official ‘Monster Ball’ Poster » MTV Newsroom

Tina Fey on Letterman: Cute, but not '30 Rock' | EW.com

Smoking Bans Reduce Heart Attacks: Study - US News and World Report

Placebo Effect May Help Treat Pain

Stem Cells Grow Heart Tissue in Lab - US News and World Report

Unsafe abortions kill 70,000 a year, harm millions | Reuters

FDA Warns Consumers About Buying H1N1 Vaccines On Internet - WSJ.com

Obama hits back at insurers over health reform | Health | Reuters

The Jawa Report: US to allow Russian inspectors at US nuke sites

YouTube - Clinton: We want to eliminate Russian concerns


(1:45:52)Only the US has nukes (part1)

(1:22:53)Only the US has nukes (part2)

YouTube - Our little Earth


*FATE Magazine


*Tales from the Matrix

Matrix Energetics :Articles

Matrix Energetics: Radio Shows

Matrix Energetics Videos

*Profiling The Unexplained

*unexplained.info C.O.R.P.S.E: Glossary



**Maya Calendar & 2012 Studies**



*Bill Richardson: "Obama is an immigrant" (promotes CIR's "learn English"... in Spanish)

YouTube - Richardson revelation-Obama is an immigrant

flashback:American Thinker Blog: Huh? What does Bill Richardson mean?


Inside THIRTEEN » Archive » Video: Extended preview of “Obama’s War” on FRONTLINE

*PBS Video*


US-China Proxy War For Global Mineral Wealth Leaves Thousands Dead

flashback:Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

The Protocols Of Zion And YOU

(AUDIO)TruthTalkOnline: Mike Rivero interviewed by Jeff Jewell

"Wiped Off The Map" - The Rumor of the Century

Refreshing News: 50 most annoying things about the internet

10 Big Businesses That Have Moved Their Headquarters Abroad to Pay Less U.S. Taxes

Christopher Columbus writings prove he was Spanish, claims study - Telegraph

EclippTV :: Video :: Hemp Farmers Arrested Planting Hemp at DEA Headquarters

Boy found alive after runaway balloon lands in Colo. - On Deadline - USATODAY.com

Richard C. Cook » Blog Archive » Thomas Greco’s “The End of Money and the Future of Civilization”: A Review by Richard C. Cook

US pays $400 per gallon for gas in Afghanistan | Raw Story

Britain is in danger of going bust, warns EU | Mail Online

YouTube - The bottom line

Obama’s Well Organized Community Is Falling Apart

ITV - John Pilger - War is peace. Ignorance is strength

ITV - John Pilger - Archive / Articles

The people vs Wall Street - Business News, Business - The Independent

Blackwater engaged in terrorism?

EDITORIAL: So much for new job growth - Washington Times

Helpless Iraqis Sell Their Organs

THE $2.00 BILL I TRIED TO SPEND: - Over the Garden Fence - Canadian Gardening Forums

Judge: ringtones aren't performances, so no royalties - Ars Technica

Melbourne baby's miracle train escape after he is run over | Mail Online

**The OEM Issued a WTC Collapse Warning

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Danish Prime Minister Knew WTC Would Collapse

YouTube - Former Prime Minister of Denmark knew the first tower was going to collapse! Who told him?

YouTube - 9/11: Rudy Giuliani Interview with Peter Jennings (ABC)

Don't FedEx Your Pot | City | Portland Mercury

State-Inflicted Gang Violence Is “Helpful,” Not “Hurtful” « LewRockwell.com Blog

Did The CIA Have More Motive Than Oswald? by Jacob G. Hornberger

*Site:Future of Freedom Foundation

DIY: Defending Against A DDoS Attack - DarkReading

*EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul On Dip*hit MSNBC-ED Show-Lindsey Graham Confrontation

US-led war in Afghanistan 'unwinnable'

Iran: World should not stand Israel's law defiance

All Senate Dems 'to back healthcare reform'

Will Obama 'change' Bush's war doctrine?

Unsafe abortion kills 70,000 mothers a year

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » The Dollar in Your Wallet Is Only Worth 18¢

It’s never been about global warming

‘Mr. Obama Tear Down This Wall!’

Obama’s Health Care Euthanasia Plan for Senior Voters

A Mandate for ObamaCare?

Observing the Blitzkrieg: The Barack Obama Way

If Obama Had Told Us Before His Election

Nah, it's not a GOP network | Michael Tomasky | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Deception, Spin And Lies

Gutierrez unveils immigration "reform" bill principles at Washington DC rally (RI4A, CHC,NCIC,religious leaders)

Obama admin preparing USCIS for amnesty (millions of visas, comprehensive immigration reform)

Michael Wishnie compares immigration laws to Jim Crow laws (Yale professor)

Obama pledges to do everything he can to create jobs; use leverage to get him asked why he won't enforce immigration laws

Zogby poll: 69% of Mexicans think immigrants should be loyal to Mexico; most say immigration "reform" would increase illegal immigration

Napolitano of DHS: "al-Qaeda-type" terrorists inside U.S.; difficult to track visa exits; supposed border enforcement will lead to "reform"

RTR ActNet:Compilation of What's Really Happening in Our World

video:The Government Can

video:Taking a close look at Facebook

video:Swine Flu Propaganda - 1976

My first introduction as a kid to Hitler's "big lie" concept | 911Blogger.com

Former Prime Minister of Denmark knew the first tower was going to collapse! Who told him? | 911Blogger.com

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » LEAKED NETWORK MEMO REVEALS: Obama Controls Your Television Set

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Part II: Obama Controls Your Televison Set — Search and Ye Shall Find…Left-Wing Advocacy

Part III: Obama Controls Your Television Set — Serve.gov or Serf.dom?

List of ‘Organically’ Created iParticipate Television Programs

ObamaCare TV: Preview of ‘Organically’ Produced Television Shows?

Soros Says U.S. Economy Will Be Drag on World Growth - NYTimes.com

U.S. Considering New Assessment of Iran Threat - Political News - FOXNews.com

Foreign Policy Hawks Launch New Campaign Against Obama by Jim Lobe

Senate proposals put premium on healthy living

Global banking body may be needed-FSA | Reuters

Arctic to be ice-free in 20 years

North Pole ice cap gone in 10 years

US scientists unveil 3D human genome

ROBERT FAURISSON: At the European Parliament, during a conference against “Denial”, Lady Renouf asks for proof, one single proof, of “the Holocaust”

Hate Bill Execution Looms For America?

Federal Sharpshooters Begin Slaughtering 700 Elk (Minn)

CWD Testing (Killing) Of Elk, Deer Continues In SD

Mad Cow Firmly In California Raccoon Population

The BRAD BLOG : CA Computer Scientists Charge U.S. EAC Misused Security Findings from Landmark E-Voting Study

savethemales.ca - Feminists Hatch "Rape Crisis" On Campus

Japan to withdraw ships from Afghanistan support role - Times Online

Silvio Berlusconi issues denials over Afghanstan bribe scandal - Times Online

Rape case to force US defence firms into the open | World news | The Guardian

Russian historian arrested in clampdown on Stalin era | World news | guardian.co.uk

MEPs call for compulsory 'EU lessons' in schools - Telegraph

EXCLUSIVE: Obama loosens missile technology controls to China - Washington Times

Agent Orange - Ignoring The Crimes Before Our Eyes

- Perfect storm approaching the United States while leaders snore and citizens sleep (Connecting the Dots blog) : Denver Colorado Neighbors

SM Park Deer - DEATH PARK, KS - In Cold Blood Redux

Does the Vaccine Matter? - The Atlantic (November 2009)

Five cups of green tea a day lowers cancer risk - Telegraph

Could early retirement kill you? - Telegraph

Scientists decode human genome's instruction manual | Science | The Guardian

FT.com / US & Canada - Geithner aides made millions on Wall Street

Searching For The Truth: AMAZING UFO FOOTAGE

Nurses will sue New York over mandated vaccinations | Raw Story

Federal Judge in Ga. Sanctions 'Birther' Attorney

*EXCLUSIVE: U.S. ignored warnings before deadly Afghan attack - Washington Times

French Vogue accused of racism after painting white model black for fashion shoot | Mail Online

Queen Olympia Is The Only Person Who Counts in Final Healthcare Bill

Another Glenn Beck weepfest, because Americans need to wake up to the evil Marxist radicals in the White House. Hooboy.

Orrin Hatch: MoveOn is Scurrilous, Funded by Soros and I'm Going To Kick Them In The Teeth

Interracial Couple Denied Marriage License in Louisiana

Why Doesn't CNN Even Bother To Ask Guests About Potential Conflicts?

AFL-CIO's Richard Trumka: Real Health Care Reform or Bust

After another threat, it's time to stand up to the health-insurance industry

Bachmann and the Turnip concoct new ACORN-Community Reinvestment Act conspiracy theory

Harry Reid is the worst leader ever! Lieberman doesn't support Baucus Bill

Limbaugh Targeted By Obama Official (important update)

The NFL's Diversity Problem

War without a War President?

The Medicare vise

*Did the Democrats just approve the 'nuclear option' on health care vote?

Why Obama's Poll Numbers Have Stopped Falling

Stim Bill job numbers: What could you do with $533,000?

The Seduction Of Lindsey Graham

Only 43% would vote to re-elect Obama today

Theory and Practice

The monster behind the mask

Juan Cole Between Madison and the Mullahs

Sharpton's corporate sugar daddies

White House Fox News basher names her favorite philosopher: It's Mao

Marc Rich bio may cause Holder some problems

What you can do to protest the NFL's attitude toward Rush Limbaugh

The Search for the Wikipedia Libelist

When Will a National Voter Fraud Investigation of ACORN Begin?

Vladimir Putin and the Russian Inferiority Complex

Is Obama Turning Us into the Next Evil Empire?

The No Fairness League

Rush Snared by NFL Paradox...Again

Liberals Fumble Again

ACORN, Payola and Color of Law

Chicago and the natural ecology of human conflict

Freedom is Hard Work (ObamaCare makes it harder)

PETA's Peculiar 'Partners'

What Soros Wanted, Obama Delivers

Why White America Chose Obama

Obama The Impotent: A Dangerous Delusion

Liberals' Violence Warning Comes a Year Late

Health Care Reform Chicago Style

God, Conservatism and Values

The Self-Censorship of Liberals: It's Too Scary to Look

Constitutional Hypocrisy

Barack Obama, Elinor Ostrom, and the Nobel Prize (PART 1/2)

Barack Obama, Elinor Ostrom, and the Nobel Prize (PART 2/2)

10-15-2009: Photos Of U.S. Military Deaths In Afghanistan Banned

10-15-2009: FDIC bank fund in the red until 2012

HAARP Creates Bullseye In The Sky

French troops were killed after Italy hushed up ‘bribes’ to Taleban

U.S. troop funds diverted to pet projects

Wall St Gangsters The Largest Theft in History

Geithner Aides Reaped Millions Working for Banks, Hedge Funds

US Smart Grid Roll-Out: Forging Ahead

William K. Black - The Ongoing Cover Up of the Truth Behind the Financial Crisis May Lead to Another Crash

Elizabeth Warren On Too Big To Fail, Paulson's Generous Taxpayer Gift, And The Death Of The Middle Class

VIDEO: Deformed babies in Fallujah

Exec Charged Under Patriot Act for Drunken Behavior on Plane

Government Reports Point to Fiscal Doomsday

Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty, Claims British Lord

British scientists develop ‘brain to brain communication’

Mazda uses urine to save the planet

Obama CIA Ties?

What, Exactly, is Being Fought in Afghanistan?

John Bolton Suggests Nuclear Attack on Iran

The IDF Violated Nuremberg Principles During Operation ‘Cast Lead’

Abbas and the Goldstone Report: Our Shame is Complete

The Muslims are Coming!

US Healthcare Overhaul: Five Lessons from Abroad

Woman Disabled by THIS YEARS FLU SHOT 10 days AFTER vaccination

Three 9/11 heroes dead from cancer in five days

Bernanke rolls snake-eyes

Treasury Officials Received Millions from Goldman Sachs

video:The Shot Is The Pandemic: Swine Flu Vaccines and The CBC

Waco Siege “Enforcer” To Rule Over Global Police Force

EU funding 'Orwellian' artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for "abnormal behaviour"

Al Gore confronted with an inconvenient question

U.N.: 11.6 million Africans made homeless by conflict

Obama and elder Bush team up on call to service

Obama's war strategy questioned by terrorism experts

Organic Halloween Treats

WATCH: Fourth Grader To Obama: "Why Do People Hate You?"

Sarah Palin's Ratings Plummet To All-Time Low

Rewarding Failure: The Bail-Out Bonuses on Wall Street Continue

Baucus: Senate Health Care Bill Will Get Every Democrat's Vote

Ed Koch: Obama Failing on Healthcare, Afghanistan

Obama, Liberals Split on Security and Media

Sen. Vitter: Reid Wants Illegals Counted in Census

Lawmaker to Repost Anti-Obama `RedNeck Rap'

Pelosi Funnels Federal Money to California District

Geithner Aides Reaped Millions from Banks

New Orleans Residents Slam Obama

Palin Plans New Political Group

Limbaugh: Soros May Have Been in Rams Group

Doctors Will be 'Drafted' Under Public Option

'Boy in Balloon' Family Never Shied From Spotlight

Mom of Fla. Teen Set on Fire Says It's a Nightmare

Obama Defends Himself Against New Orleans Critics

Giuliani to Campaign with Bloomberg

Palin Will Campaign with Texas Gov. Perry

Leftist Lies Target Rush as Conservative Quarterback

10 Questions to Ask About Radical Muslims

Are Americans Awakening to the China Threat?

The Staggering Costs of Obamacare

Insider Charges for Galleon Founder

Family: Balloon Incident Not a Hoax

Marketers Still Prefer a Paper Trail

Tea-Party Activists Vex Republicans

Commander's letter tackles troops' morale

NASA offers chance to win front-row launch seats

The moon belongs to no one – yet

Solving the crystal maze: The secrets of structure

Time isn't what it used to be

Was moon-smashing mission doomed from the start?

Laser creates 'false memories' in fly brains

The year's best pictures from the world of medicine

UncoverTheNews.com » Spider Pill: Wireless Endoscopic Capsule Robot

UncoverTheNews.com » Girl Barely Speaks or Walks, Constant Seizures After Flu Shot, She Was Marathon Runner

UncoverTheNews.com » APF- Montana AG DROPS Investigation!

UncoverTheNews.com » AmeriCorps, City Year and the Global Social Change Agenda

UncoverTheNews.com » Oath Keepers Declaration of Orders We Will NOT Obey

UncoverTheNews.com » New 9/11 inquiry squashed: Truth Quest stopped by City Hall

Think Progress » Beck’s Attack On Obama Adviser Ignores Right-Wing Interest In Mao

Think Progress » Boehner Admits That He’s Now Heard From Supporters Of The Public Option

Think Progress » SuperFreakonomics Gets Climate Change Super Freaking Wrong

Think Progress » Public Option Opponent Mike Ross Proposes Opening Medicare To More Americans

Think Progress » After Castellanos controversy, CNN vows to be ‘vigilant’ in the future about disclosing conflicts of interest.

The End of Money and the Future of Civilization :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Obama’s Health-Insurance Cartel | Foundation for Economic Education

Fake Car Noises Being Added To Many New Cars... May Be Required Soon | Techdirt

Fla. Teen Set Ablaze Screams in Agony on 911 Tape - ABC News

Like Feminism? Like Wine? There's a Club for That - ABC News

Casey Anthony Asking That Murder Charge Be Dropped - ABC News

Russia Jails Serb for U.S. Military Spying: Ifax - ABC News

Sheriff Probes Sweat Lodge Deaths as Homicides - ABC News

Okla. Mom Charged With Locking Son in Closets - ABC News

Morning After: Balloon Boy Gets Sick Twice on TV - ABC News

Pilot Sought After 2 F-16s Collide off SC Coast - ABC News

U.S. Mulling New Assessment of Iran Threat: Report - ABC News

Social Security Freeze Means Seniors Must Scrimp - ABC News

Father of Anna Nicole's Daughter Due to Testify - ABC News

"Labyrinth" Author Explores Mystery of Cathar Caves - ABC News

Five Men Found Guilty in Australia of Terror Plot - ABC News

Adam Storch: SEC Hires 29-Year-Old Ex-Goldman Sachs Exec For Key Role

Nation's 'Long-Term Fiscal Outlook Remains Unsustainable,' GAO Says

Lawyers Call for Changes in International Law to Help ‘Climate Exiles’

Sex Ed Should Not Promote Only Marriage or Heterosexual Relationships, Advocates Say

Liberal Editor Suggests Making the Recession ‘Worse’

Does Obama Support or Oppose Amendment to Prohibit Abortion Funding in Health Bill? White House Isn’t Saying

Government-Funded Studies Focus on ‘Futile’ End-of-Life Care

Eva Longoria: Immigration Debate ‘Not Relevant’ to Health Care Reform

Under Prodding of Pay Czar, No ’09 Salary or Bonus for Departing Bank of America CEO

An ACORN-Friendly, Big Labor, Tax-and-Spend Radical in GOP Clothing

Little-Known Egyptian Is Key Al-Qaida Figure

FDA to Study Negative Effects of Lasik Eye Surgery

Suicide Bomber Kills 12 Worshippers at Iraq Mosque

U.N. Human Rights Council Sends Israel-Slamming War Report to Security Council

Student Editors at Oregon College Apologize for Satire Targeting Jews

Georgia to Return $330,000 to Assisted Suicide Group

Scientists Grow Mice Heart Muscle Strip that Beats

The Second Battle of Copenhagen

Meghan McCain’s Big Bust

An ACORN-Friendly, Big Labor, Tax-and-Spend Radical in GOP Clothing

Security, Reconciliation in Iraq Are Irreconcilable

Iraq: The Road to Tyranicide

Will You Love Every Future President?

An Imperial Strategy for a New World Order: The Origins of World War III

Media Distortion: Killing Innocent Afghan Civilians to "Save Our Troops"

Happy Days Are Here Again by Richard Spencer

An Imperial Strategy for a New World Order: The Origins of World War III by Andrew Gavin Marshall

The Dr. Oz Bait for Vaccines: Why Did He Do It? by Joseph Mercola

Avoid Flu Shots With the One Vitamin that Will Stop Flu in Its Tracks

War Is Peace. Ignorance Is Strength by John Pilger

Dear Barack, I Have a Towering Solution by Tom Chartier

Edgar Allan Poe finally getting proper funeral | Antiwar Newswire

YouTube - Shape shifting Hilary Clinton Reptilian

9NEWS.com | Colorado's Online News Leader | Investigation to begin after family's TV comments

Colorado Balloon Family Bristles Skeptics

Ted Turner wants to run CNN again

Scientists create 'sexual tsunami' - Telegraph

'Ho White and the Seven Dwarves' beer advert angers Disney - Telegraph

White beauty queen at US black uni pens plea to Obama

Al Gore Advised Google About 'Search Quality' | NewsBusters.org

Thousands protest during Obama visit at the Weston St. Francis Hotel - 10/16/09 - San Francisco News - abc7news.com

GPS Causing Truckers to Crash Into Bridges - Auto - FOXNews.com

1 Of 8 Girls At Robeson High School Got Pregnant - cbs2chicago.com

No extra troops to Afghanistan, says Sarkozy | France 24

Nepali teen bids for crown of world's smallest man ever - Times Online

YouTube - Balloon Boy on Wife Swap

Harrods to sell gold bullion for first time - Telegraph

Fiat Money: The Fuel of Government « HBD Books

Going bust: The end of an age - The Hill's Pundits Blog

Deadline Nears for Holders of Undeclared Offshore Accounts - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Balloon Family: Not a Hoax

Inside Info on David Letterman Case - The Early Show - CBS News

YouTube - Judge OKs release of Letterman warrants

Monty Python at 40: Not Dead Yet - CBS News

Meghan McCain Has One Thing Ann Coulter Will Never Have -- Daily Intel

Official: Obama 'disgusted' with Israel

Media Matters demand: 'Really go at' Fox News

How to get paid $1,000 per second!

'Safe schools' chief was member of radical Act Up

Hollywood programming pursues Obama agenda

Hill terror front group investigated by FBI

The Associated Press: UC Irvine sends fundraising complaint to feds

‘Islam is violent’ says President Obama’s new pastor Carey Cash - Times Online

Media Matters demand: 'Really go at' Fox News

CNN will not air 'Drop Dobbs' ad UPDATE - Michael Calderone - POLITICO.com

Hollywood programming pursues Obama agenda

Tea partiers and GOP regulars scuffle in N.Y. House race - Washington Times

Obama aide is pressing fight vs. gay bias

Nine-year-old to Obama: 'why do people hate you?'

Obama celebrates the festival of lights

Pelosi makes case for government-run health option - Yahoo! News

Leading Blue Dog suggests opening Medicare to uninsured - TheHill.com

No Snowementum: Centrist Democrats still not sold on health care - Patrick O'Connor and Chris Frates - POLITICO.com

Obama Economics Advisor Robert Reich Blasted for Promoting Death Panels

Pakistan: Taliban leader warns India will be 'attacked' - Adnkronos Security

Japan tells US it will stop naval mission: Kyodo

The Remote Control President: Palestinians Rail Against Bungling Abbas - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Bedouin Sheikh: My People are of Jewish Descent - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

It's T-Day for Obama 'Minion Media'

House Republicans may face a ‘civil war’ over Scozzafava bid - TheHill.com

A G.O.P. Agitator Not Named Palin - NYTimes.com

7-Eleven blasted for sexy Simpson Playboy

Student dead, officer stabbed at Carolina Forest High School - Local - The Sun News

UnionLeader.com - UNH student's flag display is forbidden - Thursday, Oct. 15, 2009

Nation & World | Workers still on the job, but making half as much

CNSNews.com - Chamber of Commerce Says Private Sector, Not Government, Will Create Jobs

Entire police force in Hungarian town quits after winning the lottery - Telegraph

At foreclosure auctions, broken dreams on sale - Yahoo! News

video news:Karl Rove on Health Care and Afghanistan - ABC News

Obama's stimulus paves few new roads - Washington Times

Cap-and-Trade Climate Bill Would Slow U.S. Economy, CBO Head Says - washingtonpost.com

Insurers dropping Chinese drywall policies

Resource-hungry China heads to Afghanistan - World Blog - msnbc.com

Is The Large Hadron Collider Being Sabotaged from the Future? - Large hardron collider

Scientists discover the real reason why fizzy drinks tingle on the tongue | Mail Online

Archeologists unearth 'lost' mini Roman Coliseum - CNN.com

Hitler's Little Helpers: Nazi Garden Gnomes Invade German Town - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Fingerprint unmasks original da Vinci painting - CNN.com

The Eye-Popping Moment When Human Life Begins

The Spine-Tingling Glamour of Hammer Pinup Girls

Was Moon Explosion Destined To Disappoint? - LCROSS - io9

A Nuclear-Powered Boat Could Sail The Great Lakes Of Titan - Space - io9

Group sues for access to SPP records

Recycling Atomic Waste: Nuclear Materials Stored In Siberian Parking Lots - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Nuclear Renaissance Stalls: Problems Plague Launch of 'Safer' Next-Generation Reactors - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

National Museum of National History to Open Hall of Human Origins - washingtonpost.com

Democrats to push in-state college tuition bill for undocumented students - The Denver Post

Iranian Web sites deny Khamenei rumors - upiasia.com

Missing dot drops Sweden off the Internet | NetworkWorld.com Community

The Daily Walk of Shame: "Unbiased" Health Insurance Industry Report - Motley Fool- msnbc.com

Obama risks egg-throwing in trip to Texas A&M | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Obama Tells Health Reform Critics to 'Grab a Mop' - ABC News

Sarah Palin, John Edwards slide in polls, Gallup says | csmonitor.com

Tea-Party Activists Complicate Republican Comeback Strategy - WSJ.com

CQ Politics | Gingrich Steps Up For GOP in Special Election

The Associated Press: Feds cut enforcement powers of Arizona sheriff

Arpaio cites non-existent law in his argument for crime sweeps

DHS Reshapes Its Immigration Enforcement Program - washingtonpost.com

Lawmakers Back $250 Checks - washingtonpost.com

The North Carolina News Network - Governor Working To Stop The Release of 20 Violent Offenders

53 House Republicans Seek Removal of Obama Schools Official - NYTimes.com

SPACE.com -- Mystery Emissions Spotted at Edge of Solar System

Wires Inserted Into Human Brain Reveal Speech Surprise | Wired Science | Wired.com

1,700-year-old footprints discovered under Lod mosaic - Haaretz - Israel News

Astronomy Picture of the Day : 2009 October 15 - Fireball Meteor Over Groningen

World's tallest cat - Telegraph

This isn't about Rush

Enough of the Race Police!

Let's call it 'infirmative action'

Oh, to be an Obama!

What O's homosexual 'rights' position really means

Cuba-style indoctrination in store for U.S.?

Did Obama's anti-Israel bias help clinch Peace Prize?

Marxist prof: The Jews were invented

The Hate America Party

The 2nd battle of Copenhagen

The Truth About the Health Care Bills - Connelly

Not Your Father's Chamber of Commerce: National Organization Is Now a Tool of the Radical Right | Politics | AlterNet

Muslim Mafia | Red County

**News flash: God is not the 'Creator'

Israel slams UN Human Rights Council's 'one-sided decision' | Israel Palestine-Gaza Conflict | Jerusalem Post

Pakistan prepares for South Waziristan offensive against Taliban - Telegraph

Spokesman: Zimbabwe opposition politician freed on bail - CNN.com

VOA News - Hunger Casts Dark Cloud Over World Food Day

YouTube - World Food Day: Pope says access to food is a human right

Turkey: We won't cancel TV show depicting Israelis as killers - Haaretz - Israel News

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Afghan election scenarios

YouTube - Karzai rival calls for Afghan election run-off - 15 Oct 09

Suicide Bomber Hits Mosque in Iraq - NYTimes.com

Five men found guilty in Australia of terror plot | Reuters

Italy Denies News Report That It Bribed the Taliban - NYTimes.com

Judges order release of Binyan Mohamed 'torture' material - Times Online

Inter-Korean talks fail to reach agreement on more family reunions_English_Xinhua

Iran, US, Russia, France 'plan' Vienna talks

YouTube - UK government refuses deported refugees - 16 Oct 09

*archive:H1N1 infected people continue to shed live virus days after the symptoms

Borger: Mistrust of government handicaps Obama - CNN.com

Rockefeller Takes on Kennedy’s Liberal Cause: Margaret Carlson - Bloomberg.com

National Journal Magazine - America The Rebranded

The Baucus Death Spiral - James C. Capretta - Critical Condition on National Review Online

Peggy Noonan: There Is No New Frontier - WSJ.com

Op-Ed Columnist - A Hatchet Job So Bad It’s Good - NYTimes.com

The Politics Don't Add Up;Why health care reform will cost more than Congress and Obama say it will. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Laws of the Universe vs. Obamacare

Barack Obama’s silly obsession with Fox News – Telegraph Blogs

Obama isn't helping. At least the world argued with Bush | Naomi Klein | Comment is free | The Guardian

RealClearPolitics - The Liberal Faith

Barack Obama's Work in Progress: Politics: GQ

Our opinion: Pandering to Social Security crowd sacrifices responsibility

Influential AMA's Support for Reform Is Far From Certain - washingtonpost.com


*Transcripts:Obama's Remarks on the Stimulus Package

Interview with Senator Olympia Snowe

Panel on Obama and Liberals

Interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Analysts Discuss Latest in Health Care Legislation

Interview with Senator Susan Collins

A 'Critical Milestone' in Health Care Reform

Interview with Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel

Senators Sanders & Barrasso Debate Health Care

Senators Conrad & Hatch on Health Care

Sen. Schumer & Howard Dean on Sen. Finance Bill

Secretary Clinton's Remarks with Russia's FM

Panel on the Latest in the Health Care Debate

White House, Insurance Industry At Odds

Secretary Clinton Interviewed by the BBC

Rep. Anthony Weiner on Health Care


*World Video:Angry Protesters Greet Geert Wilders

Pakistan Forces Under Attack

China Forges Links with Iran

Most Arctic Sea Ice 'Gone in a Decade'

Security Outweighs Nuclear-Free World?

Baghdad Orders University Shut

*Markets Video:AM Report: Pay Czar's Long Reach

Bove: Goldman Will Pass $200

Wall Street vs. Main Street

Malpass on the Markets & Economy

A Tale of Two Banks

Dow 10,000 Means 'Absolutely Nothing'

Goldman Beats the Street

The VAT: A Hidden New Tax to Finance Bigger Government?

Financials Pass First Test of 3Q Earnings Season

Trade Chinese Currency Manipulation

Wind Power The Pickens Way

*Politics Video:Obama: I'm Busy With A Mop "Cleaning Up Somebody Else's Mess"

New Ad Urges CNN To "Drop" Lou Dobbs

Huffington: Biden Should Resign If Obama Sends More Troops To Afghanistan

Rep. Weiner On Blaming Democrats For Health Care Failure

Jon Stewart Pokes Fun At RNC's New Website

Ann Coulter On Limbaugh Dropped From Rams Deal

Rachel Maddow Faces Off With Americans For Prosperity

O'Reilly On The New Witch Hunters

Black Talk Host To Juan Williams: "Real Black People" Are Offended By Limbaugh

Boy To Obama: "Why Do People Hate You?"

Rep. Boehner: Where Are The Jobs?

Harry Reid Suggests Health Care to Cost $2 Trillion

Pence, Inslee Debate Cost Of Baucus Bill

WH's Anita Dunn Says Mao Is Favorite Philosopher

Sen. Landrieu: "Public Option" Means "Free Health Care"

Howard Dean: "Got To Have A Public Option"

Rove: Bush Admin. Did Not Under-Resource War In Afghanistan

South Park Spoofs ACORN Video Scandal

Mitt Romney On Government-Run Health Care

Byrd Warns Obama On Afghanistan

Pelosi: Less Likely To Have Bill Without Public Option

Limbaugh On Dropped NFL Bid: "Obama's America On Full Display"

Sen. Collins: Baucus Bill "Falls Short"

O'Reilly: Once Again, Russia And Europe Insult America

Stephen A. Smith & Michael Meyers On Rush Dropped From Bid

Barney Frank On Record Payouts By Banks

Fmr. Sen. Kerrey: We Have To Stay In Afghanistan

Goodell On Rush Limbaugh's Bid For The Rams

Reid: Insurance Companies Can Not Be Trusted

Limbaugh Dropped By Group Bidding For Rams

Rep. Ron Paul Responds To Lindsey Graham's Attack

Update: Matthews Apologizes For Fantasizing About Limbaugh's Murder

NJ: Christie Says Corzine's Attack Will Fall Flat

Sen. Schumer Wants Public Option Put In Final HC Bill

Imus: Public Option or Sen. Snowe's Vote?

Clinton Has No Interest In Running For President Again

Steele To Obama On HC: "You Have A Long Way To Go"

Snowe: Health Bill A "Good Place to Start"

Keith Olbermann Slams Rush Limbaugh's NBC Interview

Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee Rails Against Rush And The Rams

O'Reilly: America's Healthy Future

Rep. Bachmann: Olympia Snowe's Decision Was "Unfortunate"

Paul Begala Vs. Ari Fleischer Over Health Reform

Nader: Obama Has Been "Disappointing"

Sen. McCaskill: Rove "Really Good at Leaving Out Important Details"


*American Minute for October 16th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Is Obama's face on U.S. flag illegal?

MTSU Poll: Belief In Obama Conspiracy Theories Still High : Post Politics: Political News and Views in Tennessee

Obama from Kenya, archived report says

Eligibility attorney mocked, fined $20,000

*Google’s archive shows Obama’s birth story has changed «


flashback:Duckworth working to win | The Honolulu Advertiser | Hawaii's Newspaper

*OkCupid.com: Forums / General / Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

flashback:CNN.com - Ryan drops out of Senate race in Illinois - Jun 25, 2004

Ryan quits Senate race | Daily Chronicle

*How Crazy are those “Birthers?”


CAIR attempts to torpedo Capitol press conference

CAIR bucked up by reaction of officials, media

Lawmakers warn of CAIR threat

'Now we have proof' jihadis infiltrating D.C.

CAIR spent $160,000 to silence Savage

Daily Express | UK News :: Now Muslims demand full Sharia law


France Telecom suffers 25th suicide | World news | guardian.co.uk

How Galileo’s telescope changed everything – Telegraph Blogs

Is political correctness to blame for lack of coverage over horrific black-on-white killings in America's Deep South? Tennessee Channon Christian Christopher Newsom carjack | Mail Online

Free coats hoax sparks riot in US clothing store - Telegraph

Texas man faces execution after jurors consult Bible to decide fate - Telegraph

Mannahatta project reveals New York of 1600 - Telegraph

MI5 chief defends links with foreign agencies accused of torture | UK news | guardian.co.uk

'Muslims want sharia law in Britain' claim - Telegraph

Start school at six, key schools report recommends | Education | The Guardian

Terror Act used on climate activist - Crime, UK - The Independent

Michael Moore schools Maria Bartiromo on capitalism

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Doctors Confirm Flu Shot Disabled Woman As Carrey & McCarthy Lend Support

Exclusive: A Trail of Failed Policies and Lost Battles



YouTube - This Is How The United States Shows Support To Israel! Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen

Agent Orange - Ignoring The Crimes Before Our Eyes

Obama Renews Bush's 9/11 State of Emergency | CommonDreams.org

Pakistan Declares Taliban Guerrilla War Under Way -- News from Antiwar.com

Russia Today: New 9/11 inquiry squashed - Charlie Sheen. - 12.160Mhz

Is the 'Obama effect' turning the world against Israel? - Haaretz - Israel News

Hamas Rejects Egyptian Plan To Reconcile With Fatah

A strange case in Germany

American Jews Rethink Israel

Madoff victims sue the SEC for negligence - Oct. 14, 2009

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Pennsylvania Drafts 2009 Mandatory Vaccination, Gun Confiscation Law

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Soros: “There is a General Flight from Currencies”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Force The Secrets From The Fed

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Greenspan: Break Up the Big Banks, It Will Be Good for the Economy, Minor Regulation Won’t Work

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Actor Richard Belzer: Rush Limbaugh & Glenn Beck ‘Fascist Stooges’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » White House met secretly with corporate healthcare lobbyists

Exclusive: How Dems set stage for corporate-backed health care campaign - Politico.com Print View

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Hemp for America! Farmers plant hemp seeds on DEA’s front lawn

YouTube - Hemp Farmers Arrested Planting Hemp at DEA Headquarters

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty in Copenhagen, Claims British Lord Monckton

Grayson calls on American public to ‘Unmask the Fed’

Government Propaganda To Infest Network TV Shows

“Liberal” Huffington Wants More Troops Sent Into Afghanistan Meatgrinder

*Paul Slams Neo-Con Graham For “Angry White Guys” Jibe

Bill Gates pushes for more attention on Africa - Yahoo! News

Taliban Strength Nears Military Proportion

Troy student disciplined after creating a website to bully another | Chas Beat | STLtoday


10/15 The Mark Levin Show

10/14 The Mark Levin Show

10/13 The Mark Levin Show

10/12 The Mark Levin Show

*The Alex Jones Show*

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 15th With Paul Craig Roberts & Stewart Rhodes

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 13th With Dr. Joel D. Wallach

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 12th With David Icke


**Bold Voices


The Enterprise Mission - Space Act

archive: Reports / Nightly News;Video @ msnbc.com

**Canada Free Press - Archives Page**

***Songza: The music search engine & internet jukebox***

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*Site:Vote Hemp

*Site:Ruths Hemp Foods


*Site:Organic Consumers Association

*Site:Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps All-One!


YouTube - Hijacking Catastrophe - Intro (1 of 10)

YouTube - Hijacking Catastrophe: Blueprint for Empire (2 of 10)

YouTube - Hijacking Catastrophe: Hijacking Fear (3 of 10)

YouTube - Hijacking Catastrophe: "Things Related and Not" (4 of 10)

YouTube - Hijacking Catastrophe: Empire (5 of 10)

YouTube - Hijacking Catastrophe: Sorrows of Empire pt. 1 (6 of 10)

YouTube - Hijacking Catastrophe: Sorrows of Empire pt. 2 (7 of 10)

YouTube - Hijacking Catastrophe: "Bring it On" pt. 1 (8 of 10)

YouTube - Hijacking Catastrophe: "Bring it On" pt. 2 (9 of 10)

YouTube - Hijacking Catastrophe: Politics of Citizenship (10 of 10)

video:China forges links with Iran

video:100 Days of Resistance

video:Global Warming Dooms day cults don't want you to see this

video:David Icke on Alex Jones TV: “Last Days of The NWO”


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Truth Inc. Pt.2

Truth Inc. Pt.3

Truth Inc. Pt 4

Truth Inc. Pt. 5

Truth Inc. Pt.6

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Video Library/Foundation for Economic Education


**Test Your News IQ - Pew Research Center**

*Pew Research Center Research :Topics Index


World Net Daily Player:Muslim Brotherhood 'conspiracy' to subvert America

World Net Daily Player:Congressman rips 'fatally flawed' health legislation

World Net Daily Player:3 Democrats and ... Rahm Emanuel

World Net Daily Player:Which way will Obama go in Afghanistan?


video:Hath God said?

video:How do we share Christ with Jewish people?


*Site:RNC: Republican National Committee | GOP

*Site:The Democratic Party