"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

30 September 2009

30 Sept '09


*(55:13)World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B 17 - G Edward Griffin


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Net Neutrality Regulation vs. Internet Freedom

H.R. 3458: Internet Freedom Preservation Act of 2009 (GovTrack.us)


**The Real Reasons Behind Fed Secrecy by Ron Paul

**Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » What Is Money?

*'Saturday Night Live': Where are they now?

Lyin' Glenn Beck fabricates "bombs" to smear the Left

Grayson: GOP Health Plan = You're Sick? Die Quickly.

Jim Traficant interviewed by Sean Hannity - Fox News

Video: Carl Cameron Supports Questioning 9/11 « Dprogram.net

Video: Charlie Sheen Returns on Alex Jones – Stage 2 Begins « Dprogram.net

US secretly tried to make deal with Goldman Sachs in wake of financial crisis | Raw Story

Arianna’s friends

Michael Moore asks: Where is the Democrats’ spine? | Raw Story

Iran not after nuclear weapons, says IAEA chief

YouTube - Fully Nude Strip Search by Cops: Male Police Stripping Woman Completely Naked

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Provocateur Cops Caught Disguised As Anarchists At G20

Holdren’s Ice Age Tidal Wave - TierneyLab Blog - NYTimes.com

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Pesticides Cause Childhood Brain Cancers

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Senators introduce bill to repeal telecom wiretapping immunity

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Robocops come to Pittsburgh and bring the latest weaponry with them

AFP: Empire State Building turns red-yellow for China's 60th

Funeral homes prepare for possible H1N1 surge

Thousands of 9/11 workers can now sue over illnesses

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » “August 2008 conflict was a proxy Russia-US war”

Subliminal advertising really does work, claim scientists - Telegraph

The discovery of new Earths is imminent, UD astronomer says

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | 'Clown' tourist blasts into space

At Sunrise Theatre, things did go 'bump' in the night, paranormal investigators said » TCPalm.com

Seti: The hunt for ET - Science, News - The Independent

US military could strike Iran, but at what cost?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Pro-Iran War Sleepers Awake

The BRAD BLOG : Former FBI Agent Confirms: Bush State Official Was Target of 'Decade-Long' Espionage Probe

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Anatomy of Blue-State Fascism

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Liberals and Democrats Will Support the Coming Mass Murder Campaign Against Iran

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Fox News’ Shepard Smith: Trust The CDC And Get Injected

APF Reveals Little Information | KULR-8 TELEVISION - Billings, Montana | Local Top Stories

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » American Police Force Logo Represents “Empire, Dominance and Power”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Senior official in Bush domestic propaganda program remains Obama’s Pentagon spokesman

Message Machine - Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand - Series - NYTimes.com

Ron Paul Talks About Iran

NAACP Angry About Obama Joker Poster

Two Rivers Detention Center Photo Tour: Hardin, Montana

Gore Vidal: ‘We’ll have a dictatorship soon in the US’ - Times Online

Radio Host Urges Militia Formation, Attacks Conservationists

KGEZ is shut down

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Media Pundits Back Away From 9/11 Debate With Sheen

Unmasking Obama

Polanski Crime Worse Than People Know

Are We Witnessing the Collapse of Liberalism?

The Perils of a 'Policy' President

Revenge of the Golden Goose

Huckabee Attempts to Follow Reagan's Path to Victory

Playing At Being President

Hollywood protesting Polanski arrest

Where are the Three Stooges who wrote the 2007 NIE on Iran?

The 3 stooges of the NIE

The Chicago Olympics: Another view

ACORN voting fraud in the news

Dem Congressman: 'GOP wants you to die quickly'

Lula faces criticism in Brazil over Honduras role

Iran's nuclear future

The Patron in Chief's Copenhagen Surge

Obama's Work Ethic

New FCC Chairman Targets internet

Re-imposing totalitarian information control in Russia

Why I hope Obama brings the 2016 Olympics to Chicago

Obama's Olympic Hallucination

Disarmament for All (Except the UN)

Energy Secretary Chu and the Toll of Silly Physics

How to Lose a War in 180 Days

All Hail Tom Harkin! He says he has the votes to pass a publlic option

What a Freedom Party Would be Like

America's Military Empire


Nuclear Politics: Western leaders asinine game of brinksmanship

Still Another 10 Moments in Mike Huckabee's Extremism

The Daily Show-- America: Target America

Newsmax: Military Coup Would Take Care Of "Obama Problem"

You're Getting A Payday Loan - And You Don't Even Know It. Banks Under Scrutiny for ATM Overdraft Fees

Lou Dobbs doubles down on gun paranoia by claiming Sunstein will be 'gun czar'

Dorgan Introduces Bill That Will Allow Imported Drugs from Canada

Everything You Need To Know About The Baucus Bill In Two Minutes

That Gang Murder In Chicago?

Rep. Trent Franks Declares President Obama An "Enemy of Humanity"

Rockefeller Public Option amendment voted down in Senate Finance Mark-Up: 15-8. UPDATED: Schumer amendment goes down 13-10

Facebook poll: 'Should Obama Be Killed?' Pulled. Secret Sevice investigate

Thousands of Texans Attend "Largest Free Health Clinic Ever Held in the United States"

Blue Dogs Hold Insurance Subsidies Hostage Because Money Saved Might Be Used for Abortions.

Christianist Kitty Werthmann wants you to get your guns!

Howard Dean: If Democrats Pass a Bill Without a Public Option There's Going to be a Huge Backlash

Dave on 'Countdown': Did Clinton have it worse than Obama?

Selling China - The Wal-Mart Effect - 2006

Why does Fox insist on calling human beings 'illegals'?

Homosexual Rose-Colored Glasses

Real Live People Are Secondary to The Senate Finance Committee as They Slice and Dice Healthcare

Bill Clinton Praises Olympia Snowe's Trigger Option

Echoing GOP Talking Point, Washington Post Promotes Republicans as Protectors of Medicare

DEBKAfile - US giant bunker-buster bomb project rushed since Iran's Qom site discovered

Attorney: Oklahoma City bomb tapes appear edited - Yahoo! News

Dollar's days of dominance may end - Washington Times

The Associated Press: Gingrich, Sharpton tour Philly with ed secretary

Richard Cohen - Time for Obama to Act Like a President - washingtonpost.com

Video: Teen Attacked, Beaten to Death in Melee - Chicago Breaking News

Tufts University bans nookie if roomie ‘is present’ - BostonHerald.com

Cops close in on post office suspect

'Father Polanski Would Go to Jail' Says Jesuit - The World Newser

Despicable: Sean Vannity Hosts Anti-Semite Ex-Con on Yom Kippur, Allows Him to Rant About “The JOOOS”

The Associated Press: Democratic fundraiser faces NY sentencing

Appeals court tosses Dan Rather's $70M suit against CBS

Senate Finance Committee Votes Against Government-Run Health Insurance Plan - Political News - FOXNews.com

YouTube - Chris Arreola Interview - After the Fight vs. Vitali Klitschko

About Roman Polanski’s Defenders & NBC News

Rosalinda Duron, the Worst Kind of Whore: Meet Terrorist “Sam” Smadi’s “Wife”

Another Great ObamaCare Preview: Will You Be an ObamaCare “Fugitive”?

Mondull: 2nd Half of Irrelevant Presidency Says We’re “Racist”

Shut Up, Mackenzie Phillips: Has-Been Addict’s Incest Claims Don’t Belong on Broadcast TV

The Associated Press: Military to get mandatory swine flu shots soon

Roman Polanski: What Did He Do? - ABC News

Roman Polanski: backlash as Whoopi Goldberg says director didn't commit 'rape-rape' - Telegraph

Chattanooga Times Free Press | Cheerleaders’ religious signs draw fire

State to mom: Stop baby-sitting neighbors' kids - Yahoo! News

School district could backpedal on policy -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY:2997:

Anti-Graffiti Plan Raises Stakes for Homeowners | NBC Los Angeles

Welcome to Walmart wedding

FT.com / Americas / Politics & Policy - Chávez and Gaddafi urge redefining of ‘terrorism’

FedEx flies terminally ill girl home

Hamilton’s Betrayal by George C. Leef

Doug Casey on Gold

Fractional Reserve Banking Made Easy by Terence Gillespie

The Anatomy of Blue-State Fascism by Anthony Gregory

Libertarian Vacationers Demand Their Subsidies by Gary North

Truth to Power - David Gordon - Mises Institute

The American Conservative -- Who’s Afraid of Sibel Edmonds?

Vitamin cafes: Japan's latest health injection - CNN.com

Republican base still wild about Sarah Palin - Michael Falcone and Zachary Abrahamson - POLITICO.com

BBC NEWS | Europe | Nude Germans want right to roam

Supreme Court to decide terrorism support law | Reuters

Fate of Government-Run Health Insurance May Rest in Obama's Hands - Political News - FOXNews.com

YouTube - Key Committee Rejects Public Option

The Associated Press: Senators reject stronger anti-abortion language

Obama announces $5 billion for new healthcare jobs | Special Coverage | Reuters

The Associated Press: LaHood: Distracted driving a 'menace to society'

YouTube - Distracted Driving

5-year-old missing after Anaheim double shooting - San Jose Mercury News

US climate control debate heats up in Senate | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

FBI chief sees no imminent threat from Zazi case | Reuters

YouTube - Terror arrest puts New York Muslims on edge - 29 Sep 09

Stressing Hardcover Sales, Publisher Delays E-Book of Sarah Palin Memoir - WSJ.com

The Associated Press: Search on for Tenn. baby snatched by fake agent

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Sesame Street slot for first lady

The Empire State Building's Disgusting Kowtow to China - Doug Heye (usnews.com)

Abandoned dog killed by car outside animal shelter -- chicagotribune.com

Suspect in Stabbing Near Manhattan Post Office Is Found Dead - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Fatal Stabbing Outside NYC's Main Post Office

Why China is unlikely to back Iran sanctions | csmonitor.com

Russia warns against hasty actions on Iran

Israel to Free Prisoners to Obtain Video of Soldier - NYTimes.com

VOA News - Heavy Security Planned for China's Anniversary Celebration

YouTube - 60 years of the Red Republic

The Associated Press: Guinea's military leader bans demonstrations

Pressure increases on Obama over Afghanistan - CNN.com

YouTube - Afghan War Is A Joint NATO/US Mission

Obama to Hear From McChrystal for First Time Since Troop Request - Political News - FOXNews.com

Fresh South Korea nuclear proposal ridiculous: North | International | Reuters

allAfrica.com: Africa: Climate Change Will Hit Ten Million Children - Report (Page 1 of 1)

Post Right » Christian Democrats No More?

US pulls troops from Philippines town after US soldiers killed | csmonitor.com

U.N. Investigator Richard Goldstone Presents Gaza War Report in Geneva - NYTimes.com

FEMA Camps & The Coming Gun Confiscation Laws | Real Zionist News

Horowitz - US H1N1 Scientists Clueless About Vax Side Effects

Kawther Salam » Blog Archive » The Daily Life of Kawther Salam

New York farmer finds monster-sized egg - 9/29/09 - Los Angeles-Southern California-LA Breaking News, Weather, Traffic, Sports - abc7.com

B.C. cull led to hybrid 'monster wolves,' study shows

Workers' Porn Surfing Rampant at Federal Agency - Political News - FOXNews.com

'Net Neutrality' Will End Net Freedom

Hate Bills Protest Calls Flood House Judiciary

Half-man, half-goat creature's birth leaves African villager's shocked! .:. newkerala.com Online News

Lawmakers in Some States Press to Outlaw Mandatory Health Insurance - NYTimes.com

Starbucks kills communities, academic claims - Telegraph

China to unveil new missile types on National Day: official

Roman Polanski arrest provokes diplomatic row between France and US - Telegraph

UN says caste system is a human rights abuse - Telegraph

EU intervention in Irish referendum 'unlawful' - Telegraph

France condemns 'sinister' arrest of Polanski - Europe, World - The Independent

Sex abuse rife in other religions, says Vatican | World news | The Guardian

Adolf Hitler alive: weird conspiracy theories - Telegraph

Tests on skull fragment cast doubt on Adolf Hitler suicide story | World news | The Observer

Police chief apologises over pair driven to suicide - Crime, UK - The Independent

Police errors contributed to suicide of tormented mother Fiona Pilkington | UK news | The Guardian

BBC is accused of ‘dumbing down’ by screenwriter Andrew Davies - Times Online

Working mothers have unhealthiest children, study finds | Society | guardian.co.uk

You'd butter believe it: Margarine consumption is linked to lower IQs in children | Mail Online

Cheer up! Study of Great Depression shows hard times are good for your health | Mail Online

Daily Express | UK News :: Saudis will let Israel bomb Iran nuclear site

Secret Service Probing Obama Assassination Poll on Facebook - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

High Frequency Forex Manipulation Evidence

Devvy Kidd -- The destroyers who control Congress, the White House & media

Obama's Hit List - The Globe

YouTube - Riot Police Assault Young Couple at University in Pittsburgh (night of G20)

Pittsburgh Police Take a Photo With Arrested Student - iReport.com

celluloid blonde:land of the free


YouTube - Everything is OK Montage

09-29-2009: Officials: Fed Will Need To Boost Rates Quickly

FDIC Fund To Be In The Red For Years

09-29-2009: Without warrants, police use trackers to follow suspects

Asteroid Attack: Putting Earth's Defenses To The Test

09-29-2009: Russian Paratroopers Stage Wargames Simulating Atack

Critics say pandemic emergency bill tramples privacy rights

World Health Organisation Admits No Deadly Mutation of H1N1 Swine Flu

The Ominous Growth of Paramilitarism

Russian Paratroopers Stage War Games Simulating NATO Attack

America Is Led And Informed By Liars

Don't Israel's Nuclear Weapons Count?

US accepts Hamid Karzai as Afghan President

What Have We Done to Democracy?

The War on Language

The Swine Flu Conspiracy

Propaganda: ABC's Dr. Oz Gets Vaccinated With Swine Flu Shot

Swine flu prompts changes to Mental Health Act

Federal Appeals Court Upholds Mandatory Anthrax Vaccinations

For safety and precautionary reasons, require H1N1 vaccinations

ICANN Faces Globalist Takeover Tomorrow: "...governments that prevent their citizens from having unrestricted Internet access [will] tomorrow become the big shots in a worldwide Internet system"

Jay Rockefeller: Internet should have never existed (and soon it won't)

Dominance of the internet is no longer the US’s domain

Housing Crash to Resume on 7 Million Foreclosures, Amherst Says

What Have We Done to Democracy?

Dangerous Missile Battle In Space

U.S. begins to court Burma

Ridding the World of the "Sickness of Pacifism"

Key facts to keep in mind while opposing war against Iran

Vaccines’ Dark Inferno

Is Gold a Reasonable Investment?

Army Prisoners Isolated, Denied Right to Legal Counsel

VIDEO: Vaccine Nation

The Presidency Problem: High Crimes

U.S. could deploy missile shield in Arctic - Russia's NATO envoy

Panama agrees to host two U.S. naval bases

Why the right wing hates and wants to smash ACORN

Bilderbergers want global currency now

The UK is now a surveillance society

Listening for the 9-11 footsteps

Paramilitary Force To Boss Internment Camp In Montana

EU funding 'Orwellian' artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for "abnormal behaviour"

Only 28% Of High School Students Are Familiar With The Constitution

Neuroengineering to challenge what it means to be human

Novartis chip to help ensure bitter pills are swallowed

Google 'evangelist' sees web, brain implant link

Where tech and philosophy collide

Candidate Obama Repeatedly Said He Would Reinforce U.S. Troops in Afghanistan

U.S. Speeding Up Military Withdrawal From Iraq

RNC’s Steele Questions Obama’s Olympics Lobbying – White House Fires Back

President and First Lady Travel 4,000 Miles -- on Separate Planes -- to Lobby for Olympics

Libya, Iran Accuse Israel of ‘Genocide’ at U.N. Human Rights Council

Liberal Dems Refuse to Give Up on Public Option Despite Tuesday’s No Vote

Government Pushing Americans to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Gibbs: ‘I Have No Idea’ If People Can Exclude Certain Diseases and Abortions from Gov't-Mandated Electronic Health Records

Some Chicago Residents Hope the U.S. Olympics Bid Is a Bust

U.S. Held Secret Talks With Cuba

Supreme Court Considers Whether Old Sex Offenses Can Get New Penalties

Gov't to Consider Limits on Distracted Driving

Senators, Associated Press Want More Government Info Made Public

McCain: Time Is Running Short for Afghanistan Decision

Democrats Debate Shielding Banks From State Laws

Being Overweight Can Reduce Women’s Life Expectancy

Should Government Have E-Record of Every Woman Who’s Had an Abortion?

All the President’s Olympic Cronies

Is Obama Breaking the Law?

Healthy Votes in the Senate

Is Iran Nearing a Bomb?

U.S. To Break Up Soon?

Twilight of Pax Americana -- latimes.com

Genetic Armageddon

The Banking System Is Insolvent - The Market Ticker

Kennedy warns health-care debate could turn violent | Rhode Island news | projo.com | The Providence Journal

Singing Heil Obama in Jersey

There's good reason not to trust Obama

'Safe schools' chief encouraged child sex with older man

Paul B. Farrell: The coming Population Wars: a 12-bomb equation

FT.com / China - China seeks big stake in Nigerian oil

Questions swirling around jail deal

Obama’s Population Control Czar

EclippTV :: Video :: Alex's Round Table Discussion on U.S. Attacking IRAN 1/4

Refreshing News: Fine line between genius and madness, scientists find

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Paramilitary Force To Boss Internment Camp In Montana

Was the Iranian Election ‘Rigged’? « Political Theatrics

Amazing: a Voice for Peace on MSNBC « LewRockwell.com Blog

The BRAD BLOG : CIA Vet: FBI Whistleblower Edmonds 'Very Credible'

The Prison-Industrial Complex Takes Over a Montana Town « LewRockwell.com Blog

YouTube - Iran's Nuclear Facilities: The Facts

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » History Channel Caught In Another 9/11 Lie

Washington's Blog:Simon Johnson: "Barack Obama, Like Louis XIV Before Him, Knows Exactly What is Going On"

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: U.S. Government Gold Manipulation Document Declassified

Congressional candidate: No more Muslims to U.S. » Abilene Reporter News

Obama Wins U.N. Vote on Nuclear Arms - NYTimes.com

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 9/11 Whistleblower LTC Anthony Shaffer Endorses NYCCAN

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » How To Brainwash A Nation

The Associated Press: Dan Rather's $70M lawsuit against CBS thrown out

Editorial - The Polanski Case - NYTimes.com

Warner Music Videos Returning to YouTube - NYTimes.com

Michael Jackson's Attorneys Accuse Companies of Charity Scam - ABC News

Michael Moore talks 'Capitalism' and how Irish background shapes his views | Entertainment in Ireland and Around the World | IrishCentral

YouTube - Bill Maher attends Premiere of Capitalism A Love Story Los A

Tori Spelling Rushed to Hospital - Health, Tori Spelling : People.com

John Travolta Back on the Stand | TMZ.com

YouTube - Travolta Extortion Video Tape

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | JK Rowling denied top US honour

Fake Al Qaeda

L.A. Times still conceals Obama terror video

Sunstein: Government must fund abortion

3rd graders chant: Obama 'uniting blacks and whites'

Empire State building to glow communist red, yellow

Obama's 'Minion Media' to face fed-up Americans

Soy-sensitive inmates seek protection from prison diet

Americans flunk public schools

Obama fractures Democratic Party

'Safe schools' chief encouraged child sex with older man

NYC police covering up assault by Iran official?

Dozens of pastors challenge IRS rules

Hey, Congress, 'Read the bill!'

Why can't Christians unite to change America's ways?

Playing Health Care Politics

What’s Hiding in the Health-Care Bill? by Mark Hemingway on National Review Online

Why the Public Option Matters, Really | Politicker NY

A Way Out for Obama on Iran? | Mother Jones

Down with Stratcom!: Interesting Times : The New Yorker

RealClearMarkets - Mortgage Deadbeats Plague Home Market

The Truth About High-Frequency Trading

Falling T-bond yields leave Wall St. guessing about the message | Money & Company | Los Angeles Times

The Housing Bounce: Why It's Artificial -- Seeking Alpha

Michel Ledeen: We've Been Talking to Iran for 30 Years - WSJ.com

Is Afghanistan NATO's Graveyard? | Mother Jones

The New TNT

EDITORIAL: Obama's Iran talks will fail - Washington Times

Al Qaeda's New Charm Offensive in Europe - Brookings Institution

Shape, Clear, Hold, and Build: "The Uncertain Lessons of the Afghan & Iraq Wars" | Center for Strategic and International Studies

Tim Rutten: No easy choices for Obama -- latimes.com

RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - Does Obama Have a Republican Problem?

Health Care: Can Obama Swing It? - The New York Review of Books

'Reform' horrors: O's Total Disconnect

Leading Causes

Harold Meyerson - Economists for an Imaginary World

RealClearWorld - It's Time to Confront Hugo Chavez

RealClearPolitics - The Ambivalent One

Op-Ed Contributor - Why Arrest Roman Polanski Now? - NYTimes.com

Polanski's defenders lose sight of the true victim -- latimes.com

Escape to Montana ; Canadians seek a private option.

Iran continues history of evasion - Editorials - MiamiHerald.com

Lawmakers worry about losing Internet influence in new deal - TheHill.com

Pro-Business ‘New Democrats’ Try to Shape Financial Regulations - Bloomberg.com

SEC Faults GOP Fund-Raiser - WSJ.com


**Community organizers 'pray' to president

3rd graders chant: Obama 'uniting blacks and whites'

*L.A. Times still conceals Obama terror video


Americans flunk public schools

Holdren: Seize babies born to unwed women

Sunstein: Government must fund abortion

Obama fractures Democratic Party

The left aims for critics' jugular - Jeanne Cummings - POLITICO.com

Breitbart.tv » Sources: Sarkozy Thinks Obama is ‘Incredibly Naive and Grossly Egotistical’

Charges heat up in Planned Parenthood fraud case

Berkeley agrees to U.N. rights treaties

A nuclear debate: Is Iran designing warheads?

Excerpt: 'Iran threatens our survival'

N.Y. Health Care Workers Revolt Over H1N1 Vaccine - wcbstv.com

ACORN May Face Trial for First Time as Nevada Prosecutors Allege 'Widespread' Criminal Policies - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Defunding ACORN faces surprise hurdles - Washington Times

Terrorism suspect Zazi pleads not guilty in court - Washington Times

EXCLUSIVE: Senators try to block funding to close Gitmo - Washington Times

Many in U.S. See Health Insurance as Personal Responsibility

Former Bill Clinton aide Stacy Parker Aab claims ex-president got touchy-feely with her

500-carat diamond found at S. African mine - Africa - msnbc.com

10 secret menu items at fast food restaurants - CNN.com

Breitbart.tv » Conan Plays Video of On-Set Accident That Sent Him to Hospital

Michael Moore's radical utopian nightmare

Disney to Introduce Children’s E-Book Site - NYTimes.com

Income gap widens as poor take hit in recession

Europe’s Socialists Suffering Even in Downturn

Not just gov't that can be tyrannical

The Associated Press: Lawyers: Chinese drywall makers may ignore suits

Spanish Prime Minister's daughters pictured for the first time... looking like goths | Mail Online

Hollywood Left Bands Together to Fight Polanski Arrest - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment - FOXNews.com

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Whoopi Defends Polanski: ‘It wasn’t rape-rape.’

Mayor loses it explaining police no-chase policy

Ivy League Professor Gets 25 Years for Making Child Porn by Exploiting the Poor - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Police: Woman Sent Pornographic Pics Of Animals To Teen - News Story - WPTZ Plattsburgh

American jailed in Japan for trying to reclaim his children - CNN.com

Public option fate in Obama's hands - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

» With No Fanfare, Senate Hits ACORN, Again The Speakers Lobby « FOXNews.com

Preliminary ACORN probe by end of October - National Politics Blog - Political Intelligence - Boston.com

Making Bush Look Like a Piker — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

Big Government » Blog Archive » Feds on H1N1: Sorry, We Don’t Have a Line-Item For That

Big Government » Blog Archive » Obama’s Paper Chase

Big Government » Blog Archive » An Early ACORN Whistleblower: Karen Inman

Big Government » Blog Archive » FEMA Grant to ACORN is Offensive

Big Government » Blog Archive » Exclusive: FEMA Awards Fire Prevention Grant to ACORN

Big Government » Blog Archive » Obama Cap-and-Trade Scheme: What do “necessarily skyrocket” and “bankrupt” mean?

Big Government » Blog Archive » Census Cut Ties With ACORN; It Should Cut Ties With SEIU, Too

Big Government » Blog Archive » ACORN Saga: Founder Wade Rathke Wants YOU — To Go on Welfare

Big Government » Blog Archive » A Defense Earmark: A Scrapbook in Every Footlocker

Big Government » Blog Archive » Massive Voter Fraud in NY Linked to ACORN

Big Government » Blog Archive » If You Think Government Is Too Big Now, Just Wait…

Big Government » Blog Archive » The New Nixon: a Coverup, Tapes, and a Modified ‘Midnight Massacre’

Big Government » Blog Archive » Illinois Grant to ACORN Housing Under Review

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Polanski Vs. Kazan: A Tale of Two Oscars

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ‘New York Times’: Hollywood Wrong on Polanski

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Michael Moore’s Latest Mocks American Capitalism

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Hollywood Backing Perv Polanski Shouldn’t Surprise Anyone

‘The Wizard of Oz’: Seventy Years Later — Still Inspiring, Still Relevant

Remove God – and say goodbye to your rights

Obama's Judenrein speech

Is disagreement with Obama racism?

Claiming success no matter what

Revolution by graft

Personhood initiatives proliferate

Safire, Kristol and 'The Spook Who Sat by the Door'

Christians: Beware the Malthusian mind!

War crimes by doctors and psychologists?

Capital Research Center:The Politico Gets Played By ACORN

Katherine Kersten: Worst trouble with ACORN is at the polls | StarTribune.com

The Cost of America's Gun Addiction | CommonDreams.org

Pajamas Media » I Come Not to Praise Glenn Beck, But to Bury Him


*American Minute for September 30th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Writer: Obama, ACORN go back 20 years

49 of 50 states never saw certification of eligibility?

Congressman: Obama has something to hide

Was Obama's birth out of wedlock?

Molotov Mitchell takes on Obama eligibility

Author confirms Bill Ayers helped Obama write 'Dreams'

'2 sources' gave author Obama book info

Who wrote 'Dreams From My Father'?

Book confirms: Ayers wrote Obama's book


*Transcripts;After the Crisis?

Roundtable on Iran's Missile Tests

Analysts Discuss Iran's Missile Tests

Interview with Moammar Gadhafi

Rep. Jackson-Lee on Health Care and Immigrants


**World Video/Thailand Climate Protest

U.S. Set to Press Iran Sanctions

Volcker: U.S. No Longer Dominates

EU: Georgia Started War

Female Troops Guard India-Pakistan Border

Mosul Under Constant Threat of Violence

Interrogating a Torturer in Argentina

NATO Leader Meets with Obama

Urban Air Pollution in Pakistan

Scores Dead Following Samoan Tsunami

Gordon Brown's Last Stand?

Qaddafi Discusses Iran, Terrorism

Philippines Flood of Woes

Americans Held in Iran

Roche on Ireland, Lisbon Vote

Polanski Asks to Be Freed

Markets Video;Salomon Brothers' Wall Street Legacy

Anti-Globalization Breakfast Club

Jobs Won't Return Until 2010?

Natural Gas: Bull or Bear?

Instant Starbucks: What the Drinkers Say

Are Gold Prices Going to Skyrocket?

Storm Brewing With September Jobs Report?

$50 Oil on the Horizon?

Zoellick: One on One w/ the World Bank President

Wall Street Titans on M&A Resurgence

Politics Video;House Dem: GOP Health Care Plan Is "Die Quickly"

Sen. Kerry: Iran "Owes Us Answers"

Sen. Lieberman On U.S. Terror Plots

Steele: NYT's Tom Friedman Is A "Nut Job"

Sen. McCain On Afghanistan Strategy

Sen. Wyden On The Assault On Public Option

Rep. Cummings Wants To Avoid Health Distractions

Rachel Maddow On The Public Option

O'Reilly: Liberal One-Two Punch: Education & Media

Watch Live: Senate Debates Public Option

Update: Public Option Fails In Committee

Sen. Harkin Has Votes To Pass Public Option

Crist Compares Obama To Jimmy Carter

Brit Hume On Obama Trying To Get 2016 Olympics

Schumer, Hatch On Public Option Failure

Bayh Estimates Iran To Have Weapon In 1-3 Years

Howard Dean On Health Care Backlash

Jindal On Health Care Reform Hitting An All Time Low

Rachel Maddow Investigates: Republicans Vs Acorn

O'Reilly: Iran & Afghanistan Is A Test Of Leadership For Obama

House Dem: Public Option Can't Pass Without Reconciliation

John McCain Pushes For Regime Change In Iran

Madeleine Albright On Iran & Afghanistan

Obama, NATO Chief Meet, Discuss Afghanistan

Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee Seeks Health Care For Illegals

**Site - JumpTV **


**World Net Daily Player:Bolton warns Arabs worried about Iranian nukes

World Net Daily Player:Cap-and-trade 'bad for the economy'

World Net Daily Player:Senate committee fails to force 'public option'

World Net Daily Player:'Mandatory' health insurance 'unconstitutional'


09/29 The Mark Levin Show

09/28 The Mark Levin Show

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 25th With Dave Mustaine

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 28th With Mike Adams

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 29th With Charlie Sheen


**Site:American Police Force Organization


*Site:Defend & Proclaim(defendproclaimthefaith.org/)


**SITE:Raw for Thirty

**Site:Your Greener Healthy Journey; Freddie's Goods and Products


**Site:UV Advantage ; Dr. Hollick

**Site:Hollywood and Horowitz(drlenhorowitz.com/)



Richard Sauder, Ph.D.

*Richard Sauder Interviews

*UFO; Robert L. Hastings/ Article Page