"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
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Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
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Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
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20 September 2009



The Associated Press: Obama: Missile defense decision not about Russia

Barack Obama confronts America over the racial divide - Telegraph

Obama 'asks New York governor not to run' - Americas, World - The Independent

Taliban leader: Brown and Obama are ‘deceiving’ the world over Afghan war - Herald Scotland | News | World News

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei blasts Israel in sermon - Times Online

Holocaust a myth, Israel no future: Ahmadinejad | World News | News.com.au

Robert Fisk’s World: Everyone seems to be agreeing with Bin Laden these days - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

New legal papers to be released soon, says Megrahi lawyer - Crime, UK - The Independent

Lockerbie bomber disputes conviction with new dossier | UK news | The Guardian

Russia 'scraps plans' for missile deployment near Poland - Europe, World - The Independent

FT.com / Europe - Ireland warned not to reject Lisbon treaty

India's nuclear power a 'myth' - Telegraph

New evidence of widespread fraud in Afghanistan election uncovered | World news | The Guardian

New Japanese government declares war on powerful civil service - Telegraph

Schwarz - The Sins Of Seven By Seven

Iran: clashes as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calls Holocaust a 'lie' - Telegraph

Barack Obama to meet Dmitry Medvedev in wake of missile decision - Telegraph

Break His Bones - The Private Life Of A Revisionist

Birth control could help combat climate change

Insidious Music Cadences Mesmerize, Entrain The Populace

Irving Kristol - Pornography, Obscenity: The Case For Censorship

Health Care Deceit

Vengeance, Barbarism - Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds


The Darker Side of Deception

savethemales.ca - "You Lie" -- Joe Wilson Outburst a Charade

Jim Grant - Ringing The Bell At The Top?

Obama’s Jews…Change We Can’t Believe In « ZSIDOZAS – The Jewish Problem

The Mooselims are Coming, the Mooselims are Coming! « Mantiq al-Tayr

Mexican Coke Wars Deadlier All The Time

My Occupied Land | Sabbah

Amish love stories are bestsellers in America | Books | The Observer

Christian hotel owners hauled before court after defending their beliefs in discussion with Muslim guest | Mail Online

DNA tests for asylum seekers 'deeply flawed' | World news | The Observer

Take me to your gizmos: MoD in bid for alien tech - Times Online

UFO sightings over Britain more than triple this year - Telegraph

Waiter, there's a spy in my soup | Henry Porter | Comment is free | The Observer

US urges court to reject Google book deal - Telegraph

Michelle Obama is revealed as Barack Obama's secret weapon on health reform - Telegraph

YouTube - Derren Brown Control the Nation - 18/09/09

Don't get up! Derren Brown's mind trick leaves audience stuck to their seats

Derren Brown, the illusionist, makes his audience stick to their chairs - Telegraph

Sinclair - 'I Don't Work For Nor Am I Involved w/Taitz Or Berg'

Larry Sinclair On Things Obama: WRBL-TV and U.S. DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF GEORGIA VICTIMS OF FRAUD: Proof "Capt. Rhodes Letter a Fraud" (UPDATED 9-20-09 @ 12:48 PM)

YouTube - Hand Signs of Masons

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Treasury Department Releases Documents Showing Cap-and-Trade Costs Could Hit $300 Billion Annually

*Treasury Department documents (PDF)

Op-Ed Contributor - A Better Missile Defense for a Safer Europe - NYTimes.com

Obama Says Financial Regulations Must Be Strengthened Globally - Bloomberg.com

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 2 Nobel Economists Confirm that Credit is NOT Created Out of Excess Reserves

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Paul Joseph Watson on Alex Jones Tv 1/3:CIA-Bin Laden Tapes? “Here We Go Again!”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » ‘Explosive’ Sibel Edmonds Cover Story at ‘The American Conservative’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 9/11/09 — Gone with the rain

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » US Moves Missile Shield From Europe To Israel, Azerbaijan

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Negative Interest Rates

New 'Montauk Monster' spotted in Panama - Telegraph

*Can a daily pill really boost your brain power? | Science | The Observer

What was that in the sky? | sky - Breaking News - WRGB CBS 6 Albany

Water on the Moon? : Nature News

Stunning shots of thirsty bats swooping to lick water from garden pond | Mail Online

$21 Billion Orbiting Solar Array will Beam Electricity to Earth

Raw Story » International Monetary Fund to sell over 403 tons of gold

Pc Yvonne Fletcher: colleague's fury at decision not to extradite her killer from Libya - Telegraph

Get lost, Khadafy!

'Smoke' detectors

President Barack Obama is beginning to look out of his depth - Telegraph

Feds arrest suspect in bomb plot

Did ACORN get too big for its own good?

Democracy Now: As Baucus Unveils Health Plan Absent of Public Option, New Study Finds 45,000 Uninsured Die Every Year

Bill O'Reilly calls Howard Dean a 'pinhead' for eschewing Fox; roll the Jeremy Glick tape, please

Remember Those Zits You Had When You Were 15? No Health Insurance for You!

Chris Wallace Whines That The White House Are A Bunch Of Crybabies. Look In The Mirror Lately, Chris?

Rolling Stone Finds A Smoking Gun: Betsy McCaughey Lied About Healthcare Reform For Tobacco Lobby

Fox's Jesse Watters meets a ThinkProgress camera crew: Revenge is a dish best served cold

Dylan Ratigan Cuts Loose on Brad Blakeman Over the GOP's Role as the Party of NO on Health Care Reform

Your post-racial society at work: Bias-crime perp's cousin says the victim had it coming

Now The Sausage Gets Made. More Than 500 Amendments Offered on Baucus Bill.

Glenn Beck is out of his tree: Demands the rest of the media play his guilt-by-association conspiracy game

Rick Sanchez Calls Fox News Liars

Brit Hume says that crying racism is bad. What about when Glenn Beck does it?

Joe Conason Calls Out The Right Wing Over ACORN Targeting

Rachel Maddow: Former Bush Cabinet Secretary Gale Norton Subject of Formal Corruption Investigation

45,000 Die Each Year From A Lack Of Health Insurance - The Fierce Urgency Of Now

Carter projecting his own racism on others

Am I A Racist?

Did America betray us? Or it was just Obama?

Did Ayers Help Obama Get Into Harvard?

The Blago Code

Obama endorses 'choice and competition'

ACORN going to ground to escape scrutiny

Will the real racists please stand up!

Obama blunders into New York politics

Science Proves: Maureen Dowd Is A Racist.

Three arrested in New York terror plot

IRS sniffing around ACORN books

The Real Problem with Third Parties

Trading Away Spiritual Integrity

Brezinski fantasizes about US shooting down Israeli planes

Obama 'appointed by God'

Who taught you to lie, call people names, and accuse people of racism?

Obama's new protectionism

Electronic Health Records 'Savings'

Single Payer and the 'Slacker Liberals'

The left still doesn't get it

Defining Obama

Sorry honey, but truth trumps the race card

How To Find Millions of Racists

Obama the Great Divider

Dangers to Democrats of End-Running Cloture

A Roadmap for Terrorists

Swine flu could kill millions | World news | The Observer My Way News - Romney taunts Democrats with memories of Carter

The Associated Press: Huckabee is tops in conservatives' straw vote

For Edwards, Drama Builds Toward a Denouement - NYTimes.com

U.S. as Traffic Cop in Web Fight - WSJ.com

FCC To Introduce Net Neutrality Rule - Post I.T. - A Technology Blog From The Washington Post - (washingtonpost.com)

U.S. regulator to unveil open Internet plan | Technology | Reuters

My Way News - Feds balk at Google book deal, hopes for changes

The Associated Press: NASA launches rocket, dozens report strange lights

My Way News - FDIC chief considers tapping Treasury for funds

Bacteria linked to university scientist's death

National security adviser says Iran advancing in making medium-range missiles - Washington Times

Students in Belleville school bus attack are charged - STLtoday.com

Elderly Bank Bandit: I Robbed to Pay Off My Mortgage | NBC San Diego

New Government Policy Imposes Strict Standards on Garage Sales Nationwide - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Taliban leader Omar says foreign troops face defeat

U.S. Afghanistan commander's troops request ready | International | Reuters

Plugged-In Age Feeds a Hunger for Electricity

Man In Terror Probe Skips FBI Meeting, Sees Lawyer

FBI Arrests Three Men in Terror Plot that Targeted New York

ACORN CEO 'Outraged' by Behavior of Employees in Prostitute Tapes - Political News - FOXNews.com

Germany: al-Qaida posts video with new threat

My Way News - Iowa councilman attacked at bar, politics blamed

Leno dips to new low, unveils 'Green Car Challenge' --The Live Feed | THR

Leading Senator Pushes New Plan to Oversee Banks - NYTimes.com

Trick or Tweet? Twitter launches crackdown after millions are duped by fake accounts | Mail Online

Obama Recommends Congress ‘Renew’ Patriot Act Domestic ‘Surveillance Methods’

Pelosi’s Misleading Statement on the Constitutionality of Government Health Care

Man Protests Obama, Gets Snatched by Cops as Obamanoids Cheer

The Next Crisis Nobody Is Talking About

Iran angered at exclusion from Caspian Sea summit - WashingtonTV

National Interests of Iran in the Caspian Sea

BBC NEWS | Middle East | US and Russia diverge over Iran

Consortiumnews.com:What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say?

Despite Warning, Thousands Rally in Iran - NYTimes.com

Holocaust black box should be opened:Presidency of The Islamic Republic of Iran News Service

09-19-2009: Kinross Says Gold Industry Faces Reserve Crisis

09-19-2009: Next-generation system for detecting suspects in public settings holds promise, sparks privacy concerns

09-18-2009: Video: Michael Chertoff Gets Pounded With 9/11 Questions On C-Span

09-18-2009: Too Much Radiation For Astronauts To Make It To Mars

09-18-2009: Blackwater Offers Training To Faith Based Organizations

"Non-Lethal Weapons": An Instrument of Social Control

Are U.S. Treasury Bond Sales a Ponzi Scheme?

Black: Obama Has Rebranded Too-Big-To-Fails As "Systemically Important”. But They Should Be Called "Systemically Dangerous Institutions (SDIs)"

University of Chicago researcher dies after exposure to plague bacteria

In Somalia, U.S. weapons end up in al-Qaeda hands

VIDEO: Iraq Emerging as Drug Transshipment Point

Real Estate: Many More Strategic Defaults Than Indistry Estimates

EU Funding Artificial Intelligence Plan to Monitor Public for “Abnormal Behavior”

Obama Says Financial Regulations Must Be Strengthened Globally

Clinton Sees Need For ‘Global Architecture Of Cooperation’

Clinton outlines sweeping agenda for U.N. conference

Kovalev Says FSB Likely Used Chechen Agents in 1999 Apartment Bombings

Putin: New Global Reserve Currencies Wouldn’t Harm US

CIA launching ’surge’ of spies into Afghanistan

It happened in America: Katrina’s secret jail

The Global Credit Crunch Is Not Receding, It Is Intensifying

Bin Laden: Goal Is To Bankrupt U.S.

Those Dastardly Anti-Semites?

The Secret Government

The Secret Government


CNN's Wolf Blitzer Jeopardy Fail -$4600

Washington’s “Good war”: Death squads, disappearances and torture in Pakistan

Rockefeller Chief McDonald Dies in Apparent Suicide

Four Apparent Suicides/Deaths in 48 Hours – CEO-Financiers-Fundraiser

Climate Change Agenda: It’s All About Eugenics and Depopulation

45% Of Doctors Would Consider Quitting If Congress Passes Health Care Overhaul

Brazen Propaganda: CBS Talking Head Gets Her Toxic Vaccination Live On TV

Syrian Government Daily: 9/11 – An American, American-Israeli, or CIA-Pentagon Conspiracy

Hip Hop Culture as Conditioning towards Perpetual Childhood

Carbon-rationing proposed

CIA Torturers Running Scared

The Torture Memos: The Case Against the Lawyers

What exactly did the Fed do with Two Trillion Dollars ?

9/11 Truth. An American Enigma

The Recession has Technically Ended: Surely You're Joking, Mr. Bernanke!

U.S. Redeploys Missile Shield: The Geopolitical Encirclment of Russia

Missile Defense: The Other Story

What a Revamped U.S. Missile Shield Might Look Like

Housing Agency's Cash Reserves Will Drop Below Requirement

"New Concerns" of US Intelligence: Economic Crisis, Flu Pandemic, Climate Change

Militarization of Strategic Oil Reserves: Amid Africa's oil boom, U.S. binds ties

Raytheon, Lockheed May Win in Obama Missile Plan

Boehner Says Democrat Health Care Plan is Dead

Obama's Approval Rating Drops Below 50 Percent Among Middle-Income Americans, Says Gallup Poll

Obama: Immigration Reform Will Allow Illegal Immigrants to Become Legal and Get Health Care Coverage

Mexican Immigrants to U.S. More Likely to Have Psychiatric Disorders than Mexican or U.S. Populations

Obama Administration Won’t Push Needed U.N. Reforms, Experts Say

Even Some Democrats Oppose Tax on ‘High-Value Insurance Plans’

Obama Administration Using Stimulus Money to Encourage ‘Healthful Lifestyle Habits’

Sebelius: Federal Government Won’t Make Decisions on Vaccination, School Closures

Psychiatric Defense Likely in NY Wife Beheading

First Lady Says US Health Care Is Unacceptable

Sen. Dodd Calls to Curb Overdraft Fees

House Passes Bill That Would Put Government in Charge of Student Loan Business

Democracies That Side With Repressive Regimes at U.N. Human Rights Council Pose Challenge for U.S.

TV Anchor's F-Bomb Goes Viral on Internet

Muslim Groups Try to Ease Fundraising Fears with Accreditation

It’s Not the Public Option, It’s the Public Subsidy

The Growing Grip of Government

Race and Stupidity

Greg Evensen -- U.S. Gravediggers to be Fully Employed: Surprised?

DEBKAfile - Sarkozy accuses Iran of hiding nuclear weapons program which threatens Israel

DEBKAfile - Medvedev: Israeli officials promised they are not planning to attack Iran

Iran building backup nuke plant in Americas?

Congress, Obama team up to kill marriage protections

'Gay' curriculum challenges students' faith

ACORN votes are nothing but 'cover'

ACORN worker to 'prostitute': How much?

Unearthed! Obama's twisted ACORN roots

Did ACORN get too big for its own good?

DEBKAfile - Obama's anti-Iran missile defense overhaul is fraught with danger

Cybersecurity Plan Doesn't Breach Employee Privacy, Administration Says - washingtonpost.com

SJC OK’s secret use of GPS devices - The Boston Globe

Senate GOP: End TARP, cut debt - Victoria McGrane - POLITICO.com

New report adds to evidence against Dohrn

Obama's Media Tour Doesn't Include Fox News - ABC News

Revolted guests force Moammar to move

Breitbart.tv » Nazi Survivor Lashes Out Over Obama Hitler Poster

Sunstein: Obama, not courts, should interpret law

Cass Sunstein wants to spread America's wealth

Military growing impatient with Obama on Afghanistan | McClatchy

Taliban leader takes aim at Obama - Israel News, Ynetnews

War on homeschoolers spreading?

DNC promises 'rain of hellfire' - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Health reformers targeting 'enemies' - Washington Times

Conservatives use liberal playbook - Andie Coller and Daniel Libit - POLITICO.com

CNSNews.com - Health Experts Call Obesity A Threat to National Security

Baucus Health Care "Reform" Bill Pushes Doctors to OK Rationing for Seniors

Three arrested in federal terrorism probe - Security- msnbc.com

Accreditation aims to erase fear in Muslim charitable giving - CNN.com

Should American rabbis be trained to fight terrorists? - Haaretz - Israel News

Beck vs. Limbaugh - Yahoo! News

Photog Says She Purposely Made Glenn Beck Look Bad On Time Cover | Online | Mediaite

Magazine photographer shoots McCain to look like monster

China’s Pig Farmers Amass Copper, Nickel, Sucden Says (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Rising Debt May Cause Sun to Set on U.S. Economy: Chart of Day - Bloomberg.com

Technological demonizing

Belatedly, Egypt Spots Flaws in Wiping Out Pigs - NYTimes.com

Fairfield U. alum, honoree charged with sex abuse of Haitian boys - The Connecticut Post Online

Experts: Defense in Yale killing has tough job - Yahoo! News

Suspect played ball while Yale body found - Washington Times

26 outlaw bikers crash on Ore. freeway - Life- msnbc.com

The Associated Press: Muslims find new Ramadan fast partners: Christians

Jewish leaders urging rabbis to preach the virtues of ethics - NJ.com

‘Nightline’ examines Bible laws | NewsOK.com

Psychedelic Tea Brews Unease - WSJ.com

Congress, Obama team up to kill marriage protections

ACORN votes are nothing but 'cover'

Family on 7,000-mile bike ride visits Brevard : St. Lucie County : TCPalm

Around the world in 175 days – and he pedalled every mile - Home News, UK - The Independent

Wind, not water, may explain Red Planet's hue - space - 19 September 2009 - New Scientist

Solar system's coldest spot may be on moon - Telegraph

'Ferris Bueller' house heads endangered list - Chicago Breaking News

Jerusalem unveils road used by pilgrims during Second Temple - Haaretz - Israel News

Astronaut urine spotted in skies above North America - Telegraph

Gallery: Space Shuttle Discovery's Urine Dump, As Seen From Earth | Popular Science

HSBC sues accused Democratic fund-raiser in New York | Reuters

The arrogance is breathtaking

Socialist euphemisms


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Judge threatens eligibility lawyer with $10,000 fine

Judge stalls access to Obama birth data

Motion: Judge follows 'illegitimate chain of command'

Feminist Camille Paglia: Birthers have a point


*American Minute for September 20th:William J Federer's American Minute*


Obama's Worldwide Star Power Finds Limits

Jimmy Carter was right. 'Post-racial' America is still a forlorn hope | Comment is free | The Observer

Op-Ed Columnist - Even Glenn Beck Is Right Twice a Day - NYTimes.com

The Way We Live Now - The Truth About Bureaucracy - NYTimes.com

The ACORN witch hunt: Voter-registration success spurs unfair attack

RealClearPolitics - The Chairman Finds His Voice

RealClearPolitics - The Democrats' Hypocrisy

National Journal Magazine - Campaign Money And The Chief Justice

Irving Kristol, the Neocon's Neocon, Dead at 89 -- Politics Daily

The ACORN fallout -- chicagotribune.com

Editorial - Facts and the Financial Crisis - NYTimes.com

How will the nation pay for health reform? | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Sep 20, 2009 - Obama: Justice OK to conduct interrogation review

Republicans rally against charges of racism -- latimes.com

ACORN defends itself; Issa remains critical - TheHill.com

Teachers find Obama not the friend they had expected | McClatchy

Rosh Hashana messages from Kennedy, Reagan, Ford and Bush -- Hoover and Johnson too | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Barney: Meet the new Leno, same as the old Leno - San Jose Mercury News

Joe Perry Gives Steven Tyler Silent Treatment Over Canceled Aerosmith Tour : Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Leonard Cohen collapses on stage

The Associated Press: Obama: Missile defense decision not about Russia

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israel tank shell kills militants

Barack Obama to face tough questions on US foreign policy - Telegraph

Japan to propose green technology,funding-minister | Reuters

Radical Somali leader defends peacekeepers' killings - CNN.com

VOA News - Muslims End Ramadan With Eid al-Fitr Holiday

Taliban Capitalizes on Afghanistan's Election Controversy - washingtonpost.com

VOA News - DNA Confirms Death of Terrorist Leader Noordin Top

YouTube - Bali Bombing Mastermind Dead, DNA Confirms

AFP: UN urges Sri Lanka to probe war crimes charges

Clinton says Iran faces nuclear choice | Politics | Reuters

YouTube - Could Israel attack Iran?

Yemen president says rebels use "human shields" | Reuters

Obama: Need Afghan strategy before more troops | International | Reuters

German party says coalition with Merkel only option | International | Reuters

BBC NEWS | Africa | Firm agrees Ivorian waste payouts

Should US hold bilateral talks with N. Korea? | csmonitor.com

VOA News - Captured Pakistan Taliban Commander Dies in Jail

Medvedev Sees ‘High’ Chance for Arms Reduction Deal by Year-End - Bloomberg.com

YouTube - Medvedev to CNN: Israel won't strike Iran


*Politics ;Video/Obama On Health Insurer Profits

Obama Discusses Health Reform, Afghanistan On "Meet"

Obama: GOP Not Winning Health Care Debate

Boehner, Graham React To Obama Interview

Obama Rejects "Notion" Health Plan Would Be A "Tax"

Steele On Obama's Interview, Health Care

"This Week" Roundtable Health Reform "Rage" & Mid-Terms

ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis, Rep. Issa On "Fox News Sunday"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Missile Defense

Obama Weekly Address: Progress in the Global Economy

Rep. Sue Myrick Gives Weekly GOP Address On Health Care

President Obama: Warm Wishes for Rosh Hashanah

Rep. Frank: People Have "Lost Faith" In American Institutions

Gibbs: Pelosi's Comments "Unhelpful"

DNC: Join the Fight For Health Reform

Biden On Carter: Opposition To Obama "Not Racially Based"

Obama: Legalize Illegals To Get Them Health Care

CEO: "Pimp" Racist For Thinking ACORN Would Fall For Scheme

Rep. Perriello: Baucus' Tax Is "DOA In The House"

Rush Limbaugh: "Obama Wants America To Fail"

Rep. Sestak On Obama Changing Missile Defense Policy

Hatch: Health Care Bill Will Raise Taxes


*Transcripts:Obama's Remarks on Missile Defense Shift

Secretary Gates & Gen. Cartwright on Missile Defense


YouTube - Colorado terror suspect and 2 others arrested

YouTube - Top Dems Ask N.Y. Gov. Paterson to Quit Race

Paterson Says He Will Run Despite White House Pressure - NYTimes.com

Obama: Requiring health insurance is not a tax increase - CNN.com

Huckabee beats Romney, Palin in soon to be forgotten poll | csmonitor.com

Obama faces leadership test at UN, G20 | Reuters

BBC NEWS | Americas | Obama refuses to halt CIA probe

Irving Kristol’s Reality Principles - WSJ.com

Police: 'Person of Interest' in Multiple Florida Murders Fled to Haiti - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Wilson's shout reopens South Carolina's racial wounds - Politics AP - MiamiHerald.com

The Associated Press: Ex-aide says Edwards fathered mistress' child

Obama: economic crisis needs time to reverse | AP | 09/20/2009

Housekeeping head Derrick Praileau charged with second-degree murder in Essex House slay

AFP: Jobs picture may worsen in coming months: Obama

The Associated Press: Authorities: Insane killer likely planned getaway

CQ: Democrats run away from embattled ACORN - CQ Politics- msnbc.com

U.S. House votes to end bank-based student lending - Denver Business Journal:


*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 16th With Gaylon Ross

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 17th With Shooter Jennings


World Net Daily Player:'Final knife in the back' for student-loan industry

World Net Daily Player:Congressman: 'We gotta stop' climate bill

World Net Daily Player:Liberty Counsel rips ACLU for anti-Christian bigotry


Site:Truth Farmer: Welcome to the Global Plantation


Site:Post Menopausal Ponderings;(henwhisperer)