"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

19 September 2009

19 Sept '09

19 Sept ‘09

Break His Bones - The Private Life Of A Revisionist

Barack Obama to meet Dmitry Medvedev in wake of missile decision - Telegraph

Iran: clashes as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calls Holocaust a 'lie' - Telegraph

IAEA secret report: Iran worked on nuclear warhead | World news | The Guardian

New evidence of widespread fraud in Afghanistan election uncovered | World news | The Guardian

New Japanese government declares war on powerful civil service - Telegraph

India's nuclear power a 'myth' - Telegraph

FT.com / Europe - Ireland warned not to reject Lisbon treaty

Russia 'scraps plans' for missile deployment near Poland - Europe, World - The Independent

Nato offers to include Russia in defence planning | World news | guardian.co.uk

Angry French farmers dump millions of litres of milk by Mont Saint-Michel - Telegraph

Lockerbie bomber disputes conviction with new dossier | UK news | The Guardian

E coli fears lead to closure of fourth farm | UK news | The Guardian

Police errors in 'bullying' deaths revealed at inquest | UK news | The Guardian

UK news Feed Article | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Derren Brown, the illusionist, makes his audience stick to their chairs - Telegraph

Irving Kristol, godfather of the right | Michael Tomasky | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Former CIA directors urge Barack Obama to drop investigation into interrogation techniques - Telegraph

British doctor faces action over claims of 'ghost writing' for US drug company | Science | guardian.co.uk

Republicans steal Barack Obama's internet campaigning tricks | World news | The Guardian

Social Utility: How Much Are Grandpa and Grandma Worth?

Overpopulation - Smells Like A Barn Out Of A Faucet

We're one-tenth human - Winnipeg Free Press


Orly Taitz accused of suborning perjury for Barnett v. Obama -- updated including affidavit, etc.


Federal judge rules police cannot detain people for openly carrying guns

WebHome :Reprap


US Moves Missile Shield From Europe To Israel, Azerbaijan

Jewish Racism: Those Poor Jews?

Missouri veteran injured by vaccine ineligible for benefit - Kansas City Star

Iran Opposition Protests; Ahmadinejad Attacks Israel - Bloomberg.com

Dinosaurs could survive cold conditions - Telegraph

C.I.A. Chiefs Ask Obama to Stop Abuse Inquiry - NYTimes.com

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Chertoff: 9/11 Truth Is Akin To Holocaust Denial

uExpress.com (09/17/2009) THE IMPOTENT DICTATOR

EclippTV :: Video :: New World Currency !!!

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff - (9.18.09)

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Homeland Security’s Michael Chertoff Gets Pounded With 9/11 Questions By C-SPAN Callers

McCain Opposes Both Former CIA Interrogations and Justice Department Review of Them - Political Punch

Former CIA Directors: Holder's Investigation Could 'Help al Qaeda'

Why Dick Cheney Is More American Than Barack Obama - FOXNews.com

t r u t h o u t | Afghanistan: Where Empires Go to Die

Moscow News - News - Putin slams Iran sanctions

Putin gives notice he wants further US concessions - The Irish Times - Sat, Sep 19, 2009

In Missile ‘Backdown,’ Obama Moves Toward War on Iran « LewRockwell.com Blog

The BRAD BLOG : 'Explosive' Sibel Edmonds Cover Story at 'The American Conservative'

Raw Story » Quietly, Sotomayor turns on corporations

Former U.S. anti-drug official's arrest 'a complete shock' -- latimes.com

The Associated Press: Political writer Irving Kristol dead at 89

Jamie Rubin, Cruise Missile Liberal, Calls for Hypnotizing Americans About Afghan War

Sabra & Shatila Massacre:27 Years Later « Political Theatrics

Hip Hop Culture as Conditioning towards Perpetual Childhood

UN wants new global currency to replace dollar

Carbon-rationing proposed

Greenspan: Market crisis 'will happen again'

Obama Names Another Globalist with Tax Problems to His Administration

Ground broken on $3.4 billion Homeland Security complex

Leading scientist calls on religious leaders to tackle climate change

Missile Defense: The Other Story

What a Revamped U.S. Missile Shield Might Look Like

Dangerous Crossroads: Missile Defense and Washington’s Foolish Eurasia Strategy

America: Police and Military Train To Intern Swine Flu Vaccine "Refusniks"

US Militarism in Latin America: The Hypocrisy of Hillary Clinton

Looming Global Debt Crisis

UN urges Israel to allow nuclear inspection

Housing Agency's Cash Reserves Will Drop Below Requirement

"New Concerns" of US Intelligence: Economic Crisis, Flu Pandemic, Climate Change

Health care is an inalienable right

Push for Globalism Continues

9/11 Commission Members Doubt Official Story

Neuroengineering to challenge what it means to be human

Obama's Approval Rating Drops Below 50 Percent Among Middle-Income Americans, Says Gallup Poll

Obama: Immigration Reform Will Allow Illegal Immigrants to Become Legal and Get Health Care Coverage

Mexican Immigrants to U.S. More Likely to Have Psychiatric Disorders than Mexican or U.S. Populations

Obama Administration Won’t Push Needed U.N. Reforms, Experts Say

Even Some Democrats Oppose Tax on ‘High-Value Insurance Plans’

Obama Administration Using Stimulus Money to Encourage ‘Healthful Lifestyle Habits’

Sebelius: Federal Government Won’t Make Decisions on Vaccination, School Closures

Psychiatric Defense Likely in NY Wife Beheading

First Lady Says US Health Care Is Unacceptable

Sen. Dodd Calls to Curb Overdraft Fees

Pot Goes Up in Smoke in Wildfire above Los Angeles

Fed Plan Would Police Banks' Pay for 1st Time

Massachusetts Gov Says Obama Discussed Kennedy Replacement

House Passes Bill That Would Put Government in Charge of Student Loan Business

New U.S. Intelligence Report Prompted Obama to Abandon Bush-Era Missile Plan

Democracies That Side With Repressive Regimes at U.N. Human Rights Council Pose Challenge for U.S.

Muslim Groups Try to Ease Fundraising Fears with Accreditation

TV Anchor's F-Bomb Goes Viral on Internet

It’s Not the Public Option, It’s the Public Subsidy

The Growing Grip of Government

Race and Stupidity

Moscow's Freebie, by Paul J. Saunders

Obama Administration's New Missile Defense Plan Is a Losing Proposition

Negative Interest Rates by Gary North

Lehman Brothers Revisited by Peter Schiff

The Story of My Shoe by Mutadhar al-Zaidi

Nuclear No-Contest by James P. Hogan

Almost to Normal by C.J. Maloney

All That Glitters by Bill Bonner

Race and Jimmy Carter by Patrick J. Buchanan

Obama, I Got Your Health Savings Right Here by James Foye

How Much Money Do We Need? by George F. Smith

Who taught you to lie, call people names, and accuse people of racism?

Obama's new protectionism

Single Payer and the 'Slacker Liberals'

Electronic Health Records 'Savings'

US Moves Missile Shield From Europe To Israel, Azerbaijan

The Global Credit Crunch Is Not Receding, It Is Intensifying

"Option" mortgages to explode, officials warn

Blackwater Offers Training to ‘Faith Based Organizations’

Report: Top anti-drug official was ’secret ally of drug lords’

Nano Particles used in Untested H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccines

The left still doesn't get it

Defining Obama

New York Times Company humiliates itself in public

Obama's narcissism unbound: 5 Sunday talk show appearances

CO Man suspected in subway plot has ties to al-Qaeda

Obama to insure the permanence of poverty

Holder throwing in the towel on CIA investigation?

UN General Assembly urges Israel to accept nuclear inspections

Obama shoots self in foot on Mideast negotiations

Sweden cuts taxes because it needs growth

Where's the outrage?

Sorry honey, but truth trumps the race card

How To Find Millions of Racists

Obama the Great Divider

A Roadmap for Terrorists

09-19-2009: Another Phony Al-Qaeda Video

09-19-2009: U.S. Regulator To Unveil Open Internet Plan

09-19-2009: FDIC Head Considers Tapping Treasury For Funds

09-18-2009: Too Much Radiation For Astronauts To Make It To Mars

Obama: Legalize Illegals To Get Them Health Care

Rosh Hashana messages from Kennedy, Reagan, Ford and Bush -- Hoover and Johnson too | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Walt Disney Studios chief Dick Cook abruptly leaves the company -- latimes.com

Janet Jackson On VMA Tribute To Michael: 'I Know He Was Watching' - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Judge allows Jackson mom to challenge over estate | Entertainment | Reuters

John Travolta to Testify at Extortion Trial - John Travolta : People.com

Jay Leno’s Green Car Challenge Puts Guests on Racetrack - Wheels Blog - NYTimes.com

Brit Hume says that crying racism is bad. Glenn Beck, are you listening?

Joe Conason Calls Out The Right Wing Over ACORN Targeting

Rachel Maddow: Former Bush Cabinet Secretary Gale Norton Subject of Formal Corruption Investigation

45,000 Die Each Year From A Lack Of Health Insurance - The Fierce Urgency Of Now

ACORN Head Bertha Lewis Vows Action on Employee Misconduct, But Warns Group Targeted by “Modern-Day McCarthyism”

Hannity demagogues about San Joaquin farmers' woes, but is happy to let fishermen go down the tubes

The Liberal Majority and How To Win With It

Ed Schultz Psycho Talk: Tea Baggers Upset About Lack of Public Transportation

Man Arrested For Asking Anthem Blue Cross/Shield About His Rate Increase

Dear Time Magazine: About that subscription renewal ...

Juan Williams: Why don't you go after Blackwater? Why don't you go after the defense industry that rips off our country?

Blue America's ad campaign in July weakens Blanche Lincoln in AR: DKos Research Poll: She's under 50%

Missiles Ahoy! The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!

Limbaugh: 'We Need Segregated Buses.' Nope, No Racism. It's A Policy Matter!

Conyers, Leahy Introduce Bill To End Health Insurers' Anti-Trust Exemption

Tammy Bruce: President Obama has 'some malevolence towards this country'

Nancy Pelosi says House Bill will have the Public Option: Snatching Victory from the jaws of defeat

S. Carolina Insurer Slammed With $10M In Damages After Dropping Man For HIV

The Twists and Turns of Missile Defense - NYTimes.com

NY hotel cancels Ahmadinejad banquet

VOA News - Palestinian President: Peace Talks With Israel on Hold

VOA News - DNA Confirms Death of Terrorist Leader Noordin Top

YouTube - Bali Bombing Mastermind Dead, DNA Confirms

U.N. probes use of its vehicles in Somalia bombing | International | Reuters

AFP: Japan mulls Afghan role after dropping naval mission

U.S., British generals lay out complex Afghan picture | South Asia | Reuters

Israel rebuffs Palestinian request to allow new goods into Gaza _English_Xinhua

AFP: UN urges Sri Lanka to probe war crimes charges

Clinton says Iran faces nuclear choice | Politics | Reuters

Pakistan to Charge 7 in Mumbai Attacks - NYTimes.com

YouTube - US envoy meets Chidambaram

Rebel attacks reported in Yemen despite cease-fire - CNN.com

Gates to Boost 'Enablers' to Meet Security Needs in Afghanistan - washingtonpost.com

AFP: Pakistani villagers bury dead as bomb toll hits 40

Australia Outraged Over Its Own 'Josef Fritzl' - TIME

Lawyers in Myanmar appeal against Suu Kyi sentence | South Asia | Reuters

Should US hold bilateral talks with N. Korea? | csmonitor.com

The Worms in the Apple by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Eight Spelling Mistakes Even Smart People Make - DivineCaroline

Play the Race Card

YouTube - Obama says racism not behind health protests

The Associated Press: FBI talks still pending for man in terror probe

The Associated Press: Obama rolling into week of high diplomatic stakes

First Lady Pushes Cause of Reform - washingtonpost.com

The Daily Dish :From Kristol To Beck

Obama to set record with Sunday TV time :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: 44: Barack Obama

House Minority Leader Calls on Special Vote to Strip ACORN of Federal Money - Political News - FOXNews.com

YouTube - House Votes to Deny Federal Funds for ACORN

Disgruntled Values Voters Urged to Take Back America | Christianpost.com

The Associated Press: Car seized from motel where Yale suspect arrested

Court Backs Outside Groups’ Political Spending

Officials: Another bone found on kidnapping suspects' property - CNN.com

YouTube - Dogs Find Scent in Calif. Kidnap Suspect's Yard

State fails federal demand to cut prisoners

Bill Upends System for College Loans - WSJ.com

Pelosi Says Anti-Obama Rhetoric Is Reminiscent of '70s San Francisco - washingtonpost.com

'Pimp' in ACORN video shares story -- latimes.com

YouTube - ACORN Opens Investigation Into Employees

The triumph of ideology over common sense

The Price of Lost Civility In Public Discourse

Poofertarianism - What It Is and How It's Killing Us

Roger Mudd: Ted Kennedy recollection a 'fantasy' - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

U.S. climate bill could cut GDP 3.5 percent by 2050 | Green Business | Reuters

Wash. union says it warned about field trip danger

Massachusetts mulls Sen. Dukakis - Michael Falcone - POLITICO.com

*PARTY OF ONE ;Michael Savage , unexpurgated by Kelefa Sanneh

Revolted guests force Moammar to move

Ten Swine Flu Lies Told by the Mainstream Media

Pelosi’s Misleading Statement on the Constitutionality of Government Health Care

Chuck Baldwin -- Push For Globalism Continues

Greg Evensen -- U.S. Gravediggers to be Fully Employed: Surprised?

Eco Tech: San Francisco’s Airport Carbon Kiosks To Help Eco-travelers Offset Emissions - Ecofriend

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Camp FEMA: Exposing the Government Plan for Political Concentration Camps

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 9/11/09 — Gone with the rain

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » ‘Explosive’ Sibel Edmonds Cover Story at ‘The American Conservative’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Paul Joseph Watson on Alex Jones Tv 1/3:CIA-Bin Laden Tapes? “Here We Go Again!”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Senator Sanders: “Don’t Believe Anybody Who’s Telling You ‘The Recession is Over’ ”

AFP: Father of US 'neoconservatism' Irving Kristol dies

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama ‘07 Revelation: Health Care Reform Requires Tax Hikes — Savings Just a Theory

AFP: NATO calls for linking of US, Russia missile defences

Obama: Change, not race, heats debate: The Swamp

Op-Ed Columnist - The Scourge Persists - NYTimes.com

Christine M. Flowers: Going down a dangerous path | Philadelphia Daily News | 09/18/2009

Mark Steyn: Obama helping Putin restitch Iron Curtain | obama, missile, defense, nuclear, iran - Opinion - OCRegister.com

RealClearPolitics - America is Suffering Sticker Shock

RealClearPolitics - Obama: the First Jewish President?

It's time to stop the paternalistic meddling, Bloomberg. - By Jacob Weisberg - Slate Magazine

The Godfather, R.I.P. by Myron Magnet, City Journal 18 September 2009

Barack Obama is gambling with Europe's security - Telegraph

Madison Weeps | The New Republic

Editorial - Tired Protectionism - NYTimes.com

Republicans Address 'Value Voters' in Effort to Shore Up Base - WSJ.com

McConnell embraces town hall protests - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Court Voids Campaign Finance Reform Rules, in Possible Boon to Political Groups - washingtonpost.com

F.C.C. Chairman Seeks to Protect Free Flow of Internet Data - NYTimes.com

Fed Considers Bank Pay Limits - NYTimes.com

Is the American dream dead? | csmonitor.com

Obama naive about Mideast - Other Views - MiamiHerald.com

RealClearPolitics - A Tackle Box Full of Race Bait

Jimmy Carter, True Son of the South, Hits Nail on Head

Is Scaling Back Missile Defense Worth It? | The New Republic

Where is Hillary Clinton in the great missile defence surrender? - Telegraph Blogs


**Politics ;Video/Obama Weekly Address: Progress in the Global Economy

Rep. Sue Myrick Gives Weekly GOP Address On Health Care

President Obama: Warm Wishes for Rosh Hashanah

Rep. Frank: People Have "Lost Faith" In American Institutions

Gibbs: Pelosi's Comments "Unhelpful"

DNC: Join the Fight For Health Reform

Biden On Carter: Opposition To Obama "Not Racially Based"

Obama: Legalize Illegals To Get Them Health Care

CEO: "Pimp" Racist For Thinking ACORN Would Fall For Scheme

Rep. Perriello: Baucus' Tax Is "DOA In The House"

Rush Limbaugh: "Obama Wants America To Fail"

Rep. Sestak On Obama Changing Missile Defense Policy

Hatch: Health Care Bill Will Raise Taxes

World ;Video/Political Actors in the Arab World

President Obama Speaks on Missile Defense in Europe

Shield-free Czechs Celebrate

Russian Tycoon Buying into NBA

President Zardari's Foreign Tours

Domestic Violence in Afghanistan

Tension over India-China border

Car Bomb Found at Manipur Governor's House

NATO, Medvedev, Obama to Join Forces?

Praying for Al-Aqsa Access

Markets; Video/Bair: Compensation Needs Reform

Should Investors Start Locking in Gains?

Dow Jones--ing for 10,000...

Dollar Is the New Carry Trade

VIX to be 'Under Pressure' Until Year-End: Trader

What's Driving the Global Market Rally?


*Transcripts:Obama's Remarks on Missile Defense Shift

Secretary Gates & Gen. Cartwright on Missile Defense

President Obama and PM Harper Take Questions

Roundtable on Carter's Race Comments

Interview with the CEO of ACORN

Analysts Discuss Race and Obama

Interview with RNC Chairman Michael Steele

Interview with Senator Ron Wyden

Q&A with Secretary Gates

Obama's Speech at Fundraiser for Arlen Specter

Reps. Edwards and Franks Debate Joe Wilson's Behavior

Reps. Pallone and Blackburn Debate Health Care

Analysts Discuss China/U.S. Trade Rift

Briefing with Secretary LaHood & Admin. Jackson

Obama's Speech on Financial Reform

Roundtable on Obama's Wall Street Speech

Analysts Discuss Financial Reform

Ted Kennedy's Sons Discuss Their Dad

Reps. Weiner and Bilbray Debate Health Care

Interview with Fmr. Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich

Interview with Senator Bernie Sanders

Durbin, Cornyn, Dean & Gingrich Debate Health Care

Interview with Congressman Joe Wilson

Guests: Senator Snowe and David Axelrod

Guests: Sebelius, Rockefeller, Landrieu and Pawlenty

Guests: Gibbs, Feinstein, Shaheen & Collins


USA: The unfair negotiator

Housing Agency's Cash Reserves Will Drop Below Requirement

Obama Offered Deal to Russia in Secret Letter - NYTimes.com

The global jobs crisis

Mullah Omar tells US, NATO to study history

Revolving doors

Break His Bones - The Private Life Of A Revisionist

Barack Obama to meet Dmitry Medvedev in wake of missile decision - Telegraph

Iran: clashes as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calls Holocaust a 'lie' - Telegraph

Merkel: Settlement freeze possible this fall

Nasrallah: We'll never recognize Israel | Jerusalem Post

Nasrallah: Eradicate cancerous Israel

Moroccan foundation buys $5 million worth of land in e. Jerusalem | Jerusalem Post

UN criticizes Israel's atomic program | Jerusalem Post

Russia scraps missile plan after US move

Netanyahu, Mitchell meeting proves fruitless

Merkel and Sarkozy call for tax to fight climate change | Environment & Development | Deutsche Welle | 19.09.2009

Gulfnews: Pakistan police raid US-employed security firm for weapons

Iranian president raises stakes against Israel | World | Reuters

Russia condemns Ahmadinejad's speech | Jerusalem Post

China economic outlook rosy | Reuters

Russia scraps plan to deploy missiles near Poland - Haaretz - Israel News

Rep. Hoekstra: Obama's Missile Decision 'Catastrophic'

Six party talks on N. Korea may exclude Russia, Japan - analyst | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Cap-and-Trade's Cost to Americans: $1,761 per Household

Clinton warns Iran against continued nuclear defiance - Haaretz - Israel News

Israel bars Muslim worshippers from reaching Al-Aqsa

Obama promised Jewish homes to Palestinians?

Israel's Missile Defense System Is Progressing Steadily

A Stab in the Back

Jimmy Carter's Need to Atone Proving Divisive

Russia, Missiles: It’s All About Iran « Liveshots

A Masterstroke of Weakness by Rich Lowry on National Review Online

Unearthed! Obama's twisted ACORN roots

Sunstein: Obama, not courts, should interpret law

Cass Sunstein wants to spread America's wealth

The West and Russia: Less chilly | The Economist

Charles Krauthammer - Obama, Too Subtle to Lie, Misleads on Health Reform

Kyiv Post. Independence. Community. Trust. » Homepage » World » Analysis: Demise of U.S. shield may embolden Russia hawks

Obama Pleads For Russian Help, Warns That Israel “Is Out Of Control”

Russia Reports Obama ‘Hit Team’ Taken Down In New York, Top Leader Suicided

Russian Military Base Holding “True Files” On 9/11 Brutally Attacked

Obama Assassination Plot Fails As Full Terror Alert Hits North America

YouTube - Celente: Revolution next for U.S.

YouTube - Cartoon Predicts the Future 50 Years Ago This is Amazing Insight

LiveLeak.com - Obama Assassination Predicted By Colombian Nostradamus Child

Obama promised Jewish homes to Palestinians?

ACORN votes are nothing but 'cover'

ACORN worker to 'prostitute': How much?

Unearthed! Obama's twisted ACORN roots

51% Say Congress Should Stop Funding ACORN - Rasmussen Reports

ACORN on the defense across the USA - On Politics - USATODAY.com

Judge slams Kansas town for censoring citizen

Obama Says Financial Regulations Must Be Strengthened Globally - Bloomberg.com

Concerned by Missile Shield Removal - Video - FOXBusiness.com

NATO chief suggests Russian missile defense partnership - CNN.com

Kyl: Senate GOP Will Likely Take Action on Missile Defense - Robert Costa - The Corner on National Review Online

Ahmadinejad refuses to rule out weapons - Iran- msnbc.com

UN body urges Israel to allow nuclear inspection - Haaretz - Israel News

Israel's Missile Defense System Is Progressing Steadily - washingtonpost.com

Fairfield U. alum, honoree charged with sex abuse of Haitian boys - The Connecticut Post Online

New report adds to evidence against Dohrn

Obama's U.N. visit to offer pitfalls

Cass Sunstein wants to spread America's wealth

Baucus Health Care "Reform" Bill Pushes Doctors to OK Rationing for Seniors

Obama: Legalize illegals to get them health care - Washington Times

Citizens on government health care say 'no more'

DNC promises 'rain of hellfire' - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

NYC Terror Plot Suspect Admits al Qaeda Ties, Official Says - ABC News

Germany: al-Qaida posts video with new threat

Beck vs. Limbaugh - Yahoo! News

Hispanic group to CNN: Rein in Dobbs - Carol E. Lee - POLITICO.com

Magazine photographer shoots McCain to look like monster

Officials: Five Wal-Mart Employees Fatally Beat Suspected Shoplifter In China - wjz.com

Cellulite-busting tights that melt fat away with crystals go on sale | Mail Online

Roger Mudd: Ted Kennedy recollection a 'fantasy' - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

Photos Provide Glimpse Inside Garrido Home - Sacramento News Story - KCRA Sacramento

Man accused of slaying adult movie actress is former preacher - SGVTribune.com

Insane Killer on the Loose in Wash. - CBS News

The arrogance is breathtaking

Losing liberty

Socialist euphemisms

The revolution: Get onboard or get out of the way

Smack out of money

Sunstein's futile battle against Truth

Why we're talking about race – again

Cigarettes, cable and personal responsibility

Laura Ingraham: The lioness of talk radio

Life is short – and eternity is real

In defense of ACORN | Salon

Who's calling whom 'loud and shrill'?

The American Culture: Rise of 'Good Girl' Culture Shows Value of Liberty, Ideals

Sunstein: Obama, not courts, should interpret law

Cass Sunstein wants to spread America's wealth

Cass Sunstein drafted 'New Deal Fairness Doctrine'

Sunstein: Embryos are 'just a handful of cells'

Obama's regulatory chief pushes new 'bill of rights'

Obama's team 'socialists with communist backgrounds'

Regulatory chief: Adult dog more 'rational' than baby

Communist sympathizer introduced top adviser?

War on homeschoolers spreading?

What happened to the 10th Amendment?

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Video: The obligatory “Wolf Blitzer utterly destroyed on Celebrity Jeopardy” clip

Astronaut urine spotted in skies above North America - Telegraph

Gallery: Space Shuttle Discovery's Urine Dump, As Seen From Earth | Popular Science

Human brain 'works like US presidential elections' • The Register

'Ferris Bueller' house heads endangered list - Chicago Breaking News

Final Flicker for "Guiding Light" - The Early Show - CBS News

Holistic hoo-ha

Jerusalem unveils road used by pilgrims during Second Temple - Haaretz - Israel News

Monopoly's Hidden Maps Help World War II POWs Escape - ABC News

Hosts hold Washington's feet to the fire

JRR Tolkien trained as British spy - Telegraph

They're the modern Stone Age family... so is this the REAL home of the Flintstones?

"The Lost Symbol" and the Freemasons: 8 Myths Decoded

Why Should We Study Zombie Attacks? - Zombies - io9

Too much radiation for astronauts to make it to Mars - space - 16 September 2009 - New Scientist


*American Minute for September 19th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Judge threatens eligibility lawyer with $10,000 fine

Judge stalls access to Obama birth data

Feminist Camille Paglia: Birthers have a point

Motion: Judge follows 'illegitimate chain of command'

Judge stalls access to Obama birth data


*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 16th With Gaylon Ross

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 17th With Shooter Jennings

09/18 The Mark Levin Show

09/17 The Mark Levin Show

09/16 The Mark Levin Show

09/15 The Mark Levin Show

09/14 The Mark Levin Show


*The Beautiful Universe Astronomy Quiz - TierneyLab Blog - NYTimes.com

*TierneyLab - Beautiful Universe Astronomy Quiz - Interactive - NYTimes.com

Metro-Atlanta Solar System (MASS) - Agnes Scott College

wnd player:'Final knife in the back' for student-loan industry

World Net Daily Player:Congressman: 'We gotta stop' climate bill

World Net Daily Player:Liberty Counsel rips ACLU for anti-Christian bigotry