"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

21 September 2009


YouTube - Criminal Rothschilds

Mobilizing the Masses In Defense Of the Planet: « Thomas Paine's Corner

‘Tidal wave’ of homeless students hits schools - Education- msnbc.com

The placebo problem Big Pharma's desparate to solve

The Real Nuclear Threat

Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life | Salon News

Palestine And The Demise Of Conscience

Testing The First US Micro Nuke

Zbig Brzezinski: Obama Administration Should Tell Israel U.S. Will Attack Israeli Jets if They Try to Attack Iran - Political Punch

newsjournalonline.com:Ranking: U.S. 1st in health care spending, 37th in health

Larry Sinclair On Things Obama: WRBL-TV and U.S. DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF GEORGIA VICTIMS OF FRAUD: Proof "Capt. Rhodes Letter a Fraud" (UPDATED 9-20-09 @ 12:48 PM)

Europe faces spread of ‘severe’ disease, doctor warns - Herald Scotland | News | Health

The Associated Press: Obama: Missile defense decision not about Russia

Aspartame - Rumsfeld's Bioweapon Legacy

In Memoriam - Don Harkins

Barack Obama confronts America over the racial divide - Telegraph

Michelle Obama is revealed as Barack Obama's secret weapon on health reform - Telegraph

09-20-2009: Obama Open To Newspaper Bailout Bill

Air Force Training More Drone Pilots Than Fighter Pilots

09-20-2009: EU funding 'Orwellian' artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for "abnormal behaviour"

09-19-2009: Kinross Says Gold Industry Faces Reserve Crisis

09-19-2009: Next-generation system for detecting suspects in public settings holds promise, sparks privacy concerns

Top U.S. Commander for Afghan War: More Forces or ‘Mission Failure’

Obama Plans Internet Grab: FCC to Embrace 'Net Neutrality'

Fed Rejects Geithner Request for Study of Governance, Structure

Zbig Brzezinski: Obama Administration Should Tell Israel U.S. Will Attack Israeli Jets if They Try to Attack Iran

Priceless: How The Federal Reserve Bought The Economics Profession

FDA assumes role of public health agency

Debt-For-Equity Restructurings As Goldman And JPM Do A Stealthy Roll Up Of The Media Industry

"Non-Lethal Weapons": An Instrument of Social Control

International Monetary Fund to sell 403 tons of gold

Are U.S. Treasury Bond Sales a Ponzi Scheme?

Ashley Ryburn's life ruined by HPV (Gardasil) vaccine

Wake Up Gardasil Victim Speaks Out

Gardasil - The Damage is Done: From A Best Friend's View

Becca's story about Gardasil

Gardasil killed my daughter

Vaccines-Gardasil,Death, And Extreme Side Effects

Gardasil = A Sad Girl

Kenzie Gardasil Before and After

Gardasil Commercial

States are Preparing for Mandatory H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccinations

Chertoff Gets Pounded With 9/11 Questions By C-SPAN Callers

Report: Top anti-drug official was ’secret ally of drug lords’

Mass swine flu coffins warning

Fema Camp Coffins Investigated

US Census Bureau Confirms Rising Poverty, Falling Incomes, And Growing Numbers Of Uninsured

U.S. Missile Shield Plans: Retreat Or Advance?

VIDEO: The Financial Crisis and the Bank Bailout

Scared Socialist

What Can Americans Do To Oppose the Warfare State?

What exactly did the Fed do with Two Trillion Dollars ?

VIDEO: Preparing for the H1N1 Pandemic: Body Bags for Canada's First Nations

"New Concerns" of US Intelligence: Economic Crisis, Flu Pandemic, Climate Change

Housing Agency's Cash Reserves Will Drop Below Requirement

Militarization of Strategic Oil Reserves: Amid Africa's oil boom, U.S. binds ties

Why propaganda trumps truth

Let’s make a deal: Beltway edition

How to pay off the national debt

Health care is an inalienable right

Debt Could Lead U.S. Into Another Economic Crisis, Gov. Pawlenty Says

Boehner Says Democrat Health Care Plan Is Dead

‘Abortion President’ Makes False, Misleading Statements on Health Bill, Congressman Says

GOP Congressmen Say Science ‘Czar’ Should Explain His Views

Huckabee Wins Values Voters Straw Poll; Rivalry with Romney Re-Emerges

Former Miss California Urges Conservatives to Be Examples of Civility

Harsh Realities Await as Obama Heads to United Nations

Salazar May Delay Decision on Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling Ban Until 2012

Votes to Defund ACORN Are Just Political Cover, Republican Lawmaker Says

Obama Favors Investigation Into ACORN Scandal

Arab Who Vowed to Burn Israeli Books Still Leads Race to Head U.N. Culture Agency

Obama Says Missile Defense Decision Is Not About Russia

Report: Troops Needed to Avoid U.S. Failure in Afghanistan

Obama Says Health Insurance Mandate Is Not A Tax Increase

Tony Blair Says 10 Million Jobs Could Stem From Global Climate Action

U.S. Ties and Climate Change Top Agenda for Japan’s New Prime Minister

Ahmadinejad Proud of Holocaust Denial

Gov't Investigates Health Insurance Company Mailer

Gates Foundation Helps Bring Banking to the Poor

Colorado Terror Plot Suspect Due in Federal Court Monday

Obama Administration Using Stimulus Money to Encourage ‘Healthful Lifestyle Habits’

It’s Not the Public Option, It’s the Public Subsidy

At War with Iran for Thirty Years

The Growing Grip of Government

Race and Stupidity

Dan Brown a patsy or just a willing pawn?

Moscow's Freebie

Obama Administration's New Missile Defense Plan Is a Losing Proposition

Earth approaching sunspot records | CJOnline.com

New Airline-Ticket Tax to Aid the Developing World - TIME

How the U.S. Subsidizes Offshoring of Jobs

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Glenn Beck’s a Libertarian Now

EclippTV :: Video :: Freedom Watch : Peter Schiff on Foreign Policy

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Marc Faber on FSN, Sept 19, 2009

Refreshing News: Clampi Trojan could steal banking passwords

Refreshing News: 3D Rome created from 150,000 Flickr photos

American Thinker: Apostasy and the Islamic Nations

Guest Post: The Next Crisis Nobody Is Talking About | zero hedge


U.S. official: Zazi has indicated an association with al-Qaida - WWSB ABC 7 Florida - Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice, North Port, Siesta Key Breaking News, Weather, Sports and Traffic on the Suncoast |

TaxProf Blog: IRS to Audit 6,000 Companies

HSBC bids farewell to dollar supremacy - Telegraph

BBC NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | The strange story of Dr Death Ray

EclippTV :: Video :: U.S. Senator Harry Reid - "Taxation Is Voluntary"

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Author Gaylon Ross on Alex Jones: What The Elite Have Done to America

YouTube - WeAreChangeLA confronts 911 criminal Richard Ben-Veniste

Steve Rosen Accuses AIPAC of Espionage by Grant Smith -- Antiwar.com

Raw Story » Obama: 24-hour news cycle fueling anger

YouTube - Criminal Rothschilds

American Thinker Blog: Obama 'appointed by God'

WeAreChangeLA Confronts Amy Goodman On Alleged Progressive Media's Blackout And Smear Campaign Of Real 9/11 Investigation | 911Blogger.com

The 9/11 Commission Rejects own Report as Based on Government Lies - Salem-News.Com

Explosive Residues: Energetic Materials and the World Trade Center Destruction

Asia Times Online :More questions on 9/11

Atheo News: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say?

Reuters AlertNet - Israel says still has military option on Iran

My Way News - Romney taunts Democrats with memories of Carter

Palin to speak about China in debut speech in Asia

Barack Obama ready to slash US nuclear arsenal | World news | The Guardian

FCC chairman proposes `open Internet' rules - Yahoo! Finance

Patrons consume more than the meal

Climate change: UN plans 'shock therapy' for world leaders on environment | Environment | The Observer

Feds unsure if arrest of Najibullah Zazi and two others has foiled al-Qaeda terror plot

ACORN CEO 'Outraged' by Behavior of Employees in Prostitute Tapes - Political News - FOXNews.com

Car showrooms quiet after clunkers clamor ends - The Boston Globe

Sunday Obamathon Turns Into Media Critique; Says Press is Perpetuating 'Rude' Behavior | NewsBusters.org

On-the-air prez seems like endless 'infomercial'

Obama Says Financial Regulations Must Be Strengthened Globally - Bloomberg.com

Greying Britain looks to assisted suicide reform | Reuters

A lame attempt by Kurtz to cover the racism that is fueling the opposition to President Obama

The Return of McCarthyism

Fox News Producer Caught Rallying the Crowds During the 9/12 Protests

Dick Armey Is Fighting To Keep His Government Health Care Coverage. Hypocrisy Much?

Does hateful rhetoric really lead to violence? History gives us the clear answer: yes

Huckabee wins the wingnut straw poll

President Obama: Public option is not dead

Obama on This Week: Insurance Mandate Is Not A Tax Increase

Obama denies request to drop CIA abuse probe

White House calls Fox an 'ideological outlet'

Birther Fail: Judge ready to slap Orly Taitz with $10,000 fine

Democracy Now: As Baucus Unveils Health Plan Absent of Public Option, New Study Finds 45,000 Uninsured Die Every Year

Bill O'Reilly calls Howard Dean a 'pinhead' for eschewing Fox; roll the Jeremy Glick tape, please

Remember Those Zits You Had When You Were 15? No Health Insurance for You!

Chris Wallace Whines That The White House Are A Bunch Of Crybabies. Look In The Mirror Lately, Chris?

Rolling Stone Finds A Smoking Gun: Betsy McCaughey Lied About Healthcare Reform For Tobacco Lobby

Fox's Jesse Watters meets a ThinkProgress camera crew: Revenge is a dish best served cold

Dylan Ratigan Cuts Loose on Brad Blakeman Over the GOP's Role as the Party of NO on Health Care Reform

Your post-racial society at work: Bias-crime perp's cousin says the victim had it coming

Now The Sausage Gets Made. More Than 500 Amendments Offered on Baucus Bill.

Glenn Beck is out of his tree: Demands the rest of the media play his guilt-by-association conspiracy game

Rick Sanchez Calls Fox News Liars

Brit Hume says that crying racism is bad. What about when Glenn Beck does it?

Joe Conason Calls Out The Right Wing Over ACORN Targeting

Rachel Maddow: Former Bush Cabinet Secretary Gale Norton Subject of Formal Corruption Investigation

45,000 Die Each Year From A Lack Of Health Insurance - The Fierce Urgency Of Now

Obama bullies Honduras

Hillary's Humble Pie

Obama cedes Eastern Europe to Putin and A'jad

Death talk for seniors

Suppressing Dissent is Un-American

Jimmy Carter's Sanctimonious Guilt

Racists Anonymous: The 12-Step Program for White Redemption

Did America betray us? Or it was just Obama?

Did Ayers Help Obama Get Into Harvard?

The Blago Code

Obama: ACORN? What's that?

High Noon for politicized arts funding

When is a tax, not a tax? When Obama says so

Sinking support, enthusiasm for health care reform

'Failure' in Afghanistan likely without more troops - McChrystal

Art for art's sake - Memory for the sake of memory

How Can Obama Appear on Letterman after Boycotting Imus?

The Real Problem with Third Parties

Did ACORN get too big for its own good?

Health reformers targeting 'enemies' - Washington Times


Dead man walking: President Obama's request turns Gov. Paterson into lame duck

Bardot and Loren still sex goddesses at 75

Obama promotes innovation jobs - National Politics Blog - Political Intelligence - Boston.com

YouTube - No Higher Taxes With Health Reform

Memo to Obama: Stay Out of New York Politics | NBC New York

Annie Le's Family Prepares for Murdered Student's Funeral - ABC News

Washington State Killer Captured After Field-Trip Escape

Should Congress Subpoena ACORN CEO to Appear to Answer Questions? - FOXNews.com

House to extend jobless benefits this week | Politics | Reuters

Bath Time Photos Prompt Child Porn Allegations

Corzine Under Attack For Hedge Fund Connection To Atlantic City Casino

Boston EMT accused of double shooting, then administering aid - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe

Resolution of Rielle Hunter's paternity claim would cap John Edwards' political career

Democrats Target Bank Overdraft Charges

Iowa hospitals may limit visits to babies -- chicagotribune.com

Tax Breaks to Newspapers as Nonprofits: Obama Open to Idea | ChattahBox News Blog

Climate activists phone blitz Prime Minister | UK | Reuters

UK heading for 'constitutional crisis' over devolution, says Vincent Cable | Politics | guardian.co.uk

The Associated Press: Aide: Netanyahu won't bend on settlements

Carbon intensity in focus as China's Hu heads to UN | Reuters

Obama Heads to New York for U.N., Letterman Appearances - washingtonpost.com

Pakistan arrests top Taliban commander - CNN.com

Russian analyst plays down fears over new U.S. anti-missile plan | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Ignoring YouTube, Ayatollah Sees No Evil - The Lede Blog - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Shield possible only with Russia - top general

AFP: New Japan PM leaves for US

The Associated Press: Israel's army chief: All options on table vs. Iran

Ahmadinejad to Deliver ‘Peace’ Message to UN Assembly (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

The Associated Press: 81-year-old Thai king hospitalized for third day

The Holy Grail of the Unconscious - NYTimes.com

BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | North East/N Isles | Neolithic carving raises eyebrows

Conditional Consciousness: Patients in Vegetative States Can Learn, Predicting Recovery: Scientific American

Blind Woman Sees With Tooth Implanted In Eye Surgery - ABC News

Mysterious ruins may help explain Mayan collapse - USATODAY.com

David Hasselhoff hospitalized for alcohol poisoning after vodka bender

Report: Jaycee Dugard says her children were not abused - San Jose Mercury News

Garrido claimed black box could speak his mind - CNN.com

'House' returns to get his house in order - TELEVISION REVIEW - Los Angeles Times - calendarlive.com

A surefire way to debunk atheism?

Nanny state snatches kids for being too fat

Obama Takes Media to Task for Coverage of Racial Controversy, Wilson - Political News - FOXNews.com

Barack Obama supports WND?

President feels Gadhafi heat

Obama rebuffs call to nix interrogation probe - POLITICO Live - POLITICO.com

Don't tread on me!

Breitbart.tv » Bolten on Obama: A ‘Post-American President’ Who Is ‘Above All That Patriotism Stuff’

Netanyahu pardons terrorists who killed Israelis

Congress, Obama team up to kill marriage protections

'Gay' curriculum challenges students' faith

Obama favors investigation into ACORN scandal

New spin of Ezekiel's wheel: Russia will not invade Israel

Get lost, Khadafy!

Obama defends mandate to buy health coverage - Washington Times

Obama health care proposal angers seniors - Washington Times

8 Things an Airline Would Never Tell You

Homeowners who 'strategically default' on loans a growing problem -- latimes.com

The Euro: why Britain is still better off out - Telegraph

Hold Their Feet To The Fire 2009

Bernanke's 'Essays'

We've come undone

Baucus' cheaper Trojan horse

The great cost of doing nothing

You got that right

Baffler in chief

The ACORN witch hunt: Voter-registration success spurs unfair attack

The arrogance is breathtaking

You might be a racist if ...


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Motion: Judge follows 'illegitimate chain of command'

Feminist Camille Paglia: Birthers have a point

Judge stalls access to Obama birth data

Judge threatens eligibility lawyer with $10,000 fine


Metallica's fine, but not Ned Kelly | The Daily Telegraph

Bulgarian lottery picks same numbers in straight draws - Telegraph

Artist creates incredible paintings that look like photographs | Mail Online

You've got to hand it to Mother Nature as gardener digs up five-fingered carrot | Mail Online

Top 25 cult films of all time - Boston.com

High-Speed Video of Locusts Could Help Make Better Flying Robots | Wired Science | Wired.com

Around the world in 175 days – and he pedalled every mile - Home News, UK - The Independent

Solar system's coldest spot may be on moon - Telegraph

Wind, not water, may explain Red Planet's hue - space - 19 September 2009 - New Scientist

Netanyahu pardons terrorists who killed Israelis

The Nits: People Who Cannot Afford to Spare a Piece of Their Minds, But Who Give Authors Selective Chunks by Gary North

The Healthcare Insurance Debate: The Elephant in the Room by Bill Sardi

What To Do If You Are Forced To Take a Swine Flu Shot by Drs. Russell Blaylock and Joseph Mercola

NASA: A Third-World Agency by Don Cooper

So Where’s the Prospectus? by Michael S. Rozeff

Nowhere Else To Go by Michael Gaddy

Missile Defense: The Other Story by Bruce Gagnon

The Basic Flaw by Charley Reese

Government officials track cars and trespass on private property, report shows - Telegraph

Over the top on Abdelbaset al-Megrahi's dossier | Comment is free | The Guardian

Boy aged 3 is UK’s youngest crime suspect - Times Online

Richard Dawkins condemns British libel laws | Science | The Guardian

5 Zionist Freedom-Killing Hate Bills In Congress

Mobilizing the Masses In Defense Of the Planet: « Thomas Paine's Corner

It’s all spin, darling: Not one of Goldstone’s 37 factual assertions has been rebutted

US assassination in Somalia

autonet - an autonomous internet

ABC News: Zazi Admits Al-Qaida Ties, May Plead Guilty - Denver News Story - KMGH Denver

The 50 best foods in the world and where to eat them | Life and style | The Observer

Ron Paul: Leave Government Out Of Insurance Plan : NPR

NAGR Gun Rights Blog » Gun Economics: Ammo Supply 101

Jim Rogers - China International Business

Planning the H1N1 Flu Pandemic: Body Bags, Mass Graves, Quarantine Orders

EU Plans Massive Surveillance Panopticon That Would Monitor “Abnormal Behavior”

Bernanke the Dollar-Destroyer and the Coming Stock Market Crash

Affordable Health Care Choices Act of 2009: Unconstitutional

Obama Recommends Congress ‘Renew’ Patriot Act Domestic ‘Surveillance Methods’

Pelosi’s Misleading Statement on the Constitutionality of Government Health Care

Andrew Napolitano: Health-Care Reform and the Constitution - WSJ.com

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Paul Joseph Watson on Alex Jones Tv 1/3:CIA-Bin Laden Tapes? “Here We Go Again!”

Obama open to newspaper bailout bill - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

RealClearPolitics - Political Class Ignoring at Their Peril

Carter, Pelosi Outrage Dubious -- Courant.com

Me Talk Presidential One Day: GQ Features on men.style.com

Breitbart a conservative rebel with a cause - Washington Times

Now Democrats can negotiate health care reform | Cynthia Tucker

Todd S. Purdum on Henry Paulson | vanityfair.com

The Other Shoe Drops -- Andrew Breitbart Embarrasses the MSM Again (Wizbang)

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Propaganda, Health Care and ACORN: Full Context of NEA Conference Call Reveals Disturbing Pattern

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » EXPLOSIVE NEW AUDIO Reveals White House Using NEA to Push Partisan Agenda

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Full NEA Conference Call Transcript and Audio

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Pregame Report: The NEA Conference Call

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Planting the Seeds: The Politicized Art Behind the ACORN Plan

Breitbart on ACORN: Big Media Would Have Worked to Kill Story, Attack O'Keefe and Giles | NewsBusters.org

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - The new system offers a real missile defence

TRB: Left-Handed Compliment | The New Republic

ObamaCare: Losing everyone

Health-Care Bill: What Democrats Risk in Going It Alone - TIME

The Caucus - The President’s Best Hope in the G.O.P. - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Strangers to Dissent, Liberals Try to Stifle It

Ignored but not silenced - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Obama's TV Blitz: On The Air, but Off His Game?

RealClearPolitics - The Story Behind the ACORN Story

Obama Denies that Individual Mandate is a Tax Increase - WSJ.com

Editorial: Reining in the Patriot Act | Philadelphia Inquirer | 09/21/2009

EDITORIAL: Redact and withhold - Washington Times

FCC 'Net Neutrality' Rules Expected to Advance on Vote - washingtonpost.com

Prescriptions - Shepherding a Bill With 564 Amendments - NYTimes.com

Tribal Casino Rules Revisited - WSJ.com

Johanns amendments frustrate Dems - TheHill.com


*American Minute for September 21st:William J Federer's American Minute*


YouTube - Michael Savage Interviews Andrew Breitbart on ACORN Investigation -(Part 1 of 2)- September 18, 2009

YouTube - Michael Savage Interviews Andrew Breitbart on ACORN Investigation -(Part 2 of 2)- September 18, 2009


*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 17th With Shooter Jennings

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 16th With Gaylon Ross


*Transcripts:Interviews with President Obama & Sen. McConnell

Interviews with President Obama and Leader Boehner

Interviews with President Obama & Michael Steele

Interviews with President Obama

CEO of ACORN and Rep. Issa Debate

Brooks and Marcus on the Week in Politics

Obama's Remarks on Missile Defense Shift

Secretary Gates & Gen. Cartwright on Missile Defense


*Politics ;Video/Durbin: Collins, Snowe Potential GOP Votes For Health Care

Ex-Aide: Edwards Fathered Mistress' Child

Obama: "I Didn't Know Acorn Was Getting A Lot Of Federal Money"

Ann Coulter: "The Democratic Party Is Racist"

Obama Discusses Health Reform, Afghanistan On "Meet"

Obama: GOP Not Winning Health Care Debate

Boehner, Graham React To Obama Interview

Obama Rejects "Notion" Health Plan Would Be A "Tax"

Steele On Obama's Interview, Health Care

"This Week" Roundtable Health Reform "Rage" & Mid-Terms

Obama On Health Insurer Profits

ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis, Rep. Issa On "Fox News Sunday"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Missile Defense

Obama Weekly Address: Progress in the Global Economy

Rep. Sue Myrick Gives Weekly GOP Address On Health Care

World; Video/Fareed Zakaria Interviews Dmitry Medvedev

Russia: Only a Shared Shield Possible

French Ex-PM on Trial for Slander

Markets ;Video/Currency Traders Rising As Dollar Falls

Gross: 'Barney Fife' Stock Market Is Ready For a Pullback

U.S. Week Ahead: Housing, G20, Dow 10,000

A Reluctant Stock Rally?

The Run's Not Over for Gold

RBS Tries to Avoid More Bailouts


**Transcript :Constitution of the United States - Official

*Transcript:Bill of Rights

*Transcript:Declaration of Independence


Bill Cunningham 9/20/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 9/20/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 9/20/09 Hour 3


SITE:The Pyramid Code