"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

24 September 2009

21 - 24 Sept

21-24 SEPT ‘09


- Auditing the Fed Proposals

- Health Care For Illegals? No Way, José

- Cancelled NASA Programs Highlight Government Inefficiency

- Obama Media Blitz

- The Best Alternative to Obama-Care: Primary Prevention

The Twisted Thinking behind World Government

Obama at UN, Calls for “Change … New Era of Engagement”

UK Billboards Equipped with License Plate Spy Cameras

Pelosi’s Misleading Statement on the Constitutionality of Government Health Care

FBI Looking for “Anti-government” Perp in Death of Census Worker

National Guard, Attack Helicopters Deployed for G-20

Brzezinski: Shoot Down Israeli Planes If They Attack Iran

The Drug Cartel and Pandemic H1N1 Swine Flu Viruses and Vaccines

Obama Says U.S. 'Determined' to Combat Climate Change, Despite Senate Delay - Political News - FOXNews.com

Palin Attacks Fed on Hong Kong Visit, Wants ‘Responsible China’ - Bloomberg.com

Washington Times - Dems block GOP demand for more time

Canadians willing to suspend liberties in a pandemic: poll

U.N. climate meeting was propaganda: Czech president | U.S. | Reuters

New world currency order starts to unfold - The National Newspaper

*Site Page:John Birch Society; Videos

09-24-2009: 4 NJ Police Officers Shot Serving No-Knock Search Warrant

09-24-2009: Dollar Under Scrutiny At G-20 Summit

09-23-2009: Marc Faber: U.S. Dollars Will Be Worthless

09-23-2009: Artificially Intelligent CCTV could prevent crimes before they happen

09-23-2009: India's Lunar mission finds evidence of water on the Moon

09-23-2009: Rice Warns Of Another 9/11 If U.S. Leaves Afghanistan

09-23-2009: Forgetful Patients To Be Fitted With Microchip To Remind Them To Take Their Medicine

09-23-2009: Brazil's Lula Pleads For New World Economic Order

09-23-2009: A giant step for nanotechnology

09-23-2009: EU President Barroso: This "new globalization" requires global governance

09-23-2009: $7 trillion in debt

09-23-2009: National Guard Attack Helicopters Being Deployed To G-20

09-23-2009: Obama Speaks Of World Order

09-23-2009: Gadhafi Says UN Failed To Prevent 65 Wars

09-22-2009: US vows to support Russia's entry into WTO

09-22-2009: Another Phony Al-Qaeda Tape

09-22-2009: District 9: Smart Guns That Read Your DNA

09-22-2009: Media Hypes Terror Threat Despite The Fact No One Is Charged With Terror

09-22-2009: U.N. Climate Summit Leaves Large Carbon Footprint

09-22-2009: Robot Achieves Scientific First

09-22-2009: Global warming website helps farmers cut livestock flatulence

U.S. Energy Secretary Chu - Americans Are Like Teenage Kids When It Comes To Energy

09-21-2009: In Somalia, U.S. weapons end up in al-Qaeda hands

09-21-2009: FDA assumes role of public health agency


Africa's oil boom and Africom

Change Bernanke's drugs? Secret White House G-20 notes

Cronkite records destroyed by FBI


Decades of Global Cooling Ahead?

China begins mass vaccinations for swine flu

The stock market rally is just another bubble — and it’s set to pop

Global Governance Gets A Face Lift: Supermodel Gisele Bundchen becomes UN Environmental Ambassador

VeriChip shares jump after H1N1 patent license win to develop implantable virus detection systems in humans

VIDEO: Gore admits climate change is part of "global governance" agenda

Obama Plans Internet Grab: FCC to Embrace 'Net Neutrality'

Priceless: How The Federal Reserve Bought The Economics Profession

"Non-Lethal Weapons": An Instrument of Social Control

Obama Administration Shields CIA Torturers

The Waldorf-Astoria Summit

Collapse or Survive

President Zelaya is Back in Honduras!

Exclusive: Hamas Leader Interview

The Rise of Israel's Military Rabbis

Who’s Afraid of Sibel Edmonds?

Landmark Decision Promises Massive Relief For Homeowners And Trouble For Banks

America Has Been Here Before

Globalization Goes Bankrupt

Towson University: Extra Credit Offered To Students Who Get Flu Shot

H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Makes German Man Extremely Sick During Clinical Trials

Nurses Plan Rally To Protest Mandatory Swine Flu Shot

Exposed – The Swine Flu Hoax

Walgreens Graffiti Warns Of Swine Flu Vaccine Dangers

Full NEA Conference Call Transcript and Audio

Will Americans Obey Government Orders During a Swine Flu Pandemic?

EU Plans Massive Surveillance Panopticon That Would Monitor "Abnormal Behavior"

Psychiatry & Politics: Labeling Political Dissidents Mentally Ill

Treasury Department Releases Documents Showing Cap-and-Trade Costs Could Hit $300 Billion Annually

Unearthed video: Global warming alarmist Stephen "we have to offer up scary scenarios" Schneider caught on a May 1978 episode of the TV show In Search Of... The Coming Ice Age

Maximum Alert: U.S. Troops Now Occupying America

List Of USA States Which Have Implemented Legal Actions In Response To The H1N1 Virus

Federal Reserve rejects request for public review

What Can Americans Do To Oppose the Warfare State?

The American Conservative -- Who’s Afraid of Sibel Edmonds?

Justice This Time Around: Will Goldstone's Report Deliver?

Global Warming or Global Freezing: is the ice really melting?

How Israel Targets and Suppresses Opposition to Its Annexation Wall

The Great Fed-Financed Dollar Decline and Stock Market Rally of 2009

Separatism and Class Politics in Latin America

US-NATO Using Military Might To Control World Energy Resources

If Credit is Not Created Out of Excess Reserves, What Does That Mean?

Scared Socialist

Afghan Counterinsurgency: Largest CIA Station In History

World Food Program; Angel of Mercy or Angel of Death?

New details on Obama’s CIA front employer

Obama has already failed

Wars without end, past and present

The economy is a lie, too

Former CBS anchorman warns of corporate influence over news

Change won’t come to America without prior de-brainwashing

*YouTube - Ahmadinejad speech at UN

*Everything About GMOs Video - Institute for Responsible Technology

YouTube - Forced Vaccine Prevention

"Dead Man Musings":"How I Ran Afoul of the Illuminati" Part I by Paul Drockton

Video:Blind Spot

The Lengthening List of Iran Sanctions




The 9/11 Commission Rejects own Report as Based on Government Lies - Salem-News.Com

Obama to push nuclear-free world at Security Council - Yahoo! Canada News

The Associated Press: AP source: Census worker hanged with 'fed' on body

The Raw Story » Obama will bypass Congress to detain suspects indefinitely

SITE:Erich Von Daniken

YouTube - WeAreChange Ohio Investigates Military Checkpoints


YouTube - Ahmadinejad speech at UN

EU Plans Massive Surveillance Panopticon That Would Monitor “Abnormal Behavior”

Eugenics and Environmentalism: From quality control to quantity control

Only 28% Of High School Students Are Familiar With The Constitution

Neuroengineering to challenge what it means to be human

Google 'evangelist' sees web, brain implant link

Cronkite records destroyed by FBI - USATODAY.com

Inside the Apocalyptic Soviet Doomsday Machine

Obama Says It's a "New Era" on Climate Change Policy - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Russian Billionaire Installs Anti-Photo Shield on Giant Yacht | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

Sep 24, 2009 New Deadly Dollar Carry Trade Jim Willie CB 321gold ...inc2 ...s

Japan Abandons America | Columns | theTrumpet.com by the Philadelphia Church of God

Video surveillance system that reasons like a human brain

Joseph Moshe (MOSSAD Microbiologist): “Swine flu vaccine is bioweapon”

U.S. Debt Crisis May Cause ‘Fall of Rome’ Scenario, Duncan Says - Bloomberg.com

Qaeda's training area in Pakistan is 'the most dangerous spot on the map'

*Pending Litigation: Hawaii Confirms That Obama’s Vital Records Have Been Amended. « Natural Born Citizen

Gregg Easterbrook: Embrace Human Cloning

Synthetic biology and evolution : The New Yorker

U.S. indicts Denver man in bombing conspiracy -- latimes.com

YouTube - Complaint: NYPD Misstepped in Terror Probe

YouTube - Former DNC head Kirk to replace Kennedy

Obama leads summit's adoption of nuclear arms resolution - CNN.com

The Associated Press: Health care issues: Shopping for insurance

The Associated Press: Insane killer says escape from fair was unplanned

The Irish Side Of The Moon: Irish Side of the Moon 12

At Pentagon's Request, Washington Post Delayed Story on Afghanistan Report - washingtonpost.com

The Irish Side Of The Moon: Irish Side of the Moon 13

The Irish Side Of The Moon: Turning of the Tide

The Irish Side Of The Moon: Irish Side of the Moon 14

Oil Prices Sink Below $67 - WSJ.com

Gold tumbles in sell-off triggered by dollar gains | Markets | Hot Stocks | Reuters

ACORN nemesis once targeted Planned Parenthood | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

The Associated Press: 4 SWAT team officers shot in raid on NJ shore home

The Associated Press: Murtha: $35B tanker competition appears 'open'

VOA News - US Protests 'Attempted Smear' of Diplomat in Moscow

Federal inspectors find runway hazards at O'Hare -- chicagotribune.com

Taliban Ambush in Pakistan Kills 8 Militiamen - NYTimes.com

Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Saudis launch hi-tech university

AFP: Terror warning rattles Germany's election campaign

Al Jazeera English - Asia-Pacific - Suu Kyi backs US-Myanmar engagement

The Associated Press: Pope visits Czech Republic with many nonbelievers

No missile shield planned in Balkans -U.S. official | Reuters

The Associated Press: As Gadhafi deal goes south, should Trump be fired?

Carter urges resolution to Honduran crisis - CNN.com

Chinese, S Korean presidents meet in New York on bilateral ties_English_Xinhua

Accident at Power Plant Kills 24 - WSJ.com

Obama Bid to Curb Nuclear Arms Backed by UN Council - Bloomberg.com

Think flying economy is bad now? New aircraft design puts passengers face-to-face in rows for budget travel

The Smart List: 12 Shocking Ideas That Could Change the World

Faces in jalapeno peppers: photograph - Telegraph

The Handwriting of Liars

US-NATO Using Military Might To Control World Energy Resources

Obama: I am against the murder of innocents but for immunity for the murderers

House Republicans Call for Hearing on Health Insurance Company 'Gag Order' - Political News - FOXNews.com

FDA orders medical device program review | The Money Times

New Single From Michael Jackson | Michael Jackson | News | MTV UK

Mackenzie Phillips on 'Oprah': I had abortion after incest; stepmom Michelle calls her liar

Ex-Wives Of John Phillips Say Mackenzie Lying About Incest! | RadarOnline.com

FBI probing whether Census worker's death involved foul play - On Deadline - USATODAY.com

Jobless Man Uncovers Gold Hoard with Metal Detector - Archaeology | Egyptology | Archeology - FOXNews.com

John Travolta in the Bahamas to Testify in Extortion Case - ABC News

Duct-taped cat is recovering after being dumped - Paw Print Post: A community for Dog, Cat, and Pet Owners - USATODAY.com

U.S. Economy: Sales of Existing Homes Unexpectedly Decline - Bloomberg.com

Mackenzie Phillips: I was high on TODAY - TODAY People

The Associated Press: Fact-checking Moore's 'Capitalism'

Michael Moore: Capitalism has proven it's failed - CNN.com

Senators Spar Over Medicare on Day 3 of Reform Negotiations - washingtonpost.com

Zazi Arrest: NYC Terror Plot Suspect Bought Chemicals, Hair Care Products from Beauty Supply Stores - ABC News

Texas Educators: Neil Armstrong Not a Scientist | LiveScience

Washington's Blog:Bank President Admitted that All Credit Is Created Out of Thin Air With the Flick of a Pen Upon the Bank's Books

'The Obama Administration Has Completely Failed'

YouTube - Worst and most hillarious weather man ever!

Pro Libertate: Restoring the Right to Resist (UPDATED)

Len Horowitz files pandemic charges against Rockefeller

Robot achieves scientific first | Monstrous Science

DNA and memories stored in former Swiss nuclear shelter - Springwise

Nanotechnology Now - Nanotechnology Columns

World to America: We Want Our Gold Back | Columns | theTrumpet.com by the Philadelphia Church of God

Globalist Traitor David Rockefeller slams Obama for Tariffs on China

Police seize 400 guns in safe-city initiative - The Globe and Mail

Congressional Hearing on the Future of Newspapers Set For Thursday

Newly Declassified Files Detail Massive FBI Data-Mining Project | Threat Level | Wired.com

Burress Begins Serving Time - washingtonpost.com

Why Global Currency Is VERY Unlikely

Libyan leader's 'gun girls': Moammar Khadafy travels with pistol-packin' posse of women bodyguards

Hut To Hut 2009 - Excellent Adventure At 13,000 Feet

Of Myth And Legend - 2009 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally

The Real Reason for Many UFO Abductions?

Salisbury News

Questioning Chemotherapy « The Invisible Opportunity: Hidden Truths Revealed

India must turn away from the bomb | Randeep Ramesh | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Senior professor resigns over falsified 'pure research' - Telegraph

Dust storm blankets Sydney, disrupts transport - Telegraph

Surrealism helps get your point across - Telegraph

Sell Out Your Fellow Citizens for Fun & Profit! (Sep. 21, 2009)

Sorry, we can't tell you. And we can't tell you that we can't | Afua Hirsch | Comment is free | The Guardian

'Slick Willie': Clinton's untold story - Americas, World - The Independent

Irving Kristol's gone – we'll miss his clear vision - Telegraph

David Miliband: The EU makes Britain stronger - Telegraph

The Calais 'jungle' has been cleared - but this tide of despair has only just begun - Telegraph

British officials to walk out of UN if Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks about Holocaust - Telegraph

'It's crazy to think that I'd threaten Blair'

'Chip on the shoulder' medication reminder - Telegraph

Scientist researching Black Death dies from infection linked to plague - Telegraph

*Aerosol Operation Crimes & Cover Up

Gordon Brown sidestepped by President Barack Obama at G20 - Telegraph

BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Dyke in BBC 'conspiracy' claim

Taliban targets descendants of Alexander the Great - Telegraph

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad boasts of holocaust row - Telegraph

Hamas is not al-Qaida | Anas Altikriti | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

FT.com / Global Economy - Global Insight: No melting of climate doubts

$20 Per Gallon - Incremental Adaptations To Basics

$20 Per Gallon - part 1

savethemales.ca - Benjamin Franklin- Freemason and Jew

Argentina UFO - And Strange Creature Is A Sloth

New Revelations about Hemingway

Friedrich Paul Berg's "NaziGassings.com"

FT.com / Iran - Defiant Iran tests new centrifuges

savethemales.ca - Illuminati Sabotage Patriot Communication

Runners and riders for the top EU jobs - Telegraph

US charges Obama-fundraiser Hassan Nemazee for HSBC, BoA, Citigroup fraud - Telegraph

Obama under pressure to deliver at UN debut | World news | guardian.co.uk

Scientists find that individuals in vegetative states can learn

Unemployment Just Before World War 2

Federal Reserve Admits Hiding Gold Swap Arrangements, GATA Says - Yahoo! Finance

The Outer Banks Sentinel

US embassy in Dubai 'is a recruiting ground for Iranian spies' - Telegraph

Holdren says Constitution backs compulsory abortion

Asia Times Online :More questions on 9/11

TARP inspector to say transparency 'attitude' on bailout frustrating - TheHill.com

Mossad’s Joseph Moshe: Dr Deagle Show 081709 2/6 – DR TRUE OTT PhD ND — ALEX STUDER | VacTRUTH

Bullet makers can't keep up with demand | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

House Republicans Believe National Endowment for the Arts Acted Unlawfully to Promote Obama's Agenda, Seek Probe

Obama's Policies Would Redistribute Nearly $1 Trillion in Wealth Every Year

U.S., Jewish ‘Conspiracy’ and ‘Islamophobia’ Blamed for Arab’s Defeat in U.N. Election

Ahmadinejad Ignores Nuclear Dispute, Rails Against Israel and U.S. at United Nations

Christian Leaders Call for U.S. Sanctions to Prevent Iran from Completing Nuclear Program

‘African King of Kings’ Makes Waves in New York, Offers to Move U.N. to Libya

Democrats Drum for Public Option, While Republicans Urge ‘Responsible Solutions’

House Expected to Eliminate Medicare Premium Hikes

Democrats’ Health Care Bill Intact, But Challenges Lie Ahead

Experimental Vaccine Helps Prevent HIV Infection

Pelosi, Reid, Pop-Star Paul Simon Claim 21 Million 'Children' Lack Health Insurance

Obama Will Spend More on Welfare in the Next Year Than Bush Spent on Entire Iraq War, Study Reveals

New Push Wednesday to Post House Bills Online Before Lawmakers Vote on Them

House to Vote to Eliminate Medicare Premium Hikes

First Tires, Now Paper: China Faces New U.S. Trade Complaint

White House Looks to Improve ‘No Child Left Behind’

Where Will Banks Make Up Lost Overdraft Fees?

Treasury Prices Rebound after Fed Announcement

United Nations Security Council to Vote on ‘Nuclear-Free-World’ Resolution

Lying Propaganda

Catholic Bishop: 'I Cannot Support' Current Health Care Legislation

Those Terror Alert Color Codes

Border Patrol Will Increase Goal for Miles of Border Secured

Barack Obama: The Black Jimmy Carter

The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel

YouTube - Criminal Rothschilds

Ranking: U.S. 1st in health care spending, 37th in health

Kirk will join battle for health care overhaul, but may not be deciding vote - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe

YouTube - 2-23 In Search Of... The Coming Ice Age (Part 1 of 3)

YouTube - 2-23 In Search Of... The Coming Ice Age (Part 2 of 3)

YouTube - 2-23 In Search Of... The Coming Ice Age (Part 3 of 3)

SEC charges insider in Perot deal - Sep. 24, 2009

A Helicopter Shortage Puts Green Berets at Risk | Newsweek National News | Newsweek.com

The making of Glenn Beck | Salon News

FDA bans flavored cigarettes, menthol next? - Triangle Business Journal:

New Accounting Rules A Boon To Apple, Other Tech Companies - Software - IT Channel News by CRN

Satellite reveals faster melting of polar ice

The Afghan War Comes Home

BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | North East/N Isles | Neolithic carving raises eyebrows

Carl Jung and the Holy Grail of the Unconscious - NYTimes.com

Mysterious ruins may help explain Mayan collapse - USATODAY.com

How elephants 'talk' to each other through the ground

The Hunt for Extraterrestrial Life Gets Weird | Wired Science | Wired.com

BBC NEWS | UK | Wales | North West Wales | Couple want mystery noise traced

Ananova - World's hairiest man to undergo surgery

Iran downs strange bright craft over Persian Gulf

Mayans 'played' pyramids to make music for rain god - science-in-society - 22 September 2009 - New Scientist

Asteroid attack: Putting Earth's defences to the test - space - 23 September 2009 - New Scientist

All News Web - UFO mysteries: ‘Nazca Lines’ discovered in Kazakhstan

Google's UFO Fetish: Wells Salute or Deeper Meaning? - PC World

SPACE.com -- It's Official: Water Found on the Moon

Carbon Trade Swindle Behind Gore Hoax

YouTube - Sheriff Mack - Leader - Sheriff's Begin Revolt Against Federal Authority

EclippTV :: Video :: Greenpeace Leader Admits Arctic Ice Exaggeration

World Of Technology: 15 biggest Wikipedia blunders

The Shocking Video Hillary Does NOT Want You To See! (1of2) - Clipta Video Search

The Shocking Video Hillary Does NOT Want You To See! (2of2) - Clipta Video Search

Shocking Video Review! Cable TV & Dish Companies Ripping You Off - Clipta Video Search

World Of Technology: Immortality only 20 years away says scientist

EclippTV :: Video :: P1 Peter Schiff - The Kudlow Report: Mr. Schiff Goes To Washington! 9/21/09

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Professor Antony Sutton: Wall Street & the rise of Hitler

Arctic Sea Ice Not Following Consensus « An Honest Climate Debate

The American Conservative -- Who’s Afraid of Sibel Edmonds?

It happened in America: Katrina's secret jail -- Signs of the Times News

*Ron Paul: Leave Government Out Of Insurance Plan : NPR

The Nits: People Who Cannot Afford to Spare a Piece of Their Minds, But Who Give Authors Selective Chunks by Gary North

NASA: A Third-World Agency by Don Cooper

The Afghan Disaster by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

*Secrets Your Dentist Doesn't Want You To Know by Joseph Mercola

Mr. No by Laurence M. Vance

Speaking Silver’s Language by Richard Daughty

Obama Kiboshes Bush’s Iranian Missile Fantasies by Eric Margolis

'Dr. Deflation' Changes His Mind After 27+ Years by Gary North

The Film Noir Moment by Jeffrey A. Tucker

Here Come the Centenarians! by Bill Sardi

One Fine Day by Michael S. Rozeff

7 Reasons to Eat More Saturated Fat by Joseph Mercola

Black Sea Wars by Patrick J. Buchanan

5 Things the Corporate Media Don't Want You to Know About Cannabis | Media and Technology | AlterNet

UN general assembly: 100 minutes in the life of Muammar Gaddafi | World news | guardian.co.uk

School Kids Brainwashed to Worship Obama

Violating Posse Comitatus: National Guard on the Streets of Kingman, Arizona

WATCH: DoJ Official Blows Cover Off PATRIOT Act


YouTube - CNN's hoax on America. REAL VIDEO PROOF!! NO BS!!!

The 5 Ballsiest Lies Ever Passed off as Journalism | Cracked.com

Chicago police scandal: Ex-cop admits lying to cover up special unit's activities -- chicagotribune.com

Washington's Blog:Former SEC Chairman Levitt: Ban SIVs

AK-47: The Ultimate Resistance Rifle » Nationalist Coalition Blog

Feinstein's 'Pearl Harbor' for California Farmers

High Holiday Chutzpah at the White House

Andersen Book Blows Ayers' Cover on 'Dreams'

How to install a Marxist dictator

Terror plot investigation continues to mushroom

Bolton: We welcome our Post-American President

Health care reform battleground moves to Medicare

Obama rebuffed by trade court on Chinese tire tariffs

Shock video: Schoolchildren indoctrinated to praise Obama

Obama's UN Speech

The Soros-Axelrod Axis?

The blessings of Pax Americana, the good cop

And the Winner Is ... Moammar

'Our Time has Come' Or Has It?

Obama and ACORN

The Public Option for Dummy Talk-Show Hosts

More Regulation Not the Answer for Wall Street

When Did Anti-Zionism Become An International Issue?

Small Business Owners Sound Off on Health Care Reform

ACORN and the AGs

The Dawning of the Age of Obama

White Racism Forever

The Catholic Bishops and ACORN

Medicaid Expansion: Budget-Busting Reform

An Unwelcome Message for Obama

Obama and Health Care: a Pinocchio Tale

Obama's Elusive Auto Insurance Analogy

Two Tweaks to the Constitution

Pelosi's Pretense

Irving Kristol and Conservatism's Future

Apostasy and the Islamic Nations

Racists Anonymous: The 12-Step Program for White Redemption

New Government Policy Imposes Strict Standards on Garage Sales Nationwide - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Our war-loving Foreign Policy Community hasn't gone anywhere - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Jim Rogers: I will sell all US Dollars

The politician who cannot tell a lie - Telegraph Blogs

How cooking helped us to evolve - Times Online

U.S. business group warns of swine flu absenteeism | Reuters

At least with traffic, fewer rules make for better behavior

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Pittsburgh National Guard Prepare For Crowd Control Duties

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Czech President Slams New World Order At UN Speech

Gadhafi talks of U.N. 'inequality,' conspiracies at U.N. debut - CNN.com

U.S. charges Obama fund-raiser in $290 million fraud | Reuters

ACORN Chief Dodges Congressman's Call to Come Before Congress - Political News - FOXNews.com

CNSNews.com - Arab Who Vowed to Burn Israeli Books Still Leads Race to Head U.N. Culture Agency

On-the-air prez seems like endless 'infomercial'

China says military arsenal comparable with West

A Secret White House Power Grab Is In Full Swing - FOXNews.com

Prez comes across as a gullible sap

Massive police raid targets brutal L.A. gang -- latimes.com

'Diversity czar' takes heat over remarks - Washington Times

The rules murdering our troops

The Godfather: 'Nobody enjoyed one day of it’ - Telegraph

Savage launches petition to remove U.K. ban

BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Baroness's housekeeper arrested

They're torturing me, Honduras' Manuel Zelaya claims - Honduras - MiamiHerald.com


**Politics ;Video - Sens. Kyl, Baucus Spar During Health Care Debate

Mass. Gov. Patrick Names Paul Kirk As Kennedy Replacement

Sen. Rockefeller: Insurance Industry Is "Running Certain People"

New Book On "Barack And Michelle" Obama

Sen. Sherrod Brown On Health Care Progress

Coulter: Gov't Health Care Will Be The End Of The GOP

O'Reilly, Barney Frank Face Off Over ACORN

NY Gov's Wife: Obama "Should Stay Out Of New York Politics"

Rachel Maddow: GOP Senators "Losing It" On Health Reform

Watch Live: President Obama Addresses United Nations

Michael Moore: Capitalism Is "Legalized Greed"

O'Reilly: Investigating ACORN And Its Watchdogs

Palin Touts "Main Street, U.S.A." In Hong Kong Speech

Sen. Inhofe Says He Is A "One-Man Truth Squad" On Climate Change

Obama Calls For A "New Era Of Engagement"

Axelrod On Health Care, Afghanistan & UN

Rep. Steve King: Same Sex Marriage Part Of Push For Socialism

Gov. Paterson's Wife: Obama Is Being "Unfair"

Bolton: Obama's UN Speech Was "Unpresidential"

Newt Gingrich On What Is "Rude" In Politics

Rep. Paul Ryan On Failure Of Health Care

O'Reilly: Is There A Crisis In Afghanistan?

Rachel Maddow Goes After "Neo-Condi Rice"

Netanyahu: U.S. A "Terrific Friend"

Gov. Paterson "Concerned" About Democratic Party

Obama: "We Have Had Too Little Government"

Nadler Promised ACORN Hearings "If Any Credible Allegations"

Carville On Obama's Sunday Show Blitz

Burr: "Grave Mistake" To Use Reconciliation

Obama Addresses The United Nations On Climate Change

Sen. Stabenow On Fees In Health Bill: "You Could Call That A Tax"

Tom DeLay On "Dancing With The Stars"

Beck: McCain Would Have Been Worse Than Obama

Rep. Hoekstra Sounds Off On Continuing CIA Probe

Bill Clinton On "Larry King Live"

Rachel Maddow: From Fear To Eternity On Health Reform

Obama: "I Was Actually Black Before the Election"

O'Reilly: President Obama, The Sunday Morning Guy

Obama: "I Didn't Know Acorn Was Getting A Lot Of Federal Money"

Sen. Barrasso: Baucus' Bill Loaded With "Gimmicks"

Liberal Group Urges Snowe To Back Gov't-Run Health Insurance

Durbin: Collins, Snowe Potential GOP Votes For Health Care

Krauthammer: Obama "Does Not Know What to Do"

Obama On Education, Economy & Technology

Ann Coulter: "The Democratic Party Is Racist"

Ex-Aide: Edwards Fathered Mistress' Child

Rangel: NYT Trying To Cause "Division" Between Obama And Paterson

Markets /Video:Is a Top Coming in U.S. Treasury Bonds?

The Two Most Dangerous ETFs?

Peter Schiff Talks Dollar, Gold, Economics, Politics

Michael Moore: A New Economic Order?

Roche: Nothing to Sneeze At

Roche: A Toilet Shaped Recovery?

The Most Depressing Thing in America

Roubini: Is The Dollar Safe?

Recovery Debate: Gary Shilling Vs. Brian Wesbury

Quick to Anger in a Recession

'We Are in an Economic Disneyland': Daley

Does Oil Pose a Risk to Stocks?

What Now as Dow Nears 10,000 Again?

An Eye on Quants & High Frequency Trading

Currency Traders Rising As Dollar Falls

Gross: 'Barney Fife' Stock Market Is Ready For a Pullback

U.S. Week Ahead: Housing, G20, Dow 10,000

A Reluctant Stock Rally?

The Run's Not Over for Gold

RBS Tries to Avoid More Bailouts

*World - Video ; Dmitry Medvedev Addresses UN

Ahmadinejad Addresses the UN

McChrystal Seeks More U.S. Troops for Afghanistan

The G-20 Must Lead

Obama to Address U.N.

Climate Change Taking Its Toll in Australia

Obama Urges Action to Combat Climate Change

Scant Hope from U.S.-Israeli-Palestinian Talks

Developing Africa

River Ganges' Future Under Threat

Zelaya's Return to Honduras Prompts Curfew

Zelaya Secretly Returns to Honduras

France Bulldozes Migrant Camp

G-20 Protesters Camp Out in Pittsburgh

Fareed Zakaria Interviews Dmitry Medvedev

Russia: Only a Shared Shield Possible

French Ex-PM on Trial for Slander


*Transcripts & Speeches: Responsibility for Our Common Future

Tackling Climate Change

How Canada Survived the Recession

Remarks in Advance of UN General Assembly

Obama's Speech to the United Nations General Assembly

Obama's Remarks on Netanyahu/Abbas Meeting

Interview with Prime Minister Netanyahu

Interview with Senator Ron Wyden

Interview with Senator Charles Grassley

Obama's Speech at the U.N. Climate Change Summit

Interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Roundtable on Obama & Afghanistan

Interview with Afghan President Hamid Karzai

Interview with Fmr. President Bill Clinton

Innovation and Sustainable Growth

Senators Sanders & Hutchison Debate Afghanistan

Rep. Hoekstra on Obama Standing By the CIA Probe

Interviews with President Obama & Sen. McConnell

Interviews with President Obama and Leader Boehner

Interviews with President Obama & Michael Steele

Interviews with President Obama

CEO of ACORN and Rep. Issa Debate

Brooks and Marcus on the Week in Politics

Obama's Remarks on Missile Defense Shift

Secretary Gates & Gen. Cartwright on Missile Defense


Obama Vs The Generals? | The New Republic

Time for Some Hard Choices on Health Reform - US News and World Report

Five Health Care Promises Obama Won't Keep - CBS News

Big Government » Blog Archive » ACORN, Kanye West and the Hierarchy of Multiculturalism

Why Do People Say Such Ugly Things About Barack Obama? -- New York Magazine

Kausfiles : It's Not That He's Black. It's That He's An Enigma.

Blago Speaks. Again.

Gordon Brown's Copenhagen Climate Plan | Newsweek Newsweek Green Rankings | Newsweek.com

How Bill Got His Mojo Back - The Daily Beast

A D.C. whodunit: Who leaked and why? - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

What did Hank know and when did he know it?

RealClearWorld - Why Everyone Is Saying 'No' to Obama

RealClearPolitics - Big Deficits in Baucus Health Care Plan

Intellectual conservatism, RIP | Salon

William McGurn: When Speechwriters Kiss and Tell - WSJ.com

Is President Obama Wobbling on Afghan Counterinsurgency? - washingtonpost.com

Internet Providers Push Back Against 'Net Neutrality' Proposal - WSJ.com

House likely to pass measure to extend unemployment benefits - TheHill.com

Another view: Limit U.S. combat troops - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Leslie H. Gelb: Obama’s Befuddling Afghan Policy - WSJ.com

Job One | The New Republic

Op-Ed Columnist - The Hard and Bitter Truth - NYTimes.com

Orszag Sees Health Law in Six Weeks, Praises Baucus - Bloomberg.com

Dana Milbank - Washington Sketch: On Health Care, Republicans Aren't Listening - washingtonpost.com

Why doctors hate BamCare

Carl J. Schramm: Join the Entrepreneurs' Movement That Launches Today: A "Cause" for our Economy

How I Became A Keynesian | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Reporters Should Be Upfront About Political Beliefs

RealClearPolitics - The Democratic Party is Playing With Fire

Thomas Frank: Liberals and Civility - WSJ.com

Is The GOP Overreaching On Health Care? | The New Republic

Op-Ed Columnist - Cracks in Iran’s Clique - NYTimes.com

The Vietnamization of Afghanistan | The American Prospect

The Internet's New Enforcer: The FCC chairman appoints himself top cop on the World Wide Web. - Reason Magazine

Copenhagen Climate Talks: Why They May Fail | Newsweek Voices - Sharon Begley | Newsweek.com

RealClearPolitics - Capitalism Is Not The Problem

Climate change and the UN: Nice words | The Economist

Editorial: More troops needed in Afghanistan?

EDITORIAL: Worst foreign policy ever - Washington Times

The UN loves Barack Obama because he is weak - Telegraph

Obama to usher in new age of co-operation with UN | World news | guardian.co.uk

The Global Financial Crisis Is Not Over

Squeeze From The Right For House Republicans

New poll: Democrat lead over GOP is smallest in five years; doubts about Obama continue to grow | Washington Examiner

Palin, in Hong Kong, Criticizes Obama's Policies - WSJ.com

Obama Administration Pushing for Regulatory Reform on Many Fronts - washingtonpost.com

For CBC, the joy is tempered by worry - John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com

Obama the un-Bush woos the UN | Michael Tomasky | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

RealClearPolitics - Lots of People Love Obama, But Does Anyone in the World Really Fear Him?

Obama's Foreign Policy Needs a Domestic Boost - TIME

Karl Rove: The President Risks Getting Stale - WSJ.com

It's time for Obama to take off the kid gloves -- latimes.com

ObamaCare's Calculated Deception - Forbes.com

Independents desert Obama, putting 2010 in play | Washington Examiner

Sometimes it takes an outsider like Andrew Breitbart to show the press corps the way. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine

ACORN fights back - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - The Partisan Industrial Complex

Editorial - What Mr. Obama Said, and Didn’t Say - NYTimes.com

The naif-in-chief

Bankers' bonuses: Fed should rein in compensation that promotes unacceptable risks | Editorial | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Dem campaign anxiety: Vulnerables say they lack cover from Pelosi - TheHill.com

Obama to Use Current Law to Support Detentions - NYTimes.com

Democrats Soften Financial Bill - WSJ.com

Counting On A Shorter Form To Improve Census Tally

Once again, Americans are smarter than the media - Joan Walsh - Salon.com

How Our Government Secures the Unsecurable.

CO2 Turns Out To Be a Savior

On the wrong side of history.

Sarah Palin: A candidate for libertarians?

The Economics of Government Health Care

Why A New Libertarian Political Party Is Needed...

Peter Schiff for U.S. Senate

Election 2010: Rage, not race - TheHill.com

Black Sea wars

Austria in the '30s: Mirror to America

The 200-year smearing of 1 of our greatest presidents

Machiavelli would be proud

Obama's treachery in Eastern Europe

How much mercy for unemployed tenant?

How to be an underdog and win

A casino coming to your neighborhood?

We've come undone

Baffler in chief

Don't tread on me!

The great cost of doing nothing

You got that right

Baucus' cheaper Trojan horse

Bernanke's 'Essays'

Bill Ayers is back!

Brzezinksi is stark, raving bonkers

ACORN defines Obama

What's this? Obama supports WND?

Socialist euphemisms

Health bill's deadly fine print

Americans: iPhone-toting barbarians

Running the numbers on spreading the wealth

Barack Obama: The black Jimmy Carter

What I know about ACORN, the SEIU and Obama

A libertarian at Fox

Rutherford Institute: Brushfire of liberty

Michael Moore's latest propaganda

Holdren: Sterilize welfare recipients

Candidate runs for governor on Constitution

Holdren says Constitution backs compulsory abortion

Obama science chief: Abortion can save planet

'Obama to make illegals eligible for health care'

Muslim leaders challenged to repudiate terror

Ahmadinejad served in torture lawsuit

Ahmadinejad's U.N. visit to include summons for lawsuit?

Book confirms: Ayers wrote Obama's book

Charles Manson and Lehman Brothers

Jimmy Carter's new twist on Old South race baiting

Author confirms Bill Ayers helped Obama write 'Dreams'

Holdren: Sterilize welfare recipients

*Who wrote 'Dreams From My Father'?

*The complete story about 'Dreams from My Father'

Ayers questioned about 'Dreams' collaboration

Book confirms: Ayers wrote Obama's book

Bill Ayers is back!

White House Pulls Guest from CNN over New Obama Book - mediabistro.com: TVNewser

Sunstein: Force broadcasters to air 'diversity' ads

Diversity boss: Whites must 'step down'

Administration backs off NEA call - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Terror charges: Plot in ‘urgent’ stage - Security- msnbc.com

U.N. OKs resolution to rid world of nukes - United Nations- msnbc.com

Ahmadinejad's U.N. visit to include summons for lawsuit?

Moammar Khadafy's tent on Donald Trump's Bedford lawn removed after officials say it violated town codes

U.N. blinks: Allows journalist to cover meetings

Zelaya return throws wrench in Honduran talks

Stung! Undercover celeb exposes Obama fiasco

Mayor loses it explaining police no-chase policy

Did Obama call on Israel to vacate Temple Mount?

Obama working against Israel on Capitol Hill?

Netanyahu Ripped for Bowed Head, Lauded for 'Standing Firm' - Politics & Government - Israel News - Israel National News

Obama Orders Israel to 'End the Occupation' - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Ketzaleh: Netanyahu Against Jews - Politics & Government - Israel News - Israel National News

Russia says it will join sanctions against Iran - Times Online

'Welfare' for nation's crumbling newspapers

Exposed: The scientific impossibility of evolution

IRS severs ties with ACORN over scandal

Frank turns against ACORN - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

ACORN files suit against filmmakers - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

How the ACORN 'pimp and hooker' videos came to be - washingtonpost.com

Eric Cantor: Nancy Pelosi is 'in another world' - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Kirk named to Kennedy's Senate seat - Washington Times

Rallies catch fire against Obama's 'Minion Media'

Islamic rally on Capitol clouded by organizer's terror ties

The Army's first plastic bridge

CAIR branch boasts of getting DVD censored

School warns parents about Bible giveaway

Teacher Stabbed to Death at School

Different discipline for kids based on their race

Declaration of Independence gets PC revision for kids


*World Net Daily Player:U.N. haven for 'bizarre' cast of characters

World Net Daily Player:West leaving 'dirty work' to Israel

World Net Daily Player:6,000 schools embrace climate-change agenda

World Net Daily Player:GOP's King: Same-sex marriage 'purely socialist concept'

World Net Daily Player:Abortion subsidies in Baucus bill


ABC Notices Obama Administration's Effort to Suppress Criticism of ObamaCare | NewsBusters.org

Ron Paul-inspired candidates make impact - Josh Kraushaar - POLITICO.com

Accused of being racist, the nine-year-old boy who aimed his fingers at a Polish pal and said: 'Let's shoot Germans' | Mail Online

Animal-cruelty charges dropped against Burlington County cop | Philadelphia Daily News | 09/24/2009

EXCLUSIVE: Congress flew tattered, neglected flags - Washington Times

How we all miss the Shah

New Light on the Plight of Winter Babies - WSJ.com

CNSNews.com - Obama Will Spend More on Welfare in the Next Year Than Bush Spent on Entire Iraq War, Study Reveals

Holy Temple Mikveh Discovered Near Western Wall - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

Moses' Seat

Woman dies at 99, leaves behind 1,400 descendents - Israel News, Ynetnews

What I know about ACORN, the SEIU and Obama

O's narcissism on display at U.N.

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 5

The letter Joe Wilson should write

Supporting democracy – only when it suits us

Not just gov't that can be tyrannical

Hey, hey! Ho, ho! Commie pinkos have to go!

A libertarian at Fox

The Art of Corruption by Andrew Klavan, City Journal 21 September 2009

Liberals and Civility: Why Democrats Should Welcome a Rough Debate | CommonDreams.org


*Jackie Mason:ACORN: Degrading and disgusting


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

New case to demand evidence of Hawaiian birth


*American Minute for September 24th:William J Federer's American Minute*

American Minute for September 23rd:William J Federer's American Minute

American Minute for September 22nd:William J Federer's American Minute


NBC/WSJ Poll: Americans feel that President Obama is not overexposed

ACORN Files Suit Against Conserative 'Pimp' - And May Give Us A Look At His Funding

"Hong Kong" Palin vs. "Katie Couric" Palin

Rachel Maddow Show: FBI Investigating Hanging Death of U.S. Census Worker

The Washington Post bows down to Conservatives!

Tom Carper Openly Defends Rotten Big Pharma Deal In Senate Finance Committee

Report: Women Are Skipping Birth Control Pills To Save Money in This Recession

The Queen of 'Reasonable' Republicans Commands: No Public Option for You!

Won't Someone Think Of The Poor Health Insurance Companies?!?!?!

Jack Cafferty- When Tom DeLay Goes to Prison They Can Show His Dancing to the General Inmate Population

Flip-floppin' Chuck Grassley: For Mandates Before He Was Against Them.

Stephen Moore Claims He's Never Seen Any Guns or Swastikas at the Tea Bag Protests

Disturbing Obama Praise By Children

Barack Obama’s churlishness is unforgivable - Telegraph Blogs

Jewish Groups - Churches Must Hire Homosexuals

Britain walks out of Iran's Ahmadinejad's anti-Semitic speech at UN - Telegraph

More than 1,000 police raid homes of notorious Los Angeles gang | World news | The Guardian

Euro project to arrest us for what they think we will do • The Register

£6 broadband tax to be made law before election, minister says | Technology | guardian.co.uk

Home Office stonewalls ID findings • The Register

Metal detector enthusiast unearths huge hoard of Anglo-Saxon gold - Times Online

Project Censored Releases Their 2010 List Of 25 Stories You Should Know, But Won't Hear From Mainstream Media

Karl Rove adamantly denies health-care debate is connected to race. But the numbers suggest otherwise

Here Comes the Olympia Snowe Trigger!

Glenn Beck Sorry for "The Way It Was Phrased" When Asked About His "Obama is a Racist" Comment

Recycled Lies from the Yes on 1 Campaign in Maine

Brain Bleach Alert: Tom DeLay shakes his bootay to "Wild Thing"

Evangelist Kirk Cameron Plans To Distribute Darwin's Origin Of The Species With Creationist Introduction

Rachel Maddow: Blue Dog Mike Ross Pocketed Over $1 Million from Pharmacy Chain USA Drug

Good! Pelosi Nixes Agreement With Blue Dogs, Pegs Public Option to Medicare

Dropping Lou Dobbs: Unrepentant wingnuttery means CNN needs to choose between its credibility and its pride

Michael Moore Smears Chris Dodd

Joe Scarborough agrees: Glenn Beck is bad news for the conservative movement

Chris Wallace has become Mr. Irrelevant

Max Blumenthal goes toe-to-toe with Morning Joe about the spread of far-right wingnuttery

The Rachel Maddow Show: The Sorry State of South Carolina

The stupidity of Bobby Jindal: UPDATED

Tom Coburn's chief of staff warns Values Voters: Porn makes you queer! Tell your kids!

Billions for Banker Bonuses, While Our National Arts Treasures Fight For Survival.

Blue America's new Afghanistan action on war funding: 'No Means No!'

O'Reilly and Goldberg agree: Obama playing at Fox's level is 'immature'

The Resurrection of Tom Delay

Progressives Press Pelosi To Persevere With the Public Option, Dump The Blue Dogs

Lanny Davis: Jimmy Carter Really Shamefully Contributed to What We Would Call In-Civil Dialogue Here

Digby places 5th in National Journal's poll on 'who influences'

Repealing Just One Special-Interest Tax Break Would Pay for Healthcare Reform. Guess Which One.

For upbeat piece, Fox News converts uber-liberal Jim McDermott into a Republican

Chris Wallace Suggests Hit Job Done on ACORN by Conservative Film Maker Means They Haven't Cleaned Up Their Act

The Missile Defense Debate In Maps

George Will: What we’re hearing is the liberals’ McCarthyism, which is, when in doubt, blame people for racism.

Why The Baucus Bill Makes Insurance Companies So Happy

Peggy Noonan: The "Young Man" is Boorish

David Brooks: The problem for Republicans is that race-baiters like Limbaugh and Beck own them

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama Worship School Video: You Saw It Here First

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul: More Government Won’t Help

McChrystal Asks For More Troops; Obama Mulling Over Options

John Boehner Claims He Never Called President Obama a Socialist

A lame attempt by Kurtz to cover the racism that is fueling the opposition to President Obama


*09/23 The Mark Levin Show

*09/22 The Mark Levin Show

*09/21 The Mark Levin Show

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 17th With Shooter Jennings

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 21st With Leonard Horowitz

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 22nd With Len Horowitz Part 2

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 23rd With Dr. Stan Monteith


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