"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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11 September 2009

911* (click here)


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » EU MP: U.S. Government Lied About 9/11

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 9/11 Commission Members Doubt Official Story

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 9/11 Truth Cannot Be Stopped

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 9/11 Truth Signatories Stand By Call For New Investigation

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » O’Reilly, You’re the Pinhead!

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Able Danger and DIA had advanced knowledge of 9/11

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Hannity Attacks Charlie Sheen Over Video Message To Obama

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 9/11 survivor: there was an explosion prior to plane’s impact

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Kucinich Responds to Obama’s Address to Congress: Windfall for Insurance and Pharmaceutical Companies

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Svensmark: “global warming stopped and a cooling is beginning” – “enjoy global warming while it lasts”

Putin “is considering the possibility of returning as president” - RT Top Stories

Fifty questions on 9/11

What your mint cookies purchase will now pay for…

US Girl Scouts prepare for war, pestilence - Yahoo! News

Flashback: Alex Jones Interviews Col. Donn de Grand-Pre

Giuliani pushing 9/11 Re-Education Course for Public Schools

Deseret News | Is another 9/11 set to unfold?

Asia Times Online :Fifty questions on 9/11

The Coming Consequences of Banking Fraud -- Seeking Alpha

Rabid Wolf Bites Six Near Chernobyl Nuke Plant

Iraq And Afghanistan - Two Purposeless Wars

Multiculturalism - Europeans Guillotined From Their Cultures


Taking the misery out of meat-eating? | Open thread | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Runner is a 'hermaphrodite' | The Sun |News

Children as young as five to learn about masturbation and abortion under new UN guidelines | Mail Online

This rewriting of history is spreading Europe's poison | Seumas Milne | Comment is free | The Guardian

The world's worst radiation hotspot - Europe, World - The Independent

First awesome pictures from refurbished Hubble telescope shows the universe in more detail than ever before

ALIPAC - ALIPAC Takes Issue With Obama's Lie about Health Care for illegal immigrant

Google plans cheap mirrors to reduce cost of solar energy - Telegraph

Britain and France 'feared fall of Berlin Wall' - Telegraph

FT.com / US & Canada - Obama shifts healthcare to moral ground

Mystery of UAE plane held in Calcutta with arms bound for China - Times Online

US warns Iran's nuclear programme nearing a 'dangerous' milestone - Telegraph

Iran rules out negotiations over uranium enrichment | World news | guardian.co.uk

More than half of British public against UK mission in Afghanistan - Times Online

Afghans blame troops for death of translator during rescue and leaving body - Times Online

FT.com / Asia-Pacific / Pakistan - Zardari rejects Obama’s AfPak strategy

Harriet Harman to force public bodies to discriminate against Middle Britain

Which is more important: child protection or civil liberties? - Telegraph

Police given assault warning over DNA samples taken from children | Politics | The Guardian

Faked DNA evidence torpedoes certainty | Henry Porter | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Father of DNA evidence, Sir Alec Jeffreys, calls for database to be cut - Times Online

Musicians hit out at plans to cut off internet for file sharers - Times Online

How did he do THAT? Derren Brown predicts winning lottery numbers... and he'll reveal his method on Friday | Mail Online

Musharraf's presence in London stokes unrest, says Labour peer - Times Online

The Dollar Collapses - Forbes.com

The Burning Flag Of All Nations

Planet found that defies the laws of physics - Science, News - The Independent

Twenty Minutes with the President

The Alex Jones Show: Charlie Sheen Requests Meeting With Obama Over 9/11 Cover-Up | Reuters

Alex Jones publishes fake interview of President Obama with Charlie Sheen

YouTube - How Do These People Live With Themselves?

YouTube - Saturn's Mysterious Moons

09-11-2009: Potomac security threat merely an exercise, police say

A Skull That Rewrites The History Of Man

09-10-2009: Bad Weather Forces Space Shuttle To Try Landing On 9/11

09-10-2009: Studies: One dose of swine flu vaccine works

09-10-2009: Number of poor in US climbs to 39.8 mln: Census Bureau

09-10-2009: Millions Of Foreclosures To Come

09-10-2009: ID Cards A New Layer Of Compulsion

09-10-2009: A year after financial crisis, a new world order emerges

09-10-2009: Museum Scours World For New Videos Of 9/11 Attacks

TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT: Ground Broken On Future Home Of Department Of Homeland Security On 9/9/09 - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT: VeriChip Buys Steel Vault Corporation Plans To Change Name To PositiveID - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

FBI Whistleblower: Hastert, Burton, Blunt, Other Members of Congress 'Bribed, Blackmailed'

Cheap Public Relations Stunt By Alex Jones Discredits The Entire Alternative Media

U.S. Alone Responsible 68.4% of Global Arms Sales

Historic Errors Made In 9/11 Aftermath

Treason, Betrayal and Deceit: 9/11 and Beyond

Robert Morgenthau's Black Propaganda

Reviewing President Rahm Emanuel's Health Care Speech

Obama Tries On The Uniform

Whose Economic Recovery?

If You Think Corporations Run The Government Now…

Kucinich Responds to Obama's Address: "Private Insurance Companies Will Get 30,000,000 New Customers, Mandated"

Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama

Obama Won't Give Federal Insurance Benefits to Illegal Aliens, He'll Make Them Legal First

CNN's Polling Before and After Obama Speech Skewed Democratic

"To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell

World Uprising the antidote to the New World Order

Web-monitoring software gathers data on kid chats

US Girl Scouts prepare for war, pestilence

The Curriculum of Necessity or What Must an Educated Person Know?

Breaking Down the Lies and Propaganda in Obama's Speech to our Children

The Educational System Was Designed to Keep Us Uneducated and Docile

Turning 9/11 Realities Upside Down: When the "Big Lie" becomes the "Truth"

Dead or Alive? Osama bin Laden: A Marketing Tool for US-NATO Military Operations

Who was Osama bin Laden?

Audio:The Truth behind 9/11

Derivatives Collapse and the China Gold and Silver Markets

A Fresh Approach in Afghanistan: An End to War?

How to Restore Truth in Media Reporting?

911: Reasons Why 9/11 could have been an "Inside Job"

Wave of Unemployment in the U.S.: What to Expect, What to Do

Dick Cheney Still Threatens Our Democracy

Latin America and the End of Social Liberalism

Health Care is a Civil Right

"Undoing the Imperial Presidency"

Obama and Workers' Rights in America

Able Danger and DIA had advanced knowledge of 9/11

The ‘Axis of Evil’ and the ‘Great Satan’

Hanford’s B Reactor: A tour of the world’s most toxic nuclear site

We’ve become our own predators

Charlie Sheen Demands Obama Reopen 9/11 Investigation In Video Message

video:Tim Hawkins - The Government Can

Obama to seal US-UN relationship

Google 'evangelist' sees web, brain implant link

Where tech and philosophy collide

Top 10 Reasons for a New 9/11 Investigation

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe

Editor in C hief of Open Chemical Physics Journal Resigns After Controversial Article on 9/11

Rumsfeld Says $2.3 TRILLION Went Missing from the Pentagon in the Period Leading U p to 9/11/2001

Former High-Ranking Intelligence Officer: Cheney Responsible for 9/11

The Challenge of Preparing for Instability in North Korea

informationliberation - 80,000 New Yorkers demand a new investigation into 9/11

Shenandoah » Obamarket Updates for 9/8 and uh, oh 9/9/9 the date of DESTINY!!!

ID cards: A new layer of compulsion | Henry Porter | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

An Insider’s Guide to the Large Hadron Collider | Wired Science | Wired.com

Green Shoots and White Lies: The Verbal Pandemic That Saved the Experts by Lila Rajiva

One Sure Way To Profit From Obamacare by Don Cooper

Faber Says ‘High’ U.S. Deficit Will Spur Inflation - Bloomberg.com

A Consumer Economy at a Standstill by Bill Bonner

The Stockholm Syndrome For States by Russell D. Longcore

Greeks Falling Out of Their Trojan Horse by Vin Suprynowicz

Only on Planet Coulter: Republicans' gutting of regulatory oversight in Madoff case proves it doesn't work

The Bad Medicine of the Republican Doctors

David Axelrod was stunned when Bill O'Reilly tells him the Feds should override states rights on health care

Countdown: Special Comment About the Shout of "You Lie"

What They Did Was Try & Find Out The Names Of Those Who Illegally Tortured People!

CQ Politics Runs Cover For Rep. Joe Wilson - Outburst Possibly Caused By Stress Of Having Sons In The Military

John Stossel Heading Home Where He Belongs - Fox News!

Lynn Woolsey: The 'public option is still on the table'

Rep. Weiner: Without The Public Option, The Bill Won't Pass

The Rachel Maddow Show: Barney Frank on Compromising With Republicans

Obama heckler Joe Wilson a member of neo-Confederate SCV, fought to keep Dixie flag flying in South Carolina

Unbelievable! Tea Party Bus Sponsor's Negligence Killed 23 Seniors In Fire, Blames Federal Government.

Rep. Cantor Plays Close Attention During Obama's Speech---To His Blackberry

Home Run! CNN/ORC Poll: 14-Point Jump In Health-Care Reform Support Among Viewers

Facts Have A Liberal Bias: Illegal Immigrants Not Covered By Health Care Reform. Looking Foolish, Rep. Joe Wilson?

NBC calls the public option a "fetish"

Did You Wonder Why 'Lord' Boustany Gave The Republican Rebuttal? Maybe Because He's Been Sued For Malpractice So Many Times.

Staying Classy the GOP Way: Cong. Joe Wilson Yells Out "You Lie!" During Obama's Speech

Debbie Schlussel : Who is Haitham Masri? Schlussel Defeats Another Muslim Free Speech Enemy in Court

Debbie Schlussel : HILARIOUS: Video Cliff’s Notes of ObamaCare Speech

Debbie Schlussel : How AP, Muslims Exploited Death of Marine Joshua Bernard

Debbie Schlussel : Who Are Hannan Lis & Tim Attalla?: Jewish Natl Fund VP Raises $s for Indicted Islamic Terrorism Supporter, Shaare Zedek Hospital Honors Him; Weight Watchers = Terrorism

Debbie Schlussel : “You White People”: When Will Black America Speak Out Against Black-on-White Violence?

Debbie Schlussel : On Megrahi Release, Follow the $: Scottish Judge’s Bro Has Biz in Libya; UK Suddenly Backs IRA Victims Suit Against Libya

Eight Years After Terror Attacks, Threat Remains Real and Evolving

After 9/11 Attacks, Obama Wrote of Need to Understand ‘the Sources of Such Madness’

Support for Suicide Bombings and Bin Laden Still High Among Some Muslims

Pro-Life Congressmen and Planned Parenthood Agree: Health Care Bill Funds Abortion

Pelosi: We'll ‘Squeeze’ Medicare to Pay for Health Care Bill

Conservative Pollster Defends CNN Poll on Audience Perception of Obama Speech

Despite Recession and Rising Unemployment, Rate of Uninsured Did Not Increase, Says Census Bureau Data

David Axelrod Says He Hopes U.S. Catholic Bishops Will Realize Obama’s Claim That the Health Care Bill Doesn’t Fund Abortion is ‘Accurate’

David Axelrod Says Obama Would Not Rule Out Using ‘Reconciliation’ to Ram Health-Care Reform Through Senate

Obama’s Speech Prompts Ten Questions from Republicans

Health Negotiators Consider Medical Malpractice Changes

Democratic Support for Afghan War Is Waning

Obama Won’t Give Federal Insurance Benefits to Illegal Aliens, He’ll Make Them Legal First

Lacking Federal Manpower, Gov. Perry Sends Texas Rangers to Texas-Mexico Border

Biden Quietly Reassures Liberals That Administration Strongly Supports A Public Option

Sept. 11 Training Exercise Sparks Confusion in D.C.

Ex-Managers: Security Firm Cut Corners at Embassy

Did Drug-Resistant Swine Flu Spread Between Teens?

Arctic Exploration Finds Large Underwater Mountain

Democrats Struggling to Produce A Passable Health Care Reform Bill

Diagnosing Vitamin B12 Deficiency: What Doctors are Missing

Use Natural Remedies for the Common Cold

Poverty hits 1 in 8 Americans - Washington Times

President Obama extends 9/11 national emergency (September 10, 2009)

Raw Story » ‘Leading architect’ of Bush surveillance quietly appointed to declassification board

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 9/11 Truth Signatories Stand By Call For New Investigation

911 Reason why 9/11 was (probably) an inside job. Part II. The Pentagon Crash - RT Top Stories

David Miliband: MI6 investigated for torture - Telegraph

FDA Approves "Emergency Rules" for Mass Medication of Population with Anti-Viral Drugs

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente Interview with Goldseek Radio 9/5/09 1 of 2

EclippTV :: Video :: Gold-The Dollar-China-Trade-Deficit-Savings

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Manny Badillo on Alex Jones Tv:New York Allows Petition for 9/11 Investigation to Go Forward

Life Sentence for Taiwan Ex-President - NYTimes.com


Turning 9/11 Realities Upside Down: When the "Big Lie" becomes the "Truth"

9/11: Our Truth, and Theirs by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

How Much Did Cash-for-Clunkers Boost Auto Sales? « Donald Marron

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Rep. Wilson is Right – Government Will Provide Obamacare to Illegals

Bloodsuckers in Blue « LewRockwell.com Blog

Kids Being Grabbed Out Of Refugee Camps.....

What Role Did the U.S.-Israeli Relationship Play in 9-11? : Criminal State

OpEdNews - Article: Day of Infamy, Day of Anomaly: September 11, 2001

OpEdNews - Article: Real, Surreal and Beyond Coincidence: This Day in History, September 11

9/11 Truth: Thermite & The Case for Controlled Demolition on Yahoo! Video

*FM 5-250: Explosives And Demolitions Manual

The 9/11 USAF Stand Down

9/11 ~~ THE HIDDEN FACTS « Desertpeace

Video Evidence of an Explosion at the Base of WTC 1

The Pentagon Renovations Completed on 9/11/2001

Human Rights Watch investigator accused of collecting Nazi memorabilia | World news | guardian.co.uk

Eight years after 9/11 Taliban now have a permanent presence in 80% of Afghanistan - International Council on Security and Development

Asia Times Online :Fifty questions on 9/11

Pelosi: Little Support for Sending More U.S. Troops to Afghanistan

The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing

WCBS NEWSRADIO 880 - 9/11 Local Paper Headlines, Appropriate?

Washington's Blog:Richard Clarke: "A Lot of the Cases After 9/11 Were Manufactured or Enormously Exaggerated and Were Announced with Great Trumpets by the" Government

Flight 77 Hijacker Hani Hanjour - 9/11 Pilot Extraordinaire

EclippTV :: Video :: Cass Sunstein - Pres Obama's Regulatory Czar - views on 2nd Amendment

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Marc Faber on Gold Seek Radio Nugget 09-09-09

SEC contrite about missing Madoff, vows reforms | Deals | Regulatory News | Reuters

Madoff recorded coaching witness to outsmart SEC

A Buddhist’s Perspective: Discussion of America’s battles raises question: ‘Is there a good war or a bad war?’ - Mauinews.com | News, Sports, Jobs, Visitor's Information - The Maui News

Flight 93 - Proof of 9/11 Lies by the US Government and Media

How Did Human Remains End Up Miles From Flight 93's Crash Site?


Bush Caught in a Lie About the 9/11 WTC Attacks


The FBI Allowed the 1993 WTC Bombing to Happen

Muslims Suspend Laws of Physics, Part I

9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

The BBC's 'WTC 7 Collapsed At 4:54 p.m.' Videos

*9/11 News Videos Reporting WTC Explosions

Does Obama Face a 2012 Challenge In His Own Party? - Rasmussen Reports™

9/11 Videos - The Controlled Collapse of WTC 7

Conspiracy theory or hidden truth? The 9/11 enigmas...

How Many Dead Non-White Civilians Does It Take for the U.S. to Notice? Putting the Kunduz Massacre in Context

Betraying our dead

Mobiles, computers making teens ‘dumb’ - Health - Health & Fitness - LIFE & STYLE - The Times of India

Edwin Ramos won't face death penalty

BBC NEWS | Special Reports | Afghanistan's 'weekend jihadis'

Cuban court upholds 2-year sentence for protester

Anti-abortion activist shot in front of Owosso High School - MLive.com

Mt. Obama eruption

Ex-Morgan Stanley Banker Convicted of Insider Trading - Bloomberg.com

Obama, administration officials pay tribute to 9/11 victims -- latimes.com

YouTube - New York remembers 9/11 victims

Anti-Abortion Activist Gunned Down Outside Michigan High School - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Note left by body may point to killer of British diplomat in Jamaica - Telegraph

The Associated Press: Medvedev laments Russia's democracy, economy

AFP: Berlusconi's daughter denounces 'disgraceful' attacks on father

Top Democrats in Congress soften on public option - CNN.com

YouTube - Pelosi Slams Rep. Wilson

The Associated Press: Sept. 11 galvanizes US troops in Afghanistan

Freed British journalist 'ignored advice by travelling to Taliban area' | World news | guardian.co.uk

Lebanon's Hezbollah attacks Hariri government move | International | Reuters

Still No Money for Developing Nations, New G-20 Documents Show - NYTimes.com

Commentary: Where's Osama bin Laden? - CNN.com

Pakistan Says It Has Seized Taliban Spokesman - NYTimes.com

Life Sentence for Taiwan Ex-President - NYTimes.com

Rockets Fired From Lebanon Hit Israel - NYTimes.com

VOA News - Britain Deeply Concerned About Afghan Election Fraud Allegations

EU foreign policy chief seeks urgent Iran talks | International | Reuters

The Associated Press: Obamas lays wreath at Pentagon to observe 9/11

In Heckler’s District, Support for the Outburst - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Wilson Claims Double Standard

'Intense' search for missing Yale student, set to wed on LI

Second Opinion: ACORN, prostitution and tax evasion - A virtual meeting of The Sun's editorial board, where issues are discussed, opinions made - baltimoresun.com

Van Jones Draws Support From News Outlets Reluctant to Cover Controversy - Political News - FOXNews.com

Voice memories part of National September 11 Memorial & Museum

YouTube - Plans for 9/11 memorial on track

The Associated Press: This 9-11, Obama has the bullhorn on terrorism

YouTube - Obama: 'Time For Bickering Is Over'

Obama's First 9/11 As President - The Atlantic Politics Channel

President Obama Fudges Truth on Medicare - WSJ.com

The Associated Press: Train kills West Virginia man on stuck scooter

Michael Jackson Tribute Postponed, Moved To London - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Idol Discovered Ellen DeGeneres on So You Think You Can Dance - PEOPLE TV Watch

YouTube - Former Idols on Ellen Pick

The Beatles: Remasters of the universe with sizzling sales - USATODAY.com

TIME.com:Meet the New Jay, Same As the Old Jay?

President Barack Obama draws 32 million viewers with healthcare speech -- latimes.com

Coast Guard Blames Media For Potomac Mishap - wcbstv.com

Coast Guard says security incident involved 'routine training exercise' - On Deadline - USATODAY.com

CNN takes heat for Coast Guard report - Michael Calderone - POLITICO.com

Coast Guard fires on boat in Potomac River in Washington - Yahoo! News

Obama sets stage for using budget maneuver to pass health reform - TheHill.com

Details Still Lacking On Obama Proposal

White House Resists Offering Details on Financing Health Plan - Bloomberg.com

Obama to give speech on financial crisis Monday | Deals | Regulatory News | Reuters

U.S. government nervous about stimulus fraud, scams | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

Gangster may have spread HIV through sex, tattoos | tattoos, apple, through - Local News - Victorville Daily Press

Senate panel seeks end to F-22 export ban | Politics | Reuters

Is America coming apart?

9-11: The Desecration

The War on '9-11'

Eight years and many still don't get it

Why Obama Won't 'Hit the Reset Button' on Health Care

Is the US Government bankrupt?

How Obama Can Make Healthcare Better Without Congress

The enemy of my friend is my friend says Obama on Honduras

Terror-Sponsor China Awarded 9-11 Memorial Tower Contract

Best school answering machine message ever?

Conservatives behaving badly?

Beck bags another one

Obama's speech in plain English

Dems decry Wilson outburst - then close illegal's loophole in bill

The predictable outcome of electing an economic dunderhead president

Ahmadinejad left off the guest list for Obama's UN reception

Palin responds to Obama

Down the memory hole: Democrat poor manners during presidential speeches

Inexperience and Obama's latest Foibles

Obama Inconsistent on Competition

Obama only talks the talk

Obama's 'Gift' Has Stopped Giving

Obama and the Plight of the Dancing Masquerade

Who is the 'we' who 'spend too much' on elder care?

Give Me Liberty... or Give Me Health Care?

The Power and Importance of New Media

Green Termites

Barack Ozymandias

Obama's Dog of a Health Care Message

ObamaCare: More Point and Counterpoint

Rethinking the Political Spectrum

President Barack Obama on 9/11 anniversary: Every year on this day, we are all New Yorkers

Our National 9/11 Schizophrenia by Victor Davis Hanson on National Review Online

New York a Fortress City? Future Seen on 9/12 Didn’t Happen - NYTimes.com

Christine M. Flowers: RIP, American political civility | Philadelphia Daily News | 09/11/2009

Why the Right Hates Obama: He's a Liberal! -- Politics Daily

Obama's Lies Matter, Too: The president pushes back against health care misinformation, then spreads a bunch of his own. - Reason Magazine

Obama Health-Care Reform Plan Still Lacks Specifics - washingtonpost.com

RealClearPolitics - Red Dawn: GOP Revival For 2010 House?

Obama Shows His Progressive Spine

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Speech: Good Delivery, Bad Product

Mohamed Atta's Successor - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - Van Jones and the 'Truthers'

Remembering, forever: On this anniversary of city's darkest day, much remains to be done

EDITORIAL: Grounded down at Ground Zero - Washington Times

Day of remembrance: The passengers of Flight 93 died for us

Rep. Wilson's Yell Draws Attention to Issue of Coverage for Illegal Immigrants - washingtonpost.com

Reid endorses healthcare co-ops as Speaker Pelosi signals flexibility - TheHill.com

How would Obama's proposed spending 'trigger' work? -- latimes.com

The Unhealthy Politics of Deja Vu - Forbes.com

RealClearPolitics - Why I Loved Obama's Health Care Speech

RealClearPolitics - Obama Votes "Present"

All sizzle, no substance

Daniel Henninger: It’s Still the Economy, Stupid - WSJ.com

A Careful, But Clear, Defense Of Government. | The New Republic

Fouad Ajami: 9/11 and the ‘Good War’ - WSJ.com

The Next Osama - By Jarret Brachman | Foreign Policy

Mohamed Atta's Successor - The Daily Beast

Barack Obama and David Cameron: Will there still be a special relationship? - Telegraph

Eight years after 9/11, Taliban roils 80 percent of Afghanistan | csmonitor.com

Obama's regulatory chief pushes new 'bill of rights'

Regulatory chief: Adult dog more 'rational' than baby

Obama's team 'socialists with communist backgrounds'

Cass Sunstein confirmed in 57-40 vote - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Tears and raindrops mix at 9/11 ceremonies - 9/11: Eight Years Later- msnbc.com

Visitors at World Trade Center Memorial will be warned about graphic images

Charlie Sheen to Obama: Probe 9/11 conspiracy

Iran beware: Israel tests 'secret weapon'

Synagogue holding services with Muslims

Catch exposé on radical Islam in U.S. – free!

Principal bans Bible, suggests book about witches

John Stossel Joins FOX News, FOX Business Network - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment - FOXNews.com

Obamacare gives Planned Parenthood entry to schools?

Republicans to Obama: Here Are Our Health Plans - Political News - FOXNews.com

Breitbart.tv » ‘A Blatant Lie’: Rush Defends Congressman’s Obama Outburst

Obama changes talking points on uninsured | Politics | Reuters

Pelosi: Obama's speech an all-time great - Washington Times

Obama's regulatory chief pushes new 'bill of rights'

Communist sympathizer introduced top adviser?

Mohammed is now the third most popular boy's name in England. So why this shabby effort to conceal it? | Mail Online

Al-Qaeda behind most attacks in Iraq since June: US - Yahoo! News

Marijuana Farming Rebounds in Economic Hard Times - ABC News

Gossip makes up 80 percent of our conversations - and that might be OK: experts

Paris Hilton joins Confucius and Oscar Wilde in new edition of 'Oxford Dictionary of Quotations'

1937-2009: Saying Goodbye to Guiding Light - 60 Minutes - CBS News

BBC News blooper: Is this the funniest ever? - Telegraph

In Tennessee, troubled elephants find an unlikely home - CNN.com

McLaren reveals the MP4-12C supercar - Telegraph

Catastrophic Darkness: How Life Survives an Asteroid Impact

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Mexico: A Ufological High Noon

The Departed | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

World's top ten most mysterious and horrible spots

Movie 'Whiteout' Gets Antarctic Science Right | LiveScience


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

YouTube - Birthers on the Hill

Government warns even real birth certificates aren't proof

Obama presents 'nativity myth' to schoolkids

YouTube - Sen. James Inhofe: An Obama citizenship lawsuit would take too long

Birth-certificate seller surfaces as witness


Is America coming apart?

For O, it's 'my way or the highway'

Robert Creamer: Wilson Is the Poster "Child" for the New Republican Party

The spammer in chief

Will the high court restore electoral freedom?

Glenn Beck: Joe McCarthy lives!

The Mahdi: Coming soon to a theater near you?

Is heartland America ignorant and gullible?

Obama: Master of the public school system

Sweeping out the Taliban

A communist has profaned the presidency

Here’s a Thought: All Porn Is Child Porn | New Christian Voices

Flagship drops Michael Savage show


*Transcripts :Geithner's Testimony to the TARP Oversight Panel

Obama's Health Care Address to Congress

The GOP Response to Obama's Health Care Address

Sen. McCain & Valerie Jarrett React to Obama's Speech

Barney Frank Responds to Obama's Speech

Gov. Pawlenty Reacts to Obama's Health Care Speech

Senators Brown and Thune Debate Health Care

Interview with Senator McCaskill

Interview with David Axelrod

Obama's Speech to U.S. Students

Panel Previews Obama's Health Care Speech

Obama's Remarks at the AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic

Interview with Laura Bush

Interview with David Axelrod

Gibbs, Waters, Pence, Dole & Daschle on Health Care

Alexander, Dean, Gingrich & Podesta on Health Care

Interview with Education Secretary Arne Duncan


*World; Video/Iran Update: Will Western Sanctions Work?

Chavez Recognize South Ossetia, Abkhazia

Passengers Freed from Hijacked Mexico Plane

U.S. Envoy Breaks Fast with Kenyan Muslims

Thousands Homeless in Turkey Floods

China Mobile's OPhone May Counter iPhone

EU Chief Visits Ireland

Indian Hindu Girls Learn to Become Priests

Iran Update: Will Western Sanctions Work?

Markets; Video/China On Its Way to Recovery

Selling Luxury Goods in the Age of Abstinence

How to Play the Global Recovery

China Figures Should Inject Caution

Mack Steps Down From Top Spot at Morgan

Fed Tries to Paint Best Picture of Economy

Whitney: Home Prices Could Fall Another 25%

Dollar Direction: Up or Down?

TARP: Good Billions After Bad?

Warren: Auto Bailouts May Not Deliver

IPO Market Starts To Stabilize

Politics; Video/Obama: U.S. Will "Never Falter" In Pursing al-Qaida

Pawlenty: Rep. Wilson's Outburst Was "Inappropriate"

Coast Guard: Someone Made A "Bang, Bang" Noise, No Shots Were Fired

Sen. Begich On Meeting With Obama To Discuss Health Care

Second Video Shows ACORN Officials Helping "Pimp," "Prostitute" in D.C. Office

Coast Guard To Training Vessel: "Slow Down" Or "You Will Be Fired Upon"

Rachel Maddow: Glenn Beck's 9-12 Project "Exploiting A Tragedy?"

Ann Coulter Reacts To Obama's Address

Krauthammer Slams Speech: Obama Is Selling Snake Oil

Mayor Bloomberg On 9/11 Anniversary

Geithner Tells Town Hall: "We Have to Change Things"

Rep. Joe Wilson On "You Lie!" Outburst At Obama Address

Olbermann Special Comment On Rep. joe Wilson

O'Reilly On Reaction To Obama's Health Care Speech

Specter: Rep. Joe Wilson Should Be Censured

Fred Thompson: Obama Has A Mean "Me-First Approach To Things"

Sen. McCaskill: Obama "Began To Fill In The Details"

ACORN In Baltimore Comes Up With Ways To Legalize Prostitution

Flashback: Democrats Boo Bush At 2005 State Of The Union

Begala, Gergen & Rollins Analyze Obama's Speech

Rep. Joe Wilson Apologizes For Calling Obama A Liar

Full Speech: Obama Addresses Congress On Health Care

Rep. Boustany GOP Response to President Obama's Address

Rove: Obama Speech Was "Bitterly Partisan"

Biden: Heckler "Embarrassed The Institution"

O'Reilly Analyzes Obama's Health Care Speech


*American Minute for September 11th:William J Federer's American Minute*


Tea Bagger Mark Williams Thinks We Should Be Turning Illegal Immigrants Away From Emergency Rooms

Flashback: The Day The Earth Stood Still

Only on Planet Coulter: Republicans' gutting of regulatory oversight in Madoff case proves it doesn't work

The Bad Medicine of the Republican Doctors

David Axelrod was stunned when Bill O'Reilly tells him the Feds should override states rights on health care

Countdown: Special Comment About the Shout of "You Lie"

What They Did Was Try & Find Out The Names Of Those Who Illegally Tortured People!

CQ Politics Runs Cover For Rep. Joe Wilson - Outburst Possibly Caused By Stress Of Having Sons In The Military

John Stossel Heading Home Where He Belongs - Fox News!

The Associated Press: Putin: Russia opposes force, sanctions on Iran

Remember 9/11, remember Guantánamo | Andy Worthington | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

9/11 anniversary: America warned to be vigilant - Telegraph

Surveillance cameras in Lancaster, Pennsylvania prompt privacy concerns | World news | guardian.co.uk

US risks being sucked into Yemen civil war - Telegraph

Obama blasts Brown on Lockerbie in 40-minute phone call which No.10 had said was 'warm and substantive' | Mail Online

Pizza shop must pay for employee's weight-loss surgery, court rules - Telegraph

'Fat tax' to hit McDonald's in Essex - Telegraph

Arctic Sea was carrying missiles to Iran, new report suggests - Telegraph

War crimes inquiry into Nato troops and Taliban insurgents | World news | guardian.co.uk

The Middle East after the second world war | World news | The Guardian

Parents who ferry children to clubs face criminal record checks | UK news | guardian.co.uk

The Righteous Alliance: HPV-The UK's Fascist Mask Slips.

Bouncers and postmen 'cheap labour' substitutes for teachers | Education | guardian.co.uk

Police investigated over stop and search of man and children under terror law | UK news | guardian.co.uk

This obsession with misery has turned us into a nation of whingers | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian

British ambassador for schools sacked over child porn charges | Mail Online

Panic over syringe stabbings spreads to Beijing - Times Online

Thatcher told Gorbachev Britain did not want German reunification - Times Online

Rebuilding the world after the second world war | World news | The Guardian

Spacecraft 'could surf gravitational tubes' to make solar travel more efficient - Telegraph

The US-Israeli Role In 9-11?

Rabid Wolf Bites Six Near Chernobyl Nuke Plant

Healthy Deer Can Spread Prion Disease Through Feces

Immunity growing to West Nile virus -- baltimoresun.com

NATO Goes Green -- for Ill-Gotten Gains

“Stop the 9-11 cover-up” - RT Top Stories

Identity of CIA Officer Responsible for pre-9/11 Failures, Tora Bora Escape, Rendition to Torture Revealed « History Commons Groups

September 11 Attacks: The Greatest Fraud of the 21st Century - Pravda.Ru

What Role Did the U.S.-Israeli Relationship Play in 9-11? : Criminal State

Ex-Italy Pres - 9-11 Was CIA/Mossad Operation


How Not to Achieve Freedom

Practical Anarchy

Everyday Anarchy

Real-Time Relationships

Universally Preferable Behaviour

The Tyranny of Illusion



Cliff Pickover's Internet Encyclopedia of the Bible

Lloyd Pye- Intervention Theory

Talk Radio

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 10th With Manny Badillo

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 8th: Charlie Sheen’s Letter To The President

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 9th: Charlie Sheen 9/11 Special

*Freedomain Radio - Podcasts