"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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12 September 2009

12 Sept '09

The BRAD BLOG : Exclusive: 27-Year CIA Vet says Obama May be Afraid of the CIA ... For Good Reason...

EclippTV :: Video :: Does This Remind You Of Anything?

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff - The Case For Inflation | September 12, 2009

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gerald Celente on Jeff Rense - 9/10/09

YouTube - Ron Paul On Pending Nightmare

EclippTV :: Video :: On the Edge with Max Keiser - 11 September 2009 - Interview with Rob Kirby

EclippTV :: Video :: The Man Who Stood Up To A Bank, And WON

Refreshing News: Hacker pleads guilty to huge theft of card numbers

Refreshing News: Japan sends first cargo spacecraft to ISS

Refreshing News: Cars of the Future, Coming to a Driveway Near You

Selling Death: Wall Street’s Newest Bubble

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Why Youth Should Be Alarmed About ObamaCare

In Praise of Joe Wilson: What's Wrong with Calling Out Liars in Congress? | This Can't Be Happening!

The Stockholm Syndrome For States by Russell D. Longcore

Does Obama Face a 2012 Challenge In His Own Party? - Rasmussen Reports

The End Of The Nation States Of Europe

Lindorff - In Praise Of Joe Wilson

On the Contrary: Trailer for Hoffman's Slideshow on Judaism - Live from San Jose, CA

savethemales.ca - Mirror Imaging Unlocks Masonic Messages in US Symbols

The 'Wisdom' Of The Clunker Program...

Insiders sell like there's no tomorrow - Sep. 10, 2009

The Associated Press: Putin: Russia opposes force, sanctions on Iran

Obama blasts Brown on Lockerbie in 40-minute phone call which No.10 had said was 'warm and substantive' | Mail Online

CNSNews.com - Pro-Life Congressmen and Planned Parenthood Agree: Health Care Bill Funds Abortion

BBC NEWS | Technology | Where tech and philosophy collide

CNSNews.com - Pelosi: We'll ‘Squeeze’ Medicare to Pay for Health Care Bill

Google 'evangelist' sees web, brain implant link | Stuff.co.nz


CNSNews.com - Obama Administration, Pro-Abortion Groups Mum on Abortion Protester’s Shooting

CNSNews.com - Conservative Pollster Defends CNN Poll on Audience Perception of Obama Speech

CNSNews.com - Despite Recession and Rising Unemployment, Rate of Uninsured Did Not Increase, Says Census Bureau Data

CNSNews.com - David Axelrod Says He Hopes U.S. Catholic Bishops Will Realize Obama’s Claim That the Health Care Bill Doesn’t Fund Abortion is ‘Accurate’

The ‘Axis of Evil’ and the ‘Great Satan’

CNSNews.com - David Axelrod Says Obama Would Not Rule Out Using ‘Reconciliation’ to Ram Health-Care Reform Through Senate

CNSNews.com - Obama’s Speech Prompts Ten Questions from Republicans

U.S. Expands Global Missile Shield Into Middle East, Balkans

"George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Tony Blair be barred from Canada"

An Immoral Economic System

Obama's Terror Watch-List

Derivatives Collapse and the China Gold and Silver Markets

Standing up to bullies like Glenn Beck: An unpleasant but necessary chore

The Roberts Court is about to do the unthinkable...

CNN Misrepresents How Much Money Was Raised for Joe Wilson's Opponent Rob Miller

In America, You Have the Right To Stand in Line All Night To Get Free Dental Care.

Joe Conason on ACORN Video: It's Not Journalism Unless They Report Everything That Happened- It's Propaganda

Fox gives the sore losers of the 'Tea Party Express' much more than just free advertising

Ed Schultz Psycho Talk: Rep. Paul Broun

Carl Levin doesn't want to send more troops to Afghanistan

Queen Olympia: Off With The Public Option!

A few words about Obama's speech

Unbelievable! Baucus and Conrad Cater To Joe Wilson, Float Citizenship Requirement For Insurance Exchanges

Tea Bagger Mark Williams Thinks We Should Be Turning Illegal Immigrants Away From Emergency Rooms

Only on Planet Coulter: Republicans' gutting of regulatory oversight in Madoff case proves it doesn't work

The Bad Medicine of the Republican Doctors

David Axelrod was stunned when Bill O'Reilly tells him the Feds should override states rights on health care

Countdown: Special Comment About the Shout of "You Lie"

What They Did Was Try & Find Out The Names Of Those Who Illegally Tortured People!

CQ Politics Runs Cover For Rep. Joe Wilson - Outburst Possibly Caused By Stress Of Having Sons In The Military

Lynn Woolsey: The 'public option is still on the table'

Rep. Weiner: Without The Public Option, The Bill Won't Pass

When Malthusians Become Messiahs

CNSNews.com - Obama Won’t Give Federal Insurance Benefits to Illegal Aliens, He’ll Make Them Legal First

CNSNews.com - Biden Quietly Reassures Liberals That Administration Strongly Supports A Public Option

CNSNews.com - World's Oldest Person Dies in Los Angeles at 115

CNSNews.com - Heckling of President Is Rare in American History

CNSNews.com - Michelle Obama to Help Chicago's Olympic Bid

CNSNews.com - EPA Puts Limits on 3 Pesticides to Protect Salmon

CNSNews.com - ACORN Fires 2 after Hidden-Camera Footage Aired

CNSNews.com - Sex Scandal Further Damages Lawmakers' Reputation

CNSNews.com - Lacking Federal Manpower, Gov. Perry Sends Texas Rangers to Texas-Mexico Border

CNSNews.com - Distortions—or Truths?

CNSNews.com - Why Parents Don’t Trust the Educator-in-Chief and His Comrades

CNSNews.com - How Obama Cronyism Threatens Rail Security

GlobalSecurity.org - SITREP Situation Report | The Challenge of Preparing for Instability in North Korea

Gold: Is silver the new gold? - Telegraph

FrontPage Magazine - The Manchurian Candidate

Paul Proctor -- Is Christianity All About Relationships?

Are We There Yet? by David Calderwood

Canary in the Coal Mine by Peter Schiff

Alan Greenspan: Market crisis 'will happen again' - BlackListed News

Miami’s Ex-DEA Chief Charged with Shredding Documents for Allen Stanford - BlackListed News

Millions More Thrust Into Poverty: Decade of Headway in Household Income Erased - BlackListed News

US gold rises above $1,010 on dollar deterioration | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

Black Sea Port Is Flash Point for Georgia and Russia - BlackListed News

WBBM 780 : 'Facial recognition' coming to CTA, more cams

UFO startles elderly Gorey residents » News » This Is Jersey

Lunar lander rising again - Cosmic Log - msnbc.com

UFO or pterodactyl over Argentinian lake? - Telegraph

Segway inventor takes aim at thirst with Slingshot - CNN.com

Lend to family the right way

Sleeping together may be harmful to health and relationship

Washington's Lies

More Americans over age 50 are smoking marijuana than ever before. Are my parents among them? - By Daniel Engber - Slate Magazine

Anatomy of an Economic Ignoramus - Thomas E. Woods, Jr. - Mises Institute

Kucinich Responds to Obama's Address: "Private Insurance Companies Will Get 30,000,000 New Customers, Mandated"

Inside Occult America | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

Iran Proposes Control System Aimed at Eliminating Nuclear Weapons

US Lawmakers Vow Tough Action on Iran

Taliban Cover 97% of Afghanistan: Report

Senate Panel OKs $128 Billion For Afghanistan, Iraq Wars

Afghanistan and the Wages of Empire

Insiders Sell Like There's No Tomorrow

09-11-2009: Obama says U.S. must renew fight against al Qaeda a Ficitious Enemy

09-11-2009: Who took the picture of Joe Wilson? And how?

A Skull That Rewrites The History Of Man

09-10-2009: Informant says FBI threw away chance to catch alleged 9/11 plotter

09-10-2009: ID Cards A New Layer Of Compulsion

Megadeth Awakens to the New World Order

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 10th With Manny Badillo

US Shifts Policy, Willing to Meet 1-on-1 With North Korea - Political Punch

WH on health care, illegal immigrants - First Read - msnbc.com

Census Bureau severs ties with ACORN in 2010 count

ACORN Fires More Officials for Helping 'Pimp,' 'Prostitute' in Washington Office - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Obama sets stage for using budget maneuver to pass health reform - TheHill.com

U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China

Miliband criticises kidnapped journalist for ignoring 'very strong advice' against travel in Afghanistan

Police: Male Suspect Raped Wheelchair-Bound Man

Bomb Threat Forces Evacuation of DC TEA Party Planners - George's Bottom Line

$1 Million Offered for Return of Stolen Warhol Paintings - KTLA

Capitol Briefing - S.C.'s Wilson Rakes In $750,000 in Less Than 48 Hours; Opponent Tops $1 Million

Photographer Leibovitz reaches deal with lender | Reuters

Gangster may have spread HIV through sex, tattoos | tattoos, apple, through - Local News - Victorville Daily Press

Search for profit prompts Twitter advertising U-turn - Business News, Business - The Independent

Police: Shooting suspect offended by anti-abortion material - CNN.com

Anti-abortion activist shot in front of Owosso High School - MLive.com

My Way News - Mich. man charged in 2 deaths, wanted to kill 3rd

Rodney King vs the police: round two - Americas, World - The Independent

Pennsylvania Mom Arrested For Allegedly Letting 6-Year-Old Daughter Drive SUV - cbs3.com

The Associated Press: Health negotiators look at malpractice changes

Mistrial called after jurors argue, throw chairs

Palm Beach & South Florida gossip & celebrity news | Jose Lambiet’s Page2Live.com» Wellington ex-spy sues Dubai for fraud

Wacky and Outdated U.S. Laws - Digital City - Local Lifestyle and Entertainment News

Gardasil HPV Vaccine: Roadblock to U.S. Citizenship for Immigrants - ABC News

Court: Police cannot do breath tests on minors | Detroit Free Press | Freep.com

Betraying our dead

New York's Sept 11 museum to display hijacker perspective - Yahoo! News

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Is Medvedev the Anti-Obama?

Why I am no longer an African American

The Obama Administration, Explained

Why Obama Could Not Stage a Coup

The spark that has triggered rebellion

When truth trumps protocol

Passenger Rail: A New Conservative Position

Virtue and Sarah Palin

Being Sexually Deprived in a Sex-Saturated Culture

Calling all heroes

First reports from AP and NY Times indicate "thousands" at DC protest? (Updated with crowd estimate)

A promise fulfilled: US to talk directly with Iran

Look who wants to be Russian president - again.

9/12 protests set to explode across the country

Man arraigned in abortion protestor killing

Prosecute the ACORN video makers?

Does Obama even care about 9/11?

Google this: 'Patriotism'

Census Bureau severs ties with ACORN

Shaping the Future

Win one by being like the Gipper

Russia on the move

Why Obama Won't 'Hit the Reset Button' on Health Care

Is the US Government bankrupt?

How Obama Can Make Healthcare Better Without Congress

Commercials and the Armed Forces

Better Angels and Arm Twisters

An Unnecessary Operation

Republican politicians have no empathy | Salon

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Rhetoric vs. Common Sense

The weak liberal: A predictable chorus - Matthew Dallek - POLITICO.com

America fights self-crippled war on terror | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Right On

Peter Ferrara: The Keynesians Were Wrong Again - WSJ.com

Beck the Muckraker - Jonah Goldberg - The Corner on National Review Online

Bill Maher: New Rule: Float Like Obama, Sting Like Ali

Obama isn't serious about bipartisanship :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Steve Huntley

Putin until 2024? -Times Online

Call to action: Obama makes a strong case for reform

Health reform at what price? - The Denver Post

Health cost crisis | detnews.com | The Detroit News

RealClearPolitics - An Obama Speech in 13 Easy Steps

Massachusetts Democrats wary of Kennedy law change - Michael Falcone - POLITICO.com

Senator Says Bill Sets Limits on Immigrants - WSJ.com

Where the White House is placing its healthcare bets | Salon

Op-Ed Columnist - The Dime Standard - NYTimes.com

The Melting Climate Change Deadline | Mother Jones

Lawrence Wright: Underestimating Al Qaeda: News Desk : The New Yorker

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Sonic Weapons Used In Iraq Positioned At Congressional Town Hall Meetings

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » George Will Abandons the War Party

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Bush Justice Department official who lied won’t be charged

Democrats raise money off 'You lie' outburst

ACORN helps 'pimp,' 'prostitute' evade IRS

Census Bureau Severs Ties With ACORN - Political News - FOXNews.com

Congress playing with toymakers' livelihoods

Tea party protesters march on U.S. Capitol

Tea Party Rally Sparks Dispute Over Potential Turnout - Political News - FOXNews.com

GOP embraces conservative groups’ protest - Washington Post- msnbc.com

House Will Vote on 'Disapproval' of Joe Wilson Comments - The Note

Wilson Appeals for Funds, 'Will Not Be Muzzled' - Political News - FOXNews.com

Black genocide - in America

Group seeks Fla. amendment giving rights to embryos

Pro-Life Advocate Murdered Outside Michigan School While Protesting Abortion

Slain Pro-Life Advocate Jim Pouillon Known as the Peaceful Abortion Sign Guy

Does Hollywood have guts to glorify this messiah?

Synagogue holding services with Muslims

Catch expos̩ on radical Islam in U.S. Рfree!

Obamacare gives Planned Parenthood entry to schools?

Flagship drops Michael Savage show

John Stossel Joins FOX News, FOX Business Network - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment - FOXNews.com

Obama's regulatory chief pushes new 'bill of rights'

Regulatory chief: Adult dog more 'rational' than baby

Obama's team 'socialists with communist backgrounds'

Cass Sunstein confirmed in 57-40 vote - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Pastor: Christians should mark Feast of Trumpets

Jesus, apostles observed Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur

'Dead' terrorist on most wanted list

U.S., 5 Partner Countries Accept Iran's Offer to Hold International Talks - Political News - FOXNews.com

Texas school district turns away students from Mexico - CNN.com

Wells Fargo exec used Malibu Colony home lost by Madoff-duped couple, neighbors say -- latimes.com

Marijuana Farming Rebounds in Economic Hard Times - ABC News

Stern: Rich nations will have to forget about growth to stop climate change | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Big Brother database to protect children against paedophiles has gone too far, says Soham report chief

Andy Warhol art worth millions stolen in L.A. - Yahoo! News

My Way News - 'M-A-S-H,''Tootsie' writer Larry Gelbart dies

Yale University Offers $10,000 Reward for Help Finding Missing Grad Student - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Al-Qaeda behind most attacks in Iraq since June: US - Yahoo! News

Pigeon beats Net firm in data transfer race - Animal weirdness- msnbc.com

Net's plagiarism 'cops' are on patrol - Tech and gadgets- msnbc.com

London's bridges in war of words on Twitter - Telegraph

YouTube - Hitler Takes On Obamacare

Dr. Feelgood strikes again

Obama's bitter medicine

Obama buyer's remorse … among blacks

Lessons from the Van Jones affair

Cass Sunstein: Regulating America to death

Cyberspace and your family

Save our Constitution!

'Gay' train wreck swept under rug

Molested by the state

Pro-lifer slayed ... double standard, anyone?

The pursuit of emptiness

Banks that didn't take TARP are in better shape than peers - Sep. 11, 2009

For O, it's 'my way or the highway'

Investigate ACORN, Now! - FOXNews.com


*Transcripts:Obama's Remarks at the Pentagon Memorial

Gates's Remarks And Introduction at Pentagon Memorial

Geithner's Testimony to the TARP Oversight Panel

Roundtable on Obama's Health Care Speech

Klobuchar, Corker, Woolsey, & Boustany React to Obama

Interview with HHS Secretary Sebelius

Senator Enzi on the Cost of Reform

Senators Rockerfeller & Corker on "Hardball"

Interview with Senator Begich

Reps. Rothman & Garrett Debate Health Care

Obama's Health Care Address to Congress

The GOP Response to Obama's Health Care Address

Sen. McCain & Valerie Jarrett React to Obama's Speech

Barney Frank Responds to Obama's Speech

Gov. Pawlenty Reacts to Obama's Health Care Speech

Senators Brown and Thune Debate Health Care

Interview with Senator McCaskill

Interview with David Axelrod

Obama's Speech to U.S. Students

Panel Previews Obama's Health Care Speech

Obama's Remarks at the AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic

Interview with Laura Bush

Interview with David Axelrod

Gibbs, Waters, Pence, Dole & Daschle on Health Care

Alexander, Dean, Gingrich & Podesta on Health Care

Interview with Education Secretary Arne Duncan


*Politics ;Video/O'Reilly On Remembering 9/11

Obama Weekly Address: Losing Insurance Can Happen to Anybody

Glenn Beck On 9/12: "Put The Country First"

Obama: U.S. Will "Never Falter" In Pursing al-Qaida

Sen. Levin: No More Combat Troops For Afghanistan

Pawlenty: Rep. Wilson's Outburst Was "Inappropriate"

Sen. Begich On Meeting With Obama To Discuss Health Care

Coast Guard: Someone Made A "Bang, Bang" Noise, No Shots Were Fired

Coast Guard To Training Vessel: "Slow Down" Or "You Will Be Fired Upon"

Remembering September 11, 2001

Second Video Shows ACORN Officials Helping "Pimp," "Prostitute" in D.C. Office

Rachel Maddow: Glenn Beck's 9-12 Project "Exploiting A Tragedy?"

Krauthammer Slams Speech: Obama Is Selling Snake Oil

Mayor Bloomberg On 9/11 Anniversary

Ann Coulter Reacts To Obama's Address

Geithner Tells Town Hall: "We Have to Change Things"

Markets; Video/China On Its Way to Recovery

Selling Luxury Goods in the Age of Abstinence

How to Play the Global Recovery

China Figures Should Inject Caution

Mack Steps Down From Top Spot at Morgan

World; Video/Iran Update: Will Western Sanctions Work?

Chavez Recognize South Ossetia, Abkhazia

Passengers Freed from Hijacked Mexico Plane

U.S. Envoy Breaks Fast with Kenyan Muslims

Thousands Homeless in Turkey Floods

China Mobile's OPhone May Counter iPhone

EU Chief Visits Ireland

Indian Hindu Girls Learn to Become Priests


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

YouTube - Sen. James Inhofe: An Obama citizenship lawsuit would take too long

Birth-certificate seller surfaces as witness

What does Pelosi know about Obama's eligibility?


YouTube - Pulse of Obama's Plan

Seeking to Woo the Insured, Obama Cites Risk of Losing Coverage - NYTimes.com

20 most bizarre Craigslist adverts of all time - Telegraph

Important Objectives Ahead for Obama - washingtonpost.com

Pork, Stigmatized by Swine Flu, Gets a Government Bailout - TIME

Name of person of interest released in search of missing Brendan Chobod - MLive.com

Facebook Lite: Thanks, but No Apps - Business Center - PC World

US cracks down on mountaintop coal-mine permits | Industries | Energy | Reuters

NASA names target for water hunt at moon's south pole -- latimes.com

Butterfly Nebula image - Photos: Hubble's newest visions of space - CNET News

YouTube - First Images From Refreshed Hubble Telescope

Arctic May Be Changed Forever, Study Finds - US News and World Report

BBC NEWS | Americas | Grey wolves: hunters or the hunted?

Obama slaps tariff on Chinese tires - MarketWatch

Hacker Pleads Guilty In Major Credit Card Theft -- InformationWeek

VOA News - Mottaki Says Iran Pleased US Accepts Offer to Hold Talks

VOA News - EU Meets with Mugabe in Zimbabwe

The Associated Press: Afghanistan: Questions, answers on war, US plans

VOA News - Pakistan Kills 22 Militants in Khyber Region

Jailed Palestinians' relatives, Shalit activists to hold joint rally - Haaretz - Israel News

VOA News - Venezuela Buys Rockets from Russia

Incoming Tokyo government threatens split with US - Telegraph

Afghan attacks kill dozens; Karzai leads in poll | International | Reuters

Health of Lockerbie bomber Abdel Basset al-Megrahi 'worsens' - Telegraph

The day I met Osama bin Laden — and why he must be caught - Times Online

Did the Coast Guard or CNN cause the 9/11 panic on the Potomac? | csmonitor.com

YouTube - White House OK With Coast Guard Exercise

Wedding Canceled, As Search Intesifies for Missing Yale Bride Annie Le - ABC News

YouTube - Wedding Called Off for Missing Yale Student

Police: Shooting suspect offended by anti-abortion material - CNN.com

Federal deficit escalates -- chicagotribune.com

NY1 | 24 Hour Local News | Top Stories | City, Nation Marks Eight Years Since Attacks

The Associated Press: Authorities: Man holding hostages in Kansas home

Obama, administration officials pay tribute to 9/11 victims -- latimes.com

A few firsts at Supreme Court's campaign finance hearing -- latimes.com

The Associated Press: Mrs. Obama challenges GWU to community service

Should Justice Investigate ACORN? - FOXNews.com

Legislature passes prison, renewable energy plans

9/11 Museum to Display Photos of 19 Hijackers - NYTimes.com

The End Of The Nation States Of Europe

YouTube - Obama, AIPAC, Israel & Illegal Settlements

Cryptomundo » Argentine Pterodactyl?

Hey Joe, Did You Forget? You Voted for Federal Funds To Provide Healthcare For Illegal Immigrants in 2003.

Standing up to bullies like Glenn Beck: An unpleasant but necessary chore

The Roberts Court is about to do the unthinkable...

Healthy Profits: Corporate Money Moves Tell the True Tale of Obama's "Reforms"

'I told the US to talk to the Taliban. They jailed me'

Miami’s Ex-DEA Chief Charged with Shredding Documents for Allen Stanford - 12.160Mhz




World Net Daily Player:Obama 'has no clue' about military strategy

World Net Daily Player:Health care: 'We gotta get this right'

World Net Daily Player :'Too hard for people to buy insurance'

World Net Daily Player:Obamacare 'will not see the light of day'

World Net Daily Player:Wilson vs. Rangel: Who's the real villian?

World Net Daily Player:'You lie' congressman talks to WND