"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

10 September 2009


*8pgs./Farewell America

Israel Warns Russia “We’ll Bring Whole World Down With Us”

Obama Unleashes Feared And Crushing “Tytler Cycle” Upon America

video:Obama Assassination Predicted By Colombian Nostradamus Child

video:MTV Martial Law Warnings

BBC NEWS | Special Reports | China's mass swine flu vaccination

Chinese scientists 'filmed UFO for 40 minutes' - Telegraph

Barack Obama health care speech: Republican calls president a liar - Telegraph

Planet found that defies the laws of physics - Science, News - The Independent

Cellphone radiation levels vary widely, watchdog report says - USATODAY.com

The Great Debit Card Game

Of Tesla And Wireless Power

Red Flag To Fly Over White House

Spectacular New Images From the Hubble Telescope - FOXNews.com - Slide 1 of 10

America Tolerates Anti-Christian Double Standard

tehran times : Russia oil production overtakes Saudi Arabia

Biden says congressman's outburst was embarrassing - Yahoo! News

Obama Goes For Dictatorship - Czars Are UnConstitutional

HPV - The UK's Fascist Mask Slips

Lindorff - US Continues To Hide US War Dead

Maine Gov NWO Agent For Rockefeller Eugenics Program

savethemales.ca - Wage Slaves: Women Ponder Feminist Betrayal

Reviewing David Swanson's 'Daybreak'

Militarizing Space - The Fallujah Fallacy

Flexner Report


Backyard Bigfoot: gorilla-like creature photographed in Kentucky garden - Telegraph

FT.com / US / Economy & Fed - US to prosecute bank over Iran links

Why Obama needs a big play as reality takes over | Michael Tomasky | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Nasa can't afford manned moon flight, report says - Telegraph

Barack Obama: has he been mortally wounded by health care reform? - Telegraph

Barack Obama warns US teenagers of the dangers of Facebook - Telegraph

Obama's 'Gift' Has Stopped Giving

Obama and the Plight of the Dancing Masquerade

Whose Mess?

Who is the 'we' who 'spend too much' on elder care?

Give Me Liberty... or Give Me Health Care?

The Power and Importance of New Media

Green Termites

I Volunteer to be the Normal American Czar

ELF Institutes it's own 'Fairness Doctrine'

Kristol: 'The real public option; start over'

ACORN nabbed in sting operation (includes video)

Chicago-Style Tall Tales

James Lewis:'First, do some harm - Then, exploit the crisis'

The 'news' made in the speech

How many uninsured, Mr. President?"

Obama's stunning turn of phrase

Political Malpractice

Something's Rotten at the State Department

Barack Ozymandias

Power to the Patients, Please

Obama's Dog of a Health Care Message

Obama's Wasted Year

ObamaCare: More Point and Counterpoint

School Day Subjugation

Rethinking the Political Spectrum

Challenging the Torah of Liberalism

The Emerging Obama Doctrine

Brainwashing you can believe in

The Confidence Party

09-10-2009: Space Junk Forces Shuttle Discovery to Dodge on Way Home

09-09-2009: VeriChip Buys Steel Vault Corporation Plans To Change Name To PositiveID

09-09-2009: Call to microchip all dogs

09-09-2009: NWO Cronies Play Tribute To Cronkite On 9/9/09

09-09-2009: Walter Cronkite 9/9/09 Memorial Attended By Interesting Individuals

09-09-2009: How Alex Jones And Charlie Sheen Fight The NWO

The Alex Jones Deception: False Flag Journalism Discrediting The Truth Movement

09-09-2009: Obama to seal US-UN relationship

Above Top Secret: Alex Jones Camp Initially Sold Fake Sheen/Obama Interview As Real

Alex Jones Has Finally Lost It--His Credibility And Damaged Ours

09-08-2009: Cheap Public Relations Stunt By Alex Jones Discredits The Entire Alternative Media

Proposed CO2 Budget For Every Person On Earth

Family Values: California Republican Assemblyman Has Sex with Utility Company Lobbyist, Brags About It—Woops, the Mic is On

Ground broken on $3.4 billion Homeland Security complex

Mass. Health Bill Would Allow Warrantless Arrests, Quarantines

McClatchy Announces Financial New World Order

Derivatives Collapse and the China Gold and Silver Markets

Wave of Unemployment in the U.S.: What to Expect, What to Do

Who Is Recovering? Has The Economy Been Pulled Back From The Brink?

Latin America and the End of Social Liberalism

Health Care is a Civil Right

Dick Cheney Still Threatens Our Democracy

"Undoing the Imperial Presidency"

Obama and Workers' Rights in America

UN wants new global currency to replace dollar

video:Tim Hawkins - The Government Can

Google 'evangelist' sees web, brain implant link

Where tech and philosophy collide

A year after financial crisis, a new world order emerges - Yahoo! News

American Thinker: The revolt against the elite

ID cards: A new layer of compulsion | Henry Porter | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

YouTube - The Federal Reserve Wants You Chipped! Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank Exhibit "Money In Motion"

An Insider’s Guide to the Large Hadron Collider | Wired Science | Wired.com

Home Run! CNN/ORC Poll: 14-Point Jump In Health-Care Reform Support Among Viewers

Facts Have A Liberal Bias: Illegal Immigrants Not Covered By Health Care Reform. Looking Foolish, Rep. Joe Wilson?

NBC calls the public option a "fetish"

Did You Wonder Why 'Lord' Boustany Gave The Republican Rebuttal? Maybe Because He's Been Sued For Malpractice So Many Times.

Staying Classy the GOP Way: Cong. Joe Wilson Yells Out "You Lie!" During Obama's Speech

Has Baucus misplayed his hand?

Olympia Snowe Is The Kinder, Gentler Face of The Same Old Republican Anti-Rights Agenda

CA "Family Values" Republican Michael Duvall Brags Over Live Mic About Spanking His Young, Lobbyist Mistress

WorldNetDaily, the RNC, and the mainstreaming of extremist ideas

Lou Dobbs Thinks Baucus Selling Out to the Insurance Industry With the $3800 Fee is "Authoritarian"

Say What? Disgraced Republican Mark Foley Gets His Own Talk Radio Show

With Van Jones' blood in the water, the right-wing sharks at Fox are circling

Study: Bush Tax Cuts Cost More Than Twice As Much As Dems' Health-Care Bill

John Conyers Won't Vote For a Bill Without a Public Option

Tea Party Confessions: Republican Jean Schmidt Caught Agreeing With Birther On Video

While Teabaggers Blathered On, The Children Were Inspired By Obama's Message.

Countdown: Obama's Speech vs the Right Wing Indoctrination Freak Out

Kurtz is Shocked That Ellsberg Would Compare WMD Lies to the Tonkin Gulf Incident

More troops die in Afghanistan, major highway in shambles and voter fraud charges continue...

The Nanny Takes Sean Hannity to School Over Health-Care Reform

Bill Moyers Journal: Rage on the Radio

Matthew Dowd's False Equivalence: Obama Hatred Equals Bush Hatred

A teabagger even too dumb for Dr. Nancy on MSNBC about Obama's school speech

They're Rolling Out The 'Centrist' Media Cannons To Attack the Public Option.

Joe Watkins: Obama is too charismatic to speak to the kids of America

Glenn Beck's scary negro militants turn out to be really, really scary dancers

Mr. President, Don't Compromise Our Health Away. We Need Help, Not Worthless Mandates.

Obama Won’t Give Federal Insurance Benefits to Illegal Aliens, He’ll Make Them Legal First

Republicans: Why Wait? Tackle the Biggest Health Care Problems Immediately

Congressional Report Questions Legality of GM and Chrysler Bailouts

Organizers Predict Thousands of Tea Party Activists Will Attend Saturday’s March on Washington

Obama Pitched Universal Health Care to Students in Meeting Prior to His Speech on Education

Democrats’ Health Care Bills Do Not Require Citizenship Verification

Republicans Complain That Obama Is Still Stuck on A Bad Plan

Deepening Venezuela-Iran Alliance Stokes Concern

U.S. Envoy Warns Iran Is Almost Capable of Building Atomic Bomb

Obama Adviser Hopes Catholic Bishops Will Find A Way to Support Democrats’ Health Care Reform Legislation, Despite Abortion Concerns

White House Won’t Rule Out ‘Reconciliation’ Maneuver to Pass Health Care Reform Bill

Republican Doubts Obama’s Claim That Health Care Reform Will Not Boost Budget Deficit

Biden: Health Care Bill May Be Done by Thanksgiving

US Signing Anti-Piracy Agreement at UN for Somalia

Passengers Freed from Hijacked Plane in Mexico

Fans Divided about Ellen DeGeneres as 'Idol' Judge

ACLU Pipes Up in Defense of Jailed Richard Hatch

Distortions—or Truths?

Why Parents Don’t Trust the Educator-in-Chief and His Comrades

Obama at the Rubicon

The U.S. Won’t Secure a Single Additional Mile of Border in 2010

Carbon Cops Turn Keystone Cops: But There Is Nothing to Laugh About by Floy Lilley

When Americans Were Free

There are healthy alternatives to sugar - Times Online

What the Public Thinks of Public Schools

What Should You Study In College?

Your Money - Why College Costs So Much - NYTimes.com

Rothbard Vindicated - Joseph T. Salerno - Mises Institute

A Clash of Camelots

Moonshine returns! | Salon Life

The Gun-Grabbers are on the Move Again | Alan Caruba

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama Youth: Homeland Security Wants To Recruit Girl Scouts

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Daily Mail Hit Piece Ludicrously Claims Sheen’s Questions About 9/11 An Outrage To Victims

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul on Larry King Live

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Operation Garden Plot Documents Published

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Charlie Sheen And 9/11

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Israel and U.S. jointly target Sweden in propaganda blitzkrieg

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul On Freedom Watch, 9/9/09

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Republican shouts ‘you lie’ at Obama during speech

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Market Confidence Low: Carbon Credits now worth 25 cents, were at $7 in 2008

Junk Science and Contradictions Dominate WHO Pandemic Statements and Policies

Camp FEMA: Will You Go Quietly?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 8th: Charlie Sheen’s Letter To The President

Kerry kicks off new global warming campaign - National Politics Blog - Political Intelligence - Boston.com

California's Man-Made Drought

The Dollar Collapses - Forbes.com

BBC NEWS | Business | Market crisis 'will happen again'

Father of DNA evidence, Sir Alec Jeffreys, calls for database to be cut - Times Online

CDC Says Most Won't Need Drugs for Flu

Raw Story » Obama speech disrupter a health industry darling

NATO Chief ‘Concerned’ by Rising Opposition to Afghan War -- News from Antiwar.com

t r u t h o u t | Camp Runamuck: A Glimpse of the East Providence Homeless Community

APOD: 2009 September 8 - Unexpected Impact on Jupiter

Refreshing News: Roads made of solar panels may solve energy crisis

Refreshing News: Google expects increasing video in search ads

Seriousness of the Crisis Cannot be Exaggerated; Closest Comparison is the Collapse of the Soviet Union

Are the Days of Drudge Over? | The New York Observer

Democracy or Republic ?

Secret FDA Memos Reveal Concerns About Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs) | bytestyle.tv

NY's Tax-Funded Ex-Terrorist

Climate change: no Eden, no apocalypse - opinion - 07 September 2009 - New Scientist

EDITORIAL: Better ways to reform health care - Washington Times

Defying U.S., Honduras won't let Zelaya return as president - World AP - MiamiHerald.com

Moscow could give Venezuela arms loan - Kremlin aide | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Protest Over Cheney Center as University of Wyoming

But not much truth to health talk

ACORN Officials Videotaped Telling 'Pimp,' 'Prostitute' How to Lie to IRS - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

ACORN Workers Face Charges of Alleged Voter Registration Fraud in Florida - Political News - FOXNews.com

Confirmed: global warming zealots hate people - Telegraph Blogs

My Way News - Obama: Time for 'bickering' is over on health care


Mark Mix: Read the Union Health-Care Label - WSJ.com

Girl: I was treated like a 'misfit' at Abercrombie & Fitch | StarTribune.com

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - CNN Poll: Double-digit post-speech jump for Obama plan « - Blogs from CNN.com

Cuba uses sniffer dogs to track down crooks, dissidents - Cuba - MiamiHerald.com

Kremlin official confirms PM's trip

Space butterfly

Economic jitters hit OPEC oil cartel at talks

Runner is a 'hermaphrodite' | The Sun |News

Google plans new mirror for cheaper solar power | Industry Summits | Reuters

FT.com / Companies / Food & Beverage - Ocado gets backing from Al Gore

Industry leaders announce new ratings system--The Live Feed

U.S. Senate Democrats skeptical about climate bill | Markets | Reuters

YouTube - Iran closer than ever to producing a nuclear weapon

Ex-Mossad chief insists on bombing Iran

Hugo Chávez deepens petroleum and military ties with Russia

Priest used juice cans to hijack Mexican plane

At Least 200 Feared Dead in Sierra Leone Boat Accident

Hundreds of Afghan votes declared invalid

Hariri to step aside in Lebanon

YouTube - Inside Story - Lebanon's cabinet crisis - 9 Sept 09

European Leaders Call for Conference to Assess Progress in Afghanistan

Israel admits Binyamin Netanyahu's secret trip to Moscow

Obama Cites Rising Uninsured in Follow-Up to Speech

YouTube - Obama: Statistics Show Need for Health Overhaul

Senate pays another tribute to Kennedy - National Politics Blog - Political Intelligence - Boston.com

YouTube - Health Care Cited in Kennedy Successor Debate

YouTube - Raw Video: Cheetah Sets Speed Record

Cheetah Breaks Land Speed Record Twice - Sports News Story - WLWT Cincinnati

NY to Honor 9/11 Victims at Vacant Ground Zero | NBC New York

Obama is not the first President to fight the health care fight

Ex-Jackson mayor's guard under house arrest | clarionledger.com | The Clarion-Ledger

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Jackson's sister breaks silence

Warner shakes up DC Comics to compete with Marvel -- latimes.com

Investigators search three California properties of former Garrido client -- latimes.com

YouTube - Dr. Phil on Jaycee Dugard

Hugh Hefner files for divorce from wife | Entertainment | People | Reuters

What happens if 'The Jay Leno Show' bombs in debut on NBC

Watch ACORN get busted on undercover video;ACORN helps 'pimp,' 'prostitute' evade IRS

Patriots to storm Washington, target out-of-control spending

'Gay' man sues Bible publisher for 'mental anguish'

YouTube - Liar!: Loud Shout Interrupts Key Point in Obama Address to Congress

We're Reagan's 'new patriots'


*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 9th: Charlie Sheen 9/11 Special

*GlobalResearch.ca - 7/7 Article Page


GlobalResearch.ca - Article Page 9/11 & 'War on Terrorism'

Derivatives Collapse and the China Gold and Silver Markets

Breaking Three Years of Silence: Alex Jones Interviews Charlie Sheen

Mr. Roff, 9/11 Truthers Are No “Fringe” Movement

Giuliani pushing 9/11 Re-Education Course for Public Schools

*A 9/11 Reality Check

*9/11 Commission Report Questioned by Senior Military, Intelligence, and Government Officials

Safari, the Kennedy Assassination, & the war for control of the Venice Airport

*Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11

*9/11 heroes now sick and dying | Video | Reuters.com

*Deseret News | Is another 9/11 set to unfold?

NY to Honor 9/11 Victims at Vacant Ground Zero | NBC New York

*The 9/11 Investigation: Bush Asks Daschle to limit September 11 Probes

9/11: A "Godsend" for Bush

The Collapse of WTC 1: Madrid Exposes a Fundamental Flaw

Woman Waving From WTC 1 Impact Area - photos and videos

FEMA was in New York the Night Before 9/11

The 9/11 WTC Collapses - An Audio-Video Analysis

The 9/11 WTC Collapses: Questions the Media Won't Address

9/11 Radio Transmissions of WTC 2 Firefighters

9/11 Firefighters: Bombs and Explosions in the WTC

Richard Gage, AIA, Gregg Roberts, and David Chandler, Conspiracy theory or hidden truth? The 9/11 enigmas...

80,000 New Yorkers demand a new investigation into 9/11 - 12.160Mhz

TV News LIES - 9/11 Myth Huggers: 8 Years of Ignoring the Evidence

World Trade Center 1: There Was No Inferno

World Trade Center 2: There Was No Inferno

*Museum Scours World for New Videos of 9/11 Attacks

*Millennium Ark:Is Another 9/11 Set to Unfold?

*9/11 Mind Swell


Communist sympathizer introduced top adviser?

The 'conservatives' who hate us

Obama praises Cronkite; critiques the media - Michael Calderone - POLITICO.com

Obama's Ex-Green Jobs Czar Lands Quickly (Update)

Congressman wants all 'czars' to testify - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Immigration activists urge census boycott

ksl.com - Teenager saved by friends after suffering seizure in pool

50 things that are being killed by the internet - Telegraph

Bible literacy law stumps schools | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Fewer paying speed-camera tickets in Arizona

In Juvenile Bud Lime Spot, This Butt's for You - Adages - Advertising Age

BBC News blooper: Is this the funniest ever? - Telegraph

Trend with toes ; Touted as safer, barefoot running gains in popularity

US job openings fall to lowest level in 9 years

Forget the swamp: Drain the cesspool in New York!

Will Obama's thugs seize your laptop?

A communist has profaned the presidency

The race card has lost its punch

The United States of Newark

Doing the math on Obama's debt

Salon.com | Too late for Obama to turn it around?

Some politically incorrect observations


Liberal lies about national health care, Part 1

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 2

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 3

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 4


*Jackie Mason:/Van Jones: Just another Obama partner


*256pgs/USAF- GardenPlot 1968

*256pgs:Civi lDisturbance Plan :GardenPlot 1968

*338pgs:Army Civi lDisturbance Plan - Garden Plot '78

*255pgs:US Army Civil Disturbance Plan GardenPlot 1991


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

YouTube - Birthers on the Hill

The media's eligibility blinders

Rep. Schmidt whispers "I agree with you" to birther - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Shocker! Judge orders trial on eligibility issue

'Birth certificate' billboards on the Net

Obama presents 'nativity myth' to schoolkids


Obama, Armed With Details, Says Health Plan Is Necessary - NYTimes.com

Diana DeGette: Choosing between food and medicine - The Denver Post

Thomas Friedman is a Liberal Fascist - Jonah Goldberg - The Corner on National Review Online

RealClearPolitics - Obama Fires Back on Health Reform

Obama's Health Care Pitch

Obama Back In Top Campaign Form | The New Republic

News Analysis - Aim of Obama Health Speech - Reigniting a Presidency - NYTimes.com

The American Spectator : Time to Get Out the Iron

RealClearPolitics - The Convenient Fantasies of President Obama

RealClearPolitics - A Left-Wing Extremist in the White House

RealClearPolitics - Obama Confronts Deeper Debate: Government's Role

Obama shows he's in health-care fight to win :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Commentary


EXAMINER HOT ZONE: Does Obama think Americans are so gullible? | Washington Examiner

Obama says he will weigh medical malpractice reform -- latimes.com

High Court's Conservatives Skeptical of Election Law

Blue Dog seeking truce with liberals - TheHill.com

Barack Obama health care speech: Republican calls president a liar - Telegraph


*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 8th: Charlie Sheen’s Letter To The President

*AUDIO:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 4th With Joe Berlinger

09/09 The Mark Levin Show


**Transcripts:Obama's Health Care Address to Congress

The GOP Response to Obama's Health Care Address

Interview with David Axelrod

Obama's Speech to U.S. Students

Obama's Remarks at the AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic

Interview with Laura Bush

Interview with David Axelrod

Gibbs, Waters, Pence, Dole & Daschle on Health Care

Alexander, Dean, Gingrich & Podesta on Health Care

Interview with Education Secretary Arne Duncan


**Politics; Video/Specter: Rep. Joe Wilson Should Be Censured

Full Speech: Obama Addresses Congress On Health Care

Rep. Joe Wilson Apologizes For Calling Obama A Liar

Sen. McCaskill: Obama "Began To Fill In The Details"

Rove: Obama Speech Was "Bitterly Partisan"

ACORN In Baltimore Comes Up With Ways To Legalize Prostitution

Rep. Boustany GOP Response to President Obama's Address

Flashback: Democrats Boo Bush At 2005 State Of The Union

Biden: Heckler "Embarrassed The Institution"

Begala, Gergen & Rollins Analyze Obama's Speech

O'Reilly Analyzes Obama's Health Care Speech

Markets; Video/TARP: Good Billions After Bad?

Whitney: Home Prices Could Fall Another 25%

Fed Tries to Paint Best Picture of Economy

Dollar Direction: Up or Down?

Warren: Auto Bailouts May Not Deliver

IPO Market Starts To Stabilize

More Madoff Homes on Display

The Coming Currency Revolution

Steve Jobs Takes the Stage

Hot Summer, Cool Fall

Wait to Buy Gold?

Wall Street Recovering Faster Than Washington

World ;Video/Iran Update: Will Western Sanctions Work?

Chavez Recognize South Ossetia, Abkhazia

Passengers Freed from Hijacked Mexico Plane

U.S. Envoy Breaks Fast with Kenyan Muslims

Thousands Homeless in Turkey Floods

China Mobile's OPhone May Counter iPhone

EU Chief Visits Ireland

Indian Hindu Girls Learn to Become Priests

Iran Update: Will Western Sanctions Work?


*American Minute for September 10th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*World Net Daily Player:'You lie' congressman talks to WND

*World Net Daily Player:Democrats pulling 'trigger' on stealth public option

*World Net Daily Player:GOP's Price: Obama 'champion of misinformation'

*World Net Daily Player:Next stop for 'evil' Gitmo detainees?