"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

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Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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09 September 2009



How Sunlight Controls Climate: Scientific American

Fines proposed for going without health insurance - Yahoo! News

Dems Under Attack - Time To Block Hate Bills

Colds and stomach bugs speed up memory loss in Alzheimer's patients: research - Telegraph

Ten photographs that changed the world - Telegraph

YouTube - Huge News at Infowars.com

YouTube - Invasive technology to ruin your life

Google Book Search: why it matters - Times Online

A cordless future for electricity? - CNN.com

Did Israel Kill JFK? - Watch & Judge For Yourself

YouTube - israel killed kennedy for trying to stop the Israel Lobby in America

israel killed John Kennedy- JFK by Hesham Tillawi on Yahoo! Video

"The name's Obama -- BARACK Obama."


Chimp babies are better behaved than their human cousins | Mail Online

*Shocker! Judge orders trial on eligibility issue

Devvy Kidd -- Czars: Are They Constitutional?

Cannonfire:Tim Geithner's dad, Barack Obama's mom and the CIA

Missing Algerian Children Had Their Organs Removed « Political Theatrics

Question a doctor and lose your child - Times Online

Sick and Wrong : Rolling Stone

A year after financial crisis, the consumer economy is dead | McClatchy

Killing The Nightmare

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Argentina: Man Photographs Aerial Engima

Israeli Government Ads Warn Against Marrying Non-Jews | World | AlterNet

Multiculturalism - Crime Against Humanity - Part 2

Above Top Secret: Alex Jones Camp Initially Sold Fake Sheen/Obama Interview As Real

Alex Jones Has Finally Lost It--His Credibility And Damaged Ours

09-08-2009: Cheap Public Relations Stunt By Alex Jones Discredits The Entire Alternative Media

Obama May Need Sense Of Crisis To Revive Health-Care Overhaul

Proposed CO2 Budget For Every Person On Earth

Obama Asks Senate To Increase Debt Ceiling

China Alarmed By U.S. Money Printing

09-08-2009: UN wants new global currency to replace dollar

Expanding the Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas

09-07-2009: Web-monitoring software gathers data on kid chats

09-07-2009: Should we fear neuro-war more than normal war?

FBI Whistleblower: Hastert, Burton, Blunt, Other Members of Congress 'Bribed, Blackmailed'

U.S. Alone Responsible 68.4% of Global Arms Sales

"We're The Children Of Barnum & Bailey"

Breaking Down the Lies and Propaganda in Obama's Speech to our Children

Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama Back to School Event

Obama's school speech - a child's view

The Educational System Was Designed to Keep Us Uneducated and Docile

The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher - By John Taylor Gatto, New York State Teacher of the Year, 1991

Militarising Space: The Fallujah fallacy

Swine Flu Vaccine Linked to Paralysis

Obama and Workers' Rights in America

Pre and Post-Coup Honduras

Why the U.S. is not a democracy

Blackwater suspected of being in Pakistan

video:Tim Hawkins - The Government Can

Google 'evangelist' sees web, brain implant link

Where tech and philosophy collide

U.S. Government Paid 15-Year-Olds $40 to Answer Graphic Questions About Sexual Behavior

Obama Pitched Universal Health Care to Students in Meeting Prior to His Speech on Education

Obama Promises to Give Us ‘A Much More Detailed’ Health Care Plan Wednesday Night

Many of Obama’s Claims about Health-Care Reform Have Been Debunked

Lieberman: U.S. Needs to Be Prepared for Biological Attack

Test-Ban Treaty Advocates See ‘Window of Opportunity’ Opened by Obama

Democrat Leader Wants 'Successful' Plan for Afghanistan

The U.S. Won’t Secure a Single Additional Mile of Border in 2010

What Van Jones Tells Us About President Obama

New York Times Reporter Freed in Raid That Killed British Commando

Surgeon General Post Unfilled as Obama Pushes Health Care Reform and Swine Flu Concerns Grow

Chief Treasury Economist Says White House Economic Forecast is 'Smoother' than Can Be Expected in Reality

Global ‘Ecological Board of Directors’ Envisioned by State Department’s Climate Czar

ACORN Turns in Florida Workers on Voter Fraud Charges

Poll Finds European Support for US Policy Rose Once Obama Took Office

Sarah Palin Blasts Health Care Reform in Editorial

Obama Tries to Build Momentum for Health Care Reform

Sen. Dodd Rejects Chairmanship of Kennedy’s Health Committee

New Fees Looming for International Visitors to U.S.A.

Judge: No Sign that Nation of Gods Is Prison Risk

Distortions—or Truths?

Why Parents Don’t Trust the Educator-in-Chief and His Comrades

The U.S. Won’t Secure a Single Additional Mile of Border in 2010

What Van Jones Tells Us About President Obama

Millennium Ark:Is Another 9/11 Set to Unfold?

Asia Times Online : Dollar's fate written in history

USA Sick and Ready to Collapse for Three Reasons - Pravda.Ru

YouTube - Dont Talk to Police

The Truth About the Health Care Bills - mconnelly

More About the Health Care Bills - mconnelly

Some Chicago Jews say Obama is actually the 'first Jewish president' - Haaretz - Israel News

Site:Gods Warrior

Tea Party Confessions: Republican Jean Schmidt Caught Agreeing With Birther On Video

While Teabaggers Blathered On, The Children Were Inspired By Obama's Message.

Countdown: Obama's Speech vs the Right Wing Indoctrination Freak Out

Kurtz is Shocked That Ellsberg Would Compare WMD Lies to the Tonkin Gulf Incident

More troops die in Afghanistan, major highway in shambles and voter fraud charges continue...

The Nanny Takes Sean Hannity to School Over Health-Care Reform

Bill Moyers Journal: Rage on the Radio

Matthew Dowd's False Equivalence: Obama Hatred Equals Bush Hatred

A teabagger even too dumb for Dr. Nancy on MSNBC about Obama's school speech

They're Rolling Out The 'Centrist' Media Cannons To Attack the Public Option.

Joe Watkins: Obama is too charismatic to speak to the kids of America

Glenn Beck's scary negro militants turn out to be really, really scary dancers

Comparing the House Bill's Cost to the Baucus Proposal

Mr. President, Don't Compromise Our Health Away. We Need Help, Not Worthless Mandates.

Jim Greer Claims the White House Rewrote the President's School Speech

Another Beckian mom speaks out against Obama's eeevil brainwashing plan

So Now We Know Why Wall St. Doesn't Want Health-Care Reform: Death Panels!

Trumka on The Senate Passing Health Care Reform: They Can Do It, They Just Choose Not To Do It

Tim Pawlenty: The Rule Needs to Be, When the United States Goes to War, the United States Wins

Max Baucus Is Proposing A Tax on Health Insurance Companies - Again.

We're Paying The Legal Fees For Those Who Defrauded Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

The Great Fakeroo Recovery by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Branden's Judgment Day by Murray N. Rothbard

*Home School 101 by Heather M. Carson

Europe’s Complicity in Evil by Paul Craig Roberts

Evicted From Your Brand New Clunker by Richard Daughty

Hubris and the Hooker by C.J. Maloney

The Tuned Feds by Phil Maymin

Avoid Table Salt: Learn Why You Should Switch to Unrefined Sea Salt

Boehner: GOP leaders haven't met Obama for health talks since April - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

My Way News - Obama tries to build momentum for health overhaul

Obama disapproval on health care up to 52 percent - Yahoo! News

Sarah Palin: Obama and the Bureaucratization of Health Care - WSJ.com

Too late for Obama to turn it around? | Salon

The convenient fantasies of President Obama | Washington Examiner

Venezuela's Chavez accuses Israel of genocide | Reuters

A skull that rewrites the history of man - Science, News - The Independent

Former CIA agent's hunt for bin Laden in Pakistani badlands - Times Online

Obama's media skills face pivotal test - John F. Harris and Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

Congressman wants all 'czars' to testify - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Columnist Army Archerd dies at 87

R.I.P. Army Archerd – Deadline.com

My Way News - Fines proposed for going without health insurance

News Analysis - Despite Fears, Health Care Overhaul Is Moving Ahead - NYTimes.com

Obama to Endorse Public Plan in Speech - WSJ.com

President Obama says 'sin tax' on sodas is food for thought, despite Gov. Paterson's failed proposal

Passengers face new tax to halt rise in air travel - Times Online

My Way News - Taxpayers face heavy losses on auto bailout

ACORN turns in Fla. workers on voter fraud charges

Cellphone radiation levels vary widely, watchdog report says - USATODAY.com

'Contraception cheapest way to combat climate change' - Telegraph

Daughter claims father wrongly placed on controversial NHS end of life scheme - Telegraph

Premature baby 'left to die' by doctors after mother gives birth just two days before 22-week care limit | Mail Online

CNSNews.com - Obama Pitched Universal Health Care to Students in Meeting Prior to His Speech on Education

My Way News - Obama advises caution in what kids put on Facebook

Media & Blogosphere React To Sheen’s Request For Meeting With Obama

The Alex Jones Show: Charlie Sheen Requests Meeting with Obama Over 9/11 Cover-Up

“Challenge Me On The Facts” – How Charlie Sheen Energized The 9/11 Truth Movement

Charlie Sheen: Now is the Time to Demand the Truth

Twenty Minutes with the President

Giuliani pushing 9/11 Re-Education Course for Public Schools

Former High-Ranking Intelligence Officer: Cheney Responsible for 9/11

Cybersecurity Act Returns With a Fresh Coat of Paint

UN Says New Currency Is Needed to Fix Broken ‘Confidence Game’ - Bloomberg.com

The Dollar Collapses - Forbes.com

FT.com / US & Canada - Obama to seal US-UN relationship

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Media & Blogosphere React To Sheen’s Request For Meeting With Obama

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Charlie Sheen/Barack Obama fanfic, as written by… Charlie Sheen

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Alex Jones Show: Charlie Sheen Requests Meeting With Obama Over 9/11 Cover-Up

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Report: Blackwater guard saw Iraqi killings as 9/11 revenge

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Collapse of Climate Alarmism

*7pgs./Collapse of Climate Alarmism

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Guardian: Global warming to trigger “earthquakes, tsunamis, avalanches and volcanic eruptions.”

Carbon-rationing proposed - Yahoo! News UK

Charlie Sheen seeks audience with Obama over 9/11 | Entertainment | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Breaking: Charlie Sheen demands Obama meeting on 9/11 cover-up | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

US Girl Scouts prepare for war, pestilence - Yahoo! News

Treasury Says Millions More Foreclosures Coming - ABC News

BW Online | March 26, 2001 | Net Losses

The hunt is on for more ammunition in Nevada, U.S. - News - ReviewJournal.com

Cass Sunstein:The Internet is making us stupid

Al-Qaeda Targeting Germany for 'Next 9/11' - Within Weeks - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Army Accidentally Grows Marijuana At Rocky Mountain Arsenal - cbs4denver.com

The World from Berlin: 'Germany Has Become a Warring Party under US Command' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

CIC Looks to Pile Cash Into U.S. Real Estate - WSJ.com

Armed Revolution! Are you “in or out”? « Mark Epstein

Why are John Ashcroft and John Yoo being sued in civil court?

The Arab Regimes Play Monopoly With Israel « Political Theatrics

Hunt for bin Laden: double game that let fugitive slip through the net - Times Online

U.S. Contractor Electrocuted While Showering in Iraq - Political News - FOXNews.com

Colds and stomach bugs speed up memory loss in Alzheimer's patients: research - Telegraph

FBI Admits to Tracking/Tracing/Databasing Ordinary Tourists Forever (and a Day) - SoCal Martial Law Alerts (Los Angeles, CA) - Meetup.com

How Obama Survived August - The Atlantic Politics Channel

United States considering $10 "tourist fee" to pay for promoting tourism | Gadling.com

EclippTV :: Video :: Eugenics-Cloned Humans On The Way

Don't Worry, Obama, The Neocons Have Your Back!

Obama Betting Magnetism Enough to Counter Health Care Reform Opposition - Political News - FOXNews.com


More US wealthy opt to surrender their citizenship

TaxProf Blog: Obama to Let Taxpayers Convert Tax Refunds Into IOUs

Washington's Blog:4 Signs that China is Moving Out of the Dollar

Barack Ozymandias

Power to the Patients, Please

Obama's Dog of a Health Care Message

Czar Dish

Obama's Wasted Year

ObamaCare: More Point and Counterpoint

School Day Subjugation

Rethinking the Political Spectrum

Challenging the Torah of Liberalism

The Emerging Obama Doctrine

The Confidence Party

Brainwashing you can believe in

An Obama supporter accidentally tells it like it is

Obama's school speech and the reaction.

A bad idea is still a bad idea

Do Angry Mobs Bake and Bring Brownies?

Did MSNBC stifle Keith Olbermann's Glenn Beck dirt search?

Obama's school speech

Terrorist friend of Bill Ayers lands cushy taxpayer funded job

Palin's WSJ Op-Ed bullseyes Obamacare

Conservative best sellers and the networks that ignore them

Paglia:The Democratic Brain Has Marinated in Cliches so Long It is Pickled

Obama to Tout 'Public Option' in Speech to Congress - washingtonpost.com

EDITORIAL: Flare-up over Obama's talk to kids sets bad example

VOA News - Poll: European Support for Obama Remains High

Supreme Court Hears Anti-Hillary-Clinton Film Case - ABC News

The Associated Press: Supreme Court arguments under way in campaign case

YouTube - High Court To Hear 'Hillary Movie' Case - Bloomberg

The Associated Press: Walter Cronkite celebrated at memorial service

YouTube - CBS President Honors Cronkite

Cops: Bone Near Garrido House Likely Human - The Early Show - CBS News

YouTube - Bone Near Garrido's Home Likely Human

Senate Dems Send Small Signs of Progress on Climate Bill - NYTimes.com

Study: Many don't graduate college due to lack of academic challenge - USATODAY.com

Tech Firms Rally Around OpenID for Govt. Access - News and Analysis by PC Magazine

The Associated Press: Former US Rep. Mark Foley to host talk radio show

The Associated Press: US Mint list of new national park quarters

Meet the (remastered) Beatles - TODAY Entertainment

YouTube - Early Backstage: Beatles Rock Band

Whitney Houston's comeback tops pop chart | Entertainment | People | Reuters

Janet Jackson on Michael: 'It's Really Hard To Believe He's Passed' - Janet Jackson, Michael Jackson : People.com

Photographer Leibovitz’s Deadline on $24 Million Loan Passes - Bloomberg.com

YouTube - Leibovitz Trying to Save Her Art in Face of Debt

Jackson family supports tribute concert - brother | Reuters

YouTube - UK fans of Michael Jackson left disappointed

U.S. Concerned About Iran's Nuclear Program - washingtonpost.com

ANALYSIS-Afghan election fraud dispute does Obama no good | Reuters

YouTube - Fraud, threats and lack of women mark Afghan elections

Gordon Brown ordered mission to free kidnapped reporter Stephen Farrell - Times Online

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Deadly Kirkuk blast 'a mistake'

AFP: NATO chief defends 'progress' as criticism mounts

The Associated Press: Japan's next leaders form governing coalition

AFP: Russia not yet in sustainable recovery: Medvedev

VOA News - Late Philippines President Aquino's Son to Run for Presidency

NY prosecutor targets bank over Iran links-report | Deals | Regulatory News | Reuters

YouTube - Venezuela and Iran strengthen political, business ties

BBC NEWS | Africa | Africa MPs cheer Lockerbie bomber

YouTube - Lockerbie bomber release inquiry call dismissed

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israel reinstates settlement plan

AFP: Zimbabwe looms over EU-SAfrica talks

Somalia's Ahmed in Djibouti for peace force talks | Reuters


SFGate: Politics Blog : Van Jones' powerful (political) friends were silent when he needed them (VIDEO)

Obama to Endorse Public Plan in Speech - WSJ.com

The convenient fantasies of President Obama | San Francisco Examiner

PRUDEN: A crucial week for Obama's teleprompter - Washington Times

Pence requests background checks of all Obama 'czars'

The Week Magazine - Looking Back: How health reform passed

RealClearPolitics - ObamaCare: The Problem is the Substance

The Three Audiences Obama Has to Please | The American Prospect

RealClearPolitics - Obama To Give Historic Speech...Again

Debt Be Not Proud: The Sorry Tale of America’s Out-of-control Spending — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

RealClearPolitics - Stop the Slippery Slope of Speech Bans

Situation Almost Critical;Obama's latest attempt to reshape the health care debate. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Crisis: Credibility

Obama’s Promises Could Use a Good-Faith Deposit: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg.com

Obama's Health Care Speech: His Last, Best Hope -- Politics Daily

RealClearPolitics - 5 Things to Watch For in Obama's Speech

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Obama can avoid midterm blues

RealClearPolitics - Democrats Losing Seniors

Column: As history shows, Congress can seal a president's fate - Opinion - USATODAY.com

RealClearMarkets - Tax-and-Offend Charlie Rangel

How Obama Hopes to Restart the Middle East Peace Talks - TIME

Can the War Be Won?: Disillusionment over Afghanistan Grows in West - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Some Suggestions for Obama's Speech to Congress on Health Care - washingtonpost.com

EDITORIAL: Better ways to reform health care - Washington Times

Obama tells it like it is: No excuses, kids :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Commentary

Opposition to Health-Care Reform Re-Energizes Christian the Right - washingtonpost.com


*Transcripts: Obama's Speech to U.S. Students

Obama's Remarks at the AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic

Interview with Laura Bush

Interview with David Axelrod

Gibbs, Waters, Pence, Dole & Daschle on Health Care

Alexander, Dean, Gingrich & Podesta on Health Care

Interview with Education Secretary Arne Duncan

Shields and Brooks on the Week in Politics

Interview with Tom Ridge

200 Days of the American Recovery Act

Roundtable on Obama's Speech to Students

Interview with Tom Ridge

Tom Ridge Talks About His New Book


**Politics; Video/Obama On Health Care Reform: "I'm Open To New Ideas"

Sen. Gregg: Reconciliation Is "Bastardization Of The Legislative Process"

NRSC Ad Hits Dems In "Disarray" Over Health Care

Gibbs Criticizes FOX For Running Reality Show Over Obama's Address

Rep. Weiner: Dems Stand With Patients, GOP With Insurance Companies

Sen. DeMint "Glad" To See Palin Fighting Back

RNC's Steele: Obama Must Agree With Van Jones Radical Views

Olbermann On Resignation Of Van Jones

Sens. Gregg, Sanders Face Off On Health Care

O'Reilly: Putting American CIA Agents In Danger

MSNBC Host: "Is Race Driving Opposition To Obama?"

Kristol, Easton React To Obama's Speech To Students

Pelosi: Congress Has Enough To Work With On Health Care

Rep. Pence On GOP's Plan For Health Care

Gibbs: August Wasn't A Bad Month For Obama Administration

Sotomayor Caught On Cam Dancing, Singing Karaoke At DC Bar

Obama To Students: "I Expect Great Things" From You

Rev. Wright On Health Care; "Racist" Right-Wing Upset Poor To Be Helped

Gibbs: Obama Opponents Want To Start An "Animal House Food Fight"

Senate Holds Moment Of Silence For Ted Kennedy

Schools Offer Parents To Opt-Out Of Obama Speech

Blagojevich: "I Will Be Completely Vindicated"

Joe Kennedy Won't Run for Ted Kennedy's Senate Seat

World; Video/Iran Update: Will Western Sanctions Work?

Britain Convicts 3 Men in Liquid Bomb Case

NATO in Turmoil over Afghan Strike

Markets;Video/More Madoff Homes on Display

The Coming Currency Revolution

Hot Summer, Cool Fall

Wait to Buy Gold?

Wall Street Recovering Faster Than Washington

What's Next for the Markets?

Fannie & Freddie: One Year Later

Should Lehman Brothers Have Been Saved?

Cadbury Rejects Kraft's $16.73B Offer

German Recovery Continues

Best Bonds for a Weak Dollar


Communist sympathizer introduced top adviser?

Adviser losing patience with Obama - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Anti-secrecy groups unhappy with Obama - Washington Times

EXCLUSIVE: Obama nominee omitted ties to biotech - Washington Times

YouTube - Rachel Maddow's "Special Report" On WorldNetDaily

Breitbart.tv » Beck Forecasts: Revelations By Week’s End – People Will Go to Jail

'We need to kill' Christian girl

Why some Van Jones friends are happy about exit

Van Jones' departure inspires: 'Who's next?'

EXCLUSIVE: Federal program rejects 'card check' effort - Washington Times

FT.com / US & Canada - Obama to seal US-UN relationship

Saudi Arabia cooperating with Israel

U.S. ‘unlikely’ to recoup auto bailout cash - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Obama concedes health bill strategy failed - Washington Times

Pelosi and Reid Tell President: We Have the Votes; President Wants Bill Passed Soon - Political Punch

Public option splits House Democrats - Washington Times

Prez injects politics into school speech

Obama Delivers Stay-in-School Speech Amid Controversy - Political News - FOXNews.com

When Bush spoke to students, Democrats investigated, held hearings | Washington Examiner

No answer to Thomas Jefferson question

Grubby tourists use Uluru as dunny - Northern Territory News

4-year-old's shirt sets St. Paul dad on rampage | StarTribune.com

DNA links Wisconsin man Walter E. Ellis to serial killings: cops

P-plater 'naked at wheel' in fatal crash

Man Says Airline Grounded Him For His Girth

'Lost Tomb' of President Obama's Irish Ancestor Found in Cathedral

Ssslippery surprise in the S-bend - Northern Territory News

July consumer credit falls a record $21.6 billion | Reuters

FDA requires faster food safety reporting

Saudi Arabia cooperating with Israel

Communist sympathizer introduced top adviser?

Police 'nab' 7-year-old homeschooler

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Underfunding shackles Nasa vision


Egyptian temples followed heavenly plans - space - 08 September 2009 - New Scientist

Dorian Gray: is there a secret to eternal youth? - Times Online

Unknown Country:Longest Film of a UFO

What Van Jones tells us about President Obama

Van Jones: Obama's alter ego

The establishment media's temper tantrum

Revolution isn't scary, tyranny is

Some politically incorrect observations

Obama at the Rubicon

Training kids to be Obama's servants

The real cause of inflation

The battle that saved our common law

Rebel interrogators are true patriots

Going 'nuclear' on freedom - Sen. Jim DeMint - POLITICO.com

If Obama's not stupid …

Once Upon a Time . . . by Victor Davis Hanson on National Review Online


*ArticleLinks:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Government warns even real birth certificates aren't proof

Rep. Schmidt whispers "I agree with you" to birther - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Shocker! Judge orders trial on eligibility issue

The Right Side of Life » Barnett v. Obama: Judge Sets Conference, Tentative Trial Date


American Minute for September 9th:William J Federer's American Minute*


Health Care, Is it really the issue

Absurd Liquid Bomb Court Case Produces Convictions

Americans: Serfs Ruled by Oligarchs

The 'conservatives' who hate us

*Flexner Report

Pesticides blamed for killing bees - Telegraph

Consultant 'victimised for exposing cost-cutting' - Home News, UK - The Independent

Germany overturns Nazi-era treason convictions - Telegraph

Cost of air travel 'must rise to deter people from flying' | World news | guardian.co.uk

Exhausted Australian doctors told to drink more coffee - Telegraph

Russia denies Arctic Sea was carrying arms destined for Iran | World news | guardian.co.uk

Germany passes legislation to ratify Lisbon treaty - Telegraph

Barack Obama warns US teenagers of the dangers of Facebook - Telegraph

Barack Obama: has he been mortally wounded by health care reform? - Telegraph

Nasa can't afford manned moon flight, report says - Telegraph

Why Obama needs a big play as reality takes over | Michael Tomasky | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

FT.com / US / Economy & Fed - US to prosecute bank over Iran links

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Mr. Roff, 9/11 Truthers Are No “Fringe” Movement

Woman Waving From WTC 1 Impact Area - photos and videos

Study: Bush Tax Cuts Cost More Than Twice As Much As Dems' Health-Care Bill

John Conyers Won't Vote For a Bill Without a Public Option

Tea Party Confessions: Republican Jean Schmidt Caught Agreeing With Birther On Video

While Teabaggers Blathered On, The Children Were Inspired By Obama's Message.

Countdown: Obama's Speech vs the Right Wing Indoctrination Freak Out


*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 3rd With Mancow Muller

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 4th With Joe Berlinger

Michael Savage 09/08/09 H1

Michael Savage 09/08/09 H2

Michael Savage 09/08/09 H3

09/08 The Mark Levin Show

*Audio:The Lew Rockwell Show - 138. What You Don't Know About Ron Paul


World Net Daily Player:'Invitation as opposed to imposition'

World Net Daily Player:Congressman: 'Empower the American people'

World Net Daily Player:GOP's Price: Obama 'champion of misinformation'





Site:Past Forward: (www.healpastlives.com/)

Site:Current Issues

Features Videos

Pt. 1/14. Tom Horn on Steve Quayle's Q-Files. Apollyon Rising 2012....

Pt. 2/14. Tom Horn on Steve Quayle's Q-Files. Apollyon Rising 2012....

Pt. 3/14. Tom Horn on Steve Quayle's Q-Files. Apollyon Rising 2012....

Pt. 4/14. Tom Horn on Steve Quayle's Q-Files. Apollyon Rising 2012....

Pt. 5/14. Tom Horn on Steve Quayle's Q-Files. Apollyon Rising 2012....

Pt. 6/14. Tom Horn on Steve Quayle's Q-Files. Apollyon Rising 2012....

Pt. 7/14. Tom Horn on Steve Quayle's Q-Files. Apollyon Rising 2012....

Pt. 8/14. Tom Horn on Steve Quayle's Q-Files. Apollyon Rising 2012....

Pt. 9/14. Tom Horn on Steve Quayle's Q-Files. Apollyon Rising 2012....

Pt. 10/14. Tom Horn on Steve Quayle's Q-Files. Apollyon Rising 2012...

Pt. 11/14. Tom Horn on Steve Quayle's Q-Files. Apollyon Rising 2012...

Pt. 12/14. Tom Horn on Steve Quayle's Q-Files. Apollyon Rising 2012...

Pt. 13/14. Tom Horn on Steve Quayle's Q-Files. Apollyon Rising 2012...

Pt. 14/14. Tom Horn on Steve Quayle's Q-Files. Apollyon Rising 2012...

YouTube - Pt. 1/3. Tom Horn on Apollyon Rising 2012: The Final Mystery of the Great Seal Revealed.

YouTube - Pt. 2/3. Tom Horn on Apollyon Rising 2012: The Final Mystery of the Great Seal Revealed.

YouTube - Pt. 3/3. Tom Horn on Apollyon Rising 2012: The Final Mystery of the Great Seal Revealed.

YouTube - 2012, the NWO and Apollyon Part 1

YouTube - 2012, the NWO and Apollyon Part 2

YouTube - 2012, the NWO and Apollyon Part 3

YouTube - 2012, the NWO and Apollyon Part 4

YouTube - Great seal of the United states and the Rising of Apollyon (Part 1) 3/12

YouTube - Great seal of the United states and the Rising of Apollyon (Part 2) 12/12


*9/11 Radio Transmissions of WTC 2 Firefighters

*9/11 Firefighters: Bombs and Explosions in the WTC

*The 9/11 WTC Collapses: Questions the Media Won't Address

*The 9/11 Investigation: Bush Asks Daschle to limit September 11 Probes

*9/11: A "Godsend" for Bush

*The Collapse of WTC 1: Madrid Exposes a Fundamental Flaw

*World Trade Center 1: There Was No Inferno

*World Trade Center 2: There Was No Inferno

*The Pod People And The Plane That Crashed Into the Pentagon

*Deseret News | Is another 9/11 set to unfold?

*3 plotters ‘linked to al-Qaeda and 7/7’ | Metro.co.uk

*The 9/11 WTC Collapses - An Audio-Video Analysis

*FEMA was in New York the Night Before 9/11

*9/11: Hurricane Katrina Raises A Question

Woman Waving From WTC 1 Impact Area - photos and videos

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 911 reasons why 9/11 was an inside job

Giuliani pushing 9/11 Re-Education Course for Public Schools

Former High-Ranking Intelligence Officer: Cheney Responsible for 9/11