"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

18 September 2009

5769 /5770 (calendar)

Happy New Year

Jewish New Year begins at sundown on Friday September 18 and ends at nightfall on Sunday September 20.

YouTube - Salbuchi - False Flag Attacks in Argentina: AMIA and Israeli Embassy Bldgs - Part 1 of 3

YouTube - Salbuchi - False Flag Attacks in Argentina: AMIA and Israeli Embassy Bldgs - Part 2 of 3

YouTube - Salbuchi - False Flag Attacks in Argentina: AMIA and Israeli Embassy Bldgs - Part 3 of 3

Iran Opposition Protests; Ahmadinejad Attacks Israel - Bloomberg.com

America's failed model for the world | Steven Hill | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Jamie Rubin, Cruise Missile Liberal, Calls for Hypnotizing Americans About Afghan War

Putin hails US defense shield move, asks for more

US fails to restrain Israel on settlement work

Feminist Camille Paglia: Birthers have a point

Fish can get mad cow disease says study | Practical Fishkeeping magazine

FDIC Considers Borrowing From Treasury to Shore Up Deposit Insurance - WSJ.com

Obama Missile Plan Wins Russia Praise, No Iran Shift - Bloomberg.com

Is America Hooked on War? by Tom Engelhardt -- Antiwar.com

Family Security Matters » Publications » Soros Money Financed Communist Van Jones

Mutadhar al-Zaidi: The Story of My Shoe

Canada introduces bill supporting US deserters - Salon.com


Intelligence Agencies Say No New Nukes in Iran | Newsweek International | Newsweek.com

cryptogon.com » Archives » 60 Minutes: Cold Fusion Is Hot Again

75 Percent of Oklahoma Students Can't Name the First President - News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |

Cigarettes and alcohol will take 10 years off your life - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

09-17-2009: London Guardian Article On India Citizens All Getting Biometric ID Cards

09-17-2009: NYC synagogue bomb defendants may claim entrapment

09-17-2009: U.S. to Donate 10 Percent of Swine Flu Vaccine to WHO

09-17-2009: Report: Top anti-drug official was secret ally of drug lords

09-17-2009: China says will push space programme to catch up West

09-17-2009: China could undermine US military power in Pacific: Gates

Scientists pull a temporary about-face on global warming

NYC synagogue bomb defendants may claim entrapment - Yahoo! News

Alien Abduction in Italy: the sad story of Pier Fortunato Zanfretta, page 1

ManitobaPost.com: Stu Murray , train wreck

Devvy Kidd -- Line of Succession if Obama/Soetoro Removed From Office

Sceptics seize on climate cooling model | George Monbiot | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Why Is Obama Still Using Blackwater?

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » The Alex Jones Show:Alex Talks About The Latest ACORN Scandal

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff is officially in for Senate

EclippTV :: Video :: 9/16/09 Judge Napolitano: Obamacare is Unconstitutional

Refreshing News: Google easter eggs: 15 best hidden jokes

The Norman Transcript - Agriculture secretary bullish on rural America

$20 Per Gallon Of Gas

"Option" mortgages to explode, officials warn

Roubini and Taleb: Government's Socialization of Losses Is Destroying the Real Economy

Congressman Grayson: Fed Secretly "Stuffed" $500 Billion into "Foreign Private Pockets" and Gave $230 Billion to Citi "As a Secret Bailout"

A deluded G-20

Suicide bombers used U.N.-logo vehicles to strike peacekeepers in Somalia

Blackwater Offers Training to ‘Faith Based Organizations’

Report: Top anti-drug official was ’secret ally of drug lords’

U.S. About to Hit Debt Ceiling – Again

Mafia ‘was paid to sink ships carrying radioactive cargo’

“Truther” came out of the CIA Handbook on Psychological Guerrilla Warfare

Iran Intelligence Report: More Psychological Warfare?

Gaithersburg Residents Upset Over 'Science City' Plans

Boosters, opponents of ‘Science City' make their cases

Local Politics - Gaithersburg MD: "Science City" Agenda-21-Style Town Proposed

Montgomery County residents upset over proposed 'Science City'

Gaithersbungle, part 8: They know it's a turkey

General Dynamics Given $10 Million To Set Up "Psy-Op" Websites To Support War On Terror

The Iraqi who threw his Shoe at George W. Bush: "My Flower" to Bush, the Occupier

Dangerous Crossroads: Missile Defense and Washington’s Foolish Eurasia Strategy

US Militarism in Latin America: The Hypocrisy of Hillary Clinton

U.S. Missile Shield Plans: Retreat Or Advance?

Oil and gas fields in the Falkland Islands: Will Britain Become New Kuwait?

"New Concerns" of US intelligence: Economic crisis, Flu pandemic, Climate Change

Health care is an inalienable right

Operation Northwoods and the 9/11 Truthers by Jacob G. Hornberger

9/11 Commission ‘played with fire’

Exposing the Criminal Cover-Up of 9/11

911: Reasons Why 9/11 could have been an "Inside Job"

Push for Globalism Continues

9/11 Commission Members Doubt Official Story

Neuroengineering to challenge what it means to be human

America Sees Red

More Damning Science On Squalene & Related Adjuvants

Missile Defense And Russia US Polirticle Missile Defense And Washington's Foolish Eurasia Strategy

War's Silent Stress: Healing The Military Family

ACORN conspiracy against gun owners discovered

YouTube - Celente: Revolution next for U.S.

Goat gives birth to a 'human'; a faun

Doug Casey on Political Correctness

Lehman Died So TARP and AIG Might Live by Mike Whitney

The Leftists Are Right by David Calderwood

The Cold War Fraud by Mark G. Brennan

Dalrymple: There Is No ‘Right’ to Health Care - WSJ.com

Too much radiation for astronauts to make it to Mars - space - 16 September 2009 - New Scientist

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Obama under fire for U-turn on missiles

FT.com / Asia-Pacific - Japan urges talks on US military base

Bulgarian lottery picks same numbers in straight draws - Telegraph

Response: Putting happiness first would create an oppressive Brave New World | Comment is free | The Guardian

Dinosaurs could survive cold conditions - Telegraph

Almost 4 million Kenyans on food aid as drought deepens | World news | The Guardian

VW unveils 180 mile-per-gallon, two-seater L1 hybrid at Frankfurt Motor Show - Telegraph

Contraceptives can reduce impact of climate change says Lancet - Telegraph

Google to Create Government Cloud with Google Apps

Obama: Legalize illegals to get them health care - Washington Times

Poles, Czechs: US missile defense shift a betrayal - Yahoo! News

Newsom wants to charge stores that sell sodas

Fed plans to approve banking salaries: report - Yahoo! Canada Finance

'Michael Jackson's This Is It' Documentary Soundtrack OK'd By Judge - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

Bermuda Triangle Plane Mystery Solved?

09-16-2009: Pharma Gets What It Lobbied For In Senate Health Bill

45% Of Doctors Would Consider Quitting If Congress Passes Health Care Overhaul

09-16-2009: Police To Get Access To Classified Military Intelligence

They all lie for someone

Jimmy Carter's new twist on Old South race baiting

Race and stupidity

On race: Carter v. Obama

Dowd, Carter guilty of that which they decry

Why the elites call you a racist

Who's calling whom 'loud and shrill'?

From red, white and blue to just plain red

The media's attack on the truth

Obama offends patriots – are veterans next?

The distracting benefits of ACORN hysteria - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Propaganda press circle the wagons

Pajamas Media » Still Dis-Putin’ History After All These Years

Iranian president raises stakes against Israel | Reuters

Israel Assembles Advanced Missile Defense Systems - washingtonpost.com

VOA News - New British Army Chief says Afghan Success Vital

U.N. body urges Israel to allow nuclear inspections | Special Coverage | Reuters

Clinton says Iran risks greater isolation | Politics | Reuters

Russia-NATO joint missile defense seen years away | U.S. | Reuters

VOA News - CIA Chief: Karzai Apparent Afghan Election Winner

The Associated Press: Some Myanmar political prisoners receive amnesty

Lockerbie bomber disputes conviction with new dossier | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Fewer US Millionaires: Europe Overtakes North America As Richest Region In the World - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

FBI outlines retooled scams designed to prey upon people's trust and greed - St. Petersburg Times

Technological demonizing

How clean is your shower head? The peril lurking in your cubicle could be bad for your health

Education | UW student discovers precious gemstone | Seattle Times Newspaper

2,000-year-old menorah depiction found - Science- msnbc.com

New International Version of the Bible will eliminate gender-neutral revisions - Faith & Spirit - Ledger-Enquirer.com

Former Interior Secretary Gale Norton is focus of corruption probe -- latimes.com

10 being charged in million-dollar scheme to sell driver licenses to at least 1,500 illegal immigrants

My Way News - Under fire, Napolitano halts projects for review

Bill could block Gitmo closure - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

The American embarrassment, CONGRESS!

9/11 and "War on Terror": Politicians Are Clever - People Are the Problem

State Says Forced Injections, Quarantines For “Rapidly Spreading Germ,” But Not Swine Flu

Chertoff Gets Pounded With 9/11 Questions By C-SPAN Callers

Pelosi’s Misleading Statement on the Constitutionality of Government Health Care

Ice-cream and burgers can control your brain: study | Lifestyle | Reuters

Government's $12.1 trillion debt ceiling due for increase - Sep. 16, 2009

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Only 28% Of High School Students Are Familiar With The Constitution

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obamanoids Rabidly Cheer Removal Of Man For Daring To Call Der Fuhrer A Liar

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Ten Swine Flu Lies Told by the Mainstream Media

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Shooter Jennings talks truth on ‘The Alex Jones Show’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Paul Joseph Watson on Alex Jones Tv 1/3:CIA-Bin Laden Tapes? “Here We Go Again!”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama ‘07 Revelation: Health Care Reform Requires Tax Hikes — Savings Just a Theory

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Nancy Pelosi Warns Of Violence Over Heated Rhetoric, Chokes Up (VIDEO)

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Senators’ Patriot Act ‘fix’ would eliminate telecom immunity

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Bill Gates Unleashes New Round of Grants on Experimental Genetic Modification and Vaccine Research

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Why are so many celebrities dying after chemotherapy?

UBS warns U.S. clients IRS may get their data | U.S. | Reuters

The Cheapest Way To Curb Carbon Dioxide: Contraception | Popular Science

This Constitution Day, Try Something New: Ignore the Feds! | Tenth Amendment Center

Ron Paul and Sarah Palin: The Ross Perot moment - The Hill's Pundits Blog

Congress, Obama team up to kill marriage protections

Sunstein: Obama, not courts, should interpret law

Cass Sunstein wants to spread America's wealth

Cass Sunstein drafted 'New Deal Fairness Doctrine'

Sunstein: Embryos are 'just a handful of cells'

Obama's regulatory chief pushes new 'bill of rights'

Regulatory chief: Adult dog more 'rational' than baby

Obama's team 'socialists with communist backgrounds'

End the Fed, Save the Dollar: Ron Paul - Bullish on Books Blog - CNBC.com

ACORN in the courts

General Electric: Obama's Halliburton?

Desperate measures on the left

Media Matters Launches Fight FOX Campaign

Arianna's 'duh' moment

Former SEIU boss jailed, media yawns

Obama's missile defense betrayal even riles liberals

Dems stand tall for wasteful spending

The 75 Democrats who are pro-sex slave ACORN defenders

A fitting end to Ramadan in Iran

Munich of the Skies

Sorry honey, but truth trumps the race card

How To Find Millions of Racists

Obama the Great Divider

Dangers to Democrats of End-Running Cloture

A Roadmap for Terrorists

Baby 'Bigots'

ACORN and corruption go together

Maureen Dowd's Descent into Fury

The Not-So-Silent Majority

What Would a Communist Do?

A Biased Media at Work

The House That Obama Built

Russia to listen to U.S. concerns more closely: Kremlin | U.S. | Reuters

The Washington Independent » Carrie Prejean Thanks You for Supporting Her

U.S. court rejects election limits for non-profits | Politics | Reuters

Alleged Kidnappers of Jaycee Dugard Lived in Squalor - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

YouTube - Inside the Garrido Home

Deeds in a Bit of a Bind on Taxes, Transportation - washingtonpost.com

Raymond Clark Arrested but No Motive Has Emerged for Annie Le's Murder - ABC News

YouTube - Suspect in Yale murder arraigned

The Associated Press: Insane killer escapes on field trip to county fair

The Associated Press: Obama in media blitz to push health care overhaul

Armed Escapee Caught After Ill. Bank Robbery, Carjacking - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Pelosi Says Anti-Obama Rhetoric Is Reminiscent of '70s San Francisco - washingtonpost.com

Gov. signs 60 bills into law, creates state energy planning board - The Business Review (Albany):

Duo in ACORN Videos Say Effort Was Independent - washingtonpost.com


*American Minute for September 18th:William J Federer's American Minute*


Limbaugh: 'We Need Segregated Buses.' Nope, No Racism. It's A Policy Matter!

Conyers, Leahy Introduce Bill To End Health Insurers' Anti-Trust Exemption

Tammy Bruce: President Obama has 'some malevolence towards this country'

Nancy Pelosi says House Bill will have the Public Option: Snatching Victory from the jaws of defeat

S. Carolina Insurer Slammed With $10M In Damages After Dropping Man For HIV

DC Teabagger ignorance

Bill O'Reilly for the Public Option!

The Media Pretend to Hold A National Conversation on Race.

Glenn Beck chases "far left radicals" in White House, but loves right-wing radicals himself

'Baucus Bill' booed at Obama rally

Studies Show Employers to Raise Health Care Costs, Cut Coverage

Kent Conrad proudly tells us why the Senate Finance Committee Bill is a Republican Bill

Federal Court Allows Jamie Leigh Jones' Rape Case Against Halliburton To Go To Trial

Howard Dean on Baucus Bill: 'Worst Health-Care Bill I've Seen in 30 Years'

Sunstein: Obama, not courts, should interpret law

Unearthed! Obama's twisted ACORN roots

WWL - AM870:Jindal halts funding of ACORN

Cass Sunstein wants to spread America's wealth

Cass Sunstein drafted 'New Deal Fairness Doctrine'

Democrats join GOP czar wars - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Van Jones posts letter to supporters: "Spread the green Jobs gospel"

War on homeschoolers spreading?

Principal cleared of criminal count over meal blessing

Lawsuit seeks larger House under 'one person, one vote'

How to make your vote work again

Mass. House approves Sen. Kennedy succession bill | National | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

GOP's next target: John Murtha's airport - Martin Kady II - POLITICO.com

Heckler interrupts Obama health pitch - Washington Times

Poles React: Warsaw Fears Washington Losing Interest in Eastern Allies - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Iranian president raises stakes against Israel | World | Reuters

Concerned by Missile Shield Removal - Video - FOXBusiness.com

What happened to the 10th Amendment?

Gibbs: Not interested in Wright comment

Pelosi: I'm clueless about cash cut-off

The stunning, total defeat of ACORN | Washington Examiner

Capitol Briefing - Republicans Denounce Pelosi for Warning Against 'Incitement'

*AUDIO: Savage on Obama ditching missile shield

National Journal Magazine - Dems Should Focus On The Color Purple

Op-Ed Columnist - No, It’s Not About Race - NYTimes.com

This Anger Isn't Just in Black and White

In defense of ACORN | Salon

Under fire, Democrats abandon ACORN in droves | Washington Examiner

What would Joe Wilson say of Obama's auto fuel rules? | detnews.com | The Detroit News

RealClearPolitics - Does He Lie?

Obama Says No to Missile Defense in Poland and the Czech Republic - WSJ.com

Acorn May Cut Voter-Registration Work - WSJ.com

On Politics - Expand the House? - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - US News - Sep 17, 2009 - Obama task force calls for National Ocean Council

Obama Zaps E. Europe Star Wars

Reagan Coalition Redux - HUMAN EVENTS

Or Maybe Obama Is An Appeaser... - The Atlantic Politics Channel

Sorry, Democrats, racism isn't everywhere

RealClearWorld - Foreign Policy and the Democracy Paradox


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

President's lawyers say eligibility question over

Judge ridicules eligibility case

Motion: Judge follows 'illegitimate chain of command'

The 'undocumented president'


** Transcripts:Obama's Remarks on Missile Defense Shift

Secretary Gates & Gen. Cartwright on Missile Defense

President Obama and PM Harper Take Questions

Roundtable on Carter's Race Comments

Interview with the CEO of ACORN

Analysts Discuss Race and Obama

Interview with RNC Chairman Michael Steele

Interview with Senator Ron Wyden


** World; Video/Political Actors in the Arab World

President Obama Speaks on Missile Defense in Europe

Shield-free Czechs Celebrate

Russian Tycoon Buying into NBA

President Zardari's Foreign Tours

Domestic Violence in Afghanistan

Tension over India-China border

Car Bomb Found at Manipur Governor's House

NATO, Medvedev, Obama to Join Forces?

Praying for Al-Aqsa Access

President Obama Announces Missile Defense Plans

Hariri Asked to Form New Lebanon Government

Colombia's Intelligence Agency Faces Spy Claims

German School Attacked by Petrol Bombs

Zimbabwe Chaos Continues

UK Postal Workers Vote on Strike

More Than One Billion Go Hungry

Thai Army Battles Myanmar Drug Trade

UN Presses Sri Lanka on Tamil Civilians

Markets; Video/Bair: Compensation Needs Reform

Should Investors Start Locking in Gains?

Dow Jones--ing for 10,000...

Dollar Is the New Carry Trade

VIX to be 'Under Pressure' Until Year-End: Trader

What's Driving the Global Market Rally?

The Recession is Over...Sort of

They Just Don't Get Best Buy!

Dwyer: Stock Rally Has A Lot More Legs

Will September's Market Curse Be Lifted?

A Health Plan Forms, Now Comes the Hard Part

Politics; Video/Rep. Frank: People Have "Lost Faith" In American Institutions

President Obama: Warm Wishes for Rosh Hashanah

Gibbs: Pelosi's Comments "Unhelpful"

Biden On Carter: Opposition To Obama "Not Racially Based"

CEO: "Pimp" Racist For Thinking ACORN Would Fall For Scheme

Obama: Legalize Illegals To Get Them Health Care

Rep. Perriello: Baucus' Tax Is "DOA In The House"

Hatch: Health Care Bill Will Raise Taxes

Rush Limbaugh: "Obama Wants America To Fail"

Rep. Sestak On Obama Changing Missile Defense Policy

Rush On Pelosi Getting Emotional: "Tears Of A Clown"

Pelosi Chokes Up Warning Against Political "Violence"

Sen. Snowe: I Haven't Changed, The Republican Party Has

Reporter Sneezes Wrong Way In Front Of Sebelius

Keith Olbermann: Rush Limbaugh & Racism On The Right

O'Reilly: ACORN Scandal Rises To The White House

Sen. Bond: Carter Should Retire Permanently From National Stage

GOP Rep. Cassidy: Dems Approaching GOP On Health Bill

Sen. Sanders: Unemployment Rate At 17%

Flashback: Obama Pledges Missile Defense Against Iran In April

Ingraham: Jimmy Carter A "Self-Loathing Southerner"

RNC's Steele: Dems Playing The Race Card

Keith Olbermann Exposes Obama Racism From The Right

Rep. Harman: Corruption Hindering US Effort In Afghanistan

Obama: New Missile Policy Strengthens Security

Findings - A Clash of Polar Frauds and Those Who Believe - NYTimes.com

Earthfiles.com Environment | Yeti in Tatra Mountains, Poland?

Too much radiation for astronauts to make it to Mars - space - 16 September 2009 - New Scientist

Rare Discovery: Engraved Gemstone Carrying A Portrait Of Alexander The Great

APOD: 2009 September 17 - Ultraviolet Andromeda

APOD: 2009 September 18 - Take My Hand

Bin Laden Family Members Evacuated from US in Wake of the 9/11 Attacks

Missouri veteran injured by vaccine ineligible for benefit - Kansas City Star

Buttonwood: Law of easy money | The Economist

The Ostroy Report: The Acorn Vote: House Democrats Just Stuck a Knife in their President and Party

Science City

Gaithersbungle: Planning Board staff latest to ignore better way for Gaithersburg - Greater Greater Washington

Gaithersbungle, part 2: Old, tired formulas generate old, disastrous solutions - Greater Greater Washington

Gaithersbungle, part 3: What else can you get for $3.8 billion? - Greater Greater Washington

Gaithersbungle, part 4: Why emulate Tysons' existing road network? - Greater Greater Washington

Gaithersbungle, part 5: What you callin' a city? - Greater Greater Washington

Gaithersbungle, part 6: What else $3.8 billion could buy, more specifically - Greater Greater Washington

Gaithersbungle, part 7: 30% mode share is totally unrealistic - Greater Greater Washington

Gaithersbungle, part 8: They know it's a turkey - Greater Greater Washington

Sprawl is the only option at the Planning Board - Greater Greater Washington

Leggett: "Isolating revenue" via special districts is bad, unless for parking - Greater Greater Washington

Breakfast links: Over, atop, and across the road - Greater Greater Washington

Planners OK Gaithersburg plan that 'lacks elements of perfection'

Leggett calls for limits to ‘Science City' vision


*Site:Oracle Broadcasting Network

Site:Lloyd Pye- Intervention Theory


Site:The Mars Society


*World Net Daily Player:Amnesty agenda linked to health-care overhaul

World Net Daily Player:Beware: Baucus pulling Obama's Trojan horse

World Net Daily Player:'Lone ranger' Baucus riding into sunset?

World Net Daily Player:Moderate Democrats warm to GOP plans

World Net Daily Player:'Cowardly' betrayal threatens 'human freedom'

World Net Daily Player:Obama's 'terrible decision' endangers America


The Righteous Alliance: The Nexus Of Evil : Part One.

The Righteous Alliance: The Nexus Of Evil : Part Two.

The Righteous Alliance: The Nexus Of Evil : Part Three. (A Pre-emptive Strike On Humanity).

The Righteous Alliance: The Nexus Of Evil : Part Four (A Pre-emptive Strike On Humanity).

The Righteous Alliance: The Nexus Of Evil : Part Five (A Pre-emptive Strike On Humanity).

The Righteous Alliance: The Nexus Of Evil : Part Six (A Pre-emptive Strike On Humanity).

The Righteous Alliance: The Nexus Of Evil : Part Seven (A Pre-emptive Strike On Humanity).

The Righteous Alliance: The Nexus Of Evil : Part Eight (A Pre-emptive Strike On Humanity).

The Righteous Alliance: The Nexus Of Evil : Part Nine (A Pre-emptive Strike On Humanity).

The Righteous Alliance: The Nexus Of Evil : Part Ten (A Pre-emptive Strike On Humanity) The Conclusion.


09/17 The Mark Levin Show

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 16th With Gaylon Ross

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 17th With Shooter Jennings