"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

17 September 2009

17 Sept '09

Constitution Day

**Site:Constitution Day - September 17, 2009**

*American Minute for September 17th:William J Federer's American Minute*


Anger in Europe as Barack Obama 'scraps missile defence shield' - Telegraph

The Ted Kennedy seat: movement | Michael Tomasky | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

FT.com / Companies / Oil & Gas - Venezuela unveils $16bn China oil deal

New 'Montauk Monster' spotted in Panama - Telegraph

Israel 'will attack Iran this year' if West does not cripple Tehran with sanctions - Telegraph

Nato forces rely on illegal Afghan militias, report says | World news | guardian.co.uk

Ahmadinejad's desperate gamble | Ranj Alaaldin and Nicholas Zanjani | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

How UK oil company Trafigura tried to cover up African pollution disaster | World news | guardian.co.uk

Mandelson to shelve laws aimed at cutting binge drinking - Times Online

British dairy farmers 'cannot meet UK demand for milk' - Times Online

Britain and US accused of secret pact to protect Pervez Musharraf - Telegraph

Steve Rosen Accuses AIPAC of Espionage by Grant Smith -- Antiwar.com

Obama's New Butcher Wants 40,000 More GIs For Afghan

nbelievable - Vehicle Tracking, Taxing Bill In House

Uncle Sam Eyes Vehicle Tracking Tax | The Truth About Cars

Ocean surfaces have warmest summer on record, US report finds | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Why Propaganda Trumps Truth

Ron Paul's HR1207 to Audit The Fed is 1 cosponsor away from a Veto Proof majority. Now at 289. - 12.160Mhz

VOA News - White House Backs Controversial Domestic Surveillance Provisions

Mexico's health care lures Americans - USATODAY.com

Police To Get Access To Classified Intelligence

The Invisble Unifying Factor

savethemales.ca - The Dreyfus Affair Was A Rothschild Psy-Op

Secondary school bans skirts claiming girls are hitching hems to get boys' attention | Mail Online

School of scandal: Fifth member of staff accused of sex with pupil | Mail Online

IBDeditorials.com:45% Of Doctors Would Consider Quitting If Congress Passes Health Care Overhaull

AfricanCrisis:Africa: Spanish trawlers armed against pirates

Gut Check: Just Say No to Antibacterial Burgers - washingtonpost.com

Most Doctors And Nurses Too Busy To Wash Their Hands

Andrew Napolitano: Health-Care Reform and the Constitution - WSJ.com

'Obama to make illegals eligible for health care'

Beck's Demagoguery, Right Wing Extremism & Racism

Google's crop circles UFO puzzle | Mail Online

Astronomers find rocky planet outside solar system - Yahoo! News

YouTube - History Channel Documentary Validates Chemtrails and Weather Warfare - High Definition

What to do with US traitors who wage Wars of Aggression? 1: Truth & Reconciliation. 2: Prosecution.

The Reality Check » Blog Archive » Obama’s Website Quietly Drops Support of Public Option

BBC NEWS | Technology | French 'pass' piracy legislation

Proxy war feared in Yemen Iran, Saudi Arabia

Consortiumnews.com:How the Soviet Menace Was Hyped

Obama: Health Reform a 'Defining Struggle of This Generation' - Political News - FOXNews.com

China could undermine US military power in Pacific: Gates

Refreshing News: World's key polluters start climate talks in US

2004 - Year of the Slave

White House: Criticism of Obama not based on race - Yahoo! News

Black Sea Crisis Deepens As US-NATO Threat To Iran Grows

Jimmy Carter gets flak for racism charge against Rep. Joe Wilson - even from White House

World to America: We Want Our Gold Back | Columns | theTrumpet.com by the Philadelphia Church of God

Intelligence Agencies Say No New Nukes in Iran | Newsweek International | Newsweek.com

*Money as Debt | BBC5.tv eyePlayer

Raw Story » Sheriff says using military weapon on crowds ‘isn’t controversial’

Racism isn't the engine driving opposition to Obama - Salt Lake Tribune

Exposing the Criminal Cover-Up of 9/11

Mourning Constitutiona

Washington's Blog:Congressman Grayson: Fed Secretly "Stuffed" $500 Billion into "Foreign Private Pockets" and Gave $230 Billion to Citi "As a Secret Bailout"

Identified amnesia patient doesn't know who he is - Boston.com

Refreshing News: Fake video footage 'persuades half of people to wrongly accuse others of crime'

The Washington Independent » Poll: One in Three New Jersey Conservatives Thinks Obama Might Be the Anti-Christ

Sword-wielding Hopkins student kills intruder -- baltimoresun.com

BBC NEWS | Have Your Say | Is Carter right to label Obama row 'racist'?

U.S. Changes Course on Eastern European Nuclear-Missile Shield - WSJ.com

US Spec Ops operates psywar websites targeted at UK • The Register

georgiandaily.com - Why are the Russians Digging Tunnels in Abkhazia?

Why 'GQ' Doesn't Want Russians To Read Its Story : NPR

Putin Triumphing Over Zionist-Controlled West | Real Zionist News

September 11 Attacks: The Greatest Fraud of the 21st Century - Pravda.Ru

Kill Your Phone Remotely - Solutions by PC Magazine

What's with all the public outbursts? -- latimes.com

Daily Herald | Mysteries remain in Blago aide Chris Kelly's death

A Bill has been Introduced in Congress to Register Firearms and Owners-Truth!

WTC Firefighters Tape - Explosions and Aftermath

Eighteen Reasons Why You Should NOT Vaccinate Your Children Against The Flu This Season by Bill Sardi

YouTube - Ernie Anastos: "Keep fucking that chicken"

09-17-2009: Rush Limbaugh Calls For Segregated Buses

09-16-2009: Some 750,000 pedophiles prowling Internet: UN

09-16-2009: Study: TV Increases Intelligence (Bull Shit)

09-16-2009: Queens Raids Prompt Alert on Homemade Explosives

Bermuda Triangle Plane Mystery Solved?

Mafia ‘was paid to sink ships carrying radioactive cargo’

“Truther” came out of the CIA Handbook on Psychological Guerrilla Warfare

Medvedev Wants To Meet U.S. Dissidents

Obama Agriculture Secretary Admits CFR Influences “Climate Change” Agenda

China could undermine US military power in Pacific: Gates

Police to get access to classified military intelligence

General Dynamics Given $10 Million To Set Up “Psy-Op” Websites To Support War On Terror

Ice-cream and burgers can control your brain: study

Iran Intelligence Report: More Psychological Warfare?

Gaithersburg Residents Upset Over 'Science City' Plans

Boosters, opponents of ‘Science City' make their cases

Local Politics - Gaithersburg MD: "Science City" Agenda-21-Style Town Proposed

Montgomery County residents upset over proposed 'Science City'

Looming Global Debt Crisis

Oil and gas fields in the Falkland Islands: Will Britain Become New Kuwait?

Reform, or Revolution against Corporate Capitalism?

Corporate Control over the Electronic Ballot Booth

Post-Bubble Malaise. No Economic Recovery...

ID Cards - an Historical View

"New Concerns" of US intelligence: Economic crisis, Flu pandemic, Climate Change

The World Seed Conference: Good for farmers?

Will the Corporate Supremes now dance on democracy’s corpse?

Push for Globalism Continues

9/11 Commission Members Doubt Official Story

Neuroengineering to challenge what it means to be human

Google 'evangelist' sees web, brain implant link

Where tech and philosophy collide

Informed Comment: Bin Laden Message - US Gov. translation

Globalists Will Not Give Up on Takeover of US Roads

Family Security Matters » Publications » Soros Money Financed Communist Van Jones

Home - Connelly


Mysterious Symbols: The Eye | Socyberty

Consent row as human cells used for hybrid embryo clones - Scotsman.com News

Mission Accomplished: Electric Motorcycle Hits 150 MPH | Autopia | Wired.com

Giant Stone-age Axes Found In African Lake Basin

Could we create quantum creatures in the lab? - physics-math - 15 September 2009 - New Scientist

Obama Administration Won’t Push Needed U.N. Reforms, Experts Say

White House Calls ACORN’s Behavior ‘Completely Unacceptable’

Social Security Sent More than $40 Million in Checks to Dead People, Inspector General Finds

Dodd Says Illegal Aliens Won’t be Eligible for Health Subsidies Even if Legalized and Put on ‘Pathway to Citizenship’; Other Senators Disagree

Hoyer Won't Answer Directly Whether Immigration Reform Would Make Current Illegal Aliens Eligible for Federally Subsidized Health Insurance Under Obamacare

Democracies That Side With Repressive Regimes at U.N. Human Rights Council Pose Challenge for U.S.

Deep Divisions Over Latest Senate Health Care Plan

Republican Party Chairman Says Co-ops Are ‘Back Door’ to Public Option

Government-Run Health Care Would Ration Care for Disabled Children, Parents and Lawmakers Warn

House Bill Would Push Private Lenders Out of Federal College Loan Business

Police Kill Terrorism Mastermind in Indonesia

Mary Travers of Peter, Paul and Mary Dead at 72

It’s Not the Public Option, It’s the Public Subsidy

From Little ACORNS Big Problems Grow

ACORN Watch: A ‘Sting’-ing Indictment of Media Hypocrisy

Kent Conrad proudly tells us why the Senate Finance Committee Bill is a Republican Bill

Federal Court Allows Jamie Leigh Jones' Rape Case Against Halliburton To Go To Trial

Howard Dean on Baucus Bill: 'Worst Health-Care Bill I've Seen in 30 Years'

Frank Schaeffer: The GOP's Evangelical Subculture is a Fifth Column of Insanity

Bret Baier's All Star Panel gets frothy over Rep. Joe Wilson and "racism accusations"

Finally, Some Real Push Back From Obama Administration On The Right's "Czar" Idiocy

Baucus and Conrad write a Republican health care bill that Republicans won't support. Rockefeller rejects it too

Closing in Lou Dobbs: Embrace of famed 'birther' Corsi another reason for CNN to dump their nuttiest xenophobe

Why Won't The Media Address the Real Issue? 'ACORN' Is Wingnut Code for The 'N' Word.

As Predicted, Military Weapons Are Being Deployed Against Civilians Here in the U.S.

Anthony Weiner: What's Coming Out of the Senate Bill is So Watered Down It Can Hardly Be Called Reform

Fox gets punk'd: ACORN volunteer knew 'pimp' and 'prostitute' were fake, was putting them on

Colbert Goes There - The Only Media Figure In America To Call Out Corporate Control Of Government

Gingrich and Hannity agree: The bashing of Bush was much worse than attacks on Obama

Sen. Max Baucus Releases Bill to No Applause, Almost No Support

The usual pack of right wing race-baiters spread false racist charges about the St. Louis bus beating. UPDATED

Anderson Cooper Brings Back Racist Tea Bagger Mark Williams to Comment on Jimmy Carter's Remarks on Racism

Democrat Jerrold Nadler Introduces "Respect for Marriage Act to Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act"

Glenn Beck's facade starts cracking: How dare they compare me to McCarthy? I compare me to Murrow!

Judd Gregg ignores new poll that shows tremendous support by physicians for the public option

Limbaugh Goes Full-On Racist During Rant About School Bus Beating

Not So Fast, Mad Max: Jay Rockefeller Wants Changes To Baucuscare Or He Won't Support It

Rep. Joe Wilson sure has a funny way of apologizing

Fed-ACORN Criminality by Thomas DiLorenzo

Ground Hog Ben: Fed Declares Depression Over by Lila Rajiva

My Recent Letter to a Federal Judge by William L. Anderson

Vote Obama! by Brion McClanahan

Trial by Jury Duty by Michael Tennant

Anti-Fed Activists Fuel Push for Audit - WSJ.com

Ron Paul Q&A: Audit the Fed, Then End It - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Seven Benefits of Coconut Water - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com

Extravagant Dubai island project sinks under weight of the credit crunch - Middle East, World News - Independent.ie

Jim Rogers Says Bank Regulators Should be in Jail For Not Allowing Banks to Fail - American Banking News

Jupiter’s Magnetic Moon Generates Spectacular Light Show | Wired Science | Wired.com

Two whistleblowers independently report teleporting to Mars and meeting Martian extraterrestrials

This Year's Intense El NiƱo Could Be Linked With Flu Pandemic - Science - io9

7 Wet, Wild & Weird Deep Sea Animal Wonders | WebEcoist | Green Living

First rocky planet found outside solar system - CNN.com

ACORN and corruption go together

Maureen Dowd's Descent into Fury

The Not-So-Silent Majority

What Would a Communist Do?

A Biased Media at Work

The House That Obama Built

The All Purpose Tool

Democrats Jumping the Race-Card Shark

The race bullies

Is Obama a Narcissist?

Calling Obama Out on HealthCare

Black Tea Party Express Tour Team Member Experienced Racism

Obama Is Redefining the American Presidency

The lies about Christian Zionists

Jimmy Carter, the Jew-hater who cried racist

Constitution Day Regrets

Sign of theTimes: Tens of millions of dollars for signs to tout Obama stimulus

When Jimmy Carter ginned up race hatred to get elected governor

Surprise! Van Jones is full of it

ACORN staffer offers Mexican contacts to smuggle sex slaves

Is ACORN really changing?

The American embarrassment, CONGRESS!

9/11 and "War on Terror": Politicians Are Clever - People Are the Problem

The Elephant In The Room

How Islamist gangs use internet to track, torture and kill Iraq's gays | World news | The Observer

Christian Mirror - Today’s Media: ‘Political Correctness’ more important than defending free speech

Pledge of Confusion? Schools Wrestle With Flag Policy in Classroom - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

FBI: Corrupt cops,including Bo Dietl, fed mob info

In the race from race, Democrats rebut Jimmy Carter - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Nassau DA: Hofstra Student Made Up Gang Rape Story - wcbstv.com

Authorities arrest Yale lab technician, Raymond Clark, in link to murder of Annie Le

Katherine Jackson Receiving $86K Monthly from Son's Estate - Michael Jackson : People.com

Mary Travers of Peter, Paul and Mary, R.I.P.: Remembering a folk-rock great | EW.com

Susan Boyle's 'Wild Horses' Takes 'America's Got Talent' Away - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

YouTube - Susan Boyle debuts on America's Got Talent

The Associated Press: Lab tech charged with Yale grad student's murder

YouTube - Suspect arraigned in Le death

YouTube - European Rancor, Relief on Missile Shield Plan

House Votes to Strip ACORN of Federal Funding - Political News - FOXNews.com

YouTube - ACORN Opens Investigation Into Employees

House Passes Sweeping Student-Loan-Market Overhaul - WSJ.com

VOA News - Role of Race in Obama Opposition Stirs Debate

The Associated Press: Pelosi worried about angry health care rhetoric

Massachusetts lawmakers to vote on Kennedy seat | Markets | Bonds News | Reuters

AP: Criticism prompts Napolitano to halt border projects - New Mexico Business Weekly:

Taking count of Obama's 'czars,' lawmakers rise up -- latimes.com

FBI, Aurora shuttle driver to meet again this afternoon - The Denver Post

The Associated Press: Gov't: Border fence to cost $6.5B over 20 years

The Associated Press: DA: Word of video led NY rape accuser to recant

Karzai warns West over Afghan vote fraud claims - CNN.com

US doubts UN report on possible Israel war crimes | Reuters

The Associated Press: Car bomb in Kabul kills 6 Italians, 10 Afghans

Top 'led Al Qaeda' in SE Asia - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Iran: International Talks Can Be a 'New Window of Opportunity' - washingtonpost.com

The Associated Press: AU base in Somalia hit by deadly suicide attack

U.S. needs integrated approach to Afghanistan, Senate panel told - CNN.com

VOA News - Yemeni Air Raid Reported to Kill 87 Civilians

VOA News - US, Cuba Begin Talks on Direct Mail Link

Settlement Near in Ivory Coast Toxic Dumping Case - NYTimes.com

FOXSexpert: Sex Advice for the World's Tallest Man - Sexpert - FOXNews.com

The Associated Press: Japan PM to make diplomatic debut in US

The Associated Press: Teen wounds 8 students, 1 teacher at German school

The Associated Press: Biden: US will follow Iraq wishes on troop pullout

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Australia father faces rape trial

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Key Pakistan militants 'killed'

YouTube - Police: Teen Raids High School With Axes, Knives

Polish PM wouldn't take U.S. calls - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

China says will push space programme to catch up West

'Old friends' Cuba, China strengthen ties | McClatchy

Capitol Briefing - Republicans Denounce Pelosi for Warning Against 'Incitement'

RealClearPolitics - Video - Pelosi Chokes Up Warning Against Political "Violence"

video news:Pelosi Chokes Up Amid Fears of Political Violence - ABC News

Mad Man: Is Glenn Beck Bad for America? - TIME

Young Adults May Pay Big Share of Health-Care Reform's Cost

Washington, D.C. favorite area for wealthy young - Yahoo! News

Greenspan Sees Threat U.S. Congress Will Hamper Fed - Bloomberg.com

EurActiv.com - Commission says farmers need help to cut carbon | EU - European Information on Agriculture & Food

Washington Times - Hot Button/Energy office

Dem Senator Warns of 'Big, Big Tax' on Middle Class in Baucus Bill - The Note

Raymond Clark Sent to Max Security Prison for Annie Le Murder

Czar outrage: 'President should interpret U.S. law'

Cass Sunstein wants to spread America's wealth

Cass Sunstein drafted 'New Deal Fairness Doctrine'

Sunstein: Embryos are 'just a handful of cells'

Obama's regulatory chief pushes new 'bill of rights'

Obama's team 'socialists with communist backgrounds'

'Obama to make illegals eligible for health care'

Is anti-homeschool virus spreading?

Lawsuit seeks larger House under 'one person, one vote'

What happened to the 10th Amendment?

Congress expanding 'gay' protections in classrooms

Ron Paul's Fed audit has majority support

'Origin of Species' edition debunks evolution

Charles Manson and Lehman Brothers

A 'silent death' in Avenal State Prison

Liberal lies about health care: Joe Wilson edition!

Obama gunning for Israel at U.N.

Prometheus in Cambridge, England

Cass Sunstein: Regulating America to death

The political speech police

Hybrid man-eating pythons? Florida is on alert. - Yahoo! News

Freemasons await Dan Brown novel `The Lost Symbol' - Yahoo! News

Found: Firm place to stand outside solar system - Yahoo! News

2,000-year-old menorah depiction found - Science- msnbc.com

Forest Service apologizes to Hispanics for warning - Washington Times

No we can't? UK think tank says US power is fading - Yahoo! News

Linda McMahon resigns as WWE chief executive to run for Connecticut Senate against Dodd

Yale tech's ex survived hell

Sacto 9-1-1: Ex-leader with a state union sentenced in molest, porn case

John Muhammad gets death penalty

Teacher admits to sex with student | Cincinnati.com | The Cincinnati Enquirer

*The big list: Female teachers with students

U.S. Confirms First Special Representative To Muslim Communities - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2009

Ethics panel defers probe on Jesse Jackson Jr. - Top Nation/World Headlines - San Luis Obispo

Gregg Easterbrook: The Man Who Defused the ‘Population Bomb’ - WSJ.com

AccuWeather.com Video - Some Extra Post "Factor" Facts on Global Warming

US wants workable rather than ideal climate deal in Copenhagen : Nature Environment

Propaganda press circle the wagons

Technological demonizing

The government has lost its mind

The political speech police

Liberal lies about health care: Joe Wilson edition!

The tea party challenge

Rush: You're wrong on this one

Jimmy Carter and the Elvis Factor

Why the elites call you a racist

Charles Manson and Lehman Brothers

If you don't like guns ... don't get one

Eighteen Reasons Why You Should NOT Vaccinate Your Children Against The Flu This Season by Bill Sardi

FrontPage Magazine - Valerie Jarrett: The Next Van Jones

WND Player

*World Net Daily Player:Obama's 'terrible decision' endangers America

*World Net Daily Player:Beware: Baucus pulling Obama's Trojan horse

*World Net Daily Player:'Lone ranger' Baucus riding into sunset?

*World Net Daily Player:Moderate Democrats warm to GOP plans

*World Net Daily Player:Obamacare 'violates Hippocratic Oath'

*World Net Daily Player:'There you go again, Jimmy'

*World Net Daily Player:Massive tax disguised as 'cap-and-trade'


Patriots' newest target: Obama 'Minion Media'

Lawsuit seeks larger House
under 'one person, one vote'

Cass Sunstein wants to spread America's wealth

Cass Sunstein drafted 'New Deal Fairness Doctrine'

Sunstein: Embryos are 'just a handful of cells'

GOP senators seek end to czars - Lisa Lerer - POLITICO.com

Eastern Europe grumbles about downgrade in US ties - Yahoo! News

Obama scraps Bush-era Europe missile shield - White House- msnbc.com

Analysis: Barack Obama's missile shield decision will be cheered in Russia - Telegraph

Lawmakers back officials facing jail for prayer - Washington Times

Dr. Dino allowed to buy back seized property

'Preppers' get ready for the worst

Congress expanding 'gay' protections in classrooms

What happened to the 10th Amendment?

Constitution marks 222 years on Thursday | Grand Forks Herald | Grand Forks, North Dakota

On Constitution Day, Sept. 17, two school administrators face jail time for lunch prayer

Citizens on government health care say 'no more'

Harry Reid: Health care bill won't work for Nevada - Las Vegas Sun

Michelle Obama turns to health care - Nia-Malika Henderson - POLITICO.com

WH: President Obama Disagrees with Former President Carter that Most Animosity Towards Obama is Race-Based - Political Punch

South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson's son to Jimmy Carter: 'Not a racist bone in my dad's body'

Joe Wilson: Right-wing folk hero - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Gibbs: Not interested in Wright comment

House Votes to Strip Funding for ACORN - House of Representatives | US | United States - FOXNews.com

*Final Vote Results for Roll Call 718

ACORN Co-Founder Defends Group's Integrity, Blasts 'Unfair' Critics - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Pelosi: I'm clueless about cash cut-off

Schwarzenegger Wants ACORN Investigated - Politics News Story - KCRA Sacramento

Smith wants FBI investigation into ACORN - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Exclusive: FBI Raids Denver Home of Terror Suspect

Joe Biden, 'the skunk at the family picnic' - Jeanne Cummings - POLITICO.com

Mary Travers of Peter, Paul and Mary dead at 72

Henry Gibson of 'Laugh In' dies at 73

YouTube - 9/12 Freedom March on Washington DC

Defenseless by Clifford D. May on National Review Online

Reagan Coalition Redux - HUMAN EVENTS

Or Maybe Obama Is An Appeaser... - The Atlantic Politics Channel

Pelosi warns right of inciting "violence" — invoking Harvey Milk murder - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Sorry, Democrats, racism isn't everywhere

RealClearWorld - Foreign Policy and the Democracy Paradox

Does white America hate Barack Obama? - Telegraph

Obama heads for foreign policy disaster

Yes, It’s Racism…but it’s Complicated - Swampland - TIME.com

It's not racism, it's being an American - Michael Steele - POLITICO.com

Political Memo - As Race Debate Grows, Obama Steers Clear of It - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Job-Killing Policies Could Doom Democrat Hopes

Obama's Presidency Isn't Too Big to Fail

Op-Ed Contributor - Health Reform’s Missing Ingredient - NYTimes.com

Rove: ObamaCare and Red State Democrats - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - What Americans Really Want Is Health Care Reform

RealClearMarkets - Don't Buy Specter's EFCA "Compromise"

The Lehman Anniversary - Forbes.com

Banking Life Means Never Having to Say Sorry: Margaret Carlson - Bloomberg.com

Prosecutors Fumble Wall Street Probes: The Daily Beast

Debate on medical overhaul - Our view: GOP opposition leaves Dems little choice on health care - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Public Option Lite

What about Rangel? -- chicagotribune.com

Jimmy Carter racism charge triggers next US race debate | csmonitor.com

Commentary » Blog Archive » The Liberals’ Breakdown

The 'Racism' Canard - Victor Davis Hanson - The Corner on National Review Online

Uninsured like me | Salon

Obama Admin: Cap And Trade Could Cost Families $1,761 A Year - Taking Liberties - CBS News

RealClearMarkets - Acorn's a Creature of the CRA

A Primer on the Max Baucus Health-Care Bill's Contents - TIME

RealClearPolitics - An Allergic Reaction To The Race Card


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Legislator takes eligibility question to election officials

President's lawyers say eligibility question over

Eligibility lawyer urges focus on the goal

Judge ridicules eligibility case

Feminist Camille Paglia: Birthers have a point

Commies yes, 'birthers' no

President's lawyers say eligibility question over

Obama's eligibility baggage just a coincidence?

*Jackie Mason:Why is no one offended by Obama's lies?


**Transcripts:Obama's Remarks on Missile Defense Shift

Secretary Gates & Gen. Cartwright on Missile Defense

President Obama and PM Harper Take Questions

Roundtable on Carter's Race Comments

Interview with the CEO of ACORN

Analysts Discuss Race and Obama

Interview with RNC Chairman Michael Steele

Interview with Senator Ron Wyden

Obama's Speech at Fundraiser for Arlen Specter

Reps. Edwards and Franks Debate Joe Wilson's Behavior

Reps. Pallone and Blackburn Debate Health Care

Analysts Discuss China/U.S. Trade Rift

Obama's Speech on Financial Reform

Roundtable on Obama's Wall Street Speech

Analysts Discuss Financial Reform

Ted Kennedy's Sons Discuss Their Dad

Reps. Weiner and Bilbray Debate Health Care

Interview with Fmr. Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich

Interview with Senator Bernie Sanders


**World ;Video/President Obama Announces Missile Defense Plans

Hariri Asked to Form New Lebanon Government

Colombia's Intelligence Agency Faces Spy Claims

German School Attacked by Petrol Bombs

Zimbabwe Chaos Continues

UK Postal Workers Vote on Strike

More Than One Billion Go Hungry

Thai Army Battles Myanmar Drug Trade

UN Presses Sri Lanka on Tamil Civilians

Adm. Mullen Asks for More Troops

Medvedev Hints at 2012 Presidential Race

Inside Story - Bin Laden's Change of Style

Biden Makes Unannounced Trip to Iraq

Hillary Clinton on Iran Talks

The Currency Report - Chinese Yuan

Hatoyama Swears in as Japan's New PM

Success Vs. Survival in a Global Downturn

Nigeria Rebel Group Extends Cease Fire

Is Stability Attainable in Iraq?

Israeli Guards Accused of Humiliation

Politics; Video/Reporter Sneezes Wrong Way In Front Of Sebelius

Sen. Bond: Carter Should Retire Permanently From National Stage

GOP Rep. Cassidy: Dems Approaching GOP On Health Bill

Flashback: Obama Pledges Missile Defense Against Iran In April

Obama: New Missile Policy Strengthens Security

Rep. Harman: Corruption Hindering US Effort In Afghanistan

Sen. Sanders: Unemployment Rate At 17%

Ingraham: Jimmy Carter A "Self-Loathing Southerner"

Keith Olbermann Exposes Obama Racism From The Right

RNC's Steele: Dems Playing The Race Card

MSNBC's Olbermann: Limbaugh Is The Nation's "A**Hole"

VP Joe Biden Takes Surprise Trip to Iraq

ACORN's Bertha Lewis: ACORN Is "Target" Of The Right-Wing

Mark Levin On Jimmy Carter Playing The Race Card

O'Reilly On Voting To Fund ACORN

White House Disagrees With Carter's Racism Comment

Maxine Waters: Press Should Probe Conservatives For Racist Views

Baucus Unveils His Version of Health Care Reform: "It's Time To Act"

Carville Takes Aim at Tell-All Book on Bush

Rachel Maddow Exposes "Right Wing Paranoid Extremists"

Wilson To Carter: "You Need To Get Focused On The Issues"

Rendell On GOP Rebutting Obama On Health Care

Conrad On Baucus Bill: "It's A Good Product"

Sen. Burris Confronted About Supporting ACORN

Gingrich On Jimmy Carter, Health Care, ACORN

Wilson Will Defend Himself On House Floor

Sen. Lindsey Graham: "Joe Wilson Is Not Racist"

House GOP Web Ad On Health Care Bill's Requirements

Markets; Video/The Recession is Over...Sort of

They Just Don't Get Best Buy!

Dwyer: Stock Rally Has A Lot More Legs

Will September's Market Curse Be Lifted?

A Health Plan Forms, Now Comes the Hard Part

The Empirical Evidence Against Big Government

Taxpayers Beware, AIG Still in Need of Rescue

Warren Buffett's Read on the Recession

Biggs: Stock Pullback Will Come, But Not Yet

GM's Rebuilding Process


More Damning Science On Squalene & Related Adjuvants

Missile Defense And Russia US Polirticle Missile Defense And Washington's Foolish Eurasia Strategy

What Is Gallium At 110 ppm Doing In Phoenix Air Samples

United Church helped fund ‘anti-Jewish’ group - Holy Post

Cryptomundo » The Blue Hill Horror

Scientists discover genetic cure for red-green colour blindness - Times Online

Calls grow for US tax on fizzy drinks to fight obesity - Telegraph

Show depicts cadavers having sex

South Africa considers 'shoot to kill' policing ahead of World Cup | World news | guardian.co.uk

1.2bn population of India to be given biometric ID cards | World news | The Guardian

Scientists find lifesaver for India – rice that doesn't have to be cooked - Asia, World - The Independent

Earth-like planet Corot-7b found outside solar system - Times Online

Studies Show Employers to Raise Health Care Costs, Cut Coverage

Kent Conrad proudly tells us why the Senate Finance Committee Bill is a Republican Bill

Federal Court Allows Jamie Leigh Jones' Rape Case Against Halliburton To Go To Trial

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » The Alex Jones Show:Alex Talks About The Latest ACORN Scandal

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff is officially in for Senate

EclippTV :: Video :: 9/16/09 Judge Napolitano: Obamacare is Unconstitutional

The Norman Transcript - Agriculture secretary bullish on rural America

Police and Military Train To Intern Swine Flu Vaccine Refusniks

Man claims black SUVs fled New York hour before first plane hit on 9/11

Pelosi’s Misleading Statement on the Constitutionality of Government Health Care

Ringleader Muhammad Atta claims The Family Financed 9/11

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Pentagon Targets UK and France With Psyops Websites

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » “Truther” came out of the CIA Handbook on Psychological Guerrilla Warfare

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Is Bagram Obama’s New Secret Prison?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama’s Medical Collectivism

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Paul Joseph Watson on Alex Jones Tv 1/3:CIA-Bin Laden Tapes? “Here We Go Again!”

Andrew Napolitano: Health-Care Reform and the Constitution - WSJ.com

Suicide bombers used U.N.-logo vehicles to strike peacekeepers in Somalia, African Union says – The CNN Wire - CNN.com Blogs

End the Fed, Save the Dollar: Ron Paul - Bullish on Books Blog - CNBC.com


*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 17th With Shooter Jennings

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 16th With Gaylon Ross

09/16 The Mark Levin Show

09/15 The Mark Levin Show

09/14 The Mark Levin Show

09/11 The Mark Levin Show

09/10 The Mark Levin Show

09/09 The Mark Levin Show

09/08 The Mark Levin Show

09/07 The Mark Levin Show