"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


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Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

29 September 2009

29 Sept. '09


YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

(1:30:16)Hillary The Movie (2008)


RealClearPolitics - History of Energy in the United States - Overview


Ousted Honduran president: Israelis sent to kill me - Israel News, Ynetnews

More Lies, More Deception


Key facts to keep in mind while opposing war against Iran | Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran

Nuclear Debate Brews - Is Iran Designing Warheads? - NYTimes.com

Four Apparent Suicides/Deaths in 48 Hours – CEO-Financiers-Fundraiser – BlackListed News | The Ruthless Truth blog

Rockefeller & Co's CEO committed suicide: report | U.S. | Reuters

Financier Finn Casperson dead in apparent suicide

Dying Blagojevich fundraiser said he overdosed, mayor says - CNN.com

Newport Beach financier Danny Pang dies at 42 | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Sex abuse rife in other religions, says Vatican | World news | The Guardian

The BRAD BLOG : Former FBI Agent Confirms: Bush State Official Was Target of 'Decade-Long' Espionage Probe

Congressman Ron Paul - The Real Reasons Behind Fed Secrecy - Texas Straight Talk

Could a Gravity Trick Speed Us to Mars?

Keeping Iran Honest

US, NATO reach “consensus” to sanction rigged election in Afghanistan

Lawyers seek arrest of Israeli defence minister in UK for alleged war crimes | World news | guardian.co.uk

Wired 1.04: Mediasaurus

Another War in the Works by Paul Craig Roberts

Netanyahu's UN Speech - The Pathology Of Evil

Inside the Apocalyptic Soviet Doomsday Machine

The Field: Honduran Coup Regime Mocks UN Security Council with Embassy Attacks

Hawaii law to buy cheap prescription drugs fails | HonoluluAdvertiser.com | The Honolulu Advertiser

Israel obstacle to nuke-free Mideast, says Syria

Pastor accused of molesting girls in his flock | campoverde, police, anaheim, martinez, pastor - News - OCRegister.com

Gore-Backed Car Firm Gets Large U.S. Loan - WSJ.com

no third solution » Blog Archive » This is What a Police State Looks Like

Why vitamin D is so vital - Telegraph

Allegory Of The Cave: Meet Your Puppet-Handlers « Political Theatrics

Robert Zoellick of World Bank Sees Dollar’s Role Diminishing - NYTimes.com

High-Fructose Diet Raises Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged Men - Bloomberg.com

Maan News Agency: Report: Israel threatening to block cell provider over war crimes case

Daily Kos: The Media: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: The CIA and the Fed?

Oh Bummer: The Facade of Nuclear Disarmament

Maan News Agency: Settlers chop down Nablus olive grove on eve of harvest


EclippTV :: Video :: Alex Jones Tv:The Pittsburgh G-20 Aftermath & Luke Rudkowski 1/3

YouTube - "We're Number 37" - Paul Hipp

YouTube - National Geographic vs Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup

YouTube - Police State - The Militarization of the Police Force in USA

YouTube - Vitamin D and Prevention of Chronic Diseases

YouTube - Dr. Paul on the Iranian Nuclear Program

YouTube - Bill O'Reilly: "Obama Should Provoke A Military Incident With Iran"


On Yom Kippur

Oklahoma City bombing tapes erased

YouTube - "Islam Is A Virus More Deadly Than Swine Flu!" Frank Gaffney (Crusade Much?)

Israel Deliberately Escalating Tensions in Occupied J’lem « Political Theatrics


Senators introduce bill to repeal telecom wiretapping immunity | Raw Story

YouTube - FOX ATTACKS: Iran

Montana Town Occupied By Private Paramilitary Security Force

Flashback: Brookings Publication Mentions Possibility of ‘Horrific Provocation’ to Trigger Iran Invasion

U.S.-Canada Regional Economic and Energy Integration

Netanyahu's UN Speech - The Pathology Of Evil

Company Backed by Gore Gets Taxpayer Millions

Argentina - Woman Visited By 14 'Extraterrestrials'

Israel's Ofra Settlement On Unauthorized Palestinian Land

Secret Service Probing Obama Assassination Poll on Facebook - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

High Frequency Forex Manipulation Evidence

Searching the Shadows

land of the free « celluloid blonde

YouTube - Riot Police Assault Young Couple at University in Pittsburgh (night of G20)

Pittsburgh Police Take a Photo With Arrested Student - iReport.com

Devvy Kidd -- The destroyers who control Congress, the White House & media

Obama's Hit List - The Globe

Iran Is Still NOT The Problem

Bill Clinton Tells NBC's Meet The Press the right & Republicans "...have accused Obama of murder." W, Bill Clinton does what the media has refused to do fo...

WHO Admits No Deadly Mutation Of Swine Flu

Lindorff - They Call This Season 'Fall' For A Reason

Attorney: Oklahoma City bomb tapes appear edited|ABC 7 News

CHRISTOPHER MEYER: Why Barack Obama is turning his back on Britain | Mail Online

savethemales.ca - Blue Jeans -- The New Feminist Uniform?

Hitler's skull is really a woman's: Fresh doubts over death after tests on bullet hole | Mail Online

Obama chooses his words to dodge any deeds - Times Online

Daily Express | UK News :: Saudis will let Israel bomb Iran nuclear site

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Insert Admits It Causes Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Vasculitis, Paralysis, Anaphylactic Shock And Death

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » ‘Change Has Come’: New Video Shows Kids Chanting Obama’s Praise at NC School

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 9/11 Whistleblower LTC Anthony Shaffer Endorses NYCCAN

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Americans threatened with jail time, huge fines for refusing to buy health insurance

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Miami Herald makes up story on Zelaya, Washington Post and New York Times spread it

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Is Gold A Reasonable Investment?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Four degrees Celsius in 50 years?

Look after a friend¿s children? Careful, the nanny state is watching | Mail Online

Zoellick Says U.S. Dollar’s Primacy Not a Certainty

Protesters blast police response, Oakland arrests

09-28-2009: Bank of England Calls Emergency Meeting Over Sterling

09-28-2009: State lifts limit on mercury preservative in swine-flu shots

09-28-2009: Kuwait's Central Governor Pushes For Regional Currency

09-28-2009: U.S. Job Seekers Exceed Openings By Record Ratio

09-28-2009: U.S. government offers "Cash for Appliances"

New York Health Workers: Get Vaccinated or Get Fired

China and Russia Undermining U.S. Power

Bill Clinton basks in role of world savior

America Is Led And Informed By Liars

What Have We Done to Democracy?

The Pathology of Evil

A New White Jesus for Kansans?

Everything You Know About Iran Is A Myth

More Lies, More Deception

Housing Crash to Resume on 7 Million Foreclosures, Amherst Says

Insider selling still accelerating

Army Prisoners Isolated, Denied Right to Legal Counsel

Bush Torture Indictment 2.0

VIDEO: Vaccine Nation

The Presidency Problem: High Crimes

VIDEO: Israel's Nuclear Weapons Factory

VIDEO: Forced Vaccines Refused By Nurses In New York

Brazil and the Honduras crisis

VIDEO: H1N1 Martial Law

The U.S. Creeps Closer to a Police State

The Facade of Nuclear Disarmament

Chavez invites Obama to Peace Dialogue

Bilderbergers Want Global Currency Now

EU funding 'Orwellian' artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for "abnormal behaviour"

Only 28% Of High School Students Are Familiar With The Constitution

Novartis chip to help ensure bitter pills are swallowed

Neuroengineering to challenge what it means to be human

Google 'evangelist' sees web, brain implant link

Where tech and philosophy collide

Man Sues Bank of America for $1.7 Billion Trillion | NBC New York

FDIC expected to ask banks to prepay $36B in fees - Yahoo! News

Al-Qaida No. 2 calls Obama a 'fraud' - Yahoo! News

Secret Service Probing Obama Assassination Poll on Facebook - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

Questions swirling around jail deal

The Ominous Growth of Paramilitarism in American Police Departments

Obama’s Population Control Czar

Secession movement moves beyond Texas | news-press.com | The News-Press

Don't bank on your home as an ATM -- latimes.com

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Fears over 'internal' terror bomb

MichNews.com Doomsday is Coming to America

Asteroid attack: Putting Earth's defences to the test - space - 23 September 2009 - New Scientist

Quantum Entanglement Visible to the Naked Eye | Wired Science | Wired.com

SURROGATES: Humanity Distanced From Civility By Technology | h+ Magazine

*Steve Quayle News Alerts: Iranian Bioweapon Researcher Dies Suspiciously

Cops warned again about right-wing 'terrorists'

Paul Eidelberg -- The Brzezinski/Obama Axis

Gibbs: ‘I Have No Idea’ If People Can Exclude Certain Diseases and Abortions from Electronic Health Records

Persistent 'Foreign Language Gap' Compromises Diplomatic Efforts in Afghanistan, GAO Report Says

Regimes Arising From Coups Should Be Barred From U.N. Institutions, African Official Says

Medicare ‘Gag Order’ A Sign That Obama, Democrats Are Desperate on Health Care, Republican Leader Says

Democrats Say Older People Should Not Pay More for Health Insurance Premiums

United Nations Human Rights Body Considers Divisive Report on Israel and Gaza

Pledging ‘Prompt and Crushing Response,’ Iran Launches Missiles

Gov't Agency Seeks to Add Shovelnose Sturgeon to Endangered Species List

U.S. Income Gap Widens As Poor Take Hit in Recession

75 Gitmo Prisoners Cleared for Release

Ex-Bush Officials Face Lawsuits Over Their Actions

Debate Over Public Option Could Pit Democrat Against Democrat

Sarah Palin Finishes Memoir, 'Going Rogue' Out Nov. 17

Is Iran Nearing a Bomb?

Liberals Are Killing America

It’s Not Personal

DEBKAfile - US giant bunker-buster bomb project rushed since Iran's Qom site discovered

Did Jewish Federation suspect believe he was a 'jihadi'?

Obama Proposes Longer School Day, Shorter Summer Vacation - Political News - FOXNews.com

The Moguls of Mirage, Now Muted

Time to Act Like a President

Video: Teen Attacked, Beaten to Death in Melee - Chicago Breaking News

4 Charged in Beating Death of Chicago Honor Student - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

In Canada, a move toward a private healthcare option -- latimes.com

Unmasking Obama

Obama and the 'sounds of nonsense'

Are We Witnessing the Collapse of Liberalism?

The Perils of a 'Policy' President

Revenge of the Golden Goose

Where History Gets Weird

Poverty and the Poor Whites

Huckabee Attempts to Follow Reagan's Path to Victory

Eisenhower and Afghanistan

Incompetence and stupidity by our Sudan envoy

Andersen Claims'Two Sources' for Ayers' Role in Dreams

Richard Cohen waiting for Obama to realize he's president

ACORN's Man in the White House

Another Push for More School Time

Bibi's 'other' New York speech

Defending a child rapist - 'He's suffered enough'

Polanski Crime Worse Than People Know

Obama has talked to David Letterman more than our Afghanistan commander

Obama throwing black supporters under the bus

Christianist Kitty Werthmann wants you to get your guns!

America's Military Empire


Nuclear Politics: Western leaders asinine game of brinksmanship

Virtues of Liberty in America.

Howard Dean: If Democrats Pass a Bill Without a Public Option There's Going to be a Huge Backlash

Dave on 'Countdown': Did Clinton have it worse than Obama?

And the Conservative/Religious Right Wanker of the day....

Selling China - The Wal-Mart Effect - 2006

Why does Fox insist on calling human beings 'illegals'?

Homosexual Rose-Colored Glasses

Real Live People Are Secondary to The Senate Finance Committee as They Slice and Dice Healthcare

Bill Clinton Praises Olympia Snowe's Trigger Option

Echoing GOP Talking Point, Washington Post Promotes Republicans as Protectors of Medicare

Two GOP Senators Openly Call for Regime Change in Iran

Paying $10 billion a month on wars America hates is good, but paying money to fix our health care sysytem is bad...

DJ AM's Death Caused By Accidental Overdose - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Polanski in Poland: National Hero or Disgraced Icon? - ABC News

YouTube - Friends Defend Polanski

Adam Lambert: I'm Not 'Puppetted And Controlled' By 'Idol' - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Conan O'Brien Mines His Head Bump - TV News, Conan O'Brien : People.com

'Michael Jackson's This Is It' Ticket Sales Break International Records - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

Leaving ‘Family Guy’ for a show of his own | DailyComet.com | The Thibodaux Daily Comet | Thibodaux, LA

Bush officials vs. J.K. Rowling: Were they seriously worried about 'Harry Potter' promoting witchcraft?! | EW.com

'Answer': Same Streisand, Different Standards

Discussing 'Capitalism' With Michael Moore - washingtonpost.com

Why Does Yet Another Form of Homegrown Terror Go Ignored By This Administration?

Bob McDonnell Tries To Downplay His Thesis on Fox News Sunday

FDA: NJ Politicians Pressured Them Into Approving Unsafe Medical Device - After They Received Large Donations

Question of the day for Glenn Beck fans in Seattle: Does President Obama hate white people?

Why doesn't ABC's This Week just hire John McCain as a weekly panel member?

Afghan immigrant pleads not guilty to bombing conspiracy -- latimes.com

YouTube - Lawyer: NYC Terrorism Suspect Pleads Not Guilty

Sarah Palin, a Soon-to-Be Publishing Phenom - WSJ.com

Democrats vs. Democrats on Public Option in Health Care Fight

YouTube - U.S. Set to Press for New Sanctions Against Iran

YouTube - Brown speech: PM on fairness and responsibility

Protests as Guinea protesters shot dead - CNN.com

UK: Palestinians seeking arrest warrant for Barak | Israel | Jerusalem Post

Gordon Brown's speech: Labour reaction | Politics | guardian.co.uk

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran insists on 'nuclear rights'

AFP: Obama meets NATO chief as Afghan decision looms

Israeli leaders congratulate Merkel on victory | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Pressure mounts on Honduras to end coup crisis - washingtonpost.com

YouTube - Honduras de facto government piles pressure on media - 28 Sep 09

The Associated Press: China clears central Beijing for anniversary party

VOA News - China's Number Two Leader Plans Visit to North Korea

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Drones kill Pakistan 'militants'

FOCUS: Ireland Set To Ok Lisbon, Govt Learns From Mistakes - WSJ.com

VOA News - 3 Troops Killed in Philippines Land Mine Blast

VOA News - India Poised for Major Expansion of Nuclear Power

BBC NEWS | Special Reports | Pope treads carefully on Czech visit

YouTube - Berlusconi's Latest Gaffe Directed at Obamas

VOA News - Chavez, Gadhafi Call for Change in Definition of Terrorism

YouTube - The Buzz: Regulating Social Networking Sites

The Associated Press: Police: Teen frequently tied up, kept in closet

YouTube - Police: Mom Locked Teen in Closet for Years

GOP Rep: President Obama is “An Enemy of Humanity” - Political Punch

The Washington Independent » More Trent Franks: The President Is an ‘Enemy of Humanity’

Republicans Reorganize Without Rudy

If the Ground Is Shifting, the House Will Feel It

The Associated Press: Homeless Ga. sex offenders ordered to move

BofA severs ACORN ties - Portland Business Journal:

Facebook pulls Obama death poll - Atlanta Business Chronicle:

YouTube - 3 Charged in Beating Death of Chicago Student

Leaders call for witnesses in beating death - 9/29/09 - Chicago News - abc7chicago.com

Northrop says US gave Boeing edge in tanker tussle | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

Committee Bill Targets 20 Percent Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions - washingtonpost.com

Dollar's days of dominance may end - Washington Times

Even in Capitalists’ Bad Times, Europe’s Socialists Suffer - NYTimes.com

Filmmaker Polanski Fights Extradition to U.S. From Switzerland - Bloomberg.com

Tufts University bans nookie if roomie ‘is present’ - BostonHerald.com

FDIC says bank failures to cost around $100B - Yahoo! Finance

Chattanooga Times Free Press | Cheerleaders’ religious signs draw fire

Phone Calls Add to Din Over Loans - WSJ.com

4 Teens Charged In Boy's Brutal Beating Death Of Derrion Albert, 16 - cbs2chicago.com

AFP: Empire State Building turns red-yellow for China's 60th

Palin finishes memoir, 'Going Rogue,' out Nov. 17 - Yahoo! News

Palin's title: 'Going Rogue' - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Al Qaeda Bombers Learn from Drug Smugglers - CBS Evening News - CBS News

Without Bush, media lose interest in war caskets | Washington Examiner

Man Gets 18 Months In Jail - For Stealing Hot Dog - wbztv.com

Vallejo Police Outsource Report Writing | NBC Bay Area

Streisand Admits At Historic Show: “Singing ‘People’ Is Boring” | The Hollywood Reporter | Showbiz 411

NYT: Is Iran designing warheads? - The New York Times- msnbc.com

My Way News - Iran says advanced missiles can target any threat

Kennedy warns health-care debate could turn violent | Rhode Island news | projo.com | The Providence Journal

CNSNews.com - People Can Opt Out of Listing STDs, Abortions in Gov't-Mandated Electronic Health Records, Patrick Kennedy Says

PRUDEN: Reality bites Obama's 'West Wing' - Washington Times

Andy Williams accuses Barack Obama of following Marxist theory - Telegraph

U.S. Northeast May Have Coldest Winter in a Decade - Bloomberg.com

Google Earth climate change 3D map unveiled

Pet-food industry enjoys strong sales in weak economy - The Denver Post

Tackling New Scourge of Road Safety: Texting While Driving

BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | The Full Story: Brown's big speech

Microsoft Offers Free Security Essentials -- InformationWeek

As expected Warner Music, YouTube make up | Digital Media - CNET News

TG Daily - Unluckiest deer in Illinois hit by car every 26 seconds

SPACE.com -- Space Clown to Lighten Mood In Orbit

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Probe's pass and brake at Mercury

FDIC Proposes Banks Prepay Deposit Fees Through 2012 - Bloomberg.com

US Stocks Lower After Disappointing Consumer Confidence Data - WSJ.com

JPMorgan’s Staley to Run Investment Bank in Shake-Up (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Short-Term Treasurys Underperform After Housing Data, Fed Talk - WSJ.com

Aerospace stocks rise as airlines tighten capacity - MarketWatch

Adolf Hitler suicide story questioned after tests reveal skull is a woman's - Telegraph

Dead Salmon 'Responds' to Pictures of People | LiveScience

Dark Matter Hunters Construct a New Weapon | Wired Science | Wired.com

Moon-smashing probe aims for new target crater - space - 28 September 2009 - New Scientist

UFOMystic » Alien Brains, Alien Thoughts

Beyond the Apocalypse | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

The Gralien Report » Blog Archive » Cyborg Nation: “Outsourcing” Biological Functions

Supertyphoons to Strike Japan Due to Global Warming

By 2040 you will be able to upload your brain... - Science, News - The Independent

Posthuman Blues: "Then came the great comet, Dionysus."

Community organizers 'pray' to president

Hey, Congress! 1 million reasons to plan career change ...

Sunstein: Government must fund abortion

'Safe schools' chief encouraged child sex with older man

NYC police covering up assault by Iran official?

Ahmadinejad served in torture lawsuit

Excerpt: 'Iran threatens our survival'

Cuba to U.N.: We're waiting for 'change'

H1N1 Vaccine Shots Should Be Readily Available - wcbstv.com

The American Spectator : ACORN's Man in the White House

Bank of America Pulls Back From ACORN Work - Political News - FOXNews.com

Writer: Obama, ACORN go back 20 years

Slippery tactics: Obama declares war on oil

Secret Service Probing Obama Assassination Poll on Facebook - Political News - FOXNews.com

Why can't Christians unite to change America's ways?

Exposed: The scientific impossibility of evolution

Secret footage specifies chaos minutes after the Oklahoma City bombing | NewsOK.com

Attorney: Oklahoma City bomb tapes appear edited - Yahoo! News

What did Founding Fathers believe?

CNSNews.com - People Can Opt Out of Listing STDs, Abortions in Gov't-Mandated Electronic Health Records, Patrick Kennedy Says

10 secret menu items at fast food restaurants - CNN.com

Daughter: Newman liked being on Nixon enemies list -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Lucy of Beatles’ ‘Lucy in the Sky ...’ fame dies - Music- msnbc.com

Michael Moore's radical utopian nightmare

No home in the galactic outer suburbs - space - 26 September 2009 - New Scientist

Seti: The hunt for ET - Science, News - The Independent

Man Hopes to Turn Life in Van Into $250,000 - Theres Got To Be A Pony In Here Somewhere Blog - CNBC.com

Cowell the $100M man

mental_floss Blog » 4 People With Super Memory

Microsoft researcher converts his brain into 'e-memory' - CNN.com

'Ahmadinejad has enough uranium to go whole way' - Middle East, World - The Independent

When liberals listen

Sunstein: Government must fund abortion

'Safe schools' chief encouraged child sex with older man

Trial lawyers lobby sinks $6.2M in debt - Washington Times

Gas Station Owner Explains "Big Fat" Gaffe | News10.net | Sacramento, California | Local News

Passenger removed after going to restroom - News- msnbc.com

Watchdog Finds Shortcomings With FBI's WMD-Tracking Unit - Political News - FOXNews.com

How much government control in cybercrisis? - Security- msnbc.com

Convicted felons could be working in your mother or father's nursing home

Keep the pressure on Washington

Pink slips: Our nuclear option

There's good reason not to trust Obama

The real threat to America: Godlessness

Obama's globalism: 'We Are the World'

How pathetic preaching damages national security

Is Iran nearing a bomb?

The Brainy Bunch

Reciting 'The Raven' at the Poe bicentennial

Reflections on the death of my mother

Sun ignores columns by conservative minorities | jacksonsun.com |

Look -- conservatives who believe in global warming!

Dead Census worker: Victim of open borders?

American Thinker: Redefining Sarah Palin

New Reports Confirm Hitler Secreted To US With Nazi German Atomic Bomb

US Federal Judges Flee As “Nazi” Dirty Bomb Plot Unravels

Obama at war with his general

Panama agrees to host two U.S. naval bases | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

tehran times : Iran, U.S. officials can meet anytime if Obama fulfills change promise: Ahmadinejad

Starbucks kills communities, academic claims - Telegraph

Roman Polanski arrest provokes diplomatic row between France and US - Telegraph

China to unveil new missile types on National Day: official

Adolf Hitler alive: weird conspiracy theories - Telegraph

OpEdNews - Article: 16 Arrested at Aetna for Demanding Healthcare

Congressional candidate: No more Muslims to U.S. » Abilene Reporter News

EXCLUSIVE: Porn surfing rampant at U.S. science foundation - Washington Times

Local Woman to be Fined, Jailed for Caring too Much

Thousands of Texans Attend "Largest Free Health Clinic Ever Held in the United States"

Terence Corcoran: The G20's bureacratic megaproject - Full Comment

Why Iran's Qom plant could be just the tip of the iceberg - By James M. Acton and Nima Gerami | Foreign Policy

Technical flaws in the Obama missile defense plan | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

RAND | Newsroom | Commentary | Real Threats, Real Fears, Real Defenses

The Bear Still Has Teeth - The Atlantic (September 28, 2009)

FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Strategic Vision Polls Exhibit Unusual Patterns, Possibly Indicating Fraud

RealClearPolitics - The Campaign is Over, Mr. President

RealClearPolitics - Sarkozy's Contempt for Obama

Why health reform will succeed - Sen. Tom Harkin - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - Elderly Moving Against ObamaCare

William McGurn: Obama v. Bush, the Sequel - WSJ.com

The left aims for critics' jugular - Jeanne Cummings - POLITICO.com

The Week Magazine:Why hasn't Charlie Rangel stepped down?

Born Cheap

Blame Barney Frank If a Pool Isn’t in Your Future: Amity Shlaes - Bloomberg.com

Should Roman Polanski have to pay for crimes he committed 30 years ago? | A. C. Grayling - Times Online

Iran's true leaders

French Atomic Pique

America's Teacher

RealClearMarkets - The Fed Continues to Operate Blindly

35 Billion Reasons The Crisis Has Taught Us Nothing - The Atlantic Business Channel

With Games on the line, we've got perfect go-to guy :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Commentary

Public option may have new life - Carrie Budoff Brown and Patrick O'Connor - POLITICO.com

Key House Dem: Public option can't pass without reconciliation as endgame - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Defense Bill, Lauded by White House, Contains Billions in Earmarks - washingtonpost.com

Health Care Overhaul and Mandatory Coverage Stir States’ Rights Claims


*Transcripts :After the Crisis?: World Bank President Robert Zoellick

Guests: Bill Clinton; Sens. Webb & Kyl; Gov. Paterson

Guests: Secretary Gates; Senator McCain

Guests: Secretary Gates; Senators Bayh & Corker

Guests: Secretary Clinton; Senator Graham

Guests: Senators Feinstein and Bond


**Politics Video;Influencers are on RealClearPolitics

Sen. Harkin Has Votes To Pass Public Option

Crist Compares Obama To Jimmy Carter

Bayh Estimates Iran To Have Weapon In 1-3 Years

House Dem: Public Option Can't Pass Without Reconciliation

Obama, NATO Chief Meet, Discuss Afghanistan

Howard Dean On Health Care Backlash

John McCain Pushes For Regime Change In Iran

Madeleine Albright On Iran & Afghanistan

Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee Seeks Health Care For Illegals

O'Reilly: Iran & Afghanistan Is A Test Of Leadership For Obama

Rachel Maddow Investigates: Republicans Vs Acorn

Jindal On Health Care Reform Hitting An All Time Low

NC School Children Chant "Change Has Come" In New Video Praising Obama

White House: Iran Needs Nuclear Transparency

Bolton: Foreign Policy Now Big Problem

Rove On Social Security, Health Care, Afghanistan

Obama To Lobby For Chicago To Get 2016 Olympics

Sen. Judd Gregg On Iran, Health Care & Bailouts

Rep. Hoekstra Wants To Stop Talks With Iran

Ann Coulter On Bill Clinton On "Meet The Press"

Gibbs: Iran Must Offer "Unfettered Access"

Woodward: Obama Faces A Dilemma On Afghanistan

GOP's "Dictionary" Ad Blasts Democrats' Health Care Legislation

New Ad Pressures Baucus On Public Option

Gen. McChrystal Warns Of "Mission Failure" In Afghanistan

Britain's Brown Stunned By "Pain Killer" Quesiton

**Markets Video;Are Gold Prices Going to Skyrocket?

Storm Brewing With September Jobs Report?

$50 Oil on the Horizon?

Zoellick: One on One w/ the World Bank President

Wall Street Titans on M&A Resurgence

Germans Stocks Out in Front on Merkel Win

Is the REIT Surge For Real?

Xerox Snaps Up ACS in $6.4 Billion Takeover

U.S. Week Ahead: Payrolls, Auto Sales

FDIC End Run on Bank Bailout

Refocus on Financial Reform

**World Video;Gordon Brown's Last Stand?

Qaddafi Discusses Iran, Terrorism

Philippines Flood of Woes

Americans Held in Iran

Roche on Ireland, Lisbon Vote

Polanski Asks to Be Freed

Iran Test-fires Long-range Missiles

Greenland's Fast-melting Ice

Alistair Darling Attacks Tories

Russian War Games on NATO Borders

Hillary Clinton on Iran's Options

Dozens Killed in Philippines Typhoon

Nigeria Rebels Threaten More Violence


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Congressman: Obama has something to hide

49 of 50 states never saw certification of eligibility?

Breitbart.tv » Author Defends Claim That Ayers Helped With Obama’s Memoir

'2 sources' gave author Obama book info

Who wrote 'Dreams From My Father'?


*American Minute for September 29th:William J Federer's American Minute*


09/28 The Mark Levin Show


YouTube - Ernst Zundel and David Cole 1 of 3 Auschwitz

YouTube - Ernst Zundel and David Cole 2 of 3 Auschwitz

YouTube - Ernst Zundel and David Cole 3 of 3 Auschwitz


*Site:no third solution

*Site:The Ruthless Truth blog

**Site:the dhlovelife show

*dhlovelife.com ; knowdummy! - a collection of green wisdom

*Site:Alcohol Can Be a Gas


*World Net Daily Player:Analyst: Iran flexing 'military might'

World Net Daily Player:Political suicide' to give illegals health care

World Net Daily Player:Health-insurance spokesman: Government option unfair

World Net Daily Player:Less summer vacation 'appealing reform'

Alex Jones

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 28th With Mike Adams

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 25th With Dave Mustaine

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 24th With Ron Paul

google news

Google Docs Adds Student-Friendly Features - PC World

Google Wave ready for wider testing | Relevant Results - CNET News

Google Watch - Google Wave - Google Offers Caveats, Teaser For Google Wave Preview

Google Wave Preview

Official Google Blog: Surf's up Wednesday: Google Wave update