"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

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Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

28 September 2009











YouTube - Celente: Revolution next for U.S.

YouTube - Cartoon Predicts the Future 50 Years Ago This is Amazing Insight

***MONEY FACTS - 169 Questions and Answers on Money***

The Godfather: 'Nobody enjoyed one day of it’ - Telegraph

Supermarket Bloody Vax Campaign Pushes ObamaCare

A Glimpse into the Scary World of Vaccine Adjuvants


Answering The Victors' Lies About German War Guilt

Israel's Missile Shield, The Iranian Threat, And The Palestinians



YouTube - G20 PROTEST AND MARTIAL LAW, Police use sound CANNONS and Tear Gas Pittsburgh

American Interests Vs The Jewish State

Morons & Idiots Running Our Schools

Balls of Light Form Crop Circle

Spain: UFO VIdeotaped Over Ribadeo, Spain

savethemales.ca - Satan's Network

The FBI is stalking you...even though the DHS told them not to. | Young Americans for Liberty

Undercover agents gave man chances to back out of plot to bomb Springfield federal courthouse - Canton, IL - Canton Daily Ledger

The Sun could be heading into period of extended calm - physicsworld.com

NASA - Martian Ice Exposed by Meteorite Impacts

THE EDITOR'S COLUMN: Deception a dangerous basis for presidency Morning Journal: Serving Lorain, Erie, Huron and western Cuyahoga counties

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » What If Everyone in the World Wanted a 1-ounce Gold Coin?

Ott - 'Immuno-Sterilization' In Humans

Refreshing News: Google Earth launches climate simulator

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul on The Alex Jones Show:A 1776 Style “Revolution” is Almost Here!!

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » First Time Sound Cannon Used Publicly Against American Citizens

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » TSA, GOP Rep. square off in airport over body scanners

EclippTV :: Video :: evidence of economic collapse martial law preparations

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Jason Bermas on Alex Jones TV: Reports From The G-20″Hell” Summit in Pittsburgh PA

Why do we bother? Residents sort rubbish into boxes... then it's all dumped in together | Mail Online

Police scanner recording of G20 savage thug attack on peaceful protesters Sept. 25 2009 10:30pm est - 12.160Mhz

Attorney: 9/11 plot claim missing key ingredient - Security- msnbc.com


Blitzer's 'Hypocracy' Charge: How Moore SHOULD Have Responded (Video) | Charting Stocks

35 Million Americans on Food Stamps: 12 Percent of U.S. Population on Food Stamps Highest Since Records Kept in 1969.

Is Barack Obama a literary fraud? The evidence mounts | News | The First Post

Keeping Iran honest | Scott Ritter | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Obama comes to aid of Israel over UN war crimes charges

Fox News ratings rise with TV Anchor Babes' short skirts and great legs | I Hate the Media - Fun with Liberal Media Bias

Obama Stuck between Wars on Iraq, Afghanistan

Palestine Think Tank » Israel Middle East Issues Newswire Opinions and Letters Palestine Zionism » Daniel McGowan – What Does Holocaust Denial Really Mean?

Study shows a stunning gap between U.S. rich and poor | Vancouver, Canada | Straight.com

Hitman: $25 million bounty on Hugo Chavez « Political Theatrics

Ehud Olmert defiant as corruption trial begins | World news | guardian.co.uk

MPs play 'hunt the mole' to find who leaked expenses claims (and we're paying)

BBC NEWS | Health | Sensitivity to aspartame probed

$1 million bail maintained in pot case - Mauinews.com | News, Sports, Jobs, Visitor's Information - The Maui News

Refreshing News: Rare Space Object Discovered by High Schooler

EclippTV :: Video :: Human guinea pigs! Israel forces people to drink uranium?

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul’s speech, with Michele Bachmann

YouTube - Greenspan Admits The Federal Reserve Is Above The Law & Answers To No One

The Free Press -- Independent News Media - Harvey Wasserman

Washington's Blog:How Well Has The Federal Reserve Performed for America?

Military and Riot Thugs Detain, Dehumanize and TORTURE American Citizens — The Infowarrior - Jason Bermas

Bill Clinton Says Vast, Right-Wing Conspiracy Focused on Obama - Political News - FOXNews.com

YouTube - Israel's Dimona Nuclear Weapons Factory In 3D

Inside the Apocalyptic Soviet Doomsday Machine

Miliband will not rule out force as Iran defiant - Times Online

Genetic disease patients may lose privacy rights to protect families - Times Online

UK warned as plague of bee-eating hornets spreads north in France | World news | The Guardian

FT.com / Comment / Editorial - Malthus redux

Domestic passengers flying to Scotland may now have to show their passports - Telegraph

Poland approves forcible castration for paedophiles - Telegraph

Scientists find new reserves of water on Mars - Times Online

Why do we bother? Residents sort rubbish into boxes... then it's all dumped in together | Mail Online

Ott - 'Immuno-Sterilization' In Humans

CBC News - Canada - Charkaoui nearly free

The Muslim Wolf At Feminism's Door - Honor Killings

Speeding Toward Stop Sign Without Breaks

Canceled US Missile Shield Signals New Race To War


Nicolas Sarkozy 'perverted course of justice' in trial of Dominique de Villepin - Times Online

Moon 'has a litre of water for every tonne of soil' - Times Online

Climate change accelerating – UNEP - Telegraph

The future of TV - Telegraph

Feathered dinosaur fossils find has Chinese scientists all aflutter | Science | The Guardian

Barack Obama raises spectre of nuclear conflict as Allies find site near Iran holy city - Times Online

Jews Want Diversity, but Not for their Tribe | Altermedia news U.S.A.

Revenge on Ethnic Germans: Czech Town Divided over How to Commemorate 1945 Massacre - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Vioxx maker Merck and Co drew up doctor hit list | The Australian

Fading Into Mist...

'Ahmadinejad has enough uranium to go whole way' - Middle East, World - The Independent

Ahmadinejad censures Obama over Iran remarks

Iran's second nuclear plant 'a vindication for Israel' | World news | The Guardian

Obama Assassination Plot Fails As Full Terror Alert Hits North America

Russia Reports Obama ‘Hit Team’ Taken Down In New York, Top Leader Suicided

Obama Pleads For Russian Help, Warns That Israel “Is Out Of Control”

Obama Warned By CIA, “Surrender Or Join Kennedy”

US Fears “Nazi” Dirty Bomb Explosion Imminent

US Federal Judges Flee As “Nazi” Dirty Bomb Plot Unravels

British Museum's Aztec artefacts 'as evil as Nazi lampshades made from human skin'

Secession movement moves beyond Texas | news-press.com | The News-Press

Smoking Mirrors: Curly, Moe and Larry got Game.

Message to PBS ombudsman Michael Getler about "Blueprint for Truth" | 911Blogger.com

YouTube - 9 11 Prior Knowledge Using Planes As Weapons Compilation of Clips cut from Core of Corruption

Osama bin Laden - a dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government

The Free Press -- Your electronic vote in the 2010 election has just been bought

*Site:Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - The Official Blog - Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran

UN: 1,500 Afghan civilians dead in 8 months

The Folly of Radical Feminism | Altermedia news U.S.A.

The H1N1 Flu… How Serious Is It? | Altermedia news U.S.A.

Krauthammer: Obama 'denigrating the country' with UN speech

Tom Carper: Can't Negotiate for Lower Drug Prices Because It 'Wouldn't Be Fair'. Oh, Boo Hoo.

Were They Poisoned By Camp Lejeune Water Supply? Stricken Marines Seek Help

Michael Moore: The President Should Have Started With Single Payer

CBO: A Good Public Option Saves Even More Money Than We Thought

It's Fun Watching Rep. Grayson At Work. He's The Kind of Democrat We Need.

Jeremy Scahill: ACORN Got Pennies Compared to War Contracting Firms- Their Crimes Pale in Comparison

'To Serve And Protect' - Who? Pittsburgh Police Use Tear Gas and Sonic Cannons on Protesters

R.I.P. Kimi Young, 22, Another Casualty of Our For-Profit Deathcare System.

P.T. Barnum Laughs - The Birther Infomercial, Stealing From Suckers $30 At A Time

The Rachel Maddow Show: The Truth About the Lies About ACORN

HCAN memo warns against backing the Senate Finance Committee health care plan

Countdown: SNL Spoofs Glenn Beck

MoveOn Joins The Fray - Calls For Exit Strategy In Afghanistan

Will the media ever report about how low in the polling Republicans have sunk?

So I Was Riding In My Car, Talking on The Phone With Dr. Dean...

'Indoctrinating' children? There go conservatives, projecting again

New CBS/NY Times poll: 65% of Americans want the Public option

Conservatives' Census Paranoia

Blue America Welcomes Eric Massa For A Talk On Afghanistan

Krugman: GOP To Attack Climate Change Legislation Based On Fake Economics

Schumer and Rockefeller: We Will Get a Public Option

Dem Fundraising Drops. Give Us Real Democrats, And We'll Donate Again.

ACORN is a handy substitute for the 'n word': At 912 event, black teens harassed by hysterical teabaggers

Lou Dobbs Upset That Latin Network Soap Opera Will Include a Storyline Promoting the Census

Maddow: Ken Burns on America's Best Idea

Linda McMahon goes on the air in Connecticut

Insurance Company Employee Apologizes For Doing His or Her Horrible Job

The Colbert Report: Tom DeLay Dances With the Stars

The History Lesson Obama Missed

Dial 911 for suicide assistance?

Who is doing the governing?

Liberal Jews and the Legacy of Neoconservatism

Nimrod's Tower

Two Jews

The Ugly American

Stimulating Our Way to Depression

Global Warming 'Science'

The Public Option Roach Motel

A sham 'compromise' health care bill waiting in the wings

Meryl's Mad Green Meanderings about Julia

Barack Obama's Uninspiring Legacy

Cut Taxes? Are you crazy?

Compassion: Islamic Republic Style

De-Romanticizing Terror

Obama and the Trust Factor

Obama and the Last Hurrah of Liberalism

Sliming Conservatives: A Short History

Czar wants parallel government broadcasting system

America's Relativist in Chief

The Perestroika Deception

The R-bomb: Are You A Racist?

The Real Nuclear Option

Advice from Fidel Castro for Ahmadinejad and Gadhafi

The Soros-Axelrod Axis?

Obama and ACORN

ACORN and the AGs

How to fight poverty and live like a king

Bono: Africa's best spokesperson?

Our thoroughly obtuse Defense Secretary

Start-up car company backed by Gore gets half billion dollar taxpayer loan

Political Investments

Health Care Promises: What Happens Next?


NJ video proves Obama's school-speech opponents right

TARP IG: Financial system now in a 'far more dangerous place'

Obama's big, sincere smile

Whoa; NBC Producer to anti-ACORN group employee: 'Bite me, Jew boy?'

While Obama slept

Grassley, Issa call for ACORN probe

09-27-2009: Obama Wants Schools Open Longer To Brainwash Children More Effectively

09-26-2009: The Future Of The Mind Control Apparatus Called Television

09-26-2009: US sends 2 missile defense satellites into orbit

09-26-2009: Marine who established prison camps: U.S. lost moral high ground

09-26-2009: U.S. Large-Loan Bank Losses Triple to $53 Billion

09-26-2009: U.S. Intelligence Budget: $75 Billion, 200,000 Operatives. Fusion Centers Will Have Access to Classified Military Intelligence

09-26-2009: Federal Reserve General Counsel Scott Alvarez Threatens the U.S. with Economic Terrorism

09-25-2009: Bin Laden Demands Europe Withdraw Troops From Afghanistan (Another Fake Tape)

Patsy Arrested With FBI Supplied Explosives In Dallas Bomb Plot

09-25-2009: Genetically Engineered Meat With RFID Chips Grown In Your Kitchen To "Save The Planet"

Chavez seeks Africa's help for new world order

VIDEO: Secret footage specifies chaos minutes after the Oklahoma City bombing

'Business elite' behind Honduran coup?

Venezuela exploring uranium deposits with Russia

Why Consolidation in the Banking Industry Threatens Our Economy

Real Science Sets Up Surrogates‘ Futuristic Robot Action

US accuses ISI of supporting Taliban 'shadow govt.'

VIDEO: Rep. Alan Grayson: Does the Federal Reserve Manipulate the Stock Market? Where's the Gold?

The satellite link that keeps watch on your children

Microsoft’s ‘E-Memory’

'Web-bot project' makes prophecy of 2012 apocalypse

Afghan Presidential Election Is a False Hope for Change

Netanyahu Rips UN for Ahmadinejad 'Disgrace'

President Ahmadinejad: An Interview With Katie Couric

Gaddafi Urges 'One State Solution'

Military and Riot Thugs Detain, Dehumanize and TORTURE American Citizens


The facade of nuclear disarmament

Wars, Guns and Votes: Democracy in Dangerous Places

The US Financial Structure is Doomed. Monetization, Crisis of Retail Trade, Decline of the Dollar

Deception over Lockerbie

You Have Only the Right to Remain Silent: Let's Try Democracy

Big Brother "Fusion Centers" Part of US Domestic Intelligence and Surveillance Apparatus

Obama Stuck between Wars on Iraq, Afghanistan

Military Attacks American Citizens With Sound Weapons & Tear Gas At G20

Classified McChrystal Report: 500,000 Troops Will Be Required Over Five Years in Afghanistan

McChrystal Troop Request: Between 10,000 and 40,000 More Troops for the Mission in Afghanistan

United Health Care profits soar 155 percent on Medicare plans

The great Fed-financed dollar decline and stock market rally of 2009

Illegal Alien Charged With Attempting to Use WMD in Dallas Was Imprisoned in Jordan Five Years Ago, Says Jordanian Government

Administration Will Cut Border Patrol Deployed on U.S-Mexico Border

Human Rights Not High on Agenda As Clinton Meets With Leader of Repressive Regime

CDC Has Made ‘Limited’ Improvements to Security of Bio-Safety Labs

MSNBC’s Ed Schultz: Republicans ‘Want to See You Dead’

Poll: Big Majorities Say Objective Journalism Is Dead and that Media Back Obama

CBO Testimony Echoes Insurers’ Claims About Cuts to Medicare Advantage Program

GOP Leaders to Block Health Nominees Unless HHS Lifts Medicare Gag Order

Democratic Senators Demand Full Committee Debate on Public Option

Men Accused of Unrelated Terror Bombing Plots in Illinois, Texas

Massachusetts Republicans Seek to Block Kennedy Successor on Constitutional Grounds

Bernanke: Consumer Loan Program Still Needed

The Three R’s in the Age of Obama: Rappin’, Revolution and Radicalism

To Lose a War

Lying Propaganda

El Nino shift could boost hurricanes, intensify drought: study

The American Conservative -- Who’s Afraid of Sibel Edmonds?

Rare earths are vital, and China owns them all - MarketWatch

Online Conspiracy Theorists Latch Onto Census GPS Units | Threat Level | Wired.com

Ontario 'morphing' UFO photographed at close range

Cryptomundo » New Irish Lake Monster Video

Doctor Who Dalek created out of 480,000 matchsticks - Telegraph

Scientists See Numbers Inside People's Heads | LiveScience

'Web-bot project' makes prophecy of 2012 apocalypse - Telegraph

Olivia sees Little Grease Men

Pregnant Woman Pregnant Again, Julia Grovenburg Conceives Consecutively - ABC News

BBC NEWS | Technology | Bus CCTV could predict assaults

What the first outpost on moon might look like | Science | guardian.co.uk

My Way News - Iran test-fires short-range missiles

Iran to test-fire missile that could reach Israel | World | Reuters

Venezuela exploring uranium deposits with Russia - Yahoo! News

Swiss arrest Polanski on US request in sex case - Yahoo! News

My Way News - Social Security strained by early retirements

My Way News - Mich. stares down 2nd govt. shutdown in 3 years

My Way News - Glenn Beck gets ceremonial key to hometown city

SIMON COWELL: A letter to my shallow, reckless, cocky younger self | Mail Online

The Associated Press: Bill Clinton speaks of vast, right-wing conspiracy

John Edwards' ex-mistress, Rielle Hunter, targeted by Elizabeth Edwards in blog comments - source

"SNL" Newbie Drops the F-Bomb On Air | NBC Washington

YouTube - New SNL Cast Member Jenny Slate Swears On Live TV 9-26-09

Crawford says Time Warner will sell magazine unit | U.S. | Reuters

US drone crashes into Iraqi party offices: military

US threatens airstrikes in Pakistan - Times Online

Pakistan blasts show Taliban's ability to strike - Yahoo! News

The Associated Press: China launches probe into imports of US chicken

Apocalypse Fears in Films: 2012 End of the World Prediction - ABC News

Where Did the H1N1 Late-2009 Flu Season Virus Come From? by Bill Sardi

The Price of Pretense in Pittsburgh by Peter Schiff

If Your Lips Are Moving: 'You Lie!!' by Dom Armentano

Before We Eulogize the Dollar by David Calderwood

*More Government Won't Help by Ron Paul

Doug Casey on Interest-ing Times

The Constitution: The God That Failed (To Liberate Us From Big Government) by William Buppert

The Kindergarten Theory of Government by Kevin Swindle

Was Irving Kristol a CIA Plot?

Cabela's: No more ammunition for California?

On National TV, Paterson Repeats Vow to Not Bow Out - NYTimes.com

How the feds caught Najibullah Zazi, pieced together 9/11 terror plot

Is IMF power of persuasion enough for G20? | U.S. | Reuters

YouTube - Obama: G20 Agrees to Reform Global Economy

Obama resumes health care push, vows to 'get it done this year' - CNN.com

YouTube - Obama Addresses Black Caucus on Health Care

'World Leader' to Obama: Explain Why 'They're Putting a Hitler Moustache On You' - Political Punch

McDonnell grilled in Fox News Sunday appearance - POLITICO Live - POLITICO.com

AFP: Sotomayor opens Yankees game with pitch up the middle

YouTube - Raw Video: Sotomayor Throws Out First Pitch

Daughter of Newspaper Heiress Struggled Financially Before Apparent Suicide - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

For Kirk, ‘sobering, emotional’ - The Boston Globe

YouTube - Sen. Paul Kirk (D-MA) Swearing In Ceremony

Reported Reality Show Contestant Charged in Adult Film Actress' Murder - ABC News

BBC NEWS | Americas | California mulls legalising marijuana

Private Mass pays tribute to slain Yale graduate student Annie Le -- latimes.com

The Associated Press: Iran's Rev. Guard buys stake in Iran telecom

Anger in France and Poland after Polanski arrest | Reuters

YouTube - Swiss Detain Polanski on U.S. Arrest Request

Alicia de Larrocha, 86; Poetic and Prolific Spanish Pianist - washingtonpost.com

Welcome to ‘Cleveland’ - BostonHerald.com

YouTube - MIchael Moore on "Capitalism: A Love Story"

Roman Polanski Arrested on Statutory Rape Charges -- Popeater

The Smoking Gun: Archive

Bipartisan House group protests funding for Gadhafi foundations - TheHill.com

Hey, big spender!

Howard Jacobson: It doesn't matter if there's a recession or not, because Armageddon is on its way - Howard Jacobson, Commentators - The Independent

Letter - Michael Moore - Reaping His Rewards - NYTimes.com

Skulls found on Mafia ship laden with toxic waste - Europe, World - The Independent

Smuggling Europe’s Waste to Poorer Countries - NYTimes.com

Investigator: Suburban mayor lashes out at his own police force

NO JAIL FOR WARR - Featured Story - SunHerald.com

Family cemetery visit led to hanged census worker - Yahoo! News

Suspect in August death of Dinuba antiques dealer faces 54 molestation charges | visaliatimesdelta.com | Visalia Times-Delta and Tulare Advance-Register

Jaycee Dugard kidnapping: Phillip Garrido apparently avoided sex offender registration for years - San Jose Mercury News

Pageant contestant accused of killing ex-actress - Arts, books, more- msnbc.com

Evangelicals Urged to Heed Calvin's Voice | Christianpost.com

Woman Implanted With Wrong Embryo Gives Birth - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News - FOXNews.com

Phillips Incest Claim Sets Off Family Feud - The Early Show - CBS News

Explosive evidence from Travolta extortion trial - CNN.com

Build a Better Bulb for a $10 Million Prize

The Mosquito: Israel's Unique Micro-Unmanned Aircraft - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Billboard questions reach Mile High City

An Inside Look at Antiques Roadshow: A Collectors Weekly Special Report | Collectors Weekly

Microsoft researcher converts his brain into 'e-memory' - CNN.com

'Ahmadinejad has enough uranium to go whole way' - Middle East, World - The Independent

New Vision Online : Mortuary-bound mzee wakes from the ‘dead’

Fanged frog, 162 other new species found - Science- msnbc.com

Butterflies Use Antenna GPS to Guide Migration | Wired Science | Wired.com

Conservative beauties in new calendar - Washington Times

Michael Moore's radical utopian nightmare

Not plastic: Barbie to be focus of live-action film

Seti: The hunt for ET - Science, News - The Independent

No home in the galactic outer suburbs - space - 26 September 2009 - New Scientist

Return to biblical Christianity

Dozens of pastors challenge IRS rules

Cops, deputies warned again about right-wing 'terrorists'

Dozens of pastors challenge IRS rules

Policemen warned again about domestic 'terrorists'

Breitbart.tv » Bill Clinton: Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Still ‘Virulent’

Egyptian paper: Coins found bearing name of Joseph

Ensign receives handwritten confirmation - Live Pulse - POLITICO.com

Fed didn’t bark at subprime loan abuses - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Report: New Iran nuclear facility will be operational soon - Haaretz - Israel News

U.S., allies seek 'unfettered access' to Iran site - Yahoo! News

Muslim leaders challenged to repudiate terror

Digital Fingerprints Led Feds to Zazi - CBS News

Muslims observe day of prayer in Washington - CNN.com

Elizabeth mosque get support from Christian group for Washington prayer event | New Jersey Real-Time News - - NJ.com

NY Times Columnist William Safire Dead at 79 - ABC News

Sunstein: Fetuses 'use' women, abortion limits 'troublesome'

Holdren: Sterilize welfare recipients

Newmarket picks up Jon Amiel's 'Creation'

Dung beetle named for Charles Darwin | L.A. Unleashed | Los Angeles Times

Kirk Cameron bashed for Darwin campaign

Exposed: The scientific impossibility of evolution

Did Obama call on Israel to vacate Temple Mount?

Egyptian minister declares 'culture war' on Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews

Hunt begins for records on ACORN's fed funds

Defense fund launched for Hannah Giles

Shocker: Kids taught to sing Obama's praises

Bill Clinton Changes Mind on Gay Marriage

Washington Post discovers America

Prepared to be wrong

Criminalizing public prayer

GOP: Take Bill Clinton's advice

All the king's men … and women

Obama's 'Final Solution' for Israel

Media protect 'literary lion' Obama

Quran vs. Constitution: Why they're incompatible

Time for a spiritual reboot?

Life in the Oink Sector

A Secret White House Power Grab Is In Full Swing - FOXNews.com

Chris Wallace Goes Beck to the Future

Closed Dealers Seek U.S. Help - washingtonpost.com

SPIEGEL Interview with Goldman Sachs CEO; 'We Didn't Realize How Bad Things Would Get'


*American Minute for September 27th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Author confirms Bill Ayers helped Obama write 'Dreams'

Who wrote 'Dreams From My Father'?

Guest Columnist: Obama should make his birth records public - The Delaware County Daily Times : Serving Delaware County, PA(DelcoTimes.com)

*Article Links:The complete story about 'Dreams from My Father'


*Transcripts:Obama, Brown and Sarkozy on Iran's Nuclear Facility

Shields and Brooks on Obama's Week of Diplomacy

Background Briefing on Iran's Nuclear Facility

Obama's Remarks at the Security Council Meeting

Panel on Obama at the Security Council

Interview with Venezuela President Hugo Chavez

Interview with Senator Charles Schumer

Interview with Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick

Analysts Discuss Iran's Nuclear Program

Obama's Speech to the United Nations General Assembly

Panel on Obama's United Nations Speech

Tony Blair on Middle East Peace

Sen. Lindsey Graham on Afghanistan

Analysts Debate National Security Measures

Obama's Remarks on Netanyahu/Abbas Meeting

Interview with Prime Minister Netanyahu

Interview with Senator Ron Wyden

Interview with Senator Charles Grassley

Obama's Speech at the U.N. Climate Change Summit

Briefing with Middle East Envoy George Mitchell

Interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Roundtable on Obama & Afghanistan

Interview with Afghan President Hamid Karzai

Interview with Fmr. President Bill Clinton

Innovation and Sustainable Growth

Senators Sanders & Hutchison Debate Afghanistan

Rep. Hoekstra on Obama Standing By the CIA Probe

Interviews with President Obama & Sen. McConnell

Interviews with President Obama and Leader Boehner

Interviews with President Obama & Michael Steele

Interviews with President Obama

CEO of ACORN and Rep. Issa Debate


**Politics - Video;Clinton: The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy Still Exists

Sens. Feinstein, Bond On Iran & Afghanistan

Paterson: WH Sent "Message Of Concern"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Afghanistan Strategy

Sen. Graham On Iran Hiding Nuclear Program

Secretary Clinton On Iran's Secret Nuclear Site

McCain: Obama Will Make The Right Decision On Afghanistan

"This Week" Roundtable On Afghanistan & Iran

Obama Weekly Address: Progress with the G-20 in Pittsburgh

Clinton Says He Was Wrong On Gay Marriage

Gates: Room Left For Diplomacy With Iran

Ahmadinejad: Obama's Statement Was A "Mistake"

Sen. Vitter: Reid "Thumbing His Nose" At Calls To Investigate ACORN

Sen. Rockefeller: Public Option Not Impossible

Giuliani Slams UN & Obama On "Dangerous Moral Equivalence"

Dick Morris On Passing The Health Care Bill

Obama: Iran Must Live Up To International Obligations

Sen. McCain On Obama's Speech To U.N. & Afghanistan

Keith Olbermann Interviews Michael Moore On "Capitalism"

Rush Limbaugh Runs Over Al Gore Figure On "Jay Leno" Show

Schumer To Insist On Roll Call Vote For Public Option


PostPartisan - All About Obama

Editorial - The Big Cheat - NYTimes.com

Five House Democrats sign discharge petition - TheHill.com

Podesta Says Value-Added Tax ‘More Plausible’ as Deficits Grow - Bloomberg.com

No Deadline Set for Decision on Troops - washingtonpost.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Obama at the Precipice - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Obama At War With His General

RealClearPolitics - Madmen at the Gates

Op-Ed Columnist - The New Sputnik - NYTimes.com

Cryptic Iranian Note Ignited an Urgent Nuclear Strategy Debate - NYTimes.com

For Obama, Focus Shifts From Engagement To Pursuit of Concerted, Tough Measures - washingtonpost.com

Obama's Iran Formula

Appease-y does it for weak Prez on road to a Mideast apocalypse

Op-Ed Columnist - Obama’s Tortoise Tactics - NYTimes.com

FT.com / Columnists / Christopher Caldwell - Obama’s age of atonement

GOP Senators Drop Out of Panel Inquiry Into CIA Program - washingtonpost.com

Congressional Memo - For Democrats, the Cracks in a United Front on Health Care - NYTimes.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Fed Up With War - NYTimes.com

Red Squares;Why are the Russians so good at chess?

Mitt Romney's Marathon Run | Washington Examiner

Christopher Hitchens: Inside Bill Clinton's Mind | Newsweek Politics | Newsweek.com

RealClearPolitics - A 'Principled Conservative'

Irving Kristol, 1920-2009

RealClearPolitics - How ACORN Helped Its Enemies

The Public Editor - Tuning In Too Late - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com

Stay suspicious about terrorism - The Denver Post

Editorial - Medicare Scare-Mongering - NYTimes.com

EDITORIAL: Obama's nuclear-free fantasy - Washington Times

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Sep 25, 2009 - House passes bill to prevent government shutdown

FT.com / Comment / Analysis - A risky revival

How Well Has The Federal Reserve Performed for America?

Obama Demands Children Spend More Time in State Indoctrination Centers

Military and Riot Thugs Detain, Dehumanize and TORTURE American Citizens

Scientific Siege Against UN-IPCC Farce Revealed

Washington Post Columnist: 'There Was Never A Constituency For Health Care. Let's Remember That.'

O'Keefe not sure if he broke wiretap laws

YouTube - Forced Vaccines Refused By Nurses In New York


Girl Born With Mermaid Syndrome - AOL Health

On a wing and a prayer: Jews prepare Yom Kippur - Telegraph

US official murdered in Kentucky – land of meth and moonshine - Herald Scotland | News | World News

By 2040 you will be able to upload your brain... - Science, News - The Independent

Australian town ‘world’s first’ to ban bottled water | Raw Story

Secret footage specifies chaos minutes after the Oklahoma City bombing | NewsOK.com

Netanyahu Shoots Himself In Both Feet At UN

A Glimpse into the Scary World of Vaccine Adjuvants

BBC NEWS | UK | Childcare help 'could be illegal'


*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 23rd With Dr. Stan Monteith

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 25th With Dave Mustaine

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 24th With Ron Paul

*09/25 The Mark Levin Show

*09/24 The Mark Levin Show

*09/23 The Mark Levin Show

*09/22 The Mark Levin Show

*09/21 The Mark Levin Show


World Net Daily Player:'What a difference 'DeLay' makes'

World Net Daily Player:Iran playing West like 'bunch of chumps'

World Net Daily Player:'Maniac' Ahmadinejad like 'bin Laden on steroids'

World Net Daily Player:'Urban jihad' coming to U.S.

World Net Daily Player:America's 'cockeyed and convoluted' energy policy


U.S. Missile Shield: Towards the Establishment of a Worldwide Missile Interceptor Network

Ontario 'morphing' UFO photographed at close range

Key to subliminal messaging is to keep it negative, study shows

Polanski arrest to spark extradition fight | Reuters

Devvy - ObamaCare: Insurance Or Jail


Ensign receives handwritten confirmation - Live Pulse - POLITICO.com

Population: Overconsumption is the real problem - opinion - 27 September 2009 - New Scientist

Is Barack Obama a literary fraud? The evidence mounts | News | The First Post

US drone crashes into Iraqi party offices: military

Kawther Salam » Blog Archive » The Daily Life of Kawther Salam

Iran says it has carried out successful short-range missile tests | World news | guardian.co.uk

Marines Bypass Taliban Opium Fields in Afghanistan | DarkGovernment

MI6: Saudis Will Let Israel Bomb Iran Nuclear Site -- News from Antiwar.com

Oh Bummer: Obama Regime Threatening to Attack Major Pakistani City of Quetta

Oh Bummer: Clinton tries to distort fact about Iran N plant

Oh Bummer: September ‘Surprise’

Atheo News: Clinton: Nothing Iran Can Do to Convince US Nuclear Program Is Peaceful

123 Real Change: Grossman Confirmed as FBI Target in Espionage Investigations

Iran: Attacking us will expedite Israel's last breath - Haaretz - Israel News

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Listening to Sibel. CIA was supporting Al Qaeda covertly!

Obama follows Bush’s modus operandi on Iran

Cash-strapped sell their kidneys to pay off debts - Times Online

Editorial: IAEA and Israel

Second wave of swine flu pandemic begins to hit US - The Boston Globe

Atheo News: Latin America fights Western influence, launches own international bank

Iranian bioweapon researcher dies suspiciously

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gerald Celente on King world News Sept 24 2009

Refreshing News: Whose Internet is it, anyway?

Refreshing News: DNA test shows Hitler skull is that of a woman

The Raw Story » Attorney: Oklahoma bombing tapes appear to be edited

US Threatening to Attack Major Pakistani City of Quetta -- News from Antiwar.com

Reflections in a Petri Dish: The Department of Terror wants You!

The U.S. Creeps Closer to a Police State

The Federal Reserve's Death Rattle? by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Ammo rationing at Wal-Mart as panic buying sweeps US • The Register

Devvy - ObamaCare: Insurance Or Jail

Egyptian paper: Coins found bearing name of Joseph

Jamboree Used by Military, Police to Indoctrinate Boy Scouts : Truth is Contagious

The Raw Story | US commander asks for big troop buildup: senator

World Bank says don't take dollar's place for granted | Reuters

Israeli Spying: The Mother of all Scandals

Intelligence Agencies Say No New Nukes in Iran | Newsweek International - World

YouTube - Forced Vaccines Refused By Nurses In New York

Met Office: catastrophic climate change could happen with 50 years - Telegraph

Military and Riot Thugs Detain, Dehumanize and TORTURE American Citizens

Attorney: OKC bombing tapes appear edited | AP | 09/27/2009

EclippTV :: Video :: Alex Jones Tv:Update From The G-20"Hell"Summit in Pittsburgh,

EclippTV :: Video :: The Alex Jones Show 1/2:Obama "President of The World!

EclippTV :: Video :: The Alex Jones Show 2/2:Obama "President of The World!"

YouTube - Israel's Dimona Nuclear Weapons Factory In 3D

*NTI: Country Overviews: Israel: Nuclear Chronology

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff U S Rally Is Doomed, Gold Will Hit $5000

YouTube - Rachel Maddow: Lies About Acorn & Something Unconstitutional?

U.S. Is Seeking a Range of Sanctions Against Iran - NYTimes.com

**The Constitution: The God That Failed (To Liberate Us From Big Government) by William Buppert

Huge California study concludes soda consumption undeniably linked to obesity

We Are Change takes over the NBC Nightly News at the G-20 in Pittsburgh - 12.160Mhz

Virtues of Liberty in America.

Obama Violates the First Amendment

Destitute in our own liberty.

How Our Government Secures the Unsecurable.

CO2 Turns Out To Be a Savior

Killer groupies an unexplained mystery

China to display upgraded missiles in Oct 1 parade | Reuters

ACORN's Man in the White House

Roman Polanski's Arrest Could Lead to His Freedom -- Popeater

The Smoking Gun: Polanski The Predator

Enough TV, Mr. President. How About Governing? | Newsweek Voices - Howard Fineman | Newsweek.com

09-28-2009: U.S. Job Seekers Exceed Openings By Record Ratio

09-28-2009: U.S. government offers "Cash for Appliances"

09-28-2009: Beijing's 'aim is to make people docile'

09-28-2009: Eli Lilly Paid Doctors To Discuss Drugs

09-28-2009: By 2040 you will be able to upload your brain

09-28-2009: Social Security strained by early retirements

09-28-2009: World Bank Says Don't Take Dollar's Place As World's Reserve Currency For Granted

09-27-2009: Obama Wants Schools Open Longer To Brainwash Children More Effectively

09-26-2009: The Future Of The Mind Control Apparatus Called Television

Qaddafi Proposes 'Nato of the South' at South America-Africa Summit

New Directed Energy Center to Impact Future Weapons for Naval and Joint Forces

Spain: Pilot Arrested in Connection With Argentine ‘Death Flights’

A Trend?: Ehud Olmert to become first former Israeli PM to appear in court

Russia's Doomsday Device Supposedly Still Active and Being Upgraded

Obama Times Calling Out Iran For Impact

Keeping Iran Honest

Everything You Know About Iran Is A Myth

More Lies, More Deception

The Facade of Nuclear Disarmament

The US and Iran: A Manufactured Crisis

Where has the Bailout Money Gone? Good Billions After Bad

Iraq: What elections?

U.S. Missile Shield: Towards the Establishment of a Worldwide Missile Interceptor Network

Wars, Guns and Votes: Democracy in Dangerous Places

US could launch missiles from the Baltic Sea

Panama agrees to host two U.S. naval bases

Mullen wins second term as top U.S. military officer

Elections matter, or do they?

‘Losing My Religion’*

Council 'spies' dressed in hoodies rifle through residents' rubbish as part of 'waste analysis' | Mail Online

Paul Eidelberg -- The Brzezinski/Obama Axis

Steve Quayle News Alerts:We are Out of Time!

THE ELITES ARE AT WAR!!! - BlackListed News

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-FIVE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

All News Web - UFO sighting by multiple witnesses in Lebanon, photos

Too scary to be real, research looks to quantify eeriness in virtual characters

Proposal Requires House to Post Bills on Web 72 Hours Before Vote

Obama Administration’s New Policy on Oceans Keeps an Eye on Land

Key European Union Treaty Faces Big Test

People Can Opt Out of Listing STDs, Abortions in Gov't-Mandated Electronic Health Records, Patrick Kennedy Says

Leaders at U.N. Conference Warn Time Is Running Out for Climate Deal

Muslims Gather at U.S. Capitol to Pray 'For the Soul of America'

New Jersey, New York and California Have Worst Tax Climates for Business, Tax Foundation Says

Study: Fewer Terrorism Suspects Going to Trial

Gadhafi Strengthens Relationship With Chavez

Honduras Restricts Liberties to Prevent Rebellion

Endangered Ugandan Gorillas Join Facebook, MySpace

Illegal Alien Charged With Attempting to Use WMD in Dallas Was Imprisoned in Jordan Five Years Ago, Says Jordanian Government

Defense Secretary Gates Says It’s A Mistake to Set Timeline for Leaving Afghanistan

Heating Oil Prices Cool Down as Winter Approaches

First Bilingual Census Form Will Make It Easier for Latinos to Participate

Bernanke: Consumer Loan Program Still Needed

Obama Dashing Off to Denmark to Boost Chicago’s Olympics Bid

US Intelligence Officials Say Telltale Digging Revealed Secret Iranian Installation

Taxing Wealthiest Americans by 50 Percent A Good Idea, New Poll Finds

William Safire, Speechwriter, New York Times Columnist, Die at 79

Liberals Are Killing America

Imagine There's No Countries

The Three R’s in the Age of Obama: Rappin’, Revolution and Radicalism

Homeless Georgia Sex Offenders Directed to Woods

*We Can End the Fed by Ron Paul

The National Parks: The Super-Rich's Greatest Idea by Gary North

The Common Good = Collectivism by Butler Shaffer

Free Plaxico Burress! by William L. Anderson

Doug Casey on the Greater Depression

The Last Bear by Bill Bonner

The 'Indiana Jones of Finance' | Page 2 of 3 | ETF | Financial Articles & Investing News | TheStreet.com

Marc Faber Takes on Krugman, Links Bernanke and Mugabe - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Obama's Olympic bid stagecraft

Democrats balking in efforts to investigate Countrywide sweetheart loans

Stop Allowing The Left To Set The Rules

Literary Lion Obama Will Roar No More

Redefining Sarah Palin

Another Blow to European Leftism

Is This Any Way To Fight A War?

What makes Kay Bailey run?

Rights vs. Profits

Rookie Mistakes

The History Lesson Obama Missed

Dial 911 for suicide assistance?

Who is doing the governing?

Liberal Jews and the Legacy of Neoconservatism

Global Warming 'Science'

Obama seeks Afghanistan non-victory options

Obama travels to Copenhagen - to lobby the IOC to choose Chicago for Olympics?

Germany veers right - socialists 'slaughtered'

Bill Safire, R.I.P.

Exposing the Axis of Crime: ACORN and SEIU and their illegal political action

Culture of corruption knows no party boundaries

The President as Educator

International round-up

FDA: NJ Politicians Pressured Them Into Approving Unsafe Medical Device - After They Received Large Donations

Question of the day for Glenn Beck fans in Seattle: Does President Obama hate white people?

Why doesn't ABC's This Week just hire John McCain as a weekly panel member?

Feinstein supports sending Gitmo detainees to California

Gates on Gitmo Closure: 'It's Going To Take A Little Longer'

Village Voice: 'Independent' Filmmaker James O'Keefe Has A Right-Wing Sugar Daddy

Coulter: Liberals behind Obama-as-Hitler posters

Clinton: Vast, right-wing conspiracy now targeting Obama

Washington Post Columnist: 'There Was Never A Constituency For Health Care. Let's Remember That.'

O'Keefe not sure if he broke wiretap laws

Krauthammer: Obama 'denigrating the country' with UN speech

Tom Carper: Can't Negotiate for Lower Drug Prices Because It 'Wouldn't Be Fair'. Oh, Boo Hoo.

Tone and Tighten with a Rebounding Six Week Workout | Mail Online

Saturday Night Live Opens with ‘F’-Bomb - PEOPLE TV Watch

'Michael Jackson's This Is It' Preview Tickets Sell Out Within Two Hours - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

The ‘Nightmare On Elm Street’ Trailer Is Missing One Thing: Dokken! » MTV Newsroom

Scoop: Is Megan Fox a flop as ‘It Girl’? - The Scoop- msnbc.com

The Gralien Report » Blog Archive » Cyborg Nation: “Outsourcing” Biological Functions

Supertyphoons to Strike Japan Due to Global Warming

Best Evidence: Malmstrom AFB Case

From the Shadows: Encounters with Werewolves

Posthuman Blues: "Then came the great comet, Dionysus."

Methusula's end

Journalist, Nixon Speechwriter William Safire : NPR

YouTube - William Safire Dies At Age 79

Bill Clinton Says Right-Wing Conspiracy Is Targeting President Obama - ABC News

YouTube - Clinton Defends Obama

Body Of Newspaper Heiress Plucked From Hudson River

Husband arrested in Sterling Heights slaying | Detroit Free Press | Freep.com

Police: 3 Children Killed in Upstate N.Y. House Fire - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Obamas take a tour of their local sites -- latimes.com

YouTube - Raw Video: Obamas Visit Washington Landmarks

Judge puts Illinois gov's planned layoffs on hold - Missouri | State & regional - Belleville News-Democrat

Can Rubio translate momentum into money? | Post on Politics

Olympics 2016 - Behind the bid: Chicago - Yahoo! Eurosport UK

The Associated Press: Ryan shows again why he is Chicago's can-do man

Politics Today: Obama to Make Olympic Pitch - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Holding Out For Obama to Elevate Chicago’s Bid - NYTimes.com

Iran Conducts New Tests of Mid-Range Missiles - NYTimes.com

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Swiss legal battle awaits Polanski

YouTube - Roman Polanski Arrested

Polls cast pall over Britain's ruling Labor | International | Reuters

Iran flexes muscle ahead of talks with major powers | U.S. | Reuters

YouTube - Iran's Options: Transparency Or Sanctions

BBC NEWS | Americas | Troops raid Honduran media groups

AFP: Top US senator pleads for patience on Afghanistan

Pope Ends Czech Visit With Warning on Power - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Pope has arachnid encounter in Czech Republic

Pope says fall of communism proved man needs God | International | Reuters

AFP: Jerusalem calm after flashpoint clashes

Inside Asia - China Tries for Growth and Power - NYTimes.com

Munich Cordons Off Oktoberfest, Two Islamic Extremists Held - Bloomberg.com

Portugal’s Socrates Wins Re-election Without Majority

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China's premier to visit N Korea

BBC NEWS | South Asia | No India-Pakistan deal on talks

The Associated Press: 13 civilians killed as mortars hit Somali capital

Yemenis Pose Threat to Obama’s Plan to Shut Guantanamo Prison - Bloomberg.com

Capitol phone number promotes Obamacare

Dozens of pastors challenge IRS rules

Jewish tourists attacked in Temple Mount clashes

"SNL" Newbie Drops the F-Bomb On Air | NBC Washington

Rutherford: Ex Stops Breast Milk | Extra

Michael Moore's radical utopian nightmare

No home in the galactic outer suburbs - space - 26 September 2009 - New Scientist

Seti: The hunt for ET - Science, News - The Independent

World's Weirdest Laws

Bear Invasion! Aspen Sees Tenfold Increase in Bear Sightings - ABC News

Moses' Seat

mental_floss Blog » 4 People With Super Memory

Microsoft researcher converts his brain into 'e-memory' - CNN.com

'Ahmadinejad has enough uranium to go whole way' - Middle East, World - The Independent

New Vision Online : Mortuary-bound mzee wakes from the ‘dead’

'Dead' Man Shows Up At Funeral - Sacramento News Story - KCRA Sacramento

Fanged frog, 162 other new species found - Science- msnbc.com


Cleaning Up Billboard Clutter: Activisits Take On Advertisers

In Cheyenne, glass pile shows recycling challenges

Your choice: Get off the couch or socialism


The secret weapon in America's revolution

Dead Census worker: Victim of open borders?

Evolution, economics and evil

The deck is stacked

President Clinton's wonderful example

Grace, George and bullies

Now, a 'food czar'

Uhm, uhm, uhm, Barack Hussein Obama ...

Washington Post discovers America

The Washington Monthly:THE COMPANY THEY KEEP....


**Transcripts:Guests: Bill Clinton; Sens. Webb & Kyl; Gov. Paterson

Guests: Secretary Gates; Senator McCain

Guests: Secretary Gates; Senators Bayh & Corker

Guests: Secretary Clinton; Senator Graham

Guests: Senators Feinstein and Bond

Obama, Brown and Sarkozy on Iran's Nuclear Facility

Shields and Brooks on Obama's Week of Diplomacy

Background Briefing on Iran's Nuclear Facility

Obama's Remarks at the Security Council Meeting

Panel on Obama at the Security Council

Interview with Venezuela President Hugo Chavez

Interview with Senator Charles Schumer

Interview with Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick

Analysts Discuss Iran's Nuclear Program

Obama's Speech to the United Nations General Assembly

Panel on Obama's United Nations Speech

Tony Blair on Middle East Peace

Sen. Lindsey Graham on Afghanistan

Analysts Debate National Security Measures

Obama's Remarks on Netanyahu/Abbas Meeting

Interview with Prime Minister Netanyahu

Interview with Senator Ron Wyden

Interview with Senator Charles Grassley

Obama's Speech at the U.N. Climate Change Summit

Interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Roundtable on Obama & Afghanistan

Interview with Afghan President Hamid Karzai

Interview with Fmr. President Bill Clinton

Innovation and Sustainable Growth

Senators Sanders & Hutchison Debate Afghanistan

Rep. Hoekstra on Obama Standing By the CIA Probe


*Politics ; Video - Obama To Lobby For Chicago To Get 2016 Olympics

Sen. Judd Gregg On Iran, Health Care & Bailouts

GOP's "Dictionary" Ad Blasts Democrats' Health Care Legislation

Britain's Brown Stunned By "Pain Killer" Quesiton

Ann Coulter On Bill Clinton On "Meet The Press"

Bolton: Foreign Policy Now Big Problem

Woodward: Obama Faces A Dilemma On Afghanistan

Gen. McChrystal Warns Of "Mission Failure" In Afghanistan

Clinton: The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy Still Exists

Bayh, Corker: Get Tough On Iran

Sen. Graham On Iran Hiding Nuclear Program

Paterson: WH Sent "Message Of Concern"

Sens. Feinstein, Bond On Iran & Afghanistan

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Afghanistan Strategy

"This Week" Roundtable On Afghanistan & Iran

Secretary Clinton On Iran's Secret Nuclear Site

McCain: Obama Will Make The Right Decision On Afghanistan

Op-Ed Columnist - The U.S.-Iranian Triangle - NYTimes.com

*World ; Video /Iran Test-fires Long-range Missiles

Greenland's Fast-melting Ice

Alistair Darling Attacks Tories

Russian War Games on NATO Borders

Hillary Clinton on Iran's Options

Dozens Killed in Philippines Typhoon

Nigeria Rebels Threaten More Violence

*Markets; Video/Germans Stocks Out in Front on Merkel Win

Is the REIT Surge For Real?

Xerox Snaps Up ACS in $6.4 Billion Takeover

U.S. Week Ahead: Payrolls, Auto Sales

FDIC End Run on Bank Bailout

Refocus on Financial Reform


What Michael Moore's new movie didn't cover - MarketWatch

Q&A: Why Michael Moore Hates Capitalism - TIME

Less is Moore

The Whole Point Of Capitalism - Forbes.com

Why business loves Charlie Rose - Sep. 28, 2009

RealClearPolitics - They've Taken the Moon Away

J.C. WATTS: Put away the race card - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Silence that idiot box! - The Boston Globe

Thinking global brings a world of problems - Telegraph

RealClearPolitics - With Obama, Too Much Nuance, Not Enough Power

Fareed Zakaria - Obama the Gambler - washingtonpost.com

Health 'Reform' Is Income Redistribution

Reid the Quarterback May Call on Obama to Referee - NYTimes.com

The case for inflation -- and gold - MSN Money

Rational Irrationality

Op-Ed Columnist - Cassandras of Climate - NYTimes.com

Stop Allowing The Left To Set The Rules

Max's Mad Mandate

Our view on paying for health reform — Part I: To cover the uninsured, go where the money is

A declaration of independents in 2010 - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Bills could transform U.S./Cuba business - Americas - MiamiHerald.com

D.C. job alleged as attempt to deter Romanoff - The Denver Post

Supreme Court to consider juvenile 'lifers' -- latimes.com

My Way News - Social Security strained by early retirements

The Media Equation - Media Moguls of Mirage, Light on Financial Substance - NYTimes.com

Honduras spurns OAS, vows to close Brazil embassy | International | Reuters

Okla. teen claims he was held in closet for years

Infant killed in Van Nuys gang shooting | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Man Takes Deadly Fall In Casino Shop

U.S. commander in Afghanistan talked with Obama only once - The Back Story - Washington Times

Liberals seek health-care access for illegals - Washington Times

Historic! 700,000 'pink slips' to Congress in 3 days!

Why can't Christians unite to change America's ways?

Policemen warned again about domestic 'terrorists'

Breitbart.tv » Bill Clinton: Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Still ‘Virulent’

Author: Berkeley atheists fear new book

Newmarket picks up Jon Amiel's 'Creation'

Secret footage specifies chaos minutes after the Oklahoma City bombing | NewsOK.com

Attorney: Oklahoma City bomb tapes appear edited - Yahoo! News

NBC Producer Accused of E-mailing Anti-ACORN Group 'Bite Me Jew Boy' | NewsBusters.org

Breitbart.tv » Report: Chicago Fox Station Ordered Not to Air Anti-Olympics Story

U. Wisconsin Papers Under Fire for Denying Pro-Life Ads - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

More school: Obama would curtail summer vacation - Yahoo! News

Obama: ‘We cannot wait’ on health care - White House- msnbc.com

Fed didn’t bark at subprime loan abuses - Washington Post- msnbc.com


*American Minute for September 28th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

49 of 50 states never saw certification of eligibility?

DNC Failed to Certify Obama as Eligible in MOST States!

Who wrote 'Dreams From My Father'?

Author confirms Bill Ayers helped Obama write 'Dreams'

*Article Links:The complete story about 'Dreams from My Father'


Paying $10 billion a month on wars America hates is good, but paying money to fix our health care sysytem is bad...

Why Does Yet Another Form of Homegrown Terror Go Ignored By This Administration?

Bob McDonnell Tries To Downplay His Thesis on Fox News Sunday


Trinitite - What the Heck is this Stuff?

New music video from DownsizeDC: Federal Reserve FRAUD | bytestyle.tv

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: U.S. Economy Weakened in August, Chicago Fed Says

YouTube - cnn - obama "president of the world"

Is 'Al Qaeda' the modern incarnation of 'Emmanuel Goldstein'?

Viking 2 Likely Came Close to Finding H2O: Discovery News

CDC Drafts “Isolation Order” for H1N1

School Kids Praise Obama and the State in Video

Obama will bypass Congress to detain suspects indefinitely

KRS-One Talks About The Obama Deception

President Obama Reaffirms Power of Indefinite Detention, Will Not Seek Additional Congressional Powers - Political Punch

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obi Wan Kenobi : Conspiracy Theorist

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Common Good = Collectivism

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul Introduced Audit the Fed Bill in 1983 – Both Parties Blocked It for More Than 25 Years


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Flashback: See Glenn Beck in 1986 TV Ad Featuring ‘Zippy the Chimp’

All dogs to be microchipped with owner's details to 'help track pets' - Telegraph

Don’t Blame Flu Shots for All Ills, Officials Say - NYTimes.com

Attorney: Oklahoma City bomb tapes appear edited|ABC 7 News

Devvy Kidd -- The destroyers who control Congress, the White House & media

Israel urges West to stand firm against Iran - Telegraph

Afghanistan troops surge: stakes for Obama could not be higher - Times Online

CHRISTOPHER MEYER: Why Barack Obama is turning his back on Britain | Mail Online

Jerusalem riot: Israeli police clash with Palestinians at Al-Aqsa mosque - Telegraph

Obama chooses his words to dodge any deeds - Times Online

Bank forces Google to close random GMail account over rogue message - Telegraph

Field trip! Obamas take in monuments by moonlight as they explore Washington | Mail Online

FT.com / Americas / Politics & Policy - Brazil demands reinstatement of Zelaya

FT.com / Americas / Politics & Policy - Honduran protesters set to defy clampdown

Honduras suspends civil liberties amid calls for 'rebellion' | World news | guardian.co.uk

Fresh doubts over Hitler's death after tests on bullet hole skull reveal it belonged to a woman

Dust storms spread deadly diseases worldwide | World news | The Observer

Can one woman save Africa? - Africa, World - The Independent

Thai army to enforce royal censorship laws - Telegraph

Ants inspire new computer antivirus software - Telegraph

Is biodynamic the new organic? - Telegraph

This spectred isle... the spookiest spots in Britain unearthed | Mail Online

Tapes of Bombing Aftermath in Oklahoma City Released


*Bill Cunningham 9/27/09 Hour 1

*Bill Cunningham 9/27/09 Hour 2

*Bill Cunningham 9/27/09 Hour 3

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 21st With Leonard Horowitz

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 22nd With Len Horowitz Part 2

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 23rd With Dr. Stan Monteith

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 24th With Ron Paul

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 25th With Dave Mustaine


***YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version***


**Site - (www.notchicago.com/) 2016 Olympic Games

**Site: No Games Chicago


*Site:Radio Misterioso*


Site:The Movie Spoiler

*Site:TV Guide

*Site:binnall of america : audio

*Site:Ethical Atheist

Site:Rob Sherman

Site:American Atheists

*Hieronimus & Co., Inc.;(21stcenturyradio.com/audioarchives/)

*Audio:The Paracast*

*The nature of luck

***VTV; Programs A-Z***



*The Megahealth Society:Antioxidants, Antibodies and Autoimmune Disease

Site:Nanotechnology Research

video:Limitless Future

*(simulation-argument.com/)Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?

*Site:Android World

***Orion's Arm - Links & Extras***

*11 pgs./Traversable Lorenzian Wormholes-Overview

*5pgs./Space-Habitat Illuminator s with Non-Imaging Optics

*Glossary of Astrophysics*

*The Grand List of Overused Science Fiction Cliches

CBofN (The Computational Beauty of Nature ) - Glossary

*CS Hypertext Glossary - Hypertext Glossary of Computer Science related Acronyms and selected Terms

*A Hypermedia Glossary of Genetic Terms

*Glossary of Nuclear Science*

*Subject index:"The Alternate View" columns

*Wolfram MathWorld: The Web's Most Extensive Mathematics Resource


*Edward Muller:Antimatter Calculator*

*E=mc squared

*Eric Weisstein:World of Physics

**Einstein, Albert; Relativity: The Special and General Theory

*C-ship: Relativistic ray traced images

*Werner Benger - General Relativity

*Site:eSky: The Electronic Sky

**Site:An Atlas of The Universe

*The Internet Stellar Database

*(coordinates for two stars : calculate distance)


*star data

*3-D Starmaps

*The Multiwavelength Milky Way*

*The Interactive NGC Catalog Online

*The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia

*Known Planetary Systems


*Site:Tree of Life Web Project

*UCMP - University of California Museum of Paleontology



*The "Rare Earth" Hypothesis

*Biota.org: Podcast

*EPFL - Laboratory of Intelligent Systems (LIS) - Prof. Dario Floreano

*Robots - The Podcast for News and Views on Robotics


**CFAI: Glossary**

**The Individual Sphere**

The Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence | Advance Innovation - Advance Humanity

SIAI Core Reading - The Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

*Site:The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to Evolutionary Computation and joke's other stuff... (1992-2009)

video:Immortality Institute conference presentation: Brian Wowk


Site:Natasha Vita-More

*Site:World Future Society

*Site:FUSION Anomaly(http://fusionanomaly.net/)


*Site:The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension

**An illustrated speculative timeline of future technology and social change**

*Site:Walk like a Kryptonian(http://www.jrmooneyham.com/)

**Patent ; the latest information you want to know**

**Journal of Evolution and Technology**


*Transhumanist Resources

*The Virian Lexicon

*Future Hi - Library

*Site:Extropy Institute

*Site:The Society for Planetary SETI Research

**SDI Podcasts**

***The Hedonistic Imperative***

*Site Page:Orion's Arm - Worldbuilding

***A Brief History of the Universe***

Future History

*34pgs./The Physics of Information Processing Superobjects: Daily Life Among the Jupiter Brains


*Papers by Ralph C. Merkle

**Natural Health from A to Z;Mason County News - Mason, Texas

*BLOG SITE:Decoding the Heavens : Jo Marchant

*Blog Site:UFO Tools

*Site:The Black Vault

*Site Page:UFOArea - Ellen Lloyd!

*Site:UFO Tools

*Site:National UFO Reporting Center

*Blog - Our Strange Planet

***The Black Vault TV***

**The Black Vault - FOIA Documents / Research Center**

*The Black Vault Encyclopedia Project*

*Audio:The Blue Rose Report with guest Len Bracken

*Audio:Conspiracy Con creator and producer, Brian Hall,

Feature video

**(2:27:39)Core Of Corruption: In The Shadows(1 of 5 Films)CoreOfCorruption.com