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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
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the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
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Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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16 September 2009

16 Sept '09



*Site: Sovereign Mind Radio(sovereignmindradio.com)


Mohammed is most popular name for baby boys in London - Telegraph

Owners of uninsured cars face new fines under new Government curbs - Telegraph

Bonus culture 'creeping into schools' - Telegraph

Police 'violating human rights' by using DNA of innocent - Times Online

Duchess of York wanted for extradition by Turkish police - Telegraph

Prosecutor Concerned About Consent In ACORN Video - WBAL Radio - wbal.com

Four Economic Figures Dead...'Suicides'...

Obama's Unconstitutional 'Czars'

CNSNews.com - Never Reviewed by NYT or WashPost, Mark Levin's 'Liberty and Tyranny' Has Now Sold 1 Million Copies

Obama Supports Extending Patriot Act Provisions

ACORN conspiracy against gun owners discovered

Miami News - Animal Instincts - page 1

Glenn Beck Airs New ACORN Video | THE D.C. WRITEUP

Damning new ACORN video from California

Latest in the ACORN scandal: New report says group is operating illegally in Maryland

FDA Approves Vaccines for 2009 H1N1 Influenza Virus

Rockefeller Chief McDonald Dies in Apparent Suicide - Bloomberg.com

Frosty Wooldridge -- Obama Lied: He Supports Health Care For Unlawful Immigrants

Gold surges after Bernanke says recession is over - MarketWatch

globeandmail.com: Musing about a painless death got man a painful humiliation

The Simple Electric Universe

'Emergency' Arranged As End Of US As A Democracy

ManitobaPost.com: The Squeaky clean front man

Rosalind Peterson -- US Navy to Conduct Massive Atmospheric Experimental Tests

How ENDA Ends Workplace Freedom - Part 1

Fake video dramatically alters eyewitness accounts

Soros: Republic Enemy #1

Biased Media Ignores ACORN Debacle

The ego epidemic and how more and more of us have an inflated sense of our own fabulousness | Mail Online

Devvy Kidd -- Patriots: Time For Major Push on Usurper's Citizenship Issue

US Strategy of Total Energy Control over the European Union and Eurasia

Senate blocks HUD grants to ACORN -- latimes.com

Revolutionary discovery means world may not run out of crude

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: does the EU club have a future? - Telegraph

Mystery of Google's crop circle and UFO doodle - Telegraph

09-15-2009: Treasury: US economy needs indefinite life support

09-15-2009: Medvedev Lashes Out At U.S. Hegemony

Human tissue can be taken for human-animal embryo experiments without consent

09-15-2009: Four Apparent Suicides/Deaths in 48 Hours - CEOs & Financiers

09-15-2009: Official Banning Light Bulbs Is A "Former" Communist

Video: Chinese Dissidents Committed to Mental Hospitals

Ice-cream and burgers can control your brain: study

US spends $75 billion a year on intelligence

Xe Worldwide (Blackwater) spreads tentacles to Karachi

Boston: People Injected With H1N1 Vaccine Will be Issued Bracelets with Tracking Codes

Obama Admin: Cap And Trade Could Cost Families $1,761 A Year

Graham, Lieberman, McCain Call for More Troops in Afghanistan

Insiders sell like there's no tomorrow

US credit shrinks at Great Depression rate prompting fears of double-dip recession

Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Ban Global Mandate Before Too Late

Nano Particles used in Untested H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccines

Ingredients Found in Spermicides, Cleaners, and Cosmetics along with Thimerosal, and Squalene Present in Experimental H1N1 Vaccine

Merck Dr. ADMITS Cancer & Other Viruses Found In Vaccines

Male bass in many US rivers feminized, study finds

Freemasons await Dan Brown novel 'The Lost Symbol'

Virtual JFK, Actual Johnson

The Health Care Deceit

Missile sale may worsen Turkey, Iran ties

Canadian, U.S. troops beef up Afghan mission

Russian envoy cautions US on Afghan troops surge

War without Borders: U.S., NATO Expand Military Role In Southeastern Europe

US Census Bureau Confirms Rising Poverty, Falling Incomes, and Growing Numbers of Uninsured

Will the Corporate Supremes now dance on democracy’s corpse?

Corporate corruption is killing America

Push for Globalism Continues

9/11 Commission Members Doubt Official Story

The Coming Flood of Government Jobs

Obama Pushes For Renewal Of Warrantless Spying On Americans

Neuroengineering to challenge what it means to be human

Britain’s Government-Run Health-Care System Under Fire

Government-Run Health Care Would Ration Care for Disabled Children, Parents and Lawmakers Warn

Hoyer Won't Answer Directly Whether Immigration Reform Would Make Current Illegal Aliens Eligible for Federally Subsidized Health Insurance Under Obamacare

Q&A with Mark Levin: Obama’s Destructive Vision

First the Polar Bear, Now Artic Reindeer Proposed for Endangered Species Listing

Senate Finance Committee’s Health Fix Would Cost $856 Billion Over 10 Years

Jimmy Carter Says Wilson’s Comments ‘Based on Racism'

North America Backs Plan to cut Greenhouse Gases

Slain Pro-Life Protester to Receive Public Memorial in Michigan

Execution Date Set for Beltway Sniper Mastermind

Capuano Entering Race to Succeed Kennedy in Senate

Lab Tech Released from Custody in Yale Slaying

Sen. Baucus Unveiling Health Care Reform Bill Without GOP Support

It’s Not the Public Option, It’s the Public Subsidy

From Little ACORNS Big Problems Grow

Shapiro’s Law: Obama Supporters Must Cite Bush

ACORN Watch: A ‘Sting’-ing Indictment of Media Hypocrisy

Afghanistan: No Time to Cut and Run

The Science Cartel vs. Immanuel Velikovsky by Joshua Snyder

Investors.com - 45% Of Doctors Would Consider Quitting If Congress Passes Health Care Overhaul

Obama Speech Ignores Doctor Shortage Threat

U.S. credit card defaults up, signal consumer stress | Reuters

New Theory Nixes "Dark Energy": Says Time is Disappearing from the Universe

*47PGS/The Center for Sex and Culture

Democrat Jerrold Nadler Introduces "Respect for Marriage Act to Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act"

Glenn Beck's facade starts cracking: How dare they compare me to McCarthy? I compare me to Murrow!

Judd Gregg ignores new poll that shows tremendous support by physicians for the public option

Limbaugh Goes Full-On Racist During Rant About School Bus Beating

Not So Fast, Mad Max: Jay Rockefeller Wants Changes To Baucuscare Or He Won't Support It

Rep. Joe Wilson sure has a funny way of apologizing

Rachel Maddow Features "Billionaires for Wealthcare"

Judge Rakoff Rejects Bonus Settlement for Merrill Executives

Teabagger Mark Williams says: 'Obama is an Indonesian Muslim turned welfare thug and a racist in chief' and tries to defend it!

Meet Deborah Johns, Paid Agitator and The Right Wing's Forrest Gump

Wingnuts Go Crazy Claiming Hypocrisy On Calling The President A Liar

George Bush said Palin was ill prepared: 'Is she the Governor of Guam?'

Lawrence O'Donnell Reminds Us of Joe Wilson's Racist Past -- Racist Pat Buchanan Dismisses It

New Study: Three Out of Four Doctors Supports The Public Option. Hear That, Senator Baucus?

Yes, 'respectable' Republicans, you do have reason to worry

Sam Tanenhaus: This is an Indication of What I Would Call the Death of Conservatism

End the Fed by David Gordon

The Third Rail of Academia by Gary North

Eighteen Reasons Why You Should NOT Vaccinate Your Children Against The Flu This Season by Bill Sardi

Handshake Equality by Briggs Armstrong

Helot on Wheels by William Norman Grigg

Gold Is Money by Greg Canavan

Nullification: The states have a “nuclear option,” too | Tenth Amendment Center

Black Monday one year on: what’s in sight? - RT Top Stories

Andrew Napolitano: Health-Care Reform and the Constitution - WSJ.com

Blaming dietary sodium for high blood pressure is too simplistic; the real problem may be mineral deficiencies

Author & Book Views On a Healthy Life! - FINANCIAL WELL BEING - Ron Paul: Fed Threatens Depression, $100 Bills Worthless

Could we create quantum creatures in the lab? - physics-math - 15 September 2009 - New Scientist

SPACE.com -- Mystery Explained: Glow in Night Sky Was Astronaut Urine

Python "Nightmare": New Giant Species Invading Florida

Humpback whale found dead in Thames | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Legendary giant man-eating bird 'did exist' | Mail Online

Nick Redfern

SCIENCE FICTION SECRETS: From Government Files and the Paranormal | Nick Redfern

9/11 and "War on Terror": Politicians Are Clever - People Are the Problem

The Elephant In The Room

Media dam on ACORN videos has been breached

Uproar over illegal charged with vehicular homicide in Texas

Race card losing its effectiveness

Feldman's Law

Obama Finds His Inner Bush

Carter: 'Overwhelming proportion' of animosity to Obama based on race

Obama Dangerfield: Looking for respect

Jimmy Carter says you're a racist

Senate Republicans refuse to climb aboard the Obamacare train

Another day, another ACORN scandal

On rebuking Joe Wilson

The race bullies

Is Obama a Narcissist?

Al Qaida moves the battle to Iraq

Calling Obama Out on HealthCare

Black Tea Party Express Tour Team Member Experienced Racism

Obama Is Redefining the American Presidency

Voyage of the Mayflower

What I Saw at the Revolution

Fearing Obama

Understanding 'Angry Mobs'

Community service is not what made America great

Understanding the Cause of Health Care Inflation

Why Propaganda Trumps Truth : Information Clearing House - ICH

China Hired for Homeland Defense >> Four Winds 10 - fourwinds10.com

Raw Story » US troops kill Fallujah ’shoe-thrower’

WTC Firefighters Tape - Explosions and Aftermath

Carter 'Racism' Claim Draws Widespread Criticism - Political News - FOXNews.com

Ron Paul's HR1207 to Audit The Fed is 1 cosponsor away from a Veto Proof majority. Now at 289. - 12.160Mhz

YouTube - 9/12 Protest Washington DC Time Lapse Footage 0800 - 1130

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama Pushes For Renewal Of Warrantless Spying On Americans

Reflections in a Petri Dish: The Most Dangerous Virus in the World.

Opinion | Blackwater: bulging biceps fueled by ideological purity | Seattle Times Newspaper

CIA linked to Benazir Bhutto’s assassination? - RT

CIA after me, says shoe-thrower Zaidi

EclippTV :: Video :: CNN and Obama Believes American Patriots are Terrorists

EclippTV :: Video :: 9/15/09 Ron Paul on Fox Business (Part 1/2)

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Alex Jones Tv:Obama Set to Give Fed Total Control & What’s in Your Panvax?

GOP seizes on ACORN funding - Yahoo! News

Refreshing News: Facebook reaches 300m users

The Mysterious Collapse of WTC Seven

The Truth About the Health Care Bills - Connelly

YouTube - 9/11: Total Proof That Bombs Were Planted In The Buildings!

Global Politician - The State of Racism: Part 1 - Is Black Racism Possible?

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul on Morning Joe 9-15-09

Congressman Suggests People Will Don 'White Hoods' If Wilson Not Rebuked - Political News - FOXNews.com

The Kelly mysteries -- chicagotribune.com

PART 1 Restricting Our Freedoms - Shawn Buckley About Bill C-6

PART 2 Restricting Our Freedoms - Shawn Buckley about Bill C-6

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » White House Mapping Internet Users’ Data For Mass Archives

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Police to get access to classified military intelligence

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama’s Medical Collectivism

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Charlie Sheen Versus the Cult of Cowardice

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Charlie Sheen on Alex Jones Tv: Cowardly Corporate Media Refuses to Debate 9/11 Facts

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul: The Fed “Has More Power Than Congress. The Fed Chairman Probably is More Powerful Than Our President”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Former KGB Colonel: It’s America’s turn to lose in Afghanistan

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Paul Joseph Watson on Alex Jones Tv 1/3:CIA-Bin Laden Tapes? “Here We Go Again!”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Undercover Video Captures ACORN Worker Describing How She Killed Husband

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Why Millions of Americans Don’t Need a Swine Flu Vaccine

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Swayze Put His Faith In Conventional Cancer Treatments

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Eighteen Reasons Why You Should NOT Vaccinate Your Children Against The Flu This Season

Alex Jones Audio

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 14th Open Lines

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 15th With Charlie Sheen


Greenspan Sees Threat U.S. Congress Will Hamper Fed - Bloomberg.com

FBI unit set for more anti-terror raids in Queens; Fears of Madrid-style subway bombings - sources

US Spec Ops operates psywar websites targeted at UK • The Register

Local Cops Get Access to Pentagon “Domestic Terror” Database

Bernanke Says Recession Over; Should You Care? | The Big Picture

China Dissidents, Whistleblowers Detained in Mental Institutions

EXCLUSIVE: W.H. collects Web users' data without notice - Washington Times

DUI & Prohibition Laws are Killing Our Middle Class

US spends $75 billion a year on intelligence

Ice-cream and burgers can control your brain: study | Lifestyle | Reuters

The Kremlin Wants A War in Iran - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2009

RealClearPolitics - Video - Carter Claims There Is "Racist" Tone Against Obama

Michael Savage defies ban, invades U.K. – by Internet

Bush 43: Conservative movement is inconsequential | Washington Examiner

Latino Lawmaker Rips Obama for Making It Harder for Illegals to Buy Private Insurance - George's Bottom Line

FDA Approves "Emergency Rules" for Mass Medication of Population with Anti-Viral Drugs

California disability applicant arrested after video shows her bowling - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Christian Mirror - Today’s Media: ‘Political Correctness’ more important than defending free speech

LI's Pharaoh 'Phraudster'

Sean Penn steps out with new girlfriend - CNN.com

Psychedelic Tea Brews Unease - WSJ.com

Obama supports extending Patriot Act provisions - Yahoo! News

Autopsy results of Yale student Annie Le expected today; police to make arrest

My Way News - Jimmy Carter: Wilson comments 'based on racism'

Carter: Racism plays major role in opposition to Obama - CNN.com

Official: Satan-Loving Teen Lights Church Fire - Sacramento News Story - KCRA Sacramento

Dem Senator Warns of 'Big, Big Tax' on Middle Class in Baucus Bill - The Note

Sen. Jay Rockefeller Dumps on Baucus' Bill and No Snowe Yet - George's Bottom Line

Local News | Cameras keep track of all cars entering Medina | Seattle Times Newspaper

FT.com / Media - Murdoch hails electronic reading devices

Lawmaker's 'You lie' outburst draws House rebuke - Yahoo! News

Concerns of Black House Members Helped Spur Rebuke of Wilson - Bloomberg.com

Medical official says Yale student was asphyxiated - Yahoo! News

Yale Student's Cause Of Death: Traumatic Asphyxia - wcbstv.com

House guidelines for presidential put-downs - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Homeless families use of motels on the rise - The Boston Globe

DA: Home invaders' ruse involved Obama, health care

A year after financial crisis, a new world order emerges - Yahoo! News

Google's crop circles UFO puzzle | Mail Online

FT.com / US & Canada - China and India warned over emissions

Getting away with murder in Russia | Nina Ognianova | Comment is free | The Guardian

New book claims George W Bush said Barack Obama 'has no clue' - Telegraph

US hero Pat Tillman thought Iraq war was 'imperial folly' - Telegraph

New York smoking ban may be taken outside | World news | guardian.co.uk

Wall Street’s New Gilded Age | Print Article | Newsweek.com

Swayze memoir reveals his brave final battle - TODAY: Book news

Leno show loses 7 million viewers on second night | Reuters

Whitney Houston says she is 'drug-free' | Industries | Consumer Goods & Retail | Reuters

Obama: No plans for additional troop increase in Afghanistan

Hatoyama Takes Office Calling for Review of U.S Ties - Bloomberg.com

A third of Karzai votes may be fraudulent, EU official says | csmonitor.com

Why Europe wants stiffer sanctions on Iran | csmonitor.com

YouTube - Could Israel attack Iran?

AFP: No three-way summit yet set for UN meet: Netanyahu

Military Says Mental Wounds of War Run Deep - NYTimes.com

Al Jazeera English - Africa - Mother demands to see Nabhan's body

The Associated Press: President Mugabe calls for investment in Zimbabwe

Weapons put provocateur Chavez back in U.S. spotlight | Special Coverage | Reuters

BBC NEWS | Americas | Another massacre at Mexico clinic

Putin risks becoming new Brezhnev: Medvedev aide | Industry Summits | Reuters

Iraq leader seeks investment as rockets fall | Reuters

Cuba chides Obama over U.S. trade embargo | Politics | Reuters

Yale student strangled to death, medical examiner's office says - CNN.com

YouTube - Person of Interest in Yale Murder

Baucus Unveils $856 Billion Health-Care Legislation - WSJ.com

YouTube - Baucus Releases $856 Billion Health Care Bill

Jimmy Carter racism charge: Obama doesn’t agree says Gibbs | csmonitor.com

YouTube - Jimmy Carter says outbursts against Obama may be racist

Gates endorses new U.S. bomber project | Politics | Reuters

House ethics panel investigating Jesse Jackson Jr. - CNN.com

UPDATE 2-Don't leave poor behind, World Bank chief tells G20 | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

Attorney for Denver man in terror probe says feds contacted him

The Associated Press: ACORN plans internal investigation

Obama and Acorn - WSJ.com

Fourth ACORN Video Most Explosive Yet - Hannity - FOXNews.com

Schwarzenegger boosts clean energy plan | Green Business | Reuters

Earl Ofari Hutchinson: Did Obama Break His Campaign Promise to Scrap the Patriot Act? Garden Grove woman stabs two daughters, attempts suicide, police say | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Mario Solis-Marich: Does Ritter Have a Problem With Democrats?

Limbaugh Hits a New Low - Megan McArdle

Ryan Sager - Neuroworld – Obama, Drudge, Rush, and the Final Nail - True/Slant

Drudge and Limbaugh's Double Team Race Baiting - Miami News - Riptide 2.0

Astor’s Son Stole Artwork, Millions, Prosecutor Says - Bloomberg.com

Mr. President, in this digital age, nothing is 'off the record' | Opinion | theGrio

Please Read the Bill, Mr. President - Eric Cantor - Critical Condition on National Review Online

Max Baucus: The Senate Is Ready to Act on Health Care - WSJ.com

It's All About Them

Realignment dead, dealignment now - TheHill.com

RealClearPolitics - Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

Is Obama the New Nixon? - The Daily Beast

Acorn Runs Off the Rails

If Obama can't defeat the Republican headbangers, our planet is doomed | Jonathan Freedland | Comment is free | The Guardian

Column: A winning formula for the GOP - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Who's Afraid of A Terrorist Haven?

From ACORN, a mighty controversy grows -- latimes.com

Trade: Obama’s misguided tire tariffs - The Boston Globe

Democrats divided over Waxman's plan to grill insurance executives - TheHill.com

Young Adults May Pay Big Share of Health-Care Reform's Cost - washingtonpost.com

As Right Jabs Continue, White House Debates a Counterpunching Strategy - washingtonpost.com

Scary Stuff? Not - Forbes.com

Populist Vein Resurfaces in Protests - WSJ.com

US-Iran Talks Start October 1

Bret Stephens: Obama Is Pushing Israel Toward War - WSJ.com

Obama Critics Say Policy 'Czars' Skirt Proper Oversight, Vetting - washingtonpost.com

Rupert Darwall: Government Medicine vs. the Elderly - WSJ.com

Health care reform faces inconvenient questions | Washington Examiner


*World; Video/Adm. Mullen Asks for More Troops

Medvedev Hints at 2012 Presidential Race

Inside Story - Bin Laden's Change of Style

Biden Makes Unannounced Trip to Iraq

Hillary Clinton on Iran Talks

The Currency Report - Chinese Yuan

Hatoyama Swears in as Japan's New PM

Success Vs. Survival in a Global Downturn

Nigeria Rebel Group Extends Cease Fire

Is Stability Attainable in Iraq?

Israeli Guards Accused of Humiliation

Politics; Video/VP Joe Biden Takes Surprise Trip to Iraq

Baucus Unveils His Version of Health Care Reform: "It's Time To Act"

Maxine Waters: Press Should Probe Conservatives For Racist Views

Conrad On Baucus Bill: "It's A Good Product"

Sen. Burris Confronted About Supporting ACORN

Wilson Will Defend Himself On House Floor

Sen. Lindsey Graham: "Joe Wilson Is Not Racist"

Wilson To Carter: "You Need To Get Focused On The Issues"

Rendell On GOP Rebutting Obama On Health Care

House GOP Web Ad On Health Care Bill's Requirements

Rachel Maddow Exposes "Right Wing Paranoid Extremists"

Gingrich On Jimmy Carter, Health Care, ACORN

ABC's Gibson: ACORN Story Is "One You Leave To The Cables"

Dem Congressman Tells Man He's Not "Worth" Peeing On

Brit Hume On The Race Card And Joe Wilson

Olbermann Slams Glenn Beck's 9/12 March Count "Lies"

O'Reilly On The Collapse Of ACORN

Congressman: People Will Wear "White Hoods" If Wilson Not Rebuked

Obama: Kanye West Is A "Jackass"

Sen. Wicker: Pelosi, Dems Scared Joe Wilson Becoming A "Hero"

Karl Rove: "Obama Is Deliberately Misleading the Public"

Rep. Bachmann: Obama Has Sparked Trade War With China

Sen. Lamar Alexander Calls Czars "Antidemocratic"

Sen. Sanders, Rachel Maddow On Tea Party "Rally Rage"

House Votes to Discipline Joe Wilson for Outburst

Obama Pledges To Stand With Autoworkers

Rangel Confronted Over Shady Finances, Blames NY Post

Obama To Wall Street: More Oversight Coming

O'Reilly Assesses Tea Party Protesters

Bernanke: The Market "Will Not Return To The Size It Was Before"

Blagojevich Blames Death Of Fundraiser On Patrick Fitzgerald


*Transcripts:Obama's Speech at Fundraiser for Arlen Specter

Obama's Speech on Financial Reform

Roundtable on Obama's Wall Street Speech

Analysts Discuss Financial Reform

Ted Kennedy's Sons Discuss Their Dad

Reps. Weiner and Bilbray Debate Health Care

Interview with Fmr. Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich

Interview with Senator Bernie Sanders

Durbin, Cornyn, Dean & Gingrich Debate Health Care

Interview with Congressman Joe Wilson

Guests: Senator Snowe and David Axelrod

Guests: Sebelius, Rockefeller, Landrieu and Pawlenty

Guests: Gibbs, Feinstein, Shaheen & Collins


World Net Daily Player:'There you go again, Jimmy'

World Net Daily Player:Amnesty agenda linked to health-care overhaul

World Net Daily Player:Obamacare 'violates Hippocratic Oath'

World Net Daily Player:House health-care talks 'purely partisan'

World Net Daily Player:Tea-party message: 'Our government's out of control'

World Net Daily Player:Massive tax disguised as 'cap-and-trade'

World Net Daily Player:Obama's bogus 'cap-and-trade' claim


Cass Sunstein drafted 'New Deal Fairness Doctrine'

Employee boasts of setting stage for self-defense killing

GOP pressures Obama, IRS to sever Acorn ties - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Senate Votes to Keep Housing Funds from ACORN - Political Punch

Norah O'Donnell: ACORN Video 'Might Be Viewed As Entrapment' | NewsBusters.org

EXCLUSIVE: W.H. collects Web users' data without notice - Washington Times

On Facebook, MySpace? Obama's got your e-mail

Breitbart.tv » ‘Racism’: Jimmy Carter Says Congressman’s Outburst Shows Fear of Black President

ABC: Obama Critics 'Driven By Refusal to Accept Black President'; NBC Trumpets Carter's Racism Charges | NewsBusters.org

From Kids on Bus to Kanye West: Race Rules All in Obama's America

'Obama to make illegals eligible for health care'

Washington Times - Hot Button

Obama blitz to include Letterman appearance - Television- msnbc.com

President's opinion of Kanye West sparks debate

Video: Al-Qaida is army of the Mahdi

Specter tells AFL-CIO he backs organizing bill | Top AP Stories | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Barack Obama bets the house on Arlen Specter - Jonathan Martin and Carol E. Lee - POLITICO.com

Obama supports extending Patriot Act provisions

Sunstein: Embryos are 'just a handful of cells'

Resigning the wrong thing to do in leaked tape

Bill Clinton Endorses Gavin Newsom for California Governor - ABC News

My Way News - Election trouble brewing for House Dems in 2010

Pete Stark won't pee on your leg - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Clinton: U.S. worried by Venezuelan arms purchases | Politics | Reuters

Obama's regulatory chief pushes new 'bill of rights'

Hearings set on plan to open Fed manipulations

War for Independence - circa 2009

'Origin of Species' edition debunks evolution

One year after Hurricane Ike - The Big Picture - Boston.com

Camera used to catch alleged urine culprit - NJ.com

Four-eyed fish born in aquarium - Telegraph

Legendary man-eating New Zealand bird 'did exist' - Telegraph

First listen of Susan Boyle’s new single | The Sun |Showbiz|TV

Buffett says U.S. economy has not turned up | Reuters

Obama gunning for Israel at U.N.

If you don't like guns ... don't get one

Obama betrays blacks in D.C.

Demographic bomb explodes

Pro-life martyr Jim Pouillon

Letters the Times refuses to print

Prometheus in Cambridge, England

The Bible's thank-ruptcy system

The Theory is Now a Conspiracy And Facts Don't Lie

The Theory is Now a Conspiracy—II

Keeping up with Obama lies

The CIA's torture doctors

Shapiro's Law: Obamaites must cite Bush

9/12 Protest: Here's What Fox News Didn't Broadcast | Video | AlterNet

How 'bout a real single-payer system?

The Rutherford Institute - Celebrate the Constitution by Becoming an Activist


*American Minute for September 16th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

President's lawyers say eligibility question over

African kin seek Obama’s help - The Boston Globe

‘Congress satisfied president qualified to serve’

President's lawyers say eligibility question over

Legislator takes eligibility question to election officials