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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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13 September 2009


Economic View - ‘Too Big to Fail’ Is Dangerous, in Finance and Health Care - NYTimes.com

No Country for Sick Men

Mark Steyn: Obama won't surrender in his war of choice | health, obama, government, care, president - Opinion - OCRegister.com

George S. McGovern - It's Simple: Medicare for All - washingtonpost.com

Killing insurance

SHERMAN FREDERICK: Obama blows chance to lead - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Boy, Oh, Boy - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - How Could Obama Have Hired Van Jones?

RealClearPolitics - All Signs Point to Another Top-Notch Election Cycle in 2010

Op-Ed Contributor - The Trial of John Roberts - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Taking On The Book Banners

The case for legalising all drugs is unanswerable | James Gray | Comment is free | The Observer

Rethinking our Iran strategy -- latimes.com

RealClearWorld - Iraq's Security Depends on Its neighbors

The New Israel Lobby - NYTimes.com

America's Top Dynasty? - washingtonpost.com

Vietnamization means defeat in the Afghan war | Washington Examiner

Editorials | Keep talking about your health-care reform proposals, Mr. President | Seattle Times Newspaper

Health-Care Math - washingtonpost.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Sep 13, 2009 - Election trouble brewing for House Dems in 2010

Adviser: High unemployment for years - Eamon Javers - POLITICO.com

In Climate Change Debate, McCain Largely Disengages as Kerry Goes Full Throttle - washingtonpost.com

Centrist Dems key to health reform plans - Washington Times

Up to two million march to US Capitol to protest against Obama's spending in 'tea-party' demonstration | Mail Online


YouTube - 9/12 Protest Washington DC Time Lapse Footage 0800 - 1130

Breitbart.tv » Congressman Tells DC Crowd: You Look Like the Cavalry to Me

Breitbart.tv » ‘Go Home!’: DC Crowd Drowns Out CNN Reporter During Live Report

C-SPAN Video Player - FreedomWorks Rally in DC

Tea Party Rally Sparks Dispute Over Potential Turnout - Political News - FOXNews.com

A march, but is it a movement? - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

GOP embraces conservative groups’ protest - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Bomb Threat Forces Evacuation of DC TEA Party Planners - George's Bottom Line

Congress playing with toymakers' livelihoods

We're Reagan's 'new patriots'

Source: Wilson breaks $1 million - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

House Will Vote on 'Disapproval' of Joe Wilson Comments - The Note

Wilson Appeals for Funds, 'Will Not Be Muzzled' - Political News - FOXNews.com

President Obama talks health care debate on '60 Minutes,' says 'I own it'

Flagship drops Michael Savage show

American Thinker: The spark that has triggered rebellion

Flashback:Dec. 7: President-elect Barack Obama - Meet the Press- msnbc.com


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Birth-certificate seller surfaces as witness

Polling place tiff erupts in Texas over church sign questioning Obama's citizenship - Religion Wire - News & Observer

County grills pastor over 'Where's birth certificate?'

What does Pelosi know about Obama's eligibility?


Truckers Learn To Look Out For Terrorists

09-12-2009: China Forcing News Sites to ID Commenters

Alan Greenspan: Market Crisis Will Happen Again

'India trying to spy on Chinese military secrets'

Iran Proposes Control System Aimed at Eliminating Nuclear Weapons

On anniversary, stock market closes at exact 9/11 level

Kucinich Responds to Obama's Address: "Private Insurance Companies Will Get 30,000,000 New Customers, Mandated"

More Financial Bubbles Ahead?

Nano Particles used in Untested H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccines

Undercounting deaths of US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan

Dead or Alive? Osama bin Laden: A Marketing Tool for US-NATO Military Operations

Chavez says Venezuela to get Russian missiles

9/11 Commission Members Doubt Official Story

Obama to seal US-UN relationship

Google 'evangelist' sees web, brain implant link

Where tech and philosophy collide

DeMint Calls Out Obama and Congress: ‘Americans Are Awake, They’re Informed, And They’re Outraged’

After 9/11 Attacks, Obama Wrote of Need to Understand ‘the Sources of Such Madness’

Despite Recession and Rising Unemployment, Rate of Uninsured Did Not Increase, Says Census Bureau Data

Heckling of President Is Rare in American History

Distortions—or Truths?

Why Parents Don’t Trust the Educator-in-Chief and His Comrades

How Obama Cronyism Threatens Rail Security

President Obama strongly supports Public Option in speech to Minneapolis

Oops. Texas Principal Blocked Obama's Speech, But Is Busing Students to Hear Bush Speech. Gee, I Wonder Why?

Obama speech disrupter won't apologize on House floor

How I missed the 2 million man teabagging flash mob today

Anti-Abortion Group Announces Drive To Outlaw Birth Control Pill in Florida

Rachel Maddow: The Republicans' Small Angry Tent

Shawna Forde's web among the Minuteman movement drew in other radicals

Tim Pawlenty: Deather and Tenther

Obama Levies Tariff on Cheap Chinese Tires, Saving American Jobs

Real Time New Rules: Grow a Set and Stand Up for the 70% of Americans Who Aren't Crazy

Green Party: Truther Jones for Prez?

Time for IRS to review all ACORN-prepared tax filings

A tale of two rallies

'Google News' or 'Obama News'?

Mark Steyn: 'Where is Obama's Center?'

Obama's 'creeping protectionism'

What Place Do Demands and Threats Have in Public Debate?

Debate over protest numbers masks the historic nature of the event

Key potential Blago witness found dead

NY Times admits it was 'a beat behind' Van Jones story

Chicago Olympics prospects dealt blow by Obama

9/12 was a transformative event

Can Israel Make Peace with the Palestinians?

Barack Obama Jumps the Shark

Frum's futile quest for a new conservatism

The war Obama is bound to lose

Can we find clarity in the Afghan strategy debate?

Barack and Me

Is Newsweek Trying to Kill Rifqa Bary?

God and Edward M. Kennedy

Senator Kennedy's Final Attempt at Salvation

Why I am no longer an African American

The Obama Administration, Explained

Why Obama Could Not Stage a Coup

When truth trumps protocol

American Thinker

Passenger Rail: A New Conservative Position

Being Sexually Deprived in a Sex-Saturated Culture

Everywhere Arms Races

Dennis Kucinich: Poster Child for Non-Existent Constitutional Rights

My Way News - Election trouble brewing for House Dems in 2010

WH on health care, illegal immigrants - First Read - msnbc.com

Charlie in rental di$order

Feinstein skeptical about health care costs

Obama sets stage for using budget maneuver to pass health reform - TheHill.com

England village covers Google lens -- latimes.com

The Associated Press: Health negotiators look at malpractice changes

My Way News - Nobel Prize winner Norman Borlaug dies at 95

The Associated Press: UK troubled by anti-Islam rallies, counterprotests

Dems seek to play down role of public option idea - Yahoo! News

Thousands rally with or against Obama

Lashing Out at the Capitol

Pitfalls Of Reporting Discoveries

Ugly corpse of ‘HillaryCare’ haunts Obama - Times Online

Up to two million march to US Capitol to protest against Obama's spending in 'tea-party' demonstration | Mail Online

PETER HITCHENS: Our children can't hold a knife and fork, so what does UNESCO teach them? | Mail Online

Megrahi's lawyers to reveal 'evidence of innocence' - Africa, World - The Independent

Sunday Express | UK News :: UN Lockerbie bombing probe urged

'I told the US to talk to the Taliban. They jailed me' - Asia, World - The Independent

FT.com / Iran - Iran signals no compromise on nuclear issue

Fans angered by lottery stunt that was ‘just a trick’ - Herald Scotland | News | Home News

Majority of teachers don't want to promote 'brainwashing' patriotism to pupils

Health officials knew of E.coli outbreak days before children's farm was closed down

Green shop owner is fined by council...for not producing any rubbish

Girls aged 6 and 11 'stopped and searched by police using anti-terror powers'

The snooper's handbook: Guide that will ensure no home improvement escapes the Council Tax inspectors | Mail Online

Anger grows over 'paedophile checks' on parents who volunteer to help with children's activities - Telegraph

An `Unknown Holocaust’ and the Hijacking of History

Zionism for Dummies | World News |Axisoflogic.com

It's The Vaccines Stupid!

Iran develops anti-cruise missile system

Ex-fundraiser for Blagojevich dies - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

NASA - NASA Selects Target Crater for Lunar Impact

Italy Ex-President - CIA And Mossad Ran 9-11

savethemales.ca - The New World Order is "Communism"

One, Two, Three

**Living In A Trash Truck - Amazing - Photos

San Diego sets up acoustic weapon at townhall meeting : Indybay

Tea partiers march on U.S. Capitol

Eastday-It's an unidentified object, but 'not a UFO'

What Role Did The U.S.-Israeli Relationship Play In 9-11?

US man shoots and kills abortion activist in front of school | World news | guardian.co.uk

Incoming Tokyo government threatens split with US - Telegraph

President Obama urged not to send more troops as public tires of Afghanistan war - Times Online

The next financial crisis | Kenneth Rogoff | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Vladimir Putin signals plan to reclaim old job as Russian president | World news | guardian.co.uk

The S-300: a potent weapon and diplomatic bargaining counter - Telegraph

Netanyahu faces storm over secret Moscow visit - Telegraph

U.K. troubled by increasingly violent anti-Islam protests - Haaretz - Israel News

Escalation of the Afghan War? US-NATO Target Russia, China and Iran

Geithner exaggerates US government retreat - Telegraph

How the collapse of Lehman Brothers averted a second depression - Telegraph

Americans grow cannabis to beat the recession | World news | guardian.co.uk

Ukraine probes bank bosses over suspected theft - Telegraph

Lies and cover-up at MG Rover exposed by report - Times Online

Iceland banks' fraud trails 'lead to UK' | Business | guardian.co.uk

Derren Brown leaves more questions than answers as he explains lottery trick - Telegraph

Government has sold its soul to the devil over SAS deal with Libya - Telegraph

UK news Feed Article | UK news | guardian.co.uk

MI6 faces torture investigation after reporting its own officer - Times Online

Plan for energy co-ops to cut fuel bills by 20% | Money | The Guardian

Wanted: scapegoats on torture | Clara Gutteridge | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Minister warns of 1930s-style fascists on Britain's streets | Politics | The Guardian

The End Of The Nation States Of Europe

Official responsible for light bulb ban is a former communist - Telegraph

Europe fears winter energy crisis as Russia tightens grip on oil supplies | World news | The Observer

Russians plan to break into British nuclear energy industry | Business | The Observer

How drought is destroying Kenya's nomads | World news | The Observer

FT.com / Columnists / Christopher Caldwell - Google writes its own rules


Enduring Freedom until 2050

'Israel plans to grab more Arab land'

Oh Bummer: Endless oil

Did pressure from feds help kill Chris Kelly? :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Carol Marin


YouTube - 1.5 to 2 million march on Washington D.C Tea Party protest rally September 12 2009

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Charlie Sheen on Alex Jones Tv:Charlie Sheen Issues 9/11 Challenge to Critics!

Refreshing News: New Bluetooth alarm won’t let you lose your mobile

Refreshing News: NIO plans to commercially market its submarine robot

PEMGroup Founder Danny Pang, Accused of Bilking Investors, Dies - Bloomberg.com

After 30 years, US accepts face-to-face talks with Iran « Political Theatrics

UTSA scientists battling a war zone bacterium | Latest News | KENS5.com

Global News Blog » Blog Archive » IAEA’s ElBaradei knocks heads together on Iran | Blogs |

YouTube - Raw Video: Tea Party Protesters Converge on D.C.

Arctic Sea was carrying missiles to Iran, new report suggests - Telegraph

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » CHUCK BALDWIN ON THE TRUE BATTLE THAT WE FACE

EclippTV :: Video :: Michael Savage - Obama's HealthCare Address, Insurance Companies, Obama=Bus

YouTube - 911's A lie - PurePwnage

MWC News - A Site Without Borders - - Scientific Facts on 9/11 Point at US

Subverted Nation » Blog Archive » Fake Mexico Hijacking by Bolivian Jew

Christopher Bollyn:Ehud Barak - Architect of 9-11

Don’t Tell Me What 9/12 Means, Glenn Beck - Tuned In - TIME.com

Thousands rally with or against Obama

EclippTV :: Video :: Alex Jones Show:Former Airline Pilot Talks About The Doomsday Planes 9/11

Corporate Media Seriously Under Reports Numbers at D.C. Tea Party

Washington: The ‘Dominant Player’ on Wall Street

Detained in Chicago by Dept. of Homeland Security for Political Free Speech

O’Reilly & Geraldo label Sheen’s call for new investigation as ‘cruel’

MSNBC Traitor Calls Tenth Amendment “Bunch of Baloney”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Black Speaker at DC Rally Mocks Obama’s Teleprompter Dependence

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » How Big Was the Crowd? Time Lapse Video Shows ‘Magnitude of the Rally’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » We Are Change Oklahoma – Street Action September 11, 2009

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 9/11 Victims Families’ Message to Obama, NYC, & the World

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Day Before 911: Trillions Missing Still Unaccounted For

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » China Invented Every Single Major Form of Currency – Metal Coins, Paper Money and Fiat Currency – And Seized Gold Six Centuries Before FDR

39 Afghans and 5 G.I.’s Are Killed in Attacks - NYTimes.com

ACORN Founder Wade Rathke Wanted Terrorist Attack on Republican Convention to Succeed

Ron Paul Has the Council on Foreign Relations Worried

President Obama strongly supports Public Option in speech to Minneapolis

Oops. Texas Principal Blocked Obama's Speech, But Is Busing Students to Hear Bush Speech. Gee, I Wonder Why?

Obama speech disrupter won't apologize on House floor

Hey Joe, Did You Forget? You Voted for Federal Funds To Provide Healthcare For Illegal Immigrants in 2003.

Standing up to bullies like Glenn Beck: An unpleasant but necessary chore

The Roberts Court is about to do the unthinkable...

CNN Misrepresents How Much Money Was Raised for Joe Wilson's Opponent Rob Miller

In America, You Have the Right To Stand in Line All Night To Get Free Dental Care.

Joe Conason on ACORN Video: It's Not Journalism Unless They Report Everything That Happened- It's Propaganda

Fox gives the sore losers of the 'Tea Party Express' much more than just free advertising

Ed Schultz Psycho Talk: Rep. Paul Broun

Carl Levin doesn't want to send more troops to Afghanistan

Queen Olympia: Off With The Public Option!


*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 11th With Charlie Sheen

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 9th: Charlie Sheen 9/11 Special

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 10th With Manny Badillo


*Transcripts :Obama's Remarks at the Pentagon Memorial

Gates's Remarks And Introduction at Pentagon Memorial

Geithner's Testimony to the TARP Oversight Panel

Roundtable on Obama's Health Care Speech

Klobuchar, Corker, Woolsey, & Boustany React to Obama

Interview with HHS Secretary Sebelius

Senator Enzi on the Cost of Reform

Senators Rockerfeller & Corker on "Hardball"

Interview with Senator Begich

Reps. Rothman & Garrett Debate Health Care

Obama's Health Care Address to Congress

The GOP Response to Obama's Health Care Address

Sen. McCain & Valerie Jarrett React to Obama's Speech

Barney Frank Responds to Obama's Speech

Gov. Pawlenty Reacts to Obama's Health Care Speech

Senators Brown and Thune Debate Health Care

Interview with Senator McCaskill

Interview with David Axelrod

Obama's Speech to U.S. Students

Panel Previews Obama's Health Care Speech

Obama's Remarks at the AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic

Interview with Laura Bush

Interview with David Axelrod

Gibbs, Waters, Pence, Dole & Daschle on Health Care

Alexander, Dean, Gingrich & Podesta on Health Care

Interview with Education Secretary Arne Duncan

Shields and Brooks on the Week in Politics

Interview with Tom Ridge

Interview with Tom Ridge

Tom Ridge Talks About His New Book


*Markets/ Video:China On Its Way to Recovery

Selling Luxury Goods in the Age of Abstinence

How to Play the Global Recovery

China Figures Should Inject Caution

Mack Steps Down From Top Spot at Morgan

Politics: Video/Rep. Joe Wilson Will Not Apologize On House Floor

Gingrich, Dean, Durbin, Cornyn On Paying For Health Care

Axelrod to Tea Party Goers: "You’re Wrong" On Health Reform

"This Week" Roundtable On Joe Wilson, Obama's Speech

Sebelius, Rockefeller, Landrieu & Pawlenty On Health Care

Hatch, Conrad, McCaskill & Graham On Health Care Reform

Durbin, Cornyn On Possibility Of Health Reform This Year

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On 9/12 Tea Party

Blagojevich Adviser, Fundraiser Dies From Aspirin Overdose

Obama Weekly Address: Losing Insurance Can Happen to Anybody

Glenn Beck On 9/12: "Put The Country First"

O'Reilly On Remembering 9/11


*American Minute for September 13th:William J Federer's American Minute*

Disney announces upgrades in Anaheim and major expansion in Orlando -- latimes.com

Astronomers search for habitable moons - Telegraph

Toothpick City: Stan Munro builds famous landmarks out of millions of toothpicks - Telegraph

Best places for a healthy retirement - Anaheim, CA (1) - Money Magazine

Obama to urge financial regulatory reform | U.S. | Reuters

Voters Turn Negative On All Political Labels Except Reagan - Rasmussen Reports

Charles Darwin film 'too controversial for religious America' - Telegraph

Obama's regulatory chief pushes new 'bill of rights'

Obama's team 'socialists with communist backgrounds'

School 'safety' chief: How to promote homosexuality

What does Pelosi know about Obama's eligibility?


The Assassination of JFK Jr. (1 of 4)

The Assassination of JFK Jr. (2 of 4)

The Assassination of JFK Jr. (3 of 4)

The Assassination of JFK Jr. (4 of 4)




*World Net Daily Player:Wilson vs. Rangel: Who's the real villian?

World Net Daily Player:'You lie' congressman talks to WND

World Net Daily Player:Obama 'has no clue' about military strategy

World Net Daily Player:Health care: 'We gotta get this right'

World Net Daily Player:'Too hard for people to buy insurance'

World Net Daily Player:Obamacare 'will not see the light of day'