"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

17 August 2009


YouTube - Montréal - Mossad False Flag Connection pt.4/4

NC Hero Exposes Lying Rep With CAFR Truths - Vid

YouTube - What's going on? Watch & Decide for yourself.

YouTube - Eva Golinger: US to attack Venezuela

Chlorella: the superfood that helps fight disease - Telegraph

Children risk cancer by eating salami and ham, warns charity | Science | The Guardian

Why potatoes are a suprising health benefit and a key to lasting weight loss | Mail Online

F-35 Fight Could Kill Hate Bill

1300+ Pages Of Secret UFO Docs Surface In Brazil

Former Gov. Dean calls public option indispensable - Yahoo! News

Walter E. Williams - Politics And Blacks

Russell Blaylock, MD - What To Do If Force Vaccinated

Bizarre - Mystery Man Claims Baxter Flu Vax Is A BioWeapon

Larry Sinclair On Things Obama: Book Now Offered In Germany, France...

David Miliband: There are circumstances in which terrorism can be justifiable | Mail Online

WHO Failure to See Spread of Tamiflu Resistant Pandemic H1N1

Twilight Language: Evil Clowns: Summer 2009

One hour showing of UFO´s in Peru - AOL Noticias Beta

Jewish Racism

Jewish Racism: On the Prevailing Myth in the "Patriot Community" that Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt Were the First to Speak of American "Democracy"

savethemales.ca - "Human Rights" Museum Cost Sparks Backlash

Lockerbie bombing: victim's father to sue - Telegraph

Preacher threatened with arrest for reading out extracts from the Bible in public - Telegraph

I Shouldn't Read the News. I Really Shouldn't. by Fred Reed


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Government Will Hype Fall Swine Flu Outbreak To Save Obamacare, Warns Armey

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Corporate Media in U.S. Ignores Report N1H1 Vaccine Link to Guillain-Barré Syndrome

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Freedom of Speech Under Fire: FCC’s ‘Chief Diversity Officer’ Targets Talk Radio

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » America’s Socialized Health Care

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » China Buys Treasuries, Proving Dollar Demise Overdone

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Town Hall Test: Fact Check of Obama’s Health Care Claims Finds Problems

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » CBS News Anchor Katie Couric Blames ‘Fear and…Ignorance’ for Town Hall Protests

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Astronomers: ‘Sun’s output may decline significantly inducing another Little Ice Age on Earth’

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 13th With Wayne Madsen

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 14th With Alan Keyes

Under Obamacare, The Government Would Indoctrinate Your Kids

Hirschhorn’s 911 mind swill

9/11 Mind Swell

Disabled Woman Opposed to Obamacare Claims ACORN Assaulted Her

Obamacare: Once Upon a Time It was Called Coercion and Theft

Recommended Reading: Much Of Afghan Drug Money Going To 'Our Friends' - The Two-Way - Breaking News, Analysis Blog : NPR

Healthy food obsession sparks rise in new eating disorder

Global News Blog » Blog Archive » Who is funding the Afghan Taliban? You don’t want to know | Blogs |

Paranoid, suspicion, obsessive surveillance - and a land of liberty destroyed by stealth | Mail Online

UBS to name 5,000 accounts under U.S. deal: paper | Reuters

China plant stormed over lead poisoning of children - Yahoo! News UK

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: UK UFO sightings spiked when blockbusters released - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

U.S. NEWS: How were Social Security numbers given away? - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

WORLD NEWS: Mexican Army takes over customs on US border - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

ECONOMY: Concentration of wealth in hands of rich greatest on record - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: IBM uses DNA to make next-gen microchips - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

Ancient royal tomb found in Scotland - Home News, UK - The Independent

Zombie ants controlled by fungus - LiveScience- msnbc.com

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: Monsanto to Charge as Much as 42% More for New Seeds - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

Freedom of Speech Under Fire: FCC's 'Chief Diversity Officer' Targets Talk Radio

Gulf Arab money 'behind purchases of Israeli land'

H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Obama Revives Bush-Era Militarized Quarantine Regulations

Leaked Letter: Neurologists Concerned About Swine Flu Vaccine

Homeland Security Expands Biometric Security Program

The Pentagon Wants Authority to Post Almost 400,000 Military Personnel in U.S.

“Behaviour detection officers” to study travellers’ faces to determine if they are criminals or terrorists

Obama's America Is Not Delivering The Goods

Philip Giraldi Unplugged!

US Economic Myths Bite the Dust

"F*ck You Buddy"

'The burden of paying for health care has suddenly shifted from coming out of corporate profits to coming out of the tax payer's coffers ... invisibly and quietly the working people are being made to pay for what they WERE NOT PAYING FOR in terms of the present arrangement'

U.S. Rep: "Obama, Pelosi, Reid, may use a pandemic disease or natural disaster as an excuse to declare martial law"

Caucasus: The War That Was, The World War That Might Have Been

America's Warfare State

The Second Wave of The Depression: Hyperinflation is Likely

Reinventing No Child Left Behind

Barack Obama, Front Man for the ‘Man’: "For the Empire getting Obama elected was a Win-win Solution"

A Review of Markets: What Prospects for the US Economy?

YouTube - Glenn Beck Exposes Hypocrisy of Mainstream Media and Democrats for calling Protestors Raaaacist

YouTube - Glenn Beck: How Much Is Your Life Worth? Obama's 'Health Care' Will Tell You [Part 1-Of-2] 08-11-09

YouTube - Glenn Beck: How Much Is Your Life Worth? Obama's 'Health Care' Will Tell You [Part 2-Of-2] 08-11-09

Defining socialism and single-payer health care

Operation Kickstart: Help H.R. 1207 move forward to audit the fed!

Video - Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

Oman takes lead as e-Purse marks new era of cashless society

Conservatives Now Outnumber Liberals in All 50 States, Says Gallup Poll

Once Again Obama Misstates Number of Uninsured Americans—This Time in a New York Times Op-Ed

Obama Backs Away From Public Health Insurance Plan

New Movie Seeks to Refute Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Truth’

EPA Restarts Project that Contaminated Hudson River

Islamist Groups Fight Each Other in Gaza Strip

‘The Stimulus Isn’t Working,’ Republican Says -- Six Months Out

Obama to Thank War Veterans for Their Service

Long-Ago Collapse of Hawaiian Monarchy Described As U.S.-Assisted ‘Regime Change’

Republican Kay Bailey Hutchison Kicks Off Campaign for Texas Governor

Milwaukee Mayor Attacked While Trying to Help Screaming Woman

The Middle East Maze

Is This America's Better History?

The Etiquette Czar's Rules for Patriotic Protest

History Never Ends

video -The Doomsday Code

US Government prepares for “Unwillingness” to take the WHO flu vaccine

Militarization of Swine Flu Preparations

**DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINETEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

Global Analysis - J. R. Nyquist "Secret Takeovers" 08/14/2009

Hit & Run > Reason.tv: Ryan Grim on The Secret History of Getting High in America - Reason Magazine

Redding.com: Blogs: Marc Beauchamp's blog

UncoverTheNews.com » Hundreds moon U.S. spy balloon

UncoverTheNews.com » Derelict Politicians Aren’t Reading the Bills

Hit & Run > Cops Say Legalize Drugs; Here's Why - Reason Magazine

Internal Memo Confirms Big Giveaways In White House Deal With Big Pharma

Top Israeli Scientist Captured In US After “Threat” To Blow Up White House

video :Mission Mind Control

Why Are Smart People So Ignorant When it Comes to Health, Vaccines and Vitamin D? (Part One) by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

Why Are Smart People So Ignorant When it Comes to Health, Vaccines and Vitamin D? (Part Two) by Mike Adams the Health Ranger


A Thousand Little Gitmos | Mother Jones

OpEdNews - Sibel Edmonds Deposition: Deep Corruption Beneath the Surface

Refreshing News: First hysterectomy in Europe 'through the tummy button'

Refreshing News: White House ready to accept health co-ops?

Refreshing News: Wikipedia reaches three million articles

A-levels are so easy a monkey could be trained to do them, say teachers | Mail Online

Washington's Blog:Taleb: Bernanake, Summers and Geithner Are Idiots, "Economists Have Been No Better in Their Predictions than Cab Drivers"

(cartoon)If Global Warming Is Real Then Why Is It Cold

MoD's secret UFO files tell of 'alien Toblerones' over Scotland - Scotsman.com News

Red Dirt Report | RDR: IPS Research addresses questions related to upcoming swine flu vaccine trials

Whole Foods faces boycott over chief's health care criticism - Telegraph

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Wayne Madsen on Alex Jones TV : The New Economy IS the Police State!!

EclippTV :: Video :: 8/13/2009 Peter Schiff On FOX Business: Free-Market Health Care?

NASA captures vivid shot of sand dune at the bottom of a Martian crater | Mail Online

Palm accused of 'spying' on Pre owners - Telegraph


EclippTV :: Video :: Wayne Madsen on Alex Jones TV : The New Economy IS the Police State! 1/4

EclippTV :: Video :: Wayne Madsen on Alex Jones TV : The New Economy IS the Police State! 2/4

EclippTV :: Video :: Wayne Madsen on Alex Jones TV : The New Economy IS the Police State! 3/4

EclippTV :: Video :: Wayne Madsen on Alex Jones TV : The New Economy IS the Police State! 4/4

EclippTV :: Video :: 8/14/09 Judge Napolitano's Verdict: Continuing Path Toward National ID Card

White House disables e-tip box - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Health concession fuels blowback - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

White House will change e-mail rules - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Tim Pawlenty foresees GOP surge if health plan is rejected - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Man tosses cash onto Los Angeles-area freeway

Chavez says Obama lost in space on Latin America | U.S. | Reuters

Boxer could face re-election fight of her career against Fiorina - San Jose Mercury News

Russian Power Plant Accident Kills 8; 54 Missing - Bloomberg.com

Emanuel Wields Power Freely, and Faces the Risks

Reader's Digest plans to file for US bankruptcy | Reuters


Swine flu jab link to killer nerve disease: Leaked letter reveals concern of neurologists over 25 deaths in America | Mail Online

Hackers Stole IDs for Attacks - WSJ.com

Huge Santa Barbara County wildfire caused by marijuana farm; suspects at large in forest | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times


Oil Smoke & Mirrors - PART 1 of 6

Oil Smoke & Mirrors - PART 2 of 6

Oil Smoke & Mirrors - PART 3 of 6

Oil Smoke & Mirrors - PART 4 of 6

Oil Smoke & Mirrors - PART 5 of 6

Oil Smoke & Mirrors - PART 6 of 6

Orwell Rolls In His Grave - PART 1 of 11

Orwell Rolls In His Grave - PART 2 of 11

Orwell Rolls In His Grave - PART 3 of 11

Orwell Rolls In His Grave - PART 4 of 11

Orwell Rolls In His Grave - PART 5 of 11

Orwell Rolls In His Grave - PART 6 of 11

Orwell Rolls In His Grave - PART 7 of 11

Orwell Rolls In His Grave - PART 8 of 11

Orwell Rolls In His Grave - PART 9 of 11

Orwell Rolls In His Grave - PART 10 of 11

Orwell Rolls In His Grave - PART 11 of 11

Dems Demonizing Scooters

Could co-ops be a Trojan Horse?

A doctor responds to Obama's NYT op-ed

White House blames '3rd parties' for spam email from Axelrod

The city that won't be working today

White House in disarray over public option

Another Democratic senator in trouble

A student challenges Obama on health care reform

Author of Human Rights report on Israel supports terrorism

The Array of WH ObamaCare Tactics Grows

New York Times' Disgrace Deepens

On being ruled by fanatics

I Will See Your Hitler, and Raise You a Holocaust

The Big Lie About Health Care

ObamaCare and Bush League Democrats

Cash for Clunkers: An exercise in futility

Who Does John Dingell Think He Is?

I Don't Accept the Premise

Manufactured Healthcare Crisis

Obama, Ayers and the Knowledge 'Too Big' To Handle

Beware the Counterrevolution

Lies, lies and more lies

The Hijra

Elite Meltdown

Islam and Monoculture

Catholic Church and Health Care Reform

'Death panel' is not in the bill... it already exists

A Fundamental Disconnect

Healthcare and the Resourceful Poor

All the President's Bigoted Men

How To Get Rich . . . and Why by Gary North

A 'Town Hall' Conversation With Obama by Thomas Eddlem

Vandal Economics by Bill Bonner

Why Was Goldman Invited to the AIG Bailout Party? by Matt Taibbi

Just Say NO! to the Federal Government by Oliver Del Signore Issue #76

Beer could stop bones going brittle - Health & Fitness, Independent Woman - Independent.ie

Preparedness for travelers by Brad Rohdenburg Issue #81

The States’ Rights Tradition Nobody Knows

Tom Delay Joins Dancing With The Stars

Meet the Press "Take Two" With Rachel Maddow

John Fund Cites Nate Silver's Predictions for House Seat Losses At RightOnline Conference

Tom Coburn Claims Members of Congress Have "Earned" Threats of Violence

BlueDog Mike Ross: "I will never vote for a bill to kill old people, period."

Specter: Health care protesters don't represent America

Rachel Maddow Unmasks Dick Armey's Radical Opinion: 'Medicare is Tyranny'

Say What? Sebelius Touts Public Option on 'This Week', Throws It Under the Bus on CNN.

Dana Perino Compares Claims Obama/Rove Equivalency Regarding Emails

Key Democratic Senator declares public option dead

Sebelius: Public option not 'essential'

Britons Unite To Defend Their National Health Service

PBS Newshour: Dick Armey vs Richard Kirsch on Health Care Reform

Sean Hannity and His Panel Carry Water for the Insurance Companies

Bill Moyers Journal: The Media's Distortion of the Health Care Reform Narrative

Madrak Challenges Sestak on Netroots "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow" Syndrome

Countdown: Fox Suffers From Beck Backlash

Anderson Cooper is Shocked That the Insurance Industry is Feeding Right Wing Radio Hosts Talking Points

Beck has a happy fearmongering session on 'death panels' with Rand Paul

Right-Wing Rage the Latest Outbreak of a Preexisting Condition

David Vitter hopes stirring up teabaggers with extremist rhetoric will make everyone forget those diapers

Paul Krugman: These People are Unappeasable

Lawrence O'Donnell to John Culberson: You Lie to America About the Evils of Government Health Care

Business as Usual

These attempts to win hearts and minds are futile | Matt Waldman | Comment is free | The Guardian

Obama's Foreign Aid Mess - The Daily Beast

Editorial: Mubarak in Washington | Editorials | Jerusalem Post

“Too Big to Fail” Must Die by Nicole Gelinas, City Journal Summer 2009

A mid-Summers dream - Washington Times

T. Boone Pickens and Ted Turner:New Priorities For Our Energy Future - WSJ.com

Social Security crunch coming fast - MSN Money

The Dollar’s Impact on US Corporations

Programs to repay student loans target unemployed grads - USATODAY.com

Health Reform Fattens Big Insurance and Taxes the Young - US News and World Report

Binge drinking a problem for older adults too | Health | Reuters

Genetic Discovery May Improve Hepatitis C Treatment - US News and World Report

Craig S. Karpel: We Don’t Spend Enough on Health Care - WSJ.com

Site urges healthy school lunches The Post and Courier - Charleston SC newspaper

YouTube - Obama's Healthcare Compromise?

Dad: Michael Jackson to Be Buried on His Birthday - Joe Jackson, Michael Jackson : People.com

Papa Joe pitching Jessica Simpson as Paula Abdul ‘Idol’ replacement? « Entertainment

YouTube - UFO sightings: Amazing new details released

UFO sightings may have been down to X Files | Science | Reuters

Facebook to face off with new Web rivals - Tech & gadgets- msnbc.com

DailyTech - IBM Using DNA to Create Semiconductors Below 22nm

IBM Using DNA to Build Next-Generation Chips

MSNBC Picks Up Hyperlocal News Aggregator EveryBlock - washingtonpost.com

Shaky U.S. consumer still needs Fed support | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

U.S. Economy: Factories Expand More Than Forecast - Bloomberg.com

The Associated Press: Oil prices tumble below $66 per barrel

Taliban hardliners spread out to undermine Afghanistan election | World news | guardian.co.uk

Russian ship's voyage into ocean of conspiracies - CNN.com

Police chief axed over Russian suicide blast - CNN.com

VOA News - India Warns of Militants Plotting New Attacks

Sen. Jim Webb breaks the ice in Burma | csmonitor.com

VOA News - Foreign Aid Arrives in Taiwan as President Faces Political Storm

Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Ex-wife admits Kuwait wedding arson

The Associated Press: Pakistani Taliban says bombs a 'gift' for US envoy

Former Zambia Leader Is Acquitted - NYTimes.com

Koreas must hold talks before border reopens, Seoul says - CNN.com

AFP: Freed Frenchwoman awaits Iran verdict at embassy

U.S. military proposes tripartite forces for N.Iraq | Reuters

Fatah congress elects first Jewish-born member | World news | guardian.co.uk

YouTube - North Korea's Borders - Bloomberg

YouTube - Taliban Resists Afghan Election

CQ: Some Obama promises must wait - CQ Politics- msnbc.com

Doyle says governors should limit terms - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

The Associated Press: Obama disses marriage law as Justice defends it

The Associated Press: Obama lashes waste in defense spending

Justices grant Georgia inmate's request to delay execution - CNN.com

White House E-Mail for 'Fishy' Health Care Information Goes Dark - Political News - FOXNews.com

The Associated Press: Trial in rape, slaying of young TN couple begins

Calif. lawmakers shift focus to water problems - San Jose Mercury News

Dangling Money, Obama Pushes Education Shift - NYTimes.com

Cambridge Sgt. Crowley speaks at police convention - San Jose Mercury News

KSTP TV - Minneapolis and St. Paul - FBI Asked to Join MPD Brutality Investigation

Dallas Morning News:Judge who closed court before execution on trial

Quinn signs laws on government transparency -- chicagotribune.com

YouTube - Raw Video: Minneapolis Police Beat Man

Nothing is as liberating as prosperity - Telegraph


How American Health Care Killed My Father - The Atlantic (September 2009)

Fareed Zakaria - More Crises Needed?

RealClearPolitics - Obama Misread His Mandate

Health-Care Reform: Obama Finesses the Public Plan - TIME

Obama’s Health-Care Mess - Victor Davis Hanson - The Corner on National Review Online

RealClearPolitics - Palin Called a Spade a Spade

Obama’s Health-Care Counterattack Gains Ground: Albert R. Hunt - Bloomberg.com

Obama must learn from Vietnam: Gen. Wesley Clark gives the President advice for Afghanistan

Peter Moskos and Stanford "Neill" Franklin - Time to Legalize Drugs - washingtonpost.com

Lost in the shouting

Blue Dog Daze

EDITORIAL: Unfair government competition - Washington Times

Getting ahead with green jobs - The Boston Globe

Dangling Money, Obama Pushes Education Shift - NYTimes.com

TheHill.com - Recession doesn’t stop candidate self-funding

Union members pack Obama's town halls - Washington Times

Billion-dollar IPOs set to return to U.S. | Deals | Reuters

'1984': It's here

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ‘Family Guy’ Taking Right Turn?

Seth MacFarlane outs baby Stewie in 'Family Guy': He's gay, MacFarlane says in Playboy interview

Suman Khatun: a five year-old obese Indian girl who is eating herself to death - Telegraph

WBBM 780 - Rev. Jackson to return to Chicago with royal title

Court: Prison OK to stop man's kosher meals -- chicagotribune.com

Anti-age jabs leave 'ping-pong' lumps in face - Times Online

RFID tags get an intelligence upgrade - tech - 14 August 2009 - New Scientist

Drug compound kills breast cancer stem cells | U.S. | Reuters

Israeli Breakthru Research: No More Insulin Shots for Diabetics - Made in Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

Do-it-yourself DNA test kits ready to go on sale in chemists - Times Online

Police: Clarkston teacher sent sexual photos to student | detnews.com | The Detroit News

*The big list: Female teachers with students

Night-time photos shed light on growing economies - tech - 14 August 2009 - New Scientist

Deaf social club refused late licence for striptease nights over noise fears | Mail Online

You bet we're crazy

Who most resembles 'Nazis'?

Dirty secret No. 2 in Obamacare

Op-Ed Contributor - Why We Need Health Care Reform - NYTimes.com

Wheels coming off Obama Express

Interview with Ian Wishart

Another Obama mistake

Orwellian 'progress'

Woodstock reflects American spirit

Dissent OK, unless it's against Obama's plans

JULY 14:'Politburo' controlling U.S. policy

Emanuel Wields Power Freely, and Faces the Risks

War erupts over Glenn Beck TV show: Fans fight back

Obama: Every move you make, I'll be watching you online

White House Passes Blame on Unsolicited Health Care E-Mails - Political News - FOXNews.com

Online, your private life is searchable -- latimes.com

Battle over health care goes viral | Philadelphia Inquirer | 08/15/2009

College Student Challenges Obama to Oxford-Style Debate - Political Punch

The Herald, Sharon, Pa. - Dahlkemper hosts outdoor forum on health care reform

'Obamacare:' What does the Constitution have to say?

CNN Political Ticker:Sebelius on swine flu: 'We're preparing for the worst' - Blogs from CNN.com

U.S schools gear up for swine flu shots - Swine flu- msnbc.com

The Associated Press: Mexico replaces customs staff, revamps borders

Local News | Crop circles lure visitors to Wilbur, Wash. | Seattle Times Newspaper

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | US probe captures Saturn equinox

The fat that makes you thin - health - 14 August 2009 - New Scientist

APOD: 2009 August 16 - A Laser Strike at the Galactic Center

Gone Forever: What Does It Take to Really Disappear? | Vanish | Wired.com

Skydiver survives 10,000ft fall to the ground - Telegraph

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Facial expressions 'not global'

A screen for cancer killers : Nature News

UFO Media Matters: The End of MUFON?

NASA Completes Assembly of Ares I-X Test Rocket | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference

Lost in space: send text messages to ET - Telegraph

Millions of salmon vanish from Canadian river - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Bold, conservative Bachmann hints at 'Mrs. President' future

CNN Political Ticker: TX Dem: Bill without public option 'would be very, very difficult'


*American Minute for August 17th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Article Links/Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Obama mama: 6 lost months

Obama's MySpace page posts age as 52

Obama birthplace flap evokes Arthur debate - More politics- msnbc.com

American Thinker- You Might Be a Birther if...

No time for Constitution


**Transcripts :Interview with Secretary Sebelius

Senators Conrad and Shelby Debate Health Care

Guests: Secretary Sebelius and Sens. Specter & Hatch

Interview with Press Secretary Robert Gibbs

Shields and Brooks on Obama and Health Care


**Markets; Video/Japan's Economy Exits Recession

Buy Intel!: Against the Grain

Baby Boomer's Downsizing Trend

Day Ahead: Markets Tumble Worldwide

Is the Market Ahead of Itself?

NY Manufacturing Index: 1st Growth Since '07

**Politics; Video/Sen. Grassley on 'Death Panels' and Co-Ops

Reps. Blumenauer and Burgess Debate Health Care

ACLU: White House E-mail List a 'Troubling Situation'

Dean: Public Option Could Come From House/Senate Talks


Bill Cunningham Show 8/16/09 HR 1

Bill Cunningham Show 8/16/09 HR 2

Bill Cunningham Show 8/16/09 HR 3


EclippTV :: Video :: Jimi Hendrix - Star Spangled Banner - Woodstock '69


Tenth Amendment Center | Working to limit the power of the federal government