"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

19 August 2009

19 Aug 09

Social media and the internet do not spread democracy. - Telegraph

Needed - A Left Antiwar Opposition To Obama

Atkinson's Blogs:Witchcraft in the White House

AARP losing tens of thousands of members over support for health care overhaul -- Courant.com

Top Sweden newspaper says IDF kills Palestinians for their organs

"They Want Us Exterminated" | Human Rights Watch

Impact Of Cannabis On Bones Changes With Age, Study Finds

'Uh-Oh They're Here' - washingtonpost.com

Lawyer: FBI Trained Hal Turner As An "Agent Provocateur" -- Courant.com

Monsanto to Charge as Much as 42% More for New Seeds - Bloomberg.com

AfricanCrisis:The Bizarre discoveries of 21st Century science - Evolution & the Universe - The Secret Engine of all Life

Healthcare ­ Fighting The Socialism Myth And Mindset

Falling In Love

'We Need To Beat Taliban To Stop New 9/11'

When 1st And 2nd Amendments Conflict -

ObamaCare Puts a New Spin On 'Sicko'

OpEdNews - New York Psychiatrist Exhorts FDA to Rescind Artificial Sweetener Aspartame Approval

Best And Worst Cities To Find A Job: Indeed.com's Rankings

The President Exhibits Crazy Speech Patterns

Obama Joker artist unmasked: A fellow Chicagoan | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Still a Chump's Game

Canada protects deadly bio-lab

Michael Cutler -- Are Mexican Drug Cartels Setting California Fires?

Think Progress » Scalia says there’s nothing unconstitutional about executing the innocent.

President Pantywaist in retreat: Barack Obama hoists the white flag over Stalinist health care proposals - Telegraph Blogs

DNA could become building blocks of smaller, more powerful microchips - Times Online

CNSNews.com - New Movie Seeks to Refute Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Truth’

Peter Moskos and Stanford "Neill" Franklin - Time to Legalize Drugs - washingtonpost.com

The Nexus Of Evil : Part One.

The Nexus Of Evil : Part Two.

The Righteous Alliance: The Nexus Of Evil : Part Three. (A Pre-emptive Strike On Humanity).

The Righteous Alliance: The Nexus Of Evil : Part Four (A Pre-emptive Strike On Humanity).

The Righteous Alliance: The Nexus Of Evil : Part Five (A Pre-emptive Strike On Humanity).


Obama May Know What He's Doing on Health: An Ode to Ambiguity -- Politics Daily

John Boehner to Drug Companies: Obama Administration Is Schoolyard Bully -- Politics Daily

Glenn Beck Boycott Grows: Walmart, Best Buy Pull Ads -- Politics Daily

The U.S. Postal Service: Our Next Bankruptcy? -- Politics Daily

Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity Channel Saul Alinsky: So What? -- Politics Daily

Ronald Reagan and Obama's Health Care Struggles -- Politics Daily

Mayor Richard Daley Calls for Obama To Take A Pay Cut -- Politics Daily

TIME Article Pushes Geo-engineering Agenda

What To Do If the Government Force Vaccinates You

Nationwide Revolt Against Mass Swine Flu Vaccination Accelerates

Obama: A Corporate Marketing Creation

9/11 Mind Swell

*American Enterprise Institute - SourceWatch

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 18th With Dr. Russell Blaylock

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 18th With Dr. Russell Blaylock

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 14th With Alan Keyes

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 17th With Buzz Aldrin

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Even Top Climate Change Negotiator Admits Cap And Tax “Out Of Control”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Hal Turner a Trained FBI Agent Provocateur

Video - Rep. Massa: What Grassley said the other day was an act of treason - Water Cooler - Washington Times

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama: New Threats To Veto Defense/Hate Bill

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Corporate Media Demonizes Defenders of the Constitution

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » I’m the Government and I’m Here To Lie To You

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Americans: Serfs Ruled by Oligarchs

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Block Obama’s Abject Surrender to Insurance and Drug Companies

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » “It’s Almost As If The Administration Is Opting for a Rose-Colored-Glasses PR Strategy” Instead of Looking at Reality and Adopting Appropriate Policy

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Barney Frank to Fox News Reporter: ‘I Don’t Negotiate With People Who Don’t Have Votes’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Former agent: Gun-toters creating ‘atmosphere of danger’ for Obama

Sources: UN watchdog hiding evidence on Iran nuclear program - Haaretz - Israel News

NASA - GOES-O Releases First Solar Image

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Chairman Ejects Constituent At Barney Frank Town Hall

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » College Student Zach Lahn Owns Wolf Blitzer - CNN and Contessa - MSNBC

Refreshing News: Microsoft appeals against Word ban

Top 50 US War Criminals - Democratic Underground

Justice Antonin Scalia is NOT a real Catholic « Time to Think



IndependentGazette.Com :You Want Change? Well Ya Got It Now! Communism...

American's Journey: The Dark Implications of Nanothermate in WTC Dust - Unlikely Heroes Explain

American's Journey: Identification of the Enemy is the First Step

The Golden Truth: An Avalanche of Insider Stock Selling

For Liberty: How the Ron Paul Revolution Watered the Withered Tree Of Liberty

Why More Americans Should Care About America « Political Theatrics

Top Sweden newspaper says IDF kills Palestinians for their organs - Haaretz - Israel News

YouTube - Fake Al Qaeda Actors EXPOSED! Adam Gadahn & Yousef al-Khattab

Attorney: FBI trained NJ blogger to incite others

EclippTV :: Video :: New Drug Czar Makes Huge Mistake on National TV! (8/6/09)

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » American Militias Demonization - Militias On The Rise In US - MSNBC & CNN

Defining socialism and single-payer health care

America's Warfare State Lining the pockets of Pentagon contractors

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » “Secure Flight,” Insecure Travel Rights

Following Zakheim and Pentagon trillions to Israel and 9-11

Why is the Truth so Dangerous? « Lasse Wilhelmson

AIPAC Sends in the Clowns! « INTIFADA

Oh Bummer: Obama: Afghan war secures America

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » CNN - Lou Dobbs Snaps on Woman on Protest Debate

New Statesman - Man charged with biggest ever US credit card fraud

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Is the Chinese Government Really This Dumb?

5 Ways You’re Treated Like a Criminal Every Day : COED Magazine

Guess What? He's a Terrible President

Are We Really Cattle? « Therearenosunglasses’s Weblog

Green Left - Racism and ‘anti-terror’ laws — a threat to civil liberties

EclippTV :: Video :: Ayn Rand - Liberty Vs Socialism

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Liberty and Economics - Ludwig von Mises

Climate sceptics like Nazi appeasers: Rees

Mental Stress Training Is Planned for U.S. Soldiers - NYTimes.com

US military cyber force activated • The Register

Let Them Inflate by Richard Daughty

DNA Evidence Can Be Fabricated, Scientists Show - NYTimes.com

That Sinking Feeling by Achal Mehra

*Audio:The Lew Rockwell Show - 130. Hans Hoppe: The Economics of World Government

I’m the Government and I’m Here To Lie To You by Karen De Coster

TSA and Its Brethren by Fred Reed

Baby Bush: The Worst President in History? by Doug Casey

The Real Housewives of Goldman Sachs by Matt Taibbi


Big Government by David M. Woods

IN gOD WE TRUST by Gabriel Fink

Populist Right Rising by Patrick J. Buchanan

Rat-eating plant discovered in Philippines - Telegraph

How sticking your feet in cold water could help you lose weight | Mail Online

Rand Paul Shocks Republican Faithful In First Poll

Palin and the Culture of Liberty

Iranian protestors being tortured and worse

IRS to be ObamaCare enforcer

At least 75 dead in Baghdad bombings

Israeli army kills Palestinians and harvests their organs: Swedish paper

Obama's shallow comprehension of economics major cause for concern

Big Labor's Big Threat

Axelrod a tool of Big Pharma

Prepare for Armageddon on health care reform

Napoleon and Squealer in the White House

Obama softens tone on Israel

No right of appeal in ObamaCare

Obama the Repo Man

The Alinskyite's Big, Fat Governance Failure

Hello ObamaCare, Goodbye Grandma

Death Care and the Commodification of Life

Congress on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown

Wanted: American Intellectuals Thinkers

Where Should Treatment Decisions Get Made?

Obama's State Department Submits to Islam

ObamaCare and Hidden Agendas

The Left's Favorite Enemy Conjured Up Again

No Father in the Home -- Obama's Story

Bill O'Reilly promises to 'expose' Netroots Nation, but just comes up laaaaaaaame

White House may ditch Republicans after all on health care reform

Frank Confronts Woman With Obama as Hitler Picture at Town Hall: On What Planet Do You Spend Most of Your Time?

flashback/Newt And the Bi-Partisan Love-In of 1994

Pinhead indeed: O'Reilly doesn't like being called out by Bernie Sanders for Fox News' ties to GOP

Krugman on What The Public Option Says About Obama

Matt Taibbi: No Public Option Will Mean a Revolt Among Progressives

Memo to Conrad: Republicans see Trojans everywhere. They are against co-ops too.

Scalia's Right, It's All Perfectly Legal to Kill An Innocent Man

Mike Lux tries to makes sense of how the public option will pass

Bob Novak dies of cancer -- and his right-wing pals rush to lie about his role in the Plame case

CNN's Don Lemon Schools Right Wing Protester About Who Is A "Real American"

Grassley Retracts 'Grandma' Statement, Media Ignores It. Thanks, Sen. Specter!

Child stalker Michelle Malkin defends attacking 11-year-old girl: "No Shame, No How"

CNN: Assault Rifles Spied Openly at Phoenix Rally

Hannity shakes his head at C&L, 'liberal attack machine' for pointing out the ignorance of Specter teabagger

Gibbs: Nothing Has Changed, We Are Still Expecting The Public Option

Steve Forbes lies, distorts, insists that health-care reform is "socialized medicine" in Solis-Marich interview

Don't Panic. Howard Dean Says Bill Will Pass - With The Public Option

NY Daily News Columnist Nails It: Obama is The Real Target, Not Health Policy

The Chris Matthews Show: Concern Trolls for Wall Street While Kicking the Grass Roots Down the Road

08-19-2009: Futurologist: Global Warming will make us have sex with robot prostitutes

08-19-2009: Tight budget quashes US space ambitions: panel

08-19-2009: IRS gets access to 5,000 Swiss bank accounts

08-19-2009: Europe and Russia sign Mars exploration deal

08-18-2009: Oliver Stone revealing 'Secret History of America' (Yeah Right)

Time Magazine Article On Geoengineering

Microsoft hosts conference discussing elevator to space

Scientists Claim That Ancient Farmers Altered Climate Using Slash And Burn Methods

Japan Weighing the nuclear option

Robots learn to lie, cheat and hoard

Atlanta mayoral candidate proposes spy robots to patrol streets for “bums”

Building block of life found on comet

Conditioning Kids For The Cashless Control Grid: Coming To A Biometric Lunch Room Near You

Health rationing by other names: Obama health adviser doesn't 'evolve' enough

District 9 - A Science Fiction Film With Sophisticated New World Order Propaganda

CIA's Black Helicopters End Up In Court

Doctors have been put on alert for a deadly disease linked to swine flu jabs.

Militarization of Swine Flu Preparations

Health Food “Obsession” Seen as Mental Illness

Dealing with the Brainwashed Masses

German health expert's swine flu warning: Does virus vaccine increase the risk of cancer?

The Pentagon Wants Authority to Post Almost 400,000 Military Personnel in U.S.

Health Care in America: The Masquerade is Over!

It’s Official: Healthcare Reform is Dead

Monsanto's Man in the Obama Administration

Why single-payer is the only sensible health care reform

The US and NATO seek to balkanize the Caucasus

The Latin American policies of Richard Milhous Obama

The individual, society and Brown Shirts

After six years of U.S. occupation, infrastructure not improved in Iraq

‘Death panels’ and the health insurance industry

Majority Of Americans Directly Oppose Obama Economic Policy

video:History Channel: Weather Warfare

Video - Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

Victims, Legal Experts Make Case for Life without Parole for Some Juvenile Offenders

House Democrats Seek Financial Records of Health Insurance Companies

Governments Urged to Improve Quality of U.N. Human Rights Council

Stimulus Money Spent on Questionable Airport Projects, IG Report Says

Which 'National Network of Community-Based Organizations' Will Health-Care Bill Fund to Monitor Your Diet and Weight?

Top Senate Republican Fears FCC's 'Diversity' Chief May Use 'Back Door' to Regulate Talk Radio

Conservatives Now Outnumber Liberals in All 50 States, Says Gallup Poll

Freshmen Democrats Torn Between Party and Voters on Health Care

Secretary of State Clinton Seeks to Reassure Latin America on U.S. Bases in Colombia

Obamacare Puts Families Making $192,920 on Welfare

The Pay Czar’s Power Grab

The Fannie Mae Health System

Remembering Bob Novak

Secular Saboteurs

Ayatollah sees global Islamic 'Mahdi' army

Air Force Establishes ‘Reduced’ Cyber-War Command | Danger Room | Wired.com

Cloning Neanderthals

Robots Trained To Fire On People | Product Design and Development

Invisible doorways or portals a step closer to reality, claim scientists - Telegraph

Scientists Control Living Cells With Light; Advances Could Enhance Stem Cells' Power

Palestinian prof: No Jewish ties to Western Wall

Communists cry to media: 'We are people, too'

Obama: Palestinian state now, Israel's security later

Iran still won't agree to talks with Obama


Nat Hentoff:I am finally scared of a White House administration

The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room » 60 Democrats: It’s public plan or nothing

Achievement gap among students stalled

Man sentenced for role in plot to kill Jews, attack military bases | samana, months, carney, sentenced, prison - News - OCRegister.com

2,000 Guns Confiscated Under Conn. Seizure Law - wcbstv.com

IBDeditorials.com:- The Saudi Arabia Of Shale


David Axelrod's ties targeted in health fight - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

Climate Bill ‘Out of Control,’ Former Senator Says - Yahoo! News

For the Left, war without Bush is not war at all | Washington Examiner

Evidence challenges claim over Obama's birth address

Obama's parents didn't live at newspaper birth address

Obama mama: 6 lost months

Debbie Schlussel: 9/11 Truthers Lament Bob Novak: First to Call Terrorist Attacks “an Inside Job”, Claimed Israel Behind Attacks

Debbie Schlussel:More on Bob Novak: Hardly Conservative; Plus, Bob Grant, the Idiot & Newsbusters Whitewash anti-Novak Stuff

Debbie Schlussel:Noted Anti-Semite Dead: Conservatives & Pat Buchanan Lament Friend of HAMAS, Robert Novak; Couldn’t Answer My Israel Questions

Debbie Schlussel:Blame it on Christmas: MSM, Detroit Free Press Lie About Shi’ite Muslim Murderer Ihab Maslamani; Falsely Claim He’s Christian

Debbie Schlussel:Hilarious “Racism” Charge of the Day: National Parks are Racist; Blacks Don’t Visit b/c Soil Reminds Them of Slavery?!

Debbie Schlussel:Woodstock: 40 Years Ago, An Orgy for the Quickening of America’s Fall

Debbie Schlussel:Who is Ihab Maslamani? Lebanese Muslim Alien Teen’s Michigan Crime Spree (Incl. Murder); Muslim Mich Official Tries to Cover Up His Negligence

Health care debate confirms this is not the Barack Obama we elected

Democrats Seem Set to Go It Alone on a Health Bill - NYTimes.com

Robert L. Borosage: Health Care: Let the Majority Be Heard

RealClearPolitics - The Ugly Truth of Obamacare

RealClearPolitics - Bob Novak, R.I.P.

RealClearPolitics - Understanding the Upcoming Deficit Numbers

RealClearWorld - Forging a New Agenda with China

Putin on a show - Top07 World - Macleans.ca

Remembering Robert Novak: Prince of Light - WSJ.com

Robert D. Novak: A Knack for Compelling Reporting and Provoking Critics. - washingtonpost.com

Another day, another position: Specter & cloture - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

CQ Politics | New Study Details Contacts Between Foreign Interests and Lawmakers

TheHill.com - PhRMA defends itself from Boehner criticism

Conservatives Take a Page From Left's Online Playbook - WSJ.com


RealClearPolitics - Dems' Ace in the Hole on Health Care: Tort Reform

Obama's Doomed Utopia - Forbes.com

The Weekly Standard:Robert Novak, 1931-2009

RealClearWorld - The Elusive Afghanistan Strategy

RealClearWorld - The Endgame in Iraq

Op-Ed Contributor - The Greenback Effect - NYTimes.com

RealClearMarkets - How Free Health Care Got So Expensive

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Oil can be a curse on poor nations

No Bull! Rally Hits the Wall - Barrons.com

One Stop, Many Problems

Fundmastery Blog » Blog Archive » Collateral Damage From Cash for Clunkers

What's Happening in the Housing Market? - The Atlantic Business Channel

What Drives Market Prices? The Valuation vs. Momentum Dichotomy | Value Expectations: Stock Research, Investment Newsletter, Global Equity Research

Some saw the housing bubble and sold; trick now is spotting the bottom -- latimes.com

'60 Minutes' Creator Don Hewitt Passes Away - wcbstv.com

Don Hewitt: 1922-2009 Photos - CBS News

TV News Giant Don Hewitt Dies At 86 - 60 Minutes - CBS News

60 Minutes Creator Don Hewitt Dies - 60 Minutes - CBS News

CBS News pioneer Don Hewitt dies at 86 - Yahoo! News

Energy workers rally against climate legislation | Chronicle | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

My Bad! Woman's House Mistakenly Auctioned by Bank | NBC Miami

Details of Clinton's visit to North Korea begin to emerge - San Jose Mercury News

Woman on fire at mall dies - Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Channel 7 News Fox WSVN-TV

Is she a he? Doubts raised over sex of women's 800m gold medal favourite hours before Berlin World Championship race | Mail Online

Source: Michael Jackson's Doctor to Be Charged With Manslaughter - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment - FOXNews.com

Obama Goes Postal, Lands in Dead-Letter Office: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg.com

Buffett Says Federal Debt Poses Risks to Economy - Bloomberg.com

NJ city considers adult curfew after crime spate - NewsFlash - NJ.com

Bachus discusses Social Security, health care | TuscaloosaNews.com | The Tuscaloosa News | Tuscaloosa, AL

Democratic investigators target health insurers - Carrie Budoff Brown and Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Beloved husband & dad is mourned, but it's not his body in the casket | Philadelphia Daily News | 08/19/2009

YouTube - Will there be enough Swine Flu vaccine?

Don't like Obamacare? Here's an alternative

Let employees stay home sick, U.S. tells businesses | U.S. | Reuters

House Democrats Investigating Health Insurer Pay and Profits - Bloomberg.com

Prairie Health Care Companion - Timothy Egan Blog - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: What killed Mozart? Study suggests strep infection

The Case for Death Panels | Newsweek Health | Newsweek.com

Popcorn Provides Antioxidants, Study Says - ABC News

Study Using Embryonic Stem Cells Is Delayed

Low-dose estrogen may help if breast cancer recurs | Health | Reuters

YouTube - If Britney were President

Glendale will bill Michael Jackson's family for public costs of burial | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times

The Associated Press: Britney Spears shows her new figure on Letterman

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Paris off the hook over film flop

Time Warner re-signs with Nielsen

The Associated Press: Next space shuttle launch set for next week

Sue Facebook for sharing your info? Seriously? - Technotica- msnbc.com

DailyTech - International Space Updates, August 2009

FCC reaches out to Twitterati • The Register

Scientists: It's Easy to 'Engineer Crime Scene' With Fabricated DNA - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

YouTube - Public now rejection public health care option

YouTube - Governor hosting North Koreans

Frank turns tables on health care critic - National Politics Blog - Political Intelligence - Boston.com

Whole Foods chief executive wades into US healthcare debate | World news | guardian.co.uk

North Korean Diplomats to Meet With Bill Richardson - washingtonpost.com

Papers: Alleged killer, slain husband had business tie - USATODAY.com

Obama Joker Artist Revealed - Hannity - FOXNews.com

Oklahoma abortion law overturned -- latimes.com

The Low-Key Appeal of Obama's Vacation Spot

YouTube - Lifting The Veil On Swiss Bank Secrecy - Bloomberg

YouTube - US Debt Poses Big Risks - Buffett - Bloomberg

YouTube - cash for clunkers

UBS to give up names of 4,450 U.S. clients to IRS - MarketWatch

Crude Oil Rises After Supplies Tumble Most in More Than a Year - Bloomberg.com

CNNMoney:Stocks fight to cut losses

Car Dealers Will Get Clunkers Money, LaHood Says - Bloomberg.com

YouTube - Wave of bombs rip through Baghdad

YouTube - Russia arrests suspected ship hijackers

YouTube - Former South Korean president Kim dies - 18 Aug 09

YouTube - American Held in Myanmar Heading Home to U.S.

YouTube - Hillary Clinton reaffirms US stance on Lockerbie bomber

Britney Spears gets to vote? Tales of fraud mar Afghan election. | csmonitor.com

Sweden Warns of Baltic Piracy Danger After Hijacking - Bloomberg.com

North Korea to send envoys to Kim funeral | csmonitor.com

BBC NEWS | Europe | Russia tackles Siberia oil slick

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Press considers US-Egypt summit

AFP: China failing on Myanmar, key US senator says

The Associated Press: Latin leftists fear a Honduras coup domino effect

Syria president in Tehran on official visit

The Associated Press: Pakistani Taliban's deputy head takes over group

Medvedev calls for tougher terrorism trials | International | Reuters

VOA News - First World Humanitarian Day Commemorated

Hillary Clinton in last-ditch intervention in Lockerbie case - Times Online

Saudi Arabia announces al Qaeda arrests - CNN.com

VOA News - Iranian Opposition Figure Ready to Present Evidence for Rape Claims

World Net Daily Player:'Hardest working guy in journalism'

Robert Novak: Innovator's life marked by passion :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Commentary

Robert D. Novak dies at 78 - Jonathan Martin and Mike Allen and Michael Calderone - POLITICO.com

World Net Daily Player:Americans sour on Obama stimulus

World Net Daily Player:Survey: Americans happy with GM, Ford

World Net Daily Player:Why you should make a living will

Fawning media: 'Obama now scared of own shadow'

Palestinian prof: No Jewish ties to Western Wall

White House Blames E-Mail Controversy on 'Sinister Conspiracy Theories' - Political News - FOXNews.com

Obama: Palestinian state now, Israel's security later

Government schools are killing America


Children got overheated on school bus, mother says | courier-journal.com | The Courier-Journal

Iran still won't agree to talks with Obama

Communists cry to media: 'We are people, too'

Legal victory after church kicked off campus

Massachusetts Man Arrested, Stabbed Pregnant Girlfriend After Abortion Refusal

War erupts over Glenn Beck TV show: Fans fight back

President Obama insult by Glenn Beck has advertisers boycotting show

Fox News on pace for best year ever

Felony Vandalism Charges Possible in Obama Joker Poster Case - Political News - FOXNews.com

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Howard Dean Says Senate Republicans Want Obama Dead

YouTube - Hundreds Show Up For Health Care Debate

Rep. Frank, Critics Face Off at Town Hall Event - Political News - FOXNews.com

Obama aims to fix intraparty rift - Washington Post- msnbc.com

White House: No Change In Position On Health Care

AARP loses members over health care stance - USATODAY.com

Father turned away from hospital with pregnant wife delivers baby on bathroom floor - and saves his daughter's life | Mail Online

Town halls burst with Obama 'plants'

'Family Guy' cast performs unseen abortion episode :: Entertainment :: Post-Tribune

Echoes of the singing cowboy | Charlottesville Daily Progress

Men who snore 'are twice as likely to die': But is noisy sleep a sign of poor health or the cause? | Mail Online

Former Armed Forces head wanted probe into UFO sighting, newly released files show - Telegraph

One giant step for jumbo: Amputee elephant Motola is fitted with state-of-the-art artificial leg | Mail Online

The weirdest animals on Planet Earth - Telegraph

Site:The Resonance Project

Site:Jordan Maxwell's Home Page

Tests Begin on Drugs That May Slow Aging - NYTimes.com

Dark energy may not actually exist, scientists claim - Telegraph

Fabricate Your Own DNA Evidence - Genetics - io9

Cockroaches future-proofed against climate change - life - 18 August 2009 - New Scientist

TheRecord.com - Meet the coywolf: Hybrid animals plaguing area east of Toronto

Cave complex may lie beneath Giza Pyramids - Discovery.com- msnbc.com

New insights into the 'smell of death' could help recover bodies in disasters and solve crimes

Site:Institute for Hermetic Studies


*American Minute for August 19th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Obama's MySpace page: I'm 52 years old, not 48

Mormon Church investigates baptism of Obama's mother - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Obama's parents didn't live at newspaper birth address


'1984': It's here

Videos, pins and 9/11 memories at WTC center

GM to boost output due to clunkers incentives

ARCHIVE;MARCH 16, 2008/'Deception': Christians war over worship day

Church rules no pants on Sunday - Fiji Times Online

The Associated Press: Agency says 29 species may need federal protection

New book reveals horror of Nazi camp brothels | Lifestyle | Reuters

Obama, Congress to decide when you die?

U.K. on Obamacare: Been there, done that

The Fannie Mae health system

Health-care reform begins with personal choices | tennessean.com | The Tennessean

Bear what price, or burden? - Washington Times

Bob Dylan v. Henry Louis Gates

Is racial profiling racist?

My response to NAACP

Why pro-aborts went silent on health care

The straight poop on Islam

What happened in Guadalajara

Truthdig - Reports - You Can’t Blame Obama for American Stubbornness

Forced vaccines: Ready for yours?

Counterterrorism in Obama's Washington :: Daniel Pipes


**Transcripts:Press Availability with Presidents Obama & Mubarak

Remarks to the Veterans of Foreign Wars

Fulfilling America's Responsibility to Those Who Serve

Roundtable on Obama and the Public Option

Interview with Senator Hutchisohn

Reporters Discuss Health Care Cooperatives

Interview with Secretary Sebelius

Senators Conrad and Shelby Debate Health Care

Guests: Secretary Sebelius and Sens. Specter & Hatch

Interview with Press Secretary Robert Gibbs

Shields and Brooks on Obama and Health Care


**World; Video/Wave of Bombings in Baghdad

Election Excitement Overshadows Taliban Threat

An Inside Look at Mubarak's Visit

Mubarak Visits Obama in Washington

Bomb Blast Rocks Russia's Ingushetia

Former South Korean President Dies

Foreign Aid Arrives in Taiwan

Bombings Threaten Afghan Election

Markets ;Video/Break Out or Break Down?

Housing Recovery Postponed?

China Stocks Plunge; U.S. to Follow?

Shiller: US Housing Market Could Be Facing Another Bubble

Lifting The Veil On Swiss Bank Secrecy

Art Cashin: We Could See 'Historic Trading' Soon

Economic Recovery Comes to Fork in The Road

Big Threat: Inflation vs. Deflation

Mixed Signals on U.S. Recovery

Is the Stock Market Forecasting a Stormy September?

All Eyes on the iWhatever

Wien & Doll on the Stock Market

3 Financials to Buy

Politics; Video/Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Compares Public Health Care To Post Office

Democrats Planning On Taking On Health Reform Alone

DeMint: Health Care Will Cost Dems In 2010

J.C. Watts On GOP's Role In Health Debate

Clinton: "Absolutely Wrong" To Release Lockerbie Bomber

RNC Chairman Steele On GOP & Health Care

Dem Rep.: "What Grassley Said The Other Day Was An Act Of Treason"

Rachel Maddow & Bill Maher Talk About Delusional Republicans

Breitbart On Lack Of Coverage About "Fishy" WH Email List

O'Reilly: "Obama Under Siege From Far-Left Radicals"

Barney Frank to FOX News Reporter: "I Don't Negotiate With People Who Don't Have Votes"

Rove On Advising Obama On Policy

Schultz: Liberals "Considering Dumping Support For Obama"

Rep. Bachmann On A "National Takeover Of Health Care"

AARP Health Care Debate Gets Rowdy In Florida

WH's Burton, FOX's Shep Smith Get Heated Over Health Care "Nuances"

Sebelius: WH Hasn't "Changed" Stance On Public Option

Gibbs: Public Option Is Still Obama's Priority

Howard Dean: GOP Wants To "Kill The President"

Rep. Frank Talks Down Constituents: "What's The Matter With You All?"

Remembering Robert Novak

Rep. Weiner: What Value Do Private Insurance Companies Provide?

Man w/Rifle at Obama Event Says He Was "Exercising Rights"

Kucinich on the Democrats' Public Option Split

DeMint: 'We've Got a Shot' To Stop Reform

Obama Thanks Egyptian President


Michael Savage 08/18/09 H1

Michael Savage 08/18/09 H2

Michael Savage 08/18/09 H3

08/18 The Mark Levin Show

08/17 The Mark Levin Show