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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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16 August 2009

Long Live the King/R.I.P. Elvis

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YouTube - Eva Golinger: US to attack Venezuela
YouTube - Glenn Beck: What the Media Refuses to Tell You About Rahm Emanuel
YouTube - Montréal - Mossad False Flag Connection pt.2/4
I Shouldn't Read the News. I Really Shouldn't. by Fred Reed
Obama's first act as President EXECUTIVE ORDER 13489 banning release of any of his records
Raw Story » Deal: United States soldiers will deploy to Colombia
Aerial Spraying Reduces West Nile Virus In Humans
Internal Memo Confirms Big Giveaways In White House Deal With Big Pharma
Storm Clouds Found on Saturn's Moon Titan
Mixed-Up Planet Orbits Backward
What You Need to Know Now
Captain Removed After Slamming Afghan War
Swine flu jab link to killer nerve disease: Leaked letter reveals concern of neurologists over 25 deaths in America | Mail Online
Global News Blog » Blog Archive » Who is funding the Afghan Taliban? You don’t want to know | Blogs |
"Dead Man Musings"Philosopher Kings 2: The Knights Templar's Revenge
Fear for Obama's Safety Grows as Hate Groups Thrive on Racial Backlash
Caucasus: The War That Was, The World War That Might Have Been
Missing ship Arctic Sea spotted in mid-Atlantic - Times Online
Ancient royal tomb found in Scotland - Home News, UK - The Independent
Why doctors are not as clever as they used to be | Mail Online
Dying Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi drops appeal against conviction | UK news | The Guardian
The Economy Is In Deep, Deep Trouble
EDITORIAL: Obamacare's backroom deal - Washington Times
John Mackey: The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare - WSJ.com
Scientist built a home made Magnetic Generator that produces 24 KW of free home electricity
video - Scientist built a home made Magnetic Generator that produces 24 KW of free home electricity
Barack Obama's stepmother: I owe my life to the NHS - Telegraph
The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room » How will House liberals react to no public plan?
Israpundit » Blog Archive » Obama Personally Hinted at “Death Panels” in New York Times Interview
citizen5408: In Obama's world, words have no meaning
What you can do for your country: How Health Care is Killing Us (Government Advocates Mediocrity in Land of Innovation)
Obama: A One-Term Blunder?
What you can do for your country: How Health Care is Killing Us (Government Advocates Mediocrity in Land of Innovation)
Recommended Reading: Much Of Afghan Drug Money Going To 'Our Friends' - The Two-Way - Breaking News, Analysis Blog : NPR
Uncensored Magazine | Helping Rich White People Kill Poor Brown People (For Money)
Are Politicians Being Blackmailed?
Sebelius: Public insurance option not essential - Yahoo! News
Health insurance co-ops have poor record
EclippTV :: Video :: Rep. John Carter: 'Our Own Congress is Trying to Silence Us'
Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Rand Paul: I’d give up my career for my country
Refreshing News: We have a 'right to starlight', astronomers say
Refreshing News: Wobbling earth triggers climate change
Refreshing News: Neptune to rise, set opposite Sun tomorrow
Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Nixon Ends Bretton Woods International Monetary System
Emptywheel » Woodstock: 40 Years Down The Road And A Nation Lost
American Thinker: Beware the Counterrevolution
The Palestine Chronicle: A Leading Online Newspaper on Palestine, Israel and the Middle East
Obama's America is not delivering the goods - Haaretz - Israel News
Obama Steps Up War Against America and We-the-People
American's Journey: Who Payed for Osama's Jacket? Pic and Video
Demolition Access To The WTC Towers: Part Two - Security Kevin Ryan 911 Essay - Part 2 13 August 2009 | 911Blogger.com
Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Activist Alan Keyes on Alex Jones Tv:Obama’s Chavez Like Socialism For America!!
Ancient royal tomb found in Scotland
Zombie Ants Controlled By Fungus
08-14-2009: Monsanto to Charge as Much as 42% More for New Seeds
Leaked Letter: Neurologists Concerned About Swine Flu Vaccine
Homeland Security Expands Biometric Security Program
Refusing vaccination may label you a criminal
The Pentagon Wants Authority to Post Almost 400,000 Military Personnel in U.S.
“Behaviour detection officers” to study travellers’ faces to determine if they are criminals or terrorists
What Actually Happened in Fatah's Elections?
'The burden of paying for health care has suddenly shifted from coming out of corporate profits to coming out of the tax payer's coffers ... invisibly and quietly the working people are being made to pay for what they WERE NOT PAYING FOR in terms of the present arrangement'
U.S. Rep: "Obama, Pelosi, Reid, may use a pandemic disease of natural disaster as an excuse to declare matial law"
John Conyers on Reading the Healthcare Bill
What’s Really in Obama’s Health Care Reform Bill – A Plain English Translation
Obama team mulls Bush quarantine regulations
Immigration -- Deception of Perception: Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN
No-warrant terrorism raids proposed
Barack Obama, Front Man for the ‘Man’: "For the Empire getting Obama elected was a Win-win Solution"
Video: Say No to the Swine Flu Vaccine
Global Depression and Regional Wars.
9/11 mind swell
Ex-ISI chief says purpose of new Afghan intelligence agency RAMA is ‘to destabilize Pakistan’
Operation Kickstart: Help H.R. 1207 move forward to audit the fed!
Video - Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order
Oman takes lead as e-Purse marks new era of cashless society
Speaking in Mexico, Obama Calls American Opponents of Immigration Amnesty ‘Demagogues’
Tax Credits for ‘Green Energy Technology’ Include Solar Power and Electric Cars
Obama in 2003: ‘I Happen to be a Proponent of a Single-Payer Universal Health Care Plan;' Obama in 2009: ‘I Have Not Said That I Was a Single-Payer Supporter’
States Exchanging Their Statues in U.S. Capitol for New Models
The Etiquette Czar's Rules for Patriotic Protest
Unwinnable War?
Think Progress » Corzine on Christie: He’s ‘a lawbreaker’ who ‘gets the reputation of being the king of law enforcement.’
Past Global Analysis - J. R. Nyquist "Secret Takeovers" 08/14/2009
Euro Pacific Capital:Less Government or Lower Wages? You Decide.
54% Say Passing No Healthcare Reform Better Than Passing Congressional Plan - Rasmussen Reports™
College Student Challenges Obama to Oxford-Style Debate - Political Punch
Slumlords get share of $81M stimulus, despite code violations on buildings
Liberal bloggers hope for action from Obama - Washington Times
Explosion Near NATO's Afghan Headquarters Kills 7, Wounds 91 - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com
Idiot Compassion for the Lockerbie Bomber
Rasmussen: New Strongly Disapprove high for Obama
With whom is Israel supposed to cut a two state deal?
White House says no increase in threats as a result of town hall protests
Welcome to the 'Help Not Wanted' economy
Those 'other refugees' in Arab-Muslim lands
Is Obama Pulling Our Leg (Off)?
Woodstock: Was it something, or was it nothing?
Obama's punctured gravitas
Manufactured Healthcare Crisis
Obama, Ayers and the Knowledge 'Too Big' To Handle
Beware the Counterrevolution
Lies, lies and more lies
The Hijra
Elite Meltdown
Islam and Monoculture
Catholic Church and Health Care Reform
'Death panel' is not in the bill... it already exists
A Fundamental Disconnect
Healthcare and the Resourceful Poor
Extort thy neighbor, or how to ruin a nation
All the President's Bigoted Men
Some things don't change
Norton Mezvinsky's Lamentable Legacy -- and His Future
You Might Be a Birther if...
Why Social Security Will Go Bankrupt Sooner Than People Think
PBS Newshour: Dick Armey vs Richard Kirsch on Health Care Reform
In Honor of Netroots Nation, Washington Journal Features Susie Madrak
Sean Hannity and His Panel Carry Water for the Insurance Companies
Bill Moyers Journal: The Media's Distortion of the Health Care Reform Narrative
Madrak Challenges Sestak on Netroots "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow" Syndrome
Countdown: Fox Suffers From Beck Backlash
Anderson Cooper is Shocked That the Insurance Industry is Feeding Right Wing Radio Hosts Talking Points
Beck has a happy fearmongering session on 'death panels' with Rand Paul
Right-Wing Rage the Latest Outbreak of a Preexisting Condition
David Vitter hopes stirring up teabaggers with extremist rhetoric will make everyone forget those diapers
Paul Krugman: These People are Unappeasable
Lawrence O'Donnell to John Culberson: You Lie to America About the Evils of Government Health Care
Real Time's Real Reporter Dana Gould: Town Hall Protesters vs Remote Area Medical Patients
John Edwards To Admit He Is The Baby Daddy
There's a reason the Obama-hating crazies are coming out of the woodwork
The Daily Show: If Only The Glenn Beck Of Sixteen Months Ago Had The Health Care The Glenn Beck Of Today Raves About
Congresswoman Jackson Lee Apologizes Over Cell Phone Call During Town Hall
Darth Cheney Uncloaks His Disdain For GWB
Sebelius Says Government Insurance Plan Not Essential - Bloomberg.com
White House appears ready to drop 'public option' - Yahoo! News
Ahmadinejad plans female ministers in Iran cabinet | Reuters
Obama invokes grandmother's death in health debate
Browns' Tweet nothings for NHS | Mail Online
UBS Client to Admit Failure to Report Swiss Account to IRS - Bloomberg.com
Gulf Arab money 'behind purchases of Israeli land'
Russian punk rockers rage against the Putin machine
City Government Closed For Business On Monday
Emanuel Wields Power Freely, and Faces the Risks
What is a death panel, anyway?
Yes We Can or No We Can't?
A Declaration of Independence and Constitution Class Made Easy
My Question About Health Care
Chimerica’ is Headed for Divorce
Hillary Clinton’s Folksy Diplomacy - NYTimes.com
The hawkish case for nuclear disarmament -- latimes.com
Robert Fulford: When criticizing Israel becomes ritual - Full Comment
RealClearWorld - Social Democracy Lives in Latin America
The NHS cannot be immune from criticism - Telegraph
Asia Chronicle - Japan-North Korea Relations: A Dangerous Stalemate
Op-Ed Contributor - Why We Need Health Care Reform - NYTimes.com
RealClearPolitics - What's Scary About Health Care Reform?
Beware the rise of the angry white man, Mr President | Michael Crowley | Comment is free | The Observer
Sunday Forum: Tough realities
George Jonas: Beware the eggheads, not the skinheads - Full Comment
Obama Needs to Reframe the Health-Care Debate | Newsweek Voices - Jonathan Alter | Newsweek.com
It's time to drag the Fed out from the shadows and open its books to auditors. | Philadelphia Inquirer | 08/16/2009
RealClearPolitics - Raising the Stakes on Online Player
Health care frayed - BostonHerald.com
Breathing More Easily - washingtonpost.com
Latin American geopolitics: The dragon in the backyard | The Economist
RealClearPolitics - US News - Aug 16, 2009 - Gun law complaints trail Obama during park tours
Raising the debt limit could be tricky - Victoria McGrane - POLITICO.com
Traders Gearing Up For Market Sell-Off - Market Insider with Patti Domm - CNBC.com
Lack of Inflation Means No Rise in Social Security Benefits - FOXBusiness.com
Want a US green card? Bring cash. | csmonitor.com
US Builds Crime Cases on Clients of UBS - Companies * US * News * Story - CNBC.com
World Net Daily Player:Ex-New York official: Medicare cuts would hurt patients
World Net Daily Player :Sen. Vitter: Energy tax would push jobs offshore
World Net Daily Player:Islam expert warns of rising incidents of 'honor killing'
Obama seeks to track visits to .gov websites
Bold, conservative Bachmann hints at 'Mrs. President' future
Swine flu vaccine linked to deadly nerve disease?
Specter: Town Hall Meetings Are ‘Not Really Representative Of America’ - George's Bottom Line
Herald & Review Archives | News: Durbin defends not holding town hall meetings on health care, saying they're not serving purpose
Armey leaves firm amid health care flap - David Mark - POLITICO.com
'Obamacare:' What does the Constitution have to say?
Euthanasia advocates authored part of Obamacare
Obama's Push for Health Care Reform May Use Up His Political Capital - Political News - FOXNews.com
The Canadian Press: Overhauling health-care system tops agenda at annual meeting of Canada's doctors
Arabs pressure Obama to endorse strike on Iran
Presidential victor cracks down on press freedom
Yemen's last Jews set to flee for US, Israel | Jewish News | Jerusalem Post
Obama's environmental czar started group targeting Beck
ew FCC official: 'Fairness Doctrine never repealed'
British sniper tells of the moment he shot a Taliban commander... from TWO KILOMETRES away | Mail Online
NY Church Bars Flags on Vets' Coffins
Is Pope Benedict the next 'saint machine?' - Faith & Reason
Police: Clarkston teacher sent sexual photos to student | detnews.com | The Detroit News
The big list: Female teachers with students
India’s vanishing groundwater | csmonitor.com
Town halls burst with Obama 'plants'
The story of backlash to Congress
American Minute
*American Minute for August 16th:William J Federer's American Minute*

**Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?
No time for Constitution
Why eligibility story is still alive
Federal judge calls soldier's Obama challenge 'frivolous'
Clinton uses her own, Obama's celebrity in Africa | Reuters
Gibbs stumbles explaining Obama's birthplace
*Politics;Video/Paul Begala: Sarah Palin Is An "Intellectual Lightweight"
Obama Weekly Address: Real Conversations about Health Insurance Reform
Guest Tells Lawrence O'Donnell MSNBC Is In The "Tank" For Obama
Sen. Hatch Gives GOP Response On Health Care Reform
Greta To Sheila Jackson-Lee: "You're Not Listening Again"
Grandchildren Remember Eunice Kennedy
Pelosi In 2006: "I'm A Fan Of Disruptors"
Obama: People Are "Held Hostage" By Insurance Companies
Flashback: Edwards Denies He Fathered Baby With Mistress
11-Year-Old Interviews Obama On Education
Obama Gaffe: "We Were Losing About 700 Jobs Each Month"
Congressman To Constituents: I Have Facts, You Have Glenn Beck
Obama: "The AARP Supports This Policy"
Obama Asked "Why Are You Vilifying Health Insurance Companies?" At Town Hall
Ronald Reagan Speaks Against Socialized Medicine
Obama: Those Against "Pathway For Legalization" Are "Demagogues"
Watch Live: Obama's Health Care Town Hall In Montana
White House Refuses To Answer Questions About Unsolicited Emails
Sen. Vitter: Climate Change Is "Ridiculous Pseudo-Science Garbage"
ABC: Fear for Obama's Safety Grows as Hate Groups Thrive
Gingrich, Sharpton Announce Education Tour
Clinton Tells Heckler He "Ought" To Go To "Town Hall Meetings"
Hannity Holds Balanced Obama Focus Group
Update: FOX's Garrett Gives WH's Gibbs Fishy Emails
*Transcripts :Shields and Brooks on Obama and Health Care
Address to Liberian National Legislature