"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
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the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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08 August 2009

8 Aug 09

Aug 8 09


(promo)Tapped the Movie - official site |

Karzai family's wealth 'fuelling insurgency' - Telegraph

Behind The Clinton 'Rescue' In North Korea

The Health Care Debate Has Only Just Begun | CommonDreams.org

Bottled Water Sucks

Op-Ed Columnist - The Town Hall Mob - NYTimes.com

Council for Secular Humanism:A French Revelation, or The Burning Bush

Video: Aesop's Fable - or fact? Meet the world's cleverest bird - Times Online

The BRAD BLOG : EXCLUSIVE: FBI Attempts to Block Edmonds Testimony in OH Election Case; Attorneys Say Effort Insufficient to Stop Her

'Cloud ship' scheme to deflect the sun's rays is favourite to cut global warming - Telegraph

Entering the Greatest Depression in History

Bill would force Obama to reveal birth documents

California judge rules Sprint's early termination fees illegal | Wireless - CNET News

The Health Insurers Have Already Won - BusinessWeek

The Expiring Economy

Old Banks, New Lending Tricks - BusinessWeek

Massive beef recall linked to antibiotic-resistant salmonella outbreak

Argentina - School Teachers See, Photograph UFO - Pic

Will Venezuela Destabilization Follow The Honduran Coup?

Black crimes are foundation of whites’ fears- The New Haven Register - Serving Greater New Haven, CT

Cash for Clunkers extension signed into law

Anti-Zionists: The New Heretics

Anti-Zionists: The New Heretics

Larry Sinclair On Things Obama: Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder? Breaks Top 10 in Amazon Category

FT.com / UK - No friends, only partners in pipeline realpolitik

* News * Technology * Hacking Google the latest victim of malicious online attacks

Barack Obama faces revolt over health care overhaul - Telegraph

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - US shifts focus of anti-terror strategy

US may join international war crimes court, Hillary Clinton hints | World news | The Guardian

YouTube - John Bolton: Israel will attack Iran by end of 2009

Iraqis speak of random killings committed by private Blackwater guards - Times Online

YouTube - BBC now admits al qaeda never existed

UFO makes surprise fly-by cameo appearance in live news bulletin | Mail Online

NASA - Kepler Mission Detects Exoplanet Atmosphere

Obama seeks to institutionalize indefinite detention

BBC NEWS | Health | Are we losing the war on bugs?

Johann Hari: The hidden truth behind drug company profits - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

New insights into health and environmental effects of carbon nanoparticles

The Left Is Demonizing Freedom Of Speech

The Weight of Tradition: Why Judaism is Not Like Other Religions

Prion diseases found in affected sheep's milk 20 months before animals develop symptoms

HPA - Variant CJD and blood

Thousands of students in Britain through suspect colleges - Telegraph

Ian Tomlinson's family accuse police of cover-up over his death | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Beetroot juice 'increases stamina' - Telegraph

Murdoch aims to tear up the online rule book - Telegraph

Cloud ships on course to beat climate change, says Copenhagen study - Times Online

Quick climate changes fixes come with huge dangers, warn scientists - Times Online

Anti-Semitic mudslinging of the worst kind - Telegraph

*YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

EclippTV :: Video :: Silence is betrayal (MLK anti-war speech)

YouTube - nle 09 evidence of economic collapse martial law preparations

A convergence of investigations: AIPAC and ATC (Wayne Madsen) - Democratic Underground

Another Hurdle for the Jobless - Credit Inquiries - NYTimes.com

World Of Technology: High-resolution images of dying giant star captured

Geithner asks Congress to raise debt limit

Congressman wants government GPS in cars

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Peter Schiff - MSNBC about US Economy 08/06/2009

The world needs a breather from the US. And they'll get it sooner than many think : Information Clearing House - ICH

Balkans: Human organ trafficking investigator shunned - Adnkronos Politics

White House Deal With Drug Industry Sparks Democratic Revolt - Kaiser Health News

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » White House Warns Critics: Nazi Talk Puts You On “Thin Ice”

*The Great American Bubble Machine : Rolling Stone

The secret of how our brains switch on an itch

Surface of Saturn moon Titan 'closely resembles' Earth with an assortment of mountains, lakes and volcanoes | Mail Online

Police told to ignore human rights ruling over DNA database | Politics | The Guardian

Judge throws out Kenyan birth certificate filed by leading birther, Orly Taitz

**Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Start Of The Second American Revolution?

Why Do You Submit to the People Who Rule You? « LewRockwell.com Blog

*Site - Health Care for America NOW!

Coming up next: genuine astroturfers | The Real Revo

It’s a tinderbox… and now a spark | The Real Revo

Obama birth doc update: Kenya sources weigh in

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama Continues To Pay BLACKWATER Millions To Be In Iraq

Ron Paul: Obama 'deserves an F' - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

At Least 46 Killed in String of anti-Shi’ite Bombings in Iraq -- News from Antiwar.com

Popular Insect Repellent Deet Is Neurotoxic

Truthdig - Reports - The Me-First, Screw-Everyone-Else Crowd


08-07-2009: Ridley Scott To Take On Huxley's Brave New World

08-07-2009: Experts dig up dirt on David and Goliath

08-07-2009: Infectious diseases spreading faster than ever says U.N.

08-07-2009: Ex-employees claim Blackwater pimped out young Iraqi girls

08-07-2009: RFID Vehicle Access Control System with High Identification Rate

08-07-2009: EU Hands Over Water to Corporations

08-06-2009: AP Propaganda - 3 Flu Shots Needed This Fall

Updated Federal Guidelines for 2009 H1N1 Influenza in Schools Offer Many Options

Secret deal to keep Karzai in power


Obama Connected Group Calls for Brownshirt Tactics Against Healthcare Opponents

Cloud ships on course to beat climate change, says Copenhagen study

Top Obama Adviser Urged a ‘World of Zero Net Physical Growth’ in 1995 World Bank Publication

Microorganisms can predict changes in their environments—upending age-old biological tenets and giving new insight into non-neural genius.

Congress eyes biometric authentication for job eligibility

VIDEO: Obamacare, Jay Rockefeller, and the Nancy Pelosi Lovefest

video: Partners In Crime

Vaccination Myths and Truths

White House accused of compiling "enemies list"

Nazi-Style Denunciation Campaign Urges Americans To Report Each Other

Max Keiser on Alex Jones Tv: The Fed's Dirty Little Secret is Out

Camouflaged Green -- Eugenics Smokescreen: Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Fiat Money Created Out of Thin Air: The Bank Bailouts are Unconstitutional

VIDEO: Murder, Inc?

North Korea and Iran: So what does the West want?

The Banks Own the Fed, and the Central Banks Own BIS

Turning the US army against Americans

Clinton in Africa: Promoting US corporate interests

Chavez: Venezuela to buy more tanks over US threat

Paulson reveals US concerns of breakdown in law and order

The Start Of The Second American Revolution?

video :Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

Obama Considers “Military-civilian” Prison System for Suspected Terrorists

Oman takes lead as e-Purse marks new era of cashless society

Web Squared: When Web 2.0 Meets Internet of Things

Pelosi 'Confident' She Has Votes for Health Care Reform, but Dozens of House Dems Still May Need Convincing

White House Evades Questions on Obama’s Past Support for Single-Payer Health Care

Nine Republicans Vote to Confirm Sotomayor Despite Philosophical Differences With Her

A GOP That Can Say No

Who’s Behind the Internet Snitch Brigade?

Addressing Global Warming: Storms

Clinton to Pyongyang: After Action Assessment

Clinton to Pyongyang: Criteria for Success

Addressing Global Warming: Water

Refusing vaccination labels you a “criminal”, so says WHO | Farm Wars

Senate Slavery Apology

Health Care: An Anarchist Approach

Congressman Ron Paul - Healthcare Plan Based on Economic Fantasy - Texas Straight Talk

The Market Doesn’t Ration Health Care | Foundation for Economic Education

Could recession end cannabis ban? - science-in-society - 07 August 2009 - New Scientist

Universal Health Care: A Near Death Experience for Innovation

Be Careful What You Call 'The Word of God'

The Difference Between Alex Jones and Alex Knight

Time for Government to Finally Ban Itself

A New Strategy For Liberty - Part 1: An Open Letter To Ron Paul Supporters

A New Strategy For Liberty - Part 2: Secession in Three Easy Steps

**Ten Questions For Everyone Who Supported Obama

Law and Ethics: Unrelated

Grand Theft America: "All Your Wealth Are Belong to Us"*

Crop Seeding in America

*Site : Freedomain Radio*(free e books)

If Americans Do Not Return to Work, There Is No Recovery by Bill Jenkins

Personal Choices Under Corporate-State Rule by Jeff Knaebel

The Plague of Punitive Populism by William Norman Grigg

The Folly and Wickedness of War by Laurence M. Vance

'Experts' Never Learn by Peter Schiff

Entering the Greatest Depression in History by Andrew Gavin Marshall

Medicares Hospital Program Went Broke in 2008. Nobody Noticed.

Come together; Right and left set aside differences to support auditing the Federal Reserve System

Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin - TIME

*National Guard asked to explain 'internment' jobs

**Advertisement:Corrections Officer – Internment/Resettlement Specialist Job in Multiple locations**

Obama: A Modern Day Roman Plebeian Tyrant

Obama says US economy saved from 'catastrophe'

AP Enterprise: Airspeed systems failed on US jets | Top AP Stories | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Experts: Women are drinking more, DUIs are up - washingtonpost.com

Kaine frees three of 'Norfolk Four' sailors - Washington Times

Man Offers 40 Goats, 20 Cows for Chelsea Clinton's Hand in Marriage - Political News - FOXNews.com


Obama and Public Debate

Nancy's Nazis

The Twelve Steps of Obama Anonymous


Other People's Money

Ice choking the Northwest Passage

NYT Outs Obama's Backwards Afghan Strategy

Will Obama Condemn Racist Union Thugs?

Asking Obamabots to inform on their neighbors may be illegal

Email fraudsters: takes one to know one

Liberals trot out the racism card to explain opposition to health care

'I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking...' - President Obama

Democrats unhinged

Barack Obama - the early years

YouTube - Becoming Barack: Evolution of a Leader (Trailer)

The Decline in July Unemployment Really Means An Increase

Two Hundred Days of Hope and Change

The Real Climate Agenda

Why Jewish Grandmothers Should Oppose Obama Care

UFO invades BBC breakfast

Bird experiment shows Aesop's fable may be true - Yahoo! News

Robot Chefs Run a Restaurant | LiveScience

Alien sightings reported in North Port - NBC-2.com WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, Florida

Here comes the bride... and her 1.4 mile-long wedding dress as Chinese newlywed makes record bid | Mail Online

Site :AlienUFOart.com

'Brown Shirts'? Town Hall teabaggers' ranks are indeed riddled with right-wing extremists

GOP Astrobirthers Threaten SEIU With Armed Attacks At Town Hall Meetings

Sarah Palin says Obama's health care will kill her Down Syndrome baby

Media Matters: Does Fox News' Brian Kilmeade Think Town Hall Protesters Should Be Tased Like Code Pink?

Frank Luntz Says Using 'Poll-Driven Language' is Wrong - When Democrats Do It, Of Course

Rush Limbaugh has his fascism all backwards: Mussolini sent out blackshirts to attack unions

Glenn Beck's Racist Rants Drive Advertisers To Other Fox News Shows

What does Hillary think of John Bolton?

Cornyn Promises National Effort to Defeat Harry Reid. Can't We Find A Majority Leader from A Blue State?

Glenn Beck jokes about putting poison in Nancy Pelosi's wine

Jonathan Alter and Bob Shrum finds co-ops acceptable and don't think liberals should go public option or bust.

Tweety Sinks His Teeth Into Astroturf Group's VP, Corners Him on Health-Care Reform

Are Republicans and their thugs killing off the Town Hall as a democratic forum?

We Already Know We Can Win Elections. Now How Do We Keep The Democrats' Attention After They Win?

Rick Sanchez Takes on Conservatives for Patients' Rights Founder Rick Scott

Rush Limbaugh sez: Democratic Party uses Adolf Hitler's playbook, are exactly like the Nazis

Glenn Beck Says Jump, They Say 'How High?' Angry Mob at Tampa Healthcare Forum as Wingnuts Go Wild

Let's Make A Deal! White House Has Egg on Face After Admitting They Capped Drug Company Reform Costs

Officer Justin "Jungle Monkey" Barrett Is Now Playing The Victim

Grover Norquist Distributes Lies - Uh, Helpful Talking Points on Health-Care Reform

Bill O'Reilly: Thinking that Sarah Palin is dumb is strictly the purview of 'the left'

ABC's John Stossel: Requiring Insurance Companies To Drop Pre-Existing Condition Practices is "Welfare"

Sotomayor sworn as first Hispanic on Supreme Court - washingtonpost.com

Helicopter and Small Plane Collide Over Hudson River - NYTimes.com

GOP’s Martinez says he’ll leave Senate early - The Boston Globe

Palin brands Obama’s health plan ‘evil’ - White House- msnbc.com

Obama's health care plan helped by drug industry - Forbes.com

Eunice Kennedy Shriver remains at Mass. hospital | National news | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

THE INFLUENCE GAME: Chamber at odds with Obama - washingtonpost.com

TRAIL BLAZERS Blog | The Dallas Morning News

White House Move to Collect 'Fishy' Info May Be Illegal, Critics Say - Political News - FOXNews.com

Why is Los Angeles Losing Its Police Commissioner? - TIME

Jenny Sanford Leaves Governor's Mansion

Obama Uses Job Surge to Push for Health Care | NBC Bay Area

Daily Dose - ADL Condemns Nazi Slurs in Health-Care Debate

Pitchman Billy Mays' wife lashes out at autopsy report that said he used coke

Obama Gets Some Good News on Economy, Terror Fight - washingtonpost.com

The 'Obama doctrine' on national security begins to emerge | csmonitor.com

Ethics Committee Clears Dodd, Conrad - washingtonpost.com

YouTube - Sonia Sotomayor sworn in

YouTube - Cash For Clunkers - The Sequel - Bloomberg

YouTube - Obama Comments on Jobs Report - Bloomberg

YouTube - Autopsy: Cocaine Contributed to Mays' Death

John Hughes' Heart Attack May Have Had No Warning - ABC News

Paula Abul Is Out, Posh Spice Is In -- Who's Next for 'American Idol'? - ABC News

Aerosmith lead singer Steven Tyler's old bones snap, tour in limbo VIDEO - Monsters and Critics

YouTube - Aerosmith Guitarist: Tyler Broke Shoulder

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Jackson goods given green light

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Douglas son to face drugs trial

Producers attack NBC: 'They should take down the American flag and put up a white one' | EW.com

Accused Spies Offer Apologies at Iran Trial - NYTimes.com

YouTube - British Embassy worker goes on trial in Iran

Indonesia’s most wanted terrorist reportedly killed | csmonitor.com

Pakistan Taliban leader wounded or killed during firing: TV_English_Xinhua

Medvedev Says Georgian Army Buildup Causes ‘Concern’ - Bloomberg.com

YouTube - Pakistan Taliban Leader Dead

YouTube - Indonesian raid 'killed' Asia's most wanted man - 08 Aug 09

YouTube - Secretary Clinton In Africa - Bloomberg

The week when it all came together for the Clinton two-for-one package | World news | The Guardian

YouTube - Successful Clintons' Trip - Bloomberg

YouTube - John Bolton: Israel will attack Iran by end of 2009

Britain’s Great Train Robber Freed - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Ronnie Biggs turns 80

Attacks on Shiites Kill Scores in Iraq - NYTimes.com

Top Somali Islamist leader lashes U.S. policy_English_Xinhua

NATO seeks more troops for Afghanistan | Reuters

YouTube - Why they dropped the bomb

Afghan Challenger Blasts Government Security - ABC News

Sydney woman comes forward over Maddie suspect

Schiff Money Bomb Results Impressive

Fractional Reserve Banking in Pictures (PART 1/2)

American Health Care and the Intrusion of Insurance.

Iran charges dozens with helping Western plot | Reuters

Twitter Down: It's an Online Attack on One Political Blogger

Breitbart.tv » Obama: ‘Don’t Want the Folks Who Created the Mess to Do a Lot of Talking’

My Way News - Palin says Obama's health care plan is 'evil'

A fifth of European Union will be Muslim by 2005 - Telegraph

Pentagon Takes Aim at Jets for Congressional Travel - WSJ.com

Health Care Town Halls Turn Violent in Tampa and St. Louis - Political News - FOXNews.com

White House to Democrats: 'Punch back twice as hard' - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

Las Vegas Boy Dies After Getting Stranded in Death Valley - Las Vegas Now |

Birthplace of Roman emperor found in Italy - KTVZ.com Central Oregons News, Weather and Sports Leader -

Michael Jackson's brain returned to family - Telegraph

Lovelorn Cypriots ravage historic tomb of saint - Europe, World - The Independent

20 pages of products from U.S. workers

Google (GOOG): The World Most Valuable Brand At $100 Billion – 24/7 Wall Street

Pittsburg “Massacre Plot” Cover-up Crashes US Websites

Obama's health care plan helped by drug industry - Yahoo! News

Suspicious North Korean ship detained off Andamans - India - NEWS - The Times of India

U.S. Sentences Three for Military Tech Leaks to China - PC World

Just Throw Grandma From the Train

Real Time New Rules Aug. 7, 2009- Dumb and Dumber Edition

'Brown Shirts'? Town Hall teabaggers' ranks are indeed riddled with right-wing extremists

GOP Astrobirthers Threaten SEIU With Armed Attacks At Town Hall Meetings


Tons of Imperial Fun: Hellfire Hillary Pours Oil on Somalia's

Having Children Brings High Carbon Impact - Green Inc. Blog - NYTimes.com

Charlotte Iserbyt -- Obama's Health Care Plan

Organic producers suffer as green fingered customers go it alone | Money | guardian.co.uk

A new superbug found in Britain is major concern: Government scientists - Telegraph

Why ARE so many planes falling out of the sky? A spate of disastrous crashes reveals one terrifying common flaw... | Mail Online

Vladimir Putin determined to kill me, says Georgian President - Times Online

The government is after me … and you

Fundamental question: Who's the boss here?

The Democrats' 'control gene'

American Thinker: The Cloward/Piven Strategy of Economic Recovery

Yes, but they're 'our cheaters'

The press in defense of liberty

The Savage silence of the lambs

The Savage silence of the lambs, Part 2

Separation of health and state

If you have faith, use it

The Poop on Population -- In These Times

True conviction: The key to victory in 2010?

Woman, 32, found guilty of raping woman - The Local

Rahm Emanuel warns liberal groups to stop ads - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

2 teachers charged with having sex with students - UPDATE - The News Herald

*The big list: Female teachers with students

Much-hyped Big Bang machine set to fire up at half power

Watergate Tape: Nixon's Lost Minutes May Be Recovered

Michael Savage’s Favorite New Yorker Profiles: News Desk : The New Yorker

Savage Podcast with Kelefa Sanneh : The New Yorker

Michael Savage talks about his radio show : The New Yorker

World Net Daily Player:Americans for Prosperity: People are upset

Democrats: 'Angry mobs' out to 'destroy Obama'

World Net Daily Player:Ex-Reagan official: Congress should expect criticism

World Net Daily Player:Senate candidate talks about Martinez resignation

World Net Daily Player :Unemployment decline 'a little bit misleading'

World Net Daily Player:Tax analyst: Would mileage fees be added to fuel taxes?

National Guard asked to explain 'internment' jobs

Home front getting ugly for recessed Congress

Another Dem overrun by protesters at town hall - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Dissing constituents called strategic plan

Peter Schiff to take on Chris Dodd?

'Peace partner' declares every Israeli a military target

Israeli News Site Publishes Praise by Mass Murderer's Sister - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

Second Temple model erected opposite Temple Mount - Israel Travel, Ynetnews

Report: U.S. estimates Iran unable to produce nuke before 2013 - Haaretz - Israel News

Glenn Beck's 'poison' joke gets harsh rebuke - John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com

Swine flu hotline run by 16-year-olds: NHS pays GCSE pupils to give advice and hand out drugs

EXCLUSIVE: WH sought to weaken law on whistleblowing - Washington Times

Video has rare Obama footage :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Lynn Sweet

Why Stocks Are Way Too Pricey at SmartMoney.com

In Jobless Rate Dip, a Partial Picture - washingtonpost.com

IBDeditorials.com: Health Care Industry Shouldn't Be Taken Without Due Process And Compensation

Martin Feldstein: How to Save an ‘Underwater’ Mortgage - WSJ.com

Ashraf Ghani: Afghanistan Needs a New President - WSJ.com

RealClearWorld - U.S. Must Save Ukraine from Russia

Op-Ed Contributor - Land of the Rising Yen - NYTimes.com

FT.com / Comment / Editorial - Putin has misread his Georgian lesson

Asymmetric Warfare -Times Online

Time Running Out for Health Care;Why Dems Should Fight Right-Wing Mob Tactics | Newsweek Voices - Eleanor Clift | Newsweek.com

RealClearPolitics - Beware of Bureaucrats' Prescriptions

Crunch Time for Obama - FOXNews.com

Opinion | America is ripe for health-care reform | Seattle Times Newspaper

The Artist Formerly Known as Dissident: Artists have a duty to dissent—even against Obama - Reason Magazine

Mr. President, Americans are not an 'angry mob' | Washington Examiner

War of words: Call it what you will, America’s struggle against terrorism must continue

End the war on medical marijuana | beach, marijuana, law, california, patients - Opinion - OCRegister.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Aug 08, 2009 - THE INFLUENCE GAME: Chamber at odds with Obama

Geithner Asks Congress to Increase Federal Debt Limit - WSJ.com

CQ Politics | Lobbyists Turn Up Heat on Climate Change

RealClearPolitics - Government Medicine Should Horrify Americans

RealClearPolitics - Obama Cuts Deal With Drug Lobby, Dents Halo

Dream of D.C. bipartisanship shrivels - The Boston Globe

Commentary: Both parties wrong on spending - CNN.com

Pittsburg “Massacre Plot” Cover-up Crashes US Websites

Obama's health care plan helped by drug industry - Yahoo! News

Suspicious North Korean ship detained off Andamans - India - NEWS - The Times of India

U.S. Sentences Three for Military Tech Leaks to China - PC World

Just Throw Grandma From the Train

Real Time New Rules Aug. 7, 2009- Dumb and Dumber Edition

Bill Maher: New Rule: Smart President ≠ Smart Country

Hugh Hewitt : They Think You Are Stupid: Why Resistance To Obamacare Is Growing Despite Intimidation and Slander - Townhall.com


**Memo to CNN President Jon Klein

Bill would force Obama to reveal birth documents

The conspiracy theory about President Obama that refuses to die

Blogger: I created Kenya document

Farah's birthday challenge: A $10,000 gift to hospital

Questions about Obama birthplace won't die - Taiwan News Online

Why eligibility story is still alive

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

** Artice Links : Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


*Transcripts :Obama's Remarks on the Unemployment Rate

Shields & Brooks on Bill Clinton in North Korea

Obama's Remarks on Sotomayor's Confirmation

Panel Discusses Sotomayor's Confirmation

Interview with Sen. Robert Menendez

Analysts Discuss the Cash-For-Clunkers Program

Interview with Rep. Lloyd Doggett

Interview with RNC Chairman Michael Steele

Interview with Senator Charles Grassley

Secretary Clinton's Speech in Kenya

Panel on Bill Clinton's North Korea Trip

The Recovery Act is Working

Interviews with Specter, Sestak, and Toomey

Analysts Discuss Bill Clinton's Trip to North Korea

Obama's Remarks on the New GI Bill

Sen. Corker and Rep. Doggett on Townhall Protestors

Interview with Secretary LaHood

Remarks with the Jordanian Foreign Minister

Larry Summers on "Meet the Press"

Guests: Sen. DeMint; Reps. Rangel & Pence

Larry Summers on "Face the Nation"


American Minute for August 8th:William J Federer's American Minute


*Politics ;Video/Obama Weekly Address: Necessary Reform, Absurd Attacks

Judge Sonia Sotomayor Sworn In As Supreme Court Justice

"Times Are Tough": GOP Response On Cap And Trade

Hillary Clinton Boogies Down In Africa

Raw: Man Roughed Up At Rep. Castor's Town Hall

St. Louis Town Hall Turns Into Political Shouting Match

SEIU Arrests Caught On Tape At Carnahan Town Hall Event

Democrat Yells At Constituent Over Health Care Question

Sen. Martinez Announces Resignation From Senate

Obama: The Economy Has Been "Rescued"

Mark Levin On Health Care Town Halls

Gibbs Grades The Obama Administration

Obama To Supporters: "Get Fired Up Once Again"

White House's Romer Welcomes Dip In Unemployment Rate

Geraldo Rivera Calls Protesters Racist And Organized

Obama: "I Don't Want The Folks Who Created The Mess To Do A Lot Of Talking"

Health Care Protestors & Supporters Clash During Pelosi Visit

Rachel Maddow Takes On Tim Phillips Of Americans For Prosperity


**Michael Savage Live and Archives**

08/07 The Mark Levin Show

08/06 The Mark Levin Show

08/05 The Mark Levin Show

08/04 The Mark Levin Show

08/03 The Mark Levin Show

07/31 The Mark Levin Show

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 6th With Dr. Henry Niman


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Angry crowd blocked from “Obama-care event”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » White House Warns Critics: Nazi Talk Puts You On “Thin Ice”

The Expiring Economy

Changing The Course Of Our Economic Debacle

Obama Health Care Adviser: “Doctors Take the Hippocratic Oath Too Seriously”

White House Threatens Limbaugh Over Obama Criticism

Obama Discourages Debate On Health Care

Corporate Media Covers the Obama Joker Poster


**Site / (www.thefreelibrary.com/) ;News, Magazines, Newspapers, Journals, Reference Articles and Classic Books



DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ONE -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THREE – Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOUR—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHT—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ELEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWELVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THIRTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOURTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIFTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIXTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVENTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government


American Thinker Blog: What to Ask Your Congressperson about Obamacare (first in a series)

American Thinker Blog: What to Ask Your Congressperson about Obamacare (Part 2)

American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 3)

American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 4)

American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 5)

American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 6)

American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 7 of 7)

***h.r.. 3200***

Health Care Blog


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