"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

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Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

10 August 2009

10 Aug 09/9 Aug 09

10 AUG 09

08-10-2009: Protests Planned For Staged Obama Town Hall Meeting On Healthcare

Taliban Deputy Calls AP To Tell Them That He's Not Dead

Bankrupt US Financial System: The Bubble Bursts and the Economy goes into a Tailspin.

08-10-2009: The Knights Templar, Knights of Malta and Blackwater's Erik Prince

08-10-2009: Pelosi/Hoyer Call Attacks On Government Run Healthcare Un-American

08-09-2009: Critics Say White House Enemies List Illegal

08-09-2009: NAFTA leaders urged to rein in 'buy local' impulses

08-09-2009: Geithner Asks Congress to Increase Federal Debt Limit

Biological Warfare and the National Security State: A Chronology

Obamageddon: The Celente thesis: war as the "solution" to economic depression

Towards a North American Energy Corridor

Air Force Used Twitter to Track Public Backlash to Statue of Liberty Flyover

Linda Douglass Admits White House is Breaking the Law

Chavez claims Colombian ‘provocation’ saw troops cross border

Using New Laws for Swine Flu May Create a Perfect Storm

'The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK.'

Climate Change Seen as Threat to U.S. Security

FBI raids New Orleans police over Katrina killings

'World Community Grid': IBM sees big opportunity in water management IT

IBM Introduces 'World Community Grid'

The Cheney-Like Secrecy of the Obama White House

Beck agrees with Palin’s ‘death panel’ claim: ‘I believe it to be true.’

Right Wing’s Anti-Health Care Icon Is Uninsured, Seeking Donations To Pay For Care

Pinkerton accuses ‘MSNBC and the liberal media’ of committing ‘the real terrorism.’ »

Gates ‘Furious’ That Brownback And Roberts Placed A Hold On McHugh’s Army Secretary Nomination

Palin: Abstain from ‘intimidation’ or ‘harassment’ tactics at town halls.

At Town Hall Meeting With Pre-Screened Questions, Vitter Mocks Democratic Concerns Over Protesters

FreedomWorks advocates people being ‘aggressive’ at town hall meetings.

GOP Rep. Kingston Separates Himself From Palin: There Are ‘No Death Panels’

Vaccination Myths and Truths

Old 60 Minutes Exposé On 1976 Swine Flu Propaganda, Debilitating Vaccines

Entering the Greatest Depression in History

Vietnam: Chemical companies, US authorities knew the dangers of Agent Orange

Gold and Europe's Central Bankers

Poverty and Social Inequality in America.

“Working Poor” report: Nearly 30 percent of US families subsist on poverty wages.

Liquidating Our Empire.

No Letup In Political Witch-Hunts Under Obama

Biological Warfare and the National Security State

Baxter Sent Bird Flu Virus to European Labs by Error

Turning the US army against Americans

A few more good men and women

“Manufactured Protests” Myth Starts To Crack

video - Obama Health Care Adviser: "Doctors take Hippocratic oath too seriously"

White House Move to Collect 'Fishy' Info May Be Illegal, Critics Say

Climate-Change Cooperation Goes Global

Video - Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

Outrage as police chiefs are secretly told to hang on to unlawful DNA

Oman takes lead as e-Purse marks new era of cashless society

Web Squared: When Web 2.0 Meets Internet of Things

video : Brave New World - Genetic tests used to project future career/skills

Obama Adviser Considers Stimulus Spending Successful

Sponsors of Anti-Obama Health Care Petition Say Opposition Is Real

Senate Committee Apologizes to All Native Americans for Violence and Maltreatment by U.S. Citizens

More Americans in the Hands of Hostile Regimes

Long-Ago Collapse of Hawaiian Monarchy Described As U.S.-Assisted ‘Regime Change’

Iran Using Trials, ‘Confessions’ to Step Up Confrontation With the West

Pakistan Says Al-Qaida Trying to Install Its Own ‘Chief Terrorist’ in Taliban Leadership

EBay, GM to Start Car-Sales Trial on Tuesday

Feds Holding Back $100 Million in Drill Leases

Iran Purges Intelligence Ministry Officials

Conyers: Obama Suffers from ‘Rahm Emanuel Factor’--On Health Care, White House is Willing to ‘Make a Deal About Anything'

Obama Falsely Claims There Are 47 Million Uninsured Americans

A Culture of Faith is Necessary to a Free Society

Who’s Behind the Internet Snitch Brigade?

Crash and Burn Immigration Reform

Obama Connected Group Calls for Brownshirt Tactics Against Healthcare Opponents - BlackListed News

Thirst for Justice - The Coming American Holocaust

Do Seed Companies Control GM Crop Research?: Scientific American

Lucifer’s United Nations « What Do You Believe?

Kepler Shows Exoplanet Is Unlike Anything in Our Solar System Wired Science Wired.com

Like the fist of an angry god Bad Astronomy Discover Magazine

Drowning in debt: Obama's spending and borrowing leaves U.S. gasping for air

Geithner’s F-Bombs Don’t Scratch Goldman Sachs: David Reilly - Bloomberg.com

Dissent is patriotic - not

Why So Serious?

Universal Health Care: A Near Death Experience for Innovation

Mandelson takes charge and resolves to reject Darling 'defeatism' - Times Online

The Commons will be robbed of independence and authority Denis MacShane Comment is free The Observer

Government's green energy plan may cost 17 times more than its benefits - Telegraph

**Constitutional Law Review Regarding Forced Vaccinations & Quarantines

Back Down, Obama, From Signing The 'Hate' Bill - Vid

Reverse Speech

Faulty Forecasting CommonDreams.org

Obama Science Czar John Holdren

savethemales.ca - Jews Have Always Exercised Great Power

The Illuminati Agenda For The Coming New Order

Neutralizing A TASER Gun Assault

The Radical Press » Blog Archive » Is Your Government Breeding Bolsheviks?

YouTube - DrKenHildebrandt's Channel

Op-Ed Contributor - Is It Now a Crime to Be Poor? - NYTimes.com

Anti-Arab Brainwashing By The US Media

Obama Bogus Birth Certificate - Globe Magazine

"Dead Man Musings"The Illuminati Online and Martial Law

Obama’s Embrace of a Bush Tactic Riles Congress - NYTimes.com

Drug Industry to Run Ads Favoring White House Plan - NYTimes.com

Obama fights back as bid to reform US healthcare stalls World news The Observer

Bill and Hillary Clinton: America's power couple - Telegraph

Kevin McCullough : Why Obama's Miscalculated Deceptions Will Backfire - Townhall.com

American Thinker: Demolition Man: Building the Anti-America

Helmand farmers to be offered millions to stop growing poppies - Asia, World - The Independent

Sun exposure cancer warnings 'lead to Vitamin D deficiencies' - Telegraph

‘Pain Ray’ First Commercial Sale Looms Danger Room Wired.com

*Why is National Guard recruiting for 'internment' cops?

*Advertisement:Corrections Officer – Internment/Resettlement Specialist Job in Multiple locations

Reisman : Profs For Prostitution?

YouTube - Salbuchi - "WE, THE PEOPLE..." - THE INSURGENCY!! - Part 1

YouTube - Salbuchi - "WE, THE PEOPLE..." - THE INSURGENCY!! - Part 2

YouTube - Salbuchi - How World Government Will Come About - Part 1

YouTube - Salbuchi - How World Government Will Come About - Part 2

Cancer Found in Young 9/11 Rescuers

Obama Mocks US Military Personnel

The healthcare mob mentality James Antle Comment is free guardian.co.uk

FT.com / Columnists / Clive Crook - Why Obama will have to raise taxes

The 'Lion Whisperer'

Grave found of man who bankrolled Confederates in American civil war UK news guardian.co.uk

Pentagon puts Afghan drug-traffickers on hitlist World news guardian.co.uk

Pakistan Taliban leader's fate shrouded in claim and counter-claim World news guardian.co.uk

'There is no refuge, no place to go to deal with your grief' - Asia, World - The Independent

Radiotherapy 'can damage memories of patients treated for brain tumours' - Telegraph

Hilary Benn: GM could help Britain's food production - Telegraph

'Ignore best before labels', says minister - Telegraph

Supermarket offers and food waste targeted in goverment's food strategy Environment guardian.co.uk

YouTube - US Election Fraud, featuring Noam Chomsky

9pg. - pdf/KRAKATAU; The Father, The Son, and the Tongues of Fire

10pg. - pdf/KRAKATAU; The Father, The Son, and the Tongues of Fire - pt 2

Soldiers forced to dye their own camouflage gear in MoD blunder Mail Online

Is the U.S. on the Brink of Fascism? « Dprogram.net

YouTube - Obama Speech Police Shutdown Top You Tube Videos


We can't ignore litter, even in space - Telegraph

Turning the US Army Against Americans « Dprogram.net

Refusing vaccination labels you a “criminal”, so says WHO Farm Wars

Are New Vaccines Laced with Birth-Control Drugs?

*Site :ThinkTwice Global Vaccine Institute: Avoid Vaccine Reactions

194pg.- pdf/(nationalhomeless.org);crimreport/2009

The 'Skeeter Bites Report: Kenya Says Anti-Obama 'Birthers' Crazy, U.S. President a Descendant, Not a Native

March of the state spies: One in 78 adults came under state-sanctioned surveillance last year Mail Online

The Greatest Wealth Shifts of All Time Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

SurvivalTime H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic Survival

YouTube - Pop-Up Olbermann: A little fun with Countdown with Keith Olbermann

Vast expanses of Arctic ice melt in summer heat - Yahoo! News

Arctic sea ice: Global warming, cooling, or neither?

World Of Technology: Radioactive rays photographed from Nagasaki nuclear 'death ash'

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gerald Celente - The Revolution is Coming!

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Google and Blogger Shut Down Sibel Edmonds’ Blog

Obama Speech Police Shutdown Top You Tube Videos

Rockefeller: Internet is “Number One National Hazard”

Site : Sibel Edmonds:123 Real Change

Obamageddon by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

ACORN Using Police to Stop Free Speech of Obamacare Opponents

People Die in Obama’s Unarmed Chicago « LewRockwell.com Blog


ROGERS REPORT: Army National Guard Recruiting FEMA Camp Or "Internment/Resettlement" Specialists - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

GovTrack: H.R. 645: Text of Legislation, Introduced in House

**34pg. - pdf /Civilian Inmate Labor Program**

American's Journey: A Tale of Two Dictatorships

Curtmaynardsnewestblog: Google is the WORST Search Engine


Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » US Federal Reserve refuses to say where $1.5 trillion went

About Peak Oil and the Malthusian Misconception of Resource Depletion « Time to Think

It turns out that Government Worked Directly With Goldman - Mises Economics Blog

Obama as the Wizard of Oz

What if we had comprehensive education reform?

Obama Administration: Home of the Whopper

Something Fishy

Fighting Back on Federal Judges

Cuba's Healthcare a model for the U.S. says CNN

Wasting energy to conserve energy

Lavish 'climate change' junket for House members

Astroturfers offered $10-15 an hour to demonstrate for Dems

Surprise! Preventive care will raise, not lower health care costs

The sound you hear is the public option swirling down the drain

Wind Farm Blowback

Pelosi and Hoyer call reform opponents 'un-American'

Obamabots go back to sleep

About those journalists freed from North Korea...

Good idea, Barry; let's clean up the mess - yours

Yeeha! Deficit up $181 Billion ... in ONE Month

Protest for Me, But Not for Thee

Let's talk frankly about crime in America

The Chutzpah of the Town Hall Libel

The Left's Moral Absolutism

An Obama style educational experiment fails to deliver

The Twelve Steps of Obama Anonymous

We Already Have 'Death Panels.' If You Can't Pay the Bill, You're Sent Home to Die.

National security adviser: Obama can meet Gitmo closing schedule

Tortured Logic: Will Obama's DOJ enforce the rule of law for Bush officials?

Faking victimhood: Just how hurt was that supposed victim of SEIU 'thuggery'?

Durbin Says He's Open to a Bill That Does Not Include a Public Option

Newt Gingrich Scaremongering, Howard Dean as Usual the Voice of Reason on Health-Care Reform

David Brooks: Limbaugh health care rhetoric 'insane'

Here's the Kind of Lying Bile Naive Christians and Elderly Are Being Fed By Gordon Klingenschmitt and His Cronies

WaPo's Steven Pearlstein: Republicans use lies to attack health care reform

FNS: McConnell Says Democrats Criticizing Disruptive Astro-Turf Protesters Misses The Point

Cokie Roberts blames liberals for the problems with the health care bill: She just loathes the public option

Chris Matthews Accuses Jim Dean of Trying to "Kill" Ben Nelson

Chuck Grassley says if we change health care, Ted Kennedy would die

Beltway Bobblehead Cokie Roberts Blames Lack of Nuns for Townhall Chaos. No She Didn't!

Gingrich defends Palin claim reform will cause 'euthanasia'

Tea Party Organizer Dana Loesch: No One Told Us to Show Up To Town Halls

Real Time: Obama's Former Doctor David Scheiner on the Benefits of Single Payer

We're Breaking Records for Long-Term Unemployment. It's Worse Than They Admit.

Today's history lesson: How the Brownshirts used street violence as martyrdom propaganda

Ten Things Obama Did Wrong on Health-Care Reform

New York Times Gives Ben Stein The Boot, Cites Ethics Violations

flashback/The Health Care Debate - February 23, 1961 Newstalgia

Four Principles of Libertarian Travel by Lila Rajiva

Music for Tech Support by Jeffrey A. Tucker

Delusion’s Last Refuge by David Calderwood

Stitch in Time by Bill Bonner

Mass Inflation Ahead – Save Your Nickels! by James Wesley, Rawles

Lost in Military Limbo by Tom Engelhardt, Dahr Jamail, and Sarah Lazare

Financial Standard - Danger signs ahead but bargain stocks a-plenty: Faber

Forget the gym, beetroot can improve stamina, scientists claim - Times Online

Middle-aged men: a doctor's advice - Times Online

Constitution Party News : It’s Mourning in America

How is America going to end? Who most likely to secede? - By Josh Levin - Slate Magazine

'The Nine Lives of Marion Barry' on HBO

Hendrix created banner moment at Woodstock- msnbc.com

Jerry Springer Show Debuts In Connecticut -- Courant.com

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

Lawmakers urge gov't to take over city airspaceWrite webhed, 50 characters or fewer, in notesface

YouTube - Raw Video: Divers Recover Chopper From Hudson

House leaders call noisy disruption of healthcare forums 'un-American' - Los Angeles Times

Is Palin's Schlafly-style fear rhetoric ethical politics? - Faith & Reason

The Associated Press: 47 spend 'nightmare' 9 hours in grounded plane

YouTube - Stranded on the Tarmac

Official: Racial tensions may have ignited riot - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

5th Child Dies in California Police Chase Crash - Local News News Articles National News US News - FOXNews.com

Ousted Illinois governor launches new Web site -- chicagotribune.com

The Fix: Breaking Down Crist's Pick for Senate - washingtonpost.com

The Monday Fix: Sotomayor and the 2010 Races - washingtonpost.com

Nathaniel Frank: Why Does Obama Use Executive Power for Everything But Gay Troops?

Clinton Presses Congo on Sexual Violence - NYTimes.com

Al Jazeera English - Asia-Pacific - 'Hundreds dead' in Taiwan mudslide

YouTube - China 'over the worst' as deadly storm heads for Japan

U.S. commander says Taliban have Afghan momentum Reuters

YouTube - Taliban target Afghan elections - 10 Aug 09

Taliban Deny Pakistani Report They Are Fighting Over Leadership - Bloomberg.com

The Associated Press: Obama, leaders of Mexico, Canada vow cooperation

YouTube - What to Expect From the 3 Amigos Summit

47 Are Killed in Bombings in Baghdad and Northern Iraq - NYTimes.com

BBC NEWS Middle East Fatah awaits congress vote result

AFP: Spain seeks woman in ETA bomb probe

Russian president proposes bill on deploying troops abroad_English_Xinhua

YouTube - Medvedev proposes changes to defense laws

Children's DNA used to ID terror suspect - CNN.com

Iran Purges Intelligence Ministry Officials - washingtonpost.com

AFP: Romanian, Italian crew freed from pirate-seized boat

British guard Danny Fitzsimons faces fast-track Baghdad murder trial - Times Online

Iranian officials accused of raping political prisoners - Times Online

End of Slavery, Equal Rights, and Abolishing the Fed, Not Radical Ideas

The Perception of Recession

American Health Care Reform: Un-Constitutional From the Start

Inquisitions Defend Against Radical Islam

Obama Health Care Equals Euthanasia

Lieberman: Fatah 'burying' any chance of peace in coming years Jerusalem Post

Report: 1/5 of EU will be Muslim by 2050

UN delegates continue battle over climate commitments Environment & Development Deutsche Welle 10.08.2009

Gulfnews: North Korea warns it will 'closely watch' response to South's satellite launch

Chavez Urges Military to Be Prepared for Conflict - The Americas - FOXNews.com

U.S. Commander Warns Taliban Getting Stronger - Political News - FOXNews.com

Iraq and America: We don't need you any more The Economist

 A War Grows in Afghanistan

Democrats’ Fear Is Showing on Health Care by Jonah Goldberg on National Review Online

Oy!bama may suffer real political damage among a core Democratic constituency if he continues his current policies

White House Launches Web Site to Battle Health Care 'Rumors' - Political News - FOXNews.com

Polls undercut scripted protest claims - Washington Times

Wealthy group pushes to be taxed more

Secrecy shields medical mishaps from public view

Lawmakers' Global-Warming Trip Hit Tourist Hot Spots - WSJ.com

Cash-strapped Cuba says toilet paper running short Oddly Enough Reuters

Government Case Against North Carolina “Jihadists” Falls Apart

How Government “Represents” the People

Towards a North American Energy Corridor

ACORN Using Police to Stop Free Speech of Obamacare Opponents

Political Leaders for 911 Truth

Matthews: Inject Obamacare Opponents with Sodium Pentothal Until They Admit They are Racists

***Video Coverage of Obamacare Protests Around the Country***

Obama Discourages Debate On Health Care

Tempers flare over health care plan Freep.com Detroit Free Press

Defense event in Valley points up readiness

TheHill.com - Governors oppose DoD emergency powers

Al Jazeera English - Europe - UK hacker loses extradition fight

Another Hurdle for the Jobless - Credit Inquiries - NYTimes.com

Food crisis could force wartime rations and vegetarian diet on Britons - Times Online

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Left-wing blogger calls the late Aaron Russo a “crackpot”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The State of Civil Disobedience on the Left and the Right

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » A Special Thanks From Alex Jones: The Obama Deception Threatens Government Hoax

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Doubts In The Midst Of Greens

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Sun, Not CO2, Caused Ice Age Glaciers To Melt

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Use of Geo-Engineering to Slow Global Warming May Increase the Risk of Drought, According to a Paper in Science Journal

State Spied On 500,000 People Last Year - Yahoo! News UK

**Alex Jones; video page**

video news ; Angry Father Yells at Congressman - ABC News

Opposition Emerges to House's Jet Spree - WSJ.com

Lenin statue collapses, kills man in Belarus - Yahoo! News

Breitbart.tv » ‘White House Video Warfare’: Linda Douglass Defends Attack on Breitbart.tv Post

Americans' entry into Iran linked to vote unrest: MP Top News Reuters

In peril in Pyongyang? Those girls were in greater danger sharing a plane with Bill Clinton Mail Online

My Way News - Air Force used Twitter to track NY flyover fallout

Political climate for energy policies cools - News - ReviewJournal.com

Viagra ice cream to go on sale at Selfridges thelondonpaper.com

Woman duped by middle-age man who acted like a child floridatoday.com FLORIDA TODAY

FT.com / Media - Fraud spotlight on Hollywood

Fox orders Nadya Suleman 'Octomom' special--The Live Feed

Consumer, Celebrity Bankruptcies May Hit 1.4 Million

Drew Peterson's attorneys seek change of venue -- chicagotribune.com

Drowning in debt: Obama's spending and borrowing leaves U.S. gasping for air

Obama loses footing on middle ground - BostonHerald.com

Obama's poor lesson on race - St. Petersburg Times

Fred Hiatt - Obama's Deficit Plan Can Be Read Two Ways - washingtonpost.com

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Health Care Will Make It Worse

Column: 'Un-American' attacks can't derail health care debate - Opinion - USATODAY.com

RealClearPolitics - Government Health Care in Stealth Mode


RealClearPolitics - Can Republicans Take Obama's Senate Seat In 2010?

Big Dog May Not Return to Leash After Pyongyang: Albert R. Hunt - Bloomberg.com

Expelled From the New York Times

UnionLeader.com - New Hampshire news, business and sports - At Obama's town hall: Civil disagreement isn't extremism - Monday, Aug. 10, 2009

Editorial - A Real Bill for the Climate - NYTimes.com

An Unhealthy Debate - washingtonpost.com

TheHill.com - Town halls underscore grassroots secrecy, critics say

Obama Promises Solution to U.S.-Mexico Trucking Spat - Bloomberg.com

CQ Politics New York Candidates Wait And So Does Nominee

Wall Street bonuses set off alarms - Washington Times

The Daily Star - Opinion Articles - Econo-Jihad, a new Al-Qaeda priority

RealClearWorld - Why Europe Isn't Celebrating

The Flu Hunters: Racing to Outsmart a Pandemic - TIME

A new political army marches on Parliament William Rees-Mogg - Times Online

RealClearWorld - Clinton's Trip a Winner for Kim Jong-Il

Ed Husain: Where is the Muslim anger over Darfur? - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Taliban Leader Mehsud’s Demise is Victory in War on Terror - WSJ.com

Zachary Karabell: Corporate Earnings Are No Sign of Recovery - WSJ.com

Op-Ed Contributor - G.D.P. R.I.P. - NYTimes.com

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Fed does not need more powers

Who Needs Antitrust? We Don't - Forbes.com

Picking the causes of the Facebook crisis - Times Online

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: On the Brink of Recovery

Three Things to Look for to Know When it is Time to Buy Dollars

Gun found on obese inmate after 5 searches Houston & Texas News Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

The Thin Green Line : Tiny baby feet, giant carbon footprint

PETA Unhappy Meals Targeting Kids - Slashfood

Governor keeps state-waste Web site private

Saudis to pay $3.5 billion for security fence - Israel Business, Ynetnews

Wonder wall: The 400ft shoal of sardines captured by divers on Philippine reef Mail Online

Doctors miss fist-sized brain tumour - The Local

U.S. Catholic sisters probed on doctrine, fidelity - USATODAY.com

World's oldest map: Spanish cave has landscape from 14,000 years ago - Telegraph

Diplomat's nanny lifts lid on modern slavery - Home News, UK - The Independent

For $19, you'll get nothing, and like it

UBS tax talks stall over data transfer details: report Reuters

Small is beautiful (and successful) for newspapers

World Bank: Saudi Arabia strongest Arab economy - Israel Business, Ynetnews

Job security but no advancement from bottom rung - USATODAY.com

They think we're stupid, so let us count the ways!

Dirty secret No. 1 in Obamacare

Howard Dean is a genius

America speaks up

Sex-change-apalooza (OneNewsNow.com)

Pelosi Botoxes the body politic

Obama and the 'B' Ark economy

Worse than leftist professors

The government is after me … and you

Another Trillion? by Stephen T. Parente, City Journal 5 August 2009

Pushing toward amnesty, Part 1

Pushing toward amnesty, Part 2

Pushing toward amnesty, Part 3

Pushing toward amnesty, Part 4

Learning to Text: Don’t LOL at Death, and Other Tips - WSJ.com

Ok Sciencefans, Real or Faked? The Intersection Discover Magazine

Site : Woodstock Memories Project

Birthplace of Roman emperor found in Italy - KTVZ.com Central Oregons News, Weather and Sports Leader -

Michael Jackson had jab to curb sex urges for young boys - mirror.co.uk

The Takeaway: On the Road with the Thomases

Democrats: 'Angry mobs' out to 'destroy Obama'

AP to distribute Soros-funded 'journalism'

Swine Flu's Worst Case Scenario: Paranoia or Preparedness? - Infectious Disease - FOXNews.com

Obama warned at summit: No North American Union

Home front getting ugly for recessed Congress

CNN Political Ticker: Dean on Palin’s health care claims: ‘She made that up’ « - Blogs from CNN.com

Hamas spinning Western media, study says

Israel warns Hezbollah over assassination report International Reuters

AP IMPACT: Busts of corrupt US border police rise

Peter Schiff to take on Chris Dodd?


**'Ridicule is man's most potent weapon'

Tim Walker: Let's call the birthers what they really are: Racists

Evidence challenges claim over Obama's birth address

Globe: Obama's Hawaiian birth document fake

Why eligibility story is still alive

Obama still isn’t president in the south - Times Online

Birther issue resonating in Virginia

**Article Links/Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


American Minute for August 10th:William J Federer's American Minute


*World; Video/Sec. Clinton on Iran and Americn Foreign Policy

Gretchen Peters on the Significance of Mehsud

Week in Review: Foreign Policy Roundtable

Pakistan Says Taliban Leader Baitullah Mehsud is Dead

Hillary Clinton in South Africa

Cabinet Ministers Deny Torture Collusion

Zakaria: "Stalinist Show Trial in Tehran"

Iraq's Awakening Councils

Riz Khan on Normalising Relations with Sri Lanka

Tropical Storms Battering the Far East

ETA Blasts Rock Majorca

Scores Killed in Two Iraq Cities

British Embassy Worker Goes on Trial in Iran

Turkey and Russia Close Pipeline Deal

*Markets; Video/Inside Ben Bernanke's Brain

Krugman: 2nd Stimulus Needed to Avoid Lost Decade

Day Ahead: Eyes on the Fed

Japan Machinery Orders Spike

Is the Bull Market for Real?

Cooperman: 'Square Root-Shaped' Recovery

Are Oil Prices Endangering Recovery?

*Politics; Video/Democrat Yells At Doctor For Question About Health Care

Obama: Canada's Health Care System Would Not Work For US

Douglass Assures White House Email Is For Misinformation Only

Sen. Cornyn Booed At Health Care Event

Man With Son In Wheelchair Shouts Down Rep. Dingell

Rep. Coburn On Town Halls: "People Are Afraid"

Rep. Sestak On Health Care, Arlen Specter

Sen. Burris Not Ruling Out Senate Run

Ann Coulter On Health Care Reform & The Elderly

Rep. Price On Pelosi Calling Town Hall Protesters "Un-American"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Town Halls, Health Care & Economy

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Impact Of Stimulus

Jim Jones: Kim Jong Il "Appeared To Be In Control"

Durbin On Town Halls: "This Is Clearly Being Orchestrated"

Sens. Levin, Graham On Afghanistan

Gingrich, Dean Debate Health Care, Sarah Palin

Hillary Clinton On North Korea, Iran, Israel & Health Care

Howard Dean: Sarah Palin Is Making Things Up About Health Care

Douglass Defends "Fishy" Email Program, Smacks Rush Limbaugh

"This Week" Roundtable On Health Care Town Halls

Sen. McConnell On Stimulus, Town Halls, "Fishy" Emails


* Transcripts :Guests: Gen. Jones; Sen. Minority Leader McConnell

Howard Dean, Newt Gingrich Debate Health Care

Guests: General Jones; Senators Levin and Graham

Guests: General Jones; Mayors Bloomberg and Booker


*** Michael Savage Live and Archives - TRN Superstation***

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 6th With Dr. Henry Niman

Bill Cunningham 8/9/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 8/9/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 8/9/09 Hour 3

Site : A Prairie Home Companion: Old Shows

Site :Archives; Beyond the Beltway with Bruce DuMont

Site:Beyond the Beltway - BTB Archives


Site : Republic Broadcasting Network

Site : WING TV Archives


Site : Constitution Party National Political Headquarters

Site : Libertarian Party

Site : Libertarian National Committee

SITE : Chuck Baldwin

Site : Ron Paul:Campaign For Liberty

Site : Wayne Allyn Root's Website: Root for America!

9 Aug 09


08-09-2009: Geithner Asks Congress to Increase Federal Debt Limit

Children To Be Given Untested Swine Flu Vaccine

Criminal Investigation Into CIA Expected

08-09-2009: Climate Change Seen as Threat to U.S. Security

08-09-2009: 'World Community Grid': IBM sees big opportunity in water management IT

08-09-2009: 1/5 Of Europe Will Be Muslim By 2050

08-09-2009: EU Hands Over Water To Corporations

08-09-2009: Big Brother police chiefs secretly ordered to keep unlawful DNA of 850,000 innocent people

08-09-2009: Obama administration taking the Jesuit Approach To Counter-Terrorism

08-09-2009: Cross purposes: Who are the Rosicrucians?

08-07-2009: The pharaoh of pop: Egyptian bust a dead ringer for Michael Jackson

08-07-2009: Ridley Scott To Take On Huxley's Brave New World

08-07-2009: Experts dig up dirt on David and Goliath

IBM Introduces 'World Community Grid'

RFID Vehicle Access Control System with High Identification Rate


Obama Connected Group Calls for Brownshirt Tactics Against Healthcare Opponents

AP Propaganda - 3 Flu Shots Needed This Fall

Top Obama Adviser Urged a ‘World of Zero Net Physical Growth’ in 1995 World Bank Publication

FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Subpoenaed, Set to 'Break' Gag Order Unless DoJ Intercedes

Microorganisms can predict changes in their environments—upending age-old biological tenets and giving new insight into non-neural genius.

Congress eyes biometric authentication for job eligibility

The Cheney-Like Secrecy of the Obama White House

Entering the Greatest Depression in History

Vaccination Myths and Truths

Old 60 Minutes Exposé On 1976 Swine Flu Propaganda, Debilitating Vaccines

White House accused of compiling "enemies list"

Nazi-Style Denunciation Campaign Urges Americans To Report Each Other

Afghan War: NATO Builds History's First Global Army

Preparing for Martial Law: International Swine Flu Conference to Be Held in Washington

Bankrupt US Financial System: The Bubble Bursts and the Economy goes into a Tailspin.

Fiat Money Created Out of Thin Air: The Bank Bailouts are Unconstitutional

VIDEO: Murder, Inc?

The Banks Own the Fed, and the Central Banks Own BIS

GOP Rep. Kingston Separates Himself From Palin: There Are ‘No Death Panels’

Gov. Dean Debunks Gingrich’s Health Care Falsehoods: ‘Nobody Is Forcing You In To The Public Option’ »

Rice: Bolton’s criticism of Bill Clinton’s humanitarian mission to North Korea is ‘ridiculous.’

GOP lawmaker hits Obama, ‘a guy that can’t even show a long-form birth certificate.’

Politicizing Healthcare and Diverting Attention

CEO Characterizes H1N1 Non-Believers as “Group of Crazies” On Flu Pandemic

Glenn Beck: DNC Accuses GOP of Sending out Health Care ‘Mobs’ to Town Hall Meetings [FOX News]

The expiring economy

The Start Of The Second American Revolution?

video - Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

Obama Considers “Military-civilian” Prison System for Suspected Terrorists

Greenspan: A value-added tax (VAT) may be in the U.S.'s future

The Stand For Sovereignty

Oman takes lead as e-Purse marks new era of cashless society

Web Squared: When Web 2.0 Meets Internet of Things

video - Brave New World - Genetic tests used to project future career/skills

A GOP That Can Say No

Who’s Behind the Internet Snitch Brigade?

*IBM Introduces 'World Community Grid'

Site : World Community Grid

no third solution » Blog Archive » Was the DDoS Attack on Twitter a Test Run?

Stitch in Time

Refusing vaccination labels you a “criminal”, so says WHO Farm Wars

Sen. Joe Lieberman advocating US strike against Iran


National Guard asked to explain 'internment' jobs

*Corrections Officer – Internment/Resettlement Specialist Job in Multiple locations

Reisman - Profs For Prostitution?

Stop Complaining About Right-Wing Protests! The Left Should Be (Re)Learning How It's Done This Can't Be Happening!

Alexander Cockburn: The Biden and Clinton Mutinies

Two town halls turn into near-riots - War Room - Salon.com

Blogger: I created Kenya document

57 Trillion Reasons To Kill 100m Americans With Vax

Donna Nevel, "Stories Jews Were Told: Israel, Zionism, and Palestine"

The World Needs A Breather From The US

Curtmaynardsnewestblog: Black Elk, A Visionary?

8 Yr Old Transsexuals Are Perfectly Normal, Protected In US

Having Children Brings High Carbon Impact - Green Inc. Blog - NYTimes.com

Organic producers suffer as green fingered customers go it alone Money guardian.co.uk

A new superbug found in Britain is major concern: Government scientists - Telegraph

Why ARE so many planes falling out of the sky? A spate of disastrous crashes reveals one terrifying common flaw... Mail Online

Criminal investigation into CIA treatment of detainees expected - Los Angeles Times

Reports: Twin blows to Taliban, al Qaeda - Washington Times

White House Move to Collect 'Fishy' Info May Be Illegal, Critics Say - Political News - FOXNews.com

The Mommy Files : Breast-feeding while drunk: is it a crime?


Plane wreckage from midair crash found in Hudson - Yahoo! News


Middle East News Iran Guards call for trial of opposition leaders

Military Analysts Expect Long-Term, Costly U.S. Effort in Afghanistan

Grieving father finds 'dead' baby son ALIVE in coffin

N.Korea using Clinton visit 'to promote Kim's son'

47 trapped on 'nightmare' flight to the Twin Cities

TV viewers terrified by Swedish supermodel - The Local

YouTube - Apoliva

The Associated Press: Australia considers mass killings of camels

A fifth of European Union will be Muslim by 2005 - Telegraph

Michael Jackson bombshell: I'm real dad of Paris

Georgia Democrat yells at local doctor over health care - The Back Story - Washington Times

Crawling baby rescued from middle of South Euclid street - cleveland.com

ABC: We want Paula Abdul on 'Dancing'--The Live Feed

End of Slavery, Equal Rights, and Abolishing the Fed, Not Radical Ideas

The Perception of Recession

American Health Care Reform: Un-Constitutional From the Start

Inquisitions Defend Against Radical Islam

Obama Health Care Equals Euthanasia

Why does Obama stick a finger in the eye of the Jewish community?

Defending Palin's 'Death Panel' remark

Health Care Funds for Community Organizations

Journalist: '45%-65% of protestors are racists'

Down the memory hole with Obama

'Remember when protest was patriotic?'

As a Black Conservative, Should I Be Afraid?

Washington Post calls for reason from both sides in debate

How is Obama going to spin these statements from Fatah?

Obama and Public Debate

Protest for Me, But Not for Thee

Let's talk frankly about crime in America

The Chutzpah of the Town Hall Libel

The Left's Moral Absolutism

Demolition Man: Building the Anti-America

An Obama style educational experiment fails to deliver

Nancy's Nazis

The Twelve Steps of Obama Anonymous

Beltway Bobblehead Cokie Roberts Blames Lack of Nuns for Townhall Chaos. No She Didn't!

Gingrich defends Palin claim reform will cause 'euthanasia'

Tea Party Organizer Dana Loesch: No One Told Us to Show Up To Town Halls

Real Time: Obama's Former Doctor David Scheiner on the Benefits of Single Payer

We're Breaking Records for Long-Term Unemployment. It's Worse Than They Admit.

Today's history lesson: How the Brownshirts used street violence as martyrdom propaganda

Ten Things Obama Did Wrong on Health-Care Reform

New York Times Gives Ben Stein The Boot, Cites Ethics Violations

'Persecuted Christian' Navy Chaplain is a Big Fat Liar; Dishonorably Discharged for Disobeying An Order

Sonia Sotomayor Sworn in as Justice of the Supreme Court

Frank Schaeffer's warning: The 'Glenn Becks' have unleashed 'an anti-democratic, anti-American movement in this country'

Just Throw Grandma From the Train

video :The Worlds Greatest Conspiracy Theories

video :US Government Claims Ownership Of Every Computer In America

video :Common Purpose & the Fabians

Op-Ed Columnist - Is Obama Punking Us? - NYTimes.com

Obama Heads to Summit as North America Braces for Swine Flu - Bloomberg.com

Report: Climate Change Could Warrant U.S. Military Action - Political News - FOXNews.com

Gordon Brown insists Britain is still Christian country - Telegraph

How Nixon helped Israel seal its nuclear ambiguity - Haaretz - Israel News

Asia Times Online :

The Ultimate October Surprise

Greg Evensen -- The Death of Liberty: The Final Scene Unfolds

Why Food Prices Are Set To Rocket :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Clinton: U.S. has no illusions Iran wants talks over nuclear program - Haaretz - Israel News

Militarizing the Homeland



Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » The Alex Jones Show:The Start Of The Second American Revolution?

Drug Industry to Run Ads Favoring White House Plan - NYTimes.com

World Of Technology: Scientists Track Down Source of Earth’s Hum

World Of Technology: How tech is changing banks

YouTube - Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Finally Testifies Under Oath

Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?


Emergency Containment Areas? DoomDaily

Resistance to Oppression and Slavery is Hatemongering « LewRockwell.com Blog

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Why They Really Want to Kill Off the Elderly and Disabled

World Net Daily Player :Americans for Prosperity: People are upset

Democrats: 'Angry mobs' out to 'destroy Obama'

World Net Daily Player:Ex-Reagan official: Congress should expect criticism

World Net Daily Player:Senate candidate talks about Martinez resignation

World Net Daily Player:Unemployment decline 'a little bit misleading'

WorldNetDaily:Tax analyst: Would mileage fees be added to fuel taxes?

National Guard asked to explain 'internment' jobs

Obama warned at summit: No North American Union

Home front getting ugly for recessed Congress

Real or Contrived? Lawmakers Argue Over Nature of Health Care Protests - Political News - FOXNews.com

Dissing constituents called strategic plan

President Obama fires back at Sarah Palin post claiming his health plan would create a 'death panel'

'End-of-Life' Counseling Intensifies Health Care Debate - Political News - FOXNews.com

Lawmaker Blocking Countrywide Subpoena Received Loans From Firm - Bloomberg.com

Lawmakers' Global-Warming Trip Hit Tourist Hot Spots - WSJ.com

National Guard asked to explain 'internment' jobs

Peter Schiff to take on Chris Dodd?

3 of 9 Presumed Victims Recovered From Hudson River Plane-Helicopter Collision - Local News News Articles National News US News - FOXNews.com

Obama spies monitoring Jews house-to-house

Reports: Twin blows to Taliban, al Qaeda - Washington Times

DAWN.COM Provinces Fighting erupts between Taliban rivals

Obama’s uncle lands in Dublin to watch Arab friend compete - Local & National, News - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

Worshipers disarm gunman during robbery attempt at church, police say

Large Hadron Collider Sparks New 'Black Hole' Concerns - Science News Science & Technology Technology News - FOXNews.com

'Afghan Obama' aspires to be his country's saviour - Telegraph

Snowin' in the Wind? Dylan Christmas album due

The Poorest Place in America by Eamon Moynihan, City Journal 6 August 2009

Prosecutors say Madoff lieutenant to plead guilty - USATODAY.com

Beatles fans mark 40 years of Abbey Road - Telegraph

Pictured: The Beatles album cover that started a decades-long conspiracy theory Mail Online

DAWN.COM Entertainment Sadat’s daughter takes on Hollywood movie

Birthplace of Roman emperor found in Italy - KTVZ.com Central Oregons News, Weather and Sports Leader -

The smallest horse in Australia: Koda the dwarf American miniature - Telegraph

The government is after me … and you


*Memo to CNN President Jon Klein

Bill would force Obama to reveal birth documents

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

*article links/Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


American Minute for August 9th:William J Federer's American Minute


From Ferris Bueller on, John Hughes hero is someone just like me

Pitchman Billy Mays' wife lashes out at autopsy report that said he used coke

Kim Jong Il 'in full control' of North Korea, U.S. official says - Los Angeles Times

The Associated Press: 93 people missing in Tongan ferry disaster

Paperwork turns back China-bound Afghan flight Reuters

Three Small Bombs Explode In Mallorca, Spain - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Eta blasts hit Majorca

How Russia Defines Genocide Down - NYTimes.com

VOA News - Netanyahu Rules Out Dismantling West Bank Settlements

Mexico and Canada Tussle Over Immigration Ahead of Summit - NYTimes.com

VOA News - Clinton Calls for Elections in Angola

The Associated Press: Plane wreckage from midair crash found in Hudson

Gingrich: A slippery slope from gov't health to euthanasia - POLITICO Live - POLITICO.com

Sotomayor now has to learn how-tos of the high court Freep.com Detroit Free Press

Economic View - A Missed Opportunity on Climate Change - NYTimes.com

Ousted Ill. gov. launches new Web site -- chicagotribune.com

*Rod Blagojevich's Site :www.thepublicityagency.com

Plane Makes Emergency Landing After Take Off in North Carolina - Local News News Articles National News US News - FOXNews.com

Robert McCartney - It's Time for Deeds to Propose a Tax Increase - washingtonpost.com

Disinterred remains at Illinois cemetery unlikely to be identified - Los Angeles Times

Obama Gets Some Good News on Economy, Terror Fight - washingtonpost.com

New Twist in Countrywide Loan Probe - CBS Evening News - CBS News

Site : Rosicrucian Order/ AMORC

* reads:The Emerald Tablets of Thoth


Sunday Take: For Obama, August Means Sharpening His Message, Rallying His Party - washingtonpost.com

RealClearPolitics - Rally Around the Flag

Them versus us - Los Angeles Times

Will Obama fight for his health plan? - The Boston Globe

Alec MacGillis -- The Gangs of D.C.;In the Senate, Small States Wield Outsize Power - washingtonpost.com

Rethinking Richard Nixon - baltimoresun.com

An Unhealthy Debate - washingtonpost.com

Congress' to-do list when it's back from August recess - Los Angeles Times

CQ Politics South Dakota’s Thune: Fresh Face Takes Hard Line

Henry A. Kissinger - The Policy Fallout From Bill Clinton's Trip to North Korea - washingtonpost.com

Opinion: How to effectively sanction Hamas Op-Ed Contributors Jerusalem Post

Tehran's Trials: Blaming the West, Google and Twitter - TIME

ACORN Using Police to Stop Free Speech of Obamacare Opponents

Obama Health Care Adviser: “Doctors Take the Hippocratic Oath Too Seriously”

Obama Discourages Debate On Health Care

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama Speech Police Shutdown Top You Tube Videos

Obama’s Embrace of a Bush Tactic Riles Congress - NYTimes.com

Defense event in Valley points up readiness

Publics Want More Government Action on Climate Change: Global Poll - World Public Opinion


*Transcripts:Guests: Gen. Jones; Sen. Minority Leader McConnell

Howard Dean, Newt Gingrich Debate Health Care

Guests: General Jones; Senators Levin and Graham

Guests: General Jones; Mayors Bloomberg and Booker


*Politics ;Video/Gingrich, Dean Debate Health Care, Sarah Palin

Howard Dean: Sarah Palin Is Making Things Up About Health Care

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Impact Of Stimulus

Durbin On Town Halls: "This Is Clearly Being Orchestrated"

Sen. McConnell On Stimulus, Town Halls, "Fishy" Emails

"This Week" Roundtable On Health Care Town Halls

Jim Jones: Kim Jong Il "Appeared To Be In Control"

Sens. Levin, Graham On Afghanistan

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Town Halls, Health Care & Economy

Obama Weekly Address: Necessary Reform, Absurd Attacks

Judge Sonia Sotomayor Sworn In As Supreme Court Justice

"Times Are Tough": GOP Response On Cap And Trade


***Michael Savage Live and Archives - TRN Superstation***

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 6th With Dr. Henry Niman