"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

07 August 2009

7 Aug 09

7 AUG 09

RealClearPolitics - Video - Pelosi: Town Hall Protesters Are "Carrying Swastikas"

Was Pelosi So Wrong About Swastikas? | Sweetness & Light

The Green Nazis: Environmentalism in the Third Reich - Minnesotans For Global Warming

Tempers flare in South Florida over healthcare overhaul - Today's Top Stories - MiamiHerald.com

Rowdy crowd grills congressmen over healthcare reform - FOX16.com

Obama’s Great Race to Change America by Victor Davis Hanson on National Review Online


Breitbart.tv » AARP Organizers Cancel ‘Listening Session’ After Participants Refuse to ‘Keep Their Comments Quiet’

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Revealed: Left’s dishonesty about Republican “mobs” somehow even worse than thought

Stocks retreat as jobs report looms

Unions To Take On Conservative Groups Health Care Town Halls

The Hill’s Pundits Blog » Dems Attack Organization, Organize Themselves

Karl Rove: Health Reform and the Tax Pledge - WSJ.com

American Thinker: ObamaCare's Poison Pill

Health-Care Reform: How the Bills Stack Up

Cost of ObamaCare Higher than Expected - WSJ.com

Obama vs. Mathematics by Jagadeesh Gokhale & Kent Smetters on National Review Online

Obama's dissident database could be secret -- and permanent | Washington Examiner

John Fund: When in Doubt, Attack Your Critics - WSJ.com

Cornyn accuses White House of compiling 'enemies list' | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Texas Politics | The Dallas Morning News

American Thinker Blog: The First Obama Misinformation Suppression Program

White House: 'War on terrorism' is over - Washington Times

Woman Jogging in Philadelphia Park Killed by Falling Tree Branch - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Climate bill may fall by the wayside - Lisa Lerer - POLITICO.com

08-07-2009: Lying about Iraq made me quit, press officer claims

08-07-2009: US deficit climbs to 1.3 trillion dollars

08-07-2009: UK National ID Card Hacked In 12 Minutes

Defectors Tell Of Burma Secret Nuclear Reactor

08-06-2009: Senators Express Concern Over Worsening Finances Of USPS

Hezbollah Stockpiles 40,000 Rockets Near Israel Border

08-06-2009: Hacker attack clamps down Twitter, Facebook experiences intermittent problems

White House Asking For Informants To Spy On Anti-Healthcare Reform Advocates

08-06-2009: Brainwashed Catholics Want Divert Prayers Against Climate Change

08-06-2009: After 6 Months, More View Obama's Presidency as a 'Failure' Than Bush's

Pelosi 'Confident' She Has Votes for Health Care Reform, but Dozens of House Dems Still May Need Convincing

White House Evades Questions on Obama’s Past Support for Single-Payer Health Care

Nine Republicans Vote to Confirm Sotomayor Despite Philosophical Differences With Her

Administration Dumps ‘Jihadist’ Term

‘Time to Get Lou Dobbs Off CNN,’ Says National Democrat Network

Pakistan Trying to Verify Taliban Leader's Death

Top Obama Adviser Urged a ‘World of Zero Net Physical Growth’ in 1995 World Bank Publication

‘Ferris Bueller’ Filmmaker John Hughes Dies at 59

'Cash-for-Clunkers' Program Gets Another $2 Billion

Who’s Behind the Internet Snitch Brigade?

A GOP That Can Say No

Rights Group: Hamas May Have Committed War Crimes

Preparing for Martial Law: International Swine Flu Conference to Be Held in Washington

video - Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

Obama Considers “Military-civilian” Prison System for Suspected Terrorists

video :Brave New World - Genetic tests used to project future career/skills

We Already Know We Can Win Elections. Now How Do We Keep The Democrats' Attention After They Win?

Rick Sanchez Takes on Conservatives for Patients' Rights Founder Rick Scott

Rush Limbaugh sez: Democratic Party uses Adolf Hitler's playbook, are exactly like the Nazis

Glenn Beck Says Jump, They Say 'How High?' Angry Mob at Tampa Healthcare Forum as Wingnuts Go Wild

Let's Make A Deal! White House Has Egg on Face After Admitting They Capped Drug Company Reform Costs

Officer Justin "Jungle Monkey" Barrett Is Now Playing The Victim

Grover Norquist Distributes Lies - Uh, Helpful Talking Points on Health-Care Reform

Bill O'Reilly: Thinking that Sarah Palin is dumb is strictly the purview of 'the left'

ABC's John Stossel: Requiring Insurance Companies To Drop Pre-Existing Condition Practices is "Welfare"

Judge Sonia Sotomayor confirmed to the Supreme Court: 68 to 31

Teabaggers yell "Kill Your Parents" at Monday's Health Care town hall with Rep. Steve Driehaus (D-OH)

Aren't you waiting for some Conservative to say that Laura Ling and Euna Lee were Democratic plants?

Rachel Maddow: Big Money Pulling the Strings of Protests

Freshman Dem physically assaulted by the astroturfing loons

Frank Luntz on Beck's show: The White House's language on astroturfers is 'pure hate'

Time To Fight Back Against Staged GOP Town Hall Attacks

The RNC has upped the stakes: Re-routed angry calls to the DNC

Bush Domestic Spying Ally Cornyn Now Warns of Obama Data Collection

Jon Stewart describes in detail the type of man Dick Morris really is!

Vaccination Myths and Truths

Nazi-Style Denunciation Campaign Urges Americans To Report Each Other

Max Keiser on Alex Jones Tv: The Fed's Dirty Little Secret is Out

Camouflaged Green -- Eugenics Smokescreen: Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Obama's Science Adviser Called for 'Zero Economic Growth'

In the 70s, Obama's Science Adviser Endorsed Giving Trees Legal Standing to Sue in Court

Union Thugs Beat Patriot at Obamacare Town Hall in St. Louis

Humanity's Expression

ABC News: No Evidence Of Lobbyists During Obamacare Protest

AP sources: Military-civilian terror prison eyed (Translation: Domestic GITMO)

Do Seed Companies Control GM Crop Research?

Big Pharma: Baxter Files Swine Flu Vaccine Patent a Year Ahead of Outbreak

Mexico to issue citizens national identity card

Congress eyes biometric authentication for job eligibility

Big government gets in your food, hurts small farmers

Common insect repellent affects nervous system: study

Chairman Murdoch says news sites will charge for content

Tens of thousands of 11-year-olds leave primary school practically illiterate

North Korea: Bill Clinton Trip May Be Seen As A Triumph But Reality Is The US Will Pay A High Price

August 6th, 1945: The Day Your Government Commited one of the Worst Atrocities in the History of Mankind

The Obama Deception

Obama Stabs Supporters In The Back, Breaks Promise Not To Issue Presidential Signing Statements

Obama appoints Monsanto shill Tom Vilsack to USDA chief

Health Care Bill Would Allow Feds To Snoop in Your Checkbook

The Public Plan Deception - It's Not About Choice

Bisphenol A (BPA) causes sterilization, brain damage and cancer, and is contaminating our food.

Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

H1N1 Pandemic: Pentagon Planning Deployment of Troops in Support of Nationwide Vaccination

Old 60 Minutes Exposé On 1976 Swine Flu Propaganda, Debilitating Vaccines

White House Science Adviser Advocated 'De-Development' of the United States

Controlling the Global Economy: Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the Federal Reserve

Entering the Greatest Depression in History

The Banks Own the Fed, and the Central Banks Own BIS

The Great American Bubble Machine

Global Banking Economist Warned of Coming Crisis

Obama Keeps Bush's "Continuity of Government" Plans in Place

The myths of Afghanistan, past and present

Refusing vaccination labels you a “criminal”, so says WHO | Farm Wars

Infectious diseases spreading faster than ever: U.N. | International | Reuters

Vaccinations are causing impaired blood flow (Ischemia), Chronic Illness, Disease and Death for us all | VacTRUTH

Obama team mulls new quarantine regulations - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Revolt is brewing among AARP members against AARP leadership | Washington Examiner

RealClearPolitics - Video - Violence Erupts At Rep. Castor's Town Hall In Tampa

Snitch switch: Turn tables on Obama rat patrol

Experts dig up dirt on David and Goliath - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

BLATANT Monetization Uncovered - The Market Ticker

Shenandoah » The Un-Fairness Doctrine

Safe Haven | The FDIC Is in Trouble

The Royal Scam (from oftwominds.com)


Large Hadron Collider Struggles, Adding to the Mysteries of Life - NYTimes.com

Mercenaries training US local police a new trend

How is America going to end? Slate's "Choose Your Own Apocalypse" lets you map out the death of the United States. - By Josh Levin - Slate Magazine

All News Web - Are there Alien UFO bases on The Moon?

Strange New Air Force Facility Energizes Ionosphere, Fans Conspiracy Flames

The Massive Ordnance Penetrator Will Be the Largest Non-Nuclear Bomb Ever | Popular Science

AP Propaganda - 3 Flu Shots Needed This Fall

Fannie Needs $10.7 Billion In New Treasury Capital

FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Subpoenaed, Set to 'Break' Gag Order Unless DoJ Intercedes

Microorganisms can predict changes in their environments—upending age-old biological tenets and giving new insight into non-neural genius.

‘Pain Ray’ First Commercial Sale Looms

VIDEO: Obamacare, Jay Rockefeller, and the Nancy Pelosi Lovefest

Relaxation Drink Has Some Calling it Liquid Pot

Iran/Russia - a deadly embrace

Diseased African Monkeys Used to Make Swine Flu Vaccines; Private Military Contractor Holds Key Patents

FEMA Announces Creation Of Children's Working Group

Feds at DefCon hacker conference alarmed after RFID’s scanned

Soros Funded Blog Attempts to Malign Opposition to Obamacare

Oklahoma Fusion Center Coordinator Vague On NLE 09

Government Fines & Harassment For People Who Refuse To Answer Intrusive Survey Questions

Now it’s barcodes that can be read at a distance

Scientists fear a revolt by killer robots

Humans 2.0: Replacing the Mind and Body

Uncovered Video: Obama Explains How His Health Care Plan Will ‘Eliminate’ Private Insurance

Bringing the "Bio" War Home

VIDEO: Buzz Aldrin On C-Span: Monolith Orbiting Mars

The True Victims of Government Stupidity

NASA - Kepler Mission Detects Exoplanet Atmosphere

BBC NEWS | Health | Are we losing the war on bugs?

Johann Hari: The hidden truth behind drug company profits - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

New insights into health and environmental effects of carbon nanoparticles

The Left Is Demonizing Freedom Of Speech

The Weight of Tradition: Why Judaism is Not Like Other Religions

savethemales.ca - Revenge of an Unloved Man

Retired Vax Scientist Would Never Vaccinate His Kids

Jews In The News–Indicator That The US Is Officially At War With The Jewish State? « The Ugly Truth

Pedophiles The Hate Bill PROTECTS - Part 2

Corporate Fascism - Danish Style

A New Cydonia of ancient extraterrestrial monuments found on Mars

Home and free - but Bill Clinton remains silent on what was said in North Korea rescue - Times Online

We sell a bunch of junk, says Whole Foods boss John Mackey | Business | The Guardian

Cross purposes: Who are the Rosicrucians? - Americas, World - The Independent

Rupert Murdoch plans charge for all news websites by next summer | Media | The Guardian

Rupert Murdoch's move to charge for content opens doors for competitors | Media | The Guardian

Secret mission to expose L. Ron Hubbard as a fake - Times Online

Real Health Care Reform - Universal Single-Payer

Microorganisms can predict changes in their environments—upending age-old biological tenets and giving new insight into non-neural genius.


SPACE.com -- Hopes Dim for Mars Life

Doctors baffled by Indian village of over 200 sets of twins | Lifestyle | Reuters

Observatory - Scientists Use Curvy DNA to Build Molecular Parts - NYTimes.com

Lake Sediments Cast More Doubt That a Comet Caused Ice Age Extinctions: Scientific American

The Health Care Reform Sell-Out

Single-Payer Groceries, Anyone? by Thomas DiLorenzo

Sarah-Phobic: Liberals Love Hunting When the Target's a Conservative Women by Lila Rajiva

Don’t Put Your Money on a US Recovery by Bill Bonner

Modern Survivalism Tenet Number Six by Jack Spirko

The Ongoing Danger of Nuclear War by Lawrence S. Wittner

Ron Paul: Obama 'deserves an F' - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

The Witness:The way nature intended

Truthdig - Reports - Hiroshima Day: America Has Been Asleep at the Wheel for 64 Years

William Blum - Keeping track of the empire's crimes

Site - Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II

Ron Paul's son following in father's footsteps - CNN.com

CQ Politics | Health Debate Produces Angry Protests, Angry Retorts

See rebellion at grass roots

Study finds unusual suspect in lung cancer risk

Ventura's new venture: 'Conspiracy Theories'

7-year - The Fed Buys Last Week's Treasury Notes - Aug. 6, 2009 | Blogs at Chris Martenson - 7-year, Auction, Chris Martenson's Blog, Fed, Shell Game, treasury

YouTube - BREAKING NEWS! Military to administer vaccinations! Total control of America about to occur!!!

Curtmaynardsnewestblog: Crazy Zionist Rupert Murdoch Thinks You'll Pay For His Deceptive Propaganda

Obama's Healthcare "Snitch" Program

It's SO over: cool cyberkids abandon social networking sites | Media | The Guardian

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » The Obama Administration Asks Supporters to Report ‘Disinformation’ Dissent About His ‘Health and Calls Protesters Racist

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Obama - A Con-Trick & A Puppet Of Wall Street

Refreshing News: Google Bans and Buries Web Sites: 6 Search Engine Showdowns

Obama rallies health counterprotesters - Washington Times

YouTube - The International - The True Value of a Conflict

**The Real Right to Medical Care versus Socialized Medicine - George Reisman - Mises Institute

**Who Owns The TV Networks : Federal Jack

BBC admit al qaeda never existed - Video | DoomDaily

Profits From a Pandemic: A Swine Flu Windfall for GlaxoSmithKline? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

The Doctors Paul on Obamacare « LewRockwell.com Blog

American's Journey: JFK + Executive Order 11110 = Head Shot?

When the going gets tough, editorial boards turn to John Bolton | UN Dispatch

YouTube - AARP Town Hall Meeting on Health Care - Dallas, August 4, 2009

The Fed's UST-POMO Pyramid Scheme Exposed | zero hedge

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Peter Schiff on Countdown: More Trouble Ahead? - 08/5/09

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ben Bernanke on the verge of tears on PBS over Audit the Fed Bill.’

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » 9/11 Video Clips Dan Rather Would Rather Not Show You

Healthcare Solution: Go Back to Cash

American Thinker Blog: Journalist's return a really big shoo

After 34 years, Lynette 'Squeaky' Fromme to be released - CNN.com

Site - HerdictWeb : Home

NGOs, Iran, Healthcare Revolt, and the Media « LewRockwell.com Blog


FBI Agent Provocateurs and Fusion Centers: Boys Gone Wild

Breitbart.tv » Obama: ‘Don’t Want the Folks Who Created the Mess to Do a Lot of Talking’

Amid recession US births dropped 2 percent in 2008

Bloomberg.com: Wind Promises Blackouts as Obama Strains Grid With Renewables

Video: Aesop's Fable - or fact? Meet the world's cleverest bird - Times Online

'Nurse of the Year' charged with not being a nurse

'Cloud ship' scheme to deflect the sun's rays is favourite to cut global warming - Telegraph

White House to Democrats: 'Punch back twice as hard' - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

Breitbart.tv » St. Louis Town Hall Turmoil: Were Protesters Barred as Union Members Entered?

Physicians speak out on health care bill

Tempers flare over health care plan | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Pelosi's visit to Denver a lightning rod - The Denver Post

Peggy Noonan: ‘You Are Terrifying Us’ - WSJ.com

Top Democrat denounces health care protests

Baird fears foes may plan ‘ambush’ - Columbian.com

Jensen Beach man tells Martin County Sheriff's detectives that his cat was downloading child pornography -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

AP source: Jackson doc gave sedatives before death

New Michael Jackson songs on missing hard drives | U.S. | Reuters

Rehab death of China Internet addict concerns

American Thinker: Obama: A Modern Day Roman Plebeian Tyrant

Health Care Town Halls Turn Violent in Tampa and St. Louis - Political News - FOXNews.com

Feds: Pupils with H1N1 should wear masks - Washington Times

Death of Pakistan Taliban chief Baitullah Mahsud is confirmed

EXCLUSIVE: WH sought to weaken law on whistleblowing - Washington Times

Fenty Signs Multipurpose Emergency Crime Bill

Tiger attack victims both arrested again

Potential job-site shooting averted, police say



Fractional Reserve Banking in Pictures (PART 1/2)

Memories of Woodstock - 40 Years later

American Health Care and the Intrusion of Insurance.

Continuing the discussion about "rich vs poor"

The Obama Way

Powerful Dem Rep stonewalls subpoena of Countrywide

Presumed Bhutto assassin killed in US strike

Obama's Black Panther Scandal

White House declares an end to the 'War on Terror'

Obama looses labor thugs on tea party town hall protestors

Obama's honeymoon over - what did he accomplish?

More cooking the books on climate change

The Top Ten 'Clunkers' Are All Detroit Brands

Third Party Collection and Obamacare

Two Hundred Days of Hope and Change

Doing the Obama Hustle

The Real Climate Agenda

What is going on here?

Why Jewish Grandmothers Should Oppose Obama Care

The Assault on American Business

The 2008/09 Housing Crisis and lessons learned forgotten

RealClearPolitics - Too Much Government: Why Obama May Fail

Waxman- Markey is bad business - BostonHerald.com

Pajamas Media » Is Obama Really Like the Joker?


Obamacare's Fatal Flaw - TIME

The left can't understand why people don't like Obamacare -- baltimoresun.com

Making the Same Mistake Twice;Obama's missteps in the health care debate mirror his missteps in last year's campaign. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Health Care Reform: A Better Plan


Justice Sotomayor

Obama should veto defense bill

Obama Open to Creation of Health Cooperatives, DeParle Says - Bloomberg.com

Rahm Emanuel warns liberal groups to stop ads - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

TheHill.com - Medicaid costs fueling dispute between states, Senate

Immigration Effort Draws GOP Backer - WSJ.com

Chuck Wald: Of Course There’s a Military Option on Iran - WSJ.com

Op-Ed Contributor - The Clintons’ High-Return Diplomacy - NYTimes.com

Obama's problems with North Korea were caused, not solved, by Clinton - Telegraph

The Hindu : Opinion / News Analysis : Cracks in Iran’s establishment are growing

EDITORIAL: Something fishy in Venezuela - Washington Times

Publics Want More Government Action on Climate Change: Global Poll - World Public Opinion

North Korea’s Dollar Store

Mark Hulbert: Four signs to watch for the rally's end - MarketWatch

Geithner’s F-Bombs Don’t Scratch Goldman Sachs: David Reilly - Bloomberg.com

Michael Kinsley - 'Harry and Louise' and the Nature of Socialized Medicine - washingtonpost.com

The Health Insurers Have Already Won - BusinessWeek

Gaming The Obama Mortgage Rescue - Forbes.com

RealClearMarkets - Why Mortgage Modifications Aren't Working

macroblog: Every recovery is the same; each recovery is different

Is the Fed's Buying-Spree Ending? - The Stash

Will Healthcare Reform Help The Economy? - The Atlantic Business Channel

Clunker Conservation

Who’s Afraid of FX Intervention?

Carmakers rush to fill depleted dealer stocks - Cash for Clunkers- msnbc.com

Peter Schiff, Truth Rising

msnbc.com Video Player:Cash for Clunkers

Digitized Stalking Is the New World Order | Threat Level | Wired.com

How is America going to end? Who most likely to secede? - By Josh Levin - Slate Magazine

OPB News · Why Have No African-Americans Died Under Death With Dignity Law?

Would-Be Assassin 'Squeaky' Fromme Still A Threat - ABC News

Exposing Coulter's Tirade Against "Birther Joe" Farah

A GOP that can say no

Destroying health care for the few uninsured

Obama: Unwitting catalyst for free-market health care?

True conviction: The key to victory in 2010?

You want fishy? I'll give you fishy!

The tea baggers are back – crazy as ever

Ransom for an enemy

Today's global warming policy: It's unbiblical

Corporate Greed Vs People's Health in America | CommonDreams.org

'Castroturfing' America

FrontPage Magazine - Clinton's North Korean Odyssey


BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | South of Scotland | Bidders sought for Bard's Bible

Deals could make King of Pop king of merchandising

Doctors baffled by Indian village of over 200 sets of twins - Yahoo! News

A SPOOKY NIGHT AT STEVENSTON BEACH - News - The Three Towns - Articles - Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald

Mars monument 'proof of life' | The Sun |News

SITE - Overdosed America

Couples say they saw a Lake Worth monster 40 years ago | Top Stories | Star-Telegram.com

Kepler works! | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

Democrats: 'Angry mobs' out to 'destroy Obama'

Obama 'snitch' program put on notice

White House bashed for health care 'snitch' program

Congressman wants government GPS in cars

Protesters in Ybor City drown out health care summit on Obama's proposal - St. Petersburg Times

Tension at town hall meeting on health reform

Six people, including P-D reporter, arrested at Carnahan meeting - STLtoday.com

AARP host walks out of 'listening meeting' in Dallas

White House Vows to Defend Democrats on Health Reform, Will 'Punch Back Twice as Hard' - Political News - FOXNews.com

Healthcare Bill's Abortion Curiosity - God & Country (usnews.com)

Huck: Obama 'most pro-abortion' pres. - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

The Hindu : National : Double standards in Pakistan’s anti-terror campaign

'Factor' host praises Obamas

Gibbs: Add it up yourself

Muslims torch Christians for 'blasphemy' of Quran


**The blood libels against 'birthers'

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

Obama birth doc update: Kenya sources weigh in

Claim of Obama’s Kenya birth record thrown out | Sentinel Radio

sOURCE:Claim of Obama’s Kenya birth record thrown out - Total Buzz - OCRegister.com

Bill would force Obama to reveal birth documents

Blogger: I created Kenya document

(PROMO)'Where's the birth certificate?' The movie

Obama 'mama': 15 days from birth to Seattle class

Farah's birthday challenge: A $10,000 gift to hospital

Questions about Obama birthplace won't die - Taiwan News Online

Where's monument for Obama's birthplace?

The conspiracy theory about President Obama that refuses to die

Breitbart.tv » CNN’s Lou Dobbs Jokes With Reporter: ‘Don’t Say Birthers…Not on This Broadcast’

Gibbs on Birthers’ Theories: “You Couldn’t Sell This Script in Hollywood” - Political Punch

Why eligibility story is still alive

** Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


American Minute for August 7th:William J Federer's American Minute


*Transcripts :Obama's Remarks on Sotomayor's Confirmation

Obama's Speech in Wakarusa, Indiana

Interview with RNC Chairman Michael Steele

Panel on the Townhall Meeting Protestors

Secretary Clinton on the Journalists' Return

Interview with Senator Charles Grassley

Secretary Clinton's Speech in Kenya

The Recovery Act is Working

Panel on Bill Clinton's North Korea Trip

Interviews with Specter, Sestak, and Toomey

Analysts Discuss Bill Clinton's Trip to North Korea

Obama's Remarks on the New GI Bill

Sen. Corker and Rep. Doggett on Townhall Protestors

Interview with Secretary LaHood

Remarks with the Jordanian Foreign Minister

Larry Summers on "Meet the Press"

Guests: Sen. DeMint; Reps. Rangel & Pence

Larry Summers on "Face the Nation"

President Obama's Remarks on the Economy

Shields and Brooks on the Economy and Iraq


*Markets; Video/July Jobs Report Analysis

AIG Posts First Profit in 7 Quarters

AIG Breakup Is Fee Bonanza

The Gold Bulls Rev Up

Public Finally Paying Attention to the Deficit

Abby Cohen: S&P at 1050-1100 by Year's End

End of the Road for BofA's Ken Lewis?

What's In Store for the Markets?

Bull Market, or Just BS?

Stimulus Impact on GDP

*World ;Video/Pakistan Taliban Leader Killed

Lessons Learned from Russia-Georgia Conflict

Clinton on Africa's Agricultural Potential

Japan Split over Nuclear Armament Ban

New Lead in Hunt for Missing British Girl

Mosaic News: Updates from Around the Middle East

Special Report: Somalia's Militants Recruit Kenyans

Somalia Emerges as Birthplace of Terrorism and Piracy

Kenya Teetering on the Edge

Clinton's Meeting in Somalia

Sec. Clinton on Bill's Rescue

VOA's In Focus Looks on Clinton's Africa Trip

Bill Clinton's North Korea Visit Sparks Debate

Hillary Clinton Speaks in Africa

Controversy Plagues West Bank Conference

Stephen Cohen on Events in Georgia

Riz Khan on Iran's Bitter Political Divide

Prof. Johan Galtung on Somalia and Piracy

*Politics;Video/Hillary Clinton Boogies Down In Africa

St. Louis Town Hall Turns Into Political Shouting Match

Raw: Man Roughed Up At Rep. Castor's Town Hall

Gibbs Grades The Obama Administration

Geraldo Rivera Calls Protesters Racist And Organized

Obama To Supporters: "Get Fired Up Once Again"

Health Care Protestors & Supporters Clash During Pelosi Visit

Rachel Maddow Takes On Tim Phillips Of Americans For Prosperity

Obama Praises "Working At A Grassroots Level To Bring About Change" In 2008

Sen. Ben Cardin On Sotomayor's Confirmation

Maddow Says Protests Are Taking An Ugly Turn

Ron Paul's Son To Run For Senate

Neil Cavuto Tells Obama To Stop Whining About Criticism

Rove On Dems Ducking Health Care Town Hall Protests

O'Reilly on the Health Care Protests

Cummings On Health Care: "We Can Not Afford Not To"

Sen. Cornyn On "Fishy" Request From White House

Sen. Cardin Disagrees With "Astroturf" Remark

Sessions Has "Several Big Problems" With Sotomayor Confirmation

White House Declares Term "War On Terrorism" Over

Obama "Pleased" And "Gratified" By Sotomayor Confirmation

Sen. Menendez Hits GOP For Voting Against Sotomayor

Sen. Coburn On Congress Using Public Health Care


Gibbs Accuses Reporter Asking About "Fishy" Emails Of Having "Nefarious Plot"

Guidelines Address Swine Flu Outbreak in Fall - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Race for H1N1 Flu Vaccine

Florida Sen. Mel Martinez to Resign - Political News - FOXNews.com

Senate Ethics Panel Clears Dodd on Countrywide Loans - WSJ.com

US Senate confirms Obama nominees for ambassadors to China, Japan - Los Angeles Times

Senate Votes 68 to 31 to Confirm Sonia Sotomayor to Supreme Court - washingtonpost.com

Embattled S.C. Governor Sanford, Wife Are Splitting Up - washingtonpost.com

Two brothers arrested in murder of Holocaust survivor Felix Brinkmann

The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

WORLD Magazine | Community | Blog Archive | Obama: Keep quiet and “get out of the way”

CQ: Can Obama help Democrat in governor's race? - CQ Politics- msnbc.com

Diane Schuler defended on 'Today Show'

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Where now for Pakistan's Taliban?

YouTube - Pakistan Taliban leader 'killed'

Hotel bomb suspect hunt triggers gunfight - CNN.com

'Great Train Robbery' perpetrator Ronnie Biggs is set free due to illness - Los Angeles Times

YouTube - Ronnie Biggs 'thrilled' after receiving prison release

Clinton meets Mandela, looks through his archives | Politics | Reuters

Sister: Journalists jailed in North Korea asked for Clinton - CNN.com

NATO Chief: More Troops Needed for Afghanistan - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

Attacks kill at least 29 in Iraq on Shiite religious holiday - CNN.com

4 Soldiers Killed in 2 Afghan Attacks - NYTimes.com

Somali Pirates’ Kenya Trial Postponed Until October - Bloomberg.com

Opinion: A recipe for even more delay on Iran | Op-Ed Contributors | Jerusalem Post

AFP: Thousands rally for Karzai as next Afghan leader

Niger's president wins referendum on extending mandate_English_Xinhua

YouTube - Secretary Clinton In Africa - Bloomberg

Kara DioGuardi: 'I Never Was Here To Replace Paula Abdul' - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Stars, Collaborators Remember John Hughes - Tributes, Demi Moore, John Hughes, Macaulay Culkin, Steve Martin : People.com

YouTube - John Hughes' Legacy

Aerosmith Guitarist Says Current Tour in Question - ABC News

Z on TV: Glenn Beck: Let's hope ad loss makes a difference - Sun critic David Zurawik writes about the business, culture and craziness of television - baltimoresun.com


***Michael Savage Live and Archives - TRN Superstation***

08/06 The Mark Levin Show

08/05 The Mark Levin Show

08/04 The Mark Levin Show

08/03 The Mark Levin Show

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 6th With Dr. Henry Niman


**Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Video Compilation: Town Hall Rebellion

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Schools Set To Become Mass Swine Flu Vaccination Clinics

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Humans and Their CO2 Save the Planet!

**Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Alex Jones: C2C Wednesday August 5th 2009

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » A Special Thanks From Alex Jones: The Obama Deception Threatens Government Hoax

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Suspects Arrested After Racial Assault on Black Conservative at St. Louis Town Hall

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Long debate ended over cause, demise of ice ages – solar and earth wobble – CO2 not involved

Obama Connected Group Calls for Brownshirt Tactics Against Healthcare Opponents

Obamacare, Jay Rockefeller, and the Nancy Pelosi Lovefest