"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

04 August 2009

4 Aug 09

4 AUG 09


Now Glenn Beck slams Obama birth issue

Harry Reid: Not 1 minute for 'phony issue' of birth

Farah's birthday challenge: A $10,000 gift to hospital

1,200 send Obama request for records

Where's monument for Obama's birthplace?

Bill O'Reilly invites Farah, then disinvites him

Is this really smoking gun of Obama's Kenyan birth?

Why I doubt Kenyan birth document

Lou Dobbs challenges his own CNN network - Yahoo! News

TV Ad Targets Lou Dobbs, CNN on Obama Birth Certificate "Issue" - Robert Schlesinger (usnews.com)

Hawaii refuses to verify president's online COLBs

HuffPost blogger, college prof: Release birth certificate

Andrew Sullivan: Release the birth certificate

Suborned in the U.S.A. by Andrew C. McCarthy on National Review Online

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

Why eligibility story is still alive

*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

BBC iPlayer - Americana: 02/08/2009

Farah: 'White House wants to silence dissent'


World Net Daily Player:Legion 'excited' by $78 billion GI bill

World Net Daily Player:Liberty Counsel: Government to make 'home visits'

World Net Daily Player:Critic: Health plan to let government take your $$$

World Net Daily Player -Report suggests recession coming to end

Get ready for an Islamic Antichrist, warns new book

Gun foes see new hope with Sotomayor - Washington Times

Netanyahu to U.S.: Israel will govern itself, thank you

Muslims torch Christians for 'blasphemy' of Quran

Bill Clinton Meets North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Il to Discuss Detained Journalists - ABC News

Panel blasts Panther case dismissal - Washington Times

Obama Advisers Set Groundwork to Raise Taxes on Middle Class - WSJ.com

White House rejects tax-hike suggestions - Washington Times

White House Counsel's Job at Stake - WSJ.com

Breitbart.tv » Outcry Causes Obama Administration to Change Language on ‘Cash for Clunkers’ Website

Howard Kurtz - Rahm Pushes the Networks - washingtonpost.com

Rather sues to return CBS execs to $70 million suit | Reuters

Freedom's Lighthouse: Liberal Talk Show Host Wishes "Madness" on Sarah Palin; Death on Rush Limbaugh - Audio 8/3/09

Associated Press Misleads Readers on Abortion, Health Care, and President Obama

Obama Joker poster popping up in Los Angeles - SILive.com

4 held in Australia ‘suicide terrorist’ plot - Asia-Pacific - msnbc.com

6.9 quake rattles Mexican state, San Diego - Focus on Mexico- msnbc.com

Breitbart.tv » Specter, Sebelius Roundly Booed Defending ObamaCare at Philadelphia Town Hall

Breitbart.tv » Uncovered Video: Obama Explains How His Health Care Plan Will ‘Eliminate’ Private Insurance

WH rebuts Drudge health care video - Washington Times

American Thinker Blog: Obama's revealing body language (updated and expanded))

See rebellion at grass roots

GMO Scandal: The Long Term Effects of Genetically Modified Food on Humans

YouTube - Jewish leader arrested for child porn

Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service - Telegraph

Climate Change Fraud - Obama's Big Lie: "Green" Jobs

Chemicals can turn genes on and off; new tests needed, scientists say. — Environmental Health News

5.8, 6.9, 5.0, 5.9 Quakes In Gulf Of California

Tax Revenues Post Biggest Drop Since Depression

Decline And Fall Of The American Empire

Devvy Kidd -- Cash For Clunkers: More Stealing, More Debt

Loyalties & Consequences

Geithner Won’t Rule Out New Taxes for Middle Class - George's Bottom Line

This Recession Ain't Over By A Long Shot

In kingdom, Saudi prince's coup 'fails'

Crop Circle at Morgans Hill, Nr Bishop Cannings, Wiltshire. Reported 2nd August 2009

"Dead Man Musings"Mitt Romney, the Illuminati and Plundering the Mormon Church!

The Barack backlash: How Obama's presidency has gone from deity to doubtful | Mail Online

Barack Obama's support falls among white voters - Telegraph

10 Israelis, Americans charged in massive U.S. tax fraud case - Haaretz - Israel News


Birther buzz booms with 'smoking gun'

Ryan O'Neal Vanity Fair Interview --Popeater

Dog walker bursts into flames after being struck by lightning - Telegraph

Unseen photographs of The Beatles up for sale - Telegraph

BBC NEWS | Special Reports | Behind the scenes: The Powell family

Land of Lincoln - Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About the Penny - TIME

The extraordinary 1918 photographs of U.S. icons taken by pioneering Briton... using up to 30,000 American troops | Mail Online

Obama Sends a Signal to the Few Remaining Suckers Who Believe in the Rule of Law


Beginning to Smell in Afghanistan by Steve Breyman -- Antiwar.com

Wham Bam Bananastan by Jeff Huber -- Antiwar.com

The United States does not have the best health care system in the world

100-million-payday-poses-problem-for-pay-czar.html: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

No tax hike for middle class: White House | Politics | Reuters

Dick Act of 1902… Can’t Be Repealed (Gun Control Forbidden) – Protection Against Tyrannical Government « Dprogram.net

YouTube - Bayer Exposed ( HIV Contaminated Vaccine )

New Evidence: That The ‘Swine Flu’ Pandemic Is Man-Made | Pakistan Daily: The Pakistan News Agency

NPR Check: Superhumans and Subhumans on NPR

FEMA Is dysfunctional, so we're making it larger?

MoD spin doctor 'suffered post-traumatic stress disorder after being forced to lie that Army vehicles were safe | Mail Online

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Botched Building Demolition Reinforces WTC 7 Lie

Can drilling electrodes into your brain help you lose weight? | Mail Online

YouTube - Cash for Clunkers


Squalene: The Swine Flu Vaccine’s Dirty Little Secret Exposed « Dprogram.net

The Guernsey experiment » Business » This Is Guernsey

The Ostroy Report:Can We Trade in Our Republican Senate Clunkers?

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » 8/3/09 Adam Kokesh on Russia Today: Audit the Fed!

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Philip J. Berg on The Alex Jones Show:Is Barack’s Real Name Still “Barry Soetoro?”

The Truth about Flu Shots

Campaign For Liberty — Health Rations and You

YouTube - More proof of WTC 7 lie

IAF purchases advanced smart bombs | Israel | Jerusalem Post

Fake ATM, skimmers found in Las Vegas hotels | Zero Day | ZDNet.com

The Raw Story » Rove, Freeper founder, liberal blogs agree: New Obama birth certificate fake

Anti-Neocons • View topic - 20 Quick facts and unanswered questions about 9/11

YouTube - MSNBC's Interview With Obama "Birther Queen" Orly Taitz

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Jerry Mazza: 9/11 was an Inside Job


Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Lou Dobbs - Obama wants North American Union

10 indicted in $35 million tax fraud scheme - Chicago Breaking News

*Media Cover-up

Cash for Repos | The Real Revo

USATODAY.com: More ask to carry concealed weapons

King salmon vanishing in Alaska, smokehouses empty - Yahoo! News

Implosion Goes Wrong, Building Rolls Over (VIDEO)

The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor:Getting Prepared for the Great Collapse

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Hidden Gobi Desert relics found

Joe Bageant: The Bastards Never Die

Obama officials: Taxes may rise to pay health care - Yahoo! News

Pentagon, Eyeing Iran, Wants to Rush 30,000-Pound Bomb Program - Bloomberg.com

Power Shifts in Plan for Capital Calamity - NYTimes.com

BBC NEWS | Europe | Catholic bank owned pill shares

James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » Cash for clunkers is Obamanomics in microcosm | Blogs |


Democrats May Bypass Republicans on Health Plan, Schumer Says - Bloomberg.com

Congress' own healthcare benefits: Membership has its privileges - Los Angeles Times

Human Rights Groups Question Role State Department Nominee Played in Company Active In Sudan - Political Punch

Seattle Bank Teller Loses Job After Thwarting Heist - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Democrats' break looking like a bad trip - Alex Isenstadt and Abby Phillip - POLITICO.com


Committee on Oversight and Government Reform - Republicans: Press Release :: Issa to Emanuel: Back Off!


08-04-2009: U.S. Climate Bill Seen Increasing Household Energy Cost

08-04-2009: Iraq To Impose Controls On The Internet

Human 2.0 - Replacing The Mind And Body

08-04-2009: Pfizer slips out of $6 billion lawsuit and criminal charges over children killed by experimental drug

08-04-2009: Now It's barcodes that can be read at a distance

08-04-2009: Poll: Three Out Of Four Want Audit Of Federal Reserve

08-04-2009: Depopulation Propaganda: Study Says Save The Planet By Having Fewer Kids

08-03-2009: Army families 'forced to rely on charity food handouts'

08-03-2009: Terror case in NC may involve classified material

Antidepressant Use Doubles According To Study

08-03-2009: British Government Installing CCTV Cameras Inside Private Homes

08-03-2009: Russian Soccer Fans Urged To Drink Whisky To Ward Off The Swine Flu Virus

08-03-2009: FDA says mercury dental fillings not harmful

More Church Of Scientology Defectors Come Forward With Abuse

08-02-2009: Buzz Aldrin On C-Span: Monolith Orbiting Mars

08-02-2009: Army National Guard Recruiting FEMA Camp Or "Internment/Resettlement" Specialists

08-02-2009: NexGen AI -A Threat to Human Civilization?

08-02-2009: New Moon Photos And Lost Apollo 11 Video Generate More Questions About The Credibility Of The Apollo Moon Landings

08-02-2009: Lawmaker: MI5 May Have Recruited Terrorist Sympathizers

08-02-2009: Tagging Teen Drivers For Their Enslavement (Safety)

Geithner Loses It After Bair Refuses To Yield Power To Fed

VIDEO: SWAT team confronts Young Americans for Liberty

Bringing the "Bio" War Home

Market Review: Weakening Dollar, Rising Urban Unemployment

Obama Considers “Military-civilian” Prison System for Suspected Terrorists

Mock Supernova Created by Supercomputer

Pushed by Recession, Millions Make Dramatic Job Changes

Bowing to US's 'Naked Political Power'

As Obama's Support Erodes, the Right is Resurgent

13 in Congress Control Health Care Debate

How to Protest Your Congressman--Townhall Gone Wild

H1N1 Pandemic: Pentagon Planning Deployment of Troops in Support of Nationwide Vaccination

Old 60 Minutes Exposé On 1976 Swine Flu Propaganda, Debilitating Vaccines

White House Science Adviser Advocated 'De-Development' of the United States

The Worldwide H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic.

The Real Economy Versus the Make-Believe World of Wall Street and the Fed

Laundering Money through the Big Banks: Bernanke's Quid Pro Quo

North American Union: Implanting microchips in national ID cards

America's Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: Biological Warfare

Vaccination Myths and Truths

The Federal Reserve Knew that a Financial Crash was Coming

The Obama opiate: Crisis deepens, crowds cheer

The role of police in the contemporary U.S.

The passing of Aquino, the rigging of elections and the need for people power

Urban cavemen (living life out of balance)

Nothing in sight to replace the US dollar as an international reserve currency

Controlling the Global Economy: Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the Federal Reserve

VIDEO:Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

Obama Considers “Military-civilian” Prison System for Suspected Terrorists

VIDEO:Government Website cars.gov Takes Over Your Computer Forever

Veterans a Focus of FBI Extremist Probe

Sebelius’ Spokesman Says HHS Will Limit ‘Measurements of Gender’ in Federal Health Care Database to ‘Male’ and ‘Female’—LGBT Categories Will Not Be Included

Obama Still ‘Committed’ to No Tax Increase on Those Making Less Than $250,000, Says White House

Top Intelligence Committee Republican: CIA Documents Will Show Enhanced Techniques Worked

Poll: Americans Say Bombing Hiroshima Was Right by 3-1 Margin; Nearly Half of Liberals Agree

Blasphemy Laws Seen As Root Cause of Violence Against Christians

Geithner Floats Obama’s Next Potential Big Move: A Tax Hike on the Middle Class

Obama Struggling to Keep No-Tax Pledge

Health Care Bill Says Sebelius Must Develop ‘Measurements of Gender;’ Sebelius Says She Has ‘No Idea’ What That Means

Public Passions Are Rising on Health Care Overhaul

Sen. Arlen Specter, Party-Switcher, Facing A Primary Challenge

2 Big Banks Lag in Mortgage Aid Program

Liberals Paint Health-Reform Protesters As Dangerous Nuts

Boston Officer Suspended for Using Racial Slur Sues Mayor, Commissioner

Bank of America Agrees to $33-Million SEC Fine Over Merrill Bonuses

Abbas: Palestinians Must Stick With Peace Talks

Jordan Rejects U.S. Call to Improve Ties With Israel

Al-Qaida Operatives Arrested in Northern Iraq

Diplomats Pressing Iran for Word on Three Americans Who Strayed Over Border

Rockets Strike Kabul in Pre-Election Attack

Bill Clinton Lands in North Korea on A Mission to Free Two Americans

Researchers Studying Depression in Children as Young as 3

Vermont Taxi Service Allows Patrons to Decide Fares

Time to Go, Grandpa

Just Say No!

Piling on the Spending

The Perfect Storm

Frankenstein's Folly

Senate Opens Debate on Sotomayor for Supreme Court

*SITE :Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt - Clearing the rubbish from the road to reality

Clinton to Pyongyang: Criteria for Success

*SITE : spychips.com - how RFID will compromise privacy, security, freedom

Millennium Ark: Hot News: Why Food Prices are Set to Rocket

Obama hates the white man


Crossroads - You - The Updated Owner’s Manual - NYTimes.com

Military Aims for Instant Repair of Wartime Wounds | Danger Room | Wired.com

*SITE:Katherine Albrecht;INTERNET RADIO

American Minute for August 4th:William J Federer's American Minute

Ancient Cities Lost to the Seas | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine

New Israeli vaccine could save bees from colony collapse disorder - ISRAEL21c

Japanese 'robot suit' to help disabled - Telegraph

Alien sightings reported in North Port - NBC-2.com WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, Florida

SPACE.com -- Can Life on Earth Escape the Swelling Sun?

SITE:Earth Changes Media - for the latest info on our changing earth.

SITE : SyzygyJob

Rep. Pete King: Health Care is Not a Major Issue Among the American People

Glenn Beck pleads with his audience not to resort to violence: 'Just one lunatic like Timothy McVeigh could ruin everything'

Right wing assaults on August Town Halls are partying like it's 1994: Attack of the Zombie Plumbers

Crazy "Birther" Lady goes on TV again.....

Rachel Maddow on GOP Thugishness at Town Halls: This is Called Hooliganism

Olbermann's Special Comment on Health Care Reform: Calling Blue Dogs Out!

Red States Plagued by Birther Epidemic, Health Care Crisis

Huckabee brings on David Barton to promote his far-right theories on church-state separation

Rep. Mike Pence is exposed as an out of touch conservative on FOX News Sunday

Bill Bennett Rolls His Eyes as Donna Brazile Pans Tax Cuts for the Wealthy, War Spending and Drug Company Giveaways

NYT Editorial: CBO Probably Underestimated Savings from Healthcare Reform

University Of Hawaii Football Coach Suspended For "Faggot Dance" Remarks

Michelle Malkin Claims the Tea Party Movement is Grass Roots Counter-Insurgency

Beck's 'racism' charge hits Howard Kurtz's outrage meter

Geithner Hints Dems Will Move Ahead On Health Care Without Republican Support - If They Must

World Net Daily, Free Republic Post Forged Obama Birth Certificate From Kenya

The Selective Amnesia of John McCain

Gee, another well-armed Glenn Beck fan freaked out about FEMA concentration camps. Whoda thunk?

The ghost of Lee Atwater is back as the Conservative movement tries to tear the country apart

GOP upset victory in Delaware special election

Jewish Democrat Organization averts its eyes

Anti-Chavez TV network attacked in Caracas

Obama sends Bill Clinton to North Korea

Obama's war on Sherrif Joe Arpaio

Reimagining Government

Obama's national security policy missteps may doom Greg Craig

Homegrown, Made in the USA Jihad

The White House even games citizen's correspondence

Who's the rude one?

The Heat is On

Media Matters Firing up Anti-Birther Machine

Avoiding the Next Obama

Dems Begin Alinsky-in-August Offensive

Race profiteers are the true enemies of black America

The Myth of the Expert

Green Jobs: Fast-tracking Economic Suicide

Sonia Sotomayor: From Biased and Proud to just Biased

Who Was Barack Obama In His Previous Incarnation?

Obama and the mad proliferators

The Obamacare Strategy: Rush, Muddle & Malign

Birthers and Truthers: The Political Calculus

Brown Nose Democrats

The GOP is not a group, it's a party

Maricopa County Sheriff's Office:Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Gov't counting on public shame to help loan effort

Are you ready to kiss your freedom goodbye?

Government Gone Wild

Why I doubt Kenyan birth document

Media's glaring mistakes in eligibility coverage

Change we can count on

Obama hates the white man

Gates-Crowley 'teachable moment'?

Time to go, Grandpa

Obama can't afford to tell truth on health care

High funeral costs vs. home burials

American Thinker: His Name is Joe and He's a Plumber

Decapitated lad is back on track

Can a 'URL Killer' Save Our Text-Weary Thumbs? - Advertising Age - DigitalNext

New HIV strain leapt to humans from gorillas: study

Meridian Star - LCSD teacher faces sex charges

Clinton goes off-script, 'clarifications' follow - Washington Times

The Helping Hand That Led Geese Safely Across Road Now Holds Ticket

Vermont Man Charged With Digging Up Dad - Local News Story - WPTZ Plattsburgh

Street Soccer USA lending a helping hand - U.S. Soccer - ESPN Soccernet

Pentagon eyes accelerated bunker buster bomb | Politics | Reuters

Get ready for an Islamic Antichrist, warns new book

Health Insurance Hell | Mother Jones

Obama’s More-for-Less Health Care Doesn’t Add Up: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg.com

The Guns of August - The Treatment

Teachable August - HUMAN EVENTS

Obama's New 'Best Friends' - The Daily Beast

U.S. Psyche Bedevils Health Effort - WSJ.com

He's No Ronald Reagan

Obama’s promises are a work in progress - The Elkhart Project- msnbc.com

Harry and Louise must die | Salon Life

RealClearPolitics - The Folly of Hate-Crime Laws

So far, stimulus doesn't seem to be doing its job - The Denver Post

Editorial: Soaking the middle class | detnews.com | The Detroit News

CQ Politics | Health Care Debate a Campaign Cash Cow

National Journal Online - 13 Democrats Facing Probes As Recess Begins

Firm Stance on Illegal Immigrants Remains Policy - NYTimes.com

Feith and Shulsky: Why Revive the Cold War?

A Russian Federation Without Federalism

Spectacle Trials in Tehran - washingtonpost.com

EDITORIAL: Kinder, gentler jihad - Washington Times

RAND | Occasional Papers | The Geopolitical Consequences of the World Economic Recession -- A Caution

document :Rand

'Cash for clunkers' gives a boost to July auto sales - Los Angeles Times

Melloan:Bernanke’s Exit Dilemma

Allan Sloan - Few Gains, Big Losses

Mark Seal on Ruth Madoff | vanityfair.com

The Greenback Is Broken - Barrons.com

Paul B. Farrell: Goldman's new 'American Socialism Manifesto'; 8 ways 'The Conspiracy' is destroying our American democracy

Texas is not the only red state - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com

What Would Happen If We Just Took All The Money Away From Our Nation's Billionaires?

Hussman Funds :Profiting from the Tooth Fairy

Income Loss Persists Long After Layoffs - NYTimes.com

Dueling Public Interests In Policing Rescued Firms


*Politics ;Video/Obama 2003: I Want A "Single Payer Health Care Plan"

Rangel: It's "Very Possible" Taxes On Middle Class Will Be Raised

DeMint: Cash For Clunkers Product Of "Out Of Control Government"

Update: Cash For Clunkers Privacy Message Changes

Durbin Warns of Health Care Town Hall "Sucker Punch"

Sen. Graham Has High Hopes For Clinton In North Korea

John Bolton On Israel Possibly Striking Iran

Secretary LaHood on Cash-For-Clunkers Success

Sen. Brown on the Future of Cash-For-Clunkers

Gibbs: Obama Committed To Not Taxing Middle Class

Sen. Bernie Sanders on Disrupted Townhalls

Rep. Doggett on His Townhall Being Disrupted

Sen. Webb Explains New G.I. Bill

Obama Says Private Insurance Could Be Eliminated Over Time

O'Reilly: GOP's Self-Inflicted Wounds

Republican Says Dems Silenced Him, Violated His 1st Amendment Rights

Specter, Sebelius Asked How Gov't Can Manage Heath Care And Not Cash For Clunkers

Ad Wants Nelson's Support for Public Option

Sen. McCain Votes No On Sotomayor

Sen. Corker: Take "Cash For Clunkers" Out Of Stimulus Funds

President Obama Unveils New G.I. Bill

Obama's Motorcade Booed In North Carolina

Media Matters Attacks Dobbs Over Birth Certificate Coverage

Ad Attacks Sen. Ben Nelson Over Health Care

Michelle Malkin On "The View"

Boehner Ad: Obama Isn't A Doctor, But He Plays One On TV

FOX News Covers Rowdy Specter, Sebelius Town Hall

New Ad Targets the GOP on Health Care

Liberal Talker Mike Malloy Hopes Limbaugh "Chokes To Death"

Constituents Urge Rep. Doggett to Say No to Health Care Reform

Government-Run Health Care May Mean Waiting in Line

Crowd Explodes When Arlen Specter Urges That Health Care Is Done "Fast"

Reid: Obama Birth Conspiracies Are "Absurd, Irresponsible, Baseless"

*Markets; Video/How Wall Street Profits from The Fed

Cramer's Back-to-School List of Goodies

Bank of America Pays $33 Million Fine to SEC

Larry Summers on the Obama Stimulus

The Man Behind Disney

Barclays 'Pretty Optimistic' on 2010

Ford: First Positive Sales in Two Years

Steve Forbes on Tax Hikes

What Grade Would You Give The Fed?

Google CEO Leaves Apple Board

Oil Prices Rise to One Month High

Should We Listen To Scary Historical Echoes?

*World; Video/Bill Clinton Makes Surprise Visit to North Korea

Alleged Suicide Attack Plot Foiled in Australia

Iran Protests Not Over

South Ossetian Village Shelled

Palestinian Fatah Forges Comeback at Conference

Ahmadinejad Wins State Endorsement

Zakaria Interviews Iranian Spokesman

3 American Hikers Detained In Iran

Flynt Leverett on Iran

Gulf War Vet's Remains Found

Israelis Rally After Two Murdered at Gay Center

Michael Wahid Hanna on Iraq

Roadside Bomb in Afghanistan Kills 12

4000 Evacuated in Forest Fire on La Palma

Hundreds Dead in Nigeria Clashes


*Transcripts:Larry Summers on "Meet the Press"

Guests: Sen. DeMint; Reps. Rangel & Pence

Larry Summers on "Face the Nation"

President Obama's Remarks on the Economy

Shields and Brooks on the Economy and Iraq


Bashing the "Birthers"

Jake Towne for Congress 2010: Health Care Platform Announcement

SOS: Senators on SpeedDial

Economic Math in Today's Economy

The Crazy Birthers

Politics As Usual

'Clunkers' Program's Environmental Impact Up for Debate

White House Isn't Concerned by Health-Care Protests

Republicans Gear Up for Debate on Sotomayor

Senate to begin final Sotomayor debate

Lahood Says Clunker Program Will Keep Rolling

On the White House Persistent 'Birthers' Fringe Disorients Strategists

Specter to Sestak: Let's rumble

Why Do Conservative Republicans Continue to Hurt Themselves?

Democrats May Bypass Republicans on Health Plan, Schumer Says

The List: Post Offices That May Close

Feds: NC terror suspect told family of jihad

Identity of 8th suspect in US terror case revealed

Obama's cybersecurity chief resigns, signals disarray

WH on resignation of Cybersecurity adviser Melissa Hathaway

Posters Spotted Portraying Obama as 'The Joker'

'Socialist Joker' Obama portrait goes viral

Michelle Obama, powerful women make Vanity Fair's Best-Dressed List

Developer Rejects Paterson's Proposals for Ground Zero Towers

Why is Ground Zero rebuilding taking so long? Mayor Bloomberg pins blame on Port Authority

Georgia Terror Suspect: Jihad Chatter Was 'Empty Talk'

Suspected Atlanta terrorist said he never planned violence

Voyage to study plastic 'island'

Researchers set sail for the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

In post-presidency, Clinton shows no signs of slowing down

Iran confirms detention of three Americans

Clinton 'Concerned' About Americans Held in Iran

Iran's opposition calls for inauguration protests

Western states refuse to congratulate Ahmadinejad

Australia Police Hold 4 in Terror Plot

Police: Militants planned raid on Australian base

Clinton to deliver tough message to Kenya's leaders

Clinton Asked to Remember Africa's Poor

Pilot dead, 42 hurt after Thai jet skids off runway: airline, ministry

Coup plotters, Marcos children honour Philippine icon Aquino

China Says It Has Detained 718 Suspects in July Riots

Rocket Attacks Hit Afghan Capital

Nigerian Groups Seek Probe of Killings by Security Forces

Nigeria president orders probe of sect leader death

Renny Harlin to direct film on Russia-Georgia conflict

Georgia peace fragile one year after war

Fatah holds first party conference for 20 years

Can Fatah reinvent itself?

Pakistan army says Taliban training boys to fight

Evicted Palestinians stand their ground – on thin mattresses

Obama planning Middle East PR blitz

Afghan Elections: The Man Who Would Beat Karzai

Afghan Election Poses Policy Dilemmas for US

Pakistan suspects Al Qaeda allies killed Christians

Obama Cannot Remain Silent About Pakistan Outrage

NATO Reorganizes Afghan Command Structure

Police beat women opposing Sudan dress code trial

Arms Lobbyist Schreiber Rejects Charges, Stays in German Jail

German arms lobbyist may spill more beans

Pacific leaders to tackle impact of global crisis

Google Gets Into The Advertising Trash Talk Game

Nissan Unveils the Leaf Electric Vehicle

Can Climate Panel Have Climate Impact?

How is America going to end? We could be crushed by a climate strongman. - By Josh Levin - Slate Magazine

US needs 45 more nuclear reactors by 2030: study

Soldiers get priority for Google Voice

Military staff to get priority Google Voice accounts

Hadron Collider's mysterious disappearing magnets

Electric setbacks plague particle collider

US consumer spending, pending home sales up

US military reviews use of Twitter, other sites

SEC to Ban Flash Trades of US Stocks, Schumer Says

Obama mortgage rescue: Only 9% getting help

Pending Home Sales Rise, Personal Income Drops

US Stocks Advance as Home Sales Overshadow Valuation Concern

Where made: United States

Geithner's Meltdown Over Financial Reform

Geithner's Outburst Gets Two Thumbs Down

Microsoft and Yahoo: Too Little, Too Late, Too Hyped

Son calls O'Neal a narcissist on CNN

Women may wind up stuck in jail for glue plot

Olbermann quashes idea of playing nice with O'Reilly and News Corp.

US Antidepressant Use Increases, Study Finds

Health Care Reforms Americans Will Never See

Blocking Protein May Prevent Premature Labor

Gym Class Injuries Up 150 Percent

Vitamin D deficiency common in US children

Money Trail: Obama Taps Donor for Health Job

Facial surgery may offer migraine cure

Researchers identify new strain of HIV derived from gorillas

Recommended Daily Dose for Omega-3 May Be on the Way

FDA Approves New Pfizer Cancer Drug

Face Masks, Hand Washing Stop Spread Of Influenza

Conn. Sen. Dodd pushes for health care reform

Kane and Barney Frank by Glenn Jacobs

A Great Moment in Our History by Andrew P. Napolitano

Universal Government by Phil Maymin

Choose Your Weapons by Michael Gaddy

Making Democracy Safe for the World by C.J. Maloney

'Why Be Afraid of Government?': What Kind of Stupid Question Is That? by Harry Goslin

I Worked for the Government Today Without Pay by Robert Higgs

Breitbart.tv » Obama in ‘03 (Uncut): I’d Like to See a ‘Single Payer Health Care Plan’

Barack Obama vs. Drudge Report - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

White House uses Web against Drudge attack - Yahoo! News

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform - Republicans: Press Release :: Issa to Emanuel: Back Off!

Obama administration withholds data on clunkers - Yahoo! News

NYC Family Sues Over Funeral Home Horror - wcbstv.com

Marines Ban Twitter, MySpace, Facebook | Danger Room | Wired.com

Bare-chested Vladimir Putin strikes a macho pose - Times Online

Bill Clinton rewarding NKorea for bad behavior: Bolton

YouTube - Steve Driehaus - Town Hall Meeting

YouTube - Crowd Explodes When Arlen Specter Urges That We "Do This Fast"


Spoof poster of Obama's face painted as The Joker branded 'dangerous and mean-spirited' | Mail Online

Obama "Joker" Poster Causing a Stir in L.A. - KTLA

George W. Bush: Comic-Book Villain?: Vanity Fair | Vanity Fair

Arab leaders, on U.S. visits, put onus on Israel - Yahoo! News

White House Counsel's Job at Stake - WSJ.com

We can't help staring! - Times Online

GE's silencing of Olbermann and MSNBC's sleazy use of Richard Wolffe - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Congressman Grayson Demands Fed Accountability | Editorial

Nikola Tesla still alive after death

Taki’s Magazine:Works Every Time! (Target Marketing)

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » London Times Smears 9/11 Truth Movement As Racist, Nazi Like, Stupid

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Healthcare Plan Based on Economic Fantasy

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » New Book Says Secret Service Cut Corners on Obama’s Protection

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Oklahoma Fusion Center coordinator comments on NLE 09

Expert Warns Of 'Terminator' Robot Threat - Yahoo! News UK

Chinese youth beaten to death at net addiction bootcamp • The Register

Geithner Warns Regulators to Back Reform Plan - Law and Regulation * US * News * Story - CNBC.com

Defying Geithner, Regulators Attack Overhaul Plan - Law and Regulation * US * News * Story - CNBC.com

Bill Clinton Meets Kim Amid Talks on 2 Journalists - NYTimes.com

Who is making a profit from swine flu? - Times Online

MI5 and MI6 are 'unaccountable', report says - Telegraph

Mercenaries training US local police a new trend

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » SATIRE: Alex Jones becomes a Super Saiyan

Illegal Aliens Arrested on Wire Fraud Charges

60 Minutes On the Indignities of Airport Gestapo Zones


YouTube - Health care reform debate heats up

YouTube - Study: Physical education injuries on the rise

YouTube - D Deficient

YouTube - Inside Jackson Estate Trial

YouTube - Google Launches Apps Ads - AP - Bloomberg

YouTube - Aug. 3: Manufacturing Report Lifts Stocks

YouTube - Ford Benefit's From CARS

YouTube - Iran Protests Not Over

YouTube - Australia: Police foil suicide attack on military base

YouTube - AGOA summit opens

YouTube - Pilot killed as plane slides off runway in Thailand

YouTube - Fatah looking for fresh start at first convention in 20years

YouTube - South Ossetian village shelled in another Georgian violation

YouTube - Election campaigning Afghanistan-style - 04 Aug 09

YouTube - The enormity of Afghanistan's elections - 03 Aug 09

YouTube - Senate Shift On "Cash For Clunkers" - Bloomberg

YouTube - American President Barack Obama celebrates his 48th birthday

YouTube - National Night Out Tuesday


08/03 The Mark Levin Show

07/31 The Mark Levin Show

Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 31st With Harrison Schmitt

Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 3rd With Dr. John Breeding



DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ONE -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THREE – Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOUR—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHT—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ELEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWELVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THIRTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOURTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIFTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIXTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVENTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

American Thinker Blog: What to Ask Your Congressperson about Obamacare (first in a series)

American Thinker Blog: What to Ask Your Congressperson about Obamacare (Part 2)

American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 3)

American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 4)

American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 5)

American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 6)

American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 7 of 7)

Katherine Albrecht:online radio

spychips.com - how RFID will compromise privacy, security, freedom

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 1

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 2

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 3

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 4

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 5

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 6

CI CENTRE - Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies

Counterterrorism Blog

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Counterterrorism and Terrorism

Total Intelligence Solutions, LLC

The Investigative Project on Terrorism

C-SPAN | Capitol Hill, The White House and National Politics

Congress.org - Alerts

C-SPAN | Capitol Hill, The White House and National Politics

George Orwell - Animal Farm

George Orwell - 1984

The Online Books Page


Conservative American Patriots - Facebook

Peter Lance

GOOOH | Get Out of Our House: A non-partisan political party!

Some Think Matreya Is A Possible Candidate For The Office Of Antichrist

Share International on the Reappearence of Maitreya the World Teacher
Online Bible Study Tools - Your Gateway to Bible Resources

Christianity -Faith, Living, Online Bible, Spiritual Life, Jesus Christ

Book TV | Top Nonfiction Authors and Books


Googlepedia: The Blog

Freedom Force International - Welcome

Reality Zone

Stephen C. Meyer - Research



Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) - Neal Barnard, M.D., president

Craig Nelson

Adam Gorightly’s Untamed Dimensions

21st Century Rebel: wiki fest

Articles: Deanna Spingola