"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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05 August 2009

5 Aug 09

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Spill an 'unusual event' or business as usual? :: Herald News :: Local News

Alien sightings reported in North Port - NBC-2.com WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, Florida

ALIPAC - Groups Rally Nation In Support of Dobbs and 1st Amendment

Lack of Vitamin D in Children 'Shocking' | LiveScience

Cryptomundo » Summer In The City: Albino Giant Snakes

Freed journalists reunited with their families | McClatchy

Dr. Orly Taitz' Federal Lawsuits Exposed to the "Flu Pandemic"

Blackwater Founder Implicated in Murder

Gym Shooting Kills 5; Shooting Terror at Pa. Fitness Center - ABC News

Basics - Finally, the Spleen Gets Some Respect - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Ufo Video From Turkey Shows Alien Occupants, Part 1.

FEMA: FEMA Announces Creation Of Children's Working Group

Debunking Obama's Thugs In The Media

Larry Sinclair On Things Obama: Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair Cracks Top 20,40 & 50 In 3 Categories At Amazon.com

Larry Sinclair On Things Obama: Barack Obama's 48th Birthday Gift Should Arrive At White House Today

savethemales.ca - "Tolerance" is a Guise for Social Engineering

YouTube - Salbuchi - "We, The People..." - The Insurrection - Part 1

YouTube - Salbuchi - "We, The People..." - The Insurrection - Part 2

Trolls And Bullies Are Debasing The Internet

Vaccinations are causing impaired blood flow (Ischemia), Chronic Illness, Disease and Death for us all | VacTRUTH

The Washington Independent » Is This the Source of the Forged ‘Kenyan Birth Certificate?’

Fathers & Families

whatreallyhappened.com: THE OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE HOAX

Butchers: The hidden truth about Israel's kidney theft ring :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dall'Iraq occupato :: news from occupied Iraq :: [ - it - 56577]

Culture of fear at the US border | Matthew Harwood | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

'Everyone should take Omega 3' say experts - Telegraph

Scientists 'grow replacement teeth in mice' - Telegraph

Parents warned about 'sexting' as a third of teenagers are sent explicit texts | Mail Online

Arab states warned off Israel deal - Telegraph

FT.com / Comment / Editorial - The cost of Arab peace concessions

Make way, Fatah young guns tell Arafat generation - Middle East, World - The Independent

Uranium Weapons - Does anyone care about our planet?

Part 2: Uranium Weapons - Does anyone care about our planet?

Dangers In The Shots - Components Of H1N1 Vaccines

GMO Scandal: The Long Term Effects of Genetically Modified Food on Humans

Now Glenn Beck slams Obama birth issue

Climate Change Fraud - Because the debate is not over - Obama's Big Lie: "Green" Jobs

Chemicals can turn genes on and off; new tests needed, scientists say. — Environmental Health News

Loyalties & Consequences

Decline And Fall Of The American Empire

The Nexus Of Evil - Part 1

The Nexus Of Evil - Part 2

Newseum - Today's Front Pages

Site - Newseum :Today's Front Pages

Site :Truth Attack

Site - Sites for Teachers

The Blue Dogs' disconnect: Listening to people who will never vote for them anyway

Pat Toomey says if elected he would end abortion and put doctors in jail

President Obama faces an increase of 400% in death threats a day

Nate Silver: Health-Care Reform is Far From Dead

When Liberals protest it's "fascism," when Conservatives astroturf-protest it's "democracy"

Dick Morris warns that Obama's health care reforms will 'kill our parents'

Testimony From Ex-Blackwater Staff Implicates Owner Erik Prince In Murder, Gun Smuggling Activities

Pat Buchanan Compares Al Gore to the Birthers

Bill Clinton gets two US journalists pardoned from North Korea: UPDATED with a Bolton

Now there's big news: U of Oregon a hotbed of liberalism! Call out the O'Reilly ambush teams!

Tweety promotes the astroturfed town hall protests as "Firestorms in Iran"

Grassley Protects His Party's Interests, Not Yours. Senator, Why Are You Ignoring Our Desperate Need for Health Care?

Bill O'Reilly can't see anything racial about the 'Birther' conspiracy theories

Gerald Seib: WSJ poll proves the elderly, Republicans and the South thought President Obama was wrong in Gates story

Rep. Pete King: Health Care is Not a Major Issue Among the American People

Glenn Beck pleads with his audience not to resort to violence: 'Just one lunatic like Timothy McVeigh could ruin everything'

Crazy "Birther" Lady goes on TV again.....

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » You Tube Pulls Hundreds Of Ron Paul Videos

Madoff's Wife to Reveal Purchases - WSJ.com


Anti-Neocons • View topic - Finally a place youtube can't censor it!

YouTube - israel in 3 minutes

In kingdom, Saudi prince's coup 'fails'

Washington's Blog:Do We Really NEED The Giant Banks? B


Pennsylvania LA Fitness Gym Shooter Kept Online Diary in Plotting the Attack - ABC News

Einstein's Brain and the Magic Flute | h+ Magazine

Private Contractor Tests New Illegal Ammo By, Killing An Iraqi

Welcome to Chris Floyd's Empire Burlesque

Shackles and Chains: America Leads the World Again

YouTube - Do Flu Shots Work? Ask A Vaccine Manufacturer.

Lost generation? U.S. grads work for free, look abroad | Reuters

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Peter Power 7/7 Terror Rehearsal - Same thing happened on 9/11. What a coincidence!

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Peter Schiff Schiff discusses his Senate run on RepublicMedia.TV

Fatal illnesses could be misdiagnosed over telephone as swine flu, GPs warn - Times Online

Refreshing News: White House struggles to fill cyber czar post

kenny's sideshow: How Will the Feds React to New State's Rights Industrial Hemp Growing Laws?

Preparing America for Mandatory Vaccination « Les dessous de l’information mondiale-Downside World News

Diseased African Monkeys Used to Make Swine Flu Vaccines; Private Military Contractor Holds Key Patents by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

Washington's Blog:What the Fed is REALLY Trying to Hide In Fighting an Audit

Race, Class and Henry Louis Gates in Obama’s America

Swine Flu Vaccines Contain LIVE H1N1 VIRUS!

Can you be forced be vaccinated for swine flu? Very possibly, or arrested for refusing

Warning: Oil supplies are running out fast - Science, News - The Independent

Elections are a Scam

Russian Subs Patrolling Off East Coast of U.S. - NYTimes.com

White House Calls for Citizens to Inform on Opponents of Obamacare

CNN Political Ticker:White House launches counteroffensive over Drudge Report link

Crime Scene : More trouble at the IRS

Launch your own satellite for only eight grand • The Register

Researchers hijack computer during software update | Tech News on ZDNet

Judge clears way for dinosaur park to be seized | pnj.com | Pensacola News Journal

White House calls Ahmadinejad elected leader of Iran | Reuters

Mercenaries training US local police a new trend

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » ABC’s John Stossel Destroys Obama’s anti-American Health Care Plan

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » SHOCK UNCOVERED: Obama IN HIS OWN WORDS admitting his Health Care Plan will ELIMINATE private insurance

YouTube - "How Can You Manage Health Care When You Can't Manage Cash For Clunkers?

London Times Smears 9/11 Truth Movement As Racist, Nazi Like, Stupid

Thou Shalt Speak No Ill of the Police « LewRockwell.com Blog

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Grassroots Uprising

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: ABC's John Stossel on National Healthcare

Obama Sends a Signal to the Few Remaining Suckers Who Believe in the Rule of Law


*Video *Sicko

75% Favor Auditing The Fed - Rasmussen Reports™

08-05-2009: House Orders Up Three Elite Jets

08-05-2009: Feds at DefCon hacker conference alarmed after RFID's Scanned

08-05-2009: Oklahoma Fusion Center Coordinator Vague On NLE 09

08-05-2009: Federal Judges Order California To Release 43,000 Inmates

08-04-2009: Alex Jones And Apollo Astronaut Harrison Schmitt Serve As Gatekeepers For Apollo Moon Landing Hoax

08-04-2009: N.C. terror suspects had arms, ammo, FBI 'playbook,' agent says

08-04-2009: Former Blackwater Employee: Blackwater Founder Viewed Himself As Christian Crusader Tasked With Eliminating Muslims

08-04-2009: Nearly 80% Of Drivers Oppose 55 MPH National Speed Limit

08-04-2009: Expert Warns Of 'Terminator' Robot Threat

08-04-2009: Qaeda tells Obama conditional truce offer stands

Human 2.0 - Replacing The Mind And Body

08-04-2009: Now It's barcodes that can be read at a distance

08-04-2009: Depopulation Propaganda: Study Says Save The Planet By Having Fewer Kids

Relaxation Drink Has Some Calling it Liquid Pot

Soros Funded Blog Attempts to Malign Opposition to Obamacare

Government Fines & Harassment For People Who Refuse To Answer Intrusive Survey Questions

Mercenaries training US local police a new trend

It's the Body Bags Stupid

Why the U.S. Government Hates Venezuela

Dr. Michael Hudson "This is Not a Free Market"

Purloining the People's Property

Legislators For Sale

The Bastards Never Die

Controlling the Global Economy: Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the Federal Reserve

Martial Law and the Militarization of Public Health: The Worldwide H1N1 Flu Vaccination Program

Is Halliburton Forgiven and Forgotten? Or How to Stay Out of Sight While Profiting From the War in Iraq

The Great American Bubble Machine

The Real Economy Versus the Make-Believe World of Wall Street and the Fed

Laundering Money through the Big Banks: Bernanke's Quid Pro Quo

North American Union: Implanting microchips in national ID cards

America's Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: Biological Warfare

Vaccination Myths and Truths

The Federal Reserve Knew that a Financial Crash was Coming

The Truth about Flu Shots

Health care systems’ overview and why the US needs change

Feud between Emanuel and Netanyahu heats up

MSNBC and Fox: Posing divided, united they stand

Supreme nonsense

Controlling the Global Economy: Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the Federal Reserve

Global Power and Global Government: Evolution and Revolution of the Central Banking System

Origins of the American Empire: Revolution, World Wars and World Order

Obama Considers “Military-civilian” Prison System for Suspected Terrorists

Think Tank: China Beats U.S. in Simulated Taiwan Air War | Danger Room | Wired.com

The Greenback Is Broken - Barrons.com


Get ready for an Islamic Antichrist, warns new book

ATF worries about cartel grenades coming into US - Santa Cruz Sentinel

The Obama Resistance Grows

Citizen Informants

Democratic Voters Flee the Obama-Pelosi Bandwagon

Tell The Government: 'Out Of Our Light'

Dem. Senator's Wife: Don't Read the Health Care Bill

The View from Planet Reid

Obama: A Modern Day Roman Plebeian Tyrant

Hezb'allah stockpiles 40,000 rockets

Who will Obama honor next year?

Gibbs: Ahmadinejad is the 'elected leader' of Iran

'Culture of Corruption:' 13 Dems under ethics cloud

Left begins smear campaign against Town Hall protests

Krugman chokes on his own 'brilliance'

This is peace according to Fatah

Avoiding the Next Obama

Dems Begin Alinsky-in-August Offensive

Race profiteers are the true enemies of black America

The Myth of the Expert

Green Jobs: Fast-tracking Economic Suicide

Sonia Sotomayor: From Biased and Proud to just Biased

Who Was Barack Obama In His Previous Incarnation?

Mission Accomplished: Clinton Leaves North Korea With Pardoned Journalists - Political News - FOXNews.com

Gun foes see new hope with Sotomayor - Washington Times

DEBKAfile - Pentagon to speed giant "bunker buster" production amid Iranian, North Korean nuclear concerns

Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office : Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office News and Photos - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Democrats May Bypass Republicans on Health Plan, Schumer Says - Bloomberg.com

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform - Republicans: Press Release :: Issa to Emanuel: Back Off!

Guard troops may be needed in troubled Ala. county - Yahoo! News


Deputy sex case: Allegations against Broward sheriff's deputy aren't reflection of gay community, activist says -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

John R. Bolton -- Clinton's Unwise Trip to North Korea - washingtonpost.com

*Audio:The Lew Rockwell Show - 127. Gary North: Making a Difference, Making a Living

Modern Survivalism Tenet Number Four by Jack Spirko

Fred Admits Journalistic Dishonesty About Mexico by Fred Reed

Tomb of Peacemakers by Eric Margolis

On the Evidence, Stimulus Programs Aren’t Working by Bill Bonner

Privacy in America Is Dead by Gary D. Barnett

For the Sixty-Fourth Time: No More Nuclear War by Frida Berrigan

What to do when there’s no doctor by Gary F. Arnet, D.D.S. Issue #75

Monumentally Tragic Disappointment on the Horizon

Deep Politics and the Death of JFK by Peter Dale Scott

Fed Independence Is A Myth - Forbes.com

The Most Important Economic Phenomenon and How to Play It - Stock Market and Investment Research, Analysis, Free Report

Gov't insurance would allow coverage for abortion

Senators, Advisers Urge Obama to More Than Double Afghan Forces - Bloomberg.com

Love Quadrangle Gets Krazy | NBC Chicago

Paula Abdul: "I've Decided Not to Return to Idol" - E! Online

Breitbart.tv » Obama in ‘03 (Uncut): I’d Like to See a ‘Single Payer Health Care Plan’

Barack Obama vs. Drudge Report - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

White House uses Web against Drudge attack - Yahoo! News

White House reverses statement on Iran election | Politics | Reuters


Stylish Prez, Hideous Birthday Cake | NBC Washington

Iran and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Second Term - Brookings Institution

Paying Kim’s Price

Rule of law sorely needed in China - The China Post

Mr. Clinton Goes to Pyongyang

Wild Randomness by Guy Sorman, City Journal Summer 2009

Why are company insiders selling? - MSN Money

Naked Swaps Better Than a Clothed Barney Frank: David Reilly - Bloomberg.com

Mortgage Modifications Can't Catch Foreclosures - BusinessWeek

Fed Cred - Forbes.com

RealClearMarkets - Too Big to Fail: A Misleading Misnomer

Arthur B. Laffer: How to Fix the Health-Care ‘Wedge’

Ron Wyden and Robert F. Bennett - Working Across the Aisle for Health Reform - washingtonpost.com

Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » Why Geithner’s outburst bodes ill for regulatory reform | Blogs |

Why you've stopped watching CNBC. - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine

Industries Hurt Most by Soaring Health Costs - Rick Newman (usnews.com)

An Asian Affair: Commodity Currencies and China | FX Solutions

Long waits for short sales

RealClearPolitics - Video - Linda Douglass: Facts Are Stubborn Things

IBDeditorials.com: - The Great Irony Of Health Reform: Middle Class, Not Rich, Get Shaft

Clinton in Pyongyang;What's behind Bill Clinton's "private" trip to North Korea? - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine

Democrats' Blame Game Keeps Backfiring - FOXNews.com

National Journal Online - Health Care Battle Won't Be Won Over Recess

Obama Pushes Democrats for Unity on Health Plan - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Health Care: Five Political Blunders

National Journal Online -- The Ninth Justice -- Did Precedent Make Sotomayor Rule Against Ricci?

Green Jobs Can't Save The Economy - Forbes.com

Cronkite blunder a revealing look inside New York Times - Los Angeles Times

Iran’s enduring turmoil: It is far from over | The Economist

Dems vs. Dems - WSJ.com

Obama's whopper on a middle-class tax hike | Washington Examiner

Seniors defend Medicare plan Obama calls 'wasteful' - USATODAY.com

Stimulus Slow to Flow to Infrastructure - WSJ.com

TheHill.com - Bush staffers’ run for election likely to test W’s legacy

RealClearWorld - Speech at the National Defense College Graduation Ceremony

Americans are Victims of Undeclared War that Makes Universal Healthcare Unaffordable

Purloining the People’s Property

More Proof Against WTC 7 Lies

Site - AE911Truth

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Still Standing: The Building That Proves WTC 7 Was Imploded

*25pg. - pdf - The 1-Hour Guide to 9/11

Obamacare, Jay Rockefeller, and the Nancy Pelosi Lovefest

‘9/11 was an inside job’ – US poet

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Soros Funded Blog Attempts to Malign Opposition to Obamacare

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Healthcare Plan Based on Economic Fantasy

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Privacy in America Is Dead

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » ‘Americans will always live with terror threats’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » White House Calls for Citizens to Inform on Opponents of Obamacare

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » A link between the Sun, cosmic rays, aerosols, and liquid-water clouds appears to exist on a global scale…

Rise In Asthma Linked To 9/11 Dust Cloud - Yahoo! News UK

Anarchy still reigns within Fatah, but Abbas rule stable - Haaretz - Israel News

Jordan backs US effort on Arab concessions | Jerusalem Post

Barak: US to soon unveil regional peace plan - Israel News, Ynetnews

Global swine flu deaths top 1,100 - CNN.com

Peres: No peace means nuclear Mideast

Arab News:Israel weaponry gets more lethal

Abbas at Fatah congress: Jerusalem promised to us

Korea trip may smooth relations - USATODAY.com

Homeland security chief: Flu will get jump on vaccine - USATODAY.com

Obama: ‘Unleash prosperity for everybody’ - The Elkhart Project- msnbc.com

Angry Protesters Confront Democratic Lawmakers at Health Care Town Halls - Political News - FOXNews.com

FOXNews.com - Gunman Who Killed 3, Himself at Pittsburgh Gym Wrote of Hatred of Women - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

Clinton, two freed journalists return to U.S. - USATODAY.com

Disturbing Plans Disclosed at Carolina Jihad Hearing

Bill Clinton, journalists return to US after pardon | Jerusalem Post

Post Office Mulls Closing Hundreds of Branches - Political News - FOXNews.com

White House: U.S. Has Avoided Depression - Political News - FOXNews.com

Biden: Economic Stimulus 'Is Working' - Political News - FOXNews.com

Bank regulators dig in against Obama shake-up | Reuters

The Forum: Still a good question: Why Biden? - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Don’t Punish Seniors for Health-Care Reform by Sam Brownback on National Review Online

Newsmax.com - Dick Morris Says Obamacare Will Replace Medicare

Self-Inflicted Wounds

Acute Stress Disorder Likely for Gym Shooting Survivors

Republican senator backs Sonia Sotomayor - Los Angeles Times

President Obama Delivers Remarks on the Economy - washingtonpost.com

Judge expresses skepticism in 'jihad' terror case - CNN.com

Senate could delay clunker vote until Saturday: Reid | Green Business | Reuters

Democrats say Republicans staging town hall protests - CNN.com

Gunman Opens Fire Near Pillsbury Plant in Indiana, Killing 1 - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Window washers rescued from 37th floor of Boston high-rise - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe

Kremlin to curb graft, red tape for small business | Small Business | Reuters

GOP opponent lays out anti-corruption plan | AP | 08/05/2009

Gay Florida Sheriff's Deputy Allegedly Preyed on Illegal Immigrants - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Obama Supporters Vs. "The Mob" - The Atlantic Politics Channel

Transportation Chief to Study Texting Ban - WSJ.com

Obama Joker Poster? Yawn - Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld - FOXNews.com

Boston cop who sent 'jungle monkey' e-mail sues - CNN.com

Iran’s Ahmadinejad Takes Oath for 2nd Term; Protests Continue - Bloomberg.com

allAfrica.com: Africa: Welcome Speech to The Eighth Agoa Forum Trade Exhibition (Page 1 of 1)

The Associated Press: Filipinos bid farewell to democracy icon Aquino

Terrorism suspect demands respect for his religion - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Georgia denies claim of "aggressive rearming" | Reuters

Hamas warns against PNA financial dues cutoff for Gaza_English_Xinhua

NATO, Afghans say ready to secure Aug. 20 poll | Reuters

How East Jerusalem went from Jordanian to Israeli to disputed control | csmonitor.com

AFP: New NATO chief vows to strengthen Afghan efforts

U.S. appears to soften support for Honduras's Zelaya | International | Reuters

VOA News - Chinese Prosecutors say 83 to Face Charges Over Xinjiang Riots, 718 Detained

allAfrica.com: Nigeria: Boko Haram - Yar'Adua Orders Probe of Yusuf's Death (Page 1 of 1)

Koh Samui airport reopens after plane crash - Telegraph

Americans say A-bomb attacks were proper - poll | World | Reuters

Pacific Island Forum calls for regional unity for common concerns_English_Xinhua

Officials: Taliban chief's wife killed by missile

Plane Engine Catches Fire in Paris, 8 Injured - NYTimes.com

WSJ.com: Google To Buy Video Firm On2 For $106.5M

Direct Order: No Facebook, No Twitter For Marines - The Channel Wire - IT Channel News And Views by CRN and VARBusiness

Tweets from the beyond: John Quincy Adams Twittering

Home Depot Foundation, Habitat for Humanity Give Green Building a $30M Boost | Green Business | Reuters

Study: Insect Repellent DEET Neurotoxic | ChattahBox News Blog

Goldman Sachs $100 Million Trading Days Reach Record - Bloomberg.com

GM Chairman Speaks About Car Maker's Challenges - WSJ.com

Treasurys gain after ISM surprisingly falls - MarketWatch

Microsoft to hire 400 Yahoo employees as part of ad plan - Aug. 5, 2009

SEC Fines GE $50 Million for Accounting Misdeeds - BusinessWeek

Paula Abdul Is Leaving 'Idol' -- and This Time She Really Means It

Naomi Sims, Pioneer Model, Dies

When Fame and Addiction Run in the Family - ABC News

Fawcett, Jackson get 'Fair' magazine play - USATODAY.com

Michael Jackson's Mom Played Role In Business, Too - CBS News

$52 Million Has Been Spent So Far on Health-Care Reform Ads in What Could Be Record-Shattering Battle - washingtonpost.com

Vital Signs - Mildly High Cholesterol at Midlife Linked to Alzheimer’s - NYTimes.com

Health impacts from 2001 U.S. attacks linger-study | Reuters

Study: Number of Americans using antidepressants doubles - FierceHealthcare

New Strain of H.I.V. Is Discovered - NYTimes.com

Malaria may have come from chimps | Science | Reuters

Guidance For Schools Battling Swine Flu To Be Released As Early As Friday - ABC News

Anarchy would loom if we couldn't trust hand sanitizer | Booster Shots | Los Angeles Times

Marketing: Mom Accuses Walmart of 'Knocking off' Girl Scouts - Advertising Age - News

Obama Housing Plan Working for Just 15% - CBS News

Marketing: How GM's Lutz Plans to Recapture Our Attention - Advertising Age - News

*20pg. - pdf - How to Buy American

20 pages of products from U.S. workers

Viral Wedding Video: The Divorce Version! - Lemondrop.com

Ananova - Farmer's home-made helicopter

The faith of the atheist

No more national debt!

Burt the plumber

Ambassador John Bolton got it

Cecile Richards: Crazy like a baby-killing fox

Americans have given up self-ownership

NEA goes all-out for same-sex marriage

Obama hijacks 1st Amendment

Sgt. Crowley needs more training

Health Insurance Hell | Mother Jones

Time to go, Grandpa

(promo) Superstore.WND.com - Welcome to Obamaland: I Have Seen Your Future and It Doesn't Work (Book)

Andrew Wilson: Politics for Dinner - WSJ.com

World Net Daily Player:Iran expert says captured American hikers now 'pawns'

World Net Daily Player:Prof says Specter facing tough re-election

World Net Daily Player:National Review editor: Car cash is 'bribery'

Farah: 'White House wants to silence dissent'


Michelle Obama has staff of 22 assistants

What happened to Michelle Obama's law license?

Report: Obama Daughters Featured in Controversial Food Ad - Political News - FOXNews.com

Antigua's highest peak renamed 'Mount Obama' - Yahoo! News

Gibbs: Add it up yourself

U.S. summons Israeli ambassador again

Hamas denies holding mass kiddie marriage

Netanyahu's party slams 'peace partner'

Bill Clinton rewarding NKorea for bad behavior: Bolton

Deciphering Korean propaganda on the Clintons - Washington Times

Gunman kills 3, wounds 9 before killing himself at Collier fitness center - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Gov't insurance would allow coverage for abortion - Yahoo! Asia News

White House uses Web against Drudge attack - Yahoo! News

**White House's Call for 'Informants' Draws Conservatives' Ire -- Politics Daily

White House: Town Hall Anger "Manufactured" - Political Punch

Democrats' break looking like a bad trip - Alex Isenstadt and Abby Phillip - POLITICO.com

YouTube - Crowd Explodes When Arlen Specter Urges That We "Do This Fast"

Breitbart.tv » Outcry Causes Obama Administration to Change Language on ‘Cash for Clunkers’ Website

Cupcakes for reporter on Obama's birthday - Yahoo! Asia News

Secret Service investigates radio talk show host Bob Haa after complaints - St. Petersburg Times

Spoof poster of Obama's face painted as The Joker branded 'dangerous and mean-spirited' | Mail Online

George W. Bush: Comic-Book Villain?: Vanity Fair | Vanity Fair

McAlester News-Capital, McAlester, OK - Local woman finds travel voucher from moon shot

Secret report: Ground Zero Freedom Tower construction lags, slated for 2018 finish

Save the Planet: Have Fewer Kids - Yahoo! News

NASA’s Next Space Spacesuit - A Look at the Constellation Space Suit System - Popular Mechanics

BBC NEWS | Technology | Ancient spiders yield 3D secrets

APOD: 2009 August 4 - A Triple Sunrise Over Gdansk Bay

Iacocca - Where Have All The Leaders Gone?

Ventura's new venture: 'Conspiracy Theories'

Site:Health Freedom Rights

Site:Vaccine Awakening

Site:Case about Bird Flu


What Obama and the Antichrist have in common

The emperor has no birth certificate

Obama 'mama': 15 days from birth to Seattle class

Kenyan document ignites firestorm over authenticity

Is this really smoking gun of Obama's Kenyan birth?

YouTube - MSNBC's Interview With Obama "Birther Queen" Orly Taitz

AIM Editor Cliff Kincaid Releases Birth Certificate

BBC iPlayer - Americana: 02/08/2009

Obama: Foreshadowing of the Antichrist?

Americans demanding Obama's birth certificate

Democratic National Committee Suggests Town Hall Protestors are Fringe Birther Mob - Political Punch

Suborned in the U.S.A. by Andrew C. McCarthy on National Review Online

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Why eligibility story is still alive

Spoof:Birth Certficate


American Minute for August 5th:William J Federer's American Minute


YouTube - Australia: Police foil suicide attack on military base

YouTube - Israelis losing faith in Obama

YouTube - Held Journalists: 'We Stand Here Home and Free'

YouTube - Abbas says he chooses peace but 'resistance' still an option

YouTube - Marine Corps Bans Facebook, Twitter - Bloomberg

YouTube - Saakashvili is a failed ideological project - Lavrov

YouTube - Russian subs near US

YouTube - Feds: N.C. Terror Suspect Talked of Loving Jihad

YouTube - Postal Customers Brace for Potential Closures

YouTube - Defiant Ahmadinejad sworn in as president - 05 Aug 09

YouTube - Will clunkers bomb used car market?

YouTube - Health Care Hurdles - Poll - Bloomberg

YouTube - Senate Battle Over Sotomayor Begins

YouTube - Obama: $2.5 Billion Grant for Auto Innovation

YouTube - LA Fitness shooting in Collier

More Top Stories - Google News

YouTube - LA Fitness shooting in Collier

YouTube - Obama: $2.5 Billion Grant for Auto Innovation

YouTube - Health Care Hurdles - Poll - Bloomberg

YouTube - Senate Battle Over Sotomayor Begins

YouTube - Feds: N.C. Terror Suspect Talked of Loving Jihad


*Transcripts:The Recovery Act is Working

Obama's Remarks on the New GI Bill

Sen. Corker and Rep. Doggett on Townhall Protestors

Interview with Secretary LaHood

Remarks with the Jordanian Foreign Minister

Larry Summers on "Meet the Press"

Guests: Sen. DeMint; Reps. Rangel & Pence

Larry Summers on "Face the Nation"

President Obama's Remarks on the Economy

Shields and Brooks on the Economy and Iraq

Speech at the National Defense College Graduation Ceremony


*World;Video/Bill Clinton Makes Surprise Visit to North Korea

Alleged Suicide Attack Plot Foiled in Australia

Iran Protests Not Over

South Ossetian Village Shelled

Palestinian Fatah Forges Comeback at Conference

Ahmadinejad Wins State Endorsement

Zakaria Interviews Iranian Spokesman

3 American Hikers Detained In Iran

Flynt Leverett on Iran

Gulf War Vet's Remains Found

Israelis Rally After Two Murdered at Gay Center

Michael Wahid Hanna on Iraq

Roadside Bomb in Afghanistan Kills 12

4000 Evacuated in Forest Fire on La Palma

Hundreds Dead in Nigeria Clashes

*Markets ;Video/Market Snapshot, with Tony Crescenzi

What's Driving Trading This Week

Cash for Clunkers--Least Bad Program

Why People Are Afraid of Health Care Change

Will the Market's Positive Vibe Last?

Blue Chips Are Your Best Bet

Cramer's Back-to-School List of Goodies

Ford: First Positive Sales in Two Years

Google CEO Leaves Apple Board

Oil Prices Rise to One Month High

Should We Listen To Scary Historical Echoes?

*Politics; Video/Obama: "Unleash Prosperity" For All

Grassley: Obama Does Not Understand "How Congress Operates"

"Red Eye" Discusses The "Obama Joker" Socialist Poster

Glenn Beck: Barack Obama's Inspiring Life Story

Baucus: Listening To Obama Is Like A "Symphony"

Obama On Health Care: "Failure Is Not An Option"

Obama "Extraordinary Relieved" Journalists Are Freed

DNC Web Ad Attacks Protesters At Dem Town Halls

Snowe: Dems Are Trying To "Railroad" Health Care Through Congress

Rep. Doggett On Handling "Mobs" At Town Halls

Dick Morris: Obamacare Will Replace Medicare

Hillary Clinton On Freed Journalists, North Korea

Holtz-Eakin On Health Care And The Budget

Richardson On The Journalists' Return

Rep. Van Hollen On The Health Care Negotiations

Is Pelosi Ignoring House Liberals?

Sestak on Challenging Specter

Toomey On Specter & Sestak

Lawrence Eagleburger On The Freed Journalists

Linda Douglass: Facts Are Stubborn Things

Specter On His Race Against Sestak

Crowd Erupts When Man Tells Congressman That "Government Is Hopeless"

Reid: Health Care Reform By Year's End

Obama Sings "Happy Birthday" To Helen Thomas

O'Reilly On The Health Care Duel

DeMint: Cash For Clunkers Product Of "Out Of Control Government"

"Special Report" Panel On Clinton In North Korea

Olbermann: GOP Teabaggers Screaming Down Health Care

Rangel: It's "Very Possible" Taxes On Middle Class Will Be Raised

Man Yells "You're A Liar" To House Leader Steny Hoyer

John Bolton On Israel Possibly Striking Iran

Obama 2003: I Want A "Single Payer Health Care Plan"

Sen. Graham Has High Hopes For Clinton In North Korea

Gibbs: Ahmadinejad Is The "Elected Leader" Of Iran

Durbin Warns of Health Care Town Hall "Sucker Punch"

Update: Cash For Clunkers Privacy Message Changes


08/04 The Mark Levin Show

08/03 The Mark Levin Show

Audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 3rd With Dr. John Breeding

Audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 4th With Webster Griffin Tarpley


*Breitbart.tv » Uncovered Video: Obama Explains How His Health Care Plan Will ‘Eliminate’ Private Insurance

YouTube - Salbuchi - "We, The People..." - The Insurrection - Part 1

YouTube - Salbuchi - "We, The People..." - The Insurrection - Part 2

YouTube - Salbuchi - How World Government Will Come About - Part 1

YouTube - Salbuchi - How World Government Will Come About - Part 2