"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

21st Century - Video
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

01 August 2009

1 Aug '09 - (click here:Grateful Dead)

1 AUG 09

Jerry Garcia

Scientists Untangle Multiple Causes of Bee Colony Disorder

savethemales.ca - Judaism Seeks Salvation for a Race, Not for Individuals

Jewish Racism: Recent Perspectives on "The Jewish Year 6000"

Hate Crimes Bill - who benefits?

US job cuts, foreclosures mount

American Thinker Blog: Obama's revealing body language (updated and expanded))

The National ID Bracelet

Venus: Flame Broiled Pressure Cooker

Wal-Mart weighs role in U.S. H1N1 vaccination plans | Reuters

Conspiracy Planet - Mind Control - JonBenet Ramsey Murder: Satanic Ritual Sacrifice

archive/FOXNews.com - John Ramsey and Beth Holloway Twitty Are Dating - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

Fructose linked to memory problems: Rat study

It's NOT Anti-Semitism;It's Our Right

USAF Vets Talks About What Hit The Pentagon On 9-11

Hacker Gary McKinnon loses appeal against extradition to US | Technology | guardian.co.uk

Obama 'hates whites': TV host accuses President after his attack on police for arresting black Harvard professor | Mail Online

Legacy Of The Bush Brigades

JOANNA BLYTHMAN: A cancerous conspiracy to poison your faith in organic food | Mail Online

No room for union flag as Alan Johnson unveils the British identity card | Politics | The Guardian

Guardian planets Jupiter and Saturn shield the Earth from catastrophic comet collisions | Mail Online

House Passes Food Safety Bill

Financial Armageddon: Don't Be Fooled

ALIPAC - Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Has Become A Danger To America!

Ever Wonder What Blows Out Of A Jet Airplane?

The Pornographic Conspiracy

American Grand Jury:Why the “Birther” Movement is EXPLODING!

Part 1 – Feast of Pesach – written 2001

*Site -Beth Shechinah - House of Glory, Home Page

Jewish Racism: The Jewish Year 6000: The "Duration of the World" and the "Mystical Doctrine" of the Jews Tell Us That the "Sun Is About to Set" on the Human Race

Site - jewishracism.com/

575 pg: pdf/The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians

Audio File:Rev. Bedros Hajian interviews Christopher Jon Bjerknes

video :The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians

Audio File :Rev. Bedros Hajian's second interview with Christopher Jon Bjerknes

video -The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians - Part 2

video:The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians - Part 3

Audio File :Rev. Bedros Hajian's fourth interview with Christopher Jon Bjerknes

video:The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians - Part 4

video:The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians - Part 5

Audio :Christopher Jon Bjerknes' Presentation to the Armenian Community on The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians, on 8 August 2007, in Glendale, California.

Audio File of the Presentation Broken into Thirds: Part I

Audio File of the Presentation Broken into Thirds: Part II

Audio File of the Presentation Broken into Thirds: Part III

Hour 1:Mark Dankof interviews Christopher Jon Bjerknes on RBN

Hour 2:Mark Dankof interviews Christopher Jon Bjerknes on RBN

Hour 3:Mark Dankof interviews Christopher Jon Bjerknes on RBN

YouTube - Ahmadinejad DID NOT threaten to "wipe Israel off the map."

The BRAD BLOG : Rove Concludes Second Closed-Door Meeting with House Judiciary; Spins His Side to WaPo, NYTimes

Bernanke - The Rothschild Puppet | Real Zionist News

Insane Food Bill 2749 Passes House On 2nd Try

**Obamaunism 101: The Stanley Ann and Madelyn Dunham factor**

The Phony Science Of The Sexual Revolution

SITE:ISAAA.org - International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications


View topic - victim who charged FBI agent with pedophilia found murdered? - DallasNews.com Forums

FBI Watch -SanDiego Forums

Elite Power is a Source of Destruction « Time to Think

Rove Says His Role in Prosecutor Firings Was Small - NYTimes.com

Emails Show Rove's Role In U.S. Attorney Firings | TPMMuckraker

Student Must Pay $675,000 in Downloading Case - NYTimes.com

Daily Kos: State of the Nation/Daily Kos Bombshell: Bin Laden worked for US till 9/11

Michelle Obama patient dumping | Political Vindication

Wake up Call to America! The Third Jihad is Here! - Politics & Government - Israel News - Israel National News

Elaine Morgan says we evolved from aquatic apes | Video on TED.com

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Webster Tarpley on Alex Jones Tv:Obama’s Mask is Coming Off!!

Illinois Army National Guard Puts Military War Machines on the Streets

YouTube - Fake Al Qaeda Actors EXPOSED! Adam Gadahn & Yousef al-Khattab

Video: Corporate Media Gets You Ready for Your Forced Experimental Vaccination « Dprogram.net


YouTube - Trader on Bloomberg says markets are manipulated and volumes 'ficticious'.

Card PINs traded at two for a dollar - Times Online

The Barack backlash: How Obama's presidency has gone from deity to doubtful | Mail Online

Subpoenas Issued to Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, U.S. Senator Says - Bloomberg.com

07-31-2009: Skype Might Have To Shut Down Over Technology Dispute

07-30-2009: House Approves Giving FDA More Powers

07-30-2009: Military May Ban Twitter, Facebook As Security Headaches

NexGen AI -A Threat to Human Civilization?

Little gems from the Health Care Bill

White House Science Adviser Advocated 'De-Development' of the United States

Number of Mexican immigrants dips in U.S.

H1N1 Pandemic: Pentagon Planning Deployment of Troops in Support of Nationwide Vaccination

Old 60 Minutes Exposé On 1976 Swine Flu Propaganda, Debilitating Vaccines

'Half of children suffer swine flu drug side-effects'

Half of US to get swine vaccine

**What’s Really in Obama’s Health Care Reform Bill – A Plain English Translation

Government’s Swine Flu “Czar” To Become ABC Medical Reporter

12,000 U.S. Children To Be Swine Flu Vaccine Guinea Pigs

Is it safe? U.S. vaccine experts want to build trust

Government virus expert paid £116k by swine flu vaccine manufacturers

Europe: Scientists Used Mosquitoes as Fying "Vaccine" Needles

Obama Forms "Shadow Gov't" for Crises

'A Whole Industry Is Waiting For A Pandemic'

US enlists citizens in anti-terrorism strategy

Are the new FSC fire-safe cigarettes making smokers sicker than ever?

Obama’s drug czar: Marijuana ‘has no medical benefit’

A cancerous conspiracy to poison your faith in organic food

That's Impossible: Weather Warfare

*5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

20,000 Families to be put under 24/7 CCTV surveillance in their own homes "to change their bad behaviour"

How People are Manipulated by Fear and Propaganda

Spitzer: Federal Reserve is ‘a Ponzi scheme, an inside job’

Vietnam: unexploded air bombs, shells and mines

The Israeli Conundrum: ‘How to Deal with Iran ’

David and Goliath: Bosnian Serbs Against the West

Obama’s Empire

Russia and Former Soviet Republics plan new security stronghold in Central Asia

Latin America questions US bases in Colombia

The moneyman behind the Jewish expansion in East Jerusalem

9/11’s smoking gun still smoking!

Can someone, anyone, please explain what a public option is?

VIDEO :The Sad Truth To Why Most People May Not Wake Up

pdf - European Parliament: Human Enhancement

Video - Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

How Wired Gadgets Encroach on Privacy

Obama Appointee Wants Soviet-styled Media

Harry Reid: Don’t 'Cry Great Big Tears About the Insurance Industry'

Obama’s Health-Care Proposal Could Keep Consumers from Choosing Own Insurance Plan After Five Years, House Minority Leader Says

Senior Citizens Left Off Government’s Swine-Flu Vaccination Priority List

International Cap-and-Trade Regime Could Benefit Organized Crime by Creating Carbon Credit Black Market, Senator Warns

Obama’s Science Adviser Called for ‘Zero Economic Growth’

Obama’s Science Czar Said a Born Baby ‘Will Ultimately Develop Into a Human Being’

In the 70s, Obama's Science Adviser Endorsed Giving Trees Legal Standing to Sue in Court

Conyers to Introduce Constitutional Amendment Making Health Care a ‘Right’

Public Opinion Sours on Health Care Reform, Polls Show

Claims for Disability Benefits Surging, Driven by Recession and Aging Baby Boomers

Disappointed Immigration Activists Press for Reform

Madonna Writing for Israeli Daily

‘Jane Roe’ To Nancy Pelosi: 'Don’t Put Abortion in Health-Care Reform Bill’

United Nations Program to Reduce Deaths of Children Didn’t Work

When Is a Human a ‘Human Being’? Ask the White House Science Adviser

Obama, Gates, and the Problem of Black Guilt

Bully Boys: A Brief History of White House Thuggery

Dodd and Obama: Corrupt Birds of a Feather

Teabaggers want a voice in health-care forums -- one that disrupts, attacks, and distracts

Andrea Mitchell does the Birthers

Good Doggie! Blue Dogs Rewarded With Substantial Donations from Insurance, Big Pharma Lobbyists

The Rachel Maddow Show: Calling the Republicans' Bluff on Health Care Reform

Study: Misconduct is rampant in ICE's immigration raids

MN Bloggers File Ethics Complaints Against Republican Michele Bachmann

Matthews Calls Joan Walsh's Observations on Divide and Conquer Strategies "Marxist"

Arnold Schwarzenegger's polling numbers enter the realm of Bush and Cheney territory

Fox News Poll Asks What Is Best Job for Sarah Palin: Homemaker?

On Planet O'Reilly, Sarah Palin is proof liberals look down their noses at 'stupid' working-class Americans

Lou Dobbs' Birther Coverage Drags Down His Ratings

Showdown: The Yellow Dog Progressives Won't Vote for Blue Dog 'Compromise' Plan

Ben Nelson and Max Baucus say they are not sure how they'll vote on Sonia Sotomayor

Rachel Maddow on the GOP's Overt Racism

Jay Rockefeller explains the fallacy of Conrad's "co-ops" in President Baucus' health care bill: "It's unacceptable"

The Perpetual Republican War on Medicare

Memo to Fox talkers: Al Qaeda not the only group that 'radicalizes' domestic terrorists

The Politico is trolling for a Drudge link: They proclaim the GOP rules the world

Blue Dogs, Birthers and Bullet Fetishes

Thom Hartmann: The myths and truths about Canadian Healthcare

AFP Reporter Inspects Progress of Border Fence

**Concentration Camps in America

Patriots Protest ‘Rev.’ John Hagee


Unknown Agency Monitors Thoughts of Military Families

Marc Morano -- World’s Largest Science Group Rejecting Man-Made Climate Fears!


Why Bernanke Is in Panic Mode by Gary North

Happy Days Aren’t Here Again by Peter Schiff

Suicide and the Insanity of War by Butler Shaffer

75% Favor Auditing The Fed

Of the Criminals, by the Criminals and for the Criminals by Michael Gaddy

Save the Habitat, Kill the Turtles by Vin Suprynowicz

The Death of Snail Mail by Ian Mathias

National Socialist Fascist Communist Healthcare by Bill Huff

Business Intelligence Middle East - bi-me.com - Invest in paths that are less trodden, says Jim Rogers

Obama’s Secret Police by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

100 Skills Every Man Should Know: The Instructions (With Videos!):Types of Skills Everyone Should Know – Video – Top 100 Important Skills - Popular Mechanics

Women are getting more beautiful - Times Online

Michael Savage’s Favorite New Yorker Profiles: News Desk : The New Yorker

Police called on retirees at senator's LA office

Lawmakers are not good models of healthy living - Katherine Tallmadge - POLITICO.com

CQ Politics | Notepad - Speaker Will Keep 'Villains' Money

Napolitano Lets the Word 'Terror' Come Out of the Closet at Homeland Security - Political News - FOXNews.com

US House pumps 2 bln dollars into 'cash for clunkers' - Yahoo! News

Hamas hosts mass wedding

Investigators: Law firm lied for foreign workers - Salt Lake Tribune

Global cooling hits Al Gore's home - Telegraph

Disturbing content on New Black Panther's MySpace page - Water Cooler - Washington Times

McKinnon at Bay: Brit hacker finds Uncle Sam a hard man

Addressing Global Warming: Water

Mohannad Al Hassani arrested in Damascus

The Real Battle for the Federal Judiciary

Remember the Gilded Age: A Progressive Morality Play

GE's silencing of Olbermann and its Wolffe sleaze

Obama: 'Spirit of innovation' key to the future

Welcome to the bottom: Housing begins slow rebound

Obama hails 'historic step' on health care changes

Kentucky man charged in '80 slaying of Wis. couple

Jackson's personal doctor was in financial trouble

New Search for Clues in Disappearance of Fla. Woman

'Romeo' Loses Sex Offender Title 15 Years Later

Bomb squad evacuates NYC airport

Anthrax investigation too narrow, congressman says

Clinton Fundraising Machine Overcomes Big Debt

Iran Says Three U.S. Tourists Arrested: Report

Officers: Man Threw Dog off 6th-Floor NYC Roof

Skeleton Wearing a Suit Found at Ill. Cemetery

Slain Border Patrol Agent Hailed as Native Son

Causes of Depression Yet To Be Addressed

**What’s Really in Obama’s Health Care Reform Bill – A Plain English Translation

Illegal Aliens Arrested on Wire Fraud Charges

Simulated attacks in northern Michigan teach soldiers what to expect in Iraq, Afghanistan | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press

House Approves Executive Pay Limits

Nat Hentoff: Hate crime bill goes against Constitution - Pasadena Star-News

Recession Worse Than Prior Estimates, Revisions Show

Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites

Is Hillary Revolting?

Eric Holder's Hate Crime Color Scheme

Honing those pitchforks

Liberalism and the Dumbing Down of America

The End Game of the Left

That Billion Dollar Stimulus Package is Criminal

Congressman Admits: Congress Stupid

Malthus, Obama, and AT's James Lewis

Waxman, liberals, strong arm health care through committee

Can Obama stand the gaff?

Who wasn't invited to White House Beer Fest?

Carl Icahn's Obama Prophecy Coming True

Finding What Works [For Big Business] In Health Care

Is DoJ Complicit in Election Crimes?

*Obama's birth debate: It's about loyalty

Time for a Military Suffrage Movement

Bernanke's Harmful monetary policy

Hope, Change and Iran

Sarah Palin: A Leader Without A Party

TheStar.com | News & Features | Flu scare a boon to body-bag sales

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » BIS Slammed Federal Reserve and Other Central Banks for Blowing Bubbles and then “Using Gimmicks and Palliatives” which “Will Only Make Things Worse”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Army National Guard Advertises for “Internment Specialists”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Why Bernanke Is in Panic Mode

House Committee Approves Health-Care Package - washingtonpost.com

MI5 accused of torture cover up in Binyam Mohamed case - Telegraph

Call for inquiry after MI5 'recruited al-Qaida sympathisers' | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul on The Alex Jones Show: Driving Ben Bernanke Crazy

Hollywood Destroys the World

Astronaut Koichi Wakata didn't change underwear for a month - Times Online

Dems win approval of health bill in committee

Franken feuds with T. Boone Pickens - Eamon Javers - POLITICO.com

Coroner again delays release of Jackson autopsy

Warrants for Jackson's doc call singer 'addict'

Money-troubled doctor found lifeline in Jackson

Government Suspends 'Clunkers' Program At Current Rate, Giving Out $3,500 Or $4,500 Per Vehicle Would Burn Through $1 Billion Allocated In No Time

New Photos Released From Flyover Blunder | NBC New York

Pictured: U.S. missile defence test hailed a success as North Korea tensions rise | Mail Online

Senator asks Clinton to explain Honduran policy | Politics | Reuters

American Thinker Blog: Second installment of Claremont's Greenfield interview with AT's Ed Lasky

(1)Bedrock: American Politics | Red County

(2)Bedrock: President Obama | Red County

Extinct ibex is resurrected by cloning - Telegraph

Roseanne Barr Poses as Adolf Hitler in Shocking Photo Spread - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment - FOXNews.com

House approves bill on food safety | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/31/2009

Wall Street rebels at new pay rules - Victoria McGrane - POLITICO.com

Obama says he’s not anti-business - U.S. business- msnbc.com

Ugly truth surrounds Obama's health plan

Selling America's birthright

Code Blue! How Canada care nearly killed my kid

Immigration: The forgotten topic

A great honor

'Beer summit' should have been about freedom

The misunderstood commandment

A critique of Walter Cronkite

Eulogy, 1969


10,000 Chinese Rioters 'Go Missing' Overnight

China's national flag to go up in White House on Sept 20

Ethics members decline to vote - John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com

John Conyers' wife accused of taking city property - Tim Alberta - POLITICO.com

Newt's big cash haul: $8 million - Kenneth P. Vogel and Kathryn McGarr - POLITICO.com

Ore. victim of 35-year ID theft ‘elated’ at arrest

Operation Bloodette: Women head US drugs gangs, prosecutors say - Telegraph

Neighbors Angry at Man Claiming He's a Sex Offender -- themorningcall.com

Police saw bones at Burr Oak but dropped case - Chicago Breaking News

Cheerleader Sues Over Facebook Privacy Invasion

Photographer Leibovitz sued for breach of contract | U.S. | Reuters

Joe Jackson: "Omer Bhatti is Michael's Secret Son"

Black workers say drinking fountains, bathrooms segregated at city facility | Philadelphia Daily News | 07/29/2009

Riding the holy wind

World Net Daily Player:Rep. Cassidy: 'No one likes' Dem health care plan

World Net Daily Player:Race relations expert says president 'irresponsible'

64% of Israelis want Temple rebuilt

Administration accused of voter intimidation cover-up

Disturbing content on New Black Panther's MySpace page - Water Cooler - Washington Times

Obama administration fails to name envoy on anti-Semitism | International | Jerusalem Post

YouTube - Glenn Beck: Cars.gov allows government to takeover your computer

My Way News - Popularity, Web snafus nearly broke 'clunkers'

Obamacare called 'euthanasia bill'

YouTube - Claire McCaskill's Office Holds Town Hall-- Tea Party Breaks Out

Prez honoring Jim Jones-supporting Milk

Abortion Drug Has Killed 29 Women, European Maker Tells Italy's Government

Planned Parenthood accused of 'defying' court decision

Most spilled plutonium recovered

Barack Obama’s aunt at home in Southie digs - BostonHerald.com

Hamas leader: We will accept a Palestinian state within 1967 lines - Haaretz - Israel News

Former Philippines president dies - Asia-Pacific - msnbc.com

World Net Daily Player:Bolton: Obama both 'naïve' and 'arrogant'

World Net Daily Player:Congressman says he wants Washington to change

TheHill.com - Liberals will get single-payer vote on House floor


American Minute for August 1st:William J Federer's American Minute


*Obama isn't just Kenyan, he's also the Antichrist? - War Room - Salon.com

Obama's Ultra Secret, Hush-Hush, Mum's the Word ... Birth Certificate

'Birthers' must be stopped - Los Angeles Times

New poll shows birthers growing

Will changing name of document fix problem?

Will Hawaii destroy Obama's birth certificate?

Did Jesus actually reveal name of the 'antichrist'?

Anti-Barack Obama 'birther movement' gathers steam | World news | guardian.co.uk

'Birthers' making noise, causing headaches in rebirth of issue of President Obama's birth certificate - St. Petersburg Times

Why eligibility story is still alive

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge


**Article Links/Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


U.S. to China: We'll be good!

The Ongoing Misread of Obama's Poll Numbers - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

Philip K. Howard - Health Reform's Taboo Topic

Medicare proves health insurance reform will work

RealClearPolitics - A Patient's Perspective on the Health Care Debate

RealClearPolitics - What Happened to the Hope?

House panel OKs healthcare bill, setting stage for fall vote - Los Angeles Times

National Journal Magazine - The GOP's Health Care Echo Chamber

A Liberty Issue by Mark Steyn on National Review Online

Will Bill and Betsy kill again? | Salon

Eric Holder's Justice Department

National Journal Magazine - All About Obama

Political Memo - Obama’s Pledge to Tax Only the Rich Can’t Pay for Everything, Analysts Say - NYTimes.com


Op-Ed Columnist - Anger Has Its Place - NYTimes.com

Crack cocaine and American injustice - Los Angeles Times

IBDeditorials.com: How House Bill Runs Over Grandma

Pelosi Faults McConnell for Parroting ‘Immoral’ Health Insurers - Bloomberg.com

TheHill.com - Unions budget up to $15 million for August campaign

Martin Jacques: Don't judge China by our standards - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

SPIEGEL Interview with Manuel Zelaya: 'We Will Not be Brought to Our Knees' - SPIEGEL ONLINE:'We Will Not be Brought to Our Knees'

Why does Obama support Zelaya? - Washington Times

The 7 countries that are pissed at Obama (economics edition) By Phil Levy | Shadow Government

Hu's Paradise

Russia Moves to Boost its Role in Central Asia - TIME

RealClearWorld - Building Blocks of European Freedom

Could the great recession lead to a great revolution? | csmonitor.com

Obama's evenhanded Mideast policy - Los Angeles Times

They're Winning

How Health-Care "Reform" Could Kill the Market's Rally at SmartMoney.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Health Care Realities - NYTimes.com

Stealth Nationalization;How government programs are saving insurance companies from disaster. - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine

Putting National Health Care In Perspective - Forbes.com

'Nice’ Wasn’t Part of the Deal

Goldman's Quarter-Trillion-Dollar Cushion - Forbes.com

'Cash for clunkers': questions and answers - Los Angeles Times

Businesses Are Poised to Lead Way Out of Recession - WSJ.com

Can China Save the World? - TIME

Is China Leading a Global Recovery? - BusinessWeek

RealClearMarkets - It's a New Bull Market


Transcripts:President Obama's Remarks on the Economy

Interview with Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Sgt. Crowley's Press Conference After W.H. Meeting

Panel on Health Care and the August Recess

Reps. Nadler & Shadegg Debate Health Care

Barney Frank on Health Care

Interview with Governor Tim Pawlenty

American Thinker Blog: What to Ask Your Congressperson about Obamacare (first in a series)


American Thinker Blog: What to Ask Your Congressperson about Obamacare (Part 2)

American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 3)

American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 4)

American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 5)

American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 6)

American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 7 of 7)


Markets; Video/GDP Falls 1.0%; Sign that Recession is Slowing Down

Japan Unemployment Soars

Altucher: Another Bubble is On Its Way

The Great "Man-Cession"

Sloan: How to Fix Social Security

Gabelli's Stock Market & Economic Outlook

Housing Prices Haven't Bottomed Yet?

World; Video/Struggle for the Soul of a New China

In North Korea: First Fast-food Restaurant

Iraq's Ouster of MKO Raises Eyebrows

Iran's Post-Election Violence Refuses to Die Down

CSTO-NATO Conflict of Interest in Kyrgyzstan?

Camobodia's HIV 'Pariah' Village

Politics ;Video/Glenn Beck Exposes Cars.gov Privacy Agreement That Taps Into User's PC

Obama's Hits & Misses During First Six Months As President

Steny Hoyer: Bush's Legacy Is "Worst Economy In 75 Years"

Ann Coulter: "Most Racial Profiling Is A Hoax"

Sen. Dodd Announces Prostate Cancer, Will Run For Re-Election

Axelrod On The War Over Health Care

Rep. Frank Goes After "Blue Dog Democrats" Over Health Care

Pelosi: "Glory Days" For Health Insurers Are Over

Sens. Conrad, Dodd In Sweetheart Loan Scandal

Rudy On Obama's Teachable Moment: "Shut Up"

Rep. Holt On Investigating Dick Cheney

MSNBC's Mitchell: Health Care Opposition "May Not Know What's Good For Them"

Steele: "Think About All The Crap We've Taken From The Press"

Police Remove Seniors From Sen. Feinstein's Office

Coulter & Sharpton On Obama Meeting With Gates, Crowley

Obama "Guardedly Optimistic" About Economy

Rep. Weiner Challenges GOP On Health Care Reform

Ingraham: Media Covered Beer Summit Like It Was "Yalta Or Potsdam"

John Bolton: Obama Is "Naive" And "Arrogant"

Obama: Economic Storm Will Pass, Stimulus Is Working

Pelosi: I'm Called A "Villain" All The Time

Levin Declares GOP "Will Not Be Silent" About Radical Obama Agenda

Dem Congressman Grayson Laughs At Bernanke During Hearing

Sen. Thune: Health Care Plan Is Top Priority For GOP

NY Air Force One Flyover Photo Compilation


Suspect identified in LaGuardia bomb scare

Healthcare reform plan may go to House committee vote today

Obama campaign style unchanged as president

More of Air Force One's New York photo op released

Official e-mails reveal boondoggle over Air Force One's Manhattan flyover

Familiar Face Reappears for Key Role in Nevada

Obama Nominates Fired US Attorney

NRA opposition fails to sway senators on Sotomayor

Forged Letters Sent to Congressman to Undermine Climate Legislation

Investigation into forged letters planned

*Birthers vs. the facts: Birthers lose

*Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Citizen Palin begins private life quietly

Hutchison and Perry join Sean Hannity

Suspect in Houston sailor's death commits suicide

2 Agencies Take Steps to Improve Food Safety

Rights watchdog asks Clinton to be tough on Kenya

Effort in works to fix state's GI Bill problem

US Postal Service weighs service cuts

Details mount in stealing of baby

Wisconsin GOP chairman named as general counsel

Steele raised campaign cash from RNC vendors

Lowery among 16 to get presidential honor

2600 state jobs to be cut

$1 billion in budget cutting has begun, Quinn says

Iran Arrests 3 Americans Hiking in Kurdish Region

Iranian Judiciary Holds Showtrials of Imprisoned Reformists

Philippines, Southeast Asia, Mourn Death of Former President Aquino

Nigeria: Questions Trail Death of Boko Haram Leader

Myanmar delays Aung San Suu Kyi verdict

Fatah to hold congress despite Hamas ban

Spanish police step up Majorca hunt for Eta car bomb terrorists

Iraqis fear al Qaeda violence after mosque bombs

Afghan leader says peace his main task after poll

N. Korea Says S. Korean Boat Illegally Entered Its Waters

China-based cyber attack hits Australia film festival site

Musharraf faces exile in Britain: Report

In Afghanistan, US May Shift Strategy

Iran witnesses: Neda memorial

Moldova's Ruling Communists Face Defeat

Saudis reject call for Israel ties

Australian Labor increases pressure for carbon laws

India News Digest: Sonia Backs Manmohan on Indo-Pak Joint Statement

Right-to-die law to be clarified

Assisted suicide: what is the law?

South African President Faces Test, From Allies

FCC Asks Apple, AT&T About Google App

Shuttle Returns to Earth With a Special Passenger

High schooler sues Amazon: The Kindle ate my homework

Mozilla Firefox Hits 1 Billion Downloads, Still Gaining in Enterprise

Make A Bid!

Can the World's Fisheries Survive Our Appetites?

Saving Fish is Possible, Unless They're Past the Tipping Point

Microsoft Acknowledges Mobile Mishaps

Journal retracts claim of sperm made of stem cells

Stem Cell-Derived Sperm Study Retracted By Journal

Microscopic Creatures Stir the Oceans

July 31, 1971: Astronauts Drive on the Moon

'Blind Man Driving!'

Poster Child For Texting Ban: Tow Truck Driver Texts, Crashes, Swims

Obama Says US Has 'Many More Months' Before Full Recovery

House Gives Regulators Incentive Pay Role; Senate Prospects Dim

Yahoo Labs chief sees real-time search opportunity

UBS Tax-Probe Settlement Nears as US, Swiss Reach Agreement

USDA Raises Dairy Support Prices to Help Industry

Wells Fargo accused of bias on subprime loans

Las Vegas Sands Seeks to Raise $400 Million, Morning Post Says

Frontier deal could create risks for Southwest

Big Investor Counters Charges in Madoff Case

Oil, Gasoline Surge as Second-Quarter US GDP Tops Projections

Ticket prices to increase at Walt Disney World

Chinese manufacturing expands in July

Former doctor warned Jackson about propofol

Michael Jackson's Doctors: Janet Jackson's Doctor Subpoenaed

Did Eminem Go Too Far With His Mariah Carey Dis Track?

Michael Jackson's case shows need for parents to pick kids' guardian

Pope meets swimming worlds athletes

Voices From Above Silence a Cable TV Feud

Forgettable "Aliens" will eat your brain

Marshall 'sets sail with Pirates'

Ridley Scott's 'Alien' prequel: Who's gonna be the new Ripley?

'Seinfeld' cast reunites on 'Curb Your Enthusiasm'

Obama urges work on healthcare after committee vote

Bad flu in bad economy creates challenges: CDC

Conn. Senate race pauses for Dodd, who has cancer

ABC News Medical Unit

Japan's tobacco habit runs into court challenge

Obesity: 'The government can't fix it'

Forehead Lift Cures Migraine Patients

Lawmaker 'Skeptical' Of Anthrax Results

State Of The Union 2009

Against All Enemies: Bombshell: Bin Laden worked for US till 9/11

Fiercely intelligent yet unfathomably daft, hugely loyal yet slyly treacherous...How Mandelson is our REAL PM | Mail Online

Sharpest ever images of Betelgeuse reveal how explosive red supergiant loses mass | Mail Online

Why injecting oxygen into tumours 'can kill cancer' Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1203600/Injecting-oxygen-cancerous-tumours-improves-chances-recovery.html#ixzz0MxI2YlGu

Extinct ibex is resurrected by cloning - Telegraph

Obama Says U.S. Has ‘Many More Months’ Before Full Recovery - Bloomberg.com

Return of the Money Bomb

Blue Dogs, Yellow Dogs, and Other Mongrels in the Kongressional Kennel

Geithner says US concerned about the deficits - Worldnews.com

Hawaii Dem Linked to Questionable Bank Bailout - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Amish farmers lose court battle against RFID • The Register

13 Simple Ways to Lower Your Electric Bill

23 San Diego show horses poisoned with oleander

Weight-loss surgery safe, but sleep apnea increases risk

Take precautions against mosquitoes to prevent West Nile virus

Spray of Perfume Leads to Hysteria

Malaria Strain Resists Drugs, May Threaten Millions, Study Says


YouTube - LaGuardia Terminal Evacuated, Fake Bomb Found

YouTube - Beer Blast At The White House - Bloomberg

YouTube - More Photos of N.Y. Air Force One Flyover

YouTube - AustinHealth: Food safety bill passes

YouTube - Kidnap Charge for Woman With Baby Cut From Womb

YouTube - Corazon Aquino Dead at 76

YouTube - Twist in Suu Kyi trial saga - 31 July 09

YouTube - Israel defends conduct during Gaza war - 31 Jul 09

YouTube - Spain's royals pay tribute to Eta attack victims - 31 Jul 09

YouTube - Bomb attacks near mosques break peace in Baghdad

YouTube - End of communist rule in Moldova?

YouTube - Dottie Wolf breathes a sigh of relief

YouTube - States forced to ban texting or they will lose funding

YouTube - Obama: Stimulus Package Is Working

YouTube - Katherine Gets Full Custody

YouTube - Americans turn to alternative medicine

YouTube - Dodd has prostate cancer


The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 31st With Harrison Schmitt

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 30th With Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

07/31 The Mark Levin Show

07/30 The Mark Levin Show

07/29 The Mark Levin Show

07/28 The Mark Levin Show

07/27 The Mark Levin Show