"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

25 August 2009

25 Aug 09

YouTube - (the fluoride song) WATER CRIMES by Trillion feat. Tono

YouTube - Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America

Montana Firearms Freedom Act

Obama poll numbers keep falling - Washington Times

It Stinks

Fed Must Release Reports on Emergency Bank Loans, Judge Says - Bloomberg.com

Americans eat 22 teaspoons of sugar a day - Diet and nutrition- msnbc.com

Hospitals May Face Severe Disruption From Swine Flu (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Obama to Reappoint Bernanke as Fed Chief - Politics and Government * US * News * Story - CNBC.com

Devvy Kidd -- Mandatory vaccinations? Tell feds and states to 'stick it'

Obamas start vacation with tennis, golf, swimming

Exclusive: Most GPs may reject swine flu vaccine - Healthcare Republic News

Is America A Sick Country Or What?

Bureau of the Public Debt, Doling Out America’s I.O.U.’s - NYTimes.com

The Man Who Sells America’s I.O.U.’s

What Soviet Medicine Teaches Us - Yuri N. Maltsev - Mises Institute

Codex Alimentarius (CA) Threatens Human Health

The Bogie Horror Show

ROGERS REPORT: District 9 - A Science Fiction Film With Sophisticated New World Order Propaganda - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

Common Sense 2009 « Thomas Paine's Corner

Calling A National General Strike

Outed blogger Rosemary Port blames model Liskula Cohen for 'skank' stink

Deconstructing the Jewish Crime Network

The “Jesuits” Hoax « Deconstructing the Jewish Crime Network

Is it time to stop taking the Pill? A new book asks whether the tide of risks has gone too far | Mail Online

'Inhumane' CIA terror tactics spur criminal probe - Boston.com

Experts concerned about dangers of antibacterial products - The Globe and Mail

The FINANCIAL - UFOs reported over eastern China

Pro-Israel groups accuse Obama of promoting 'ethnic cleansing' | World news | The Guardian

Greenpeace's sea ice 'mistake' delights climate change sceptics | Environment | guardian.co.uk

China powers ahead as it seizes the green energy crown from Europe - Telegraph

US Air Force prepares drones to end era of fighter pilots | World news | guardian.co.uk

Counterfeiting: Notes on a scandal - Asia, World - The Independent

CIA report into Bush Administration’s treatment of suspects released - Times Online

US army spends $117m on soldiers' psychological resilience - Telegraph

Libya: After Lockerbie bomber's release the heat's on Mandy as he's forced to deny deal with Gaddafi | Mail Online

ANALYSIS: The despot's son, a Corfu soiree and yet more questions for the Fixer Supreme | Mail Online

Girl, 10, handcuffed and locked in a cell for six hours | Mail Online

Police may be issued with new high-power Taser | Politics | The Guardian

MacAskill tells Scottish MPs Libya broke its promise that the return of the Lockerbie bomber would be 'low-key'

Scotland’s Ramadan lesson for Obama - Telegraph Blogs

Diabetes 'most likely to occur among children in winter' - Times Online

Farmers suing German-based Bayer Cropscience over genetically engineered strain of rice - KFSM

New LIFE Photos Of Hitler's Germany Released


AFP Interviews Man Who Exposed Madoff To SEC Back in 2000

Constituent Anger Has Congress Quaking

‘Cap-and-Trade’ Increasingly Unpopular

Who Is Behind Barack Obama’s Rise to Stardom?

Americans Want Federal Reserve’s Secret Shenanigans Exposed

Provocative New Book on Jesus Tackles Key Questions on Religion, Philosophy Over the Years

Exclusive Interview with FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds | Armenian Weekly

C.I.A. Sought Blackwater’s Help to Kill Jihadists - NYTimes.com

*PDF(234 PGS) CIA Report / Detention and Interrogation

Fall Of The Republic Exposes How Brand Obama Is Destroying America

Evidence Reveals Libyan Convicted of Lockerbie Bombing Innocent

Jesse Ventura gives Alex Jones an inside look at his new TV show

Russian press allege Mossad connection to Arctic Sea

“True Deleveraging Has Not Begun Yet Because Losses of Financial Institutions Have Been Socialized”

Where is the Anti-War Movement in the Age of Obama?

9/11 Mind Swell

Rex 84 – Your Internment Camp Awaits You

Former Bush Aide: Ridge a “Wuss” for Making Revelation

Strange similarities between recent NY Times and Economist “right-wing terrorism threat” articles

Most doctors reject swine flu vaccine

FBI Operative Turner Said Cynthia McKinney Should be Lynched

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » How to Bring Peace to Afghanistan

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Zero Hedge Claims that the Federal Reserve ITSELF Traded Over a Trillion Dollars Worth of Derivatives in March Alone

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » PASS ID: REAL ID Reanimated

Exposed: The Swine Flu Hoax

08-24-2009: Rockefeller Refers to Obama's Science Czar As Walking On Water

08-24-2009: Taxpayer Funded Organizations Purging Common Words And Phrases So Not To Offend

CDC Promoting Universal Circumcision

08-24-2009: Blackwater Accused of Creating 'Killing Program'

China Reduces Holdings In U.S. Debt

08-24-2009: Mexican Army takes over customs on US border

08-24-2009: Brookings Experts Admit Stimulus A Bust

08-24-2009: Panel Recommends Speeding Swine Flu Vaccine Access

08-24-2009: 1,200 veterans wrongly told they got fatal disease

08-24-2009: For Ramadan, best dates in Egypt named after Obama

08-24-2009: The US and NATO seek to balkanize the Caucasus

08-24-2009: The Libyan Despot's Son, the Rothschilds and other questions for Lord Mandelson

08-24-2009: Iranians Seek Out Abuses By U.S.

08-24-2009: More Americans Abusing Attention Deficit Disorder Drugs

08-24-2009: NASA May Begin Outsourcing Due to Financial Problems

“In America, corporations do not control the government. In America, corporations are the government.”

Roubini: "This Is a Crisis of Solvency ... But True Deleveraging Has Not Begun Yet Because the Losses of Financial Institutions Have Been Socialized"

The Continuing Militarization of Biological Sciences

Analyst Bove sees 150-200 more U.S. bank failures

Artificial life will be created 'within months' as genome experts claim vital breakthrough

Treating People Like Dogs

This Isn’t Reform, It’s Robbery

UncoverTheNews.com » POLICE STATE 2009: If you refuse Vaccines you get $1000 Fine & Quarantine

Think Progress » Medicare Defender Michael Steele Says Medicare ‘Is A Very Good Example Of What We Should Not Have’

Q&A On Dictatorship, Mind Control of the Populace, Staged Mass Media, And What You Can Do To Stop It

Swine Flu Injections May Pose Contamination Risk

AFRICOM: Pentagon's First Direct Military Intervention In Africa

The “Populist Revolt” against the Obama Administration’s Health Care Proposals

"Food Standards Guidelines" Threaten Human Health

"BioSecurity": The Policies of Secrecy and Deceit

Gross National Product (GNP): How is it Calculated? What does it Measure?

VIDEO; Compulsory Vaccination in America?

Facebook meets RFID in marketers’ dreams |

Peak oil and climate change -- drowning in rhetoric

The irony of the ‘socialist’ scare

The corporate bleeding of America

America in dire need of a messianic sacrificial lamb

Determining U.S. political leaders -- from Israel

Shoot to kill? How about the oil execs too . . . ?

An X-shaped recovery and old time religion

Tom DeLay and the Woodstock Nation

Khalid Bin Mahfouz dies of heart attack

Exposed: The Swine Flu Hoax

VIDEO:John Pilger: Obama is a corporate marketing creation

Video - Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

Where tech and philosophy collide

CIA Officers Involved in Legally Approved Interrogation Program Feared Government Would ‘Not Stand Behind Them,’ Says Inspector General Report

Former USS Cole Commander Assails Release of Terrorist Suspected of Trying to Murder U.S. Soldiers

U.N. Agency Calls for Teaching Children 5-to-8 Years of Age about Masturbation

Latin American Leaders Prepare to Squeeze Colombia Over Military Base Deal With U.S.

Republicans Say Obama Administration Is Hampering U.S. Intelligence Efforts

Obama’s Spending Plans Will Nearly Double the National Debt--White House Leaked the News Late on Friday

Even Lowest Income Americans Believe Obama Will Increase Their Taxes, Says Gallup Poll

Republicans Have Offered Three Alternative Health Care Reform Bills

Sebelius Says Closing Schools Will Not Prevent Spread of Swine Flu

Military Denies That Media Coverage Sways Choices on Embedded Reporters

VH1 Cancels Reality Shows with Dead Murder Suspect

(Not) Providing for the Common Defense

Fatal Flaw of Democracies

America’s Empire of Trust

CIA Probe and the Torture Debate

World faces hi-tech crunch as China eyes ban on rare metal exports - Telegraph

Obama Plan: Temple Mount Under Arab-Muslim Sovereignty - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

Did Mossad hijack Russian ship to stop Iran arms shipment? | Jerusalem Post

Rex 84 – Your Internment Camp Awaits You « Dprogram.net

- Staggering Indifference and Cowardice of American Media (Connecting the Dots blog) : Denver Colorado Neighbors

YouTube - Glenn Beck exposes Color of Change co-founder Van Jones

Glenn Beck goes after Color of Change co-founder Van Jones | Show Tracker | Los Angeles Times

White House projects bigger deficits, bigger debt - Yahoo! News

Obama Raises ’10 Deficit Outlook 19% to $1.5 Trillion

"Lethal Levels" Of Drug Killed Jackson - August 24, 2009

Governor run on former Mayor Rudy Giuliani's mind, says top ally Pete King

Swine flu could strain US health care system: WHouse

The Lakeland Times | Feingold: No health care bill before Christmas

The Weekly Standard:Cheney Statement on CIA Documents/Investigation

King on Holder: 'You wonder which side they’re on' - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Fidel Castro says racist right-wingers fight Obama | Politics | Reuters

Every Critic a Racist - John Stossel's Take

Heather Podesta, The Insider's Insider

Labor Leader Named Head of New York Fed - WSJ.com

F.T.C. to Look at News Industry’s Future - NYTimes.com

South Korea launches first rocket into space - Yahoo! News

No Iran atom expansion since May - diplomats | World | Reuters

Scientists design plant filtration system that lets you drink your own SHOWER water | Mail Online

The "Other" Party


Communist Style Demonization of Patriots. police and Military

The Chaos Theory of Government

The Heath Care Debate is Making Me Sick

Inside the Beltway;Y'ALL COME - Washington Times

No, Obama's VA did NOT pull so-called 'Death Book' from website | Washington Examiner

Ex-medical assistant Sarah Rose Dillard - Lubin charged for giving daughter morphine in breast milk

Obama White House Versus CIA - ABC News

The NY Fed’s Denis Hughes: ‘Not your Grandfather’s Labor Union’ - Deal Journal - WSJ

New meth formula avoids anti-drug laws - Yahoo! News

Nixon White House redux

Too hot for ABC

Cheney was right; Obama's wrong

Manchild President Stays with Adult as Fed Chair

Overwhelming change

Britain forced to fly in foreign doctors to fill in physician gaps

Well on our way down the 'Road to Serfdom'

Brutal infighting as Taliban factions split over new leader

Gibbs' mushy statement on CIA prosecutions

Another climate change scam

Did Yale prostitute itself for oil money?

The Art of Politically Correct Apology by Bill Maher


Dear White Liberal America

Dr. Obama and the Hypocrite's Oath

A Nation of Yellers

The Tin Ears of the Bully-in-Chief and his Comrades in Arms

Media Lies About Rifqa Bary

Health Insurance and the Lure of Someone Else


A Presidential Learning Moment

Will the Real Public Opinion on ObamaCare Please Stand Up

How about corruption reform first?

Americans hate the Afghan war more than ever

Chuck Todd Tells Jeremy Scahill "That Was a Cheap Shot"-- "You Sullied My Reputation on TV"

Reich: Obama Handed His Power Over to The Gang of Six. Why?

Where's Cryin' Boehner's Town Hall on health care?

Krugman: Why is Obama Letting Reaganite Rhetoric Shape the Debate?

Kristol: So Much for the Politicization Because They Didn't Do What Allegedly Was in Their Political Interest

Chuck Schumer says we'll have the public option in the end

Insurance Companies' Reaction to Congressional Plan: 'Hallelujah!' That Ain't Good.

Why did Meet The Press use a NY Post headline to attack President Obama and health care?

Frum unloads on talk-show wingnuts for distorting health-care debate, while Kurtz tweaks Fox hypocrisy

Now They Don't Even Pretend. Fox Fabricates 'Death Book' for Vets

John McCain can't even keep Arizona safe as travel guru Arthur Frommer blasts the gun-toting state

Now the Birthers are demanding to know: Was Obama circumcised?

On Face the Nation, Howard Dean Says Co-op Plans Are 'Political Theater'

Paul Krugman on the Need for Bipartisanship: The Republican Party is Now the Rump on the Right

Real Democrats Standing Strong For American Working Families

Charles Grassley Defends His Fear Mongering: Obama Made Me Do It

As The Homeless Are Chased from Campground, We Keep Displacing the Problem of Poverty

Nicole Wallace calls Tom Ridge terror alert revelations 'wussy'

Lieberman: Worry about uninsured after the recession is over

The bicycling option: Republicans like to laugh at it, because it makes so much sense

Rick Santorum Complains About Obama Attacking Fox While Comparing Him to Hugo Chavez

Betsy McCaughey, 'Principled' Conservative? Sounds Like More of a Windsock

McCain: Obama must drop public option

U.S. Chamber of Commerce seeks trial on global warming -- latimes.com

Innocent trainspotter suspected of being a terrorist by police after taking photos of trains near oil refinery | Mail Online

Raw Story » Indonesia police dismiss Obama plot report

Renditions May Continue Under Interrogation Unit - NYTimes.com

Hundreds of 9/11 first responders die of cancer - RT Top Stories

TheBurningPlatform.com » Economy » THE FEDERAL RESERVE MUST DIE

An Overdue Collapse of Money by Richard Daughty

How to Bring Peace to Afghanistan by Eric Margolis

Imagining a Country by Don Cooper

Professor Paul Krugman at war with Niall Ferguson over inflation - Times Online

Why the Tenth Amendment? | Tenth Amendment Center

Because they failed to take away our guns, they're coming after our ammo by John Silveira Issue #116

RealClearPolitics - Could Australia Blow Apart the Great Global Warming Scare?

Chic, unique: Why Brigitte Bardot is back in vogue - Profiles, People - The Independent

Seventy Years Ago Today: The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact | The Beacon

RealClearPolitics - The President Seems Lost

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Blunder

Opposing view: Forget bipartisanship - Opinion - USATODAY.com

William McGurn: Saving the Obama Presidency - WSJ.com

Why Obama Appointed Bernanke to a Second Fed Term - TIME

RealClearPolitics - The Mysterious Case of Scottish Justice

Status-Quo Anxiety

Oxford's #SacredMound -Video on KingSantini's TwitWall

The FDA has the Audacity to Claim Mercury is Completely Harmless

The Engineering of ‘Pandemics’: Vaccine-Induced Disease Epidemic Outbreaks « Dprogram.net

Ten Things You're Not Supposed to Know about the Swine Flu Vaccine, page 1

Federal Reserve Loses Bloomberg FOIA Lawsuit, Sensitive Disclosures Forthcoming | bytestyle.tv

U.S. Denies Reports Of Madoff Cancer - washingtonpost.com

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Peter Schiff on The Lew Rockwell Show

Smoking Mirrors: Hypnotized Frogs Cooking in the Alphabet Soup

EclippTV :: Video :: When Does The Revolution Start? - CNN

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul: We Need Sunlight to Disinfect the Legislative Process! 8/24/09

Illinois corruption includes state’s largest school systems | csmonitor.com

General outlines of Obama's Peace Plan - International Middle East Media Center

Refreshing News: Calling All Amateur Astronomers: Help Solve a Mystery

Refreshing News: Multitasking Muddles Brains, Even When the Computer Is Off

The Prudent Investor: Eliot Spitzer: The Fed Is a Ponzi Scheme

American's Journey: I am Proud to Be a "Conspiracy Theorist" ...especially after the case is solved ha ha

DIY cigarettes? Some smokers start growing tobacco | Antiwar Newswire

Matt Taibbi - Taibblog – Goldman Busted Again - True/Slant

EclippTV :: Video :: Webster Tarpley - Obama's False Flag - Waiting In The Wings

EclippTV :: Video :: Jeremy Scahill Exposes Blackwater - News & Political Commentary

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » MONEY AS DEBT (A FILM)

America's brightest historical minds speak to you about monetary reform. Part 1

America's brightest historical minds speak to you about monetary reform. Part 2

**9/11: CCW On-Target**

World Net Daily Player:Union dues fund 'radical social issues'

World Net Daily Player:Ex-CIA officer: Agents untrained for 'interrogations'

World Net Daily Player:'This is going to be difficult'

World Net Daily Player:Britain, business and the bomber

World Net Daily Player:Strategist: Health fight 'inside Dem Party'

'Evangelical Christians' now thanking Allah

Fed-up Marine has guns blazing to oust Democrats

Palestinian police 'directing traffic in Israel's capital'

Glenn Beck blasts boycott group's co-founder -- latimes.com

Cheney, Republicans Blast Interrogation Probe - Political News - FOXNews.com

New York, New Jersey to Gadhafi: Go away

Ayatollah pushes Islamic 'resistance' army

Alec Baldwin passing on challenge to Lieberman

Deliberations to begin Monday in couple's kidnapping, rape, slaying » Knoxville News Sentinel

Don't give Obamacare a life raft

Savage, Lockerbie and 'humane' considerations

Scotland's turn to shame the West

Fatal flaw of democracies

'Christians' celebrating Ramadan?

The question no one asks

The great escape from responsibility

The Great Awakening

Op-Ed Columnist - All the President’s Zombies - NYTimes.com

His truth will prevail

Separate sleeping quarters for 'gay' GIs?

Fred Barnes: Republicans Have Obama Playing Defense - WSJ.com

How to mess with a teen's head: buy them a room they can't ruin - Scotland on Sunday

An homage to Homer as The Simpsons goes African style | TV | News.com.au

The Young Controller: six-year-old boy lands dream rail job at museum - Telegraph

Worldwide battle rages for control of the internet - tech - 21 August 2009 - New Scientist

New Texas law seeks common sense instead of 'zero tolerance' in punishment of students | Top St...

Dirty secret No. 1 in Obamacare

Dirty secret No. 2 in Obamacare

Dirty secret No. 3 in Obamacare

'Alien sightings' called a hoax - NBC-2.com WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, Florida

1000 year old marks in tree found near Prague

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Upwards lightning caught on film

Giant sphere attracts attention in Stead - My News 4

'Orange Blob' UFO drops low over Jessup, PA



*Article Link Page:Stephan A. Schwartz


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

County grills pastor over 'Where's birth certificate?'

Did Obama's grandmother say he was born in Kenya?

Franks joins demand for eligibility proof

Why Ann Coulter indicts me

Obama participated in socialist party


*American Minute for August 25th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Transcripts:Obama Announces Bernanke's Fed Re-Nomination

Bernanke Accepts Obama's Re-Nomination

Admiral Mullen and Amb. Eikenberry on Afghanistan

Interview with Senator John McCain

Sens. Cardin, Lieberman & Lugar Debate Health Care

Senators Conrad and Grassley Debate Health Care

Senator Specter and Rep. Ryan on Health Care

Obama's Wkly Address: Debunking Phony Reform Claims


**World; Video/Probe into CIA Torture

Inside Story: Iraq's New Wave of Violence

MacAskill on Lockerbie Bomber

Mexico Decriminalizes Drug Possesion

Somali Refugees Tapped up for Fighting at Home

Children of Drought

Scramble to Clean Up Oil Slick in Australia

Israelis Restrict Palestinians' Water Supply

Inside Story: Afghan Elections

Wildfires Out of Control in Greece

Model in Malaysia to be Caned

Markets; Video/Obama Stands by Ben Bernanke

Buying FTSE 100 Index Puts Could Make Sense

Wayne Angell Discusses Bernanke Reappointment

David Kotok on Bernanke's Reappointment

Survival of the Fittest Banks

Bargains in Market's Basement

Oil Prices Up, Natural Gas Down: Why the Divergence?

European Markets Hit 10-Month High

Do the Markets Have Selective Hearing?

Harvard Endowment Sets Aside Cash

Politics ;Video/Howard Dean: Opposition To Health Care Is Undermining The Country

Glenn Beck: Van Jones Is An "Avowed Communist"

Specter On VA End Of Life Book, Town Halls

Rep. Blackburn: Run Health Bill "Through A Shredder"

Sen. Whitehouse On Prosecution For Some Bush Tactics

Glenn Beck Profiles Obama's "Green Jobs" Advisor

Obama Reappoints Bernanke For Second Fed Term

Carville, Townsend On CIA Torture Report

Karl Rove On Veterans Administration’s "Death Book"

WH: New "Elite" Unit To Question Terror Suspecters

Rep. Maxine Waters: Senators That Oppose Public Option Are "Neanderthals"

Ann Coulter Criticizes Obama Over "Elitist Vacation"

Barney Frank Defends Town Hallers: "Anger" Is Legitimate

Dem Strategist: Is Obama "Really In Control" Of Things?

O'Reilly On President Obama's Vacation

Michael Steele On Health Care Reform

Rep. McCotter On Spam From White House

Rep. Weiner: Senate Needs "Adult Supervision" From House

Elizabeth Edwards Ignoring Tabloids, Opens Furniture Store

Schumer: Dems "Making Preparations" To Do Health Care Alone

Bernstein: Hillary Clinton "Performing Very Well"

Democrat: Single Payer Is Part Of The "Conversation"


Michael Savage 08/24/09 H1

Michael Savage 08/24/09 H2

Michael Savage 08/24/09 H3

08/24 The Mark Levin Show

08/21 The Mark Levin Show

08/20 The Mark Levin Show

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 21st With Dr. Marc Siegel

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 24th With John Perkins

*Audio:The Lew Rockwell Show - 132: Peter Schiff: Why There Is No Recovery