"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

21st Century - Video
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

24 August 2009

24 Aug/weekend


We, The People, Won't Bow To The One World Elite

We, The People, Won't Bow To The One World Elite

Raw Story » Extraordinary rendition for … white-collar criminals?

The CEO’s Blog » Blog Archive » Health Care Reform - Full Article

Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide - Online Daily Newspaper on Hellenic and International Shipping

Smoking Mirrors: Dog Poets Broadcasting from the Sirius Cluster.

EclippTV :: Video :: Greg Gutfeld of Fox News Calls Out MSNBC on Their 'Strategic Editing'

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » CNN Actually Discusses New Martial Law Acts!

video:Michele Little, the sister of fallen firefighter David M. Weiss, speaks about her brother

Reuters: Pot Kills Cancer But Don’t Even Think About Using It! | NORML Blog

How Israel Wages Game Theory Warfare « INTIFADA

List of Failed Government Health Care Programs « Arlanjio Blog

American's Journey: Fox news 5 reports WTC 7 collapse before it happens

50 Top U.S. War Criminals | AfterDowningStreet.org

Israeli Army Body Snatching Palestinians For Organs

Kawther Salam » Blog Archive » The Body Snatchers of Israel

League of American Voters:Watch the New TV Ad Exposing


YouTube - NWO From The Mouths of The Elite

Larry Flynt: Common Sense 2009

Anchor Babies - Enormous Taxpayer Costs - Part 2

The Sotomayor Scare

Obamas Warning To Libya Over Megrahi Jubilation (from The Herald )

Lockerbie bomber: I will prove I am innocent - Telegraph

Gaddafi embraces Lockerbie bomber and thanks his 'courageous friend' Gordon Brown for releasing him

Foreign office denies 'trade deal' to free bomber - Home News, UK - The Independent

"Dead Man Musings"The Jewish Illuminati Merchant Class:

It's SICKNESS Care, Not 'Health' Care

Roberts - Americans Are Serfs Ruled By Oligarchs

Antibiotic Resistance at Factory Farms "Scares the Hell Out of" Johns Hopkins Scientists | BuzzFlash.org

The 911 WTC 'Traces Of Tritium' Lie Is A Crime

photo:Dark Matter Hiding in the Margins

savethemales.ca - Boy Scouts -- Model of Masonic Subversion?

Strange sea creature dubbed 'Muck Monster' |West Palm Beach News, South Florida Breaking News, Forecast, Video from WPTV

Artificial life will be created 'within months' as genome experts claim vital breakthrough

Solar SunFlowers Provide Green Energy With a Fresh Look - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

KSTP TV - Minneapolis and St. Paul - UFO Experts Investigate Mystery on Twin Cities Lake

Global warming could change Earth's tilt - environment - 20 August 2009 - New Scientist

Researchers propose new way to reproduce a black hole

08-22-2009: James Cameron Unveils Trailer To 3D Science Fiction Film Avatar

Feds Cracking Down On Garage Sales

08-22-2009: Competition lacking Among Private Health Insurers

08-22-2009: Alan Johnson (UK Home Secretary): we should be proud of DNA database

08-22-2009: Is Alex Jones a scaremonger?

08-22-2009: Obama to raise 10-year deficit to $9 trillion

08-22-2009: US 'names secret terror suspects'

08-22-2009: Ridiculous - Sean Hannity Considering Run For Presidency In 2012?

New Moon Photo Reveals Tracks from Tough Apollo Moonwalk

08-22-2009: Farmers suing German-based Bayer Cropscience over genetically engineered strain of rice

08-22-2009: Vatican teaching Hezbollah how to kill Jews, says pamphlet for IDF troops

Unemployment Edges Up to Great Depression Level

Blackwater's Unwritten Death Contract

Ex-ISI Chief Says Purpose of New Afghan Intelligence Agency RAMA Is ‘to destabilize Pakistan’

20 Foods That Make You Smarter

How Pharma Giants Are Getting Rich By Calling Our Life Problems 'Medical Disorders'

Obama says 'We are God's partners in matters of life and death'

Environmental Concerns Advancing North American Integration

US Official Tastes Pakistanis' Anger at America

The US War against Iraq: The Destruction of a Civilization

Alvaro Uribe, Hugo Chavez, and the Hypocrisy of the American Right

John Pilger: Obama Is A Corporate Marketing Creation

Mainstream Newspaper Pushes Cultish "See Obama In Yourself" Posters

Rockefeller Refers to Obama's Science Czar as "Walking on Water"

H1N1 October surprise prevention

Fake Homeland Security Terror Alerts during Bush Adminstration

Pentagon Plans For Global Military Supremacy:

Lockerbie and Kafka's Labyrinth

The Obstacles to Real Health Care Reform: Private Insurers and Big Pharma

America’s Death Squads Inc.

video:History Channel: Weather Warfare

Video - Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

Obama ‘Quite Comfortable’ As One-Term President, White House Spokesman Says

Health Care Reform Bills Would Not Verify Citizenship Status of Beneficiaries, Conservative Analysts Say

Last-Minute Negotiations Ease Some Foreclosures

Post-Election Observations on Afghanistan

Corporate Shills for Hope and Change

Who’s Watching the Watchers

‘Cap-and-Trade’ Increasingly Unpopular

Americans Want Federal Reserve’s Secret Shenanigans Exposed

The Brainwashed





Hacker attack disables Michael Savage website



Sunday talk muddles Obama's message - Washington Times

World's first Muslim superheroes, the 99, are headed for British television screens - Telegraph

Democrats Host Few Traditional Town Hall Meetings During August Recess - Political News - FOXNews.com

Obama offers wishes for Muslim holiday - Washington Times

Site:Republic Broadcasting Network

The Heath Care Debate is Making Me Sick

Health Care Suggestions.

A History of Cost Overruns Should Squash Government Run Healthcare

Sweden's blood libel of Israel gets worse

The New Third Rail of American Politics?

Rasmussen: Obama Hits new Low

President Obama's Ramadan message

What big government? Feds to regulate garage sales

Now it's Senate Democrats who are threatening insurers

FAA personnel dragged away to help with Cash For Clunkers

What was the real reason for the Lockerbie bomber's release?

Obama's Karmic Freight Train

Cognitive Dissonance: A Case Study

The Race Idiots

The Varieties of Birther Experience

Government Knows Best?

The Branch Carbonian Cult

Obama and the Holy Land

Obamacare-Point and Counterpoint

CBS' Don Hewitt -- Fidel Castro Enabler

Obama, Ginsburg, and the Ghost of Margaret Sanger

Undermining Democracy in the Name of Human Rights

Why Progressives Should Boycott Whole Foods

Fox furthers 'death panel' hysteria with 'death book' claim

Chris Matthews Thinks Bloggers Don't Do Any Fact Checking

David Brooks: Health Care Reform is Unpopular

Newsweek: C.I.A. Report On Torture To Be Released Next Week

Real Time: Jeremy Scahill Calls Out Chuck Todd for Calling Torture Investigations "Political Catnip"

Sen. Rockefeller Asks Insurers: What Share of the Money Goes to Profits?

Right-wingers are always eager to dismiss the existence -- and the threat -- of far-right extremists

Who Could Have Guessed? Montana Voters Are Turning on Max Baucus

Gospel of Hate: Arizona pastor Steve Anderson spews bile toward Obama, Frank, and gays

Ron Reagan: Isn't It Funny How "Left Wing Lunacy" Turns into Reality After a Few Years?

"Death Panel" Talking Point Creator Elizabeth McCaughey Steps Down From Medical Board

Study Finds Mercury in Fish Widespread, Blames Mining, Coal Plants

The Daily Show: Jon Stewart Takes on Deather Originator Betsy McCaughey

Michael Moore's New Movie - "Capitalism: A Love Story"

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Military-Industrial Complex Prison Economy: On the Edge with Max Keiser & Alex Jones

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Extraordinary rendition for … white-collar criminals?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Dr. Leviathan

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Monetary reform: reclaiming $1 trillion every year through public creation of money

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 6 Senators – Who Together Only Represent 2.6 Percent of Americans – Are Deciding the Fate of Health Care

Fibre optics to detect sound of terror - Science, News - The Independent

9/11 Mind Swell

Obama: A Corporate Marketing Creation

American Chronicle | Gun Propaganda and the Health Care Reform Illusion

Web extra: Congressman Herger calls Obama plan 'threat to democracy' - Mount Shasta, CA - Mount Shasta Herald

Gordon Brown in new storm over freed Lockerbie bomber | UK news | The Observer

Iraqi security forces collaborated with bombers: FM

Gaddafi embraces Lockerbie bomber and thanks his 'courageous friend' Gordon Brown for releasing him

Reuters AlertNet - Afghan conflict 'serious' and 'deteriorating'-Mullen

The Associated Press: Mullen worried over public support for Afghan war

Afghan challenger says election widely rigged | Reuters

Annie Leibovitz, photographer of stars, faces ruin

Teacher allegedly paid student after sex - Salt Lake Tribune

RealClearPolitics - Will Obama's Statism Ever Retreat?

The Angry White Liberal

The Beltway consensus: the Left is to blame for health care battle - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

The Obama Family wages war: On health care, Prez tries to make us an offer we can't refuse

RealClearPolitics - No Ignoring Protests

There's no will to fight inflation - MSN Money

Don’t abandon ‘public option’ without benefits in return - The Boston Globe

Health reform: The labours of Sisyphus | The Economist

Grass-Roots Reform Battle Tests Weary Obama Supporters - washingtonpost.com

Obama to visit China in mid-November -- latimes.com

TheHill.com - States rushing to meet stimulus reporting deadline

Freshman Dem wielding reform power - Washington Times


*Transcripts:Admiral Mullen and Amb. Eikenberry on Afghanistan

Interview with Senator John McCain

Sens. Cardin, Lieberman & Lugar Debate Health Care

Senators Conrad and Grassley Debate Health Care

Senator Specter and Rep. Ryan on Health Care

Obama's Wkly Address: Debunking Phony Reform Claims

Brooks and Marcus Discuss Health Care and Afghanistan

Obama's Remarks on the Afghanistan Election

Reflections on a Year of Crisis

Interview with Education Secretary Arne Duncan

Obama Interviewed by Michael Smerconish

Panel on the Latest in the Health Care Debate

Interview with Senator Jon Kyl

Interviews with Senators Grassley and Hatch

Analysts Make Predictions on Health Care Legislation

AARP vs. Association of Physicians Over Health Care

Gov. Richardson on North Korea's Nuclear Weapons

Press Availability with Presidents Obama & Mubarak

Dean and Frist Debate Health Care

Interview with Senator Jim DeMint

Panel on the Passing of Robert Novak

Interview with the CEO of Aetna Insurance

Press Conference with Sec. Clinton & Colombia's FM

Fulfilling America's Responsibility to Those Who Serve

Roundtable on Obama and the Public Option

Interview with Senator Hutchisohn

Reporters Discuss Health Care Cooperatives

Interview with Secretary Sebelius

Senators Conrad and Shelby Debate Health Care

Guests: Secretary Sebelius and Sens. Specter & Hatch

Interview with Press Secretary Robert Gibbs


*Politics; Video/*McCain: Obama Must Drop Public Option In Health Care Plan

Sens. Grassley, Conrad On Public Option

Amb. Eikenberry: Afghan Election An "Opportunity"

Sens. Schumer, Hatch On The Public Option

"This Week" Roundtable On Town Halls, Health Care

Specter, Ryan On Passing Health Care Reform

Howard Dean Explains Advantages Of Public Option

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Health Care

Rep. Tom Price Gives Weekly Republican Address

Obama Weekly Address: Myths and Morality in Health Insurance Reform

Rep. Weiner: Moderate Dems The Problem With Health Care


Professor Richard Dawkins wants to convert Islamic world to evolution - Times Online

Harriet Harman eyes up naturists’ claim for equality protection - Times Online

Man Convicted of Stealing Virgin Mary Painting to Pay for Abortion - WDAF

Basics - Brain Is a Co-Conspirator in a Vicious Stress Loop - NYTimes.com

Lod: Rabbis' pictures put end to public urination

Pastor illustrates biblical messages in years-long project » Knoxville News Sentinel

Electrosensitive refugees from wireless technology head for DrĂ´me - Times Online

Epic: KFC Has A Bacon Sandwich That Uses Fried Chicken As "Bread"

Mike Perham: Cabin boy conqueror of the world - Times Online

Winkers: the jeans that wink at you | Metro.co.uk

China's founding legend may not be true - Science Fair - USATODAY.com

3,000 yr old butter discovered in Ireland

Stanford scanner penetrates mummy's secrets

NZ beaches empty as dogs poisoned by killer seaslugs - Times Online

Israel News - Israeli Exoskeleton Suit Enables Paralyzed People To Walk | Infolive.tv

The 12 most annoying types of Facebookers - CNN.com

Scientists discover why lost people walk in circles - The Local

Streisand's Ex Auctioning Private Tapes -- Popeater

Latest in Stimulus: 'Cash for Refrigerators' - BusinessWeek

The Savings Experiment - Electricity - AOL News

Oprah sues Utah companies over false endorsements - Salt Lake Tribune

Our boorish, elitist overlords

Saving American manufacturing

DefenseLink News Article: Company Steps Up When Military Employees Deploy

Poisonous find in salad ruining German rocket farmers - The Local

World's Most Successful Immigrants: Immigrant Bosses Around the World - BusinessWeek

How U.S. allies nearly won Vietnam War

World Net Daily Player:Concerned Women: Health takeover to fund abortions

World Net Daily Player :Health takeover critic says Americans can defeat plan

World Net Daily Player:Doctor says Obamacare will create class system

Next step in H1N1 scare: Microchip implants

President Hannity? Talker drops hint

My Lai massacre officer apologises, 40 years on - Americas, World - The Independent

Web extra: Congressman Herger calls Obama plan 'threat to democracy' - Mount Shasta, CA - Mount Shasta Herald

Barack Obama critics take aim at carbon reforms after health reform success - Telegraph

Lutherans accept clergy in 'lifelong' same-sex relationships - CNN.com

Obama: 'No taxpayer-funded abortions in health bill'

Specter Calls for Hearings on End-of-Life Care Guide for Veterans - Political News - FOXNews.com

White House Reveals Identity of Firm That Sent Unsolicited E-Mails on Health Reform - Political News - FOXNews.com

Family told by NHS: Alzheimer's is not a 'health condition' - Telegraph

NHS staff paid overtime when off sick - Telegraph

Cold wave of unrest catches Barack Obama - Times Online

U.S. Shifts, Giving Detainee Names to the Red Cross - NYTimes.com

FBI chief: Bomber's release 'a mockery' - CNN.com

Hezbollah Readies for War as UN Can Only Observe - Bloomberg.com

DHS worker accused of demanding sex for food stamp assistance | tennessean.com | The Tennessean

California bill would free more than 27,000 inmates - CNN.com


*American Minute for August 23rd:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

An open letter to Barack Obama

eBay seller releases video of 'Obama birth certificate'

Tom Delay – proud 'birther'

Obama's parents didn't live at newspaper birth address

Millions face shrinking Social Security payments - Yahoo! News

New World Order

**H.R. 645 and The FEMA Concentration Camps

*GovTrack: H.R. 645: Text of Legislation, Introduced in House


*FEMA And REX 84

**76pg/pdf:National Interoperability Field Operations Guide**


*audio: The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 21st With Dr. Marc Siegel

*audio: The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 20th With “Chris”

*audio: The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 18th With Dr. Russell Blaylock



New LIFE Photos Of Hitler's Germany Released

YouTube - Salbuchi - We Will NOT Bow to the One-World Elite - Part 1

YouTube - Salbuchi - We Will Not Bow to the One-World Elite - Part 2

YouTube - NWO From The Mouths of The Elite

Larry Flynt: Common Sense 2009

The Sotomayor Scare by Chuck Baldwin's Son: Timothy Baldwin

It's SICKNESS Care, Not 'Health' Care

Roberts - Americans Are Serfs Ruled By Oligarchs

The 911 WTC 'Traces Of Tritium' Lie Is A Crime

savethemales.ca - Boy Scouts -- Model of Masonic Subversion?

Iraq - The Destruction Of A Civilization

Police riot notebooks reveal brutal use of shields against G20 protesters | UK news | The Observer

Scotland To China And Back Again Cods 10 000mile Trip To Your Table (from Sunday Herald)

PETER HITCHENS: Democracy? We're just wasting brave lives on a country we'll never free | Mail Online

Romanian fraudsters use trafficked babies and children for multi-million pound UK benefit scam | Mail Online

Troops to be sent to Helmand, Afghanistan with just 6 weeks' training | Mail Online

Pinochet's lost millions: the UK connection - Americas, World - The Independent

China outraged as Japan’s sabre rattler calls for nuclear arms - Times Online

EU bites into cereals’ health claims - Times Online

Bombshell report on CIA interrogations is leaked | World news | guardian.co.uk

Oil industry protest campaign adds to summer heat on President Barack Obama - Telegraph

FBI drove ‘black power’ actress Jean Seberg to suicide, claims son - Times Online

Ireland’s new blasphemy law labeled return to Middle Ages

Risk And Stability

Politics 2004

Humanity Under Siege

Americans - People Without A Country

Act 3 The Imperfect Storm

David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey - Illegal Health Reform - washingtonpost.com

"The name's Obama -- BARACK Obama."

WILLIAM REES-MOGG: The West has sold its soul for a barrel of oil | Mail Online

Lockerbie release: 10 unanswered questions - Telegraph

Hans Kochler: 'I strongly suspect he was pressurised into dropping appeal' - Scotland on Sunday

A $2m witness payment, bogus forensic evidence and Pentagon memo blaming Iran: How Lockerbie bomber threatened Scottish justice | Mail Online

ACORN Ex-Official To Testify Against ACORN

Is it time to stop taking the Pill? A new book asks whether the tide of risks has gone too far | Mail Online

The US and NATO seek to balkanize the Caucasus

The Body Snatchers Are Back

Where Is The Anti-War Movement In The Age Of Obama?

Minneapolis tornado rips Lutheran conference on gays in the church (Pics) «

Common Sense 2009 « Thomas Paine's Corner

Man Jailed 3 Months for DWBM - Driving With Breath Mints? - Blackvoices Autos

Newspaper confirmed the involvement of Mossad in the kidnapping of Russian cargo ship

The REAL 'Town Hall' Meeting In MT With Obama

Vaccine-Induced Disease Epidemic Outbreaks

Local News | New Seattle charity aims to help military sexual-trauma victims | Seattle Times Newspaper

Obama facing hard choices on Afghanistan war plans - Yahoo! News

Sheehan Calls For Martha's Vineyard Peace Summit

Zyklon-B/How Zyklon-B Works

video:Coverup: How America Was Robbed

video:Mission Mind Control

The Next Global Economy: China aggressively reducing us debt - Sign of things to come

Second Amendment Freedom- Firearms Rights: Anti Gun N. C. State State Senator Shoots A Home Invader

flasback:Lockerbie evidence 'planted by CIA' - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

U.S. Military Says Its Force in Afghanistan Is Insufficient - NYTimes.com

flasback:Key Lockerbie Witness Admits Perjury


Raw Story » Call to reopen US prison abuse cases: report

Around 100 professors investigated in 'bribes for doctorate' probe - The Local

Up to 11,000 U.S. veterans may have been mistakenly infected with HIV

Benrik Pitch: Sleeper journalists | Media | The Guardian

flashback:The Lockerbie Case: Abu Nidal 'was a US spy'

flashback:Was Lockerbie suspect working for US? - Scotsman.com News

Make Ron Paul a Super-Hero! Pow! Splat! | Ron Paul Wins! | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

Alpha's Musings: A Quick Note: Health Care Reform

RAMADAN IN GAZA « Desertpeace

Marketers Answer Call to Eliminate High-Fructose Corn Syrup - Advertising Age - News

Refreshing News: 'Encyclopedia of Life' grows

EclippTV :: Video :: Barbara Boxer Plays the Race Card Against a Black Businessman

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » The Patriot Act’s Historical and Legal Context - Judge Napolitano

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Military-Industrial Complex Prison Economy: On the Edge with Max Keiser & Alex Jones

ISS - Human experiments scandal at Arkansas VA hospital unearthed

Vaccine-Induced Disease Epidemic Outbreaks

American's Journey: Fake Truth for Our Own Good?

EclippTV :: Video :: No militant activism? No "America." Naomi Wolf

EclippTV :: Video :: Maxine Waters revealing the left's plan to socialize


Features : Explosives analysis concludes semtex theory "scientifically implausible" in Pan Am 103 explosion : THE FIRM : SCOTLAND'S INDEPENDENT LAW JOURNAL

AFRICOM: Western Self-Serving Interests or African Security?

Millions face shrinking Social Security payments - Yahoo! News

Swine Flu Campaign Waits on Vaccine

Raw Story » Extraordinary rendition for … white-collar criminals?

08-24-2009: The Libyan Despot's Son, the Rothschilds and other questions for Lord Mandelson

08-24-2009: Iranians Seek Out Abuses By U.S.

08-24-2009: Dump The Color Coded Terror Alerts

08-24-2009: More Americans Abusing Attention Deficit Disorder Drugs

08-24-2009: NASA May Begin Outsourcing Due to Financial Problems

Artificial life will be created 'within months' as genome experts claim vital breakthrough

Blackwater's Unwritten Death Contract

Quittin' Time in Afghanistan

Nadler: Obama Violating Law By Not Investigating Bush

Swine Flu Injections May Pose Contamination Risk

Forced vaccines: Ready for yours?

Report: CIA hired Blackwater contractors for secret hit squad

Blackwater Hit Squads: What Was the CIA Thinking?

H1N1 October surprise prevention

Afghans "Sandwiched" between Taliban and US-NATO backed Warlords

Drones and Democracy in Afghanistan

Rockefeller Refers to Obama’s Science Czar as ‘Walking on Water’

Unemployment Edges Up to Great Depression Level

Video - Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

Where tech and philosophy collide

Republicans Have Offered Three Alternative Health Care Reform Bills

Health Care Bill Mandates That Restaurants Display Nutrition Information on Menus

Obama’s Spending Plans Will Nearly Double the National Debt--White House Leaked the News Late on Friday

Even Lowest Income Americans Believe Obama Will Increase Their Taxes, Says Gallup Poll

Obama ‘Quite Comfortable’ As One-Term President, White House Spokesman Says

EPA Won’t Send Potentially Contaminated Artifacts to Landfill for Now

Ahmadinejad’s Choice of Terror Suspect for Defense Minister Stirs Anger

Health Care Plan Tests Pelosi's Leadership

Deja-Vu: Wall Street Repackages Debt for Sale

Hunted Reality TV Contestant Found Dead in Canada

Attack on Obama Riles Beck's Advertisers

Repeat Win for Venezuela at Miss Universe Contest

America’s Empire of Trust

Corporate Shills for Hope and Change

American Daughter Media Center - Front Page » Blog Archive » Breaking News — Fed to Steal State Pension Funds


Millennium Ark: Hot News: Obama Appoints Monsanto Fox to Guard Food Safety Hen House

First Avatar Trailer Reveals Pandora’s Intoxicating Alien World | Underwire | Wired.com

Face of the Turin shroud enhanced *updated* : The Watcher Forum

Next step in H1N1 scare: Microchip implants

On Face the Nation, Howard Dean Says Co-op Plans Are 'Political Theater'

Paul Krugman on the Need for Bipartisanship: The Republican Party is Now the Rump on the Right

Real Democrats Standing Strong For American Working Families

Charles Grassley Defends His Fear Mongering: Obama Made Me Do It

As The Homeless Are Chased from Campground, We Keep Displacing the Problem of Poverty

Nicole Wallace calls Tom Ridge terror alert revelations 'wussy'

Lieberman: Worry about uninsured after the recession is over

The bicycling option: Republicans like to laugh at it, because it makes so much sense

Rick Santorum Complains About Obama Attacking Fox While Comparing Him to Hugo Chavez

Betsy McCaughey, 'Principled' Conservative? Sounds Like More of a Windsock

McCain: Obama must drop public option

The Art of Politically Correct Apology by Bill Maher

Now There You Go Again -- More Whoppers from Obama

NYT already offering reasons for death of ObamaCare

Harvey Weinstein: Turning Jews Into Nazis

NYT a little vague about those states west of the Hudson River

We should spend more on health care, not less

A Birther Compromise

When in trouble, feed the base

The high speed rail boondoggle

FBI Director Mueller scorches Scottish prosecutor over release of terrorist

Politicization of the Obama Justice Department

Why Progressives Should Boycott Whole Foods

Fox furthers 'death panel' hysteria with 'death book' claim

Chris Matthews Thinks Bloggers Don't Do Any Fact Checking

David Brooks: Health Care Reform is Unpopular

Newsweek: C.I.A. Report On Torture To Be Released Next Week

Real Time: Jeremy Scahill Calls Out Chuck Todd for Calling Torture Investigations "Political Catnip"

Sen. Rockefeller Asks Insurers: What Share of the Money Goes to Profits?

Right-wingers are always eager to dismiss the existence -- and the threat -- of far-right extremists

Who Could Have Guessed? Montana Voters Are Turning on Max Baucus

Gospel of Hate: Arizona pastor Steve Anderson spews bile toward Obama, Frank, and gays

Ron Reagan: Isn't It Funny How "Left Wing Lunacy" Turns into Reality After a Few Years?

"Death Panel" Talking Point Creator Elizabeth McCaughey Steps Down From Medical Board

Study Finds Mercury in Fish Widespread, Blames Mining, Coal Plants

The Daily Show: Jon Stewart Takes on Deather Originator Betsy McCaughey

Michael Moore's New Movie - "Capitalism: A Love Story"

Killing Rifqa

A Presidential Learning Moment

Infatuation with Crisis

Will the Real Public Opinion on ObamaCare Please Stand Up

Will America's bucking bronco finally be broken?

How about corruption reform first?

Will You Still Need Me, When I'm Sixty-four?

Obama's Karmic Freight Train

Cognitive Dissonance: A Case Study

The Race Idiots

The Varieties of Birther Experience

Government Knows Best?

The Branch Carbonian Cult

Obama and the Holy Land

Obamacare-Point and Counterpoint

Obama, Ginsburg, and the Ghost of Margaret Sanger

Undermining Democracy in the Name of Human Rights

The Biggest Missing Story in Politics - One Year Update

Introducing the Tenth Amendment

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Authorities Prepare To Seize Kids During Swine Flu Pandemic

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Corporate Media Orchestrates Outrage over Release of Libyan Patsy al-Megrahi

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Lockerbie And The Finanacing Of 9/11

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Salbuchi – We Will NOT Bow to the One-World Elite

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Dr. Leviathan

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Baghdad attackers paid $10,000 to pass checkpoints

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Hundreds of 9/11 first responders die of cancer

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » A Child Can Understand the Meaning of Debt

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Garofalo: Tea Party Protesters ‘Functionally Retarded’; ‘I Want My Country Back’ Code for ‘I Want My White Guy Back’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 6 Senators – Who Together Only Represent 2.6 Percent of Americans – Are Deciding the Fate of Health Care

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The world has done nothing about C02 in 20 years

Web extra: Congressman Herger calls Obama plan 'threat to democracy' - Mount Shasta, CA - Mount Shasta Herald

CCTV Boom 'Failing In Fight Against Crime' - Yahoo! News UK

9/11 Mind Swell

FBI Operative Turner Said Cynthia McKinney Should be Lynched

‘Charming Liar’: Progressives Turn on Obama as Air America Exposes ‘Fascist’ Drug Deal

The Morality Hazard of the Fed

The Real Grand Chessboard and the Profiteers of War

Coffee, Tea, or Should We Feel Your Pregnant Wife’s Breasts Before Throwing You in a Cell at the Airport and Then Lying About Why We Put You There? by Nicholas Monahan

Dough for Dumps? by Peter Schiff

Why Are We Still Talking to Economists? by Jeremiah Dyke

The World Financial System’s Achilles’ Heel by Bill Bonner

Austrians! The Indian Market Beckons by Sauvik Chakraverti

CBS's Don Hewitt – Fidel Castro Enabler by Humberto Fontova

Enough Is Enough by Robert Foss

Democracy Going Dark: The Electronic Police State by Tom Burghardt

DIY cigarettes? Some smokers start growing tobacco | Antiwar Newswire

What Libertarianism Is - Stephan Kinsella - Mises Institute

Ron Paul's Audit The Fed Bill HR 1207 | GroundReport

President Obama is Due to Arrive Sunday; Public, Press Barred from Airport - 8/21/09 - Vineyard Gazette Online

President urges media shutterbugs to respect daughters’ privacy - The Boston Globe

The thrill is gone for Obama and the media | Washington Examiner

Obamas hope for privacy on vacation

Gov. David Paterson tells blogger people get 'nervous' if there are 'too many' minorities in office

New images show healthier Fidel Castro - CNN.com

Former leader Fidel Castro appears on television | International | Reuters

S.Korea seeks 4-year prison term for stem cell fraud | Science | Reuters


Libya broke pledge over Lockerbie bomber: Scottish minister

Prison damage extensive - State - Kentucky.com

Homelessness grows in shadow of White House | McClatchy

2010 SENATE CAMPAIGN: Polls show potential GOP challengers would beat Harry Reid - News - ReviewJournal.com

California GOP Pins Hopes on Ex-CEOs - WSJ.com

Kennedy should resign - The Boston Globe

Report: CDC Considers Promoting 'Universal Circumcision' - Children's Health - FOXNews.com

Chlamydia helps young men feel more 'manly': Swedish study - The Local

Obama spokesman announces interrogation unit

Obama White House Versus CIA - ABC News

U.S. military says force in Afghanistan isn't big enough - San Jose Mercury News

Afghan conflict serious, 'deteriorating'-Mullen | Reuters

The Associated Press: Mullen worried over public support for Afghan war

Afghan challenger says election widely rigged | Reuters

Quangos blackball ... oops, sorry ... veto ‘racist’ everyday phrases - Times Online

CNN Political Ticker: Senator: Jamming through health care 'a real mistake'

U.S. partner paid salary to al-Qaida ally

Obama participated in socialist party

Guess who screened White House appointments!

Christmas lights put up in August in Milnrow | The Sun |News

Pastor illustrates biblical messages in years-long project » Knoxville News Sentinel

Parents claim son, 11, reincarnation of World War 2 pilot

Piano-playing cat Nora becomes internet hit - Telegraph

Frown! The 14 worst cities for your teeth - TODAY Fashion & Beauty

Electrosensitive refugees from wireless technology head for DrĂ´me - Times Online

China's founding legend may not be true - Science Fair - USATODAY.com

Modern divorce: Who gets custody of pornographic photos man posted of wife online?

Unbelievable » Blog Archive » A Poetic Mystery via the Ouija Baord

The Gralien Report » Blog Archive » Lake Worth Monster… but Not the One You Think

UFO Nonsense | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

Mike Conley's Tales of the Weird: Brush with Grinning Man no laughing matter

'Dean' of UFO Studies Devoted Life to Seeking Others Beyond Earth

UFOs: Is there really anybody out there? - Telegraph

Lost Colony Site Discovered Through Remote Viewing

"The Great Silence": Why Haven't Signs of Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life Been Discovered?

United States:'Too big to fail'?

The FDIC is broke

Stupid compassion

Are you listening, Mr. President?

No 'adult time' for youth crimes

Where Bush missed, Obama has a shot -- latimes.com

RealClearPolitics - No Ignoring Protests

Liberals' health care sin

Health-care struggle is about freedom

Health bill's creative obfuscation

Dirty secret No. 1 in Obamacare

Dirty secret No. 2 in Obamacare

Dirty secret No. 3 in Obamacare

Outed blogger Rosemary Port blames model Liskula Cohen for 'skank' stink

Jim Hoagland - 'Is He Weak?'

Crazy Train

RealClearPolitics - Boycotting the Boycotters

What went wrong? | Salon

Fred Barnes: Republicans Have Obama Playing Defense - WSJ.com

FT.com / Columnists / Clive Crook - Time to sever healthcare constraints

Editorial: Fight for the 'public option' | Philadelphia Inquirer | 08/24/2009

EDITORIAL: Government thuggishness - Washington Times

Advantage, Mr. ChĂ¡vez - washingtonpost.com

TheHill.com - Dean haunts Obama after being passed over

Growing deficit frames health care debate - USATODAY.com

Obama Has Fewer Than Half of His Top Appointees in Place - NYTimes.com

Health care gimmicks

He's spending your future - Washington Times

Change is tough. So liberals can't just leave it to Obama | Michael Tomasky | Comment is free | The Guardian

Worldwide battle rages for control of the internet - tech - 21 August 2009 - New Scientist

Professor Richard Dawkins wants to convert Islamic world to evolution - Times Online

Artist Attacks Goma For Censorship Of Gay Life Exhibition (from Sunday Herald)

Former Darien church pastor dies in prison - The Advocate

Plane struck by car after landing on SoCal freeway - San Jose Mercury News

A new eye in the sky: Design for unmanned surveillance aircraft that can fly for five years continuously revealed | Mail Online


VIDEO NEWS:Huge win for mystery lotto player | Video | Reuters.com

This Kilogram Has A Weight-Loss Problem : NPR


**Transcripts: Admiral Mullen and Amb. Eikenberry on Afghanistan

Interview with Senator John McCain

Sens. Cardin, Lieberman & Lugar Debate Health Care

Senators Conrad and Grassley Debate Health Care

Senator Specter and Rep. Ryan on Health Care

Obama's Wkly Address: Debunking Phony Reform Claims


**Politics; Video/Schumer: Dems "Making Preparations" To Do Health Care Alone

Michael Steele On Health Care Reform

Ann Coulter Criticizes Obama Over "Elitist Vacation"

Elizabeth Edwards Ignoring Tabloids, Opens Furniture Store

Rep. Weiner: Senate Needs "Adult Supervision" From House

Bernstein: Hillary Clinton "Performing Very Well"

Rep. McCotter On Spam From White House

Lieberman, Lugar & Cardin On Obama's Afghanistan Plan

Sens. Grassley, Conrad On Public Option

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Health Care

Sens. Schumer, Hatch On The Public Option

Raw: Obamas Arrive In Massachusetts For Vacation

McCain: Obama Must Drop Public Option In Health Care Plan

Amb. Eikenberry: Afghan Election An "Opportunity"

Howard Dean Explains Advantages Of Public Option

Specter, Ryan On Passing Health Care Reform

"This Week" Roundtable On Town Halls, Health Care

World; Video/Inside Story: Afghan Elections

Wildfires Out of Control in Greece

Model in Malaysia to be Caned

Markets ;Video/Asian Shares Set Bullish Tone

Bargains in Market's Basement

Oil Prices Up, Natural Gas Down: Why the Divergence?

European Markets Hit 10-Month High

Do the Markets Have Selective Hearing?

Harvard Endowment Sets Aside Cash


*American Minute for August 24th:William J Federer's American Minute*


**ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

eBay seller releases video of 'Obama birth certificate'

Congressman eyes lawsuit over president's eligibility

Why Ann Coulter indicts me

Report: Arizona Rep. considering birther lawsuit - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com


RealClearMarkets - What Is the Foundation Of Your Economic Beliefs?

RealClearMarkets - Look For An "X" Shaped Economic Recovery

Time for budgetary truth - Washington Times

David Schoenbrod and Richard B. Stewart: The Cap-and-Trade Bait and Switch - WSJ.com

Cost Controls and the Public Option: Why Losing the PO Would be Terrible-but Not Fatal ~ Angry Bear

Fed-up Marine has guns blazing to oust Democrats

Obama participated in socialist party

Official: WH sets up interrogation unit - Washington Times

Gadhafi's visit to U.N. becoming diplomatic minefield

British, Libyan leaders spoke of bomber's release weeks ago - Washington Times

Ayatollah pushes Islamic 'resistance' army

U.S. partner paid salary to al-Qaida ally

Attack on Obama riles Beck's advertisers

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Oh my: Obama being called a fascist now … on Air America

Deliberations to begin Monday in couple's kidnapping, rape, slaying » Knoxville News Sentinel

Next step in H1N1 scare: Microchip implants

Barack Obama critics take aim at carbon reforms after health reform success - Telegraph

Obama: 'No taxpayer-funded abortions in health bill'

Rep. Maxine Waters a hard-liner for public healthcare option -- latimes.com

Specter Calls for Hearings on End-of-Life Care Guide for Veterans - Political News - FOXNews.com

US flies migrants caught in Arizona to Mexico City

Russia's Moves Raise Doubts About Obama's Diplomatic 'Reset' - TIME

Is a Green World a Safer World?

RealClearWorld - Time for Climate Change Realism

RealClearWorld - Israel's Unfought Civil War

Building Security Forces and Ministerial Capacity: Iraq as a Primer | Institute for the Study of War

YouTube - The day after the election, rumours of fraud abound

YouTube - Obama Spokesman Announces Interrogation Unit

YouTube - Obama try to reform the health care system report

Candidates Question Afghan Vote - WSJ.com

Baghdad bombing leaves hole in diplomatic corps | csmonitor.com

More troops may be needed to bolster Afghanistan - CNN.com

Malaysian Authorities Postpone Whipping of Woman - NYTimes.com

13 Militants Arrested in Pakistan - NYTimes.com

Al Jazeera English - Asia-Pacific - Kim 'seeks summit with South Korea'

Sweden newspaper editor: I'm not a Nazi, I'm not anti-Semitic - Haaretz - Israel News

Drilling rig rushed to huge oil leak | The Australian

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran 'will co-operate with IAEA'

Bucking trend, China releases activists | csmonitor.com

RAW DATA: Panetta Letter to CIA Staff on Release of Interrogation Report - Political News - FOXNews.com

Reports: Device explodes at San Mateo High School - San Jose Mercury News

RNC Chairman Michael Steele Pushes Medicare, But Hasn't Always Been Against Cuts

The Associated Press: Schools urged to prepare for swine flu absences

Local News | Coast Guard suspends search for fishermen | Seattle Times Newspaper

NY poll: Throw out the incumbents - The Business Review (Albany):

Manhole Blast Hurts 2 People in Dupont Circle, Authorities Say - washingtonpost.com

Authorities Seek Missing Georgia Woman in North Carolina - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Recession, big jackpots spur lottery sales • Top Stories (www.HometownAnnapolis.com - The Capital)

Auction price for crypt above Marilyn Monroe's reaches $4 million | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times

The Day: Not Even His Head Remains - The Local - Fort-Greene Blog - NYTimes.com

Miss Universe 2009

Michael Jackson Might Have Cooked Up A Batch Of Nazi Children | Hecklerspray

Tiger: No Plans for a Round With Obama in Martha's Vineyard - Political News - FOXNews.com

Model Jasmine Fiore's mom, ex-boyfriend 'happy' reality TV star Ryan Alexander Jenkins is dead


*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 21st With Dr. Marc Siegel

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 20th With “Chris”

Bill Cunningham 8/23/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 8/23/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 8/23/09 Hour 3


The Nexus Of Evil - Part 1

The Nexus Of Evil - Part 2

The Nexus Of Evil - Pt 3

The Nexus Of Evil - Pt 4

The Nexus Of Evil - Pt 5

The Nexus Of Evil - Pt 6

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ONE -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THREE – Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOUR—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHT—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ELEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWELVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THIRTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOURTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIFTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIXTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVENTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINETEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

***Steve Quayle News Alerts: Overthrown - Death of America - Index***

***Disinformation's Documents :Scribd

***515pg/pdf:STOLEN IDENTITY;Jesus Christ :History or Hoax?***

**WING TV Archives**

**(1:51:21)The Obama Deception

Money as Debt II Promises Unleashed (1 of 8)

Money as Debt II Promises Unleashed ( 2 of 8)

Money as Debt II Promises Unleashed (3 of 8)

Money as Debt II Promises Unleashed (4 of 8)

Money as Debt II Promises Unleashed (5 of 8)

Money as Debt II Promises Unleashed (6 of 8)

Money as Debt II Promises Unleashed (7 of 8)

Money as Debt II Promises Unleashed (8 of 8)

*Money as Debt


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