"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

26 August 2009

26 Aug 09


YouTube - Dead Kennedys - Too Drunk to Fuck

YouTube - Dead Kennedys/ Rawhide


Senator Edward Kennedy dies at age 77 - Yahoo! News

Ted Kennedy dead

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Champion of Health Care Reform, Dies at 77

Kennedy Successor to Be Chosen by Special Election

Obama Calls Kennedy the Greatest Senator of Our Time

Ted Kennedy, the Lion of the Senate: Let health-care reform be his legacy

Ted Kennedy RIP

Senator Edward M. Kennedy dies at 77 - The Boston Globe

Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy dies after cancer battle - CNN.com

Edward Kennedy, Senate Stalwart, Dies - Obituary (Obit) - NYTimes.com

Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy Dies at 77 After Cancer Battle

Senator Edward Kennedy dies at age 77 | Politics | Reuters

Ted Kennedy Dies of Brain Cancer at Age 77 - ABC News

Chappaquiddick's Indiscretions Forever Tarnished Kennedy - ABC News

Kennedy health reform 'dream' will be real this year: Pelosi

Awaiting the Clintons - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Gov. would OK law change for Kennedy successor

Ted Kennedy dies at age 77

Obama Calls Kennedy 'Singular' Figure in American History - Political News - FOXNews.com

*Ted Kennedy timeline - Boston.com

Factbox: Reactions to the death of Senator Kennedy | Politics | Reuters

Kennedy health reform 'dream' will be real this year: Pelosi

Democrats Invoke Kennedy's Death in Calling for Health Care Reform - Political News - FOXNews.com

The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room » McCain: health reform might have gone further had Kennedy been around

The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room » Byrd wants health bill renamed for Kennedy

Joe The Nerd Ferraro: How We Can Pay Teddy Back

Gov. Schwarzenegger on Uncle Teddy: 'rock of our family' | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Ted Kennedy's nephew-in-law ; the Governator!

Kennedy’s Death Raises Issues of Succession - NYTimes.com

Ted Kennedy's death leaves committee vacancy - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Kennedy's death keenly felt by leaders in Ireland, Britain -- latimes.com

Residents at Hyannis Port mourn death of their neighbor, Ted Kennedy

Miniature earth

Site Page:The Miniature Earth Project

video: The Miniature Earth


Alex Jones website blocked under filter for 'criminal skills' content

Chavez Says The USA Toppled The Honduran President; Zelaya Taken To A U.S. Air Base

‘Charming Liar’: Progressives Turn on Obama as Air America Exposes ‘Fascist’ Drug Deal

New Government Swine Flu Document Reveals Plans For Mass Graves

Flu Pandemic: Mass Graves and Martial Law

Greenpeace Leader: There is urgent need for the suppression of economic growth in U.S...'Lifestyle of the rich in the world is not a sustainable model'

Barney Frank, Eugenics Death Panels, and a Dining Room Table

Early 9/11 Reportage Reveals Surprises

Will National ID Protect Us From Identity Theft?


Geithner: Auditing the Fed is a “line that we don’t want to cross”

MSNBC Hard Sell Propaganda for H1N1 Soft Kill Vaccination

“True Deleveraging Has Not Begun Yet Because Losses of Financial Institutions Have Been Socialized”

Judge Orders Fed To Disclose Who Received Bailout Trillions

Where is the Anti-War Movement in the Age of Obama?

Ron Paul On Obamacare

(cartoon)Ron Paul Takes Out the New World Order Trash

Site Page:ConspiracyCards - Ron Paul Action

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » MSNBC Pimp: Trust The Government And “Get Your Damn Vaccine”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Florida Candidate For Mayor Wants 1,000-Strong Youth Spy Force

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Scientists Confirm the Effectiveness of The Big Lie – People Will Go To Extraordinary Lengths to Create False Justifications for Government Misdeeds

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » While Swine Flu Vaccine Has Been Declared “Safe”, Novel Adjuvants Will Be Used Before Any Meaningful Testing has been Conducted

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » McCain booed for saying Obama respects the Constitution

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Scotland’s Water to be Fluorinated by Westminster Dictat

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » “Est-il faible?”: Why the prospect of another Waco grew this week.

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » From Citizen to Serf in 200 Years

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Exposed: The Swine Flu Hoax

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » CIA collusion with “Al Qaeda” financiers and attack planners

George W. Bush CIA insider key to Obama plan - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Most China transplants from prisoners: state media - Yahoo! News UK

Glenn Beck goes after Color of Change co-founder Van Jones | Show Tracker | Los Angeles Times

Obama Raises 2010 Deficit Estimate to $1.5 Trillion

Penile Cancer Linked to Sexually Transmitted Virus, Study Says

Fidel Castro says racist right-wingers fight Obama | Politics | Reuters

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Climate Fear Promoters Greatest Fear — A Public Trial of the ‘Evidence’ of Global Warming

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Israel Makes Waves by Simulating an Earthquake

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell on Government Health Control

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Inconvenient Truth: Obama Woes Have Nothing to Do with Racism

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » VA Rep Boots Anti-Abortion Activist From Chaotic Town Hall Featuring Howard Dean

The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room » Senator warns of hyperinflation rivaling the 1980s

New Clues in the Mass Death of Bees - Yahoo! News

Activists will be photographed, police warn - Telegraph

Scottish government: Obama-lite?

Rangel 'forgot' he's actually $500,000 richer than he reported

Turns out that the $4500 "cash for clunkers" rebate is taxable

That sound you hear is health care reform being flushed down the toilet

Fear-mongering knows no season

Democrats smear anti-health care reform protestors in Denver

The rank political motives of Obama's Justice Department in CIA prosecutions

Is Glenn Beck Allowed to Believe Obama is a Racist?

Liberal Fascism is not a book anymore

What the President's Attack on the CIA Really Means

Chicago, Obama, and Health Care Reform

It's official: Obamanomics has failed

Death Panels and Decision Makers

My Global Warming Epiphany

Inundated by the n-word

'Apostate' Girl's Father: The Unreported Story


Dear White Liberal America

Dr. Obama and the Hypocrite's Oath

The Tin Ears of the Bully-in-Chief and his Comrades in Arms

Health Insurance and the Lure of Someone Else

08-25-2009: As Budget Deficit Grows, So Do Doubts on Dollar

08-25-2009: CIA spies 'certified' with 2 weeks training

08-25-2009: One crime solved for every 1,000 CCTV cameras, senior officer claims

08-25-2009: Wikipedia Testing New Method To Curb False Info

08-25-2009: Officials Warned About Fake DHS Intel E-Mails

Court Orders Federal Reserve To Disclose Emergency Loan Details

08-24-2009: Rockefeller Refers to Obama's Science Czar As Walking On Water

Marines blame cancer cluster on water; 20 Marines developed male breast cancer, decades of chemicals in water blamed.

“In America, corporations do not control the government. In America, corporations are the government.”

The Ultimate Burden

Is The USA A Sick Country Or What?

Q&A On Dictatorship, Mind Control of the Populace, Staged Mass Media, And What You Can Do To Stop It

Larry Flynt: Common Sense 2009

The Rising Tide of Unemployment in America

CIA Involvement: Police chief: Lockerbie evidence was faked

The Responsibility to Protect, the International Criminal Court, and Foreign Policy in Focus

The “Populist Revolt” against the Obama Administration’s Health Care Proposals

VIDEO; Compulsory Vaccination in America?

CIA collusion with “Al Qaeda” financiers and attack planners

Peak oil and climate change -- drowning in rhetoric

The irony of the ‘socialist’ scare

Geithner: Auditing the Fed is a "line that we don't want to cross"

video:John Pilger: Obama is a corporate marketing creation

Video - Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

Where tech and philosophy collide

Inspired by Saul Alinsky, FCC 'Diversity' Chief Calls for ‘Confrontational Movement’ to Give Public Broadcasting Dominant Role in Communications

Government Agencies Would Need $16.6 Billion in New Tax Revenue to Buy Carbon Allowances Under Global Warming Legislation

U.S. Education Secretary Dodges Question on Whether Martin Luther King's Views on God's Law Should Be Taught in Public School

CIA Officers Involved in Legally Approved Interrogation Program Feared Government Would ‘Not Stand Behind Them,’ Says Inspector General Report

Despite What Advocates of Illegal Immigration Say, There are No Jobs ‘Americans Won’t Do,’ Says Study

Preparing to Mark 60 Years of Communist Rule, China Worries About Terrorism

CIA Interrogation Probe Angers Those on Both Right and Left

Most Red Ink Ever: $9 Trillion Deficit Over Next Decade

Political Considerations Driving Stimulus Priorities

Former USS Cole Commander Assails Release of Terrorist Suspected of Trying to Murder U.S. Soldiers

Teen in School Bomb Attack to Be Charged as Adult

Onassis Half Brother Accused of Having Child Porn

Chavez Says Venezuela Is Ready to Sever Ties to Colombia

Obama’s Half-Hearted War Effort

Blowing Smoke at Terrorists

ACLU: Spying for America's Enemies

RAND advises pharmaceutical company on strategies in vaccinating low-income students | VacTRUTH

Accelerating Future » Six Places to Nuke for Multiplier Effects

Gone Forever: What Does It Take to Really Disappear? | Vanish | Wired.com

snopes.com: Facts on Honey and Cinnamon

Old American Dams Quietly Become a Multibillion-Dollar Threat | Wired Science | Wired.com

Economic Armageddon, Here We Come by Marty Nemko

The Calm Before the Financial Storm? by Bill Bonner

Did You Hear the One About... by Floy Lilley

Exposed: The Swine Flu Hoax by Andrew Bosworth

Recovery Without the Telly It by Justine Nicholas Valinotti

ABC's John Stossel At It Again: Critics of Obama Are All Labeled Racists By His Supporters

Bill O'Reilly freaks on the Commerce Clause: it's "total B.S" and "nuts" Buying Health care is unconstitutional

We Have Federal Laws On Torture For A Reason!

The Further Pillage of New Orleans: Shady Bush Cronies Sold Us Faulty Pumps

KO and Jane Mayer Discuss The Horrors Of Torture And Dick Cheney's Lies

Gun-toting Arizona protester belongs to hate-mongering pastor's flock

Passed Over for Administration Job, Howard Dean Lobbies From The Left

Jonah Goldberg Compares VA Pamphlet to Nazi Eugenics

Sanchez Asks What Tom Coburn is Going to Do About the Other 46,999,999 Who Don't Have Insurance

Why don't the media ever talk about Ted Kennedy's HELP health care bill?

Reportage you'll never see on Fox: MSNBC's Contessa Brewer explores extremist rhetoric and right-wing violence

Strapped Shoppers Are Even Putting School Supplies on Layaway

Americans hate the Afghan war more than ever

Chuck Todd Tells Jeremy Scahill "That Was a Cheap Shot"-- "You Sullied My Reputation on TV"

Reich: Obama Handed His Power Over to The Gang of Six. Why?

Where's Cryin' Boehner's Town Hall on health care?

Krugman: Why is Obama Letting Reaganite Rhetoric Shape the Debate?

Kristol: So Much for the Politicization Because They Didn't Do What Allegedly Was in Their Political Interest

Chuck Schumer says we'll have the public option in the end

Insurance Companies' Reaction to Congressional Plan: 'Hallelujah!' That Ain't Good.

Why did Meet The Press use a NY Post headline to attack President Obama and health care?

Frum unloads on talk-show wingnuts for distorting health-care debate, while Kurtz tweaks Fox hypocrisy

Now They Don't Even Pretend. Fox Fabricates 'Death Book' for Vets

John McCain can't even keep Arizona safe as travel guru Arthur Frommer blasts the gun-toting state

On Face the Nation, Howard Dean Says Co-op Plans Are 'Political Theater'

Paul Krugman on the Need for Bipartisanship: The Republican Party is Now the Rump on the Right

Charles Grassley Defends His Fear Mongering: Obama Made Me Do It

As The Homeless Are Chased from Campground, We Keep Displacing the Problem of Poverty

Peter Schiff Leans Toward U.S. Senate Run -- Courant.com

Obesity: why fat itself may be the answer

What Would Be Involved in an Audit of the Federal Reserve? – Part One - American Banking News

What Would Be Involved in an Audit of the Federal Reserve? – Part Two - American Banking News

What Would Be Involved in an Audit of the Federal Reserve? – Part Three - American Banking News

What Would Be Involved in an Audit of the Federal Reserve? – Part Four - American Banking News

Jean Chatzky: How to avoid the fees draining your bank account

Shenandoah » JOIN THE REVOLUTION! Now!!!!

Can libertarians overthrow the Neo-Conservatives?

The "Other" Party


Communist Style Demonization of Patriots. police and Military

The Chaos Theory of Government

Satellites Used to Predict Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Scientific American

Diving Deep for a Living Fossil - NYTimes.com

CT Scans Show Dinosaur Tail Was a Bone Crusher | Wired Science | Wired.com

Extrasolar Planets at Full Tilt: Discovery News

Survival in a post-apocalypse blackout - life - 25 August 2009 - New Scientist

Ananova - Rice and easy for robot chefs

YouTube - Ex-USAF Pilot Witnessed UFO Crash

YouTube - The Other Roswell: UFO Crash on the Texas-Mexico Border

YouTube - Mexico's Roswell: 1974 UFO Crash

Medical advice on Libyan bomber 'in doubt' - The Scotsman


U.S. sends Guantanamo detainee to Afghanistan: lawyer - Yahoo! News

Hassan Nemazee arrested and charged with bank fraud

Cheney, Republicans Blast Interrogation Probe - Political News - FOXNews.com

Brown repulsed by Lockerbie bomber's Libya welcome

Obama quiets, but 'pay czar' to hit bonuses - Washington Times

Majority of Americans Believe Health Care Reform 'Myths' - Yahoo! News

Sebelius: Vaccinations main swine flu defense | Top AP Stories | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Frank focused on reshaping US finance - The Boston Globe

Columbine-Style Attack by Armed California Teen Thwarted by 'Heroic' Teachers - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Democrats plan hundreds of reform rallies - Chris Frates - POLITICO.com

The NY Fed’s Denis Hughes: ‘Not your Grandfather’s Labor Union’ - Deal Journal - WSJ

TBO.com - Jury considers death penalty in Tenn. slayings


Wikipedia testing new method for keeping false information off of individuals' pages -- chicagotribune.com

As Budget Deficit Grows, So Do Doubts on Dollar - WSJ.com

William McGurn: Saving the Obama Presidency - WSJ.com

Democrats plan hundreds of reform rallies - Chris Frates - POLITICO.com

The babies born in hospital corridors: Bed shortage forces 4,000 mothers to give birth in lifts, offices and hospital toilets | Mail Online

Man collapses with ruptured appendix... three weeks after NHS doctors 'took it out' | Mail Online

The Lakeland Times | Feingold: No health care bill before Christmas

King on Holder: 'You wonder which side they’re on' - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Audio flashback : CIA probe was always part of the Obama agenda - Water Cooler - Washington Times

Every Critic a Racist - John Stossel's Take

Brown 'Repulsed' By Welcome For Bomber

Barack Obama on brink of deal for Middle East peace talks | World news | The Guardian

Labor Leader Named Head of New York Fed - WSJ.com

Elle Macpherson Can’t Counter London Gloom as Americans Flee - Bloomberg.com

Scientists design plant filtration system that lets you drink your own SHOWER water | Mail Online

US-EU Plan To “Move” Earth Orbit Doomed, Say Russian Scientists

Russia Warns Of Global Catastrophe Due To Historic Drought

Video: Coverup: How America Was Robbed

Six Jewish Companies Own 96% of the World’s Media « Pak Alert Press


Video interview of Swedish Journalist who wrote about Israeli organ theft | Palestine Think Tank

How Safe Are FDIC-Insured Bank Accounts? at SmartMoney.com

U.S. is 15 years behind South Korea in Internet speed - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):

TaxProf Blog: Tax Court Rejects Taxpayer's Attempt to Use Geithner's TurboTax Defense

The Corporate Person Without a Country: AIG Spits in America's Eye, Again | CommonDreams.org

EclippTV :: Video :: Most Shocking Allegations In Torture Report Kept Secret By Obama Administra


YouTube - Trailer - Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama

OpEdNews - Article: America Prepares for Its Next War

Democracy Going Dark: The Electronic Police State by Tom Burghardt

Planned Flu-FDIC Distraction? « LewRockwell.com Blog

OpEdNews - Article: Don't Need No Trojan Horse -- when Troy is your Home

Journalists' recent work examined before embeds | Stars and Stripes

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Geithner: Auditing the Fed is a “line that we don’t want to cross”

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Fiat Empire - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution (A Film)

YouTube - VA Guide Urges Sick Vets To End Their Own Lives

Lieberman: Time not right for health reform - Washington Times

Obama's Wars Trigger New Activists


Oxford's #SacredMound -Video on KingSantini's TwitWall

US's Yucca Mountain nuclear project in meltdown - Telegraph

- Staggering Indifference and Cowardice of American Media (Connecting the Dots blog) : Denver Colorado Neighbors

Govt-Funded Reporter Urged Lynching of Black Congresswoman - Watching the Watchers

Cal/Mag Constipation & Diverticulitis

savethemales.ca - Is Legislature a Disguised Pagan Temple? (Encore)

'The Astonishing Experience Of Gift'

Scientists discover bacteria 'which causes colon cancer' - Telegraph

Jesus Christ - 'Hate Criminal?'

One Trillion Dollars

Nobel laureate estimates wars' cost at more than $3 trillion | McClatchy

Binyamin Netanyahu in London to discuss Middle East peace process | World news | guardian.co.uk

CCTV cameras: If they do not stop crime or catch criminals, what are they for? - Telegraph

We watch them on the bus. At work. At play. We have been invaded by screens | Comment is free | The Guardian

Two-thirds of prisons overcrowded | Society | guardian.co.uk

Suncream may be linked to Alzheimer's disease, say experts | Mail Online

Background: The quest for a greater Israel | World news | guardian.co.uk

Beijing vows rain will not fall on its parade - Telegraph

Canada's bloody oil | George Poitras | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Factory chickens to suffer under new EU rules, says RSPCA | UK news | The Guardian

FT.com / Asia-Pacific - Asia hits back on climate change

Obama's government fails to secure key appointments - Telegraph

US justice department to investigate CIA over terror interrogation tactics | World news | guardian.co.uk

The CIA's post-torture profits | Tim Shorrock | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

CIA threats to detainees' families exposed | World news | The Guardian

Montana Firearms Freedom Act

It Stinks

What Soviet Medicine Teaches Us - Yuri N. Maltsev - Mises Institute

Americans eat 22 teaspoons of sugar a day - Diet and nutrition- msnbc.com

College kids recruited to join Obama's 'army'

Obama wants to appoint his own 'whistleblowers'

State prepares to challenge U.S. gun laws

Obamacare sparks warning to seniors

Beck fights back with report on White House 'radical'

Breitbart.tv » AZ Town Hall Goers Boo McCain’s Defense of Obama’s Constitutional Perspective

ACLU fails in demand to jail child's mother

'Evangelical Christians' now thanking Allah

Breitbart.tv » CNBC’s Jim Cramer: Beck Advertisers Will ‘Come Back in the End’

Yahoo to overhaul search before Microsoft deal

Our boorish, elitist overlords

I found out I had 15 brothers and sisters… on Facebook! - mirror.co.uk

Baby-roasting BBQ pulled from Sears site • The Register

Hannity for president

Lockerbie bomber praised, Savage hated?

Savage, Lockerbie and 'humane' considerations

America loses its own hearts and minds

The 2nd American Revolution

Op-Ed Columnist - The Guns of August - NYTimes.com

What will they learn?

The 'ineffective' morning-after pill

Michael Vick only killed puppies …

The freedom eater

The opportunity of a century

Some Townhalls are worse than others

Fact And Comment - Forbes.com

Retarding Recovery - Forbes.com

'Education' misspelled on CMS teacher coaster | Charlotte News, Weather, Sports | WCNC.com | Local News

'Islam is of the devil' shirt appears at elementary school

Study: Obese People Have 'Severe Brain Degeneration' - Nutrition | Physical - FOXNews.com

F.T.C. to Look at News Industry’s Future - NYTimes.com


Doctors' alarm at abortion proposal - Catholic Herald Online

Cameron Todd Willingham case: Expert says fire for which father was executed was not arson -- chicagotribune.com

Man with severed tongue to stand trial in 4 rapes :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Nation

12 mourners charged with crushing a life

Couple charged in python-related child death -- OrlandoSentinel.com

Jackson Employees Want to Speak Out Regarding Singer’s Death : Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

The Associated Press: Time gap in Jackson death could prove key to case

Bob Dylan's Christmas album artwork unveiled | EW.com

Pitchfork: Pete Townshend Working on New Who Material

Interpol warrants for Pakistani militants - CNN.com

Al Jazeera English - Focus - Distant hopes for peace in Abkhazia

Pakistani Taliban Confirm That Their Leader Is Dead - NYTimes.com

VOA News - OAS Mission to Honduras Fails to Break Deadlock

The Associated Press: Russia to seek help probing Arctic Sea mystery

VOA News - UN Nuclear Agency Prepares to Release Iran Report

In UK, doubts about Lockerbie bomber’s health prognosis | csmonitor.com

The Associated Press: French agent kidnapped in Somalia escapes

VOA News - Envoys from Two Koreas Meet to Discuss Family Reunions

Japan ready to vote in major shift in leadership? | csmonitor.com

Shiite Powerbroker Dies, in Blow to Iraqi Party - NYTimes.com

VOA News - Official says Taliban Storm Hospital in Afghanistan

Skepticism over 'breakthrough' Middle East peace plan | csmonitor.com

Karzai Widens Lead in Afghanistan’s Presidential Vote Tally - Bloomberg.com

The Associated Press: SC lt. gov asks embattled Sanford to resign

VOA News - CIA Interrogation Report Could Lead to Prosecution of Interrogators

Dean and Moran Draw a Raucous Crowd in Virginia - Prescriptions Blog - NYTimes.com

Teen Who Tried to Commit Columbine-Style Attack Wanted Revenge, Police Say - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

SAT Scores Fall as Gap Widens; Asians Gain - WSJ.com

Wal-mart Doesn't Care about American History - Jeffrey Goldberg

U.S. Deficit Revised to $9 Trillion for Next Decade - WSJ.com

FBI: Tips that mob boss in Fla. up as he nears 80 - Florida AP - MiamiHerald.com

City Room: Politics - Chicago's Inspector General Resigning, Running for Senate

Paterson Tries to Address Questions on Race Remarks - NYTimes.com

Sex Trade Ring Busted in Houston, Ex-Police Officer and 5 Others Charged - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Thomas Frank: Health Care and the Democratic Soul - WSJ.com

'Historic' deficit a political thorn - USATODAY.com

The Daily Dish : By Andrew Sullivan/ The Evidence Mounts Still Further

Marc Thiessen: Obama Versus the CIA - WSJ.com

White House power grabs - Washington Times

RealClearPolitics - The Man Who Saved the World

The Rage Over Goldman Sachs - TIME

Bad-News Budget

The Pelosi-Obama Deficits - WSJ.com

Rangel Amends Financial Disclosures Amid Ethics Investigation - Bloomberg.com

Obama's War on our Spies - HUMAN EVENTS

Clinton's N. Korea visit opened more than one door -- latimes.com

China Tears Up America’s Credit Cards | The New Ledger

RealClearWorld - Obama's Foreign Policy: The End of the Beginning

RealClearMarkets - Bernanke's Reappointment a No Brainer

Bernanke Is Obama’s Proverbial Bird in the Hand: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg.com


*American Minute for August 26thWilliam J Federer's American Minute*


**Transcripts: Obama's Remarks on the Passing of Ted Kennedy

Obama Announces Bernanke's Fed Re-Nomination

Bernanke Accepts Obama's Re-Nomination

Senator McCain's Townhall Meeting

Roundtable on Holder's CIA Investigation

Writers Discuss Justice's CIA Probe

Rep. Pete Hoekstra on the CIA Investigation

Admiral Mullen and Amb. Eikenberry on Afghanistan

Interview with Senator John McCain

Sens. Cardin, Lieberman & Lugar Debate Health Care

Senators Conrad and Grassley Debate Health Care

Senator Specter and Rep. Ryan on Health Care

RealClearPolitics - Debunking Phony Health Care Claims


**Markets; Video/Helicopter Ben or King Dollar Ben?

Buy Natural Gas, Sell Oil

A Business-Led Recovery?

Into the Abyss: Budget Deficit Deepens

Time to Buy BofA?

Obama Stands by Ben Bernanke

Economic Bloggers & the Renewal of Entrepreneurial Capitalism

Wayne Angell Discusses Bernanke Reappointment

Buying FTSE 100 Index Puts Could Make Sense

David Kotok on Bernanke's Reappointment

Survival of the Fittest Banks

World; Video/Taiwan's Luxury Business Model

Partial Afghan Poll Count Shows Karzai in Lead

Japan's Elections

Tax Havens in the Ivory Coast

Netanyahu at Downing Street

South Korea Launches its First Rocket into Space

Dollar and Yen Rise

MacAskill on Lockerbie Bomber

Kandahar Blasts Test Fragile Afghanistan

Inside Story: Iraq's New Wave of Violence

India's BJP Faces Post-Election Infighting

Probe into CIA Torture

Politics; Video/Sen. Ted Kennedy Dead At 77

Sen. Dodd Remembers Sen. Ted Kennedy

President Obama Delivers Statement On Ted Kennedy's Death

Biden: Kennedy Worked For A "Fairer And Just America"

Jimmy Carter: Kennedy Was Open and Honest

David Axelrod Remembers Kennedy

Sen. McCain Explains Public Option Opposition

Dem Rep.: "The Constitution Did Not Cover Everything"

MSNBC's Matthews: Barack Is The Last Kennedy Brother

Schieffer, Brinkley On Kennedy's Death

Sen. Cardin on Scotland's Lockerbie Bomber Release

McCain Goes "On the Record"

Howard Dean: Opposition To Health Care Is Undermining The Country

Rep. Jim Moran Kicks Out Protesters Shouting Over Howard Dean

O'Reilly On Leadership And President Obama

Glenn Beck: Van Jones Is An "Avowed Communist"

Rep. Schakowsky On Immigration Raids: "This Is Just Wrong"

Sen. Coburn: Health Care Reform Violates Hippocratic Oath

Sen. Whitehouse On Prosecution For Some Bush Tactics

Specter On VA End Of Life Book, Town Halls

Rep. Blackburn: Run Health Bill "Through A Shredder"

Glenn Beck Profiles Obama's "Green Jobs" Advisor

McCain Booed After He Tells Crowd He's "Convinced" Obama Understands Constitution

Carville, Townsend On CIA Torture Report

Karl Rove On Veterans Administration's "Death Book"

Obama Reappoints Bernanke For Second Fed Term

YouTube - Expert: 'If Karzai wins Afghan elections, expect protests.'

YouTube - Netanyahu holds talks with Brown in London

YouTube - 41 Dead in Afghan Blast Caused by Vehicle Bombs

YouTube - Inside Story - Lockerbie - 25 August 09

YouTube - Arctic Sea hijack suspects questioned in Moscow

YouTube - James Langevin Remembers Kennedy

YouTube - Howard Dean shouted down at health care forum

YouTube - Bombs, Sword, Chainsaw Lead to School Arrest


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

eBay birth certificate called fraud

Did Obama's grandmother say he was born in Kenya?

Do some research on Obama eligibility!

County grills pastor over 'Where's birth certificate?'


Michael Savage 08/25/09 H1

Michael Savage 08/25/09 H2

Michael Savage 08/25/09 H3

08/25 The Mark Levin Show

08/24 The Mark Levin Show

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 18th With Dr. Russell Blaylock

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 21st With Dr. Marc Siegel

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 24th With John Perkins

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 25th With Dr. Mayer Eisenstein

*Audio:The Lew Rockwell Show - 133. Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell

*Audio:UFO Crash Near Roswell, New Mexico

Audio:Live From Roswell, First Hour, 7-2-2009

audio:Live From Roswell, 2nd Hour, 7-2-2009

World Net Daily Player:$9 trillion 'too huge to comprehend'

World Net Daily Player:'Credit card Congress' out of control

World Net Daily Player:Union dues fund 'radical social issues'

World Net Daily Player:'Utter insanity' to go after CIA