"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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21st Century - Video
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

20 August 2009

21 aug 09

Steve Quayle **News Alerts: List of Dead Scientists**

Dangers In The Shots - Components Of H1N1 Vaccines

Dangers In The Shots - Components Of H1N1 Vaccines - Pt 2

Global Depression And Regional Wars

Global Depression And Region Wars - Part II


Nicene Truth: Masonry Unmasked: Former 32nd Degree John Salza Interviewed, Pts 1-4

Audio:Alex Jones - 2009-Aug-14, Friday

Audio:Alex Jones - 2009-Aug-16, Sunday

Audio:Alex Jones - 2009-Aug-17, Monday

Audio:Alex Jones - 2009-Aug-18, Tuesday

Audio:Alex Jones - 2009-Aug-19, Wednesday

Buzz Aldrin Lies About His Masonic Activities on the Moon | Illuminati Conspiracy Archive Blog

Traditional Catholic Reflections: Works of Mercy and Life

Site:FORA.tv - Videos on the People, Issues, and Ideas Changing the Planet

Money is God, Greed is King and Corruption Runs the Game | Featured |Axisoflogic.com

Nicene Truth: The Mystery of Knowledge

Nicene Truth: Voodoo in Obama’s White House

*The Syngogue of Satan by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock/Synagogue.of.Satan/

Site:Nicene Truth: Archives

Hegelian Dialectic - Sarah Palin Versus Ezekiel Emanuel

Government Permission Will Be Required To Travel

Internet warfare team unveiled

Obama’s Well Organized Community Is Falling Apart

Poll: Most say Afghanistan war not worth fighting

Gilad Atzmon - The IDF: Israel's Organ Grinder | Palestine Think Tank

Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox: We Have the Moral High Ground by Cindy Sheehan

Newsmax.com - Grassley: FCC Diversity Chief May Stifle Talk Radio

Buffett We're Going to Be Crushed Under Mountain of Debt: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

www.thunderbolts.info:picture of the day :Siriusly Red

Honduras Military Coup Engineered By 2 US Companies?

Panning for gold makes a comeback in bad economy - USATODAY.com

Global Power and Global Government: Evolution and Revolution of the Central Banking System

Origins of the American Empire: Revolution, World Wars and World Order

Controlling the Global Economy: Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the Federal Reserve

Forging a “New World Order” Under a One World Government

Global War and Dying Democracy: The Revolution of the Elites

College-Entrance Test Scores Flagging - WSJ.com

Michael Hudson: Iceland and Latvia

Nat Hentoff:I am finally scared of a White House administration

Attorney: FBI trained NJ blogger to incite others

UK's biggest jewel heist linked to Israel

New Obama Threats To Veto Defense/Hate Bill

Some Black & Decker Coffeemakers Recalled - 13WHAM.com - Rochester News, Weather, and Sports

DNA Evidence Can Be Fabricated, Scientists Show - NYTimes.com

Taleban paid to call off election attacks - Scotsman.com News

London police stop five under-10s a day - Crime, UK - The Independent

'Sacked and accused of abuse - all because I smacked my son at home': Nurse who lost appeal for unfair dismissal | Mail Online

Intelligence agencies develop 'terrorist Facebook' to find links between key players - Telegraph

FT.com / Asia-Pacific - Seoul plans first satellite launch

North Korea threatens nuclear strike over joint military exercises - Times Online

Eight 'pirates' arrested over ship hijack but questions remain - Telegraph

EU launches probe into 'exploding' iPhones and iPods - Telegraph

Building block of life found in comet trail - Telegraph

PRUDEN: Finding no buyers for snake oil - Washington Times

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Backlash grows on Obama’s health reform

Barack Obama critics take aim at carbon reforms after health reform success - Telegraph

Lockerbie bomber: release 'absolutely wrong', says Hillary Clinton - Telegraph

Lockerbie case: The fix and the facts | Comment is free | The Guardian

Stop prescribing killer diabetes drug, scientists warn | Society | guardian.co.uk

Coroners 'refuse to test for infection linked to BSE' - Telegraph

9/11 FEMA videographer at Ground Zero goes public [Voltaire]

Social media and the internet do not spread democracy. - Telegraph

Needed - A Left Antiwar Opposition To Obama

Witchcraft in the White House

D.C. backs off on 'One Card'

Man Exercises 2nd Amendment at Obama Health Care Rally

4409 -- Brother carries AR-15 Rifle at Obamabot Rally

Obama back in Phoenix 8-17-09 Yes a man had an AR 15... get over it.

Health Reform Fattens Big Insurance and Taxes the Young

FLASHBACK: Barney Frank's Dirty Little Secret

Barney Frank lies his ass off on health care in Dartmouth

Dealing with the Brainwashed Masses

Swine flu jab link to killer nerve disease: Leaked letter reveals concern of neurologists over 25 deaths in America

German health expert's swine flu warning: Does virus vaccine increase the risk of cancer?

Site : Link TV

Obama Calls Abortion Funding in Healthcare Legislation a "Fabrication"

Suit Filed Against NIH to Stop Federal Funding of Destructive Embryo Research


Why We Couldn't Abolish Slavery Then and Can't Abolish Government Now by Robert Higgs

M.I.T. Calls Academia's Bluff by Gary North

The War on Obesity and Social Conflict by Anthony Gregory

What This Country Needs Is a 'Cash for Clunkers' Program for the Housing Sector by Mark R. Crovelli

*Audio:The Lew Rockwell Show - 131. Stephan Kinsella: The Intellectual Property Racket

The Free Market as Regulator by Ron Paul

No Durable Recovery by Bill Bonner

Sound Money: The Impossible Dream? by Floy Lilley

Americans: Serfs Ruled by Oligarchs by Paul Craig Roberts

Taki’s Magazine:The Return of the Radical Right

Doctors' orders: Avoid insurance

08-20-2009: Demand rises for publicly funded burials

08-20-2009: Honduras: Military Coup Engineered By Two US Companies?

08-20-2009: C.I.A. Sought Blackwater's Help in Its Assassination Plans

New Army Camera Promises Super-Wide Surveillance

08-20-2009: U.S. grants $1.2 billion for electronic health records

08-19-2009: Arms Expert Warns New Mind Drugs Eyed by Military

08-19-2009: Alex Jones Gives Credibility To Alan Keyes Another Council For National Policy Stooge

08-19-2009: UN boss Ban Ki-Moon 'passive, throws fits'

08-19-2009: Buzz Aldrin To Accept An Emmy Award On Behalf Of NASA

08-19-2009: Rebalance or else, IMF says

08-19-2009: Panning for gold makes a comeback in bad economy

08-19-2009: Intelligence agencies develop 'terrorist Facebook' to find links between key players

08-19-2009: Building block of life found on comet

Showdown with Russia and China: U.S. Advances First Strike Global Missile Shield System

Point. Click. Kill: Inside The Air Force's Frantic Unmanned Reinvention

Thought Police: Mother Arrested For Blogging About Cops

FDIC Sees Ag Banks As The Next Big Crisis

UN AGENDA 21: Cap and Trade Calls for Productive U.S. Farmland to be Converted to Forests

Japan Weighing the nuclear option

Robots learn to lie, cheat and hoard

Atlanta mayoral candidate proposes spy robots to patrol streets for “bums”

Conditioning Kids For The Cashless Control Grid: Coming To A Biometric Lunch Room Near You

The Brainwashed

The Top 50 US War Criminals

Where Do The Dollars Drain?

Republicans, Religion and the Triumph of Unreason

Health Care in America: The Masquerade is Over!

Monsanto's Man in the Obama Administration

Capitalism’s done deal

Even Top Climate Change Negotiator Admits Cap And Tax “Out Of Control”

video:History Channel: Weather Warfare

Video - Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

GOP Should Shut Down Senate If Dems Use Procedural Tactic to Ram Through Health-Care Bill, Says Conservative Leader

400 Percent Profit Increase for Health Insurers Cited by Health Care Bill Backers is Selective, ‘Meaningless’ Number, Say Analysts

Rockefeller Refers to Obama’s Science Czar as ‘Walking on Water’

New Rules: Patients Must Be Notified When Their Private Medical Info Is Breached

Turnout Appears Low As Afghans Vote for President Amid Taliban Threats

Poll: Majority of Americans Say No Health Care Reform Better than Passing Current Bill

White House Deficit Will Be A Record-Breaker, But Less Than Projected

Bob Novak Remembered as ‘Extraordinary,’ ‘Dedicated,’ ‘Courageous’ Reporter

Postal Service Managers Angry at Obama for Denigrating Postal Service While Defending Government-Run Health Plan

Israel Says U.N.’s Nuclear Watchdog Is Withholding Evidence on Iran Nukes

Obama Administration Planning to Wind Down Clunkers Program Amid Dealer Complaints

Ailing Sen. Ted Kennedy Requests Speedy Process to Name His Replacement

Federal Agents Plan to Arrest Non-Fugitive Illegal Aliens

Mortgage Delinquencies Hit Record High in Second Quarter

Is Racial Profiling Racist?

Obamacare Puts Families Making $192,920 on Welfare

The Pay Czar’s Power Grab

The Fannie Mae Health System

Central Intelligence Agency - The New York Times

Blackwater Worldwide News - The New York Times

Al Qaeda - The New York Times

The FDIC Is Broke. Now What? (Part I) -- Seeking Alpha

The FDIC Is Broke. Now What? (Part II) -- Seeking Alpha

Aug 18, 2009 Baby Bush: The Worst President in History? Doug Casey 321gold ...s

Ayatollah sees global Islamic 'Mahdi' army

Robots Trained To Fire On People | Product Design and Development

Scientists Control Living Cells With Light; Advances Could Enhance Stem Cells' Power

Rex 84 | Your Internment Camp Awaits You

A Look at Frank Lloyd Wright's Unbuilt Crystal City Project in Washington, D.C. - washingtonpost.com

Insuring Health

Health Insurers Fear Probe By House Dems Is Reprisal for Opposing Part of Obama's Plan - Political News - FOXNews.com

How ethics disappear | financial, fellow, decided - Columns - Sun Journal

Killing Germans is a duty, Sauerland cell terror suspect tells court | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 19.08.2009

Sully reveals secret pain behind his heroism: Miracle on the Hudson captain's father took own life

Flanagan Reportedly Under Criminal Investigation - News Story - WPTZ Plattsburgh

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » EXCLUSIVE: Lies Revealed — Greenpeace Leader Admits Arctic Ice Exaggeration

Climate Bill ‘Out of Control,’ Former Senator Says - Yahoo! News

David Axelrod's ties targeted in health fight - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

Obama Goes Postal, Lands in Dead-Letter Office: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg.com

Drinking the savory wine of longevity - Washington Times

White House Is OK With Citizens Carrying Loaded Weapons Outside Presidential Events

Hypocritical Insurance Companies: Stop Us Before We Kill Again!

This Week: Is Sarah Palin "ControllingThe World" From Her Facebook Page or Just The Media?

Tom Delay is a Masterbirther

Wendell Potter Says 'The Fat Cats Are Winning,' This is A 'Pig of a Bill.'

Chuck Todd thinks we support the public option just because conservatives don't

Fox falsely smears Eric Massa by claiming he'd "vote against his district's best interests" on health care

Grassley: I Told Obama To Say He'd Sign A Bill Without the Public Option. Oh Really?

Woman Yells Heil Hitler To Jewish Man at Las Vegas Town Hall

Violence at immigrants' march in Connecticut suburb as white nationalists turn out to harass

Write Your Own Caption-- Michelle Bachmann at the Right Online Conference

Andrew Breitbart dons his tinfoil hat, warns of conspiracy between White House and 'netroots gangs'

Tweety Warns Weiner It Will Be 'War' With Republicans If Reconciliation Is Used to Pass Healthcare Reform. Uh, Yeah.

Hardball: Matthews Perpetuates Misconception That AARP Is Losing Members Over Health Care Reform

Bill O'Reilly promises to 'expose' Netroots Nation, but just comes up laaaaaaaame

White House may ditch Republicans after all on health care reform

Frank Confronts Woman With Obama as Hitler Picture at Town Hall: On What Planet Do You Spend Most of Your Time?

flashback:Newt And the Bi-Partisan Love-In of 1994

Wide Angle:Build Your Own Human

Hobbits walked out of Africa | The Australian

Ghosts roaming haunted House | The Daily Telegraph

FATE Magazine :

What's This? A Shaver Revival? by Doug Skinner

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Snorkel rice could feed millions

Site:Institute for Hermetic Studies

A Libertarian's No-Nonsense Health Care Reform Proposal

Immoral Imperative

Obama's Socialist Revolution: Old Wine in Ancient Casks

Is health care a right?

Health Redistribution

Firms with Obama ties profit from health push - Yahoo! News

My Way News - Romney: Liberals given too much say in health care

Tim Pawlenty: Voters 'ticked off and scared' - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

New Rx for Health Plan: Split Bill - WSJ.com

'We are God's partners in matters of life and death' - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com


"Possessed" Teen Stabs 3 Younger Siblings | NBC New York

Demand rises for publicly funded burials - USATODAY.com

Judge to oversee Topaz suicide probe

Drop in world temperatures fuels global warming debate | McClatchy

NYPD Crackdown: Hands-Free Or Pay The Fee!

Government Jobs Have Grown Since Recession - NYTimes.com

Q&A: Michael Moore

Video:Sicko (2:0312)

SICKO;Michael Moore’s Health Care Proposal/A Prescription for Change

Fighting false health care claims, Obama repeats one of his own | McClatchy

Passing the Smell Test

House Dems go after insurers for opposing Obamacare

ObamaCare and FDR

One healthy sector of the economy

British Muslims celebrate Taliban 'heroes'

MSNBC's outrageous dishonesty

Obama melds church and state for health care reform

The Waxman Inquisition

Obama is working for us now!

Labor boss gaffe: Telling the truth about taxes

Palin v. ObamaCare

You're A Racist! The Ultimate Emotional Intimidation

Health care reform that actually works!

Is Vancouver in your Healthcare Future?

We Need a Republican Response to ObamaCare

Islam's European Conquest: Is America Next?

The Racial Straw Man in the Healthcare Debate

Obama the Repo Man

The Alinskyite's Big, Fat Governance Failure

Death Care and the Commodification of Life

Congress on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown

John D. Rockefeller regards John Holdren as a Saint

9/11 Mind Swell

FBI Says Boston Cops Need M-16s to Prevent City from Becoming Next Mumbai

John Longenecker -- How the repeal of all gun laws will free America

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » La Raza Members Admit Their Plan To Take Over America

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Chavez Says The USA Toppled The Honduran President; Zelaya Taken To A U.S. Air Base

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Why We Couldn’t Abolish Slavery Then and Can’t Abolish Government Now

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Video Ads in Magazines

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Will National ID Protect Us From Identity Theft?

No cash? Elyria High students can pay with their finger | Chronicle-Telegram

Life Without Frivolities - Forbes.com

The Mercenaries in Facebook's Midst - BusinessWeek

David Ignatius - Paging Dr. Reform

Turning Uncle Sam into Peeping Tom by Diana Furchtgott-Roth on National Review Online

Five Years Later, Google Proves the Skeptics Wrong - Deal Journal - WSJ

PIMCO - Emerging Markets in the New Normal Mewbourne

A Recovery Foundation Built on Sand - DELTA Global Advisors

James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » The U.S. economy in the second half … and beyond | Blogs |

Opec’s greed will herald the end of the oil age | Bill Emmott - Times Online

Afghan Election: What Outcome Is Best for the U.S.? - TIME

The 'genocide' in Darfur isn't what it seems | csmonitor.com

RealClearWorld - Iran Can Be Tempted By Asian Model

Authoritarian arms - Washington Times

Violence in Iraq: The limits of restraint | Comment is free | The Guardian

International Institute for Strategic Studies Strategic Challenges in Latin America - Dr John Chipman

RAND :Limited Options: Deterring North Korea and Iran

Leading article: A cause worth fighting for - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

RealClearPolitics - In Government We Trust?

A free-market proposal for reforming health care - Aug. 19, 2009

RealClearPolitics - Deception is at the Heart of Dems' Plans

SPECIAL PREVIEW: The Path to Republican Revival

Another view: We have clarity in our goals - Opinion - USATODAY.com

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Enforcer: Not Really Tough Enough

Obama's Public Option Is No Longer Viable - washingtonpost.com

Health care: Why the 'public option' is crucial | Philadelphia Daily News | 08/20/2009

Lawmaker Gets Flak for Health-Plan Idea - WSJ.com

RealClearMarkets - How Free Health Care Got So Expensive

RealClearWorld - Forging a New Agenda with China

Obama Snares Palin, Media in Wide Blame-Game Net: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg.com

The U.S. Economy: Time for a Real Jobs Stimulus?

The Kingmaker

World Net Daily Player:Hewitt lauded for life's work

World Net Daily Player:Democratic election on tap in Afghanistan

World Net Daily Player:Report: Bush's African AIDS plan worked

World Net Daily Player:Report says 'work Americans won't do' is myth

Guess who screened White House appointments!

Obamacare will be 1 big 'death panel'

Thousands of surgeries may be cut in Metro Vancouver due to government underfunding, leaked paper

Judge to decide on prison liver transplant - UPI.com

Security issues to steal health spotlight - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Freed Lockerbie bomber jets to Libya - Terrorism- msnbc.com

Kin of victims: Release of terrorist 'sickening'

Homeschool mom holds lawmakers' feet to fire

Obama to Appear in Back-to-School Program with LeBron James, Kelly Clarkson - Political News - FOXNews.com

Report: CIA Hired Blackwater to Help With Hit Squads - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum - FOXNews.com

Lawsuit probes mortgage giants' payouts to Obama, Biden

RealClearPolitics - Video - Flashback: Specter Opposed Government Health Care In 1994

Ailing Kennedy asks for speedy replacement process - Yahoo! News

'Talk to neighbors, spread the facts' on health care, says Obama - CNN.com


Robert Reich calls for 'march on Washington' in support of public option - Fred Barbash - POLITICO.com

In deal, ex-ACORN official promises to testify against others - Las Vegas Sun

Communists cry to media: 'We are people, too'

Obama: Palestinian state now, Israel's security later

Leaked Document Says Ban Ki-Moon Lacks Leadership Skills

Trial under way in black-on-white carjacking murders

LaHood says car dealers will 'get their money'

Newspaper Industry Ad Revenue at 1965 Levels : CJR

Our boorish, elitist overlords

Zombies would most likely wipe out humanity if they really existed, claim scientists - Telegraph

AFP: Egypt warns pharaohs' tombs could disappear

Letter ‘shows Neville Chamberlain was unfit to lead Britain to victory’ - Times Online

The world's most dangerous footpath - Telegraph

Record-breaking daredevil, eight, wing-walks at 100mph on grandfather's bi-plane | Mail Online

Former Armed Forces head wanted probe into UFO sighting, newly released files show - Telegraph

» Comeback kids? Clintons surge in polls, Obama falls to new low Row 2, Seat 4 « FOXNews.com

Approval of Obama, Democrats Declines, Pew Poll Says - Bloomberg.com

PETA’s ‘whale’ ad pokes fun at obesity, misinforms : Step By Step


Climate Bill ‘Out of Control,’ Former Senator Says - Bloomberg.com

Love it, hate it - just don't you dare spread Marmite's dark secret | Mail Online

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 1

'Mean things'

Totalitarian government, here we come

AARP tries to fool us, again

Obamacare? Ask the Brits and Canadians

Why America's best spy will die in prison

God's plan: Take a break

Bear what price, or burden? - Washington Times

Obama Surrenders on Health Care | The Progressive

Government schools are killing America

Obama Claims No Death Panels, Some Already Call the Shots


*American Minute for August 20th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Tom Delay – proud 'birther'

The mystery of Obama's birth

Obama's parents didn't live at newspaper birth address

Why eligibility story is still alive


*Jackie Mason:Is being Christian a crime?*


*Transcripts :Press Availability with Presidents Obama & Mubarak

Dean and Frist Debate Health Care

Interview with Senator Jim DeMint

Panel on the Passing of Robert Novak

Interview with the CEO of Aetna Insurance

Press Conference with Sec. Clinton & Colombia's FM

Fulfilling America's Responsibility to Those Who Serve

Roundtable on Obama and the Public Option

Interview with Senator Hutchisohn

Reporters Discuss Health Care Cooperatives

Interview with Secretary Sebelius

Senators Conrad and Shelby Debate Health Care

Guests: Secretary Sebelius and Sens. Specter & Hatch

Interview with Press Secretary Robert Gibbs

Remarks to the Veterans of Foreign Wars

VOA News - 26 Killed During Afghan Election, Turnout Uncertain

BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Cameron condemns Megrahi release

Reality TV Star Sought in Death May Be in Canada - ABC News

YouTube - Reality TV Contestant Sought In Ex-Model's Death

Oprah, Dr. Oz Sue Over Acai Berry Claims - ABC News

Don Hewitt's '60 Minutes' remains timeless and elegant -- latimes.com

YouTube - Hewitt Remembers As TV Pioneer - Bloomberg

‘Octomom’ is repulsively grim 2 hours of TV- msnbc.com

Magician David Copperfield Accused of Raping Woman on Private Island - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment - FOXNews.com

YouTube - CBS To Run Video Ads In Entertainment Weekly - Bloomberg

Lottery ticket matches $260 million jackpot - Wonderful World- msnbc.com

Paula Abdul mulls her 'post-Idol' future -- latimes.com

Michael Jackson Investigation: Dr. Conrad Murray Video - Associated Content

All Aboard! ‘Yellow Submarine’ Remake in the Works - ArtsBeat Blog - NYTimes.com

Iraq Reviews Security After Attacks - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: Arctic Sea crew, hijackers interrogated in Moscow

YouTube - Arctic Sea hijack suspects and crew questioned in Moscow

The Associated Press: Body of SKorea's Kim moved into place for funeral

As Afghanistan Votes, Americans Question The War - The Atlantic Politics Channel

Berlin scrambles to quash talk of Afghan pullout | South Asia | Reuters

The Associated Press: Iran lawmakers warn of clash over new government

BBC NEWS | Europe | Russia blast prompts major review

Sri Lanka army to speed demining, scale back expansion | International | Reuters

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan Taliban 'power struggle'

43 Indicted in U.S., Mexico on Drug Trafficking Charges - washingtonpost.com

Smith attacks Opposition over China relations - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

The Dismissal of Tariq Ramadan - WSJ.com

Jackson brother Tito plans tribute shows in UK | Lifestyle | Reuters

Grassley raps Obama on health care - On Politics - USATODAY.com

YouTube - Split Health Care Bill In Two - Bloomberg

Letter recognizes what we hesitate to say - The Boston Globe

Reports: CIA hired Blackwater to help assassinate terrorists | csmonitor.com

Barney Frank Speaks Truth to Crazy - Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld - FOXNews.com

YouTube - Barney Frank Strikes Back

Biden at Mt. Sinai: U.S. will give $1.2B to computerize medical records -- chicagotribune.com

Health Care Hypocrisy

Obama's deficit woes linger despite new number | Reuters

YouTube - White House Deficit Lower Than Estimate - Bloomberg

Don't Cry For Tom Ridge - The Atlantic Politics Channel

FedEx, U.S. Postal Service renew express contract - Dayton Business Journal:

More women held for driving while intoxicated, study finds - CNN.com

YouTube - Female Drunk Drivers Up

Carlos A. Ball: The Olson/Boies Same-Sex Marriage Lawsuit: Too Much, Too Soon?

TW Telecom lands $1 million Air Force contract - Dayton Business Journal:

The Associated Press: Vonage makes free international calls standard

YouTube - Were Michelle Obama's shorts too short?


*Markets ; Video: Sizzling Solar Stocks

Karlgaard: Wriston's Law Still Holds

A Ticking Time Bomb in Commercial Real Estate?

Buy These Chinese Stocks

Party Your Way Into Business?

Strategist: Expect 'Very Slow, Tepid' Recovery

Equities vs. Bonds

Break Out or Break Down?

Housing Recovery Postponed?

China Stocks Plunge; U.S. to Follow?

Shiller: US Housing Market Could Be Facing Another Bubble

Lifting The Veil On Swiss Bank Secrecy

Art Cashin: We Could See 'Historic Trading' Soon

Economic Recovery Comes to Fork in The Road

Big Threat: Inflation vs. Deflation

World ; Video /Wave of Bombings in Baghdad

Election Excitement Overshadows Taliban Threat

An Inside Look at Mubarak's Visit

Mubarak Visits Obama in Washington

Bomb Blast Rocks Russia's Ingushetia

Former South Korean President Dies

Foreign Aid Arrives in Taiwan

Bombings Threaten Afghan Election

*Politics; Video/Romney: Liberals Given Too Much Say In Health Care

GOP Rep.: Health Care Co-Ops Would Lead To Public Option

Sen. Conrad Pushes for Bipartisan Health Care Co-Op

Health Care Debate: The Religion Factor

Cantor: WH In "Chaos" Over Health Care

Malkin On Axelrod's Health Care "Conflict Of Interest"

Edwards, Thompson On Health Care

Frum, Page On Hitler And Obama's Health Care Reform

Tom DeLay On Town Hall Protests, Obama & Dancing With The Stars

Teamsters President: Blue Dogs "Making A Big Mistake" On Health Care

Sen. Sanders: American People Do Not Trust Insurance Companies

O'Reilly On Barney Frank's Town Hall

Democrats Planning On Taking On Health Reform Alone

Gibbs: Obama Will Not "Cave" In On Health Care

DeMint: Health Care Will Cost Dems In 2010

Clinton: "Absolutely Wrong" To Release Lockerbie Bomber

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Compares Public Health Care To Post Office

J.C. Watts On GOP's Role In Health Debate

Rachel Maddow & Bill Maher Talk About Delusional Republicans

RNC Chairman Steele On GOP & Health Care

Dem Rep.: "What Grassley Said The Other Day Was An Act Of Treason"


The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 14th With Alan Keyes

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 18th With Dr. Russell Blaylock

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 17th With Buzz Aldrin

Michael Savage 08/19/09 H1

Michael Savage 08/19/09 H2

Michael Savage 08/19/09 H3

08/19 The Mark Levin Show

08/18 The Mark Levin Show

08/17 The Mark Levin Show