"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

21 August 2009


Al Jazeera English - Middle East - UN 'inspects Iranian nuclear site'

U.S. Military to Stay in Philippines - NYTimes.com

CIA Hired Private Military Firm Blackwater for Secret Assassination Program

Charities Hurt by Madoff May Have To Return Funds – Forward.com

BBC NEWS | Health | Candle use linked to cancer risk

C.I.A. Said to Use Outsiders to Put Bombs on Drones - NYTimes.com

Ruby Ridge Survivor Weaver Now Being Stalked

*Ruby Ridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even Warren Buffett Is Now Saying Bonds Could Crack!

Reflections in a Petri Dish: The Reality TV at the End of the World.

Mexico Legalizes Drug Possession - NYTimes.com

WRS | Weapon-makers accused of spying

Newsalert: Seller, beware: Feds cracking down on garage sales

The Pod People And The Plane That Crashed Into the Pentagon


OpEdNews - Screwing the Self Employed Out of Health Insurance

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul On Anderson Cooper 360

Washington's Blog:“The Real War Is Not Between the Left and the Right. It Is Between the Average American and the Ruling Class ...Who Would Make Us Their Slaves”

video:ordering pizza/big brother

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs is Reviewing 9/11 Thermite Paper ! | 911Blogger.com

Home Office unlikely to accept ID card cloner's offer of demonstration | 19 Aug 2009 | ComputerWeekly.com

The Obama Amnesty Plan - Judicial Watch

Obama vows to push for migration reform, immigrants demand changes : US World

Consortiumnews.com:WTimes' Hypocritical Obama-Nazi Slur

EclippTV :: Video :: Greenpeace Leader Admits Arctic Ice Exaggeration

ABC's Charles Gibson to Cindy Sheehan: Thanks for your sacrifice. Now get lost. | Washington Examiner

Living Under Fascism

Tom Ridge: I Was Pressured To Raise Terror Alert To Help Bush Win

Americans are being set up « Time to Think


RealClearPolitics - Big Business Goes Big for Health-Care Reform

Held In A Psychiatric Ward & Called “Delusional” For Saying 9/11 Was An Inside Job « Web of Evidence: What They Don't Want You To Know

Rand Paul Money Bomb Exceeds $200k in 12 hours! | bytestyle.tv

Vanishing Liberties by Philip Giraldi -- Antiwar.com

Government Permission Will Be Required To Travel

Americans: Serfs Ruled by Oligarchs by Paul Craig Roberts -- Antiwar.com

Seven held over 'carbon credits' fraud - Crime, UK - The Independent

video:Mission Mind Control

video:The Worlds Greatest Conspiracy Theories

Andy Kessler: Why AT&T Killed Google Voice - WSJ.com

Uranium Weapons - Does anyone care about our planet?

Part 2: Uranium Weapons - Does anyone care about our planet?

Uranium Weapons - Does Anyone Care About our Planet? (Part 3)

Uranium Weapons - Does anyone care about our planet? (Part 4)

Uranium Weapons - Does anyone care about our planet? (Part 5)

CJD found in recalled blood donations from USA & BSE untested meat got into food supply in UK

Deadly Dog Flu Spreads: Discovery News

Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Government is Planning Mass Graves in Case of H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic

American Thinker: The Hijra

Widespread Pandemic H1N1 Student Outbreaks in Southern US

URGENT - H1N1 Vaccine Patent Filed (2007) Long Before the Swine Flue Virus Was Spread! by Walter Burien

YouTube - One Love, Brothers

Jeff's Top 5 Favorite Things on Vimeo

Iran's supreme leader reinforces Syria alliance

Russia could sell Iran fighters, bombers

"Dead Man Musings"Our Military Ruling Classes: Part 1

U.S. to Start Testing H1N1 Vaccines in Kids - Infectious Disease - FOXNews.com

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Obama backers risk becoming Achilles heel

CIA accused of hiring Blackwater contractors to kill top Al Qaeda members | Mail Online

Firms with Obama ties profit from health push

BP and Shell warned to halt campaign against US climate change bill | Business | guardian.co.uk

US Congress inquiry reveals fake letters from 'voters' opposed to climate bill | Environment | The Guardian

Court orders blogger who wrote about fashion model Liskula Cohen in 'Skanks in NYC' to reveal identity | Technology | guardian.co.uk


First Lady requires more than twenty attendants

American Justice Is Not Blind, But It Is Truly Sick

savethemales.ca - Freemasonry's Hidden Homosexual Agenda

Anger from US as freed Lockerbie bomber flies home to Libya | UK news | guardian.co.uk

YouTube - 8/19/2009 Peter Schiff On FOX Business: Buffett's Concerns Valid?

Iceland: what ugly secrets are waiting to be exposed in the meltdown? - Telegraph

Blair, 'blood money' and a Lockerbie deal: Talks with Gaddafi hours before BP agreement | Mail Online

Hegelian Dialectic - Sarah Palin Versus Ezekiel Emanuel

Obama’s Well Organized Community Is Falling Apart

*Nicene Truth: Masonry Unmasked: Former 32nd Degree John Salza Interviewed, Pts 1-4

Poll: Most say Afghanistan war not worth fighting

**Steve Quayle News Alerts:List of Dead Scientists

**Dead Scientist (article links)

08-21-2009: IMF: Countries need to raise taxes to pay off trillions spent fighting global recession

08-20-2009: Al-Qaida emerges as main suspect in Iraq bombings

08-20-2009: Stanford scientists scan 2,500-year-old mummy

08-20-2009: School Kids Buying Their Breakfast Sticks Using Fingerprint Readers

Why The U.S. Missed Zapping Bin Laden 11 Years Ago

Evolving Robots Learn To Lie To Each Other

Autonomous Scout Vehicles Prowl The Mean Streets

Arms trade: UK dealers accused of selling Soviet weapons to blacklisted countries

Infectious disease risk in swine flu jabs

UK 'can't find' $13bn in military hardware

Showdown with Russia and China: U.S. Advances First Strike Global Missile Shield System

Point. Click. Kill: Inside The Air Force's Frantic Unmanned Reinvention

New Army Camera Promises Super-Wide Surveillance

FBI: Arm Boston Police With M-16s to Prepare for Terror Attack

UN AGENDA 21: Cap and Trade Calls for Productive U.S. Farmland to be Converted to Forests

Karzai and Warlords Mount Massive Vote Fraud Scheme

Obama Still Trying to Define Victory in Afghanistan

Rockefeller Refers to Obama's Science Czar as "Walking on Water"

Anti-cancer drug causes illness

Brainwashed Idiocy: Internet Trolls and Obama's Citizen Stasi

La Raza Member Attacks Gene Green Townhall Attendees

The Green Nazis: Environmentalism in the Third Reich

Hollywood's distortion of the truth alters history in the eyes of schoolchildren

The vaccines are far more deadly than the swine flu

The Obstacles to Real Health Care Reform: Private Insurers and Big Pharma

America’s Death Squads Inc.

Terror Plot Emerges as Secret Service Game

What's the Danger of Swine Flu Vaccinations?

Militarization of Swine Flu Preparations

Obama’s Unspoken Trade-Off: Dead US/NATO Occupation Troops versus Dead Afghan Civilians?

Fake Elections Won’t Bring Peace to Afghanistan

McCain calls for more US troops in Afghanistan

Monsanto's Man in the Obama Administration

Even Top Climate Change Negotiator Admits Cap And Tax “Out Of Control”

video:History Channel: Weather Warfare

Video - Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

John D. Rockefeller regards John Holdren as a Saint

Insurance-Premium Regulation in Health Care Bill Rewards Bad Behavior, Penalizes Good

Obama Calls Health Care a ‘Moral Obligation,’ But Pro-lifers Say Tax Money for Abortions Is ‘Moral’ Issue

Catholic Bishops Tell House: Health-Care Bill is ‘Unacceptable’ Due to Pro-Abortion Mandates

President Obama is 'Fabricating'—Not Cardinal Rigali and the Catholic Bishops—About Abortion Funding in Health Care Plan

Senate Panel Okays Ban on Gubernatorial Appointments to Vacant Senate Seats

Disregarding U.S. Appeals, Libya Celebrates Freed Lockerbie Convict

Former Homeland Security Chief Tom Ridge Links Politics to Terror Alerts

Health Care Reform Bills Would Not Verify Citizenship Status of Beneficiaries, Conservative Analysts Say

GOP Should Shut Down Senate If Dems Use Procedural Tactic to Ram Through Health-Care Bill, Says Conservative Leader

Bernanke Says U.S. Economy on Cusp of Recovery

Post-Election Observations on Afghanistan

Corporate Shills for Hope and Change

Sarah and the Death Panels

Who’s Watching the Watchers

U.K. on ObamaCare: Been There, Done That

Days Away From Economic Chaos? by Bill Sardi

Secession, Five Years Later by William Buppert

Obama and Perilous Delusions of Democracy by James Bovard

It Can Happen Here by Scott McPherson

How To Manage Dental Erosion Caused By Everyday Beverages

Ron Paul stays on message - USATODAY.com

*The Health Care Bill:The Health Care Bill: What HR 3200, ‘‘America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009,” Says John David Lewis

Intolerable stress placed on troops

Bubble Economics: The Illusion of Wealth - Doug French - Mises Institute

Moneynews - Faber: Central Banks Blowing New Bubble

Why Is It Gods Way to Allow the Government Control Over Health Care -- Life or Death -- by Taxing and Rationing?

Sen. Kyl: Negotiations Difficult Because of 'Liberals,' Republicans Won't Support Current Bills

Countdown: The Nexus of Politics and Terror Now Confirmed

Idaho GOP Leader, Tea Party Organizer Arrested For Assault With A Deadly Weapon (a gun)

MoveOn jumps into the Blue America "Standing Up For The Public Option" fundraiser.

flashback/The Great Medicare Debate of 1995 . . sort of

Hot Air: GMAC Can't Boycott Glenn Beck -- They Got Bailout Money!

Tom Ridge admits terror alerts were used for political reasons. What about the Osama video right before the '04 election?

Matthews gets Gun Owners of America head to say everyone should pack heat at presidential events

United Health Group Encouraging Employees To Lobby Politicians, Attend Tea Parties

Gun-Totin' Crazy and the Secret Service

CIA Used Blackwater in Plan to Kill Al Qaeda Operatives

Michelle Bernard Trashes Unions: A Lot of Unions are What Pulls America Back and Keeps Us From Being as Good as We Can Be

The next right-wing smear of health-care reform: Illegal immigrants will get benefits! (Er, no, they won't.)

The Daily Show: The Gun Show - Barrel Fever

Wall St. Journal: Dems May Split Health-Care Bill To Pass It

The anti-Obama teabaggers can't really pretend they don't attract far-right extremists anymore

White House Is OK With Citizens Carrying Loaded Weapons Outside Presidential Events

Hypocritical Insurance Companies: Stop Us Before We Kill Again!

This Week: Is Sarah Palin "ControllingThe World" From Her Facebook Page or Just The Media?

Tom Delay is a Masterbirther

The Health Care Scare

Non-Christians in a Christian Nation

A Libertarian's No-Nonsense Health Care Reform Proposal

Immoral Imperative

Obama's Socialist Revolution: Old Wine in Ancient Casks

Adam Smith on Pan Am 103

ObamaCare and the Sorcerer's Apprentice

Charlie Cook: Dem prospects for 2010 tanking

Not much hope but look at the change: Obama at 45%

Ties that bind: Iran-Hezb'allah

Lockerbie killer released on 'humanitarian' grounds

The Mother of 'Absolute Moral Authority' is back

Spy Agency Fiasco

Another Even Vaster Right Wing Conspiracy

Liberals attack Whole Foods

Obama Has a 'Pony' for You

Obama and the Upchuck Factor

The Biggest Missing Story in Politics - One Year Update

The National Car-Lotto

PLEASE HELP! My Congressman May Have Been Abducted

Introducing the Tenth Amendment

Palin v. ObamaCare

You're A Racist! The Ultimate Emotional Intimidation

Health care reform that actually works!

We Need a Republican Response to ObamaCare

Islam's European Conquest: Is America Next?

The Racial Straw Man in the Healthcare Debate

The Alinskyite's Big, Fat Governance Failure

Death Care and the Commodification of Life

Prince Andrew to scrap visit to Libya after Gaddafi ignores Brown plea over hero's welcome for Lockerbie bomber

Kin of victims: Release of terrorist 'sickening'

Socialised healthcare means losing your teeth - Telegraph Blogs

The Associated Press: Calif. lawmakers split over early inmate release

Canadians visit U.S. to get health care | Detroit Free Press | Freep.com

Call Woodstock what it was: an embarrassment - CharlotteObserver.com

Court Expected to Send Runaway Teen Home Despite Muslim Honor Killing Fears - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Lawyers Showed Photos of Covert CIA Officers to Guantanamo Bay Detainees

Family told by NHS: Alzheimer's is not a 'health condition' - Telegraph

RealClearPolitics - Video - Flashback: Specter Opposed Government Health Care In 1994

RealClearPolitics - Video - Obama: "Basic Standard Of Decency" Allows Illegals To Be Treated

Unlikely Bay State pair found answer on health care - The Boston Globe

Divide and Conquer - The Treatment

Americans resisting pull to the left | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Leaders cool to Kennedy's request to appoint interim Senate successor - The Boston Globe

Obama addresses immigration reform - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

What Ted Kennedy Wants

Scotland's shame -- chicagotribune.com

Who should fill Kennedy’s seat? - The Boston Globe

Axelrod Cashes In on Change - HUMAN EVENTS

Commentary: Why the doctor won't see you now - CNN.com

Obama's Fake Bipartisanship

RealClearPolitics - Hope and Change Has Become Predictable Liberalism

How Obama miscalculated on health care - Aug. 20, 2009


*Transcripts:Obama Interviewed by Michael Smerconish

Interviews with Senators Grassley and Hatch

Analysts Make Predictions on Health Care Legislation

AARP vs. Association of Physicians Over Health Care

Gov. Richardson on North Korea's Nuclear Weapons

Press Availability with Presidents Obama & Mubarak

Dean and Frist Debate Health Care

Interview with Senator Jim DeMint

Panel on the Passing of Robert Novak

Interview with the CEO of Aetna Insurance

Press Conference with Sec. Clinton & Colombia's FM

Fulfilling America's Responsibility to Those Who Serve

Roundtable on Obama and the Public Option

Interview with Senator Hutchisohn

Reporters Discuss Health Care Cooperatives


*World ;Video/Afghanistan Rivals Claim Victory

Afghan Elections Completed

Indian Farmers Face Hunger Due to Drought

Lockerbie Bomber Freed Amid Controversy

Kim Dae-jung Aids Korean Unity Even in Death

Markets; Video/A Billionaire's 'Dumb Luck'

Did JPMorgan Know About Madoff?

Home Depot's Recession Strategy

'Cash for Clunkers' Junked

Down Economy = Rise in Crime?

Did Ben Bernanke Save the World?

U.S & U.K. Tighten Oil Trading Oversight

More Gains for Freeport-McMoRan?

Sizzling Solar Stocks

A Ticking Time Bomb in Commercial Real Estate?

Karlgaard: Wriston's Law Still Holds

Strategist: Expect 'Very Slow, Tepid' Recovery

Buy These Chinese Stocks

Party Your Way Into Business?

Equities vs. Bonds

Politics;Video/Smerconish: Obama Wants To "Build The Bridge"

Conservatives For Patient's Right Targets Obama's Vacation

Sen. Kyl Doubts Dems Will Use "Nuclear Option" On Health Care

Steele Dares Obama To Pass Health Care: "Up Or Down, Baby"

O'Reilly Fires Back at Stewart: He Went "Off the Rails"

CNN Reports: RomneyCare vs. ObamaCare

NRCC Ties Vulnerable Dems To Obama, Pelosi

Cindy Sheehan To Protest Obama At Martha's Vineyard

Dick Morris: Obama Responsible For Unstable Economy

Olbermann On Ridge Claim That Bush Admin Made Him Raise Terror Level

Rachel Maddow On The Republican Minority & Health Care

Obama 2007: "Reproductive Care" Is Heart Of Health Care Plan

O'Reilly: Obama In "Preacher Mode" On Health Care

Ann Coulter On Dems Going It Alone On Health Care Reform

Gibbs To GOP: Health Care Reform Is A "Two-Way Street"

Obama: GOP Opposed To Health Care To Stop Dem "Victory"

Sen. Conrad Pushes for Bipartisan Health Care Co-Op

Sen. Kennedy Wants New Law To Fill Senate Seat

Malkin On Axelrod's Health Care "Conflict Of Interest"

Edwards, Thompson On Health Care

Cantor: WH In "Chaos" Over Health Care

Romney: Liberals Given Too Much Say In Health Care

Health Care Debate: The Religion Factor

GOP Rep.: Health Care Co-Ops Would Lead To Public Option


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Raising terror alert for Bush re-election may be criminal, Nixon adviser says

Obama as Joker parody sparks censorship storm

Holdren Proposed Geo-engineering Option at 2007 Goldman Sachs Conference

9/11 Mind Swell

Rex 84 – Your Internment Camp Awaits You

Shepard Fairey declared new Propaganda Czar

Obama: A Corporate Marketing Creation

Voight: Is Obama creating a civil war in America? - Washington Times

C.I.A. Sought Blackwater’s Help to Kill Jihadists - NYTimes.com

John Longenecker -- How the repeal of all gun laws will free America

What rebound? Foreclosures rise as jobs and income drop | McClatchy

World Net Daily Player:Families USA: Reforming health care needed

World Net Daily Player:Critic says Dems' health takeover in trouble

World Net Daily Player:Congressman on health care: Danger if Dems 'go it alone'

World Net Daily Player:Retired general: 'Compassion' for bomber misplaced

Obama: 'No taxpayer-funded abortions in health bill'

Obama: Republican conspiracy out to kill health reform - Washington Times

Obamacare to be 1 big 'death panel'

Key senators discuss trimming health bill - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Another lawsuit challenges D.C. gun limits

Iranian rockets used in attack on U.S.

George W. Bush vets dismiss Tom Ridge claims - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Gibbs: We'll let Pentagon run military

Judge Rules That South Dakota Doctors Must Say Abortion Ends Life - Political News - FOXNews.com

Guess who screened White House appointments!

Obama fires back at political critics

Obama offers wishes for Muslim holiday - Washington Times

Ex-reporter Jayson Blair now a life coach - Arts, books, more- msnbc.com

Farmers Insurance pulls Beck ads - Michael Calderone - POLITICO.com

Legal victory after church kicked off campus

Canada flies NATO flag in arctic showdown - UPI.com

Judge sets January trial for Prop. 8 lawsuit

Pizza shop worker, 72, foils robbers with beer can - Boston.com

Small plane crashes on approach to Teterboro Airports; 2 survivors found at bus stop

4 Katrina evacuees who got Winfrey help charged :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Nation

'Most significant drug conspiracy' busted in Chicago :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

Robert Simels, lawyer who defended drug kingpins, convicted of plotting to kill witnesses

Gynecologists in Spain plan to choose jail before performing an abortion

How banks really used TARP money

Bernanke's tough task will be withdrawing aid - Stocks & economy- msnbc.com

Obamacare could cost you $4,000 a year

Doctors' orders: Avoid insurance

Why Pharma Wants ObamaCare - Forbes.com

Random overgrowth is called Divine Vine 082009 - The Augusta Chronicle

High-Tech for the Kitchen: Scientists Develop Intelligent Coffee Mug - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International


Business & Technology | Scientists: New species of worms release 'bombs' | Seattle Times Newspaper

The world's most dangerous footpath - Telegraph

Zombies would most likely wipe out humanity if they really existed, claim scientists - Telegraph

AFP: Egypt warns pharaohs' tombs could disappear

Letter ‘shows Neville Chamberlain was unfit to lead Britain to victory’ - Times Online

Why sleep? Scientist delves into one of science's great mysteries

Biologists napping while work militarized : Article : Nature

Largest dinosaur footprints in Europe found in Swiss Alps

Astronomers spot new type of 'death star' › News in Science (ABC Science)


Site:Lemurantis :: Transforming Duality into Unity :: Sedona AZ

Site:John Titor - Time Traveler


Black market, here we come

B. Hussein in History Wonderland

European Antichrist? Evidence says no

Obama echoes Cain, not Christ

A faux messiah faces test of his life

Leftist journalist a spy for Stalin

Novak: The last real journalist?

My friend, the Prince of Darkness

Behind the shadowy world of narco-terror

Boycott Israel | CommonDreams.org

Obama's trip to the moon

Our boorish, elitist overlords

Daniel Henninger: In Government We Trust? - WSJ.com

Prophetic shocker: Romans didn't destroy Temple

2-month-old killed to stifle 'religious' dissent


*American Minute for August 21st:William J Federer's American Minute*


*ARTICLE LINK:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Obama's parents didn't live at newspaper birth address

Tom Delay – proud 'birther'

Hawaii's 50th Marked by Native President - ABC News


The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 17th With Buzz Aldrin

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 18th With Dr. Russell Blaylock

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 20th With “Chris”

*AUDIO: Michael Savage on 'Banned in Britain'

Michael Savage 08/20/09 H1

Michael Savage 08/20/09 H2

08/20 The Mark Levin Show

08/19 The Mark Levin Show

08/18 The Mark Levin Show

08/17 The Mark Levin Show

Audio:Alex Jones - 2009-Aug-20, Thursday

Audio:Alex Jones - 2009-Aug-19, Wednesday

Audio:Alex Jones - 2009-Aug-18, Tuesday

Audio:Alex Jones - 2009-Aug-17, Monday

Audio:Alex Jones - 2009-Aug-16, Sunday


The History of the “Money Changers”

Timeline of the Rothschild family

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The Syngogue of Satan by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

