"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

11 August 2009

11 Aug 09

11 AUG 09

US cities criminalize homelessness

Nader Was Right: Liberals Are Going Nowhere With Obama

Paulson and Goldman Sachs: A dirty secret of the Wall Street

Government Prepares for “unwillingness to follow government orders” « LewRockwell.com Blog

Obama urges $100m for Mexico drugs war - Americas, World - The Independent

Drugs in Portugal: Did Decriminalization Work? - TIME

OpEdNews - Gun Toting Townhaller on Obama Route Calls For Blood

Adolf Hitler 'did shake hands with Jesse Owens' - Telegraph

Man accused of threatening judges was a paid informant for the FBI :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

*(audio links)Bombshell: Bin Laden worked for US until 9/11

BBC NEWS | Americas | US nuns worried by Vatican inquiry

Parent companies give Olbermann and O’Reilly time out | Muckety.com - See the news

YouTube - Court throws out FOIA Lawsuit against the Federal Reserve over missing $700,000,000,000

Senators to Obama: Lean on Arabs to normalize Israel ties - Haaretz - Israel News


Al-ManarTV:: 3 Americans Held in Iran Are all Jews: Were They Spies? 08/08/2009

The Existentialist Cowboy: How Big Media Subverted US Democracy with Lies, Smears and Gross Propaganda

TheStar.com | World | Bill's not secretary of state, I am, Hillary Clinton snaps

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » MSNBC Host: Calling Obama Socialist Is Code For N-Word

Shock as figures reveal Britain has one CCTV camera for every 14 people - more than China | Mail Online

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Obama:Caught Lying Again-Making Back Room Deals with Pharmaceutical Lobbyis

Back Down, Obama, From Signing The 'Hate' Bill - Vid

YouTube - Town Hall Meeting Outrage Can Kill Hate Bill! - by Rev. Ted Pike

If Medicare for Everyone is So Bad, Why Does Every Nation Who Has It Keep It? 10 Questions | BuzzFlash.org

Financial Armageddon: My Latest Huffington Post Column: 'The Gifts that Keep on Taking'

Sibel Edmonds Deposition: Deep Corruption Beneath the Surface | NowPublic News Coverage

YouTube - Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Finally Testifies Under Oath

FBI Insider Links Turkish Lobby To Bribery And Blackmail | Asbarez News

Morgellons Fibers, Etc Found In Homes, Coast-To-Coast

Kawther Salam » Blog Archive » The Secret Burial of President Arafat

Deaths from avoidable medical error more than double in past decade, investigation shows: Scientific American Blog

Separating the Mice From the Men

The Health Insurers Have Already Won - BusinessWeek

Liberals Should Be Raging In 'Town Hall' Meetings, Too

Devvy Kidd -- Health Care Reform: Congress Has no Authority to Legislate

TheHill.com - Governors oppose DoD emergency powers

WSJ.com:Daiichi Sankyo: New Influenza Drug Successful In Trials

Packing for school: Guns on campus one year later : Front page : Abilene Reporter-News

GM turns to eBay to sell cars | Reuters

No Letup In Political Witch Hunts Under Obama

Multiple Myeloma Cancer in 9/11 Rescuers

The healthcare mob mentality | James Antle | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

FT.com / Columnists / Clive Crook - Why Obama will have to raise taxes

Just two cans of fizzy drink a day can increase risk of liver damage by 80 per cent | Mail Online

GMTV host Andrew Castle almost lost daughter to swine flu drug | Mail Online

Fighting the surveillance state | Chris Huhne | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Left-wing blogger calls the late Aaron Russo a “crackpot”

*World Of Technology: Google reveals caffeine: a new faster search engine

World Of Technology: NASA's Advanced Space Tech Gets Turned Into Self-Aware Eco Building

Refreshing News: Universe’s first black holes kept to a strict diet

Refreshing News: Underground water 'triggers quakes'


Taking Populism Seriously : Information Clearing House - ICH

Sanctions Unlikely to Stop Iran's Nuclear Quest - TIME

Ron Paul Introduces Three New Bills Designed to Restore Free Speech to Health

Study: Your Brain Thinks Money Is A Drug : NPR

Dr. William K. Black: The Great American Bank Robbery - Home - The Daily Bail - The Bailout News Central Depository. News, Interviews,Videos, Comedy, Songs, Opinion & Analysis

Obama Promises Solution to Mexico Trucking Conflict After Meeting Calderon - Democratic Underground

The American Spectator : ACORN's Labor Pains

YouTube - Madsen: Netanyahu Backs Birthers

Black Activists Call on Obama to Condemn Race-Baiting Tactics in Health Care Debate

Israel | A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin Freedman speaks

Atheo News: Hydrocarbons In The Deep Earth?

Is the U.S. on the Brink of Fascism? « Dprogram.net

**Hate Bill Ends Free Speech.

*EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Shock: Inside the Healthcare Bill

*EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Shock: Inside the Healthcare Bill, Part 2

The Nexus Of Evil - Part 1

The Nexus Of Evil - Part 2

The Nexus Of Evil - Pt 3

*Site - Daily Python :Monty Python

video : The Worlds Greatest Conspiracy Theories

Under Obamacare, The Government Would Indoctrinate Your Kids

This is No Recession: It’s a Planned Demolition

The Real Grand Chessboard and the Profiteers of War

9/11 Mind Swell

Man Confronts Arlen Specter at Town Hall

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » NY Times Reporter: I Was Fired For Criticizing Obama, Goldman Sachs

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The “3 Amigos” & The North American Union

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Hillary Clinton Loses Her Temper In Congo

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Blackwater linked to political murders and sex ring

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Mercury Rising Featuring Alex Jones

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Citizen Revolt to Obama Care

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » White House proposal to track government website users stirs fears

Obama Says Immigration Reform Is a Priority, but Won't Happen Soon - washingtonpost.com

Obama: North America needs 'aggressive action' - USATODAY.com

Trinkets that stick it to Obama start to sell - Washington Times

08-11-2009: Russia sees U.S. space threat, builds new rocket

08-10-2009: Two Earthquakes Strike Indian Ocean Region, Japan

08-10-2009: Obama team mulls new quarantine regulations

08-10-2009: Kepler Shows Exoplanet Is Unlike Anything in Our Solar System

08-10-2009: Climate change excuse for US military intervention?

08-10-2009: Grave found of man who bankrolled Confederates in American civil war

How predictive texting takes its toll on a child's brain

FBI Insider Links Turkish Lobby To Bribery And Blackmail

'Don't give Tamiflu to children'

Afghan War: NATO Builds History's First Global Army

Jon Stewart, hero to Neoconservatives?

DoD pushing for domestic military control

The Cheney-Like Secrecy of the Obama White House

*Biological Warfare and the National Security State: A Chronology

Obamageddon: The Celente thesis: war as the "solution" to economic depression

Towards a North American Energy Corridor

Linda Douglass Admits White House is Breaking the Law

Facts vs. Beliefs – Today’s Ancient Warfare

Tortured Logic: In The Government’s Own Words

A U.S. Connection

How Corrupt is the Economic System of the U.S.A. Today?

Taxing the Rich

Vaccination Myths and Truths

*Old 60 Minutes Exposé On 1976 Swine Flu Propaganda, Debilitating Vaccines

White House accused of compiling "enemies list"

Nazi-Style Denunciation Campaign Urges Americans To Report Each Other

Venezuela: Socialist Party Prepares for "Transition to Socialism"

Can We Stop the Banksters from Killing Financial Reform?

Poverty and Social Inequality in America.

Liquidating Our Empire.

Baxter Sent Bird Flu Virus to European Labs by Error

Turning the US army against Americans

The strange case of Francis Collins

“Manufactured Protests” Myth Starts To Crack

video:Obama Health Care Adviser: "Doctors take Hippocratic oath too seriously"

White House Move to Collect 'Fishy' Info May Be Illegal, Critics Say

Climate-Change Cooperation Goes Global

Video - Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

Oman takes lead as e-Purse marks new era of cashless society

White House 'Reality Check’ Web Site Claims Health Care Reform ‘Would Not Add One Penny to Deficit’ Despite CBO Reports to Contrary

White House Denies Collecting Names of Opponents of Health Legislation

Health Care Bill Pushes Employers to Promote 'Wellness’ Among Workers

Obama Says Canadian Health Care Works, But Not a Good Fit for U.S.

Targeting of Top Taliban Terrorist Draws Muted Criticism, This Time, From Pakistani Lawmakers

Obama, Retooling His Message, Is Now Pitching Health Care Reform to the Already Insured

Fatah’s New Platform Fails to Abandon Terror, Does Not Bode Well for Peace, Critics Say

Lawmakers Try to Tone Down Health Care Town Halls

U.S. Bought Oil Stolen From Mexico

Eight U.S. Cities Line Up for Swine Flu Vaccine Test

House Leaders Drop Their Plans to Buy Fancy Jets

Animal Welfare Groups Go to Court Over Leona Helmsley’s Fortune

Hillary Clinton Gets Testy: I'm Secretary of State, Not Bill

Pakistan Says Al-Qaida Trying to Install Its Own ‘Chief Terrorist’ in Taliban Leadership

More Spending, Less Recovery

Angry White Men

Who’s Behind the Internet Snitch Brigade?

HUAC is Back!

Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service - Telegraph

Traders Brace For September Collapse

Asia Times Online : The bill is coming due

Jihadis thrice attacked Pakistan nuclear sites - Pakistan - World - NEWS - The Times of India

Skull of Giant Man Found in 1940

Red Alert! Infowars under direct attack by Obama Brownshirts

watchman2009: Spiritual Babylon - Today's Church

**Site : VacTRUTH**


*Site - Liggs(search)

Site : Startpage ; Metasearch

Site - Ixquick; Metasearch

*Audio : The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 10th Open Lines

***Steve Quayle:List of Dead Scientists***

**Dead Scientists DO Tell Tales ;Article Links**

Site : World-Mysteries.com

Government to Savage: You can't think that!


Breitbart.tv » Father of Handicapped Son Received Threats After Confrontation With Rep. Dingell

White House Launches Web Site to Battle Health Care 'Rumors' - Political News - FOXNews.com

No. 2 Senate Democrat 'Open' to Health Care Bill With No Public Option - Political News - FOXNews.com

Wealthy group pushes to be taxed more

The Thin Green Line : Tiny baby feet, giant carbon footprint

Obama: Stop health care 'wild misrepresentations' - Yahoo! News

My Way News - Watchdog says bad assets still threaten banks

China's military launches long-range war games

Russia sees U.S. space threat, builds new rocket | U.S. | Reuters

Autopsy: Woman Attacked, Killed By Bear - Denver News Story - KMGH Denver

FT.com / Companies / Food & Beverage - Coffee perks up McDonald’s global sales

Kuwait says it foiled Qaeda attack on US base

Are we on the brink of creating a computer with a human brain? | Mail Online

China mobile users face jail for sexy texts

Charlotte police blame the Internet for rise in rape cases | McClatchy

Obama baby boom: Predicted surge in births goes bust -- chicagotribune.com

Townhall.com: Chuck Norris :: Townhall.com Columnist Dirty Secret No. 1 in Obamacare

Frustrated Russian throws cup at Mona Lisa | Lifestyle | Reuters

3D film to be made of Michael Jackson's final days - Times Online

Harry Reid is in big trouble

Racism in health care bill seen by US Commission on Civil Rights

Obama's Tone Deafness

Another sub-prime crisis looms

Rasmussen: 57% oppose socialized medicine

Soros sticks his two cents - and much more - into health care debate

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary, Just how anti-American are you?

Obama's 'reality check' - Not!

'Death Panels' in Oregon?

Please explain this to me

Obama's way with words

The Alinsky Way Vs. the American Way

Is Obama a Closet Conehead?

Laws, Sausages and Healthcare

How to 'bend the curve down' in healthcare costs

Celebration is Premature: The Economy is Still Contracting

Obama as the Wizard of Oz

What if we had comprehensive education reform?

Obama Administration: Home of the Whopper

Cuba's Healthcare a model for the U.S. says CNN

Garbage In, Garbage Out

End of Slavery, Equal Rights, and Abolishing the Fed, Not Radical Ideas

The Iron Law of Birtherism

Dana Loesch Defends Person Who Had the Gun Drop Out of Their Pocket at Town Hall: Maybe They Had a Concealed-Carry License

Neil Cavuto calls Sarah Palin's words 'extreme': Things like "death panel" and "evil" destruct the debate

TAPPED: Baucus Gang of Six Holdup? Demands That Private Insurers Be Forbidden to Cover Abortions

Countdown Special Comment: STOP THE LIES! The Clear & Present Danger Isn't Obama's Agenda; It's GOP Talking Points

I think Blanche Lincoln needs another round of ads, don't you? Please help

Right Wing Will Lie, Cheat and Steal Their Way Into Killing Health-Care Reform - In Jesus' Name, Of Course

Lindsey Graham: Let's Not "Rumsfeld Afghanistan"

SEIU 'victim' Kenneth Gladney wants his case prosecuted as a 'hate crime'

The poll the media aren't talking about much: War in Afghanistan loses support

Military Analysts: That Lost Decade of Republican Denial on Climate Change Will Lead to Major Global Upheaval

'Concerned father' on Fox: Obama's health-care reforms 'sentencing our families to death'

The McLaughlin Group: Pat Buchanan and Monica Crowley Claim the Government Wants to Promote Suicide to Save Money

We Already Have 'Death Panels.' If You Can't Pay the Bill, You're Sent Home to Die.

National security adviser: Obama can meet Gitmo closing schedule

Tortured Logic: Will Obama's DOJ enforce the rule of law for Bush officials?

Faking victimhood: Just how hurt was that supposed victim of SEIU 'thuggery'?

Durbin Says He's Open to a Bill That Does Not Include a Public Option

Newt Gingrich Scaremongering, Howard Dean as Usual the Voice of Reason on Health-Care Reform

David Brooks: Limbaugh health care rhetoric 'insane'

Here's the Kind of Lying Bile Naive Christians and Elderly Are Being Fed By Gordon Klingenschmitt and His Cronies

The 'Tea Party' nexus: Mainstream conservatives empowering far-right extremists who want a new civil war

Protester with a handgun outside of President Obama's NH Town Hall

The Iron Law of Birtherism

German Jews want 'Mein Kampf' reprinted - Europe, World - The Independent

German veteran, 90, jailed for Nazi war crimes | World news | guardian.co.uk

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Freak wave 'hot spots' identified

BBC NEWS | Europe | Kremlin bill on using army abroad

Lethal algae take over beaches in northern France | World news | The Guardian

FT.com / Asia-Pacific - Alarm spreads over China spy allegations

Video: Bee venom destroys cancer cells in tests on mice - Times Online

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Gay sex decriminalised in India

Separating the Mice From the Men;Fractures in the “Truth” Movement | War On You: Breaking Alternative News


Paulson and Goldman Sachs: A dirty secret of the Wall Street bailout

Debbie Schlussel : VIDEO of the Day: Hillary, The Beast-ette Unleashed

Debbie Schlussel :Your Day in “Religion of Peace” “Peacefulness” & “Tolerance” – Finishing Hitler’s Work

Debbie Schlussel :So, Now, Protests are “Un-American”? Plus Dogs Get Better Care Than Humans in UK

Debbie Schlussel :Who Wants to Be a Moron Non-Millionaire?

Debbie Schlussel :HILARIOUS Video of the Day: “President Humpy”–Bill Clinton, the Movie

Town Hall Crowd Shoots Health Message: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg.com

Ten Questions Politicians Won’t Answer by Tom Coburn on National Review Online

Public health option will provide peace of mind - The Denver Post

I Didn't Wake Up Planning to Write About Samuelson - The Treatment

Hugh Hewitt: Desperate Democrats need new game plan | Hugh Hewitt | Washington Examiner

Is the South Ruining the GOP? - The Daily Beast

Under Pressure on Health Care, White House Fights Back - NYTimes.com

The Health Debate Is a Debate About Government’s Role in Society - Capital Journal - WSJ

The Week Magazine - News reviews and opinion, arts, entertainment & political cartoons

RealClearPolitics - Falling Out of Love with Barack Obama

RealClearPolitics - A Reason Behind the Rage

Are liberals seceding from sanity? | Salon

Op-Ed Columnist - A Scary Reality - NYTimes.com

Obama's Euthanasia Mistake- The Daily Beast

A Lousy Day's Work;Was Bill Clinton's visit to North Korea worth the time, energy, and prestige? No way. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine


EDITORIAL: Detaining Defense nominees - Washington Times

U.S. religious left wades into healthcare fight | U.S. | Reuters

Buying American' Puts Strain on U.S. Trade With Canada - washingtonpost.com

In healthcare debate, 'reality' is in dispute - Los Angeles Times

Why the Taliban Are Winning -- for Now | Foreign Policy

The U.S. war on drugs is ravaging Mexico

Carter's Crusade

RealClearWorld - Japan's Schizophrenia Toward Nuclear Weapons

Far Eastern Economic Review | China’s Public Enemy

Mexico’s Deadly Wave -Times Online

No beating about the bush for Hillary Clinton | The Australian

Breakthrough with North Korea? | The Japan Times Online

Alan S. Blinder - Stay the Stimulus Course

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - A runaway deficit may soon test Obama’s luck

Why are homeowners not being helped?

RealClearMarkets - Suffocating Under the Heavy Hand of Government

Mind the Gap

Next Real Estate Shoe Is Not Dropping - Barrons.com

Paul B. Farrell: New bull, new bubble, new meltdown by 2012

The Wall Street Journal's Fraud Blindness

Health care's six money-wasting problems - Aug. 10, 2009

Mean Street: America’s ‘New Economy’ Gambles on the Old - Deal Journal - WSJ

Did Big Government Republicans Save This Economy? - The Atlantic Business Channel

Hussman Funds:Post-Crash Dynamics

A New Foundation for Growth? | Alhambra Investments

Like Your Health Insurance? Maybe You Shouldn't. - washingtonpost.com

Are we pointed in the right direction yet? | KeithHennessey.com

Age, Obesity, Lawyers–That’s Our Health Care Crisis « Forbes.com: Digital Rules By Rich Karlgaard


World Net Daily Player:'President says 1 thing, but actions ...'

World Net Daily Player:Health care critic: 'Show up, ask your questions'

World Net Daily Player:Congresswoman: Obamacare to trigger layoffs

World Net Daily Player:U.S. attack will create 'crisis' in Pakistani Taliban

How U.S. allies nearly won Vietnam War

Iran leaders pave way for messianic 'Mahdi'

Breitbart.tv » Rep. Dingell Compares ‘Orchestrated’ Town Hall Protesters to KKK Members

RealClearPolitics - Video - Kenneth Gladney Explains Town Hall Brawl

Craigslist ads recruiting 'Obamacare' lobbyists

White House: Come here for 'truth'

Polls undercut scripted protest claims - Washington Times

Hispanics watching health care debate closely

JFK’s sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver dies - More politics- msnbc.com

AP to distribute Soros-funded 'journalism'

Why is National Guard recruiting for 'internment' cops?

American government website 'ignores Jews'

2 Christians: 'God decides to whom He talks'

Swine flu: 'Tamiflu harm outweighs benefits for children' - Telegraph

Swine Flu's Worst Case Scenario: Paranoia or Preparedness? - Infectious Disease - FOXNews.com

Obama baby boom: Predicted surge in births goes bust -- chicagotribune.com

NASA wants proposals for space taxis | U.S. | Reuters

Ananova - Husband jumps in river to escape nagging

YouTube - No Treats From Obama

The 10 most historically inaccurate movies - Times Online

EBay, GM to start car-selling trial Tuesday

Consumer, Celebrity Bankruptcies May Hit 1.4 Million

Tinseltown loses its lustre as films find new location - Telegraph

YouTube - Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine

Liberty-loving citizens vs. Obama's autocrats

Unmistakable evil

I thought dissent was patriotic

Americans' justified outrage

Islam's Mahdi: Bringer of peace or war?

Who's your king?

Golden toothpicks

The undeclared war to ENDA our liberty

Greed, gravity and Obama sermonettes

Inside the talk radio cauldron

Know when to put up the corporate veil

Is T. Jefferson Astroturf?

They think we're stupid, so let us count the ways!

The American Spectator : Expelled From the New York Times

Many McCain backers haven't gotten over it :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Neil Steinberg

PETA Unhappy Meals Targeting Kids - Slashfood

Billy Mays' Family Questions Autopsy -- Popeater

World's oldest map: Spanish cave has landscape from 14,000 years ago - Telegraph

Diplomat's nanny lifts lid on modern slavery - Home News, UK - The Independent

New Artificial Bone Made of Wood: Discovery News

binnall of america : (audio)Timothy Good; INTERVIEW

New species discovered in fragile Eastern Himalayas - Telegraph

SPACE.com -- Saturn's Rings to Disappear Tuesday

Like the fist of an angry god | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

Fast-spinning black holes might reveal all - space - 08 August 2009 - New Scientist

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Freak wave 'hot spots' identified

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Skywatchers set for meteor shower

Freaky Sleep Paralysis: Being Awake in Your Nightmares | Wired Science | Wired.com

Ananova - Too hairy for love

Silly mysteries solved - Cosmic Log - msnbc.com

Florida triangle UFO video case termed 'true unknown'

Mouse Builds Nest in Oregon ATM With $20 Bills - ABC News

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Nasa telescope passes planet test

Did gardener find fossilized footprint?

Site:Nick Pope.Net

Eunice Kennedy Shriver's Legacy - washingtonpost.com

Authorities look to lift plane from Hudson, hope to recover body - CNN.com

Zeke Emanuel, The Death Panels, And Illogic In Politics - The Atlantic Politics Channel

Health debate turns vile with Nazi analogy - Breaking Bioethics- msnbc.com

Eric Boehlert: Limbaugh Yells "Nazi" (And The Press Yawns)

Alaska lawmakers undo Palin’s handiwork | csmonitor.com

Q+A-Next steps in U.S. Congress on healthcare | Markets | Bonds News | Reuters

The Associated Press: Ark. woman released until trial in weapons case

Ill. county votes to restrict video gambling -- chicagotribune.com

The Associated Press: Man convicted of groping Minnie Mouse at Disney

The Associated Press: No final word yet on Michael Jackson burial

YouTube - Profiting From the King of Pop

Fox to air 'Octomom' special - Los Angeles Times

U.N. Security Council to meet on Suu Kyi sentence | U.S. | Reuters

YouTube - PM 'angry' at Suu Kyi sentence

Article - WSJ.com

BBC NEWS | Middle East | 'Illusion' of security in Iraq

North American leaders wrap up summit, joint statement embodies cooperation_English_Xinhua

YouTube - N. American Leaders Unite

Aid organization leader shot to death in Chechnya - Los Angeles Times

VOA News - Russian President Lashes Out at Ukraine

YouTube - No new Russian ambassador to be sent to Ukraine - Medvedev

Musharraf Faces Arrest on Return to Pakistan - NYTimes.com

Kuwait says foils Qaeda plan to bomb U.S. Army camp | Reuters

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Plane lost over Papua New Guinea

BBC NEWS | Africa | South Sudan in independence threat

Spain: Tourists safe from ETA attacks - CNN.com

YouTube - Eta blasts hit Majorca

Will Obama invite Israel to summit on Iran? - Haaretz - Israel News

Venezuela to Boost Argentina Trade, Replace Colombia Imports - Bloomberg.com

Sarah Palin has marital woes, almost-son-in-law Levi Johnston says

YouTube - Obama Makes Case for Health Care


*American Minute for August 11th:William J Federer's American Minute*


Obama’s Birth Certificate - Chicago Sun-Times

Obama Birth Certificate Controversy Continues... - Chicago Sun-Times

Dig this: Media actually probed other candidates

What does 'natural born citizen' legally mean?

Expert: Watch loyalty, not certificate of birth

Obama law tab up to $1.4 mil

Evidence challenges claim over Obama's birth address

Establishing presidential eligibility

Why eligibility story is still alive

** Article Links : Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


*World ;Video/Hillary Clinton Loses Her Temper

Dmitriy Medvedev on Ukraine

Typhoon Batters Southern Taiwan

Deadly Power Struggle in Wake of Mehsud's Death

Two Human Rights Activists Found Dead in Chechnya

Michael Schumacher Calls Off Comeback

Pakistan Says Taliban Leader Baitullah Mehsud is Dead

Sec. Clinton on Iran and American Foreign Policy

Week in Review: Foreign Policy Roundtable

Gretchen Peters on the Significance of Mehsud

Hillary Clinton in South Africa

Cabinet Ministers Deny Torture Collusion

Iraq's Awakening Councils

Riz Khan on Normalising Relations with Sri Lanka

Tropical Storms Battering the Far East

ETA Blasts Rock Majorca

Zakaria: "Stalinist Show Trial in Tehran"

Scores Killed in Two Iraq Cities

British Embassy Worker Goes on Trial in Iran

Turkey and Russia Close Pipeline Deal

*Markets; Video/Toxic Assets May Need More Support: Watchdog

Day Ahead: Fed Kicks Off Policy Meeting

Silver Runs, Gold Struggles

The Fed's Balancing Act

Fannie's Fun with Numbers

Is Krugman Right on Second Stimulus?

Inside Ben Bernanke's Brain

Krugman: 2nd Stimulus Needed to Avoid Lost Decade

Benefits Fading Fast for Jobless

Japan Machinery Orders Spike

Is the Bull Market for Real?

Cooperman: 'Square Root-Shaped' Recovery

Are Oil Prices Endangering Recovery?

*Politics ;Video/Ron Reagan Calls Sarah Palin A "Clown"

Eunice Kennedy Shriver Dies at 88

Gibbs On Obama's Town Hall, Response To Opponents

Sen. Specter Shouted Down Over Health Care

Rep. King On Obama Focusing On Health Care And Not The Economy

Gibbs: Obama Hopes for "Civilized" Town Hall

Coulter Vs. Carville On Health Care Town Halls

Olbermann's Special Comment On Right Wing Fear Merchants

Rep. Steve Cohen on American Town Halls

Rep. Elijah Cummings: Town Hall Protesters Are "Un-American"

Democrat Yells At Doctor For Question About Health Care

Sen. Cornyn Booed At Health Care Event

Rep. Coburn On Town Halls: "People Are Afraid"

O'Reilly: FOX News Explodes While Liberal Media Burns

Douglass Assures White House Email Is For Misinformation Only

Clinton Snaps At Student: "My Husband Is Not Secretary Of State, I Am"

Man With Son In Wheelchair Shouts Down Rep. Dingell

Cardin Booed, Heckled By Crowd At Town Hall

Sen. Burris Not Ruling Out Senate Run

McCaskill Won't Describe Town Hall Protesters As "Nazis"

Ann Coulter On Health Care Reform & The Elderly

Obama: Canada's Health Care System Would Not Work For US

MSNBC Host: "Socialist" Code For The "N-Word"

Rep. Sestak On Health Care, Arlen Specter

Rep. Price On Pelosi Calling Town Hall Protesters "Un-American"


*Transcripts:Guests: Gen. Jones; Sen. Minority Leader McConnell

Howard Dean, Newt Gingrich Debate Health Care

Guests: General Jones; Senators Levin and Graham

Guests: General Jones; Mayors Bloomberg and Booker


***Michael Savage Live and Archives - TRN Superstation***


08/10 The Mark Levin Show