"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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12 August 2009

12 Aug 09

It's Just A Matter Of Time - Gun Found After Democratic Rep's Town Hall Meeting

Matthews lays into gun-toting protester with some well-placed righteous anger

Countdown: Prosecuting CIA Torture

SPLC report: The "Second Wave" of militia activity is now upon us

Jon Stewart on the Crazed Town Hall protesters

O'Reilly gloats that Fox's ratings are due to its 'fair and balanced' approach

Tweety Does It Again. He Won't Give The Astroturf Cowboys An Inch on Health-Care Reform.

NH Teabagger on illegal immigrants: 'Send them home with a bullet in the head'

Beck and Malkin decry media 'whitewashing' union 'thuggery'. Then Beck worries about someone doing 'something stupid'

Harriet Miers Finally Admits It, Fingers Rove: The U.S. Attorney Firings Were Political

Obama personalizes, humanizes the health-care fight at NH town hall

Johnny Isakson (R): Anyone who would interpret an end-of-life directive or a living will as euthanasia is nuts

The 'Tea Party' nexus: Mainstream conservatives empowering far-right extremists who want a new civil war

Protester with a handgun outside of President Obama's NH Town Hall

The Iron Law of Birtherism

Findings - Looking at Climate Engineering to Cool the Planet - NYTimes.com

Eerie occurrences at naval museum attract ghost hunters - News - Ledger-Enquirer.com

White tea could keep you healthy and looking young

Israel Mermaid Fever Makes A Splash: Mythical Creature Spotted Near Haifa | World News | Sky News

BBC - Earth News - Giant 'meat-eating' plant found

Site:Astronomy Notes

Back to school spree: Billionaire, feds give out $175M to aid neediest students around the state

Facing more heated questions, Specter tries humor - Yahoo! News

Battle Erupts Over Plan For HIV Vaccine Test


Remarks to the Global Environment Forum

Analysis: Press Largely Ignored Incendiary Rhetoric at Bush Protest - Political News - FOXNews.com

EXCLUSIVE: Disaster plans leave disabled behind - Washington Times

Israeli paper says strike on Iran could delay bomb | Markets | Reuters

Are we on the brink of creating a computer with a human brain? | Mail Online

Obama's healthcare horror | Salon

Dorothy Rabinowitz: Obama’s Tone-Deaf Health Campaign - WSJ.com

Obama Says Grandmother’s Hip Replacement Raises Cost Questions - Bloomberg.com

YouTube - Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee talks on the phone as a woman asks a question at a town hall event

Officials see rise in militia groups across US

Funding stalls putting Guard soldiers on border - Yahoo! News

A Soldier’s Eye in the Sky - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: China warns of 'arms race in outer space'

Germany proposes unmanned moon landing for 2015 | Science | Reuters

600 Dogs, Cats Seized in Kaufman Co.

Time: 25 People To Blame For The Financial Crisis

Asia Times Online :The closing of the Christian womb

Government to Savage: You can't think that!

Breitbart.tv » Rep. Dingell Compares ‘Orchestrated’ Town Hall Protesters to KKK Members


Jihadis thrice attacked Pakistan nuclear sites - Pakistan - World - NEWS - The Times of India

AMNews: July 13, 2009. Appellate court upholds California medical liability cap ... American Medical News

Runaway teen who fears family after Christian conversion ordered to DCF custody

Why U.S. Diplomacy Will Fail With Iran

US official gropes to explain Clinton's outburst - Yahoo! News

Obama Claim of AARP Endorsement 'Inaccurate' - Political News - FOXNews.com

Paranoid, suspicion, obsessive surveillance - and a land of liberty destroyed by stealth | Mail Online

Aspirin reduces chances of dying from colorectal cancer: Harvard scientists - Telegraph

How predictive texting takes its toll on a child's brain | Mail Online

Afghanistan - Obama’s ‘Zionist’ War | Real Zionist News

Our Extraordinary Dream Killer

YouTube - Crowd Explodes When Arlen Specter Urges That We "Do This Fast"

The Real Grand Chessboard and the Profiteers of War

The Associated Press: Iran purges Intelligence Ministry officials

t r u t h o u t | Endless War: The Suicide of the United States

U.S. Web-Tracking Plan Stirs Privacy Fears

Heavy drinking culture blamed for surge in oral cancers | Science | The Guardian

We must face facts or starve: farming needs technology - Times Online

The ObamaCare Quagmire - WSJ.com

FT.com / Comment / Analysis - A new twist on life

U.S. religious left wades into healthcare fight - Yahoo! News

Horses being killed in South Florida -- for their meat? - CNN.com

Chicago's murdered children | Ed Pilkington | World news | The Guardian

Saved by big government | Paul Krugman | Comment is free | The Guardian

Mexican police foil drug cartel plot to kill president - Telegraph

Hugo Chavez warns of war in South America - Telegraph

German Jews want 'Mein Kampf' reprinted - Europe, World - The Independent

BBC NEWS | Europe | Kremlin bill on using army abroad

savethemales.ca - Does Hollywood Airbrush Jews & Gays?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Exercising First Amendment Now “Vandalism” As Corporate Media Attacks Obama Joker Contest

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Media Floats Talking Point That Gun Owners Are Domestic Terrorists

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Why Are Internment Camps Being Built?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Census Gestapo!

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Spinning the Economic News

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Mercury Rising Featuring Alex Jones

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Emails show Washington Post reporter coordinated attorney firing story with White House

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Computer scientists reveal new voting machine hack successfully changed votes

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Aussie Meteorologist: ‘The ‘dangerous’ global warming predictions of UN IPCC have proved to be a chimera’

Obama slams healthcare 'scare' tactics - Yahoo! News UK

Fed May Recognize Faster Growth, Maintain Low Rates

Central Texas Command Center V5.0

Marc Faber Says America Will Launch More Wars to Distract from Bad Economy

Michael Savage Mentions New World Order

Update: Man at Obama Event Associated with Free State Project

Site:Introduction to the Free State Project [ Free State Project ; Liberty in Our Lifetime ]

Two convicted for refusal to decrypt data • The Register

The Tyranny of Weight Control by Karen De Coster

*90PG. - PDF -Community Strategies Guide;Obesity

US-Russia stand-off looms as Moscow announces expansion of military bases | World news | guardian.co.uk

Americans working much harder – for less pay - Eye on the Economy- msnbc.com

Obama: North America needs 'aggressive action' - USATODAY.com

The Russians are Coming?

China-Taiwan Relations

The World Health Organization

“Manufactured Protests” Myth Starts To Crack

VIDEO : Obama Health Care Adviser: "Doctors take Hippocratic oath too seriously"

White House Move to Collect 'Fishy' Info May Be Illegal, Critics Say

Climate-Change Cooperation Goes Global

Oman takes lead as e-Purse marks new era of cashless society

The congresswoman and the Turkish Lobby sexual blackmail ring

Blackwater should be blacklisted

Using the Delphi Technique to Achieve Consensus -- November 1998 Education Reporter

This is No Recession: It’s a Planned Demolition

Cyborg Update: Bone-Anchored Hearing Aids Add iPod Input To Your Skull | Popular Science

Soaring deficit may defy forecasts - USATODAY.com

A pessimist's prediction: Hyperinflation - MSN Money

Unmistakable evil

Steve Quayle News Alerts:Germ Warfare Scientist Wallace L. Pannier, Dead at 81

Biological Warfare and the National Security State

Chuck Baldwin -- Why Are Internment Camps Being Built?

Who’s Un-American?

‘Brown Shirts’ vs. Purple Shirts

Obama Loses His Diversionary Touch

More Spending, Less Recovery

CNSNews.com - AARP Corrects Obama: It Has Not Endorsed Health Care Reform Package

CNSNews.com - Obama Again Inflates Number of Uninsured Americans--Falsely Claiming '46 Million of Our Fellow Citizens Have No Coverage'


CNSNews.com - Obama Wants Total Government Control Over Health Care, Says Conservative Leader Phyllis Schlafly

The Real Grand Chessboard and the Profiteers of War

Endless War: The Suicide of the United States

Obamageddon: War as the "Solution" to Economic Depression

9/11 Mind Swell

US military and intelligence agencies identify climate change as “national security” threat

Venezuela: Socialist Party Prepares for "Transition to Socialism"

Can We Stop the Banksters from Killing Financial Reform?

4,000 agents to guard North American summit

Do Seed Companies Control GM Crop Research?

Obama Eyes Military-civilian terror prison

CNSNews.com - U.S. Not Adequately Challenging Radical Islam in Information War, Experts Say

CNSNews.com - GOP’s Top Choice to Challenge Harry Reid Decides He Won’t Run

CNSNews.com - Obama Assails ‘Wild Misrepresentations’ of Democrats’ Health Care Plan

Citizen Questions Obamacare -- Gets Threatened By Thugs In The Middle of the Night

AOL Poll: 72% Against Obama Health Care Takeover

SHOCK UNCOVERED: Obama IN HIS OWN WORDS saying His Health Care Plan will ELIMINATE private insurance

No Letup In Political Witch-Hunts Under Obama

A request to snoop on public every 60 seconds

How Government “Represents” the People

Drug industry helping Obama overhaul health care

Obama Discourages Debate On Health Care

'Cloud ship' scheme to deflect the sun's rays is favourite to cut global warming

Study: Tanning beds as deadly as arsenic

Obama Approval Ratings Tanking? Quick! Stage some phony media events!

CNSNews.com - Pro-Reform Party Blames Iran's President for Abuse

CNSNews.com - Witnesses Say Five Pakistani Preachers Killed in Somalia

David Wise: “The CIA, Licensed to Kill”

Obama Sells Out To Pharmaceutical Companies

Anti-gun Propaganda from Time Magazine

Obama Failed to Master Alinsky's Rule #12

At what point does a liberal become a Stalinist?

Midas Muffler, Not Canada is the Model for Health Care Reform

Empty Cradles, Demographic Destiny and the Death of the West

Health Care: It's Personal

It's the Plan, Stupid

Hugo Chavez the Main Attraction in Venezuela's Revolutionary Circus

Presidential Dissonance

Luttwak: Why Obama will fail on Iran

On Iran, business as usual for the UN

Five Freedoms lost under Obamacare

Stop Telling Me That Everything in My Country is Broken!

The Alinsky Way Vs. the American Way

How to 'bend the curve down' in healthcare costs

VIDEO : Sicko

Small Government Caused Our Current Problems? by Robert Higgs

The Commons: What Tragedy? by Wilton D. Alston

The Ultimate Prosecutorial Weapon: Honest Services Fraud by William L. Anderson

The Neanderthal Vote by Phil Maymin

The Bounce Phase of the Economic Depression by Bill Bonner

The Census Gestapo! by Gary D. Barnett

08-12-2009: CNBC slides as viewers get crunched

Google Deal With Publishers Raises Privacy Concerns

08-12-2009: Blackwater and affiliates: History and intentions

08-12-2009: Schools Taking Biometric Security To New Big Brother Levels

08-12-2009: China Warns Of Arms Race In Outer Space

Traders Brace For September Collapse

08-11-2009: Powerful Mars orbiter switches to backup computer

08-11-2009: Particle collider: Black hole or crucial machine?

Big Brother Britain Has More Cameras Than China

08-11-2009: The Obama Joker Posters - A Bull Shit Distraction Courtesy Of The Alternative Media

08-11-2009: NASA's Advanced Space Tech Gets Turned Into Self-Aware Eco Building

08-11-2009: U.S. Web-Tracking Plan Stirs Privacy Fears

08-10-2009: North American Leaders Pledge Action on Swine Flu, Economy, Security

Brazil TV Host Turned Politician ‘Ordered Killings to Boost Ratings’

Michael Jackson fans flock to see Egyptian model 'lookalike'

Can 'excited delirium' get cops off the hook?

IARPA Requests Tools for Recognizing Unconscious Signals of Trustworthiness

A new twist on life: Biology is approaching its Frankenstein moment – the creation of life from scratch.

Biological Warfare and the National Security State: A Chronology

Towards a North American Energy Corridor

Peter Schiff: Rising Stocks Not A Sign of Recovery

Banks to collect $38.5B in overdraft fees in '09 - report - Aug. 10, 2009

Local currencies cash in on recession - Los Angeles Times

71 Senators Tell Obama to Pressure the Arabs - Politics & Government - Israel News - Israel National News

Clues Coming In Madoff "Conspiracy"?

About half of U.S. mortgages seen underwater by 2011 - Yahoo! News

Obama's healthcare horror | Salon


Jesse's Café Américain: If You Read Nothing Else About the Financial Crisis Read (and Remember) This...

How the White House's Deal With Big Pharma Undermines Democracy | CommonDreams.org

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » TOP Secret Government Facility (holds Flight 93 evidence)

Refreshing News: Healthy living 'cuts chronic disease by up to 80 per cent'

World Of Technology: 'Intelligent' bicycle of the future unveiled

Ron Paul: Support HR 1768 Instead Of Cash for Clunkers | Ron Paul Wins! | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Under Obamacare, The Government Would Indoctrinate Your Kids

Nuclear Power Plant / Reactor In Burma? Google Earth Pictures

Swastika Painted On Rep. David Scott's Office Door

Dirty Secret No. 1 in Obamacare by Chuck Norris on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent

'Cuba's Healthcare, a Model for the U.S.' Says CNN by Humberto Fontova

Paulson and Goldman Sachs: A dirty secret of the Wall Street bailout

Government Prepares for “unwillingness to follow government orders” « LewRockwell.com Blog

Report fishy left-wing claims about health care to flag@whitehouse.gov

Lost in the Health Care Debate: Why Prices Keep Going Up

We’re feeling the effect of treating mass Libel and Slander as protected Free Speech right at this moment.

Clunkers and the Environment

End of Slavery, Equal Rights, and Abolishing the Fed, Not Radical Ideas

TowneForCongress.com » Economy » Fractional Reserve Banking in Pictures (PART 1/2)

The Money Matrix - How the FED Works (PART 6/15)

**FRB: The Federal Reserve System Purposes and Functions

The Money Matrix - What is a Dollar Bill Worth? (PART 2/15)

The Money Matrix - What Makes Money Money? (PART 3/15)

The Money Matrix - Who Owns the FED (PART 7/15)

The Money Matrix - Who Owns the FED (UPDATED PART 7/15)

The Money Matrix on "Credetary" Inflation and Deflation (PART 9/15)

The Money Matrix - What the Heck Are Derivatives? (PART 10/15)

The Money Matrix - Bring Light to Dark Derivatives! (PART 11/15)

MY PROPHECY - The Federal Reserve Will End! A Money Matrix Addendum

Yes, Virginia, There Are No Reserve Requirements (PART 2/2)

*AUDIO :The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 11th With Kevin Burton

*AUDIO :The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 10th Open Lines

Site - RaidersNewsNetwork

Site : SurvivorMall.com

ARCHIVED - Mother of All Peoples - Globalization and the New World Order

ARCHIVED :Many have Asked: Is Obama the Anti-Christ? - Famed Novelist Michael O'Brien Answers

ARCHIVED - Obama's First 100 Days: The anti-life plan is now established


PART ONE -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THREE – Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOUR—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHT—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ELEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWELVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THIRTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOURTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIFTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIXTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVENTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government


Rationing By Any Other Name - The Atlantic Business Channel

Dingell: Reform health care based on facts | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Fear failure, not health care reform :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Jesse Jackson

Obama's healthcare horror | Salon

Squeeze Play - The Treatment

John Mackey: The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Change We Can't Believe In?

RealClearPolitics - Big Business Goes Big for Health-Care Reform

Real debate might fix what ails health care :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Commentary

EDITORIAL: Getting creamed by constituents - Washington Times

Many seniors aren't sure healthcare system needs repair - Los Angeles Times

Ronald S. Lauder: Mideast Peace Starts With Respect - WSJ.com

On the brink of failure - Washington Times

Edward N. Luttwak: Why the President Will Fail on Iran - WSJ.com

2008 Olympics did little for rights - The China Post

The African Taliban Threat - The Daily Beast

RealClearWorld - Pakistan Gaining Against Militants

Mexican Drug Gangs Diversify Into Oil - Forbes.com

Miley Cyrus' pole-dancing performance sparks criticism

Simon Cowell finalizing 'Idol' deal

Ananova - Man to marry pillow

U.S. economy has bottomed: George Soros | Reuters

Madoff firm's CFO pleads guilty, denied bail | Reuters

Are campers safe from vampires? Forks courts tourism boom -- Port Angeles Port Townsend Sequim Forks Jefferson County Clallam County Olympic Peninsula Daily news

None dare call it totalitarianism

Obama's Chicago-style intimidation

Obama on abortion: Unclear now, quite clear then

Obama's diversions no longer work

Regarding Jimmy Carter and other goobers

A presidential medal based on a sex life

What the Sean Penn 'Milk' film censored

Joseph Farah, my friend

The truth about blacks and politics

What black parents are still telling their children

Angry white men

Chuck Baldwin -- Why Are Internment Camps Being Built?

FEMA camps: Not just for April fools anymore


'Deception': Christians war over worship day

Billy Mays' Family Questions Autopsy -- Popeater

Disney performer dies days after performance fall -- OrlandoSentinel.com

Judge on 86-year-old shoplifter: 'She's an actress' :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

Crystal ball sets unforeseen fire | The Sun |News

Are we on the brink of creating a computer with a human brain? | Mail Online

"the keen observer" :

DC caravan rolls over Pelosi

World Net Daily Player:Analyst: Obama just wrong on health plan

World Net Daily Player:Hugo Chavez 'slamming door on broadcasters'

World Net Daily Player:Numbers USA: Immigration reform 'callous'

Will Americans follow orders to take flu shots?

**See the latest voter revolts

Dad threatened after blasting congressman

President Obama’s “Senior” Moment? - Political Punch

Breitbart.tv » Obama: ‘It’s the Post Office That’s Always Having Problems’

Study: Homeschoolers score 37 points higher

Islam's Mahdi: Bringer of peace or war?

'Hezbollah plotting attacks abroad'

American government website 'ignores Jews'

U.S. Web-Tracking Plan Stirs Privacy Fears

Why is National Guard recruiting for 'internment' cops?

Obama baby boom: Predicted surge in births goes bust -- chicagotribune.com

The story of backlash to Congress


**Obama law tab up to $1.4 mil

Rendell: 'Birthers are absolutely nuts' - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Americans demanding Obama's birth certificate

Dig this: Media actually probed other candidates

**ARTICLE LINKS : Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


*American Minute for August 12th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Markets ;Video/Taleb: 'Literally Incompetent' Leaders Threaten Recovery

A Tale of Two Recessions

Roubini: Double-Dip Recession Risk Still Exists

Overstock.com CEO: Bigger's Not Better

Recession Over or Double-Dip?

5 Factors Suggest Market Rally Has Just Begun

A Look at GM's 230 MPG Chevy Volt

What's The Big Deal About Verizon's Deals?

Toxic Assets May Need More Support: Watchdog

Silver Runs, Gold Struggles

The Fed's Balancing Act

Fannie's Fun with Numbers

Is Krugman Right on Second Stimulus?

*World; Video/Iran Unrest Prosecutions

Asia Ravaged by Disasters

The America-Al Jazeera- Arab Relationship

An Enhanced China-Venezuela Alliance

U.S. Marines Storm Taliban Stronghold

Farmer's Nightmare: Caste and Drought

Swat, Pakistan: Return to Ruins

Pakistan Sees U.S. as Biggest Threat

Fatah Looks to Its Youth for Leadership

Taiwan Rescues Stranded Villagers

Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan Attempt to Join WTO as One

Hillary Clinton Loses Her Temper

Dmitriy Medvedev on Ukraine

Typhoon Batters Southern Taiwan

Deadly Power Struggle in Wake of Mehsud's Death

Two Human Rights Activists Found Dead in Chechnya

Michael Schumacher Calls Off Comeback

*Politics; Video/Gibbs Blames Palin For Spreading Misinformation About Health Reform

WH: "Cruel" To Prohibit Seniors From Professional Advice

Dem Congressman: Town Hall Protesters Are "Political Terrorist[s]"

Dem Admits Health Care Reform Will Include Abortion Coverage

Giuliani: Health Reform "Most Damaging Thing" Obama Can Do

MSNBC's Watson Updates "Socialist = N-Word" Remark

McCaskill On Town Hall: Being "Rude Is Generally Not Persuasive"

Gibbs: "President Didn't Mean To Imply" AARP Supports Health Care Plan

Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee Answers Cell Phone During Town Hall

White House: People Are Showing Up To Events With Swastikas

Specter: Town Hall Protesters Not "Representatives Of America"

Sen. Nelson Responds To Liberal Attack Ads

Eunice Kennedy Shriver Dies at 88

Ron Reagan Calls Sarah Palin A "Clown"

Mother Of Girl Who Asked Question At Town Hall Is Big Obama Donor

Obama Falsely Claims AARP Supports Health Reform Plan

Rove On Health Care, Dismissal Of Prosecutors

Gibbs On Obama's Town Hall, Response To Opponents

O'Reilly Investigates American Technology & Troops

Obama: The Post Office Is "Always Having Problems"

Keith Olbermann On Obama, Specter, McCaskill Town Halls

Obama: Doctors May Choose Amputation Because Of Reimbursement

Sen. Specter Shouted Down Over Health Care

Rep. King On Obama Focusing On Health Care And Not The Economy

DHS Explains Origins Of Radical Right-Wing Report

Coulter Vs. Carville On Health Care Town Halls

McCaskill Admonishes Town Hall: "I Don't Understand This Rudeness"

Gibbs: Obama Hopes for "Civilized" Town Hall

Olbermann's Special Comment On Right Wing Fear Merchants

Kenneth Gladney Explains Town Hall Brawl


*Transcripts :Obama's New Hampshire Health Care Town Hall

Panel on Pelosi/Hoyer 'Un-American' Op-Ed

Rep. Scott and Dr. Hill Debate Health Care

Interview with Rep. John Dingell

Analysts Discuss Health Care Reform

Interview with Rep. Steve Cohen

Interview with Senator Barbara Boxer

Guests: Gen. Jones; Sen. Minority Leader McConnell

Howard Dean, Newt Gingrich Debate Health Care

Guests: General Jones; Senators Levin and Graham

Guests: General Jones; Mayors Bloomberg and Booker


Madoff Aide Reveals Details of Ponzi Scheme

Saving homes with a 'right to rent' - Los Angeles Times

RealClearMarkets - Capital Drag

RealClearMarkets - Spending More Won't Cut Health Care Costs

VOA News - Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi Meets Lawyers to Discuss Appeal of Conviction

YouTube - Web reacts about Aung San Suu Kyi's process

Vladimir Putin ratchets up tension with Georgia | World news | The Guardian

VOA News - Security Remains Main Concern in Upcoming Afghan Presidential Polls

Investigators sent to crash site | The Australian

Al Qaeda could seek 'foothold' in Nigeria, Clinton warns during trip - CNN.com

FBI agent testifies in Mumbai terror trial - CNN.com

Russia's president calls time on vodka disaster | Entertainment | Reuters

Karroubi 'to present evidence of jail rape'

Russian paper halts Chechnya cover after killings | Reuters

VOA News - Pakistan Military Denies Nuclear Security Report

YouTube - Inside Story - US biggest threat for Pakistanis - 9 Aug 09

Georgia man convicted on terror-related charges - CNN.com

Town Halls, Polls Raise Question of Who's in the Majority in Health Care Debate - Political News - FOXNews.com

Obama calls Sotomayor's rise 'an extraordinary moment' - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

YouTube - Sotomayor Celebrated at White House Reception

» Controversy surrounding today’s Medal of Freedom Row 2, Seat 4 « FOXNews.com

Karl Rove offered to put interrogator on Christmas list | csmonitor.com

YouTube - Report: Rove behind U.S. attorney firings

Republican senator hears health care concerns back home - CNN.com

FBI Searches for Missing Boy with Cerebral Palsy - ABC News

AFP: Right-wing militias on the rise in US: report

A Republican takes on Palin over healthcare claims - Politics AP - MiamiHerald.com

Man suspected in Richmond-San Rafael Bridge shootings arrested - San Jose Mercury News

The Associated Press: Santorum to visit Iowa to discuss GOP future

Ad Using Obama Daughters Upsets White House | News | BET.com

Fiery plane crash in Eden Prairie kills 2 | StarTribune.com

YouTube - Dangerous Militias Regrouping

The Associated Press: Investigators maintain focus on Jackson doc

Who will replace Paula Abdul on ‘Idol’? - American Idol- msnbc.com

Girlfriend of Michael Douglas' Jailed Son Arrested on Smuggling Charges - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment - FOXNews.com

idle.slashdot.org | Crime Show Host Accused of Ordering Killings to Boost Ratings

'The Diary of Anne Frank' to return to the big screen; David Mamet will write, direct

Lego, the movie: Plastic building blocks join roster of toys getting the big screen treatment

How Real Health-Care Reform Would Stop the Medical Fraud Machine -- and Lower Your Car Insurance

Rachel Maddow Show: Wendell Potter on the Health Care Industry Putting Soaring Profits Before People

It's Just A Matter Of Time - Gun Found After Democratic Rep's Town Hall Meeting

**Obama Health Plan's Dirty, Tyrannical, Hidden Secrets**

YouTube - Citizen questions healthcare, gets threatened in the middle of the night!

Barack Obama's health care plans turn nasty as angry crowds protest outside town hall meetings - Telegraph

Barack Obama accuses Republicans of 'scaring the heck out of folk' over health care - Telegraph

Public backlash stalls Obama's attempt to reform system | World news | The Guardian

'Evil and Orwellian' – America's right turns its fire on NHS | World news | The Guardian

VIDEO :The Worlds Greatest Conspiracy Theories

Did you know 12160 was a hate site ??? We have an Anti -12.160mhz YouTube channel now - 12.160Mhz


**Savage Live and Archives - TRN Superstation**

08/11 The Mark Levin Show

08/10 The Mark Levin Show