"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

31 July 2009

31 july 09 (click here;video)

JULY 31 09

*Site - Ice Age Now

*Site - The Trends Research Institute

*Site - Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Letter to Robin *Site - A Mini-Course in Pendulum Dowsing

Site Page:A Mini-Course in Pendulum Dowsing

07-30-2009: House Approves Giving FDA More Powers

07-30-2009: Military May Ban Twitter, Facebook As Security Headaches

07-30-2009: Banks Paid $32.6 Billion in Bonuses Amid U.S. Bailout

New Law Holds Owners Liable For Debt, Even In Foreclosure

WSJ: Let's Break Up The Fed

07-30-2009: Damaged cable causes Internet blackout in four West African countries

NAFTA Trade Takes 35% Dive

07-30-2009: Is it safe? U.S. vaccine experts want to build trust

07-30-2009: Half of US to get swine vaccine

07-30-2009: Study: Bank Bonuses Far Exceeded Profits

07-30-2009: Smart Parking Meters Hacked

Weak Treasury Auctions Raise Worries About U.S. Debt Burden

The Whole Industry is Waiting For A Pandemic

07-30-2009: Soviet Cosmonauts Conceal Truth About UFOs

07-30-2009: iPhone vulnerable to hacker attacks: researchers

07-30-2009: Global warming pushes up building insurance costs

The Hunt Is On For Cyberwarriors

07-30-2009: Defense analyst in AIPAC spy case was FBI 'double agent'

Dan Rather Wants Obama To Help Save The News

U.S. Military Spy Was in Washington Antiwar Groups, Ran Their Email List

07-29-2009: Air Force on the Hunt for Subversive Online Behavior

07-29-2009: "Radicalization" of Americans worrying: Holder

Number of Mexican immigrants dips in U.S.

Europe: Scientists Used Mosquitoes as Fying "Vaccine" Needles

US enlists citizens in anti-terrorism strategy

Obama Forms 'Shadow Gov't' for Crises

Napolitano Reports to CFR on Stasi Snoop Network

Hyperinflation: Fed Walks the Tightrope

America's Expansive Bioweapons Industrial Complex

U.S. Adviser’s Blunt Memo on Iraq: Time ‘to Go Home’

Text of Colonel Reese’s Memo

Obama's Empire

Three Good Reasons To Liquidate Our Empire

Ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya Speaks from Nicaraguan Border

Judge Orders Young Gitmo Detainee's Release

How You Finance Goldman Sachs’ Profits

That's Impossible: Weather Warfare

*5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

20,000 Families to be put under 24/7 CCTV surveillance in their own homes "to change their bad behaviour"

How People are Manipulated by Fear and Propaganda

Spitzer: Federal Reserve is ‘a Ponzi scheme, an inside job’

The tide of public opinion may be turning against President Obama

Nothing in Sight to Replace the US Dollar as an International Reserve Currency

Latin America questions US bases in Colombia

Afghan War: US, NATO Troops Near 100,000 And Climbing

Ethiopia-gate: The aid-to-arms diversion scandal in the Horn of Africa

The moneyman behind the Jewish expansion in East Jerusalem

9/11’s smoking gun still smoking!

Can someone, anyone, please explain what a public option is?

Conspiracies involve lower officials

Statistical deceptions

Video - Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

Video - The Sad Truth To Why Most People May Not Wake Up

pdf - European Parliament: Human Enhancement

President European Commission Advocated World Government in 1992

Hillary Clinton admits that the CFR runs the Government

Veterans a Focus of FBI Extremist Probe

Harry Reid: Don’t 'Cry Great Big Tears About the Insurance Industry'

Obama’s Health-Care Proposal Could Keep Consumers from Choosing Own Insurance Plan After Five Years, House Minority Leader Says

Senior Citizens Left Off Government’s Swine-Flu Vaccination Priority List

International Cap-and-Trade Regime Could Benefit Organized Crime by Creating Carbon Credit Black Market, Senator Warns

Obama’s Science Adviser Called for ‘Zero Economic Growth’

In the 70s, Obama's Science Adviser Endorsed Giving Trees Legal Standing to Sue in Court

House Panel Prepares to Complete Work on Health Care Bill

Congress Trying to Save 'Cash for Clunkers' Sales

Government’s Cash-for-Clunkers Program Crashes Just Days After Starting

Conyers to Introduce Constitutional Amendment Making Health Care a ‘Right’

Public Opinion Sours on Health Care Reform, Polls Show

New Poll Shows Obama Approval Dropping Among Key Supporters

Iraqis Subdue Iranian Dissidents, As U.S. ‘Monitors’ the Situation

U.S. General May Request for More Troops for Afghan War

Claims for Disability Benefits Surging, Driven by Recession and Aging Baby Boomers

Disappointed Immigration Activists Press for Reform

White House Puts Best Possible Spin on ‘Beer Summit’

Cuba Suspends Plans for Communist Party Congress

United Nations Program to Reduce Deaths of Children Didn’t Work

Suspect in Abortionist’s Death Pleads Not Guilty

‘Jane Roe’ To Nancy Pelosi: 'Don’t Put Abortion in Health-Care Reform Bill’

When Is a Human a ‘Human Being’? Ask the White House Science Adviser

Obama, Gates, and the Problem of Black Guilt

Bully Boys: A Brief History of White House Thuggery

Cash-for-Clunkers, R.I.P.

Dodd and Obama: Corrupt Birds of a Feather

9pg. /pdf:KRAKATAU The Father, The Son, and The Tongues of Fire

Marc Morano -- World’s Largest Science Group Rejecting Man-Made Climate Fears!

The collapse in commercial property: Towers of debt | The Economist

6 Top Bomb Shelters - Fallout Shelters You Can Buy Now - Popular Mechanics

Total Recall: Pentagon Looks to ‘Optimize’ Troops’ Minds | Danger Room | Wired.com

Daily Kos: Bombshell: Bin Laden worked for US till 9/11

Obama’s Secret Police by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Plans for “vaccine” bracelets to be forced on people at road blocks « Case about Bird Flu

Washington's Blog:Dan Rather Slams the Corporate Media

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » RON PAUL : WHAT IS THE FED SO AFRAID OF?

Successful lawyer Catherine Bailey drowned herself - Times Online

Busted on MySpace: 2 FL men face charges over gang photos on Web sites : State News : TCPalm

YouTube - David Brooks says a Republican senator groped his thigh at a dinner party

Market Skeptics: Doubts About Fed's Ability To Control Inflation Are Growing

“Responsibility to Protect” is Warmed-Over Imperialism | Black Agenda Report

Government’s Chief Swine Flu Propagandist is Hired by ABC « LewRockwell.com Blog

*Site - Battling the "MSG Myth" Welcome to our Web Site

The Surprising Ingredient Causing Weight Gain on Yahoo! Health

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Congresswoman Bachmann - No Health care for the disabled July 27, 2009

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Democrats Censors Healthcare Debate By Telling GOP Lawmakers What They Can And Can’t Say To Public

The WhiteRose Resistance

The WhiteRose Resistance: As the People Grow More Desperate...A Constitution in FULL Crisis

The mysterious deaths of top microbiologists since 9/11

American's Journey: Osama flushed out by Conspiracy Blogger Jack Rabbit - Video - awaiting CIA verification

Cellular Phones ; Your cellular telephone has three major security vulnerabilities:

Vulnerabilities Allow Attacker to Impersonate Any Website | Threat Level | Wired.com

Holder: Homegrown Terror Threat Increasing

ei: Why Obama's peace process is still going nowhere

8) Quotes From Prominent People « Deconstructing the Jewish Crime Network

12pg/pdf - The Secret Road To Mount Olympus - pdf

Financial Armageddon: Don't Be Fooled

Ever Wonder What Blows Out Of A Jet Airplane?

The Pornographic Conspiracy

The Phony Science Of The Sexual Revolution

Obamaunism 101: The Stanley Ann and Madelyn Dunham factor

Americans Spent $33.9 Billion Out-of-Pocket on Complementary and Alternative Medicine, July 30, 2009 News Release - National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Insane Food Bill 2749 Passes House On 2nd Try

H.R. 2749: Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009 (GovTrack.us)

Bernanke - The Rothschild Puppet | Real Zionist News

Home Depot building a 'le-gay-cy' for children (OneNewsNow.com)

Radio host denies threatening federal judges - Chicago Breaking News

YouTube - Ahmadinejad DID NOT threaten to "wipe Israel off the map."

Will Krakatoa rock the world again? Last time, it killed thousands and changed the weather for five years, now it could be even deadlier | Mail Online

UFO expert finds crash 'strange' - Canada - Canoe.ca

What If Westerners Were All Suddenly Sterile?

Montana governor signs “revolutionary” gun law

Gilad Atzmon 2 videos, The Enlightenment and Judification « Divining the News (DTN)

savethemales.ca - Judaism Seeks Collective not Personal Salvation (For Jews)

JEW GOODER ‌ Jewish Traditions | The Jew-Gooder | Charleston City Paper

Britain, U.S. at cross-purposes? – Wake Up America! Your Government is Hijacked by Zionism

Disorderly Conduct: Conversation About Gates Arrest Precedes Arrest

"Dead Man Musings"The Illuminati, Child Prostitution and The Secret Service

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » New York Judge Dismisses Claim Negligent Construction Contributed To WTC 7 Collapse

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Corporate Media Gets You Ready for Your Forced Experimental Vaccination

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Ellis County Sheriff’s deputies training churches in ’safety seminar’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » FEMA report detailing Palmer, TX ‘population removal’ section missing

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Corporate Media Liberals Continue Attack On Alex Jones

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Hate Crimes and Free Speech – The Silence Is Deafening

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » ‘Disinformation’ On Manchester United And The Jakarta Hotel Bombs

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Organic food is all that, and more. Just eat it.

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » PhD Economist: Fed has Caused Soaring Unemployment, Millions of Foreclosures, Millions Losing Life Savings and More than $6 Trillion in Lost Output

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Air Force Vet Breaks Silence on What Hit Pentagon on 9-11

'Swine flu drug has side-effects' - Yahoo! News UK

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul on The Alex Jones Show: Driving Ben Bernanke Crazy

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Alex Jones Tv: The Pimp Game!

**Audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 30th With Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

H1N1 Pandemic: Pentagon Planning Deployment of Troops in Support of Nationwide Vaccination

Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites

Hillary Out to Strong-Arm Swiss by J.H. Huebert

Hate Crimes and Free Speech – The Silence Is Deafening by Chris Clancy

Bernanke’s Collectivism by Michael S. Rozeff

The Last Knight of the Habsburg Empire by Jørn K. Baltzersen

Tom Woods vs. the Fed by Johnny Kramer

Healthcare in America: Some Free-Market Solutions by J. L. Bryan

How the Stimulus Works by Bill Bonner

Dismantling the Empire by Tom Engelhardt and Chalmers Johnson

The Hand and Eye of Genius

Betsy McCaughey: GovernmentCare’s Assault on Seniors. - WSJ.com

Sunburned? Save your skin, save the pain, save your money | abcactionnews.com

Take the driver personality quiz

Michael Savage’s Favorite New Yorker Profiles: News Desk : The New Yorker

Disney worker arrested on 25 child-porn counts says he was conducting investigation - OrlandoSentinel.com

Australian dog found 9 years on, 1,200 miles away

Nabbed! Killer hid in caves for 16 years - Europe- msnbc.com

My Way News - 'Beer summit' distracts Obama from health care

W.H. makes CEOs pay for lunch - Eamon Javers - POLITICO.com

Recession Worse Than Prior Estimates, Revisions Show- Bloomberg.com

Breitbart.tv » ‘Cordial and Productive’: Cambridge Police Sgt. Crowley Says No One Apologized

Photographer Leibovitz sued for breach of contract | Entertainment | Reuters

Teen shot to death during home invasion - The Official KFVS12 and Heartland News Web Site |

Police called on retirees at senator's LA office

Pelosi lashes out against insurance companies | Politics | Reuters

FT.com / Asia-Pacific / India - India plans to build 100 warships

Rudy: 'Shut Up' - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Government Suspends Popular 'Clunkers' Program - wcbstv.com

Pictured: U.S. missile defence test hailed a success as North Korea tensions rise | Mail Online

Hollywood stars visit Cuba amid U.S.-Cuba thaw | Reuters

Venezuela: 'Freedom of expression must be limited'

U.S. judge rules for Fed in Fox News Network request | Industries | Technology, Media & Telecommunications | Reuters

Jellyfish May Help Keep Planet Cool : NPR

Pictured: Spaceship-shaped cloud hovering over Earth is captured by astronauts | Mail Online

Mysteriously High Tides on East Coast Perplex Scientists | Wired Science | Wired.com

Chinese Workers Say Illness Is Real, Not Hysteria - NYTimes.com

NASA panel may propose 'deep space' crewed missions - space - 30 July 2009 - New Scientist

Corporate Media Liberals Continue Attack On Alex Jones

New York Judge Dismisses Claim Negligent Construction Contributed To WTC 7 Collapse

Investigators: Law firm lied for foreign workers - Salt Lake Tribune

Obama's birth debate: It's about loyalty

Time for a Military Suffrage Movement

Bernanke's Harmful monetary policy

Hope, Change and Iran

Sarah Palin: A Leader Without A Party

Caution: Trolls at Work

Obama invites CEO's to lunch; makes them buy

Bitter Suds Can't Wash Away Racial Pain

Gates proved how small a man he is

Making liars of Democrats who complain the rich aren't taxed enough

Government suspends 'Cash for Clunkers' program - maybe

A tax break for trial lawyers?

British imperialism - and racism - lives

The 'teachable moment' is not instructive

A Green Light to Invade Israel?

Sergeant Crowley speaks

Obama honors an enemy of Israel

Obama Fails

Work, Jobs, and Worth

Black Market Judicial Philosophy

The President's Warped Foreign Policy

Ben Nelson and Max Baucus say they are not sure how they'll vote on Sonia Sotmayor

Rachel Maddow on the GOP's Overt Racism

Jay Rockefeller explains the fallacy of Conrad's "co-ops" in President Baucus' health care bill: "It's unacceptable"

The Perpetual Republican War on Medicare

Memo to Fox talkers: Al Qaeda not the only group that 'radicalizes' domestic terrorists

The Politico is trolling for a Drudge link: They proclaim the GOP rules the world

Blue Dogs, Birthers and Bullet Fetishes

Thom Hartmann: The myths and truths about Canadian Healthcare

Pork-Laden Defense Bill Ready to Waddle Its Way Into Law - With the Help of 'Fiscal Conservatives', No Doubt

Diaper David Vitter defends the honor of the South against Voinovich

Now Sean Hannity is mainstreaming far-right fringe theories on his Fox News show too

Fox News "Distances" Itself From Glenn Beck's "Obama Is A Racist" Statement - But Says He's Free To Speak His Mind

Why is MSNBC Allowing Matthews to Repeat "Deathers" Rhetoric as Maddow Debunks Him on the Same Day?

New AFSCME Health Care Reform Ad Hits Home

The Goldberg-O'Reilly Birther theory: It's an evil Obama plot to make conservatives look like wingnuts

Bobby Jindal Touts Louisiana's Economic Successes While Refusing to Credit Stimulus Package

Boston Police Officer Suspended For Sending E-mail Calling Professor Gates A "Jungle Monkey"

Government's Benevolence Equals Higher Costs

Affirmative Action is Wrong In A Free Society


Practical Idealism on Health Reform

H.R.-3131 is a good bill

Klein: How Special Interests Could Block Health Reform - TIME

RealClearPolitics - Republicans Looking Crazy on Health Care

Do as green gods say, not as they do | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Mr. President, what's the rush? - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Selling Health Care Reform to Voters - Room for Debate Blog - NYTimes.com

The Weight of China | The New Ledger

Japan reaches a crossroad | The Japan Times Online

Tribal leaders hold the key to a peaceful solution in Helmand - Telegraph

U.S. and China step forward | The Japan Times Online

High and Low Finance - It May Be Outrageous, but Wall Street Pay Didn’t Cause This Crisis - NYTimes.com

Steven Pearlstein - The Dust Hasn't Settled on Wall Street, but History's Already Repeating Itself - washingtonpost.com

Fundmastery Blog » Blog Archive » Taxing the top 1%

The US's China Syndrome-Minyanville

The Dollar: Running on Reserve | Newgeography.com

Morgan Stanley - Global Economic Forum:Taylor-ing Rates for the Exit

Business and Financial News - The New York Times

Support Slips for Health Plan - WSJ.com

Behind the GDP Numbers

IMF: Worst over for US but recovery to be slow

Treasurys survive $200 billion onslaught

China flexes muscles at WTO in disputes

Unemployment Rises and Prices Fall in Europe

Michael Jackson's Oldest Son Prince Could Become Family Leader

Omer Bhatti Is Michael Jackson's Son, Says Joe Jackson

Michael Jackson Search Warrants Refer To Singer As 'Addict'

Bomb Squad Investigates Suspicious Package at Oprah Studio

Pope's voice to be heard on album

Madonna, journalist? Pop icon pens first-person Kabbalah article for Israeli newspaper

Health Reform and Cancer

Cosmetic Op May Cut Migraine Pain

Organic Foods: Not More Nutritious?

Britain to outlaw most private organ transplants

America's Most Polluted Beaches

Challenges and Hope at the CDC Conference on Obesity

Discarded burial vaults found at Ill. cemetery

Lyme Disease Cases Rising, Causing Alarm

Canadians cry foul over US healthcare attacks

Shuttle Endeavour, Astronauts Return to Earth

Fish for dinner: Overfishing easing in some areas

Apple Shows Google The Web Hasn't Won

British Court Allows Hacker to be Extradited to US

MySpace Mail Rolls Out With Vanity URL E-Mail

Civilian deaths in Afghanistan war surge

Nigeria: Catholic Church Condemns Violent Muslim Sect

Offensive against Taliban in Full Swing in Afghanistan's South

The choices facing Burma's military

Spain on high alert as ETA marks anniversary

Iranian President Denies Rift with Supreme Leader

Bombs Outside Mosques in Baghdad Kill at Least 29

South African workers end strike

Top Pakistan Crt: Musharraf Emergency Decree Illegal

DPP to produce suicide guidance

Pakistan arms scam probe widens

China says Xinjiang riot media openness a success

North Korea to Investigate Crew of Seized South Korean Fishermen

Japan's Ruling Liberal Democrats Unveil Campaign Pledges

Moldovan Communist Party loses power

US sanctions in Sudan 'hurting rather than helping'

House Panel Reaches Deal on Health-Care Bill

Was President Obama's Suds Summit Successful?

Comment: White House beers can't disguise race issues

Second accused mayor in NJ corruption probe resigns

Measure to Improve Food Safety Approved by House

Mississippi: Judge Enters Plea

Citizen Palin begins private life quietly

Wis. man testifies he expected God to heal child

Minn. sues firm for $37 million in bridge collapse

Presidential Medal of Freedom for Kennedy

Ethics on center stage in NJ gov's race

Missile defense system passes test, US agency says

Lowell police find 3-year-old locked in attic

Judge declines to delay trial in Chandra Levy case

New Evidence Outlined Against Man Accused of Killing Chandra Levy

Conn. gov proposes sin tax increases in new budget

National Urban League Conference

Harley dealer dies in Wyo collision

First thoughts: Here come the ads!


YouTube - Cash For Clunkers Out Of Cash - Bloomberg

YouTube - Southwest Bids $113.6M For Frontier - Bloomberg

YouTube - Pope Benedict XVI to release an album

YouTube - Swine Flu vaccine available in the fall

YouTube - No Reform in Health-Care Reform

YouTube - AustinHealth: Billions spent on obesity

YouTube - New research shows organic food has no additional benefits

YouTube - Raw Video: Obama Has Beer With Gates, Officer

YouTube - Court OKs UFO hackers extradition

YouTube - Pakistan parades Swat 'child soldiers' - 29 Jul 09

YouTube - Twist in Suu Kyi trial saga - 31 July 09

YouTube - Spain's royals pay tribute to Eta attack victims - 31 Jul 09

YouTube - South Africans protest for higher wages - 29 Jul 09

YouTube - End of communist rule in Moldova?

YouTube - The White House Beer Summit - Bloomberg

YouTube - AustinHealth: Food safety bill passes

YouTube - Texas: Toxic fire forces mass evacuation

YouTube - Rell proposes 'sin' taxes

YouTube - Obama's approval rating down 8 percent


Market encourages horse slaughtering, animal advocates say - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Federal role questioned in Oklahoma's English-only debate | NewsOK.com

U.S. may require anti-DWI locks on vehicles - USATODAY.com

Members sue sorority over president's spending, waxwork - CNN.com

Radio host denies threatening federal judges - Chicago Breaking News

Fox Decides Not to Air 'Family Guy' Abortion Episode - Inside TV Blog

Michael Jackson: 20 doctors face charges - Telegraph

Code Blue! How Canada care nearly killed my kid

Preparing for war

The Case for MichelleCare: Why Obama should let his wife handle health care reform - Reason Magazine

Jihad, USA

'Baby' cut from mom's womb

Tell Israel: Cool the jets!

Eric Cantor - Obama's 32 Czars

Will Krakatoa rock the world again? Last time, it killed thousands and changed the weather for five years, now it could be even deadlier | Mail Online

Pictured: Incredible watercolour paintings by boy aged just SIX | Mail Online

$70 zombie movie hits the big screen - CNN.com

Out on a limb: Arm-swinging riddle is answered - Yahoo! News

Pet cat catches the daily bus for four years - Telegraph

Whale Saves Drowning Diver, Pulls Her to Surface - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

Older white males hurt more by this recession - USATODAY.com

Phony Notes: Counterfeiters Target the Euro - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

When toy guns become illegal

Alabama ban of wine with nude nymph on label is marketing boon - USATODAY.com

Financial advice from the Bible a growing trend -- chicagotribune.com

Daley backs business set-asides for gay-owned firms | Clout Street - local political coverage

World Net Daily Player/Texan congressman: Lawmakers in chaos

World Net Daily Player/Race relations expert says president 'irresponsible'

Did Jesus actually reveal name of the 'antichrist'?


Obamacare called 'euthanasia bill'

Planned Parenthood accused of 'defying' court decision

Town halls gone wild - Yahoo! News

YouTube - Claire McCaskill's Office Holds Town Hall-- Tea Party Breaks Out

Obama's former doctor critical of White House health care plan - CNN.com

Shuttle Endeavour lands safely in Florida - Return to Flight- msnbc.com

Navy lifts restrictions on moms

CNS STORY: Pope confirms visit to Shroud of Turin; new evidence on shroud emerges

Temple Altar Construction Begins on Day of Destruction - A7 Exclusive Features - Israel News - Israel National News

Happy Hour At The White House - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

YouTube - Four Regular Guys Having A Beer

CNN Political Ticker: Beer choice at Obama meeting touches off new debate « - Blogs from CNN.com

Boston police officer apologizes for slur against black Harvard scholar, says he is not racist

Coming to N.Y.: Gadhafi, Ahmadinejad, Chavez

U.S.-trained forces failing basic tests

Obama 'like Romans who destroyed Jewish Temples'

"The Nicest Terrorist I Ever Met" - CBS News

Revenge of the ‘Shoe Bomber’

'Bruno' star ups security amid terrorist threat


***The eligibility propaganda blitz

Born in a manger in Honolulu

Will Hawaii destroy Obama's birth certificate?

Count the ways to get Hawaii 'birth certificate'

AFP: Right-wing fringe claims Obama ineligible for presidency

Mark Joseph: The Only Thing Weirder Than The Birthers....

Vanished: Obama exposer disappears off Net

No. 11 signs onto demand for eligibility proof

Lou Dobbs: Just produce birth certificate

Radio talkers canned for Farah interview

Why eligibility story is still alive

Fax blast asking states to investigate eligibility

Farah: 'White House wants to silence dissent'

A challenge to Bill O'Reilly

Requiem for The Obama File

World Net Daily Player/Eligibility arguments heating up

*Article Links :Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


American Minute for July 31st:William J Federer's American Minute


*Transcripts:President Obama's Townhall in Raleigh, North Carolina

Media Availability with Secretary Gates

Roundtable Discusses Blue Dog Health Deal

Interview with DNC Chairman Tim Kaine

Interview with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Interview with Gov. Bobby Jindal

Analysts Discuss Health Care Debate

President Obama at the AARP Health Care Townhall

Roundtable on Palin's Resignation

Mike Pence on Reading the Health Care Bill

Loretta Sanchez on Sotomayor and the GOP

Interview with Senator Jim DeMint

Closing Remarks for U.S.-China Strategic Dialogue

British FM Miliband on the War in Afghanistan

Obama's Remarks at the U.S./China Strategic Dialogue

Press Conference with Secretary Gates & Minister Barak

Forum with Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke

Secretary LaHood on Cash-for-Clunkers

Barney Frank on a Consumer Protection Agency

Interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Interviews with Speaker Pelosi and Leader McConnell

Guests: Robert Gibbs and Senator Jon Kyl

Senators Kent Conrad and Jim DeMint Debate Health Care

Interview with David Axelrod

Obama's Remarks on the Gates/Crowley Controversy

Shields and Brooks on the Health Care Debate

Secretary Geithner Testifies on Regulatory Reform


*Politics ;Video/Coulter & Sharpton On Obama Meeting With Gates, Crowley

Rep. Holt On Investigating Dick Cheney

Rudy On Obama's Teachable Moment: "Shut Up"

Rep. Weiner Challenges GOP On Health Care Reform

Ingraham: Media Covered Beer Summit Like It Was "Yalta Or Potsdam"

Rep. Weiner on Pressuring Conservatives

Raw: Obama, Gates, Sgt. Crowley & Biden Share A Beer At The White House

Sgt. Crowley On Beer Summit: "We Agreed To Look Forward"

Reid Blames Media For Creating Health Care Deadline

New Anti-Health Care Ad: "We're Forced To Pay For Abortions"

Pelosi: Insurance Companies Are Making "Immoral Profits"

Fmr. GOP Rep. Tom Davis: "We've Become A Rural And Southern Party"

O'Reilly On Bill Maher Calling America "Stupid"

Barney Frank Admits Public Option Would Lead To Single-Payer System

Pawlenty Knocks MSNBC's Matthews Over Obama "Man-Crush"

Dick Morris: Obama Is "Right On The Cusp" Of Dramatic Failure

Obama To Host Beer Summit Thursday Evening

Maureen Dowd: "I Love Sarah Palin"

Rep. Paul Ryan To Vanden Heuvel: "Let's Have An Honest Debate" On Health Care

World ;Video/Struggle for the Soul of a New China

In North Korea: First Fast-food Restaurant

Iraq's Ouster of MKO Raises Eyebrows

Iran's Post-Election Violence Refuses to Die Down

CSTO-NATO Conflict of Interest in Kyrgyzstan?

Camobodia's HIV 'Pariah' Village

Nigeria's Sectarian Crisis

International Jihad Reps in U.S.

Anthony Cordesman on Afghanistan

Tony Blair to Give Evidence at Iraq War Inquiry

Ervand Abrahamian on Iran Turmoil

Prisoner Abuse in Iran

End of Communist Rule in Moldova?

Peru: Prime Cocaine Supplier

Markets; Video/GDP Falls 1.0%; Sign that Recession is Slowing Down

Japan Unemployment Soars

Altucher: Another Bubble is On Its Way

The Great "Man-Cession"

Sloan: How to Fix Social Security

Gabelli's Stock Market & Economic Outlook

Housing Prices Haven't Bottomed Yet?

Ford Families Still Believe...

Blue Dogs Talk Health Care

China: The New Leader in Wind Power?

Will China Be a Wrinkle in the Summer Rally?

Honeymoon Over For Yahoo CEO

Is the Recession Spoiling Obama's Plans?

Holmes: Gold Will Hit $1300

Why Does Goldman Flourish As Others Flounder?


***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

07/30 The Mark Levin Show

07/29 The Mark Levin Show

07/28 The Mark Levin Show

07/27 The Mark Levin Show

07/24 The Mark Levin Show


**American Thinker Blog: What to Ask Your Congressperson about Obamacare (first in a series)

**American Thinker Blog: What to Ask Your Congressperson about Obamacare (Part 2)

**American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 3)

**American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 4)

**American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 5)

**American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 6)