"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

21st Century - Video
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

30 July 2009

30 July 09

**Site:Reality Zone/ Home Page**

*Site:Unfiltered News

*Site :Freedom Force International

video -The Creature from Jekyll Island - A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G Edward Griffin

*Site - Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

YouTube - The Dangers of Aspartame (Artificial Sweeteners Sugarfree Diet Coke Zero No Sugar Added E951)

Unemployment In June: The Worst-Hit Cities (MAP)

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights Annual Report

'We Shall Remain' From American Experience

Human activity is driving Earth's 'sixth great extinction event' | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Vitamin C super-pepper developed by Marks & Spencer - Telegraph

Organic food 'no better for health than factory-farmed food' says report - Times Online

New form of drug-resistant malaria discovered - Telegraph


savethemales.ca - Are Rockefellers & Sotomayor Illuminati Jews?

It's Official - WHO Says Flu Vax Should Be MANDATORY

Military Poised to Help FEMA Battle Swine Flu Outbreak - Political News - FOXNews.com

Greg Evensen -- The Death of Liberty: The Final Scene Unfolds

European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases:From insects to man: identification of virulence factors involved in the adaptation of the emerging pathogen Photorhabdus asymbiotica to human hosts

'Botox tax' could fund Obama health care reforms | Mail Online

Global warming pushes up building insurance costs | Money | The Guardian

Cars and girls: email 'codewords’ that put MI5 on terrorist alert - Telegraph

Tony Blair to be called to Iraq War Inquiry - Telegraph

US accused of 'insulting' Gary McKinnon in 'fugitive defendants' extradition description - Telegraph

California's pot plants earn Mexican drug gangs billions - Telegraph

North Korea 'seizes' South Korean boat | World news | guardian.co.uk

Exiled Uighur leader Rebiya Kadeer in a hurry to bring freedom to her people - Times Online

China denies 10,000 Uighurs have disappeared | World news | guardian.co.uk

Fiery images as killer volcano that claimed 36,000 lives stirs once more | Mail Online

Indiadaily.com - Soviet cosmonauts conceal truth about UFOs

Mysterious UFO Crashes Into the Ottawa River Monday Night

What if Barack Obama was in fact born British? - Telegraph Blogs

Mysterious bright spot found on Venus - space - 29 July 2009 - New Scientist

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Washington Post: Swine Flu Vaccine Will Contain Mercury

Security Chief Urges 'Collective Fight' Against Terrorism - washingtonpost.com

Vulnerabilities Allow Attacker to Impersonate Any Website | Threat Level | Wired.com

Holder: Homegrown Terror Threat Increasing


Alleged `jihadist' known as friendly store owner - NC Wire: Local & State - News & Observer

Madoff gives feeder fund managers' names to lawyer | U.S. | Reuters

8) Quotes From Prominent People « Deconstructing the Jewish Crime Network


Cosmos Left--A Tribune of the People

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Marc Faber the recent rally is the result of excess liquidity The worst is still to come

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Overpopulation: The Making of a Myth

Origins of the American Empire: Revolution, World Wars and World Order

World Of Technology: New technology aims to increase oil production

The Meaningless Constitution by Don Cooper

Let’s Break up the Fed - WSJ.com

Oh Bummer: Top Ten Ways To Tell Your President & His Party Aren't Fighting For Health Care For Everybody

The Raw Story » Defense analyst in AIPAC spy case was FBI ‘double agent’

Obama’s Healthcare ‘insurance’ « Democracy Sucks

Truthdig - Reports - America the Great ... Police State

American's Journey: Jesse Ventura interview Inside America

Paul Craig Roberts: How Fake is the "Recovery"?

How robot drones revolutionized the face of warfare - CNN.com

BBC NEWS | Business | US manufacturing jobs go to China

American's Journey: Osama bin Boogeyman is DEAD - What is the Mission in Afghanistan?

The Greatest Transfer from the Greatest Generation | The Real Revo

ObamaCare: It will make you sick to your stomach. | The Real Revo

It is Official: WHO Recommends Mandatory Injections to Almost Two Hundred Countries


*Site :( www.the7thfire.com ) FINAL WARNING: A HISTORY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER*

Babylon's Ancient Wonder, Lying in Ruins

Rule by fear or rule by law?


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Left-Wing Website With Direct Ties To White House Smears Alex Jones

At a Border Crossing, Security Trumps Openness

Watergate mystery of missing conversation could be solved by science - Telegraph

SITE PAGE / Spy Dust: Glossary of Spy Terms

SITE :CI Centre

Ariz. lawmakers consider selling Capitol buildings

Hyperinflation: Fed Walks the Tightrope

America's Expansive Bioweapons Industrial Complex

U.S. Military Spy Was in Washington Antiwar Groups, Ran Their Email List

We’ve only just begun.

GMO Scandal: The Long Term Effects of Genetically Modified Food on Humans

New Jersey Political Consultant Facing Bribe Charge Is Found Dead

Total Recall: Pentagon Looks to "Optimize" Troops’ Minds

Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites

Transparent aluminium is 'new state of matter'

Statistical Deceptions

Ex-Idol Contestant Says Show Is Rigged

20,000 Families to be put under 24/7 CCTV surveillance in their own homes "to change their bad behaviour"

How People are Manipulated by Fear and Propaganda

Spitzer: Federal Reserve is ‘a Ponzi scheme, an inside job’

Mickey Mouse Monopoly: Disney, Childhood & Corporate Power

The Modern Man

The Merchants of Cool (PBS Documentary on the Culture Creation Industry)

The Sad Truth To Why Most People May Not Wake Up!

Health Care Bill Will Fund State Vaccine Teams to Conduct 'Interventions' in Private Homes

Vaccine May Be More Dangerous Than Swine Flu

Legal Immunity Set For Swine Flu Vaccine Makers

Nothing in Sight to Replace the US Dollar as an International Reserve Currency

Agreement on the Withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq

Carbon Trading Giants and Big Energy Are Steering the Global Warming Debate Away from REAL Solutions

VIDEO: Obama Adminstration preparing for mass H1NI vaccination across America

Conspiracies involve lower officials

North Jersey: epicenter of 'Kosher Nostra' and Mossad activity

No peace without Hamas

The politics of trashing the single-payer healthcare plan

Video - Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

PDF/European Parliament: Human Enhancement

"Green" Global Government Agenda Becoming More Evident

Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?

Gore: U.S. Climate Bill Will Help Bring About 'Global Governance'

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

The Globalist's Information Interlock

How Wired Gadgets Encroach on Privacy

"Anthrax War" Filmmakers on Capitol Hill

Obama Administration Begins Opposition To States Claiming Sovereignty And Gun Rights

Veterans a Focus of FBI Extremist Probe

Obama Appointee Wants Soviet-styled Media

Secret DHS Doc Predicts Violence in Response to New Gun Restrictions

Better Vision, With a Telescope Inside the Eye

Dream Society Controlled by Ubiquitous RFID

Orwellian Ubiquitous Computing May Build Ultimate Surveillance Society

MIT develops camera-like fabric

House Health-Care Bill Would Establish 'Medical Homes' for the Elderly and Disabled

Obama's Approval Has Crashed Among Middle-Income Americans in Past Three Weeks, Says Gallup Poll

In the 70s, Obama's Science Adviser Endorsed Giving Trees Legal Standing to Sue in Court

White House Science Adviser Advocated 'De-Development' of the United States

Illegal Immigrants Account for $10.7 Billion of Nation’s Health Care Costs, Data Show

China Says ‘One Child’ Policy Will Be ‘Strictly Enforced For Decades’

Angry Judge Considers Fate of Young Gitmo Detainee; May Return to Afghanistan

Congress Moving to Shore Up Depleted Federal Programs: Unemployment Benefits, Highway Projects

Minnesota’s Republican Governor Acts Like He’ll Be Running for President in 2012

Conyers to Introduce Constitutional Amendment Making Health Care a ‘Right’

Obama’s Science Czar Said a Born Baby ‘Will Ultimately Develop Into a Human Being’

Thirteen Million Abortions A Year in China, Report Says

NASA Denies New Space Program Is Too Risky and Pricey

‘Jane Roe’ To Nancy Pelosi: 'Don’t Put Abortion in Health-Care Reform Bill’

When Is a Human a ‘Human Being’? Ask the White House Science Adviser

Obama, Gates, and the Problem of Black Guilt

Bully Boys: A Brief History of White House Thuggery

Exploiting Public Ignorance

Obama’s ‘Department of Death with Dignity’

Addressing Global Warming: Water

New Stodge Same as Old Stodge: Napolitano on Counter-Terror

YouTube - NRA: The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina

You're (Probably) a Federal Criminal - FOXNews.com

Napolitano Reports to CFR on Stasi Snoop Network

Obama 'hates whites': TV host accuses President after his attack on police for arresting black Harvard professor | Mail Online

Asia Times Online - The hole in our universe

Transhumanist Salvation or Judgment Day? - 10 Zen Monkeys


07-29-2009: Air Force on the Hunt for Subversive Online Behavior

07-29-2009: "Radicalization" of Americans worrying: Holder

07-29-2009: US enlists citizens in anti-terrorism strategy

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: The General and The Aliens

"GREEN PEA" PICTURES: New Galaxy Class Discovered

Why dowsing makes perfect sense - opinion - 29 July 2009 - New Scientist

Oldest Animal Fossils Found in Lakes, Not Oceans | LiveScience

The UFO Iconoclast(s): DEEP SECRETS OF A UFO THINK TANK EXPOSED! by Anthony Bragalia

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | New 'crisis satellites' launched

Obama Fails

Work, Jobs, and Worth

Cops and feelings

Black Market Judicial Philosophy

Skinned Cats and Tyrants

The President's Warped Foreign Policy

Will the Real Golpistas Please Stand Up?

2.8 Million porkulus dollars down the toilet

Will Obama's presidency be saved through failed initiatives?

Rasmussen Poll Watch: New Lows for Obama

Warmist editor faces blowback from scientists

Who at Justice put the kibosh on the Black Panther prosecution?

Rove: 'Obama's Great Health Scare'

New poll: Stop spending our money and cut the deficit

Liberals in revolt over health care compromise

New York sort of solves its homeless problem

The political alchemy of Birtherism

Palin's Commencement Address

Why public health care is philosophically wrong

Do Doctors Really Support a Public Plan Option?

A Health Care Offer We Can't Refuse

Extorting Big Oil

American Thinker Blog: What to Ask Your Congressperson about Obamacare

American Thinker Blog: What to Ask Your Congressperson about Obamacare (Part 2)

American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 3)

American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 4)

American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 5)


Practical Idealist Health Reform

Do Systems Development Fees Really Work?

H.R.-3131 is a good bill

H.R. 3131: To make participation in the American Community Survey voluntary, except with respect to certain... (GovTrack.us)

When There is Nothing Left to Fight For, Who Will Defend Us?

The Great Food Insurance Program


No political race in sight, but Hillary Clinton's camp is election-ready

Obama still cashing in on Bush's failings - Washington Times

Pregnant Massachusetts Woman Killed, Fetus Taken - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

DA: Goldman Sachs lawyer Todd Genger caught soliciting '15-year-old'


EXCLUSIVE: No. 3 at Justice OK'd Panther reversal - Washington Times

Mrs. Madoff's lost 'life of splendor' - Washington Times

Fox News "Distances" Itself From Glenn Beck's "Obama Is A Racist" Statement - But Says He's Free To Speak His Mind

Why is MSNBC Allowing Matthews to Repeat "Deathers" Rhetoric as Maddow Debunks Him on the Same Day?

New AFSCME Health Care Reform Ad Hits Home

The Goldberg-O'Reilly Birther theory: It's an evil Obama plot to make conservatives look like wingnuts

Bobby Jindal Touts Louisiana's Economic Successes While Refusing to Credit Stimulus Package

Boston Police Officer Suspended For Sending E-mail Calling Professor Gates A "Jungle Monkey"

Marco Rubio tweets like he's the anti-Amato on health care

Arnold: I'm Not A Liberal Republican Though I Play One On TV. Aid to Women, Children Slashed in Newest Budget Cuts!

State Rep. Paul Stanley has resigned after his affair and blackmail

Will the 'Tea Party' tantrums become a vehicle for right-wing thuggery?

2.7 % of the population is trying to dictate Heath care for America: President Baucus rules the world

Rachel Maddow on the GOP's Latest Conspiracy Theory: President Obama Wants to Kill Old People

The Usual Corporate Lobbyists Pretend to Be Grassroots Groups Against Health-Care Reform

Howard Dean Takes CNBC's Maria Bartiromo to Task on Health Care Reform

Blue Dog Anklebiting and Dems Inaction on Health Care Reform Is Costing Us A Lot of Money

Now Lou Dobbs wants to pretend he was just 'reporting' Birther claims

Kristol admits to Stewart that government run health care is THE BEST!

Malkin's latest screed on Obamas' 'culture of corruption' has a distinctly Clintonesque scent

Frothing Town Hall Birther Identified, Described As Too Crazy For Right Wing Radio

Bernie Sanders vs Orrin Hatch on Health Care Reform

Barack Obama Has A Deep-Seated Hatred Of White People! Glenn Beck

For some reason, Bill O'Reilly doesn't think Lou Dobbs should get the boot for spreading right-wing falsehoods

Birther-Buster Amendment Passes House Unanimously

Baucus leaves America behind: Senate Finance Committee is dropping the "public option" from their bill

Did Homeland Security Build A Dangerously Vulnerable Research Facility in Tornado Alley Because of Politics?

Fox & Friends crew frighten elderly viewers: health-care reform is 'a subtle form of euthanasia'

Lou Dobbs and the Birthers: Mainstreaming fringe ideas for ratings eventually will catch up with you

Lucky Enough to Have Health Insurance? Odds Are Good That You Don't Have Enough

Eleanor Clift Shoots Down Rich Lowry's Talking Points on Health Care Reform

No healthcare reform vote before autumn: Obama

Security Chief Urges 'Collective Fight' Against Terrorism

Michael Jackson's Mother Gets Custody of Children - ABC News

wgrz.com | Buffalo, NY | You Paid For It: Ambulance Rides, Health Care Reform

Pelosi lashes out against insurance companies | Politics | Reuters

TheHill.com - Senate Dems blame media for August health deadline

Can Obama Close the Deal on Health Care? - TIME

Dan Rather wants Obama to help save the news | Aspen Daily News Online

Convicted murderer spends years hiding in caves

My Way News - 'Beer summit' distracts Obama from health care

Apologies aren't expected at Obama 'beer summit'

Mr. President, what's the rush? - Opinion - USATODAY.com

John Bolton: It’s Crunch Time for Israel on Iran - WSJ.com

Central Park horror leaves Google engineer Blair-Goldensohn in coma

Free Jack Abramoff! by William L. Anderson

Sarah Palin at the Switch by Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD

Praetorian Presumptions by William Norman Grigg

Shades of Operation Condor by Jacob G. Hornberger

Kick the credit card habit and learn to stash cash By Claire Wolfe 107

Ten Things You're Not Supposed to Know about the Swine Flu Vaccine by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

Endowment Losses From Harvard to Yale Force Cuts

EPA Cover-up

Bernanke May Have to Sacrifice Lending Powers or Independence

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Air Force To Watch Out for “Subversive” Internet Behavior

***Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com »(w/audio links) ” Widespread Domestic Surveillance Continues Under Obama: Restore My Goddam 4th Amendment rights!!! ”***

The hunt is on for cyberwarriors -- Washington Technology

DailyTech - Apple Urges Government to Outlaw iPhone Unlocking Over Terrorist, Drug Dealing Risks

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » ABC: The All-ObamaCare Network

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Economists Have Acted Like Team Doctors for the Financial Giants

Unemployment spreads distress in U.S. home loans | U.S. | Reuters

(video)Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Alex Jones Tv: The Pimp Game!

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » “NC terrorists were supported by CIA”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » How Fake is the “Recovery”?

Health Officials Admit Fast Tracked H1N1 Vaccines Will Not Be Tested for Safety

Martial Law and the Militarization of Public Health: The Worldwide H1N1 Flu Vaccination Program

Max Keiser: Prosecute the Bankster Crime Syndicate

Illinois Army National Guard Puts Military War Machines on the Streets

Alex Jones: The Bad Man Rant

Global News Blog » Blog Archive » U.S. border agents under fire as Mexican smugglers fight back | Blogs |

Swine Flu: What I Believe at The Catherine Austin Fitts Blog

Interview with Epidemiologist Tom Jefferson: 'A Whole Industry Is Waiting For A Pandemic' - SPIEGEL ONLINE

CNSNews.com - White House Science Adviser Advocated 'De-Development' of the United States

Obama, prof, cop to sit down over brews

Crow war chief to receive President's medal

Senate Health-Care Deal Won't Happen by Recess, Lawmaker Says

2 GA Officers Accused of Running Background Checks on Obama

Judiciary Committee OKs Sotomayor for high court

Think Again: Why Does Barack Obama Hate America? (Hint: Blame ACORN)

Poll Finds Californians Turning Away From Schwarzenegger, Obama

Food Safety Bill Defeated in US House

Hearing in Holocaust museum shooting delayed

Jury Prepares for Jefferson Bribery Case

NJ gov picks LGBT advocate as running mate

House rejects most Obama weapons cuts

New Documents Released in Caylee Anthony Case

New evidence released in Case Anthony case

Braintree man arrested in neighbor's slaying

Spanish police defuse 2nd bomb on Mallorca

New Taliban rule book calls for fewer suicide attacks

Q+A-Who are the Islamic sect in northern Nigeria?

US Judge Orders Guantanamo Prisoner Jawad Freed

Communist rout puts spotlight on obscure Moldova

Brazil police rule Gatti's death suicide

Myanmar's Suu Kyi braces for worst ahead of ruling

Iraq war inquiry will call Blair: chairman

ANALYSIS-Afghan campaign gains from India-Pakistan thaw

Israeli report defends actions during Gaza war

British Casualty Rate in Afghanistan Is Highest Ever

Interim Honduran President Interested in Further Dialogue

Jakarta Governor Says City Returning to Normal After Bombings

Allingham, world's oldest man, laid to rest

Is Obama Evenhanded?

China Releases Names of Suspects in Xinjiang Riots

Russia aims to spur Afghan region economy, win aid

Jackson's mom to keep kids; Rowe gets visitation

Michael Jackson Investigation's Lone Focus Turns to Dr. Murray

ESPN reporter complains of harassment in 911 call

Michael Moore pic to compete at Venice

Joan Rivers disses Jay Leno, calls his show a sleep aid.

Mel Gibson's Alleged Scuffle With Photographer, Police Report Filed

Joe Jackson: "Omer Bhatti is Michael's Secret Son"

Michael Jackson Had A Fourth Child, Omer Bhatti, Dad Joe Claims

Sarah Palin is not the next Rush Limbaugh. But is William Shatner?

Shuttle Re-entry Thruster Fails

Google Engineer in Coma After Being Hit by Tree Branch

Make E-book Readers Accessible to All

Twitter Lawsuit, What Should Business Learn?

Podcasting patented! VoloMedia claims major tech patent

Company Awarded Podcast Patent

Russia starts new pipeline, Exxon under pressure

Microsoft CEO surprised at Yahoo deal reception

Clunker-nomics 101

Fannie, Freddie Won't Repay All Aid, Lockhart Says

Treasuries Rise as Higher Yields Bolster Note Auction Demand

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jul 28, 2009 - Analysis: Tough decision time for Obama on health

RealClearPolitics - The 10 Dumbest Arguments Against Reform

RealClearPolitics - Benefits of Reform a Tough Sell for Americans

RealClearMarkets - Are Republicans the Economic Pessimists?

National Journal Online -- The Ninth Justice -- Sotomayor Sparks Debate Among Conservatives Over Originalism

New Poll Finds Growing Unease on Health Plan - NYTimes.com

Support Slips for Health Plan - WSJ.com

Can Obama Close the Deal on Health Care? - TIME

RealClearPolitics - Our Angry Aristocracy

RealClearPolitics - Obama Has Aura but Doesn't Know How To Legislate

Polis: Obama plan will help individuals, economy - The Denver Post

Karl Rove: Obama’s Great Health-Care Scare - WSJ.com

Obama Tells BW He's Not Antibusiness - BusinessWeek

Selective multiculturalism


Why China Eclipsed Russia - The Daily Beast

The Decider

Your Tired, Your Poor, Guests Of Saddam - Forbes.com

Friends and Foes by Clifford D. May on National Review Online

RealClearWorld - Waiting for Obama

No toppling dominoes in South Asia, thank you - The Globe and Mail

Asia Chronicle - In North Korea, Bibles are Bombs

The Daily Star - Editorial - US government�s shady dealings play into hands of violent extremists

President Obama's Agenda Needs Greater Focus on Global Development - Brookings Institution

Op-ed: Talk About China's Banks, Too

Asia Times Online - Unraveling a patchwork of improvised disaster

Eric Cantor - Obama's 32 Czars

Political stunt no solution to racial profiling :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Mary Mitchell

Give Americans a 'public option' | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register

Don't rush health-care reform - OrlandoSentinel.com

Hutchison plans to resign this fall to take on Perry full time | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Washington News

Chris Dodd, Kent Conrad cry foul - John Bresnahan and Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Tough on Israel - washingtonpost.com

The Chinese Come Calling

The Rule of Law and the Wealth ofNations

Can the Fed Identify Bubbles Before They Happen?

Goldman Sachs Hatred Might Cost You Your Bonus: Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg.com

RealClearMarkets - The Healthcare Bankruptcy Myth

Yahoo's Misguided Deal With Microsoft - Forbes.com

With Microsoft search deal Yahoo risks becoming AOL | Between the Lines | ZDNet.com

Drawing Scrutiny, Microsoft and Yahoo Strike a Partnership - washingtonpost.com

The Road Ahead For The Global Economy - Forbes.com

Will Everyone Please Shut Up About Goldman Sachs? | The Big Money

Obama: What Business Thinks - BusinessWeek

Basic Facts: They're Important - The Plank

The Simple Math of “Staggering” Chinese Growth | Vitaliy Katsenelson Contrarian Edge

Healthcare: That's Gonna Leave a Mark - DELTA Global Advisors

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Brace for a decade of lower Chinese growth

Healthcare: Do we need the Lexus? - The Boston Globe

World Net Daily Player/Brit plan to reach 'moderate' Taliban in trouble

World Net Daily Player/Congressman: Health plan should 'actually save money'

Coming to N.Y.: Gadhafi, Ahmadinejad, Chavez

City rejects 'In God We Trust' logo

Poll: Obama loses ground on health care - White House- msnbc.com

Obama loses immigration allies - Washington Times

IRS investigation of church 'closed'

Pelosi-district sex party XXX-rated

Human Rights Campaign President and Prop. 8 Architect Become Friends - God & Country (usnews.com)

RealClearPolitics - Video - Soldier Wants Sen. McCaskill To Apologize For Obamacare At Townhall

House Dems break health impasse - Washington Times


YouTube - Poll: Obama Mishandled Comments on Race

YouTube - Worcester baby cut from mom's womb found alive

YouTube - Mom in NY Crash Reportedly Had Problems Seeing

YouTube - AustinHealth: Food safety vote fails

YouTube - Spain: Car bomb rips through Civil Guard barracks in Burgos

YouTube - Fighting continues to rage in northern Nigeria - 30 Jul 09

YouTube - End of communist rule in Moldova?

YouTube - Tony Blair will give evidence at the Iraq war inquiry

YouTube - Riz Khan - Honduras: the way forward - 28 July 09 - Part 1

YouTube - Indonesian Hotels Reopen After Bombings

YouTube - Britain's farewell to Henry Allingham

YouTube - Rebiya Kadeer, president of the World Uyghur Congress

YouTube - How risky is texting while driving?

YouTube - Katherine Gets Full Custody

YouTube - Erin Andrews Complains of Paparazzi in 911 Call

YouTube - Exxon Mobil Reports 2Q Results - Bloomberg

YouTube - Honeymoon Over For Carol Bartz - Bloomberg


Congressman: Smart Grid Can be Wiped Out by Electromagnetic Weapons | Green Business | Reuters

Short-Range Missiles Biggest Threat, General - Bloomberg.com

15 shot in overnight incidents - 7/29/09 - Chicago News - abc7chicago.com

School Library Assistant Accused of Sex Act with Teen - Las Vegas Now |

Orange County - OC Judge Goes Easy On Female Trainer Who Had Sex With Student - Navel Gazing - OC Weekly

*The big list: Female teachers with students

How To Hijack 'Every iPhone In The World' - Forbes.com


How about a conversation on race hoaxes?

World Net Daily Player/Brit plan to reach 'moderate' Taliban in trouble

World Net Daily Player/Congressman: Health plan should 'actually save money'

Coming to N.Y.: Gadhafi, Ahmadinejad, Chavez

City rejects 'In God We Trust' logo

Poll: Obama loses ground on health care - White House- msnbc.com

Obama loses immigration allies - Washington Times

IRS investigation of church 'closed'

Pelosi-district sex party XXX-rated

Human Rights Campaign President and Prop. 8 Architect Become Friends - God & Country (usnews.com)

RealClearPolitics - Video - Soldier Wants Sen. McCaskill To Apologize For Obamacare At Townhall

House Dems break health impasse - Washington Times

Millions of illegals covered under Obama healthcare (OneNewsNow.com)

Hawaii residents now taxed on Vegas winnings even if they lose | HonoluluAdvertiser.com | The Honolulu Advertiser

Tax eyed on insurers' "gold-plated" plans - Washington Times

CNSNews.com - Conyers Sees No Point in Members Reading 1,000-Page Health Care Bill--Unless They Have 2 Lawyers to Interpret It for Them


Beer, Obubba and the dictator's dream

Sotomayor masters Clinton word games

Kids need a pop, not a pop tax

Tough love for fat people: Tax their food to pay for healthcare | Booster Shots | Los Angeles Times

Palin's poll numbers falling!

Let’s Break up the Fed - WSJ.com

You'll lose 5 key freedoms under Obama's health care plan - Jul. 24, 2009

Michael Jackson's hair to be turned into diamonds - Telegraph

Know what this says?

Bid To Give Jackson The Nobel Peace Prize

Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love oceans - RT

Chocolate heaven – low fat and it doesn’t melt - Times Online

Chimpanzee's 'autobiography' is nominated for the Booker Man Prize - Times Online

Beatles, as 'most famous' album cover inspires dozens of imitations


*World Net Daily Player/Eligibility arguments heating up

Farah: 'White House wants to silence dissent'

Vanished: Obama exposer disappears off Net

Count the ways to get Hawaii 'birth certificate'

No. 11 signs onto demand for eligibility proof

AFP: Right-wing fringe claims Obama ineligible for presidency

Cops suspended for Obama check | ajc.com

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Of course Obama’s a natural-born citizen, says … Jim DeMint?

A challenge to Bill O'Reilly

Libtalker Lynn Samuels Not Backing Down Over 'Birther' Story 'BERTHA THE BIRTHER'

Obama's to Blame for the Birther Movement - FOXNews.com

The Bernie-Obama affair

*Jackie Mason:Gates affair proves Obama 'blatant racist'

CQ Politics | Senate Affirms Obama’s U.S. Citizenship

Lou Dobbs: Just produce birth certificate

*ARTICLE LINKS :Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


American Minute for July 30th:William J Federer's American Minute


World;Video/Nigeria's Sectarian Crisis

International Jihad Reps in U.S.

Anthony Cordesman on Afghanistan

Tony Blair to Give Evidence at Iraq War Inquiry

Ervand Abrahamian on Iran Turmoil

Prisoner Abuse in Iran

End of Communist Rule in Moldova?

Peru: Prime Cocaine Supplier

Obama on U.S-China Dialogue

A Look at What's Next in Honduras

Clinton and Geithner on U.S.-China Relations

U.S. Pullback Plan Working in Iraq

Spanish Police Barracks Hit by Car Bomb

Should U.S. Extend or Withdraw Hand to Iran?

Rare Footage of China's Army in Training

Indonesian Hotels Reopen After Bombings

Karen Kwiatkowski on Obama Foreign Policy

UK Hostages in Iraq Feared Dead

Taliban's New "Code of Conduct" Book

Child Soldiers in Swat in Pakistan

Moldova Elects Parliament Again

Markets; Video/Is the Recession Spoiling Obama's Plans?

Ford Families Still Believe...

Blue Dogs Talk Health Care

China: The New Leader in Wind Power?

Will China Be a Wrinkle in the Summer Rally?

Honeymoon Over For Yahoo CEO

Holmes: Gold Will Hit $1300

Why Does Goldman Flourish As Others Flounder?

El-Erian: Rally Won't Last; Stocks Are on a "Sugar High"

The U.S. Consumer & China

Analysis: Microsoft-Yahoo! Deal

China Shares Plummet 5%

Oil ETF Not a Pure Play

Durable Goods Orders Drop 2.5%, Most in Five Months

CFTC's Gensler on Energy Market Speculation

Real Clear Politics Video

Politics; Video/Obama To Host Beer Summit Thursday Evening

Fmr. GOP Rep. Tom Davis: "We've Become A Rural And Southern Party"

Pawlenty Knocks MSNBC's Matthews Over Obama "Man-Crush"

Barney Frank Admits Public Option Would Lead To Single-Payer System

Rep. Paul Ryan To Vanden Heuvel: "Let's Have An Honest Debate" On Health Care

Maureen Dowd: "I Love Sarah Palin"

New Anti-Health Care Ad: "We're Forced To Pay For Abortions

Dick Morris: Obama Is "Right On The Cusp" Of Dramatic Failure

Sen. Brown On The Latest Negotiations And Compromises

Gov. Schwarzenegger on California's Budget Cuts

Sen. Vitter Slams Fellow GOP Sen. Voinovich for "Southerner" Remark

Kaine on GOP Saying Health Care Will Kill Seniors

Conrad On Health Care: "Cooperative Plan" Only Way To Get 60 Votes

O'Reilly: Is America An Unfair Country?

Napolitano Urges "Collective Fight" Against Terrorism

Gov. Bobby Jindal On Health Care

AG Holder: Gates Was More "Vociferous" Than He Needed To Be

Boxer Talks Up "Public Interest Option"

911 Caller In Gates Incident Says She Was Unfairly Called A "Racist"

Malkin: Obama Is A "Racial Opportunist"

Mark Levin: David Frum Is A "Fraud"

Sen. Landrieu: Health Care Message "Mixed And Muffled"

Obamas To Vacation At $50,000/Week Martha's Vineyard Resort

DNC Ad: GOP "Broke" Economy And Refuses To Fix It


*Transcripts;President Obama's Townhall in Raleigh, North Carolina

President Obama at the AARP Health Care Townhall

Roundtable on Palin's Resignation

Mike Pence on Reading the Health Care Bill

Loretta Sanchez on Sotomayor and the GOP

Interview with Senator Jim DeMint

Closing Remarks for U.S.-China Strategic Dialogue

British FM Miliband on the War in Afghanistan

Obama's Remarks at the U.S./China Strategic Dialogue

Talk Radio

***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

07/29 The Mark Levin Show

07/28 The Mark Levin Show

07/27 The Mark Levin Show

07/24 The Mark Levin Show

07/23 The Mark Levin Show

07/22 The Mark Levin Show

07/21 The Mark Levin Show

07/20 The Mark Levin Show

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 29th With Ron Paul

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 28th With Jeff Sharlet

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 27th With Rev. James David Manning

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 23rd With Rand Paul