"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

29 July 2009

29 JULY '09

July 29, 09

07-29-2009: Military Planning For Possible H1N1 Outbreak

07-28-2009: Data Detailing New York Stock Exchange Network Exposed on Unsecured Server

07-28-2009: Cambodian government accused of creating 'Aids colony'

07-28-2009: Subway's Spy Cameras To See All

07-28-2009: More Federal Police State Stimulus

07-28-2009: Tough love for fat people: Tax their food to pay for healthcare

07-28-2009: Ohio woman shoots self at gun range, dies

07-28-2009: CDC Panel to Recommend Who Should Get Swine Flu Shot

07-28-2009: Hawaii: Obama Birth Certificate Is Real

07-27-2009: Bernanke On Publicity Campaign To Improve Image Of Federal Reserve

07-27-2009: Video: Robert Gibbs Fields UFO Question On C-Span

07-27-2009: Russian Navy Declassifies Cold War Close Encounters

07-27-2009: Big Brother Is Watching Your Blackberry

Transparent aluminium is 'new state of matter'

Citizens of the United States Welcome to Animal Farm 2009

20,000 Families to be put under 24/7 CCTV surveillance in their own homes "to change their bad behaviour"

How People are Manipulated by Fear and Propaganda

When Killers Come Home

The Truth about Socialized Medicine

Spitzer: Federal Reserve is ‘a Ponzi scheme, an inside job’

Mickey Mouse Monopoly: Disney, Childhood & Corporate Power

The Modern Man

The Merchants of Cool (PBS Documentary on the Culture Creation Industry)

The Sad Truth To Why Most People May Not Wake Up!

Health Care Bill Will Fund State Vaccine Teams to Conduct 'Interventions' in Private Homes

Vaccine May Be More Dangerous Than Swine Flu

Legal Immunity Set For Swine Flu Vaccine Makers

War hero Patton 'murdered by the CIA'


CFR-Associate: Plan for World Government Stalled

DARPA spying squirrels, dolphins helped inspire ‘G-Force’ guinea pig super hero movie

The politics of trashing the single-payer healthcare plan

Lou Dobbs undermines CNN's credibility

Propagating fairy tales for power and profit

Bribery and fraud at heart of defense contracting work in Iraq and Afghanistan

Which is worse, germs in our food or the antibiotics that kill them?

Obama’s health care struggle -- Waterloo or water down?

The real tragedy: Who killed Arafat and why?

Healthcare double-talk from Obama

***Liberty News Radio; Show Archives***

Anti-Barack Obama 'birther movement' gathers steam | World news | guardian.co.uk

I Warned You About This: Farrakhan–Yes, the “Zionists” Killed Michael Jackson

Don’t Believe the Hype: Shatner Palin Video Not Funny

The Fat-chelor: As America Gets Fatter, Weird Fat Chicks Shows Invade TV

Doomed for Divorce: Dumb Wedding Ceremony Soul Train

Rickey Henderson’s Ebonics Baseball Hall of Fame Speech

Castro Bro Gets it Half Right, Utters Wrong C-Word

'Botox tax' could fund Obama health care reforms | Mail Online

Fox TV News commentator slams Obama as 'racist' | Mail Online

How Obama betrayed Honduras | Hugh O'Shaughnessy | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

New York gives homeless people a one-way ticket to leave city | World news | guardian.co.uk

Pregnant woman murdered and her eight-month-old foetus cut from her womb

US sets up task force to stem flow of foreign funds to Taliban

Mexico on the brink | Ben Whitford | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Not under our backyard, say Germans, in blow to CO2 plans | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Human activity is driving Earth's 'sixth great extinction event' | Environment | guardian.co.uk

The defeat siren is sounding for Blair's vainglorious jihad in Afghanistan | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian

'UFO' spotted over stately home in Hertfordshire - Telegraph

Vitamin C super-pepper developed by Marks & Spencer - Telegraph

Britain's rendition cover-up | Clive Stafford Smith | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Request for more troops in Afghanistan likely, source says - CNN.com

BBC NEWS | UK | Hacker's 'moral crusade' over UFO

Ezekiel Emanuel's Plan To Kill The Useless Eaters

The UFO Iconoclast(s): DEEP SECRETS OF A UFO THINK TANK EXPOSED! by Anthony Bragalia

Strange Aerial Objects Near Puerto Varas, Peru

Sherman Skolnick's Report

*Oldies;Site - Sherman Skolnick's Report

FDA Issues Final Regulation on Dental Amalgam

The Anti-Defamation League's extreme double standard in regards to 'hate crimes'

FEMA Coffins & BirdFlu666.wordpress.com « Alligator Farm

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: How to Get a Job in the Obama Administration, If You Are Jewish

10 Things You're Not To Know About H1N1 Vax

Amelia Earhart: DNA Evidence May Link Nikumaroro Island to Search - ABC News

Barack Obama: US and China will shape 21st century - Telegraph

Audio: Michael Jackson 'was killed by personal physician Dr Conrad Murray' - Times Online

Conservationists hunt elusive US earthworm - Telegraph

The Sexual Revolution Begets Child Strippers

savethemales.ca - Family Law: Men Are Kicked in the Teeth

The Ugly Face Of Feminism

YouTube - History Channel Documentary Validates Chemtrails and Weather Warfare Airs July25 4pm

YouTube - Buzz Aldrin Reveals Existence of Monolith on Mars Moon

Lucifer's Playground

Skipping scuppered! The death of playground games, conkers and tree-climbing in our cotton-wool society | Mail Online

***Wayne Allyn Root's Libertarian Presidential Candidate Website: Root for America!***

Archive;I am a S.O.B. (Son of a Butcher) - Interview with Wayne Root - TheOnlineWire.com

NSA Security running amok to plug leaks about 9/11

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Insiders Get Caught Being Insiders

New Policy Allows Chicago Police Officers To Shoot At Fleeing Vehicles - cbs2chicago.com

Washington's Blog:Poll: Do You Think the Government Will Crack Down on Fraud and Manipulation By Financial Giants?

Games That Design Themselves | h+ Magazine

Amy Goodman: Obama's Military Is Spying on U.S. Peace Groups

Neo-Nazi leader 'was MI6 agent' | World news | The Guardian

Antifascist Calling...: Biowarfare Research: Lifting the Lid on America's "28 Days Later"

Report: Stormy Daniels's Adviser Has Car Bombed | LiveWire

CIA Code Expert Found Dead on Palm Springs Trail | NBC Los Angeles

Atheo News: Stanford Complains: Prison Too Prison-Like

Paul Stanley Quits Tennessee Senate, Asks Forgiveness, Bashes Bloggers

Obama's Doctor: President's Vision For Health Care Bound To Fail

GMO Scandal: The Long Term Effects of Genetically Modified Food on Humans

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Jim Rogers on The Disciplined Investor 26 July 2009

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Betsy McCaughey - Don’t Let OBAMA & WASHINGTON BUREACRATS Tell Your Doctor What To Do

Martial Law and the War on Terrorism by James Bovard

Distrust of government blunting Obama's pursuit of new programs - Politics AP - MiamiHerald.com

Decentralization for Socialists: A Brief Primer by Brion McClanahan

Visa requirement for Mexicans and the Destruction of Mexican Agriculture

Socialized Healthcare vs. the Laws of Economics by Thomas DiLorenzo

Overuse of Vaccines, Anti-Flu Drugs May Result in Human Calamity by Bill Sardi

Prof. Gates' Unconstitutional Arrest - Forbes.com

American's Journey: Is it True?? Blackwater/Xe Mercenaries (Hired Killers) Train Charlottesville, Virginia Police

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: The Truth About Healthcare in Canada

Hal Turner Admits He Worked for the FBI - 12.160Mhz

The Raw Story » White supremacist radio host Hal Turner was an FBI informant, as hackers claimed a year ago

Washington's Blog:Constitutional Expert: Government Was "Trying to Create an Atmosphere of Fear in Which the American People Would Give Them More Power”

Tom DeWeese -- Government Gone Mad in a Total Surveillance Society

Red Dirt Report | RDR: PETA - Where cash and ideology comes well before animal welfare

'FBI sting was a case of anti-Semitism'

VT Shooting Victims' Families Want Investigation Reopened

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Rev. James David Manning on Alex Jones Tv:Obama Going for Broke!!

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Rockefeller Operative Named to New York Fed

Newsalert: Goldman's Commercial Real Estate Gambit

Refreshing News: World's tallest tower to open for public on Dec 2

YouTube - Family Fears For Amputee Airman's Future

YouTube - 60 minutes - SWINE FLU VACCINE WARNING - Part I

YouTube - 9/11 Truth Happens

YouTube - Importance of the Hawaii Film Office

Scary music is spookier with eyes shut - life - 28 July 2009 - New Scientist

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Mexico: The Xochitepec Fireball - UFO or Meteorite?

Imaginary Friends: Scientific American

Killer chipmunk invades kitchen | The Sun |News

The Alchemy of Democrat Cover-ups

Colin Powell, Republican Strategist?

Dem congresswoman's idea of community responsibiltiy

Obama Book Deal on Hold?

Blue on Blue: Rep. Waters warns Blue Dogs about 2010

Where are all of Obama's Jewish boosters now?

Obama's idea of a 'Bully Pulpit'

Axelrod, Axelrod, and the Colorado Model

Must be something in the water - not!

The political alchemy of Birtherism

Palin's Commencement Address

Why public health care is philosophically wrong

Do Doctors Really Support a Public Plan Option?

A Health Care Offer We Can't Refuse

Extorting Big Oil

Did the CIA 'Cook the Books' on Iran?

An Unraveling Presidency

Ayn Rand: 'Goddess of the Market'

In the Name of Global Warming

American Thinker Blog: What to Ask Your Congressperson about Obamacare

American Thinker Blog: What to Ask Your Congressperson about Obamacare (Part 2)

American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 3)

American Thinker Blog: What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 4)

Left-Wing Website With Direct Ties To White House Smears Alex Jones

Bernanke Stutters, Stammers And Shakes His Way Through Questions On Audit The Fed Bill

Military To Work With FEMA During Swine Flu Pandemic

The Insanity of “Universal” Medical Care

Martial Law and the War on Terrorism

‘Israel too weak to start war against Iran’

American troops return from Iraq with ‘criminal behavior’

Turley: Cheney ran ‘full court press’ against the Constitution

Lou Dobbs Slams ‘Tea-Bagging Queen’ Maddow Over Birth Certificate Criticism

Video - Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

pdf;European Parliament: Human Enhancement

"Green" Global Government Agenda Becoming More Evident

Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

How Wired Gadgets Encroach on Privacy

Big Brother state wants even more spy powers

Obama Administration Begins Opposition To States Claiming Sovereignty And Gun Rights

Veterans a Focus of FBI Extremist Probe

Obama Appointee Wants Soviet-styled Media

Secret DHS Doc Predicts Violence in Response to New Gun Restrictions

Better Vision, With a Telescope Inside the Eye

Dream Society Controlled by Ubiquitous RFID

Orwellian Ubiquitous Computing May Build Ultimate Surveillance Society

MIT develops camera-like fabric

Max Keiser: Prosecute the Bankster Crime Syndicate

GMO Scandal: The Long Term Effects of Genetically Modified Food on Humans

Carbon Trading Giants and Big Energy Are Steering the Global Warming Debate Away from REAL Solutions

Obama’s Soylent Green Health Care

Desperate state may sell Capitol buildings, others

Democrats Say House May Miss Deadline on Health Care - Bloomberg.com

House Democrats reach deal on healthcare bill | Reuters

POTUS mocks news mag cover

More Than A Dozen Shot In Chicago Overnight; 7 Of Them In One West Side Incident - cbs2chicago.com

The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room » Waters blames Rahm for recalcitrant Dems on healthcare

Microsoft, Yahoo team up to ding Google with Bing - Yahoo! Finance

Microsoft and Yahoo strike Web search partnership | Reuters

John Bolton: It’s Crunch Time for Israel on Iran - WSJ.com

Newsweek's Embedded Obama Campaign Reporter Joins Obama Administration | NewsBusters.org

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Manchester | Shopaholic died under purchases

Harvard Professor Gates Is Half-Irish, Related to Cop Who Arrested Him - ABC News

Political consultant Jack Shaw found dead in Jersey City - NJ.com

Uptown Resident Sued By Apartment Management Company For 'Defamatory' Twitter Post - cbs2chicago.com

Detroit man who says stress led him to rob banks sentenced | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Woman charged after raucous party | ajc.com

Pope: 'Guardian angel' did not stop accident

Reports of Prison Abuse and Deaths Anger Iranians - NYTimes.com

Robot attacked Swedish factory worker - The Local

Blue Dogs say they've reached a compromise on health care - CNN.com

Sunbeds elevated to top cancer risk level: WHO

Germans Hoarding Traditional Light Bulbs

U.S. states to get significant obesity money | U.S. | Reuters

GOP headache: The birther issue - Lisa Lerer and Daniel Libit - POLITICO.com

No political race in sight, but Hillary Clinton's camp is election-ready

Washington Times - Obama still cashing in on Bush's failings

Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites

Marijuana Has Anti-Cancer Properties

America's Expansive Bioweapons Industrial Complex

Origins of the American Empire: Revolution, World Wars and World Order

Carbon Trading Giants and Big Energy Are Steering the Global Warming Debate Away from REAL Solutions

World trade: After the fall | The Economist

Millennium Ark: There is a Hunger Coming Like a Run-Away Freight Train: Created by Congress

Suppressed report shows cancer link to GM potatoes - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Bioterrorism and disaster preparedness explored in special issue of Medical Decision Making

Steve Quayle News Alerts:A Shot in the Arm or a Shot to the Head Either Way the Illuminati Want You Dead – Dress Rehearsal? NLE 2009.

Reality Check: Does History Really Repeat?

When There is Nothing Left to Fight For, Who Will Defend Us?

The Great Food Insurance Program

The Citizen Legislature Act

Ignoring the Root Causes of Obesity and Other Major Health Problems

Israel’s Obama Problem

Media Viciousness and Obfuscating the Meaning of “Natural Born Citizen”

Americans No Longer See Terrorism as Threat

“Birther” Issue EXPLODES!

Riding out the Recession and whatever else is thrown your way

ObamaCare’s Prescription for Death

Politics of Climate Science: Selective Research, Ignored Facts.

Liberal: Make the Fat People Pay for Everyone’s Healthcare

Obama’s Most Urgent Need: A “Contain Joe Biden” Czar

Reform’s Last Gasp

Government vs. American Capitalism

Obama’s Health Plan Will End Medicare for Seniors

Obama, the remaking of America, the reverie for a police state

A Constitution in Full Crisis II

The End Of White Guilt?

Lost in translation

Greens: No escape from Clean Air Act on CO2

Biden Promotes Free-Market Energy Principles Abroad

Leftwing Pseudo-science Threatens Freedom

Why Did MSNBC Edit Hillary’s CFR Speech?

Pope’s New Encyclical Speaks Against, not for One-World Government and New World Order

Get ready for the coming cuts to government services

Gold and silver Yes, “Amero” No!

America Needs Tougher Death Penalty Laws, Not More Gun Control

The Father Factor: How Dad’s Age Increases Baby’s Risk of Mental Illness

Seven Things To Know About Prostate Cancer


The Associated Press: Wife says terror suspect part of 'ordinary family'

Seven North Carolina Men Charged with Plotting 'Violent Jihad' - ABC News

Robert J. Samuelson - Obama Reform Sidesteps Health Costs

President Obama refunds cash to Kenyan aunt, convicted murderer, lobbyists - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

Editorial Observer - Walking the Land Where the Drilling Rigs Will Go - NYTimes.com



**Coverage of Britain's ban of Michael Savage**

US shock jock Savage targeted 'to balance least wanted list' | Mail Online

Inside the Beltway - Only Queen Elizabeth II can fix this. - Washington Times

Family Security Matters » Publications » Exclusive: Michael Savage Banned From Great Britain: The Crime? Speaking His Mind

*Michael Savage’s Favorite New Yorker Profiles: News Desk : The New Yorker


Breakthrough on House health bill

Backlash: Dem dangers mount

New CBO score boosts Senate bill

Durbin to W.H.: Step up during recess

House GOP plans Aug. health care blitz

Boehner dismisses birthers

Ad blitz targets lawmakers on climate

DNC targets GOP leaders on stimulus

Committee vote a timely win for Dems

Man convicted of threatening Obama

Chuck Todd unloads

Obama targets consumers in new pitch

$12B more on the way out the door?

Farm lobby divided over climate bill

Obama's time keeper

Federal role could reshape insurance

Obama’s Science Czar Said a Born Baby ‘Will Ultimately Develop Into a Human Being’

White House Science Adviser Advocated 'De-Development' of the United States

Pelosi Dodges Question of Whether Government Health-Care Plan Will Fund Abortion

‘Jane Roe’ To Nancy Pelosi: 'Don’t Put Abortion in Heath-Care Reform Bill’

Conyers to Introduce Constitutional Amendment Making Health Care a ‘Right’

As Casualties Mount and Public Support Wanes, Britain Eyes ‘Moderate’ Taliban

Geithner: U.S. Will Address Deficits After Economy Recovers

Obama Takes Health Care Pitch Back to an Increasingly Skeptical Public

Conyers: Obama Suffers from ‘Rahm Emanuel Factor’--On Health Care, White House is Willing to ‘Make a Deal About Anything'

Traffic to Obama's White House Web Site Has Plummeted

Some U.S. Troops May Be Leaving Iraq Early, Defense Secretary Says

Fighting Obesity Is ‘At the Heart’ of Obama’s Plan to Provide Better and Lower-Cost Health Care

Lawmakers to Propose Ban on Driving While Texting

Pregnant Women Likely to Be Among First to Get Swine Flu Shots

Kurd-Arab Friction Top Problem in Iraq, U.S. Defense Secretary Says

Car Bomb Explodes in Spain, Dozens Injured

Suspect in Abortionist’s Death Pleads Not Guilty

When Is a Human a ‘Human Being’? Ask the White House Science Adviser

Obama, Gates, and the Problem of Black Guilt

Bully Boys: A Brief History of White House Thuggery

All-Access Obama

Rural Alaska blog: The Village : Dillingham news director resigns after blog backlash | adn.com

Sexting: Both sender and receiver can face charges

Prosecutor: Dad Threw Girl Off Cliff to Avoid Child Support - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Is Illinois the most corrupt state? :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

The Associated Press: UN allows gay, lesbian group to join debates

Amelia Earhart: DNA Evidence May Link Nikumaroro Island to Search - ABC News

Red wine increases women's sexual desire - Telegraph

Divorce Takes Long-Lasting Toll on Health

BBC NEWS | UK | England | London | Police must record toilet breaks

Bid To Give Jackson The Nobel Peace Prize

Michael Jackson's hair to be turned into diamonds - Telegraph

Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love oceans - RT

First Madoff Interview: Can't Believe I Got Away with It

Diller Calls Free Web Content a ‘Myth, Joins Refrain - Bloomberg.com

Invasion of the robots: They're here to stay

World Net Daily Player:Brit plan to reach 'moderate' Taliban in trouble

World Net Daily Player:Congressman says health plan should 'actually save money'

WWJD motto survives lawsuit

Carter & Co. Kick House Censors - HUMAN EVENTS

Fox host: Obama is 'a racist' - More politics- msnbc.com

Axelrod's Son Hired by Huffington Post - washingtonpost.com

Britain and US prepared to open talks with the Taliban | World news | The Guardian

Obama lifts ban on Syrian air industry

Obama slammed as 'racist' at Jerusalem rally

Cohen: Middle East fearful of Iran - Washington Times

U.S. Terror Arrests Pose a Growing Concern for Law Enforcement Officials - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Napolitano to Outline New Anti-Terror Plans - Political News - FOXNews.com

Power Shifts in Plan for Capital Calamity - NYTimes.com

Shock video: Professor Gates goes on N-word rant

Powell: Harvard Scholar Should Have 'Reflected' - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Committee OKs Sotomayor for high court - White House- msnbc.com

Pregnant Massachusetts Woman Killed, Fetus Taken - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

House Democrats struggle on health care - Capitol Hill- msnbc.com

Conrad, Dodd tied to VIP loans - Washington Times

Henry Gates vs. Michael Savage

*City Brights: Rich "Big Vinny" Lieberman : Conservative radio hypocrites ignore Michael Savage UK-ban story

Exploiting public ignorance

Founding Fathers' thoughts on 'hate crimes'

Mark Tapscott: Biden's 'Jesus Christ' expletive is hate speech. Opinion Articles - Editorials on Top News Stories | Washington Examiner

Reading fine print in health care bill

Health care plan on life support

Obama, Gates and black guilt

Racism or appalling behavior?

A post-racial president?

Back to Earth …

Stumbling governors signal trouble for Dems | Washington Examiner


American Minute for July 29th:William J Federer's American Minute


**Watch how easy it is to fake Hawaii COLB

New doubts revealed in Obama's nativity story

Unveiled! Hawaii's 1961 long-form birth certificates

Left rises to squash CNN's Lou Dobbs

Lou Dobbs: Just produce birth certificate

The latest on 'Certification of Live Birth'

$100,000 offered for proof of eligibility

Congressional support for proof of eligibility grows

The 'non-issue' everyone is talking about

Hawaii's statement on Obama birth record breaks law?

YouTube - Bill O'Reilly Slams "Birther" Story Defends Lou Dobbs's Free-Speech Rights

Tulsa World: Inhofe weighs in on Obama birth site

Tell Obama the meaning of the term 'birth certificate'

CNN wrong once again – birth record not destroyed

Hawaii health official: Trust me

Soldier's case against Obama to be class-action?

Why eligibility story is still alive

Hawaiian newspapers don't prove birthplace

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

Elmer Smith: Why does GOP let birthplace lunacy fester? | Philadelphia Daily News | 07/28/2009

Did radical Muslims help send Obama to Harvard?

**ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?**

more news….

RealClearPolitics - Stop Calling It a 'Teachable Moment'

Op-Ed: Health reform will empower families against market constraints - Yahoo! News

RealClearPolitics - 10 Questions for Supporters of 'ObamaCare'

McGurn: NJ November Election Will Test Voters’ Tolerance of Corruption - WSJ.com

The Spectator:The mask slips

Obama's stimulus killers: Health care and cap-and-trade - Jul. 28, 2009

Ezra Klein - Health Insurance Exchanges: An Overlooked Key to Reform's Success - washingtonpost.com

Why I Oppose National Health Care - The Atlantic Business Channel

The public option is not dead. Yet | Salon News

RealClearPolitics - Dems Want Gov't to Control Health Decisions

RealClearPolitics - Obama Threatens to Break the Democratic Coalition

Op-Ed Contributor - Hurrying Into the Next Panic? - NYTimes.com

Once More, With Feeling!

EDITORIAL: Read the bill, congressmen - Washington Times

Lindsey Graham keeps his word - Los Angeles Times

EDITORIAL: They come to believe they're entitled - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

House Members Bone Up on Health-Care Reform Bill - washingtonpost.com

Doctors Oppose Giving Commission Power Over Medicare Payments - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - US News - Jul 29, 2009 - Closing arguments set for ex-congressman's trial

Basic Facts: They're Important - The Plank

Let’s Break up the Fed - WSJ.com

AN EMPTY BOOM - New York Post

The Case Against the Case Against Google

Curb oil speculation? Why that's folly - Jul. 28, 2009

The Soaring Twenties - Forbes.com

Steven Pearlstein - Health Reform Threatened by Conservatives' Anti-Tax Fantasy - washingtonpost.com

It's 3 a.m. Do You Know Where Your Climate Bill Is? | Mother Jones

Blaming the Messenger | Contrarian Musings

Beyond Earnings: Five Things Investors Will Be Watching Now - Markets * US * News * Story - CNBC.com

Commentary: Green jobs: hope or hype? - CNN.com

Ethical funds ... but what ethics exactly? - 27 July 2009

PDF - 24PG./The Anatomy of an Entrepreneur; Family Background and Motivation

Consumer Confidence Retreats Further

Oil Speculation Limits Weighed - washingtonpost.com

Viewpoint: Obama Should Send Bush to Mideast | Newsweek International | Newsweek.com

With China, Money Talks | The American Prospect

In Obama's Middle East Push, a Message to Tehran

Foreign Policy and Good Intentions

RealClearWorld - Death of Obama's Engagement Doctrine

We've made huge strides, but China's influence has its limits - Telegraph

Should Obama sign a peace treaty with North Korea? | csmonitor.com

Old problem festers on China's new frontier | The Japan Times Online

U.S. looks to boost SE Asia influence - The China Post

FT.com / Comment / Editorial - Stress behind the US-China dialogue

An exit strategy for Obama in Afghanistan | csmonitor.com

What does Iraq owe Kuwait? - Los Angeles Times

President Obama's Agenda Needs Greater Focus on Global Development - Brookings Institution

911 caller in Gates case: I would make call again

Blue Dogs say they've reached a compromise on health care

Obama Holds Health Care Forum in North Carolina

Obama vigorously defends economic policies

Hutchison says she'll leave Senate in fall

Baucus Touts Lower Cost of Compromise Health Care Bill

Reid introduces bill to end travel 'blacklist'

Napolitano counterterror policy: Public must play a role

Napolitano Outlines Counter-Terrorism Strategy

Woman Found Guilty of Killing Her 4 Daughters

California Budget Trimmed Further

Autopsy results on political strategist Jack Shaw are inconclusive

Mother Accused of Beheading Baby: 'I Didn't Mean to Do it'

Former Rep. Jefferson Betrayed Oath, Prosecutors Say

Wife of terrorism suspect says FBI tricked her

NC Republican Burr will vote against Sotomayor

Judge: Blagojevich papers to remain mostly sealed

Q+A-Who are the Islamic sect in northern Nigeria?

Manmohan: no dilution of our position on terrorism

Ahmadinejad's Woes: A Falling Out With His Friends

Moldovan Communists top parliament vote: exit poll

Sarkozy says health is 'good'

Afghan, NATO slam new Taliban code of conduct

Massive bomb in Spain signals a militant group determined to fight on | csmonitor.com

'Al-Qaeda' blog claims bombing as Indonesia hotels re-open

Analysis: US gives Israel 'big hug'

Uighur leader says 10000 went missing in one night

UN Chief Willing to Go to North Korea to Foster Dialogue

UK hostages 'killed in Iraq'

Myanmar warns against predicting Suu Kyi verdict

Possible US-Colombia military deal raises regional tensions

Protests dog Arroyo's US trip

Jackson chef recalls doctor's role, final days

The Microsoft-Yahoo Deal: Lessons for Startups

Ruth Madoff sued for $45 million

Treasury Notes Decline as Record Debt Auctions Weigh on Demand

IMF to boost funds, revamp lending to poor countries

Energy prices slide as unused crude piles up

Yahoo-Microsoft Deal Pressures Google, But Only A Little

Let private firms run space taxis, review panel told

Twitter's new home page: Information, not status updates

US advisers say pregnant women first for H1N1 jab

Time for Health Reform is Now

FDA says mercury dental fillings not harmful

Government Tackles Obesity Anew -- But Can It Show Restraint?

Recession Probably Will Leave Kids Worse Off

Dozens arrested in Medicare fraud busts across US

Review Finds No Nutritional Benefit to Organic Food

Processed Foods As Nutritional As Organic

A simple way to cut health care costs

Can You Trust Your Mammogram?

Girl, 14, Who Wanted to Die, Is Given a New Heart

Smokeless Tobacco No Cancer Risk In Study

'We Shall Remain' From American Experience

Greg Evensen -- The Death of Liberty: The Final Scene Unfolds

YouTube - The Dangers of Aspartame (Artificial Sweeteners Sugarfree Diet Coke Zero No Sugar Added E951)

The Usual Corporate Lobbyists Pretend to Be Grassroots Groups Against Health-Care Reform

Howard Dean Takes CNBC's Maria Bartiromo to Task on Health Care Reform

Blue Dog Anklebiting and Dems Inaction on Health Care Reform Is Costing Us A Lot of Money

Now Lou Dobbs wants to pretend he was just 'reporting' Birther claims

Architecture - At Border Station in Massena, N.Y., Security Trumps Openness - NYTimes.com

So Is Hillary Clinton Really Done, or Not? -- Daily Intel -- New York News Blog -- New York Magazine

Washington's Blog:Even the Wall Street Journal Says "Break up the Fed" I

Sex with horse? S.C. man charged 2nd time - CharlotteObserver.com


*World ;Video/Obama on U.S-China Dialogue

A Look at What's Next in Honduras

Clinton and Geithner on U.S.-China Relations

U.S. Pullback Plan Working in Iraq

Spanish Police Barracks Hit by Car Bomb

Should U.S. Extend or Withdraw Hand to Iran?

Rare Footage of China's Army in Training

Indonesian Hotels Reopen After Bombings

Karen Kwiatkowski on Obama Foreign Policy

UK Hostages in Iraq Feared Dead

Taliban's New "Code of Conduct" Book

Child Soldiers in Swat in Pakistan

Moldova Elects Parliament Again

U.S. Seeks Deeper Ties with China

Russian Poppy Retailers Drug Barons?

Nigeria: Muslim Rebel Attacks Escalate

UK Minister Proposes Talks with Taliban

Israel Indicates Possibility of Military Strike on Iran

*Markets ;Video/El-Erian: Rally Won't Last; Stocks Are on a "Sugar High"

The U.S. Consumer & China

Analysis: Microsoft-Yahoo! Deal

China Shares Plummet 5%

Oil ETF Not a Pure Play

Durable Goods Orders Drop 2.5%, Most in Five Months

CFTC's Gensler on Energy Market Speculation

China's Electric Car Power

Frank: SEC Pay Oversight Would Limit 'Excessive Risk'

Time to Buy Healthcare Stocks?

Sen. DeMint: U.S. Sliding into Socialism?

Another Real Estate Nightmare?

Santoli: Wall Street Wild Cards

AIG Keeps Profits, Taxpayers Wait

An Off Balance Sheet Shell Game?

Chilton: Speculators Hiked Oil Prices

*Politics; Video/Mark Levin: David Frum Is A "Fraud"

Conrad On Health Care: "Cooperative Plan" Only Way To Get 60 Votes

Sen. Landrieu: Health Care Message "Mixed And Muffled"

Sen. Vitter Slams Fellow GOP Sen. Voinovich for "Southerner" Remark

Malkin: Obama Is A "Racial Opportunist"

Obamas To Vacation At $50,000/Week Martha's Vineyard Resort

DNC Ad: GOP "Broke" Economy And Refuses To Fix It

Tim Pawlenty on Health Care Reform

Mike Pence On Congress Reading the Health Care Bill

Powell: GOP Should Respond To Limbaugh's "Outrageous" Comments

Specter: Sotomayor's "Wise Latina" Remark Is "Commendable"

Congresswoman: Health Care Bill Will Put Seniors "To Death" By Gov't

Rep. Van Hollen On Democrats & Health Care

O'Reilly On Federal Government Not Protecting Us

Bill Maher: America Is "Stupid" If It Elects Sarah Palin

Obama Admits He Is "Frustrated" Over Health Care

Sen. McCain On Making Health Care Affordable

Glenn Beck: Obama Is A "Racist"

Colin Powell On Gates: "You Don't Argue With A Police Officer"

Soldier Wants Sen. McCaskill To Apologize For Obamacare At Townhall

Frank: "Problem With Executive Compensation" Is "Perverse Incentives"

Cambridge Cop Says Obama Lost Her Vote

Vanden Heuvel: Blue Dogs Are Crippling "Real Health Care Reform"

Senate Judiciary Panel Approves Sotomayor 13-6

MoveOn Targets "New Face" Palin Over Energy


*Transcripts:President Obama at the AARP Health Care Townhall

Closing Remarks for U.S.-China Strategic Dialogue

Obama's Remarks at the U.S./China Strategic Dialogue

Press Conference with Secretary Gates & Minister Barak

Forum with Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke

Secretary LaHood on Cash-for-Clunkers

Barney Frank on a Consumer Protection Agency

Interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Interviews with Speaker Pelosi and Leader McConnell

Guests: Robert Gibbs and Senator Jon Kyl

Senators Kent Conrad and Jim DeMint Debate Health Care

Interview with David Axelrod

RealClearWorld - How NATO Can Prevail in Afghanistan

RealClearWorld - Remarks to U.S.-China Policy Meeting

talk radio

***Talk Radio Network: Michael Savage Audio Archive***

07/28 The Mark Levin Show

07/27 The Mark Levin Show

AUDIO ; The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 27th With Rev. James David Manning

AUDIO ; The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 24th With Dahr Jamail

news highlights - video

YouTube - Cambridge 911 Caller Speaks

YouTube - Fetus taken from body of pregnant woman

YouTube - California Cuts Health Care Services

YouTube - Political Aide Dead, Mayor Quits Amid N.J. Probe

YouTube - Murdered Baby's Father Speaks

YouTube - Senate panel endorses Sotomayor's nomination

YouTube - Moldova elects parliament. Again

YouTube - Spanish police barracks hit by car bomb

YouTube - Clinton and Geithner on U.S.-China Relations - Bloomberg

YouTube - Indonesian Hotels Reopen After Bombings

YouTube - Rebiya Kadeer, president of the World Uyghur Congress

YouTube - North Korea Wants Face-to-face Talks With U.S.

YouTube - UK hostages' families told they are "likely to be dead"

YouTube - Feds Search Vegas Properties of Jackson Doctor

YouTube - Microsoft/Yahoo Join as Search Engine Partners - Bloomberg

YouTube - Victims' Lawyer: 'Candid' Madoff Explained Fraud

YouTube - Microsoft/Yahoo Join as Search Engine Partners - Bloomberg

YouTube - How risky is texting while driving?

YouTube - H1N1 Pregnancy Death Risk

YouTube - Fixing Health Care - Bloomberg