"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

18 July 2009

Saturday : 18 July 09

18 JULY 09

** Site :We Choose the Moon**

Baghdad imposes new limits on U.S. forces

Suicide blasts at Jakarta Ritz, Marriott kill 8

Obama: Top Income Earners are just Lucky

Big Dem cash dump on eve of climate vote - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Eric Holder makes quiet visit to mosque to meet with Muslim Americans | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times

Obama’s Secret Dinner With Lefty Historians : Stop The ACLU

Fired inspector general files lawsuit - Washington Times

Man Jailed For Plotting Bristol Bomb Attack


Senate vote for 'hate crimes' sparks warning

North American summit added to Obama's agenda

Bible banishment by court overturned

'Obama policies fail to protect pristine lands'

Cryptomundo » More Deaths: Dick Hall and Lou Gentile

BBC - Earth News - Tiny lizard falls like a feather

Talking toy 'translates' dog barks

Genuine Stasi files turn up at film set - Yahoo! News

Children traumatised by 'War of Worlds' abduction of teacher - Telegraph

'My cousin in Kenya'

Truth will out

Obama birth certificate soap opera comes to Florida

The government health care plantation

Silence: No longer an option

Big Brother in your car

Devolving standards of indecency

America's collective Stockholm syndrome

Veteran psychiatrist calls liberals mentally ill

News flash: We're carnivores!

Any real men left in Britain?

Dads: Make family a priority

Are we now in 'Noah's day'?

From Tax Breaks to Tax Hits | OurFuture.org

Let’s Hear It for the Rainbow Tour by David Kahane on National Review Online

U.N. not to name culprits in Bhutto assassination - Yahoo! News

STIMULUS WATCH: No-bid contracts mean higher costs | Antiwar Newswire

Obama Administration Approves First Roadless Logging Contract In Alaska's Tongass National Forest

NASA - LRO Sees Apollo Landing Sites

YouTube - Glenn Beck "Get Off My Phone" Radio Freak Out (TWILIGHT VAMPIRE METAL REMIX)

who's your nanny?: 'A Microcosm of America's Foreign Policy'

Why Obamacare Can't Work: The Calculation Argument - Gabriel E. Vidal - Mises Institute

Celente - Biden Admission: Obama Plan Doomed

savethemales.ca - Is the US the Next Mexico?

Thinking Outside Of The Secular Box

Gentile Folly: the Rothschild's

YouTube - Criminal Rothschilds

US Presidents Murdered By Rothschild Banksters

savethemales.ca - Martin Bormann was Rothschild Agent -- Damning Evidence

YouTube - Madsen: 'Whistle blown on secret 9/11 unit'

'Obamanomics' The Inelegant Solution To Everything

Stop Poisoning Your Body With 'Food'

Pat Buchanan, white nationalism, and the American future

Lou Dobbs Tonight With a Double Dose of Birther Crazies-- Orly Taitz and Alan Keyes

Deadly Indonesian Bomb Attack Targets US Special Forces In Battle For Global Gold

How To Brainwash A Nation

video-The Strangest Secret in the World

Former CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite dies- msnbc.com

Housing rescue plan gets slow start as loan modifications drag - USATODAY.com

World's oldest man, WWI vet, dies aged 113 - CNN.com

Tehran Losing Iranians’ Trust, Ex-Leader Says - NYTimes.com

Ruling party demands Aso's resignation

VOA News - Indian Official Says Maoist Threst Underestimated by Government

The Associated Press: Test of Russian ballistic missile fails

China's holdings of US debt hit record high

Century's longest Solar eclipse on July 22

How To Create a New World Reserve Currency - GoldSeek.com

YouTube - "It's a Trick, We Always Use It." (calling people "anti-Semitic")

US Air Force jet crashes in Afghanistan

We Are So Like The Germans

Washington's Blog : Congress Woman Introduces Bill to Ban All Credit Default Swaps

Curtmaynardsnewestblog: Twenty Steps to a Better and "Secret Nazi Cabal" Free America

Goldman's not acting like a bank... yet - MarketWatch

Any real men left in Britain?

Barack Obama to be asked not to extradite UFO hacker Gary McKinnon - Telegraph

Ahmadinejad gets on wrong side of allies with VP pick

Four million British identities are up for sale on the internet - Times Online

MoD covertly films hundreds of wounded soldiers seeking compensation to see if they're lying | Mail Online

Israel planned 'Ahmadinejad assassination'

The Licensing of Tyranny in Dog Ownership - Animals C.L.U.B.- Freedom National Org. Inc. (Non-Profit)

Dark Days But Some Hope For Embattled Workers

Ron Paul and Jim DeMint Take on the Fed | Southern Avenger | Charleston City Paper

NASA lost moon footage, but Hollywood restores it - Yahoo! News

Nancy Levant -- GPS...It's a Civilian Thing

Thalidomide found ineffective in lung cancer

Walter Cronkite, Iconic Anchorman, Dies at 92 - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com

What's Going On?

Rabbi Batzri to be probed for incitement - Israel News, Ynetnews

Federal judge dismisses lawsuit questioning Obama's natural born citizen status - News - Ledger-Enquirer.com

JPMorgan, U.S. Lenders Lean on Investment Banking for Profits - Bloomberg.com

video - The presidential hit squad

Some E-Books Are More Equal Than Others - Pogue’s Posts Blog - NYTimes.com

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Congressman Joseph R. Pitts Exposes Eugenics Program on House Floor!

Obama Covers Up A Dozen My Lais: Were 3,000 Afghans Murdered As U.S. Troops Stood By?

[Video] Max Keiser takes offense to Goldman Sachs oligarchy

The Billings Murders

Hillary Clinton denies that she has been elbowed out - Times Online

FT.com / Americas / Politics & Policy - Venezuela accused of corruption in drugs fight

Wal-Mart announces 'green' labelling plans - Telegraph

How Boeing engineer spied for Chinese for 30 years... and stole secrets on space shuttle | Mail Online

Hamas officials in Cairo for Fatah talks

Darfur rebels free 60 police officers, troops

Space shuttle Endeavour docks with ISS

Who's in Charge of US Foreign Policy? : Information Clearing House - ICH

Nikolas Kozloff: Chiquita in Latin America

ISPs must help police snoop on internet under new bill

YouTube - Experts want new 9/11 investigation

World's first manned fuel cell aircraft lifts off

Major firms plan largest world solar plant project

Chavez critic barred from leaving Venezuela

Chechnya chief sues rights group over activist murder

Obama pushes Congress on healthcare reform

Aim higher than rap or basketball, Obama urges young blacks - Times Online

Barack Obama considers expanding US army - Telegraph

Did MI5 kill Dr David Kelly? Another crazy conspiracy theory amid claims he wrote tell-all book that vanished after his death | Mail Online

Make your home greener or we'll put up your council tax | Mail Online

10% unemployment in 15 US states

New Iran nuclear chief seeks end to dispute

VIDEO: Discovery Channel to Run Viral Pandemic Survival Show

ALEX BRUMMER: As Goldman Sachs posts huge profits from the economic crisis, the question is: Did it cause the problems in the first place? | Mail Online

YouTube - Walter Cronkite on the Ruling Class

Rolling Stone writer called ‘anti-Semitic’ for simply following the money « Under The Radar Media

Under The Radar Media - Rolling Stone writer called ‘anti-Semitic’ for simply following the money

MuzzleWatch » That commenter on your blog may actually be working for the Israeli government

Hillary Clinton admits that the CFR runs the Government « LewRockwell.com Blog

National Security Advisor James L. Jones also admits that the CFR runs the Government « LewRockwell.com Blog

Ludicrous: Matt Taibbi Accused of Being Anti-Semitic for Goldman Sachs Article | PEEK | AlterNet

Top 5 reasons healthcare in America is broken | Tech News on ZDNet

Force uses stop and search power 3,400 times - but suspends it after failing to make single terror arrest | Mail Online

Cure for radiation sickness found?

Why Obama's Health Care Reform Bill Will Destroy U.S. Jobs and Devastate the Economy by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

Jakarta Hotel Bombs, The Military & The CIA

Government Creates Human Suffering by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Giant teeth discovered in North Carolina

TWA Flight 800 - Was TWA 800 Shot Down By a Military Missile?

Photo of Cruise Missile that shot down TWA Flight 800

Today's Action: New 1000 Page Health Care Bill Being FAST-TRACKED Through Congress | bytestyle.tv

Comparing Zionists to Nazis to be Criminalized « Dprogram.net

NASA - LRO Sees Apollo Landing Sites

Newly Restored Video of Apollo 11 Moonwalk | Wired Science | Wired.com

Mysterious, Glowing Clouds Appear Across America’s Night Skies | Wired Science | Wired.com

NASA - Exploring the Moon, Discovering Earth

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » ALEX JONES - THE CARBON TAX DECEPTION

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul 7/16/09 “Federal Reserve Inflation Wipes Out The Middle Class, Protects The Wealthy”

Robin Hood Tax Policy - Forbes.com

07-17-2009: Could moon landings have been faked? Some still think so

07-17-2009: NASA orbiter returns first shots of Apollo moon sites

Legal immunity set for swine flu vaccine makers

Downing Street admits it backs Tony Blair for EU Presidency

Paulson Threatened Great Depression, Food Riots To Get Bailout Bill Passed

Army's Most High-Tech Infantry Unit Set to Touch Down in Afghanistan

Moon Potential Goldmine Of Natural Resources

VIDEO: Justice Ginsburg's Eugenics Comment

Did Cheney's Assassination Squad Operate on U.S. Soil?

Taking Populism Seriously

Press Has Become Virtual "Escort Services" for Moneyed Elites

The "So and So is a Shill" Trap

To be governed...

John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet

Sustainable Development: Less Is More for the Modern Day Wage Slave

Copyright laws threaten our online freedom

VIDEO: The 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic and Vaccine

Dick Cheney's "Executive Assassination Ring".

9/11 and Cyberterrorism

Ignorance in America.

The privately owned Federal Reserve runs our Country

Traded away for a make-believe economy, the real US economy is dead

audio - Tom Horn discusses the "Secret Destiny of America"

audio - Erica Carle exposes the evil agenda behind sociology

"Green" Global Government Agenda Becoming More Evident

video - Wayne Madsen: Special "Q Group" security wing inside US National Security Agency

Obama Science Advisor Called For “Planetary Regime” To Enforce Totalitarian Population Control Measures

Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

Gore: U.S. Climate Bill Will Help Bring About 'Global Governance'

Chips in official IDs raise privacy fears

Big brother is watching: The technologies that keep track of you

MIT develops camera-like fabric

New Haven Firefighters Decry Sotomayor Decision for Judging People by Race Not Merits

Obama's Homeland Security Secretary Supports Weakening Post-9/11 Driver's License Reforms That Were Designed to Thwart Terrorists

Tobacco Use—Not Promiscuity or Drug Abuse—Will Be Only Vice Legally Punishable by Higher Insurance Premiums Under Senate Health Care Bill

Sotomayor Wins GOP Backers after Smooth Hearings

Health Care Bill Will Fund State Vaccine Teams to Conduct ‘Interventions’ in Private Homes

Inside the Monstrous Obamacare Bureaucracy

Socialist America Sinking

How Senator Mikulski Slipped an Abortion Mandate into the Health Care Bill

Democrats Fleeing Obama as Approval Ratings Plunge

Obama: Don't Squander Chance to Reform Healthcare

Freshman Dems Rebel Against Pelosi Tax Plan

Kyl Slams Obama's Healthcare Push

Analysis: Obama Issues Challenge to Black America

Clinton Defends U.S. Demands for Anti-Terror Help

Obama Stays to Liberal Course on Healthcare

Kit Bond: CIA Flap Just a Shield for Pelosi

Lessons in Universal Health Insurance Models

Major Iraq Pilgrimage Passes in Relative Peace

Somali Gunmen Kidnap Foreign Aid Workers: Officials

Space: Is the Final Frontier All It Used to Be?

Obama Tries to Regain Momentum in Healthcare Debate

Amtrak Bus Fire on SoCal Freeway Ignites Wildfire

Jackson's Mother May Challenge Will Executors

Apollo Astronauts Relive Experiences at Ceremony

FBI: LA Man Said He Killed Wife With 'Bare Hands'

Man Extradited to US on Violin-Trafficking Charges

IBDeditorials.com:It's Not An Option

Michael Cutler -- Our National Security Has Been Compromised

John Trinckes -- Cyber Warfare vs. Internet Censorship

Joe Kress -- Fabian Socialists Gone Wild, Part 1

Joe Kress -- Fabian Socialists Gone Wild, Part 2

Ugly men make more sperm during sex, study suggests | Science & Nature | News.com.au

Joan Veon -- World Globalization of the Banking and Regulatory Structure, Part 1

Joan Veon -- World Globalization of the Banking and Regulatory Structure, Part 2

Rosalind Peterson -- Contrails & Man Made Clouds Change Climate, Harming Agriculture

Guest Oppinion -- R. Michael Castle -- The Methodic Demise of Natural Earth

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- Conditioning by Music, Part 1

Fugitive Terrorist Suspected in Indonesia Hotel Blasts

Pharmacy Robbed by Grenade-Wielding Man

Three Neighbors Found Dead in Two Florida Condos

Suspect arrested in attack on U.S. Iraqi base

White House creates climate job

For Young Adults, the Recession Brings Golden Opportunities

Obama's team weighs in on healthcare overhaul

NASA orbiter offers images of moon landing sites

Pickens Said to Seek Investors for Energy Hedge Funds Following 79% Gain

Atheists Sue To Keep 'In God We Trust' Off Capitol Visitor Center

Andy Borowitz: Larry King to Air Archival Footage of Cronkite Talking about Michael Jackson

Merriam-Webster Dictionary Adds Definition Of 'Earmark'

Food Safety Enhancement Act Draws Ire from Organic Farmers

Tales of How Big Corporations Are Screwing Americans Over

Once World's Bread Basket, Iraq Now a Farming Basket Case

Obama weighing 'special interrogation squad'

Ann Jones: Everything That Happens in Afghanistan Is Based on Lies or Illusions

THIS ONE’S NOT OVER: AmeriCorps Inspector General Sues Government Over “Unlawful” Firing….

Marsha West -- A New Religion Masquerading As Christianity, Part 1

Marsha West -- A New Religion Masquerading As Christianity, Part 2

Marc Morano -- Moonwalkers Defy Al Gore's Claim

Cliff Kincaid -- Is Obama’s Science Czar a Crackpot?

Newsmax.com - Investigators Find Safe Stolen From Fla. Couple

Newsmax.com - Murtha, Democrats at Odds With Obama on F-22

Newsmax.com - Sotomayor Wins Over GOP's Lugar, Snowe, Martinez

Newsmax.com - As Slain Couple Is Buried, Fuller Portrait Emerges

Newsmax.com - Aldrin: Moon Desolate, but Magnificent

Hillary Clinton: ‘CFR Tells Government What It Should Be Doing’

Undermining Human Nature: Mass Media & Eugenics

Highlights of Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson before Congress

The Carbon Cap: The Newest Form of Taxation

Holdren Forced To Respond To Controversy Over Totalitarian Population Control Proposals

Holdren & Company: The Neo-Malthusian School

Obama’s Science Czar: Traditional family is obsolete, punish large families

Video: Holdren On Geoengineering

John Holdren, Ideological Environmentalist - Forbes.com

Max Keiser: Goldman Sachs gang are ’scum’ who have co-opted U.S. gov’t

Bernanke says Fed audit would be 'takeover' by Congress, trigger economic collapse

African Media: Obama Returned To “Continent Of His Birth”

Newsmax.com - 50 Percent Tax Increase to Balance Budget

Newsmax.com - Gingrich: Sotomayor Hard to Read, Seemed More Moderate

Newsmax.com - California Sprouts Marijuana 'Green Rush'

Newsmax.com - High Fructose Diets Impair Memory in Rats

Newsmax.com - Hillary Apologizes to India for Global Warming

Byron J. Richards -- Bioidentical Hormones – Helpful or Harmful? Part 1

Byron J. Richards -- Bioidentical Hormones – Helpful or Harmful? Part 2

Frosty Wooldridge -- Transmutation of America Into a Tense Multicultural Bouquet

Ron Paul: Opening Statement on Federal Reserve Role and Consumer Protection

Rep. Alan Grayson: “Hank Paulson Had a $700M Conflict of Interest”

U.S. Commanders Are Concerned About New Iraqi Restrictions on American Troops

Farm Bureau blasts human-cased global warming - Salt Lake Tribune

Dollar, Yen Fall Most Since May on Economic Outlook, Earnings - Bloomberg.com

Are We “Between Time and Timbuktu”

Jakarta: False Flag Attacks Designed to Rekindled the Global War On Terrorism

Is the CIA Involved In Jakarta Bombings?

BBC NEWS | Technology | Snooping through the power socket

EDITORIAL: No crisis in confidence - Washington Times

Lawmakers Warned About Health Costs

CBS Legend Walter Cronkite Dies - CBS Evening News - CBS News

TheHill.com - Senator quashes Treasury’s bid for humorist

Argentina declares alert as pigs found with swine flu - Yahoo! News

Sacha Baron Cohen: It's so sad, but I have to kill off Bruno | Mail Online

Obama continues health care push - Yahoo! Finance

White House wants more power to set Medicare rates

Bloomberg: Police Should Drag Lawmakers Back

Ousted Honduras leader gives talks until midnight - Yahoo! News

Studios Competing For Michael Jackson Concert Film; Bidding Began At $50M

Spectator killed at Tour de France

Same Old Song

Ann Coulter: "Being Black Trumps Being An Insect"

Time for Pat Buchanan to Go Away

President Obama Speaks at the NAACP

The AMA comes out in support of the House health-care reform bill as freshman Dems like Polis oppose it

Why does MSNBC employ a racist like Pat Buchanan? Because he's an 'affirmative action conservative' talker

GOP Rep Tiahrt (KS) Asks Whether Obama's Mother Would Have Had An Abortion

Countdown: Advisor Yoo Put Bush Above the Law

Republicans should opt out of their FEHBP health care coverage if they are against the public plan

Rachel Maddow Tells Pat Buchanan to Quit Living in the 1950's and That He's Playing With Fire With His Rhetoric

The Daily Show explores Sonia Sotomayor's 'lily brown' background

Here he comes to save their day: Harry Reid shills for anti-healthcare reform Dems

Your Two Minutes of Hate: Wingnut radio edition July 16th

Rachel Maddow: Third GOP Congressman Having an Affair While Living at C-Street

Tea Party Republican warns that the next step after 'the ballot box' is 'the bullet box'

Lobbies Ate Bobby’s Hobbies by Robert G. (Bobby) Hill

This Too Shall Pop by Bill Bonner

Has Paul Krugman Become an Austrian? Not Quite…. by William L. Anderson

Don't Let Them Disarm You by Chuck Baldwin

The Real Price of Goldman’s Giganto-Profits by Matt Taibbi

Prescription for Disaster by Peter Schiff

The Great Government Bread Machine by David Calderwood

Moneynews - Faber: Next Stimulus Will Be Worse

OpEdNews » Thom Hartmann's book on the JFK Assassination

Hezekiah Wyman » Blog Archive » The Enthusiastic Warbride

The week judicial liberalism gave up - JSOnline

Sotomayor Hearing: Why Shouldn't Judges Make Policy? - TIME

RealClearPolitics - Of Race, Gender and Justice

Mary Mitchell: NAACP has role: Hold Obama accountable :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Mary Mitchell

Obama’s Summer of Discontent

Bipartisanship is for suckers | Salon

The Fabled Obama Machine Tests Itself - and Fellow Dems - On Health Care -- Politics Daily

Forbes.com: Digital Rules By Rich Karlgaard:Wriston's Law Still Holds

Cronkite was hero, role model, friend :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Obituaries

What's Next, Mr. President -- Cardigans?

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Weekly Address: Health Care Reform Can't Wait

IBDeditorials.com: Runaway Train To Less Freedom, Higher Taxes And Rationed Care

Health, American-Style;American health care, like America, is innovative and wasteful. - By Jacob Weisberg - Slate Magazine

Democrats Grow Wary as Health Bill Advances

Judge’s skeptics are wrong | Cynthia Tucker

House Panel to Investigate Canceled CIA Program

More Partisan Hackery

Is it OK to kill America's enemies? - The Globe and Mail

Channeling Milton Friedman

Walter Cronkite: An Anchor Who Earned a Nation's Trust - washingtonpost.com

IBDeditorials.com: Reformers' Claims Just Don't Add Up

Sotomayor should win Senate’s seal of approval - Kansas City Star

Republicans Are Splitting on Sotomayor Confirmation - NYTimes.com

Fundraising Picks Up for GOP Senate Hopefuls - washingtonpost.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jul 17, 2009 - Senate bill would expand federal hate crimes law

TheHill.com - Obama calls Indonesian president after bombings

In Goldman Sachs We Trust - Forbes.com

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Investors need to behave more like owners

RealClearMarkets - Don't Fear Government Run Healthcare

This Health-Care Reform Might Tax Us to Death at SmartMoney.com

Dismantling the Temple

Fact And Comment - Forbes.com

Washington: Still Abusing the Economy... - Forbes.com

Signs of Capitalist Life - WSJ.com

The US-China Ponzi scheme - MSN Money

Op-Ed Columnist - The Joy of Sachs - NYTimes.com

Leave the bankers alone to their bonuses | Antonia Senior - Times Online

IBDeditorials.com:Tax Hike Comin'

Obama’s Tax-and-Spend Tastes Seduce Democrats: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg.com

Channeling Milton Friedman - Newsweek.com

Keynes Arouses Fed as ECB Looks for Monetary Exit: Mark Gilbert - Bloomberg.com

4 rules for the economy's new era - MSN Money

Eight Lifestyles of the Rich and Incompetent-Minyanville

Business Journalism: A Vanishing Necessity?

Op-Ed Contributor - Reset Reviewed - NYTimes.com

Israel: Barack Obama is no friend of ours… | David Rothkopf

Get Out Now is a soundbite, not an option | Matthew Parris - Times Online

Far Eastern Economic Review | Fear Grips Shaoguan's Uighurs

In Jakarta, A New Terrorist Tactic Revealed - Forbes.com

Enviro-romanticism is hurting Africa - The Globe and Mail

Opinion: The Future of European Democracy - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Declassified Documents Reveal KGB Spies in the U.S. - US News and World Report

WPR Article | Under the Influence: Looking Long-Term

Editorial: Black Friday | The Jakarta Post

Iran: Words to heed | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

Many Approve of ICC Indictment of Bashir: Poll of 7 Muslim and African Nations - World Public Opinion

The Al Qaeda Paradox: Think Tank : The New Yorker

Arabs Need to Talk to the Israelis

WPR Article | Conventional Wisdom Won't Work in Afghanistan

RealClearWorld - Secretary Gates' Address to the Economic Club of Chicago

Want to keep your wallet? Carry a baby picture - Times Online

NASA Pics Show Apollo Leftovers on Moon - CBS News

War Hero Email Goes Worldwide -- But Who Really Wrote It? - ABC News

Four million British identities are up for sale on the internet - Times Online

Democrats Cut Labor Provision Unions Sought - NYTimes.com

Madoff Accountant Refuses Deal; 'Not Guilty' to Fudging Books - ABC News

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Pepsi mystified by Jackson clip

Fetuses found to have memories - Washington Times

Women Who Have Repeat Abortions More Likely to Have Abusive Relationships

Congressman to Offer Amendment to De-Fund Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz

Exclusive: Conservative group offers support for $2M - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Obama Tells Blacks to Own Their Futures

Sept. 11 families: Keep Guantanamo Bay open - CNN.com

Jacqui Smith: I wasn't up to being Home Secretary - mirror.co.uk

Slain Couple May Have Had Money Troubles - CBS News

Felon Arrested Over Gun In Steve Mcnair -- Nfl FanHouse

Madonna's Stage Collapse: 2 Dead, 10 Injured - The World Newser

HIV travel ban may be lifted for infected visitors - AIDS- msnbc.com

Eagle Scout Lost on Mountain Fined $25,000 for Rescue - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Calvin: still hot at 500 -Times Online

Alliances In Health Debate Splinter

Circumcision Doesn't Lessen HIV Transmission

New Rankings of the Best US Hospitals

White House Urges Strong Medicare Advisory Agency

Remember Harry & Louise? They're back

California: Lawsuit Over Regulation in Pornography

Hand transplant patient hopes to feel wife's touch

Study Questions Popular Practice In Bypass Surgery

US teens get sex education, but not from parents

RIP, Uncle Walter

Goldman Sachs Unbound

Talking Business Looking Back in Anger at the Crisis

Fortress Investment Is Said to Select a New Chief

Crude Oil Rises More Than $1 After US Housing Starts Climb

McCartney returns, 'drinks it all in' at Citi Field opening - USATODAY.com

Octomom Nadya Suleman's tot in hospital after drinking liquid from sib's 'volcano kit'

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Madonna stage deaths investigated

BBC NEWS | Europe | Cinema warns Bruno film 'is vile'

Space: Is the final frontier all it used to be?

Shuttle Astronauts Gear Up for First Spacewalk

Twittergate Is Lame

Arctic Mystery: Identifying the Great Blob of Alaska

Yahoo, Microsoft partnership deal near

Craving Pizza? Just Download the App

Fugitive terrorist a suspect in Indonesia bombings

Clinton Begins Three-Day Visit to India

Honduras Talks to Resume, Zelaya Gives Ultimatum

South Africa hails 'Mandela Day'

Pope coping with cast on broken wrist

Rafsanjani sermon receives mixed reviews

Mystery surrounds crash of 'fit to fly' Iran plane

Talks with India only way out: Pakistani PM

Press calls for new Non-Aligned role

Chinese security forces admit shooting dead 12 Uighur rioters

Rights group halts Chechnya work

Taliban Pushed Out, US Troops Turn to a More Civil Challenge

US ready for talks and sanctions for North Korea

Iran's Nuclear Chief Calls for Mutual Trust With West

US group rallies Israeli soldiers to combat Gaza allegations

Iceland Formally Applies for EU Membership

Australia: backpacker Jamie Neale holds party after leaving hospital

Pakistani Warplanes, Troops Target Militant Hideouts in Northwest

Royal tributes for oldest veteran

Sotomayor's rulings suggest open mind in corporate cases

Sotomayor would lend different experience to court

Advise and Shut Up Already

Obama advisor Lawrence Summers defends $787-billion stimulus plan

Summers cites progress

House Panel to Investigate Canceled CIA Program

Black America's New Reality

Treasury's Humor Is Lost on Senator

Official: US may create terror interrogation unit

Senate Votes to Add Sexual Orientation to Hate Crime Protections

Court Reverses Ruling Dealing With Visa of Muslim Scholar

Biden to reassure allies in Ukraine, Georgia

Burmese Python hunting opens

Marijuana Is Gateway Drug for Two Debates

Medical marijuana science, through the smoke

Cemetery scandal: Honoring the dead disturbed at Burr Oak

More job cuts expected in US defense sector

Obama Says Overhaul of U.S. Health-Care System Can’t Be Delayed - Bloomberg.com

Al-Qaida declares jihad against Chinese

Mexican agents headed for U.S.?

North American summit added to Obama's agenda

Another paper changes 'Obama's origin'

'Birth hospital': Letter for real

Lib talker, Lou Dobbs now asking eligibility questions

‘Birther’ Movement Dogs Republicans | The Washington Independent

'Begone!' Georgia judge orders fired reservist

Pentagon orders soldier fired for challenging prez

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Wind farms: Simply full of hot air?

CNN Political Ticker - Clinton again rips into vetting process « - Blogs from CNN.com

Free speech plan booted by House committee

Firefighters on Sotomayor: We did not ask for empathy | csmonitor.com

Senate Republicans Won't Block Sotomayor - CBS News

Sotomayor declared 'unqualified to serve'

Court tapes show blunt Sotomayor - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

CIA Caught 'Off-Guard' By Jakarta Hotel Terror Attack - ABC News

BBC NEWS | Europe | How to dismantle a nuclear bomb

Netanyahu tight-lipped about imminent Iran attack

White House tries to regain stimulus momentum - Eamon Javers - POLITICO.com

Man given six months to live discovers tumour is harmless abscess - Telegraph

A Reckless Congress: Health-care bill to impose new taxes, welfare state - WSJ.com

Dems Sent ‘Back to Drawing Board’ on Health Care; Surtax on Wealthy is Good Politics - The Note

Rank-and-file House Democrats resist health care reform plan - Patrick O'Connor - POLITICO.com

Health bill 'outlaws private insurance'

Breitbart.tv » CNN’s Anderson Cooper Shrieked Like ‘School Girl’ After Spider Bite Before Obama Interview

W.Pa. man acquitted in case of gun at Obama rally | AP | 07/17/2009

Online journalist wins victory over 'legal jihad'

40th anniversary of Mary Jo Kopechne’s drowning at Chappaquiddick...Kennedy's story still doubtful

Senate vote for 'hate crimes' sparks warning

5 Steps to Better Health Care

Socialized Medicine, By Any Other Name

The Nature of Censorship

A tax break that will raise taxes

New GOP ad: 'Obama vs. Obama on the Stimulus'

McConnell to vote "no" on Sotomayor

Government run health care more expensive than private sector care - Study

Walter Cronkite mourned by media colleagues as historic figure

Anti-Tea Party reporter out at CNN

Obama Care in 60 seconds or less

Why Democrats Win, Why Republicans Lose

Olmert sides with Netanyahu against Obama's pressure

Peggy Noonan: Sarah Palin Jealous

Walter Cronkite, Vietnam, and the Decline of Media Credibility

Mexico's Midterm Elections

Private Schools for the Poor

The Main Stream Media's March Toward Irrelevance

What's so conservative about vigilantism?

Confessions of a gov junketeer

Pushing Faith out of Politics

Obama's Immoral Authority

What Climate Change Can Do For the Left


YouTube - John Hopkins named best hospital

YouTube - AustinHealth: Teen sex trends

YouTube - Potter's Midnight Madness - Bloomberg

YouTube - Obama Remembers Walter Cronkite

YouTube - Geithner to Testify on BofA/Merrill Deal?

YouTube - The Next Step For NASA

YouTube - Space shuttle Endeavour docks

YouTube - Jakarta Hotel Bombings

YouTube - What Hillary's visit really mean for Mumbai?

YouTube - Pope leaves hospital after breaking his wrist

YouTube - Iran remains 'in crisis' after disputed election - 17 July 09

YouTube - Inside Story - The Non-Aligned Movement - 15 July 09

YouTube - Pressure on Russia to protect rights activists - 16 Jul 09

YouTube - Taliban demonstrate fighting skills in Afghanistan

YouTube - Inside Story - Breaking the silence - 16 July 09

YouTube - 'Back from the dead' backpacker Jamie leaves hospital

YouTube - British soldier dies as Army chief demands more equipment

YouTube - Obama Remarks on Healthcare - Bloomberg

YouTube - Probe conducted into CIA assassination programme - 18 Jul 09

YouTube - Sotomayor on the Hill, Obama at the NAACP, and More - U.S. News Weekly

YouTube - Python Hunt on in Everglades


*Video:Too Big to Fail? Washington Tells CIT to Drop Dead

Economists Grab the Limelight

Obama Speaks on Health Reform

Are Financials Finally Off Life Support?

IBM Profit Climbs 12%; Raises Full-Year Earnings Forecast

Porsche Power Struggle

Kudlow: Is Obama-Care a Sick Joke?

Art Hogan's Market Perspective

Witnesses to Indonesia Bombings Talk

Pressure on Russia to Protect Activists

NASA In Search of Moon Landing Video

Obama: Those "Betting Against Health Care" Are "Mistaken"

Update: Black Businessman Says Boxer Treated Him Like An "Ignorant Jigaboo"

GOP Rips President On Stimulus In "Obama vs Obama" Ad

DSCC Knocks Palin, Crist As "Quitters"

Ron Paul: Obama Will "Destroy the Dollar"

Pelosi On Health Care: We Have The "Support Of The American People"

RNC's Steele On 2010 Elections

CBO: Obama's Health Care Plan Will "Significantly" Expand Costs

Rep. Hoyer On Cost Of Obama's Health Care Plan

Coulter On Sen. Boxer's Exchange With Black Businessman

Obama's Weekly Address: Health Care Reform Cannot Wait

"Countdown" On Gov. Mark Sanford's "First Class Hypocrisy"


*Transcripts :Shields and Brooks on the Week in Congress

President Obama Address NAACP Convention

Secretary Gates' Speech at the Economic Club of Chicago

Interview with Frank Ricci

Analysts Discuss Sotomayor Hearings

Interview with Mayor Michael Bloomberg

Obama on Congress's Health Care Proposals

Clinton's Speech at the Council on Foreign Relations

Senators Leahy and Grassley on Sotomayor Hearings

Steny Hoyer on the House's Health Care Bill

Interview with Senator Jon Kyl

Fred & Jeri Thompson on Health Care Reform

Senators Whitehouse & Bond on Cheney and the CIA

Obama Announces American Graduation Initiative

Panel on Sotomayor's Questions and Answers

Legal Analysts Discuss Sotomayor's Answers

Interview with President Barack Obama

Lindsey Graham on the $1 Trillion Deficit

Secretary Clinton's Townhall at USAID

Writers Discuss Cheney and the CIA

A New Vision for Urban Policy

Judiciary Chairman & Ranking Member on Sotomayor

Senator McCain Talks About Sarah Palin's Resignation

Senators Feinstein and Cornyn Discuss Sotomayor

Senators Durbin and Kyl Debate Health Care Reform


World Net Daily Player - Congressman: True health costs 'close to $3-4 trillion'

World Net Daily Player - Ex-Clinton staffer: We have health care rationing now

World Net Daily Player - Analyst says Iranian power structure splitting

Jakarta blast | Video | Reuters.com

World Net Daily Player - Emmy winner: Firefighters' testimony 'riveting'


flashback/Walter Cronkite: 1916-2009

flashback/Deregulation's Greatest Hits - The Airline Pilots Strike of 1983

flashback/Nights At The Roundtable - Fresh: Stoned In Saigon - 1970

flashback/The JFK Jr. Flight - July 16, 1999

flashback/How Government Works and how it doesn't - 1988

flashback/Expanding Social Security and The Universal Health Care argument - 1948

flashback/The Reagan Years - PATCO


American Minute for July 18th:William J Federer's American Minute


***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

audio : The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 15th With Wayne Madsen

audio : The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 16th With Rima E. Laibow, M.D.

audio : The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 17th With Bob Chapman

audio - Dr. Henry Niman: Swine Flu/July 16

audio - 26th Sinclair Interview

07/17 The Mark Levin Show

07/16 The Mark Levin Show

07/15 The Mark Levin Show

07/14 The Mark Levin Show

07/13 The Mark Levin Show

07/10 The Mark Levin Show


Who Rules The World? - Part 1

Who Rules The World? - Part 2

Who Rules The World? - Part 3

PART ONE -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART THREE – Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART FOUR—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART EIGHT—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART NINE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART TEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART ELEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART TWELVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART THIRTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART FOURTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government


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