"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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20 July 2009

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** Site -We Choose the Moon**


Will feds use new power to dictate what you drive?

Meet the real Walter Cronkite

Senate vote for 'hate crimes' sparks warning

North American summit added to Obama's agenda

Other side of planet: What's deal with birth certificate?

Mandatory rights and other gov't oxymorons

Counting the czars

A shortage of intelligence

Health bill 'outlaws private insurance'

Another paper changes 'Obama's origin'

Lib talker, Lou Dobbs now asking eligibility questions

Breitbart.tv » ‘God Awful’: Black Chamber of Commerce CEO Rips Sen. Boxer for ‘Condescending’ Racial Remarks

Rasmussen Report: 78% Say Health Care Reform Likely to Mean Higher Taxes for the Middle Class

Alan Johnson ditches Jacqui Smith's least-wanted list as a 'blunder' | Mail Online

Michael Savage: Pack your bags for England!

Jacqui Smith: I wasn't up to being Home Secretary - mirror.co.uk

Family Security Matters »Exclusive: Michael Savage Banned From Great Britain: The Crime? Speaking His Mind

CBO deals another blow to House health plan - Patrick O'Connor - POLITICO.com

Eric Holder makes quiet visit to mosque to meet with Muslim Americans | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times

ANALYSIS: States Hit Hardest by Recession Get Least Stimulus Money - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

FROM RUSSIA WITH $$ - New York Post

FT.com / Asia-Pacific / India - India rebuffs US carbon demands

Commerce Secretary: Americans ‘Need to Pay’ for Chinese Emissions - Environmental Capital - WSJ

White House putting off budget update - Yahoo! News

CNSNews.com - ‘Jerusalem Is Not a Settlement,’ Netanyahu Reminds Obama Administration

Approval Ratings Drop for Obama on Health Care, Other Issues - washingtonpost.com

'Birth certificate' seller vanishes into thin air

'My cousin in Kenya'

In over his head

The Sotomayor hearing saga

Mandatory rights and other gov't oxymorons

'Get out of war free' card

Foreign Policy: Born In The U.S.A. : NPR

Hot Air Video: ObamaCare may fund abortions

*Questions remain 40 years later - The Globe and Mail

Breitbart.tv » Obama Praised Bono for Dodging Hug From George W. Bush

'Get out of war free' card

Retired general, lieutenant colonel join reservist’s lawsuit over Obama's birth status - News - Ledger-Enquirer.com

'Birth hospital': Letter for real

President to ‘take the baton’ on health reform

RNC Chairman Rips Obama Health Care 'Cabal' - Political News - FOXNews.com

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

*article links :Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Atheists in the Capitol's foxhole

Devoted Atheists Grow in Numbers, Goals

Evangelist: Atheists know they're wrong

Report: Obama undermines State in Syria talks

Netanyahu 'surprised' by U.S. demand

U.S. demands halt to Jewish building project in Jerusalem

Injection protects against dirty bomb

My Way News - White House putting off release of budget update

The Associated Press: Obama losing some support among nervous Dems

Palin: Alaska tour is thanks, not goodbye

Governors Fear Medicaid Costs in Health Plan - NYTimes.com

‘The Cause of My Life’ Inside the fight for universal health care.

My Way News - Soldier held in Afghanistan is 23-year-old Idahoan

Soldier held in Afghanistan is 23-year-old Idahoan

Fired inspector general files lawsuit - Washington Times

Mexican agents headed for U.S.?

BA and Virgin to stop suspected swine flu victims from flying | World news | guardian.co.uk

Pushing toward amnesty, Part 1

The Sotomayor hearing saga

In over his head

Barack Obama feels the heat, changes the play - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

'My cousin in Kenya'

Al Qaeda affiliate welcomed to USA under ObamaRule

RealClearPolitics - The Alarming Growth of Federal Government

Turning sheep poo into ship | Video | Reuters.com

Ananova - Woman teaches dog to read

150-pound fudge-filled cupcake sets world record in Minn. - USATODAY.com

Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood Daily » UPDATE: Hollywood Competing For Michael Jackson Rehearsal Footage: NBC Likely To Snag TV Special & Sony Probable For Live Albums And Film; Bidding For Movie Rights Began At $50 Mil, TV Rights At $10 Mil

Paula Abdul's manager: She'll leave 'Idol' if 'rude' producers don't step up new deal [Updated] | Idol Tracker | Los Angeles Times

Zac Sunderland completes solo sail around the world - Los Angeles Times

Quick-thinking teen well-versed in Bible - OrlandoSentinel.com

NASA Pics Show Apollo Leftovers on Moon - CBS News

Berlin's Invisible Wall: Little Is Left Today of the Cold War's Most Famous Monument - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

How anti-religion spoils everything

Mexico called worst for vegan travel - UPI.com

Jumbo Squid Menace Shores

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Cornwall | Jogger injured in buzzard attack

Thriller sales soar close to Eagles' Hits | Entertainment | Reuters

From Amish to vampires, Christian fiction expands | National Entertainment News | Idaho Statesman

Examples of how tax increases could hit the rich

White House stands by August goal for healthcare | Reuters

White House sees GDP showing signs of progress | Reuters

Marketing: Will Toning Shoes Be the Next Big Footwear Craze? - Advertising Age - News

Journalism Online, would-be newspaper savior, gathers steam

The airplane hotel: For high-fliers who want to keep their feet firmly on the ground | Mail Online


A Minor Miracle?: Chocolate Company Promises Melt-Free Revolution - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Bill O'Reilly's lame excuse

Prophet Margin

40 Years After Apollo 11, NASA Maps Out the Future | Wired Science | Wired.com

Tough Microbe Has The Right Stuff for Mars | LiveScience


July eclipse is best chance to look for gravity anomaly - space - 19 July 2009 - New Scientist

2010: A new space odyssey beckons - Science, News - The Independent

Forget Apollo and Sputnik: How a Briton launched the space race in the 1640s

Swarms of carnivorous giant flying squid terrorise southern Californian coast | Environment | guardian.co.uk

DNA Not The Same In Every Cell Of Body: Major Genetic Differences Between Blood And Tissue Cells Revealed

Woman catches on fire outside Peoria rehabilitation center

YouTube - Mike Castle on PeeBo's Birthcertificate.

Pagan police allowed to take Hallowe'en and summer solstice off work - Telegraph

Children traumatised by 'War of Worlds' abduction of teacher - Telegraph

BBC NEWS | Africa | Are the deserts getting greener?

Mystery methane belched out by megacities - environment - 17 July 2009 - New Scientist

Are you a citizen? No need to ask -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY:2876:

Study warns of health risk in playing with beach sand

Terrier dies in hot car as "Idol" hopeful auditions in Denver - The Denver Post

Sex offender businessman finds housing for Florida sex offenders, upsets neighbors in Broward County and Orange County. - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Dentist sued, accused of dropping tools down patient's throat- twice : Police : TCPalm

$7,000 for Pizza, and Other Bloomberg Campaign Expenses - City Room Blog - NYTimes.com

Ananova - Nun sues over naked Facebook photos

ksl.com - Scottish island's sacred Sunday under threat

Man charged with stealing, selling sister's belongings » Naples Daily News

Hungarians' love affair with their jeans cooling

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- Conditioning by Music, Part 1

New drug shields against radiation | The Australian

Nikola Tesla still alive after death

Facts show July 5 riot "far beyond ordinary violent matter"_English_Xinhua

High-fructose diets impair memory

Prescription For Disaster

Potential Neuropoison Could Be in Our Food | Wired Science | Wired.com

Mysterious, Glowing Clouds Appear Across America’s Night Skies | Wired Science | Wired.com

Air Force Plans for All-Drone Future | Danger Room | Wired.com

NewsDaily: Vinland Map of America no forgery, expert says

Brain Emotion Circuit Sparks As Teen Girls Size Up Peers

Raping The Scapegoat

Obama Administration Approves First Roadless Logging Contract In Alaska's Tongass National Forest

YouTube - The CIA and Dick Cheney

Woman charged with possession of child pornography for Taking photos of herself breastfeeding!

The Promise

Danger: Chinese goods -- chicagotribune.com

Joseph Aaron: Feel the power

Any real men left in Britain?

US Strategy - Total Energy Control Of EU And Eurasia

Dangers of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

The head Nazi-hunter’s trail of lies - Times Online

Democracy hangs by a thread in Honduras - Americas, World - The Independent

EU farm subsidies paid to big business - Telegraph

EU inquiry pours doubt on benefit of health foods - Times Online

South Korea uses 'cloned' drug-sniffing dogs - Asia, World - The Independent

A toxic culture of suspicion is souring our children's lives | Henry Porter | Comment is free | The Observer

America's white men are back and raging - Times Online

Dobbs repeatedly makes Obama birth certificate claims his CNN colleagues call "total bull" | Media Matters for America

Palin Signs Alaska Sovereignty Resolution | Tenth Amendment Center

Will End of Men Imminent? Y Chromosomes Rapidly Losing Genes According to Study - ABC News

"Satanic Ritual Abuse"

savethemales.ca - Many Predict US Financial Collapse in September

Fiscal ruin of the Western world beckons - Telegraph

Walter Cronkite—The Most Dishonest Man in America « LewRockwell.com Blog

Roy Tov: Is Quoting the Talmud Anti-Semitic?

Experts: Depleted Uranium Creates Problems for Years After Initial Impact

Barack Obama to be asked not to extradite UFO hacker Gary McKinnon - Telegraph

"Satanic Ritual Abuse"

Provo,Utah Illuminati Page

"Dead Man Musings" : The Illuminati, Satanism, and The LDS(Mormon) Church

** Site - Patriotic Resistance**(resistnet.com)

NASA lost moon footage, but Hollywood restores it - Yahoo! News

Apollo 11 hoax: one in four people do not believe in moon landing - Telegraph

Jay Weidner: How Stanley Kubrick Faked the Apollo Moon Landings: Or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Lies. Alchemical Kubrick II

07-20-2009: Sen. Gregg: Force The Poor To Buy Health Insurance

07-20-2009: High Fructose Diets Impair Memory

07-20-2009: White House Putting Off Release Of Budget Update

07-19-2009: EU inquiry pours doubt on benefit of health foods

Billboards Tell America To Cheer Up

07-19-2009: DHS chief accused of using no-fly list for political payback

Biomass-Eating Military Robot Is Actually A Vegetarian Company Claims

07-18-2009: Will Chromosome Y Go Bye-Bye?

07-18-2009: 2010: A New Space Odyssey Beckons

07-18-2009: Max Keiser: Goldman Sachs Are Scum

Larry Summers Cites Google Search As Sign Of Economic Progress

07-18-2009: MoD surveillance 'insulting' to injured troops

07-18-2009: Retired General, Lieutenant Colonel Join Reservist's Lawsuit Over Obama's Birth Status

Who Owns the Moon? The Galactic Government vs. the UN

07-18-2009: Video: Hillary Clinton Admits CFR Runs The Government

07-17-2009: NASA orbiter returns first shots of Apollo moon sites

07-17-2009: Wal-Mart Announces Green Labeling Plan

Dollar Finally Breaking Down

Goldman Sachs Raking in Massive Profits

Walter Cronkite: Most Trusted Asset of Operation Mockingbird

Medical spy ware: How Russian KGB technology is being used to spot impending disease

Augmented Reality Gets Wallet-Sized

Your Brain Will Eventually Be Used Against You

Smart spiders spy on Mount Saint Helens

Ecuador seizes Perenco oil fields

Homeless get paid to stand in line for DC lobbyists

Who Will Investigate the U.N. - Vatican Connection?

9/11 and Cyberterrorism: Did the real “cyber 9/11″ happen on 9/11?

Robots Could Replace Teachers

Downing Street admits it backs Tony Blair for EU Presidency

VIDEO: Discovery Channel to Run Viral Pandemic Survival Show

Paulson Threatened Great Depression, Food Riots To Get Bailout Bill Passed

Moon Potential Goldmine Of Natural Resources

VIDEO: Justice Ginsburg's Eugenics Comment

Did Cheney's Assassination Squad Operate on U.S. Soil?

The Insatiable American Thirst for Blood

Clinton Outlines Continuation of Bush Policies Under Obama at CFR

How Israel Lobby Took Control Of US Foreign Policy

Obama’s Speech to the NAACP

US Income Inequality Continues to Grow

A Searing Indictment of Putin's Protegé

Padilla vs. Yoo: An Update

How to make white web pages darker with firefox

The "So and So is a Shill" Trap

To be governed...

John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet

Sustainable Development: Less Is More for the Modern Day Wage Slave

Copyright laws threaten our online freedom

Eager to Tap Iraq's Vast Oil Reserves, Industry Execs Suggested Invasion

Combat Stress: Our 'Patriotic Duty' to support the Troops

Now Legal Immunity for Swine flu Vaccine Makers

ISRAEL : Nuclear attack submarines through the Suez Canal with Egypt’s OK

President Carter: Many Children Were Tortured Under Bush

Obama Snubs Africa, Then African Americans

Obamacare: A Health Care Rationing Scheme to Enrich Insurers, Drug Companies and Large Hospital Chains

Future of Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces

"The Ugly Canadians": Ottawa imposes Visas on Mexicans travelling to Canada

Workers Rights in America: Card Check’s Death

VIDEO: The 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic and Vaccine

Ignorance in America.

Low-Wage Capitalism

The privately owned Federal Reserve runs our Country

"Sovereign Iraq" welcomes back the Foreign Oil Companies

Washington behind the Honduras coup: Here is the evidence

The Keynesian Revolution and the Neo-liberal Counter-revolution

VIDEO: CIA linked to Benazir Bhutto’s assassination?

Foreign Embassies Urged to Stockpile Local Currencies

Congress Woman Introduces Bill to Ban All Credit Default Swaps

Oysters for health care

Musicians ask Obama to ban music torture

Traded away for a make-believe economy, the real US economy is dead

"Green" Global Government Agenda Becoming More Evident

video - Hillary Clinton: ‘CFR Tells Government What It Should Be Doing’

"Dream Society" Controlled by Ubiquitous RFID

The Globalist's Information Interlock

Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

Gore: U.S. Climate Bill Will Help Bring About 'Global Governance'

Special "Q Group" security wing inside US National Security Agency

Chips in official IDs raise privacy fears

World Wide Wiretap

Big brother is watching: The technologies that keep track of you


Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccination Alert

MIT develops camera-like fabric

Hope for blindness cure with laser breakthrough

Video: Nano, the next dimension

Orwellian Ubiquitous Computing May Build Ultimate Surveillance Society

What to Do About the F-22

Lessons in Universal Health Insurance Models

Health Care Bill Directs HHS Secretary to Develop 'Standards for Measuring Gender'--As Opposed to 'Male' and 'Female'

Health Care Bill Would Curb Job Growth by Encouraging Small Businesses to Remain Small

Dodd on Why Health Care Bill Allows Federal Funding of Abortion: ‘We Like the Idea That People Have Choices’

Clinton Accepts Blame for ‘Global Warming’ Role, Ponders Link Between Climate Change and Family Planning

White House Delaying Release of Budget Update That Is Expected to Show Higher Deficits, Slower Growth

Obama Administration Urges Health Care Critics to Hold Their Fire Until Congress Presents Final Plan

Sotomayor Would Not Concede a Right to Self-Defense

Top Republican Dissatisfied with Sotomayor’s Answers On Second Amendment

As Senator, Obama Gave Less Respect to Bush’s Supreme Court Nominees, Sessions Says

Interior Department to Halt Uranium Mining Near Grand Canyon

‘Medical’ Marijuana Becomes A Major Economic Force in California

Okay for People With HIV and AIDS to Be Barbers, Cosmetologists, Home Health Care Aides

RNC Chairman Attacks Obama on Health Care

Prenatal Air Pollution Linked to Lower IQs in Children

Explosives Used in Hotel Bombing 'Identical' to Those Used in Bali

Inside the Monstrous Obamacare Bureaucracy

How Senator Mikulski Slipped an Abortion Mandate into the Health Care Bill

Science: Theists Need Not Apply

Why I Missed Armstrong's Walk on the Moon by Gary North

The New Deal – Live and In Person!!! by C.J. Maloney

War, Secession, and Libertarianism by Manuel Lora

Economists’ Pro-Fed Petition Discredits Its Signers by Robert Higgs

Too Many (Other) People by William Norman Grigg

Hate Crimes – the Lesson Unlearned by Chris Clancy

Open Letter to Congressman Eric Cantor – Eliminate the Fed by Jeremy Ashton

FOX News Ralph Peters basically says the Taliban should excute our captured soldier

Shorter Mark Sanford: God is On My Side

Sen. Judd Gregg Claims There Are 20 Million Young People Making $75,000 Or More And Spending $ On Things Other Than Health Care

Tom Watson, a 59 year old golfer almost makes history today at the British Open

John King Criticizes Democracy for America for Running Ads Against Democrats

Is The Christian Establishment Belatedly Embracing Harry Potter?

Report: Interrogators threatened to quit over waterboarding

SC's Jim DeMint would rather bring pain to President Obama than help the American people

The Chris Matthews Show: On Health Care Reform, Won't Someone Think About Us Rich People???

Mark Sanford emails expose how David Gregory plays the game

Orszag: Some using delays to kill health care reform

Someone in the Main Stream Media Finally Interviews Wendell Potter

Apparently One Racist Buchanan Isn't Quite Enough for MSNBC

Smile When Your Heart Is Breaking…. Yeah, Right.

Now-defunct GOP online sales game traded in Nazi propaganda, too

Alleged Nazi Guard Faces 29,700 Murder Charges...And Has One Unique American Defender

Hate crimes bill passes Senate, heads to president's desk -- attached to defense bill

President Obama's Weekly Address: 'Health Care Reform Cannot Wait' and He Backs the Public Option

Beware The Definition of "Arbitrary"

S. Dakota Teabagger speaker tries to explain Global Warming

You Still Have Time To Vote On Which Senators To Target For The Public Option

Pat Buchanan, white nationalism, and the American future

Lou Dobbs Tonight With a Double Dose of Birther Crazies-- Orly Taitz and Alan Keyes

Political Exile is punishment enough for Bush/Cheney? Chuck Todd votes aye. | Video Cafe

flashback/The JFK Jr. Flight - July 16, 1999 | Newstalgia

Want to keep your wallet? Carry a baby picture - Times Online

Time for Investor Vacations: Marc Faber - Companies * Europe * News * Story - CNBC.com

Obama’s War Signals by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Fiscal ruin of the Western world beckons - Telegraph

Republicans embrace Ron Paul on domestic policy - Daniel Libit - POLITICO.com

GAO: FDA can't estimate its own budget needs

Battle Over Walter Cronkite Nasty Tell-All Book | RadarOnline.com

Manager: Paula Abdul ‘Hurt,’ ‘Angry,’ May Not Return To ‘Idol’ | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos

South Africa tests AIDS vaccine

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Exclusive: Carrie Prejean’s ‘Still Standing’ Hits Bookstores November 2009

5-Legged Pup Rescued From Coney Island Freak Show | NBC New York

Salt Lake City kissing protest brings cheers, jeers (with multimedia) - Salt Lake Tribune

Governors balk over what healthcare bill will cost states - The Boston Globe

RNC chairman: Obama's health care is socialism

2010: A new space odyssey beckons - Science, News - The Independent

The Associated Press: Astronauts deal with flooded toilet in orbit

'I'm scared I'll never hug my girlfriend again': Taliban release video of kidnapped U.S. soldier begging for freedom

The Associated Press: Sec. Clinton visits India, urges help vs. terror


Rasmussen Reports: 2012 Match-ups: Obama, Romney Tied at 45%; Obama 48%, Palin 42%

Thieves target mourners at California graveyard

Crisis spurs people to work for free - good or bad? | U.S. | Reuters

"Antichrist" director says outrage "suits me fine" - Yahoo! News

The Associated Press: 81-year-old qualifies for NASCAR West series race

Starting to get crowded in 100-year-olds' club - Yahoo! News

Clinton likens North Korea to unruly children | Reuters

Russia set to build up its naval facilities in Syria | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Gambling with peace: how US bingo dollars are funding Israeli settlements

Nineveh Kurds Threaten to Secede

Obamacare: A Health Care Rationing Scheme to Enrich Insurers, Drug Companies and Large Hospital Chains

****The Case Against the Fed by Murray N. Rothbard****

Impact mark on Jupiter, 19th July 2009

Liberty and Safety by Andrew P. Napolitano

Gates: US Must Prove Afghanistan ‘Winnable’ in a Year -- News from Antiwar.com

Neo-Nazi hate, courtesy of the human-rights commission

It's Time To Return To A Part-Time Legislature

Obama Says Health-Care Reform Essential to Repairing Economy | 44 | washingtonpost.com

Daily Kos: Children tortured before parents, raped, all covered up by Bush/Cheney and our media

Raw Story » Report: CIA operatives threatened to quit over waterboarding

Raw Story » House probe of covert CIA program could target Cheney

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Congressman Stearns: Mr Paulson How Do You Have Any Credibility?

Refreshing News: Earth’s gravity may drop slightly during total solar eclipse

YouTube - (the vaccine song) SAY NO TO THE VACCINE by trillion (feat. pataphysics & nRt) - duplicate-

YouTube - Congressman Stearns: Mr Paulson How Do You Have Any Credibility?

*Video/1:28:54/The Future Of Food

YouTube - 1 DAY BEFORE 911 WTC attack! DO u know what happened?WATCH!

Irrationality and Fascism in Government-Regulated Health Care by Michael S. Rozeff

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Orly Taitz and Major Cook on Obama’s Citizenship

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul: If Obama Wanted Change He Could Do Something!

The Truth Handler: People are now starting to get how the Banks created a false panic and stole our money

7 Reasons Why Housing Isn’t Bottoming Yet | The Big Picture

Prescription for Disaster by Peter Schiff

Suspiciously Prescient Man Files Patent for iPod-Like Device in 1979 - kane kramer - Gizmodo

Smoking Mirrors: The Ringworm Complex and the Federal Reserve.

Kelly¿s former Iraq aide joins call for inquiry | Mail Online

Palin Signs Alaska Sovereignty Resolution | Tenth Amendment Center

IMF warns that Britain's soaring debt is 'testing the limits' | Mail Online

Vatican teaching Hezbollah how to kill Jews, says pamphlet for IDF troops - Haaretz - Israel News

Could we be wrong about global warming? - Science Fair - USATODAY.com


Now we are borrowing Russian helicopters to fight the Taliban | Mail Online

The Silver Bear Cafe - The U.S. and the U.K. Will Both Default on Their Debt by the End of Summer

Windfalls for Bankers, Resentments for the Rest - NYTimes.com

Obama Ally Throws Cold Water On Health Care

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: President Obama's Favorite Banker

Dismantling the Temple

Copter crash kills 16 in Afghanistan, NATO says - CNN.com

t r u t h o u t | Health Care Reform Cannot Wait

Russia’s Sickness: ’Anti-Americanism’ by Christopher Dowd -- Antiwar.com

Alex Jones; The Carbon Tax Deception - 12.160Mhz

Government Hit Squads, Minus the Hits - NYTimes.com

Emptywheel » John Yoo: Al Qaeda Uses Telephones But KGB Spies Don’t

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine III & Dr. Rima E. Laibow on Alex Jones Tv:The Eugenics Wars!!

Swedish Man Attacked & Molested by Tat

If you like Organic / GMO-Free foods... TOO BAD! | bytestyle.tv

U.N. not to name culprits in Bhutto assassination - Yahoo! News

STIMULUS WATCH: No-bid contracts mean higher costs | Antiwar Newswire

who's your nanny?: 'A Microcosm of America's Foreign Policy'

Why Obamacare Can't Work: The Calculation Argument - Gabriel E. Vidal - Mises Institute

Occidental Observer - Culture: The Missing Link in Euro-American Nationalism

Site Page :Videos (resistancereport.com)

The Philosophy of Racialism.

False Flag Terrorism

Selected American Dissident Voices Broadcasts by Dr. William Pierce.

Site Page :American Dissident Voices : Internet Radio

Politicized Capitalism

RealClearPolitics - Will the Current Proposals Fix Health Care?

J.C. WATTS: Death of a medical specialist - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Borger: Republicans show signs of life - CNN.com

Op-Ed Columnist - They Got Some ’Splainin’ to Do - NYTimes.com


RealClearWorld - Obama's Foreign Policy Report Card

Eugene Robinson - Black America's New Reality

The curious case of the steadily shrinking Hillary Clinton

Barbour's Efforts to Revive GOP May Also Boost Himself

Back Channels: Imagine: Reading a bill before passing it | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/19/2009

Remembering Walter Cronkite. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

When, Oh When, Will HELP Be WANTED? - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - The Alarming Growth of Federal Government

National Journal Magazine - The Lessons Of Massachusetts

Op-Ed Columnist - Pharisees on the Potomac - NYTimes.com

Not so stimulating

And That's the Way It Was

RealClearPolitics - 1959: A Year That Would Change Much

EDITORIAL: Sotomayor deserves to be confirmed -- Newsday.com

Healthcare 'fix' hurts small business - Editorials - MiamiHerald.com

Editorial - What’s That Got to Do With Mr. Murtha? - NYTimes.com

WALTER CRONKITE, 1916-2009 - New York Post

TheHill.com - NRA shies from all-out fight on Sotomayor

CQ Politics | Eye on 2010 - Vulnerable House Democrats Are Well-Funded

Congressional Memo - In Books on Two Powerbrokers, Hints of the Future - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Higher Taxes, Anyone?

RealClearPolitics - Record Deficits Could Sink Obama's Presidency

The Way We Live Now - The Shuffle President - Obama is Telling Lots of Stories At Once - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Immigration Reform is Quietly Here

RealClearPolitics - Interview with President Obama

RealClearPolitics - The Squandered Stimulus

Do the Dems Have What It Takes? We'll Find Out Soon. - The Treatment

'A trillion here, a trillion there' - Bobby Jindal - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Hole Cards

The ‘Tax the Rich!’ Reflex

Nancy Pelosi: Make millionaires pay for health care - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

The Cost of Taxing Health Benefits

The Caucus - For Democrats, an Issue That Goes to the Roots - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Reform Puts Hospitals at Risk

White Men Can’t Trump Sotomayor on Life Story: Albert R. Hunt - Bloomberg.com

George Jonas: The Sotomayor charade - Full Comment

Race in 2028 - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com

My GOP: Too old, too white to win | Salon

RealClearPolitics - Culture Wars Will Endure

Evangelism 2.0 - Opinion - USATODAY.com

We are now so spineless, I will never see a man walk on Mars - Telegraph

Editorial - Costs and Benefits - NYTimes.com

EDITORIAL: Destroying private health insurance - Washington Times

Marching Orders - washingtonpost.com

‘One small step ...’ - Las Vegas Sun

White House Less Firm on Date for Health Care Bill - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jul 20, 2009 - White House putting off budget update

Arlen Specter takes hard line on Joe Sestak - Michael Falcone - POLITICO.com

TheHill.com - 'Pay-go' returns as public worries about spending

RealClearPolitics - Rep. Rangel and Senator Hatch Discuss Health Care

RealClearPolitics - Secretary Sebelius and Leader McConnell on "Meet the Press"

RealClearPolitics - Director Orszag and Senator Gregg on "Fox News Sunday"

Cocksure Banks, battles, and the psychology of overconfidence.

Consumer woes mean US not free of peril yet - Times Online

RealClearMarkets - President Obama's Donut Economics

RealClearWorld - Obama's Foreign Policy Report Card

RealClearWorld - Will the U.S.-Japan Alliance Survive?

An Unworkable Compromise by Elliott Abrams on National Review Online

RealClearWorld - What Happened to Palestine's Suicide Bombers?

The World's Duty to Somalia

North Korea's First Family | Newsweek International | Newsweek.com

FT.com / Columnists / Wolfgang Munchau - Blair and Barroso: Europe’s team from hell

Imperfect portrait of South Africa | Themba Maseko | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

The Hindu : Islamist fighters on the Silk Road

RealClearWorld - Solving Argentina's Dirty War Mysteries

It's all in the low-enriched uranium - The Globe and Mail

A Giant Leap for Mankind -Times Online

Iraq’s divisions put its security gains at risk - The National Newspaper

Congo: Perilous peace | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

Many Approve of ICC Indictment of Bashir: Poll of 7 Muslim and African Nations - World Public Opinion

Target the Drug Lords in Afghanistan, Not the Farmers - Brookings Institution

Window of Opportunity for a Two-State Solution

RealClearWorld - Iran, Elections, and Nuclear Weapons

How the Jakarta Bombers Slipped Through Security - TIME

Africa’s New Path Paul Kagame Charts A Way Forward.

Labour may never, ever win power on its own again | Andrew Rawnsley | Comment is free | The Observer

News Analysis - Iranian Critic Quotes Khomeini Principles - NYTimes.com

Comrades in Arms

Rupert Cornwell: The curious case of Hillary Clinton, the missing Secretary of State - Rupert Cornwell, Commentators - The Independent

The Daily Star - Opinion Articles - Was Hillary sensible, or just deceitful?


Opinion: Europe Must Reaffirm Its Space Ambitions - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Asia Times Online ::India plays catch-up in the great game

Keep your conflict simple – that’s how the US likes it - The National Newspaper

Robert Fulford: Canada's anti-American reflex - Full Comment

After a Four-Year Calm, Bombs Hit Jakarta Hotels - TIME

Tehran Losing Iranians’ Trust, Ex-Leader Says - NYTimes.com

Hillary Clinton's Keynote Speech: Fighting For Influence in Obama's White House - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

U.S.-India 3.0 - Forbes.com

Asia Times Online :: Indonesia wakes up to terror

Indonesia Is a Model Muslim Democracy - WSJ.com

Far Eastern Economic Review | Target Pyongyang's Palace Economy

Alexander Lebedev: Rich Advice - TIME

Like it or not, China is not about to go away | The Japan Times Online

The Al Qaeda Paradox: Think Tank : The New Yorker

RealClearWorld - Secretary Gates' Address to the Economic Club of Chicago

RealClearMarkets - Clean Coal: An Unsustainable Political Myth

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - How to end America’s deadly coal addiction

So Far From God, So Close to Wall St.

The Protectionist Vortex

Marsh on Monday: The Peking-Washington connection and its rules - MarketWatch

Don't Reappoint Ben Bernanke - Forbes.com

Strip all 'tax expenditures' from the code - The Ralph Bristol Show

The Most Misunderstood Man in America

Jamie Dimon v. Larry Summers « The Baseline Scenario

A Colossal Lack of Judgment | Alhambra Investments

pdf: 13 pg.-Hudson Institute Economic Report July 17, 2009

Report: CIT board OKs $3 billion rescue loan - USATODAY.com

Hudson Institute Economic Report July 17, 2009

At N.Y. Fed, Blending In Is Part of the Job

Indonesia: Bombings, business and the future of Indonesia - Los Angeles Times

Debbie Schlussel: Michael Jackson "As If" Laugh of the Day

Debbie Schlussel: You Knew This Was Coming: ABC "View"'s Whoopi Goldberg is Moon Landing/Apollo 11 Truther

Debbie Schlussel: Remember What Else Happened 40 Years Ago?

Debbie Schlussel: Buh-Bye, Walter Cronkite: He Lost the Vietnam War for U.S. on TV, Had American Blood on His Hands

Debbie Schlussel: Obama to NAACP: Muslims & Latinos Are Down With the Struggle; Only They & Blacks Experience Discrimination

Debbie Schlussel: HILARIOUS!!!! : New Terror Alert System Unveiled

Debbie Schlussel: Dearbornistan Bldg Inspector Convicted for Bribery, But Not 50+ Muslims Who Bribed Her w/More Than $63K

Debbie Schlussel: America Failed to Advance in Space in 40 Years Since Apollo 11: Real Science & Imagination Replaced by Junk

FDA approves seasonal flu vaccine

ZymoGenetics Shrs Benefit From Human Genome Trial Success

AIDS Vaccine Funding Declines for First Time

Alliances In Health Debate Splinter

Marijuana could bring California some relief

Pregnancy, STDs on the Rise Again Among US Teens

Colo. health board weighs medical marijuana limits

Medical marijuana under fire in Colorado

Colorado's medical marijuana program growing exponentially

In Health Debate, Ex-Insider Targets Insurance Industry

Retooling the Medicare/Medicaid model

Rationing Health Care

Man Robs Hotel, Gas Station With Needle Allegedly HIV-Infected

Gel-Filled Teethers Recalled Over Bacterial Contamination

Cronkite's Legacy Will Endure

Homicide charges against Michael Jackson's doctors unlikely - report

Custody Debate May Center on Jackson Women

Madonna visits those affected by stage accident in Marseille, France

No Joke: Kelly Hildebrandt Will Marry Kelly Hildebrandt

Twilight Zone Returning to the Movies

Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' will surpass Eagles' album sales record

Treasury must toughen TARP oversight

Government Tab for Crisis Could Hit $23.7 Trillion, Official Says

US Stocks Higher On Economic Data, Earnings Hopes

Oil wavers near $64 on upbeat corporate earnings

Google Earth takes you to the moon

Understanding Microsoft's Linux code shocker

Microsoft Releases 20000 Lines of Linux Code

Astronaut Plumber Fixes Broken Space Toilet

Could You be Hacked Like Twitter?

New FCC chairman sees broadband as priority

Genachowski pushing for broadband access, pragmatism

Mozilla Claims Firefox Bug Not a Security Risk

Giant Alaskan Blob Mystery Solved

Report: Twitter gets $48M a month in free publicity

On Anniversary of Moonwalk, Apollo Astronauts Debate Financial Restraints - washingtonpost.com

US and India agree defence pact

Mumbai attack suspect 'confesses'

EU suspends Honduras budgetary support payments

Israeli rightist sees long dispute with US

US eyes Syrian, Palestinian tracks

China says it has evidence deadly Uighur uprisings were coordinated

Iran's Supreme Leader Calls for Politicians to Stop Fomenting Unrest

Jakarta Police Focus on Graduate of Islamic School

Security Tight for ASEAN Meetings

Somali Islamists ban UN agencies

Solar eclipse: Of celestial mechanics and the Eye of God

Asia will witness 21st century's longest eclipse

Fear Supports Russian Culture of Impunity

RAF pair safe after Afghan crash

Series of Shooting Attacks in Mosul Kills 7

Iraqis restrict US operations in Baghdad

Justifying a Costly War in Sri Lanka

Debate Over Afghanistan Rages in Britain as Casualties Rise

Pope Benedict's call for a civil economy

Bosnian Serb pair jailed for burning Muslims alive

Serb cousins guilty of burning Muslims alive

Japan PM set to call poll as party at risk of defeat

Obama campaigns for public support of healthcare push

Poll: Public support for Obama on healthcare dips to 49%

Capture of US soldier 'breaks our heart,' friend says

Statement from family of captured soldier

State Senate lags in popularity poll

Only 31 percent of voters would re-elect their senator

Texting Boston Trolley Driver Pleads Not Guilty in Crash

Mormon leader to present Obama with family history

Obama to Meet with Mormon President

Will Mother's Baptism Come Up At Obama's Mormon Meeting?

Pelosi Seeks "Millionaire's Tax"

Pelosi Wants to Scale Back Health Surtax

It's official: Kirk running for US Senate

Kirk Cites Corruption Within Illinois Politics as Reason for Senate Bid - Political News - FOXNews.com

Biography of GOP Lt. Gov candidate Kim Guadagno

Hero brothers pulled boy, 4, out of burning SUV

Letter From Washington Life Lessons Should Count on Top Court

Sotomayor: Put high court on TV

Families, Va Tech survivors oppose US gun measure

Schumer: I'll fillibuster Thune gun amendment

National security hawks to rally support for Clean Energy Act

Landing a Clean Energy Victory

Democrats Lash Out at Mayor Over Control of Public Schools

Sonia Support From Those Who Count

Weather Channel Taps Former AOL Executive, Michael Kelly, as CEO

Not Obama's Czars but his Commissars

Hillary and Barack: Can this relationship be saved?

My turncoat GOP congressman announces for Senate

One-Way Free Speech

The Champion's Tax

Conservatism in defense of liberty

For the Children

ENOUGH with the Race Thing!

GM Bankruptcy Changes Business Rules?

Where is the United Methodist Church on Iran?

F-22 to Japan and Israel: A debt of Honor

Walter Cronkite, Vietnam, and the Decline of Media Credibility

Private Schools for the Poor

The Main Stream Media's March Toward Irrelevance

What's so conservative about vigilantism?

toginet.net -( podplayer) - WE THE PEOPLE - AUDIO MP3

American Thinker: Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis

Obama and the CPUSA

Big Mo turns against Obama

WaPo wants housing apartheid in Jerusalem

Commerce Secretary Gary Locke is an idiot

Your tax dollars at work: Less stim bill money for hardest hit states

Governors fear unfunded mandates in health care bill

Cronkite a hypocrite on advocating for clean energy

Giant squid and global warming

Meteor Hit On Jupiter Prompts Russian Warning For Earth

Hu Jintao's son linked to African corruption probe - Telegraph

FDIC Closes Four More Banks

Saudi princess facing death penalty over adultery given secret UK asylum | Mail Online

Iran Releases on Bail Last of Nine British Embassy Employees - Bloomberg.com

Why The Bankers Love The Left

AfricanCrisis - South Africa: 'Winnie made me sing during brutal assaults'

AfricanCrisis - Africa: Is a Recolonization of Africa Underway? The Irony of Black Vs White Freedom

ACLU sues Transportation Security Administration over Ron Paul staffer's detention

Revolution at your Fingertips!

5 Steps to Better Health Care

Socialized Medicine, By Any Other Name

The Nature of Censorship

Talking heads ignore Friday's late night CBO score on the House bill

Michele Norris is in Bizarro-Land when she talks about Health Care

FOX News Ralph Peters basically says the Taliban should excute our captured soldier


YouTube - Family 'Overwhelmed' by Support for Captured Son

YouTube - Boston trolley operator pleads not guilty

YouTube - Swine flu: Health Secretary Andy Burnham on UK plan

YouTube - AustinHealth: Teen sex trends

YouTube - US ties with India independent of Pak: Hillary

YouTube - Inside Story - Iran's power struggle - 19 Jul 09

YouTube - Indonesia police hunt Jakarta bombers - 20 July 09

YouTube - Provocation murder or murder by mistake?

YouTube - Pope leaves hospital after breaking his wrist

YouTube - American Moonwalkers

YouTube - 'Angela's Ashes' Author Frank McCourt Dies

YouTube - CBS on Cronkite's Legacy

*Video:Sen. Jon Kyl Delivers Weekly GOP Address On Health Care

Clinton: US Has Made Mistake By Contributing Significantly To Global Warming

Coulter On Sen. Boxer's Exchange With Black Businessman

Taliban Video Shows Captive US Soldier

Obama's Weekly Address: Health Care Reform Cannot Wait

"Countdown" On Gov. Mark Sanford's "First Class Hypocrisy"

Roland Martin Interviews President Obama

Sen. Hatch, Rep. Rangel On Paying For Health Care

Leahy Tells GOP "Stop The Racial Politics" On Sotomayor

Sebelius On Paying For Health Care

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Health Care Reform

Orszag Argues Against Delaying Health Care

McConnell On Health Care, Stimulus, Taliban Video

Steele: Obama's Plan Represents "Socialism"

Captured Solider Possibly A Deserter

Steele: Obama, Pelosi Want To Build "Colossal, Closed Health Care System"

Obama Responds To Health Care Criticism

Clinton Likens North Korea To "Unruly Teenagers"

Lieberman: Obama "Off To Good Start In Bad Times"

RNC Launches Ad Campaign Trashing Obama's "Grand Experiment"

Clyburn On Health Care: "We Can Not Afford Not To Do This"

ABC's Tapper Explains Obama's Tanking Poll Numbers

Clinton "Satisfied" With Position At White House

The Rio Arrests: Poor Judgment by China?

Should the Fed Begin Exit Strategy Now?

Fortress Investments Under Siege

Survey: U.S. Employers Against Obamacare

CIT To Strike Deal With Bondholders?

They Still Grab Eyeballs...

The Early Verdict on Ben Bernanke

Yahoo, Microsoft Near Deal

Undervalued Financial Stocks

NASA In Search of Moon Landing Video

Taliban Demonstrate Warfare

Jakarta Hotel Bombings

Jakarta Mourns Bomb Blast Victims

Hillary Clinton on India

Combating I.E.D.'s in Afghanistan

Gunman from Mumbai Attack Confesses

Riaz Muhammad Khan on American Foreign Policy

India, US Differ Over Climate Change

Georgian Aspirations for NATO Almost Dead

Captured U.S. Soldier Speaks

Clinton Finishes India Visit

Iran's Power Struggle


*Transcripts:Secretary Sebelius and Leader McConnell on Health Care

Director Orszag and Senator Gregg on the Cost of Care

Rep. Rangel and Sen. Hatch Discuss Health Care

Shields and Brooks on the Week in Congress

President Obama Address NAACP Convention

Secretary Gates' Speech at the Economic Club of Chicago

Interview with Frank Ricci

Analysts Discuss Sotomayor Hearings

Interview with Mayor Michael Bloomberg

Obama on Congress's Health Care Proposals

Clinton's Speech at the Council on Foreign Relations

Senators Leahy and Grassley on Sotomayor Hearings

Steny Hoyer on the House's Health Care Bill

Interview with Senator Jon Kyl

Fred & Jeri Thompson on Health Care Reform

Senators Whitehouse & Bond on Cheney and the CIA

Obama Announces American Graduation Initiative

Panel on Sotomayor's Questions and Answers

Legal Analysts Discuss Sotomayor's Answers

Interview with President Barack Obama

Lindsey Graham on the $1 Trillion Deficit

Secretary Clinton's Townhall at USAID

Writers Discuss Cheney and the CIA

A New Vision for Urban Policy

Judiciary Chairman & Ranking Member on Sotomayor

Senator McCain Talks About Sarah Palin's Resignation

Senators Feinstein and Cornyn Discuss Sotomayor

Senators Durbin and Kyl Debate Health Care Reform


American Minute for July 20th:William J Federer's American Minute


YouTube - Sen. Grassley (R-IA) Questions Sonia Sotomayor

YouTube - Senator Tom Coburn Questions Judge Sonia Sotomayor

YouTube - Senator Jon Kyl Questions Judge Sonia Sotomayor

YouTube - Senator Lindsey Graham Questions Judge Sonia Sotomayor

YouTube - Senator Orrin Hatch Questions Judge Sonia Sotomayor

YouTube - Senator Charles Grassley Questions Judge Sonia Sotomayor

YouTube - Senator Jeff Sessions Questions Judge Sonia Sotomayor

YouTube - The Sotomayor Hearings: Q & A, Round 1

YouTube - The Sotomayor Hearings: Q & A, Round 2

YouTube - Sen. Arlen Specter (D-PA) on Cameras in the Court

YouTube - Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) Joke at Sotomayor Hearing

YouTube - Franken's First Joke In the Senate


***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***


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