"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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17 July 2009

Friday - 17 July 09

17 JULY 09

**Site - We Choose the Moon: Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing

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Hate Bill Passes - But Brownback Amendment Shines

The Associated Press: Senate votes big expansion of federal hate crimes

The Radical Press » Blog Archive » The Silence of the Wolves by Arthur Topham

Jesus On A White Horse

From WW II To WW III: Global NATO And Remilitarized Germany

savethemales.ca - Is the US the Next Mexico?

Citizen Condemns Army For Removing Maj. Cook

The Afghanistan industry | Nushin Arbabzadah | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Hate Crimes Laws Introduction

Penalty Enhancement and the Inclusion of Gender

Text of ADL Model Legislation

Obama's Science Czar: Traditional family is obsolete, punish large families | Washington Examiner

Extradition without justice | Anita Coles | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

US lawyer faces investigation after battling corporations on workers' behalf | World news | guardian.co.uk

Obama borrows Republican tactics to sell healthcare plan - Americas, World - The Independent

Neil Armstrong to skip Apollo 11 event

Former astronaut Charles Bolden made new Nasa chief - Times Online

Video: Max Keiser – Goldman Sachs gang are ’scum’ who have co-opted U.S. gov’t « Dprogram.net

Senate Passes Hate Bill – Yet Democrats Compromise « Dprogram.net

‘911: Blueprint for Truth’ Richard Gage « Dprogram.net

Obama goes to bat for Bush wiretap program

Housing rescue plan gets slow start as loan modifications drag - USATODAY.com

Joe Biden: ‘We Have to Go Spend Money to Keep From Going Bankrupt’

Pentagon Orders Robot to Recycle the Dead - World - Javno

West Offering to Endorse Israeli Attack on Iran as Part of Settlement Deal -- News from Antiwar.com

AFP: Cuba, US to resume immigration talks at UN

The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room » Chavez: ‘Obama is biting off more than he can chew’

China's holdings of US debt hit record high

U.S. set to boost military role in Colombia - Focus on Colombia- msnbc.com

Ritz, Marriott Hotels in Jakarta Hit by Bombings; 8 People Die - Bloomberg.com

YouTube - The Strangest Secret in the world - Earl Nightingale

Socialist America sinking

Less is more: 13 doctors demand inquest into Dr David Kelly's death

YouTube - Senator Boxer Accused of Race Politics

Canadian Lawyer Magazine - Censorship in the Internet age

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Wayne Madsen on The Alex Jones Show:The Nwo’s Private Hit Squad

Busted World


America’s ‘disappeared’: The homeless of the big cities

BBC NEWS | Technology | Weaving the way to the Moon

Bernie Madoff Was Only a Petty Crook Compared with Uncle Sam by Robert Higgs

Independent UN probe into Bhutto killing starts work in Pakistan

Fearful Thinking | sydwalker.info

CNSNews.com - Health Care Bill Will Fund State Vaccine Teams to Conduct ‘Interventions’ in Private Homes

Washington's Blog : What is "High-Frequency Trading", and How Does It Distort the Markets?

Atheo News: Microsoft Versus Chavez


07-17-2009: Is The U.S. Flag Planted On The Moon 40 Years Ago Still Standing?

07-17-2009: Senate Votes To Expand Federal Hate Crimes Laws

07-16-2009: Moon Potential Goldmine Of Natural Resources

07-16-2009: Pentagon Eyes Plan To Increase Army By 30,000

07-16-2009: NASA Lost Moon Footage But Hollywood Restores It

07-16-2009: Reuters Report On Revampment Of Apollo 11 Moon Footage

07-16-2009: AP Article On NASA Refurbishing Apollo 11 Moon Landing Video

UK: 3,400 Stop And Searches Yield No Terrorist Arrests

9/11 Families: Obama Favors Saudi Terrorist Financiers Over Victims

Did Cheney's Assassination Squad Operate on U.S. Soil?

Baxter Vaccine 'Oddities' Baxter: The 'Lucky Larry' of swine flu

"Green" Global Government Agenda Becoming More Evident

More than 50 heads of state from the developing world will meet to tackle the fallout from the global economic meltdown, with calls for a NEW WORLD ORDER

Freemasons jailed in Fiji over sorcery claims: report

Plantagon: Geodesic Dome Farm of the Future

Israeli Navy in Suez Canal Prepares for Potential Attack on Iran

The US Assassinates People All The Time!

Our Wartime Propaganda

The "So and So is a Shill" Trap

To be governed...

John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet

Sustainable Development: Less Is More for the Modern Day Wage Slave

Copyright laws threaten our online freedom

Eager to Tap Iraq's Vast Oil Reserves, Industry Execs Suggested Invasion

Blitz of "Cyber Attacks" as Rockefeller Bill Approaches

9/11 and Cyberterrorism

Ignorance in America.

Germany: First New Post-Cold War World Military Power

Low-Wage Capitalism

US Strategy of Total Energy Control over the European Union and Eurasia

The privately owned Federal Reserve runs our Country

"Sovereign Iraq" welcomes back the Foreign Oil Companies

The Democrats Abandon the Environment

The Keynesian Revolution and the Neo-liberal Counter-revolution

VIDEO: Zion Oil and Gas: This oil is mine: God gave this oil to me. . .

Visa requirement for Mexicans and the Destruction of Mexican Agriculture

VIDEO: CIA linked to Benazir Bhutto’s assassination?

Traded away for a make-believe economy, the real US economy is dead

Racism and bigotry on the rise

"Green" Global Government Agenda Becoming More Evident

video - Wayne Madsen: Special "Q Group" security wing inside US National Security Agency

Obama Science Advisor Called For “Planetary Regime” To Enforce Totalitarian Population Control Measures

Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

Gore: U.S. Climate Bill Will Help Bring About 'Global Governance'


MIT develops camera-like fabric

Lessons in Universal Health Insurance Models

IBDeditorials.com:It's Not An Option

FOXNews.com - Islamic Supremacist Group Holds First U.S. Conference - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

Mysterious, Glowing Clouds Appear Across America’s Night Skies | Wired Science | Wired.com

Disclose.tv • View topic - A Dire Warning !.. Real Alien Pics ?

Smart spiders spy on Mount Saint Helens: Scientific American Blog

Understanding Weather -not predicting-

Reaching out at Roswell

New Haven Firefighters Decry Sotomayor Decision for Judging People by Race Not Merits

Obama's Homeland Security Secretary Supports Weakening Post-9/11 Driver's License Reforms That Were Designed to Thwart Terrorists

Terror Lull Ends with Deadly Blasts at Two Indonesian Hotels

Specter Not Satisfied with Sotomayor's Answers, Franken Gets Laughs

Chavez and Allies Watch as U.S. and Colombia Near A Deal on Air Base

Tobacco Use—Not Promiscuity or Drug Abuse—Will Be Only Vice Legally Punishable by Higher Insurance Premiums Under Senate Health Care Bill

Lawmakers Urged to Raise Excise Tax on Alcohol to Fund ‘Wellness’ Programs

UN Pollution Accord Enters Into Force in October

Jerusalem Police Fear More Ultra-Orthodox Riots

Obama, Addressing NAACP, Says 'Pain of Discrimination Is Still Felt in America'

Blacks Are Most Obese Group, Study Finds

No Charges Filed in Flushing of Stillborn Baby

Inside the Monstrous Obamacare Bureaucracy

How Senator Mikulski Slipped an Abortion Mandate into the Health Care Bill

GLOBAL: As the money flows, so the world turns

BMW heiress victim of new sex blackmail

Ahmadinejad appoints new nuclear chief, 2nd Ld-Writethru, ML

Accidental Billionaires

Second person dies after Madonna stage collapse

Obama deplores race discrimination

Obama administration turning homeowners into renters

Video of President Obama's speech at NAACP convention and commentary

Mental health crucial to any health-care debate

Iran Nuclear Arms Worst Threat to U.S. Security, Says Gates

Israel Warships Positioning for Possible Iran Attack

Second House Committee Passes Health Plan

New Drug Protects Against Nuclear Radiation

Ex-CIA Director Woolsey Defends Bush on al-Qaida

FEC Rules No Funds for Candidate Clothes

Card Check is Dead: New York Times

Dem Boren Says Obama's Too Liberal, Unpopular

Obama Tries to Woo GOP's Snowe on Healthcare

Zell Miller: Globe-Trotting Obama Should Stay Put

Judge Throws Out Hillary 'FBI Filegate' Lawsuit

Twitter Hacked by Old Technique — Again

NBC White House 'Reporter' Chuck Todd: Torture Investigation Little More Than Cable 'News Catnip'

AUDIO: Beck 'Lose[s] Mind,' Freaks Out at Radio Show Caller Over Health Care...

The Judge and the Good Old Boy

U.S. House Panel Passes Health Bill, Critics Slam Cost

Witness in Alamo Trial: Family Blocked Foster Care

2 Injured in an Explosion at a Chicago Factory

Men Better at Paying Bills: Study

Virgin Islands Researchers Unveil Slavery Records

Our Shadow Government (The CFR)

Pablo Manriquez: It Would Behoove the Republican Party to Immediately Stop Pissing Off Latinos

Card Check RIP?

What Were They Watching On Air Force One? (PHOTO)

Bronzeville Residents Take Housing Crusade To Mayor Daley's Home

David Doody: David Doody: An Experiment in Web Serialization

Susanne Klatten Sex Tape Scammers Arrested By German Police

"Card Check" Is As Good As Dead; Binding Arbitration Lives

Obama Is Not Roosevelt!

Obama: Civil Rights Leaders Paved the Way

Man Thwarts Mountain Lion with Chain Saw

Pilot: Massive Gust of Wind Before Crash

Obama: Walls at 'Door of No Return' can speak

N.Y. Railroad Engineer Lets Passenger Drive Train

U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq War: 4,324

Pickens Said to Seek Investors for Energy Hedge Funds Following 79% Gain

Sotomayor the judge is 'thoughtful,' 'demanding,'

Rooftop Farming: 6,000 Square Foot Organic Vegetable Farm Overlooks Manhattan - PSFK.com

Boxer Lays it on Thick For the Climate Bill

Mental Illness in China, Seriously Underestimated

Computers may be able to ‘read’ thoughts

Can DARPA Teach Machines to Read?

DARPA, Army fund 'telepathy' research

DARPA wants 'clandestine' 3D building-interior mapping kit

Brain-Machine Interface Technology Enabling Control of a Robot by Human Thought Alone

Pentagon Plans to Regrow Human Body Parts

Liberty and Safety by Andrew P. Napolitano

We’re Going Away! by Butler Shaffer

The Economic Meltdown: Its Cause and Cure by Laurence M. Vance

Socialist America Sinking by Patrick J. Buchanan

The Ancient and Enduring

Climate change: The sun and the oceans do not lie - Telegraph

Universal Health Care Isn't Worth Our Freedom - WSJ.com

Mish Should Ditch His Deflation Fears - Robert P. Murphy - Mises Institute

The Sleuth - Ron Paul, Politician and Yenta

Business Intelligence Middle East - bi-me.com - 'Printing money will lead to serious problems down the road,' - Jim Rogers

Humor In The Workplace - Federal Business Opportunities: Opportunities

Obama Opposes House Plan to Protect Chrysler, GM Dealerships - Bloomberg.com

Jumbo squid invade San Diego shores, spook divers

Hillary Clinton rejects notion of diminished role | Politics | Reuters

Pope breaks wrist, has surgery, leaves smiling

Big Dem cash dump on eve of climate vote - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

House Democrats muzzle GOP on sensitive issues

Breitbart.tv » ‘It Was Vile Jim Crow’: Exclusive Interview With Black Business Leader Insulted by Sen. Boxer

Firefighter denounces Sotomayor ruling

Socialized Medicine, By Any Other Name

Paulson Threatened Great Depression, Food Riots To Get Bailout Bill Passed

Hotel Explosion Caught On Tape

Two Blasts in Indonesia Covered with Geopolitical Fingerprints

Jakarta Hotel Bombs, The Military & The CIA

9/11 Lawsuit Turns Into a Show Trial

The Daily Mail Asks: Did MI5 Kill Dr David Kelly?

Ron Paul: Opening Statement on Federal Reserve Role and Consumer Protection

Rep. Alan Grayson: “Hank Paulson Had a $700M Conflict of Interest”

Nation & World | 6% remain convinced moon landings were fake | Seattle Times Newspaper

Times Online Editor: We Didn’t Censor Opposition to Mandatory Vaccination Comments

A Philosophical Argument against Forced Vaccination

Calling Jews 'Nazis' may be criminalised | The Jewish Chronicle

Army's Most High-Tech Infantry Unit Set to Touch Down in Afghanistan | Popular Science

Lawmakers Warned About Health Costs

EDITORIAL: No crisis in confidence - Washington Times

Why Democrats Win, Why Republicans Lose

Olmert sides with Netanyahu against Obama's pressure

Palestinians displaced by Iraq War to be resettled in America

Green dreams prove costly for utility customers

What is the point of Obama's orations?

Card Checkoff provision dropped from EFCA?

Obama's broken promises

Pushing Faith out of Politics

Obama's Immoral Authority

What Climate Change Can Do For the Left

Albert -- the Not-So Great -- Gore

Sonia Sotomayor's Troubled Eyes

Bias you can BET on

Changing Winds at the White House

Here he comes to save their day: Harry Reid shills for anti-healthcare reform Dems

Your Two Minutes of Hate: Wingnut radio edition July 16th

Rachel Maddow: Third GOP Congressman Having an Affair While Living at C-Street

Tea Party Republican warns that the next step after 'the ballot box' is 'the bullet box'

Dueling Health Care Flow Charts: Reality vs. GOP Propaganda

Republican Senators and the Worst. Ad. Ever.

Hannity gleefully promotes Birther soldier's get-out-of-service scam as legitimate

Glenn Beck Shrieks Like A Little Baby When Challenged By Caller

Jesse Ventura on Palin: I Would Never Vote for Her Because if it Gets Too Hot in the Kitchen, She's Liable to Quit

Lou Dobbs and the Birthers: Stefan Cook's orders were rescinded by the military

Al Franken Lightens Up the Sotomayor Hearing

Tom Coburn thinks he's a priest and not a Senator

FOX News: New Haven Firefighter Reminds Us All of Poor Joe the Plumber

The right's irrational view of race is on full display in Sotomayor hearings

Michael Steele welcomes all to GOP with "fried chicken and potato salad"? Actually, it's worse than that.

Countdown: Worst Persons July 14, 2009

Bernie Sanders: The VA is a Socialized Health Care System, Right Mr. McCain?

Right Wing Group Says Cabranes Cavorted With Terrorists

Pat Buchanan at it Again, Calls Sotomayor a "Militant Liberal Latina"

Karl Rove advocates breaking the law when it comes to the CIA and Congress

Paul Krugman on The Colbert Report

Matthews Acknowledges McCain's Temper While Discussing Republican Hypocrisy and Sex Scandals with Bill Maher

Crawford: Sotomayor Hearings Political Disaster For GOP

Jacqui Smith: I wasn't up to being Home Secretary - mirror.co.uk

Indonesia Bomb Victims Were Attending Business Forum - WSJ.com

TheHill.com - Blue Dogs threaten to bring down Pelosi’s healthcare bill

Rasmussen Reports: 78% Say Health Care Reform Likely to Mean Higher Taxes for the Middle Class

How Republicans missed their chance with Sotomayor | Washington Examiner

Sotomayor Ducks Questions About Gun Rights - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Mainers invited to become track-your-car guinea pigs | Portland Press Herald

Killings of Russia's Human-Rights Activists Continue

The Associated Press: Lawyers, activists and reporters killed in Russia

Obama Wants Medicare Reimbursement Rates Out of Congressional Hands - washingtonpost.com

Group fights park named for William Shockley

Time for Obama to Step Into the Health Care Debate? - TIME

Dr. Dean's Second Opinion - The Daily Beast

Sotomayor Confirmation a Done Deal - Courtwatch - CBS News

RealClearPolitics - What is the Point of Obama's Speeches?

Bloomberg.com:Clinton and Sotomayor Endure Man-Made Perils: Margaret Carlson

The power of the liberals - Matthew Dallek - POLITICO.com


Ezra Klein - The Idea That Could Save Health-Care Reform

Obama Needs to 'Reset' His Presidency - WSJ.com

Republicans Throw in Towel in Sotomayor Fight

RealClearMarkets - Bleeding the Economy Back to Health

Op-Ed Columnist - The Joy of Sachs - NYTimes.com

Free Speech TV: The Fall and Rise of Goldman Sachs « NewsReal Blog

Sen. Barbara Boxer: Clean Energy Action Will Jump Start Our Economy

Obama’s Tax-and-Spend Tastes Seduce Democrats: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg.com

RealClearPolitics - Southern Democrats Feel Pressure from Obama Agenda

The Dick Cheney Diversion | The American Prospect

RealClearPolitics - A War Between Two World Views

RealClearPolitics - The Moon We Left Behind

Our view on military spending: Dogfight over Raptor typifies excess - Opinion - USATODAY.com

A Reckless Congress - WSJ.com

The Cheney Gang

Economics: What went wrong with economics | The Economist

Biden Fires Back At Stimulus Critics - washingtonpost.com

TheHill.com - Pelosi paying a price for climate bill

Reid: DNC wasting money attacking Democrats - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Dealer bill faces Senate showdown | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Ehud Olmert - How to Achieve a Lasting Peace

And Then There Were None;How They Killed Chechnya's Conscience - By Anna Nemtsova | Foreign Policy

Did We Take a Wrong Turn in Afghanistan?

Indonesia Is a Model Muslim Democracy - WSJ.com

FT.com / Columnists / Philip Stephens - The Middle East chess game Obama needs to win

A state of terror - World - Macleans.ca

Chechnya's peace is built on murder | Tom Parfitt | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Crime and Punishment -Times Online

Editorial: What he needs to hear | Editorials | Jerusalem Post

The World from Berlin: Germany's Radioactive Election Fever - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Many Approve of ICC Indictment of Bashir: Poll of 7 Muslim and African Nations - World Public Opinion

Target the Drug Lords in Afghanistan, Not the Farmers - Brookings Institution

Window of Opportunity for a Two-State Solution

RealClearWorld - Iran, Elections, and Nuclear Weapons

How Iran Might Beat Future Sanctions: The China Card - TIME

Hillary Clinton's Keynote Speech: Fighting For Influence in Obama's White House - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

RealClearWorld - The Non-Aligned Struggle for Relevance

Dismantling the Temple

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Congress must not touch the Federal Reserve

Fact And Comment - Forbes.com

Signs of Capitalist Life - WSJ.com

The US-China Ponzi scheme - MSN Money

Anti-capitalism chokes the engine of growth - Jul. 16, 2009

Leave the bankers alone to their bonuses | Antonia Senior - Times Online

IBDeditorials.com:Tax Hike Comin'

This Recovery Will Be Very, Very Painful - The Atlantic Business Channel


RealClearMarkets - Hope and Change We Can't Afford

You Want Choice? Talk to Ron Wyden. - The Treatment

Plans to Postpone Retirement Often Fail to Pan Out - Real Time Economics - WSJ

7 companies beating the odds - MSN Money

All That Glitters May Not Be Goldman

*5 pg - Is China the Next Bubble?

Morgan Stanley - Policy-Driven Decoupling: Upgrading Our 2009-10 Outlook

PIMCO - US Credit Perspectives Kiesel July 2009 Rising Tide to Choppy Waters

Paulson harshly criticized by House committee for role in market meltdown - Los Angeles Times

Proposals tax top earners to pay for benefit programs - USATODAY.com

Two Giants Emerge From Wall Street Ruins

Health-Reform Malpractice | Michael D. Tanner | Cato Institute: Commentary

Time To End The Monopoly In Education | Andrew J. Coulson | Cato Institute: Commentary

**A History of Labor Unions from Colonial Times to 2009 - Morgan Reynolds - Mises Institute

Why Obamacare Can't Work: The Calculation Argument - Gabriel E. Vidal - Mises Institute

Iran & Obama’s Hollow Moral Core

Uncharitable Attack on Charity

Pelosi’s Eco-Totalitarianism

Will Obama Raise Middle-Class Taxes to Fund Health Care?

A Closer Look at Those Industry Deals | Michael F. Cannon | Cato Institute: Commentary

Does Barack Obama Support Socialized Medicine? | Michael F. Cannon | Cato Institute: Briefing Paper

The Grass Is Not Always Greener: A Look at National Health Care Systems Around the World | Michael D. Tanner | Cato Institute: Policy Analysis

YouTube - Politics of slander

Microsoft and Yahoo near ad deal: report

Apollo 11's Bright Glare

Did TechCrunch Go Too Far In Revealing Twitter Docs?

10 Concerns We Have About Google Chrome OS

Google Reader Gets Facebooked, Adds Social Networking

Microsoft Popfly Gets Squashed

Video: Madonna's tearful tribute to dead stagehands

New Michael Jackson Song 'A Place With No Name' Hits The Web

Debbie Rowe sues woman over TV interview

Helped by a Big Name, Letterman Bounces Back

Vote Nixes Butter Michael Jackson

House Democratic leaders pledge healthcare progress

Circumcision Doesn't Prevent Transmission of HIV to Women

Octuplets' hospital privacy fine

Harry and Louise Return, With a New Message

HIV travel ban may be lifted

US teens get sex education, but not from parents

Pay for care a new way, state is urged

Blacks are most obese group, study finds

Army suicides wane after campaign, but still more than 2008

Alzheimer's gene may impair middle-aged memory

Health insurance policies being sold in storefronts

Rock Band 2 To Feature User-Created Songs

Michael Jackson Death Probe: Homicide?

Banking Is Far From Fixed

Unemployment rate remains at 11.6 percent for June

Summers: US economy backs away from abyss

Goldman Sachs bites Uncle Sam's hand

Madoff auditor pleads not guilty in court: reports

Crude Oil Rises More Than $1 After US Housing Starts Climb

Microsoft and Yahoo near ad deal: report

Shuttle Plans Space Station Flyby

Heads Up! Flying Jumbo Squid by the Thousands

Website of the Week — We Choose The Moon

Web's Anonymity Makes Cyberattack Hard to Trace

YouTube - 40th Anniversary Of Apollo 11

Tehran's streets erupt after a key opposition figure speaks

YouTube - Madonna's Stage Collapses A Worker is Killed

YouTube - The Buzz: Michael Jackson's new song

YouTube - Geithner to Testify on BofA/Merrill Deal?

Sotomayor Hearings Repeatedly Touched on Enviro Issues

Supreme Court nominee Sotomayor hard to peg on church-state disputes

Obama Delivers Speech at NAACP Centennial Convention

House committee wants auto task force documents

Gates warns against excess with F-22s

Employee Free Choice Without Card Check: "Card Check Lite?"

ACU denies 'pay for play' lobbying charges

Religious Speech Amendment Added To Hate Crimes Bill

Hate crimes may cover gender, sexual orientation

Witness: Nervous Alamo cut up explicit photos

Women say they married Alamo

Biden challenges GOP on stimulus on Cantor's turf

New Fund-Raising World for New Jersey Governor

Were Chinese agents at Gitmo?

Lawmakers Blast Obama "No-Visit" Gitmo Policy

In Albany, No Action on Bloomberg School Control

Doyle Unveils Plans For Proposed Rail Line

YouTube - Sotomayor On Her Way; GOP Pledges Quick Vote

YouTube - NAACP's 100th Anniversary

Attorney: Fla. couple's safe contained jewelry, meds - CNN.com

YouTube - Billings Family Mourns Parents

YouTube - Sailing into History

Tehran's streets erupt after a key opposition figure speaks

Man U scraps Indonesia match after hotel blasts

Pope has surgery after breaking wrist in fall

Sotomayor Hearings Repeatedly Touched on Enviro Issues

Roadside Bomb Kills 11, Including 5 Children in Afghanistan

ANALYSIS-US, Venezuela tensions rise over Honduras crisis

Back Pakistan in terror fight, Clinton tells India

No Pakistan talks until Mumbai justice: Indian PM

Ghana: What Obama Failed to Admit

Barack Obama delivers 'tough love' message to black community

US Finding Its Voice in Africa Again

US-educated scientist to lead Iranian atomic energy drive

Slain activist faced pressure from Chechen leader

Army pushes for more helicopters

Observe July 18 as Nelson Mandela Day - President Mills

UN Slaps Sanctions on North Korean Firms, Individuals

Suspected US Missile Strike Kills 5 Suspected Militants in Pakistan

Authorities hope court deal will end ultra-Orthodox protests

Iceland hands in application to join EU

Non-Aligned Movement Leaders Conclude 15th Summit

Garden Gnome Raises Fuhrer in Germany

The Myths of the Third Reich

Mexico beefs up 'drug war' forces

YouTube - Army boss calls for more equipment as another soldier dies

Netanyahu tight-lipped about imminent Iran attack

How West Bank Jews are defying Obama!

Bible banishment by court overturned

'Obama policies fail to protect pristine lands'

'Begone!' Georgia judge orders fired reservist

flashback/Health technology bill could weaken privacy

'Birth hospital': Letter for real

Sotomayor declared 'unqualified to serve'

House health care bill 'outlaws private insurance'

War Hero Email Goes Worldwide -- But Who Really Wrote It? - ABC News

Apollo 11 Moon landing: conspiracy theories debunked - Telegraph

AFP: Hamas says Israel dumping aphrodisiac gum on Gaza

INDEPENDENT online - Could Sardinia be the lost island of Atlantis?

Digging deeper: Archaeologists race to show Pompeii daily life - USATODAY.com

'Gay' is gone for penguins

UN calls for overthrow of free market ideology - Telegraph

Hank Paulson tells Congress he threatened Ken Lewis

First half foreclosures break records - Jul. 16, 2009

Top Manager Sees "Huge Risk" in Alternative Energy as Proof of Global Warming Cools: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

U.S. Chamber of Commerce wants gasoline tax hike - Kathryn McGarr - POLITICO.com

Obama's 'noble truth' is a lie

Teacher claims to remember Obama’s birth

White, Republican racists on parade

Obama's betrayal of the working-class male

And now for something completely different

The dirty secret is out

Calling all Blue Dogs

Welcome to America, comandante

RealClearPolitics - Socialized Medicine? Bring It On

No more smokes in foxholes?

Why the GOP elite despises Sarah Palin


Asian Nations Could Outpace U.S. in Developing Clean Energy - washingtonpost.com

Keeping body in fridge is legal, officials say - baltimoresun.com

Woman prison officer 'forced from job for being too sexy' demands payout | Mail Online

Police officers busted by speed cameras get ticket reprieve | Washington Examiner

Scott Peterson's Family Seeks Donations

Evaluation ordered for woman accused of biting marriage mediator | SeacoastOnline.com

Sting nabs sticky-fingered JFK airport workers going through luggage

Charleston Daily Mail - West Virginia News and Sports - AP Featured News - Girl 'married' at 8 says Alamo found her 'cute'

Minister calls for overhaul of Canada’s refugee system - The Globe and Mail

Palm Beach Gardens man who just finished 4,200-mile motorcycle trip killed in West Palm Beach crash

Exodus from Episcopal Church explained (OneNewsNow.com)

Iraq Suffers as the Euphrates River Dwindles | Ocala.com | Star-Banner | Ocala, FL

Want to live in an eco-town? It will cost you £13,000 to park there - Telegraph

Astronauts Launch New Pro-Life TV Commercial After CNN, NBC Reject Ads

NYT: Swift Boat Vets Inspired Term for 'Smearing a Political Opponent with Lies' | NewsBusters.org

Jimmy Carter's 'malaise' speech looks different today - TwinCities.com

NASA releases clearest videos yet of 1969 moonwalk - CNN.com

Climate Changes May be Slower Than Expected: Discovery Channel

What happened next for famous brain injury patient Phineas Gage | Booster Shots | Los Angeles Times

Dog Wet Nurse Saves Panda Cubs in China - ABC News

Boy, 13 'beaten up by ghost' - Hartlepool Mail

Huge blob of Arctic goo floats past Slope communities: Arctic Alaska | adn.com

Pluto's kin may have invaded asteroid belt - space - 15 July 2009 - New Scientist

Buried City in Oasis Lends View of Ancient Egypt | LiveScience

'Cloak of Illusion' Tech Could Disguise Objects : Discovery News

Jackie Mason/Whites need affirmative action

American Minute for July 17th:William J Federer's American Minute

'Discrimination cannot stand'

'Birth hospital': Letter for real

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

Lib talker, Lou Dobbs now asking eligibility questions

*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

State alleges educational neglect against mom

Free speech plan booted by House committee

Rangel paid lawyers $928k in last year - John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com

Settlers launch 'Obama hilltop project'

- Haaretz - Israel News

Congressman warns of 'Big Brother dossier'

Obama Wants Medicare Reimbursement Rates Out of Congressional Hands - washingtonpost.com

Smuggling abortion agenda into healthcare reform (OneNewsNow.com)

CNSNews.com - Tobacco Use—Not Promiscuity or Drug Abuse—Will Be Only Vice Legally Punishable by Higher Insurance Premiums Under Senate Health Care Bill

TheHill.com - Blue Dogs threaten to bring down Pelosi’s healthcare bill

House Democrats Use Key Votes to Rally Support to Health Care Plan, Despite Hurdles - Political News - FOXNews.com

Budget umpire: Health care bills would raise costs - Yahoo! News

Health bill 'outlaws private insurance'

Obama And His Birth Certificate Are About To Make History : FreedoMedium

Islamic Supremacist Group Holds First U.S. Conference - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Iran appoints MIT grad as nuclear chief - Iran- msnbc.com

Ahmadinejad: Iran will bring down Western foes | International | Reuters

'Obama policies fail to protect pristine lands'

Bible banishment by court overturned

Pentagon orders soldier fired for challenging prez

Why the restless Chinese are warming to Russia's frozen east - Telegraph

Russian Bulava missile test fails again - Telegraph

Iran's nuclear chief resigns - Telegraph

Al-Jazeera journalist imprisoned in Guantánamo Bay to sue George Bush | Media | guardian.co.uk

Did MI5 kill Dr David Kelly? Another crazy conspiracy theory amid claims he wrote tell-all book that vanished after his death | Mail Online

Make your home greener or we'll put up your council tax | Mail Online

Police officers who practice witchcraft to get Pagan Police Association and their own religious holidays | Mail Online

People in the countryside told to accept 'many thousands' of new wind turbines - Telegraph

Police raid 30th birthday barbecue after man used Facebook to invite friends | Mail Online

A Prescription for the Goose… - WSJ.com

Transmutation of America into a tense multicultural bouquet


audio- Apollyon Rising 2012 - Part 1

audio - Apollyon Rising 2012 - Part 2

audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 16th With Rima E. Laibow, M.D.

audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 15th With Wayne Madsen

audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 14th With Michael Shedlock


Who Rules The World? - Part 1

Who Rules The World? - Part 2

Who Rules The World? - Part 3

PART ONE -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART THREE – Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART FOUR—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART EIGHT—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART NINE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART TEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART ELEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART TWELVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART THIRTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

PART FOURTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government


***Transcripts:Obama on Congress's Health Care Proposals

Clinton's Speech at the Council on Foreign Relations

Senators Leahy and Grassley on Sotomayor Hearings

Steny Hoyer on the House's Health Care Bill

Interview with Senator Jon Kyl

Fred & Jeri Thompson on Health Care Reform

Senators Whitehouse & Bond on Cheney and the CIA

Obama Announces American Graduation Initiative

Panel on Sotomayor's Questions and Answers

Legal Analysts Discuss Sotomayor's Answers

Interview with President Barack Obama

Lindsey Graham on the $1 Trillion Deficit

Secretary Clinton's Townhall at USAID

Writers Discuss Cheney and the CIA

A New Vision for Urban Policy

Judiciary Chairman & Ranking Member on Sotomayor

Senator McCain Talks About Sarah Palin's Resignation

Senators Feinstein and Cornyn Discuss Sotomayor

Senators Durbin and Kyl Debate Health Care Reform

A New Moment of Promise in Africa

Obama's Weekly Address: The Stimulus is Working


**Video:Against the Grain: Sell Citigroup...

Congress Grills Paulson On BofA/Merrill

JPMorgan Q2 Profit Jumps 36%; Beats Forecasts

CIT: Not Too Big To Fail

Markets Weigh Good Banks Vs Bad Banks

Strong Growth in China

Is the Stock Market Rally for Real?

Goldman's Compensation Gamble

Too Big to Fail? Washington Tells CIT to Drop Dead

Economists Grab the Limelight

Obama Speaks on Health Reform

Are Financials Finally Off Life Support?

IBM Profit Climbs 12%; Raises Full-Year Earnings Forecast

Porsche Power Struggle

Kudlow: Is Obama-Care a Sick Joke?

Art Hogan's Market Perspective

Gordon Brown Q&A Session

Sec. Clinton on Iran Policy

Russian Activist Murdered in Chechnya

168 Dead as Passenger Jet Crashes in Iran

Honoring Natalia Estemirova

Christopher Hitchens on Iran

Amnesty Offer for Zelaya

India-Pakistan Meeting

UN Says Lashkar Plans to Attack India

Charles Taylor Takes the Stand

French Officials Abducted in Somalia

Witnesses to Indonesia Bombings Talk

Pressure on Russia to Protect Activists

Frank Ricci on "Hannity"

Senator Barrasso on Health Care & Small Business

Hoyer On The Blue Dogs Blocking Health Reform

Glenn Beck Mocks Senators Al Franken & Chuck Schumer At Sotomayor Hearing

Maddow, Buchanan Spar Over Affirmative Action And Sotomayor

Biden: "We Have To Go Spend Money To Keep From Going Bankrupt"

Firefighter Frank Ricci Speaks At Sotomayor Hearing

Watch Live: Day 4 Of Sotomayor Confirmation Hearings

President Gives "Tough Love" Speech To NAACP

Laura Ingraham On Democrats' Health Care Plan

Sotomayor Regrets "Wise Latina Woman" Remark

Dem Senator Tells Obama To Be Patient With Health Care

White Flag? Grassley Slips And Calls Sotomayor "Justice"

Rep. Harman Calls For Bush Administration Investigations

O'Reilly On Health Care Bill: Con Or Great Thing?

Coburn: Gov't Health Care Will "Absolutely" Kill More Than It Saves

Sessions To Black AG "We're Gonna Do That Crack Cocaine"

Obama: Taxing High Earners to Fund Health Reform a "Good Idea"

Clinton To Reporters: "I Broke My Elbow, Not My Larynx"

Jesse Ventura: Sarah Palin Is A "Quitter"

Hoekstra: Government-Run Health Care Will Be Only Choice

Franken Asks Sotomayor Why She Wants The Job

Pelosi: Health Care Reform Is "Pretty Exciting"

J.C. Watts On Nationalized Health Care

Sens. Whitehouse, Bond On Cheney Breaking The Law

Olbermann: Republican's "Hearing Voices" At Sotomayor Hearing

Ron Paul: Obama Will "Destroy the Dollar"

GOP Rips President On Stimulus In "Obama vs Obama" Ad

RNC's Steele On 2010 Elections

CBO: Obama's Health Care Plan Will "Significantly" Expand Costs

Rep. Hoyer On Cost Of Obama's Health Care Plan

YouTube - Blast Hit Jakarta Ritz Carlton, Marriott Hotel - Bloomberg

YouTube - Sotomayor On Her Way; GOP Pledges Quick Vote

YouTube - U.S. Troops Threaten Taliban

YouTube - Pope Suffers Broken Wrist

YouTube - Army boss calls for more equipment as another soldier dies

YouTube - Pressure on Russia to protect rights activists - 16 Jul 09

YouTube - Inside Story - The Non-Aligned Movement - 15 July 09

YouTube - Madonna's Stage Collapses A Worker is Killed

YouTube - Microsoft-Yahoo Deal In The Works - Bloomberg

YouTube - Damaged Endeavour inspected by NASA

YouTube - Sotomayor On Her Way; GOP Pledges Quick Vote

YouTube - NAACP's 100th Anniversary

YouTube - Raw Video: Miami Beach Mansion on Fire

YouTube - Sailing into History

YouTube - Pope Suffers Broken Wrist

YouTube - AustinHealth: Teen sex trends

YouTube - Top Health-Care Director on Reform

YouTube - Blast Hit Jakarta Ritz Carlton, Marriott Hotel - Bloomberg


World Net Daily Player - Ex-Clinton staffer: We have health care rationing now

World Net Daily Player - Texas congressman: Seniors die sooner under Dem plan

World Net Daily Player - Rep. Kline: Price only part of bad health bill

World Net Daily Player - Emmy winner: Firefighters' testimony 'riveting'

World Net Daily Player - Judicial analyst: Sotomayor 'deceptive' to senators

World Net Daily Player - Sotomayor's 'feeble' response to 'wise Latina' criticism


*health care*

*health care*

**health care chart**

**Your Health Care System**

*12 pg :Healthcare Mythology /2009-07-15 - pdf